FlexConfig Policies for FTD

The following topics describe how to configure and deploy FlexConfig policies.

FlexConfig Policy Overview

A FlexConfig policy is a container of an ordered list of FlexConfig objects. Each object includes a series of Apache Velocity scripting language commands, ASA software configuration commands, and variables that you define. The contents of each FlexConfig object is essentially a program that generates a sequence of ASA commands that will then be deployed to the assigned devices. This command sequence then configures the related feature on the Firepower Threat Defense device.

Firepower Threat Defense uses ASA configuration commands to implement some features, but not all features. There is no unique set of Firepower Threat Defense configuration commands. Instead, the point of FlexConfig is to allow you to configure features that are not yet directly supported through Firepower Management Center policies and settings.


Cisco strongly recommends using FlexConfig policies only if you are an advanced user with a strong ASA background and at your own risk. You may configure any commands that are not prohibited. Enabling features through FlexConfig policies may cause unintended results with other configured features.

You may contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center for support concerning FlexConfig policies that you have configured. The Cisco Technical Assistance Center does not design or write custom configurations on any customer's behalf. Cisco expresses no guarantees for correct operation or interoperability with other Firepower System features. FlexConfig features may become deprecated at any time. For fully guaranteed feature support, you must wait for Firepower Management Center support. When in doubt, do not use FlexConfig policies.

Recommended Usage for FlexConfig Policies

There are two main recommended uses for FlexConfig:

  • You are converting from ASA to Firepower Threat Defense, and there are compatible features you are using (and need to continue using) that Firepower Management Center does not directly support. In this case, use the show running-config command on the ASA to see the configuration for the feature and create your FlexConfig objects to implement it. Experiment with the object’s deployment settings (once/everytime and append/prepend) to get the right setting. Verify by comparing show running-config output on the two devices.

  • You are using Firepower Threat Defense but there is a setting or feature that you need to configure, e.g. the Cisco Technical Assistance Center tells you that a particular setting should resolve a specific problem you are encountering. For complicated features, use a lab device to test the FlexConfig and verify that you are getting the expected behavior.

The system includes a set of predefined FlexConfig objects that represent tested configurations. If the feature you need is not represented by these objects, first determine if you can configure an equivalent feature in standard policies. For example, the access control policy includes intrusion detection and prevention, HTTP and other types of protocol inspection, URL filtering, application filtering, and access control, which the ASA implements using separate features. Because many features are not configured using CLI commands, you will not see every policy represented within the output of show running-config .


At all times, keep in mind that there is not a one-to-one overlap between ASA and Firepower Threat Defense. Do not attempt to completely recreate an ASA configuration on a Firepower Threat Defense device. You must carefully test any feature that you configure using FlexConfig.

CLI Commands in FlexConfig Objects

Firepower Threat Defense uses ASA configuration commands to configure some features. Although not all ASA features are compatible with Firepower Threat Defense, there are some features that can work on Firepower Threat Defense but that you cannot configure in Firepower Management Center policies. You can use FlexConfig objects to specify the CLI required to configure these features.

If you decide to use FlexConfig to manually configure a feature, you are responsible for knowing and implementing the commands according to the proper syntax. FlexConfig policies do not validate CLI command syntax. For more information about proper syntax and configuring CLI commands, use the ASA documentation as a reference:

The following topics explain more about configuration commands.

Determine the ASA Software Version and Current CLI Configuration

Because the system uses ASA software commands to configure some features, you need to determine the current ASA version used in software running on the Firepower Threat Defense device. This version number indicates which ASA CLI configuration guides to use for instructions on configuring a feature. You also should examine the current CLI-based configuration and compare it to the ASA configuration you want to implement.

Keep in mind that any ASA configuration will be very different from a Firepower Threat Defense configuration. Many Firepower Threat Defense policies are configured outside of the CLI, so you cannot see the configuration by looking at the commands. Do not try to create a one-to-one correspondence between an ASA and Firepower Threat Defense configuration.

