PDG Service Configuration Mode Commands

The PDG Service Configuration Mode is used to specify the properties required for the UEs in the WLAN (Wireless Local Access Network) to interface with the Packet Data Gateway/Tunnel Termination Gateway (PDG/TTG).


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


For information on common commands available in this configuration mode, refer to the Common Commands chapter.

aaa attribute

Sets the attributes that the system uses in AAA messages.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aaa attribute { 3gpp-negotiated-qos-profile string } 
no aaa attribute 

3gpp-negotiated-qos-profile string

Specifies the 3GPP negotiated QoS profile to use in AAA messages during IMS emergency call handling as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters.

no aaa attribute

Removes a previously configured AAA attribute.

Usage Guidelines

Specifies the 3GPP negotiated QoS profile to use in AAA messages during IMS emergency call handling.


The following command specifies the 3GPP negotiated QoS profile to use during IMS emergency call handling:
aaa attribute 3gpp-negotiated-qos-profile 100 

associate sgtp-service

Identifies the SGTP service to be associated with the PDG service to enable TTG functionality on the PDG/TTG. TTG functionality supports GTP-C (GTP control plane) messaging and GTP-U (GTP user data plane) messaging between the TTG and the GGSN over the Gn' interface.


This command can be used before the associated service instance is created and configured but care should be used to match the service names.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] associate sgtp-service sgtp_service_name [ context sgtp_context_name ] 


Removes the service association definition from the configuration.

sgtp-service sgtp_service_name

Specifies which SGTP service configuration, by naming the SGTP service instance, to associate with this PDG service.

sgtp_service_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters with no spaces.

context sgpt_context_name

Defines the context in which the SGTP service was created. If no context is specified, the current context is used.

sgtp_context_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters with no spaces.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate the SGTP service to be associated with the PDG service to enable TTG functionality on the PDG/TTG.


The following command associates SGTP service sgtp_service_1 with this PDG service:
associate sgtp-service sgtp_service_1 context sgtp_context_1  


Configures the PDG/TTG to select the trusted certificate (and the private key for calculating the AUTH payload) to be included in the first IKE_AUTH message from the PDG/TTG based on the APN (Access Point Name). The selected certificate is associated with the APN included in the IDr payload of the first IKE_AUTH message from the UE.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] certificate-selection apn-based 
default certificate-selection 

certificate-selection apn-based

Selects a trusted certificate for the first IKE-AUTH message based on the APN.

no certificate-selection

Disables APN-based certificate selection and resumes sending a certificate bound to a crypto template.

default certificate-selection

Sets the default certificate selection method to a certificate bound to a crypto template.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the PDG/TTG to select the trusted certificate to be included in the first IKE_AUTH message based on the APN.


Use the following example to enable APN-based certificate selection:
certificate-selection apn-based 


Binds the PDG service IP address to a crypto template and specifies the maximum number of sessions the PDG service supports.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] bind address ipv4_address { crypto-template string } mode { ttg | pdg } [ max-sessions number ]  


Removes a previously configured binding.

bind address ipv4_address

Specifies the IPv4 address of the PDG service with which the UE attempts to establish an IKEv2/IPSec tunnel. This address must be a valid IP address within the context.

This is a mandatory parameter.

crypto-template string

Specifies the name of the crypto template to be bound to the PDG service. This is the name of the IPSec policy to be used as a template for PDG/TTG subscriber session IPSec policies. The crypto template includes most of the IPSec and IKEv2 parameters for keepalive, lifetime, NAT-T, and cryptographic and authentication algorithms. There must be one crypto template per PDG service.

This is a mandatory parameter.

string is an alphanumeric string of 0 through 127 characters.

mode { ttg | pdg }

Default: There is no default value.

Specifies whether the PDG service provides TTG or PDG functionality, as follows:
  • In TTG mode, PDN connectivity is provided through the GGSN. PDG functionality is provided by the combined TTG and GGSN.

  • In PDG mode, PDN connectivity and PDG functionality are provided directly through the PDG service.

This is a mandatory parameter.


PDG mode is not supported in this software release.


When you configure the PDG service to be in TTG mode, you must also configure the SGTP service using the associate sgtp-service command, as the TTG needs to connect with the GGSN to complete the PDG functionality.

