Location Service Configuration Mode Commands

The Location Service Configuration Mode is used to manage LoCation Services (LCS). Using LCS, the system (MME or SGSN) can collect and use or share location (geographical position) information for connected UEs in support of a variety of location services.


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Location Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > location-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


For information on common commands available in this configuration mode, refer to the Common Commands chapter.


Associates or disassociates supportive interfaces or services with this location service instance.







Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Location Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > location-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



associate { diameter { dictionary standard | endpoint endpoint_name } | map-service map_svc_name | sls-service sls_svc_name  } 
default associate diameter dictionary  
no associate { diameter endpoint | map-service | sls-service } 


Returns the command to its default value of 'standard'.


Disassociates a previously associated interface or service with this location service.

diameter dictionary standard

Associates a Diameter dictionary with this location service. The standard dictionary contains definitions per the 3GPP definition.

diameter endpoint endpoint_name

Specifies the Diameter endpoint for this location service, which includes the hostname, peer configuration, and other Diameter base configuration.

map-service map_svc_name

Associates a Mobile Application Part (MAP) service with this location service.

This keyword is applicable for SGSN only.

map_sv_svc_name specifies the name for a pre-configured MAP service to associate with this location service.

sls-service sls_svc_name

Associates an SLs service with this location service. The SLs service provides an interface between the MME and Evolved Serving Mobile Location Center (E-SMLC).

This keyword is applicable for MME only.

sls_svc_name specifies the name for a pre-configured SLs service to associate with this location service.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the Diameter dictionary and endpoint to be used for this location service, or associate supportive services with this location service.

The location service provides SLg (MME) interface support or Lg (SGSN) interface support via the Diameter protocol between the MME or SGSN and the GLMC.


The following command associates a pre-configured Diameter endpoint named test12 to this location service:
associate diameter endpoint test12 


Configures the host name of the GLMC to be used for this Location service. When defined, this host name is populated in the destination-host AVP.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Location Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > location-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



destination-host destination_host 
no destination-host 


Removes the configured destination host.


Defines the host name to be used, as an alphanumeric string from 1 to 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

To comply with 3GPP TS29.172, the Destination-Host AVP is sent to the GMLC for all the Location Report Request (LRR) messages initiated by MME.

Use this command to configure the destination-host AVP for this Location service.

If this command is not configured, the peer host name configured in the diameter endpoint is encoded as Destination-Host AVP. Refer to the peer command in the Diameter Endpoint Configuration Mode.


The following command specifies a destination host named host123 for the location service:
destination-host host123 


Configures the experimental result code for pla.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Location Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > location-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



pla  ue-state [ detached | not-reachable ]send experimental-result-codeexperimental_result_code 
[ no ] pla  ue-state [ detached | not-reachable ]send experimental-result-code 


Disables the experimental result code for pla.


Specifies that the pla can be either not-reachable (No paging Response) or detached.


Specifies the UE disconnecting.


Specifies no paging response.


Specifies sending of ue-state.

experimental-result-code experimental_result_code

Specifies the result code value to be encoded in PLA depending on ue-state when PLR is received with GMLC Location type set to Current or Last Known Location.

experimental_result_code must be an integer between 1000 and 6000.


Controls the Subscriber Location Report (SLR) trigger generated from MME towards GMLC for emergency calls, based on the dedicated bearer states either creation or deletion.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Location Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > location-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] slr emergency dedicated-bearer-only 


Disables the SLR trigger for dedicated bearer states.


Specifies the SLR message from MME.


Specifies the trigger for sending the SLR message for emergency calls.


Specifies the MME to trigger SLR towards GMLC upon dedicated bearer creation and deletion.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable the Subscriber Location Report (SLR) message trigger for emergency calls based on the dedicated bearer states either creation or deletion. In case of multiple dedicated bearers, SLR message with Call-Origination is sent upon the creation of first dedicated bearer and Call-Release is sent upon the deletion of last dedicated bearer irrespective of QCI. This command will override the current/default behavior of MME which initiates the SLR towards GMLC only upon Emergency Attach/PDN creation/PDN deletion and Detach.

By default, MME triggers the SLR message towards GMLC upon successful Emergency Attach/PDN creation/PDN deletion and Detach with appropriate event type (Call-Origination/Call-Release/Call-Handover).


Configures the timers used to control various location service procedures.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Location Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > location-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



timeout { area-event-invoke-timer area_event_timer | lcsn lcsn_seconds | periodic-event-invoke-timer period_event_timer | ue-available-guard-timer ue_guard_timer } 
default timeout { area-event-invoke-timer | lcsn | periodic-event-invoke-timer | ue-available-guard-timer } 


Resets the specified timer to the default value.

area-event-invoke-timer area_event_timer

This timer, set in seconds, is used to guard the area event invoke procedure.

area_evt_timer is an integer from 10 through 20. Default is 15.

lcsn lcsn_seconds

Sets the NAS location service notification timer defining how long the SGSN will wait (in seconds) before aborting the Location Service Request, and release all resources allocated for the transaction.

lcsn_seconds is an integer from 10 through 20. Default is 15.

periodic-event-invoke-timer period_event_timer

Thi timer, set in seconds, is used to guard the period location invoke procedure.

period_evt_timer is an integer from 10 to 20. Default is 15.

ue-available-guard-timer ue_guard_timer

This timer, set in seconds, is used to guard the packet-switched deferred location request (UE available event) procedures.

ue_guard_timer is an integer from 10 to 600. Default is 600.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the amount of time the SGSN waits to perform various location service procedures.


The following command is used to set the time the SGSN will wait, for example 12 seconds, before aborting the Location Service Request:
timeout lcns 12 
The following command is used to set the timeout for the UE available guard timer to 460 seconds:
timeout ue-available-guard-timer 460