To view this information, make an SSH connection to the device's management interface and issue the following commands:

  • show version system and look for the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version number. (If you issue the command through the Firepower Management Center CLI tool, omit the system keyword.)

  • show running-config to view the current CLI configuration.

  • show running-config all to include all the default commands in the current CLI configuration.

You can also issue these commands from within Firepower Management Center using the following procedure.


Step 1

Choose System > Health > Monitor.

Step 2

Click the name of the device targeted by the FlexConfig policy.

You might need to click the open/close arrow in the Count column in the Status table to see any devices.

Step 3

Choose Advanced Troubleshooting.

Step 4

Choose Threat Defense CLI.

Step 5

Choose show as the command, and type version or one of the other commands as the parameter.

Step 6

Click Execute.

For version, search the output for the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version number.

You can select the output and press Ctrl+C, then paste it into a text file for later analysis.

Prohibited CLI Commands

The purpose of FlexConfig is to configure features that are available on ASA devices that you cannot configure on Firepower Threat Defense devices using Firepower Management Center.

Thus, you are prevented from configuring ASA features that have equivalents in Firepower Management Center. The following table lists some of these prohibited command areas.

In addition, some clear commands are prohibited because they overlap with managed policies, and can delete part of the configuration for a managed policy.

The FlexConfig object editor prevents you from including prohibited commands in the object.

Prohibited CLI Command



Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.


Advanced ACL, Extended ACL, and Standard ACL are blocked. Ethertype ACL is allowed.

You can use standard and extended ACL objects defined in the object manager inside the template as variables.

ARP Inspection

Configuration blocked.

As-path Object

Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.

Community-list Object

Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.

Enable Password

Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.

Fragment Setting

Blocked, except for fragment reassembly .


Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.


Only nameif, mode, shutdown, ip address and mac-address commands are blocked.

Multicast Routing

Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.

Network Object/Object-group

Network object creation in the FlexConfig object is blocked, but you can use network objects and groups defined in the object manager inside the template as variables.


Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.

Password Encryption

Configuration blocked.

Policy-list Object

Configuration blocked.

Prefix-list Object

Configuration blocked.


You cannot schedule reloads. The system does not use the reload command to restart the system, it uses the reboot command.


Configuration blocked.

Route-Map Object

Route-map object creation in the FlexConfig object is blocked, but you can use route map objects defined in the object manager inside the template as variables.

Service Object/Object-group

Service object creation in the FlexConfig object is blocked, but you can use port objects defined in the object manager inside the template as variables.


Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.

Static Route

Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.

Time Synchronization

Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.


Configuration blocked.

Template Scripts

You can use scripting language to control processing within a FlexConfig object. Scripting language instructions are a subset of commands supported in the Apache Velocity 1.3.1 template engine, a Java-based scripting language that supports looping, if/else statements, and variables.

To learn how to use the scripting language, see the Velocity Developer Guide at http://velocity.apache.org/engine/devel/developer-guide.html.

FlexConfig Variables

You can use variables in a FlexConfig object in cases where part of a command or processing instruction depends on runtime information rather than static information. During deployment, the variables are replaced with strings obtained from other configurations for the device based on the type of variable:

  • Policy object variables are replaced with strings obtained from objects defined in Firepower Management Center.

  • System variables are replaced with information obtained from the device itself or from policies configured for it.

  • Processing variables are loaded with the contents of policy object or system variables as scripting commands are processed. For example, in a loop, you iteratively load one value from a policy object or system variable into a processing variable, then use the processing variable to form a command string or perform some other action. These processing variables do not show up in the Variables list within a FlexConfig object. Also, you do not add them using the Insert menu in the FlexConfig object editor.

  • Secret key variables are replaced with the single string defined for the variable within the FlexConfig object.