The following behaviors occur when the PDG service operates in TTG mode:
  • If the SGTP service associated with PDG service is not configured, the PDG service is not started.
  • If the SGTP service associated with PDG service is not started, the PDG service is not started.
  • If the SGTP service associated with PDG service is stopped, the PDG service is stopped.
  • If the SGTP service associated with PDG service is re-started, the PDG service is re-started.
  • If the SGTP service is not yet configured, whenever the SGTP service is started, the PDG service is started.

Note that starting or stopping the PDG service has no impact on the SGTP service.

max-sessions number

Specifies the maximum number of sessions to be supported by the PDG service as an integer from 0 through 1000000. Default: 1000000

If the max-sessions value is changed on an existing system, the new value takes effect immediately if it is higher than the current value. If the new value is lower than the current value, existing sessions remain established, but no new sessions are permitted until usage falls below the newly-configured value.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command in PDG Service Configuration Mode to bind the IP address used as the connection point for establishing IKEv2/IPSec sessions to a crypto template. You can also use it to define the maximum number of sessions the PDG service supports.


The following command binds a PDG service with an IP address of to the crypto template crypto_template_1 , sets the mode to TTG, and sets the maximum number of sessions to 500000 :
bind address crypto-template crypto_template_1 mode ttg max-sessions 500000  

ip gnp-qos-dscp

Configures the quality of service (QoS) differentiated service code point (DSCP) used when sending data packets over the Gn' interface in the uplink direction.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ip gnp-qos-dscp {  background dscp | conversationaldscp | interactive dscp | streaming dscp | interactive [ traffic-handling-priority traffic_priority ] { allocation-retention-priority allocation_retention_priority } } + 
default ip gnp-qos-dscp 


Disables the overriding of the ToS (Type of Service) field and enables the pass-through option.

background dscp

Specifies the DSCP marking to be used for packets of sessions subscribed to the 3GPP background class, in which the data transfer is not time-critical (for example, in e-mail exchanges). This traffic class is the lowest QoS.

dscp : Sets the DSCP for the specified traffic class. See the dscp section below.

conversational dscp

Specifies the DSCP marking to be used for packets of sessions subscribed to the 3GPP conversational class, in which there is a constant flow of traffic in both the uplink and downlink direction. This traffic class is the highest QoS.

dscp : Sets the DSCP for the specified traffic pattern. See the dscp section below.

interactive [ traffic-handling-priority traffic_priority ]

Specifies the DSCP marking to be used for packets of sessions subscribed to three possible traffic priorities in the 3GPP interactive class, in which there is an intermittent flow of packets in the uplink and downlink direction. This traffic class has a higher QoS than the background class, but not as high as the streaming class.

traffic_priority is the 3GPP traffic handling priority and can be the integers 1, 2 or 3.

allocation-retention-priority allocation_retention_priority

Specifies the DSCP for the interactive class if the allocation priority is present in the QoS profile.

allocation-retention-priority can be the integers 1, 2, or 3.

DSCP uses the values in the following table based on the traffic handling priority and allocation/retention priority if the allocation priority is present in the QOS profile.

Allocation Priority 1 2 3
Traffic Handling Priority
1 ef ef ef
2 af21 af21 af21
3 af21 af21 af21


If you only configure DCSP marking for interactive traffic classes without specifying ARP, it may not properly take effect. The CLI allows this scenario for backward compatibility however, it is recommended that you configure all three values.

streaming dscp

Specifies the DSCP marking to be used for packets of sessions subscribed to the 3GPP streaming class, in which there is a constant flow of data in either in the uplink or downlink direction. This traffic class has a higher QoS than the interactive class, but not as high as the conversational class.

dscp: Set the DSCP for the specified traffic pattern. See the dscp section below.


  • background: be
  • interactive
  • Traffic Priority 1: ef
  • Traffic Priority 1: af21
  • Traffic Priority 1: af21
  • streaming: af11
  • conversational: ef

Specifies the DSCP for the specified traffic pattern. dscp can be configured to any one of the following:

  • af11: Assured Forwarding 11 per-hop-behavior (PHB)
  • af33: Assured Forwarding 33 PHB
  • af12: Assured Forwarding 12 PHB
  • af41: Assured Forwarding 41 PHB
  • af13: Assured Forwarding 13 PHB
  • af42: Assured Forwarding 42 PHB
  • af21: Assured Forwarding 21 PHB
  • af43: Assured Forwarding 43 PHB
  • af22: Assured Forwarding 22 PHB
  • be: Best effort forwarding PHB
  • af23: Assured Forwarding 23 PHB
  • ef: Expedited forwarding PHB
  • af31: Assured Forwarding 31 PHB

  • af32: Assured Forwarding 32 PHB


More than one of the above keywords can be entered within a single command.

Usage Guidelines

DSCP levels can be assigned to specific traffic patterns in order to ensure that data packets are delivered according to the precedence with which they're tagged. The diffserv markings are applied to the IP header of every subscriber data packet transmitted over the Gn' interface(s).

The four traffic patterns have the following order of precedence: background (lowest), interactive, streaming, and conversational (highest). Data packets falling under the category of each of the traffic patterns are tagged with a DSCP that further indicate their precedence as shown in the following tables:

Drop Precedence Class
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
















Precedence (low to high) DSCP


Best Effort (be)


Class 1


Class 2


Class 3


Class 4


Express Forwarding (ef)

The DSCP level can be configured for multiple traffic patterns within a single instance of this command.


The following command configures the DSCP level for the streaming traffic pattern to be ef:ip gnp-qos-dscp streaming ef

The following command configures the DSCP levels for the conversational, streaming, interactive and background traffic patterns to be ef, af22, and af41, respectively:ip gnp-qos-dscp conversational ef streaming ef interactive af22 background af41

ip qos-dscp

Configures the quality of service (QoS) differentiated service code point (DSCP) used when sending data packets over the Wu interface in the downlink direction.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip qos-dscp { qci { 1 { dscp-pt } | 2 { dscp-pt } | 3 { dscp-pt } | 4 { dscp-pt } | 5 { allocation-retention-priority 1..3 | dscp-pt } | 6 { allocation-retention-priority 1..3 | dscp-pt } | 7 { allocation-retention-priority 1..3dscp | dscp-pt } | 8 { allocation-retention-priority 1..3 | dscp-pt } | 9 { dscp-pt } + } 
no ip qos-dscp { qci { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 { allocation-retention-priority 1..3 | dscp-pt } | 6 { allocation-retention-priority 1..3 | dscp-pt } | 7 { allocation-retention-priority 1..3 | dscp-pt } | 8 { allocation-retention-priority 1..3 | dscp-pt } | 9 {+  


Specifies the DSCP for interactive class if the allocation priority is present in the QOS profile.

allocation-retention-priority can be the integers 1, 2, or 3.

DSCP values use the following matrix to map based on traffic handling priority and Alloc/Retention priority if the allocation priority is present in the QOS profile.

The following table shows the DSCP value matrix for allocation-retention-priority .

Table 1. Default DSCP Value Matrix
Allocation Priority 1 Allocation Priority 2 Allocation Priority 3
Traffic Handling Priority
1 ef ef ef
2 af21 af21 af21
3 af21 af21 af21


Configures the QCI attribute of QoS. Here the qci_val is the QCI for which the negotiate limit is being set, it ranges from 1 to 9.


Default QCI:
  • 1: ef

  • 2: ef

  • 3: af11

  • 4: af11

  • 5: ef

  • 6: ef

  • 7: af21

  • 8: af21

  • 9: be

Specifies the DSCP for the specified traffic pattern. dscp can be configured to any one of the following:

  • af11: Assured Forwarding 11 per-hop-behavior (PHB)

  • af32: Assured Forwarding 32 PHB

  • af12: Assured Forwarding 12 PHB

  • af33: Assured Forwarding 33 PHB

  • af13: Assured Forwarding 13 PHB

  • af41: Assured Forwarding 41 PHB

  • af21: Assured Forwarding 21 PHB

  • af42: Assured Forwarding 42 PHB

  • af22: Assured Forwarding 22 PHB

  • af43: Assured Forwarding 43 PHB

  • af23: Assured Forwarding 23 PHB

  • be: Best effort forwarding PHB

  • af31: Assured Forwarding 31 PHB

  • ef: Expedited forwarding PHB


More than one of the above keywords can be entered within a single command.

Usage Guidelines

You can assign DSCP to specific traffic patterns to ensure that data packets are delivered according to the precedence with which they are tagged. The diffserv markings are applied to the outer IP header of every GTP data packet. The diffserv marking of the inner IP header is not modified.

The traffic patterns are defined by QCI (1 to 9). Data packets falling under the category of each of the traffic patterns are tagged with a DSCP that further indicate their precedence as shown in the following tables:

Table 2. Class structure for assured forwarding (af) levels
Drop Precedence Class
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
















Table 3. DSCP Precedence
Precedence (low to high) DSCP


Best Effort (be)


Class 1


Class 2


Class 3


Class 4


Express Forwarding (ef)

The DSCP level can be configured for multiple traffic patterns within a single instance of this command.