Variables start with the $ character, except for secret keys, which start with the @ character. For example, $ifname is a policy object variable in the following command, whereas @keyname is a secret key.

interface $ifname 
key @keyname


The first time you insert a policy object or system variable, you must do so through the Insert menu in the FlexConfig object editor. This action adds the variable to the Variables list at the bottom of the FlexConfig object editor. But you must type in the variable string on subsequent uses, even when using system variables. If you are adding a processing variable, which does not have an object or system variable assignment, do not use the Insert menu. If you are adding a secret key, always use the Insert menu. Secret key variables do not show up in the Variables list.

Whether a variable is resolved as a single string, a list of strings, or a table of values depends on the type of policy object or system variable you assign to the variable. (Secret keys always resolve to a single string.) You must understand what will be returned in order to process the variables correctly.

The following topics explain the various types of variable and how to process them.

How to Process Variables

At runtime, a variable can resolve to a single string, a list of strings of the same type, a list of strings of different types, or a table of named values. In addition, variables that resolve to multiple values can be of determinate or indeterminate length. You must understand what will be returned in order to process the values correctly.

Following are the main possibilities.

Single Value Variables

If a variable always resolves to a single string, use the variable directly without modification in the FlexConfig script.

For example, the predefined text variable tcpMssBytes always resolves to a single value (which must be numeric). The Sysopt_basic FlexConfig then uses an if/then/else structure to set the maximum segment size based on the value of another single-value text variable, tcpMssMinimum:

#if($tcpMssMinimum == "true")
  sysopt connection tcpmss minimum $tcpMssBytes 
  sysopt connection tcpmss $tcpMssBytes 

In this example, you would use the Insert menu in the FlexConfig object editor to add the first use of $tcpMssBytes, but you would type in the variable directly on the #else line.

Secret key variables are a special type of single value variable. For secret keys, you always use the Insert menu to add the variable, even for second and subsequent uses. These variables do not show up in the Variables list within the FlexConfig object. For example, if you wanted to hide the keys for EIGRP configuration, you could copy the Eigrp_Interface_Configure FlexConfig, and replace the $eigrpAuthKey and $eigrpAuthKeyId variables with secret keys, @SecretEigrpAuthKey and @SecretEigrpAuthKeyId.

authentication key eirgp $eigrpAS @SecretEigrpAuthKey key-id @SecretEigrpAuthKeyId


Policy object variables for network objects also equate to a single IP address specification, either a host address, network address, or address range. However, in this case, you must know what type of address to expect, because the ASA commands require specific address types. For example, if a command requires a host address, using a network object variable that points to an object that contains a network address will result in an error during deployment.

Multiple Value Variables, All Values Are the Same Type

Several policy object and system variables resolve to multiple values of the same type. For example, an object variable that points to a network object group resolves to a list of the IP addresses within the group. Similarly, the system variable $SYS_FW_INTERFACE_NAME_LIST resolves to a list of interface names.

You can also create text objects for multiple values of the same type. For example, the predefined text object enableInspectProtocolList can contain more than one protocol name.

Multiple value variables that resolve to a list of items of the same type are frequently of indeterminate length. For example, you cannot know beforehand how many interfaces on a device are named, as users can configure or unconfigure interfaces at any time.

Thus, you would typically use a loop to process multiple value variables of the same type. For example, the predefined FlexConfig Default_Inspection_Protocol_Enable uses a #foreach loop to go through the enableInspectProtocolList object and process each value.

policy-map global_policy
    class inspection_default
    #foreach ( $protocol in $enableInspectProtocolList) 
    inspect $protocol

In this example, the script assigns each value in turn to the $protocol variable, which is then used in an ASA inspect command to enable the inspection engine for that protocol. In this case, you simply type in $protocol as a variable name. You do not use the Insert menu to add it, because you are not assigning an object or system value to the variable. However, you must use the Insert menu to add $enableInspectProtocolList.

The system loops through the code between #foreach and #end until there are no values remaining in $enableInspectProtocolList.

Multiple Value Variables, Values Are Different Types

You can create multiple value text objects, but have each value serve a different purpose. For example, the predefined netflow_Destination text object should have 3 values, in order, interface name, destination IP address, and UDP port number.