The no ip qos command can be issued to remove a QOS setting and return it to it's default setting.


The following command configures the DSCP level for QCI to be Expedited Forwarding,ef :
ip qos-dscp qci 1 ef 

ip source-violation

Sets the parameters for IP source validation. Source validation is useful if packet spoofing is suspected, or for verifying packet routing and labeling within the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip source-violation { clear-on-valid-packet | drop-limit num period secs } 
default ip source-violation { drop-limit num period secs } 
no ip source-violation clear-on-valid-packet 


Configures the service to reset the drop-limit counters upon receipt of a properly addressed packet. Default: disabled

drop-limit num

Sets the maximum number of allowed IP source violations within the detection period before dropping a call. If num is not specified, the value is set to the default value.

num is an integer from 1 to 1000000. Default: 10

period secs

Sets the detection period (in seconds) for IP source violations as an integer from 1 through 1000000. If secs is not specified, the value is set to the default value. Default: 120

default ip source-violation { drop-limit num period secs }

Sets or restores the IP source violation detection defaults, as follows:
  • drop-limit : Sets or restores the maximum number of IP source violations within the detection period before dropping the call to the default value of 10.
  • period : Sets or restores the detection period for IP source violations to the default value of 120 seconds.

no ip source-violation clear-on-valid-packet

The drop-limit counters are not reset upon receipt of a properly addressed packet.

Usage Guidelines

Source validation is useful if packet spoofing is suspected or for verifying packet routing and labeling within the network.

Source validation requires the source address of received packets to match the IP address assigned to the subscriber (either statically or dynamically) during the session.

This function operates in the following manner: When a subscriber packet is received with a source IP address violation, the system increments the IP source violation drop-limit counter and starts the timer for the IP source violation period. Every subsequent packet received with a bad source address during the IP source violation period causes the drop-limit counter to increment. For example, if the drop-limit is set to 10, after 10 source violations, the call is dropped. The detection period timer continues to count throughout this process.


The following command sets the drop limit to 15 and leaves the other values at their default values:
ip source-violation drop-limit 15  


Specifies the maximum number of IKEv2/IPSec tunnels allowed per UE by the PDG/TTG. This maximum number is specified per PDG service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



max-tunnels-per-ue integer 
default max-tunnels-per-ue 


Specifies the maximum number of IKEv2/IPSec tunnels allowed per UE as an integer from 1 to 11. Default: 11

default max-tunnels-per-ue

Sets the maximum number of IKEv2/IPSec tunnels allowed per UE to its default value, which is 11.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the maximum number of IKEv2/IPSec tunnels allowed per UE.


Use the following command to set the maximum number of IKEv2/IPSec tunnels allowed per UE to 2 :
max-tunnels-per-ue 2 

plmn id

Configures location specific mobile network identifiers used to help translate local emergency and service-related numbers. Default is disabled.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



plmn id mcc mcc_number mnc mnc_number 
no plmn id mcc mcc_number mnc mnc_number 

mcc mnc_number

Specifies the mobile country code (MCC) portion of the PLMN identifier as an integer from 200 through 999.

mnc mnc_number

Specifies the mobile network code (MNC) portion of the PLMN identifier as a 2- or 2-digit integer from 00 through 999.

no plmn id mcc mcc_number mnc mnc_number

Removes a previously configured PLMN identifier for the PDG service.

Usage Guidelines

The PLMN ID is included in the RAI (Routing Area Identity) field of the PDP Create Request messages sent to the GGSN. Multiple PDG services can be configured with the same PLMN identifier. Up to five PLMN IDs can be configured for each PDG service.


The following command configures the PLMN identifier with an MCC of 462 and MNC of 2 :
plmn id mcc 462 mnc 02 


Specifies the maximum time allowed to set up a session.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDG Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > pdg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



setup-timeout integer 
default setup-timeout 

setup-timeout integer

Sets the session setup timeout value (in seconds) as an integer from 2 through 300. Default: 60

default setup-timeout

Sets or restores the default session setup timer value to 60 seconds.

Usage Guidelines

The PDG/TTG clears both the user session and tunnels if a call does not initiate successfully before the session setup timer expires.


The following command sets the session setup timeout value to the default value of 60 seconds:
default setup-timeout