Objects defined in this way should have a determinate number of values. Otherwise, they would be hard to process.

Use the get method to process these objects. Type .get(n) at the end of the object name, replacing n with an index into the object. Start counting at 0, even though the text object lists its values starting at 1.

For example, the Netflow_Add_Destination object uses the following line to add the 3 values from netflow_Destination to the ASA flow-export command.

flow-export destination $netflow_Destination.get(0) $netflow_Destination.get(1) 

In this example, you would use the Insert menu in the FlexConfig object editor to add the first use of $netflow_Destination, and then add .get(0). But you would type in the variable directly for the $netflow_Destination.get(1) and $netflow_Destination.get(2) specifications.

Multiple Value Variables that Resolve to a Table of Values

Some system variables return a table of values. These variables include MAP in their name, for example, $SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST. The routed interface map returns data that looks like the following (line returns added for clarity):

[{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/0, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[],
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=,
intf_ip_addr_v4=, intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/1, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[],
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=,
intf_ip_addr_v4=, intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/2, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, intf_ip_addr_v4=, 
intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, intf_logical_name=}, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=Management0/0, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, intf_ip_addr_v4=, 
intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, intf_logical_name=diagnostic}]

In the above example, information is returned for 4 interfaces. Each interface includes a table of named values. For example, intf_hardwarare_id is the name of the interface hardware name property, and returns strings such as GigabitEthernet0/0.

This type of variable is typically of indeterminate length, so you need to use looping to process the values. But you also need to add the property name to the variable name to indicate which value to retrieve.

For example, IS-IS configuration requires that you add the ASA isis command to an interface that has a logical name in interface configuration mode. However, you enter that mode using the interface’s hardware name. Thus, you need to identify which interfaces have logical names, then configure just those interfaces using their hardware names. The ISIS_Interface_Configuration predefined FlexConfig does this using an if/then structure nested in a loop. In the following code, you can see that the #foreach scripting command loads each interface map into the $intf variable, then the #if statement keys off the intf_logical_name value in the map ($intf.intf_logical_name), and if the value is in the list defined in the isisIntfList predefined text variable, enters the interface command using the intf_hardwarare_id value ($intf.intf_hardwarare_id). You would need to edit the isisIntfList variable to add the names of the interfaces on which to configure IS-IS.

#foreach ($intf in $SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST)
 #if ($isIsIntfList.contains($intf.intf_logical_name))
  interface $intf.intf_hardwarare_id 
   #if ($isIsAddressFamily.contains("ipv6"))
   ipv6 router isis

How to See What a Variable Will Return for a Device

An easy way to evaluate what a variable will return is to create a simple FlexConfig object that does nothing more than process an annotated list of variables. Then, you can assign it to a FlexConfig policy, assign the policy to a device, save the policy, then preview the configuration for that device. The preview will show the resolved values. You can select the preview text, press Ctrl+C, then paste the output into a text file for analysis.


Do not deploy this FlexConfig to the device, however, because it will not contain any valid configuration commands. You would get deployment errors. After obtaining the preview, delete the FlexConfig object from the FlexConfig policy and save the policy.

For example, you could construct the following FlexConfig object:

Following is a network object group variable for the 
IPv4-Private-All-RFC1918 object:


Following is the system variable SYS_FW_MANAGEMENT_IP:


Following is the system variable SYS_FW_ENABLED_INSPECT_PROTOCOL_LIST:


Following is the system variable SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST:


Following is the system variable SYS_FW_INTERFACE_NAME_LIST:


The preview of this object might look like the following (line returns added for clarity):

###Flex-config Prepended CLI ###

###CLI generated from managed features ###

###Flex-config Appended CLI ###
Following is an network object group variable for the 
IPv4-Private-All-RFC1918 object:


Following is the system variable SYS_FW_MANAGEMENT_IP:

Following is the system variable SYS_FW_ENABLED_INSPECT_PROTOCOL_LIST:

[dns, ftp, h323 h225, h323 ras, rsh, rtsp, sqlnet, skinny, sunrpc, 
xdmcp, sip, netbios, tftp, icmp, icmp error, ip-options]

Following is the system variable SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST:

[{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/0, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, 
intf_ip_addr_v4=, intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/1, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, 
intf_ip_addr_v4=, intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/2, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, intf_ip_addr_v4=, 
intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, intf_logical_name=}, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=Management0/0, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, intf_ip_addr_v4=, 
intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, intf_logical_name=diagnostic}]

Following is the system variable SYS_FW_INTERFACE_NAME_LIST:

[outside, inside, diagnostic]

FlexConfig Policy Object Variables

A policy object variable is associated with a specific policy object configured in the Object Manager. When you insert a policy object variable in a FlexConfig object, you give the variable a name and select the object associated with it.

Although you can give the variable the exact same name as the associated object, the variable itself is not the same thing as the associated object. You must use the Insert > Insert Policy Object > Object Type menu in the FlexConfig object editor to add the variable for the first time to the script in the FlexConfig to establish the association with the object. Simply typing in the name of the object preceded by a $ sign does not create a policy object variable.

You can create variables to point to the following types of object. Ensure that you create the right type of object for each variable. To create objects, go to the Objects > Object Management page.

  • Text Objects—For text strings, which can include IP addresses, numbers, and other free-form text such as interface or zone names. Select FlexConfig > Text Object from the table of contents, then click Add Text Object. You can configure these objects to contain a single value or multiple values. These objects are highly flexible and built specifically for use within FlexConfig objects. For detailed information, see Configure FlexConfig Text Objects.

  • Network—For IP addresses. You can use network objects or groups. Select Network from the table of contents, then select Add Network > Add Object or Add Group. If you use a group object, the variable returns a list of each IP address specification within the group. Addresses can be host, network, or address ranges, depending on the object contents. See Network Objects.

  • Security Zones—For interfaces within a security zone or interface group. Select Interface from the table of contents, then select Add > Security Zone or Interface Group. A security zone variable returns a list of the interfaces within that zone or group for the device being configured. See Interface Objects: Interface Groups and Security Zones.

  • Standard ACL Object—For standard access control lists. A standard ACL variable returns the name of the standard ACL object. Select Access List > Standard from the table of contents, then click Add Standard Access List Object. See Access List.

  • Extended ACL Object—For extended access control lists. An extended ACL variable returns the name of the extended ACL object. Select Access List > Extended from the table of contents, then click Add Extended Access List Object. See Access List.

  • Route Map—For route map objects. A route map variable returns the name of the route map object. Select Route Map from the table of contents, then click Add Route Map. See Route Maps.

FlexConfig System Variables

System variables are replaced with information obtained from the device itself or from policies configured for it.

You must use the Insert > Insert System Variable > Variable Name menu in the FlexConfig object editor to add the variable for the first time to the script in the FlexConfig to establish the association with the system variable. Simply typing in the name of the system variable preceded by a $ sign does not create a system variable within the context of the FlexConfig object.

The following table explains the available system variables. Before using a variable, examine what is typically returned for the variable; see How to See What a Variable Will Return for a Device.




The operating system mode of the device. Possible values are ROUTED or TRANSPARENT.


Whether the device is running in single or multiple context mode. Possible values are SINGLE, MULTI, or NOT_APPLICABLE.


The management IP address of the device


The device hostname


A map with interface name as key and policy-map as value. This variable returns nothing if there are no interface-based service policies defined on the device.


The list of protocols for which inspection is enabled.


A list of routed interface maps on the device. Each map includes a set of named values related to routed interface configuration.


A list of switched interface maps on the device. Each map includes a set of named values related to switched interface configuration.


A list of inline interface maps on the device. Each map includes a set of named values related to inline set interface configuration.


A list of passive interface maps on the device. Each map includes a set of named values related to passive interface configuration.


A list of Bridge Virtual Interface maps on the device. Each map includes a set of named values related to BVI configuration.


A list of the hardware names for interfaces on the device, such as GigabitEthernet0/0.


A list of logical names for interfaces on the device, such as inside.


A list of logical names for interfaces configured as passive or ERSPAN passive.


A list of logical names for interfaces that are not part of inline sets, such as all routed interfaces.

Predefined FlexConfig Objects

The predefined FlexConfig objects provide tested configurations for select features. Use these objects if you need to configure these features, which otherwise cannot be configured through Firepower Management Center.

The following table lists the available objects. Make note of the associated text objects. You must edit these text objects to customize the behavior of the predefined FlexConfig object. The text objects make it possible for you to customize the configuration using the IP addresses and other attributes required by your network and device.

If you need to modify a predefined FlexConfig object, copy the object, make changes to the copy, and save it with a new name. You cannot directly edit a predefined FlexConfig object.

Although you might be able to configure other ASA-based features using FlexConfig, the configuration of those features has not been tested. If an ASA feature overlaps with something that you can configure in Firepower Management Center policies, do not attempt to configure it through FlexConfig.

For example, Snort inspection includes the HTTP protocol, so do not enable ASA-style HTTP inspection. (In fact, you cannot add http to the enableInspectProtocolList object. In this case, you are prevented from misconfiguring your device.) Instead, configure the access control policy to perform application or URL filtering, as needed, to implement your HTTP inspection requirements.

FlexConfig Object Name


Associated Text Objects


Configure the Default DNS group, which defines the DNS servers that can be used when resolving fully-qualified domain names on the data interfaces. This allows you to use commands in the CLI, such as ping , using host names rather than IP addresses.

defaultDNSNameServerList, defaultDNSParameters


Disables protocols in the global_policy default policy map.



Enables protocols in the global_policy default policy map.



Configure one outside (Prefix Delegation client) and one inside interface (recipient of delegated prefix) for IPv6 prefix delegation. To use this template, copy it and modify the variables.

pdoutside, pdinside

Also uses the system variable SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST


Removes the DHCPv6 prefix delegation configuration.

pdoutside, pdinside

Also uses the system variable SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST


Configure DNS servers in a non-default DNS server group. Copy the object to change the name of the group.

dnsNameServerList, dnsParameters.


Removes the DNS server configuration performed by Default_DNS_Configure and DNS_Configure. Copy the object to change the DNS server group names if you altered DNS_Configure.


Configures EIGRP routing next-hop, auto-summary, router-id, eigrp-stub.

eigrpAS, eigrpNetworks, eigrpDisableAutoSummary, eigrpRouterId, eigrpStubReceiveOnly, eigrpStubRedistributed, eigrpStubConnected, eigrpStubStatic, eigrpStubSummary


Configures EIGRP interface authentication mode, authentication key, hello interval, hold time, split horizon.

eigrpIntfList, eigrpAS, eigrpAuthKey, eigrpAuthKeyId, eigrpHelloInterval, eigrpHoldTime, eigrpDisableSplitHorizon

Also uses the system variable SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST


Clears EIGRP configuration for an autonomous system from the device.


Clears all EIGRP configurations.


Configures IPv6 inspection in the global_policy policy map, logging and dropping traffic based on IPv6 header contents.

IPv6RoutingHeaderDropLogList, IPv6RoutingHeaderLogList, IPv6RoutingHeaderDropList.


Clears and disables IPv6 inspection.


Configures global parameters for IS-IS routing.

isIsNet, isIsAddressFamily, isISType


Interface level IS-IS configuration.

isIsAddressFamily, IsIsIntfList

Also uses the system variable SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST


Clears the IS-IS router configuration on the device.


Clears the IS-IS router configuration from the device, including the router assignment from the device interface.


Creates and configures a Netflow export destination.

Netflow_Destinations, netflow_Event_Types


Restores Netflow export global default settings.


Deletes a Netflow export destination.

Netflow_Destinations, netflow_Event_Types


Sets global parameters for Netflow export.



Modifies the default TCP normalization configuration.


To use this example configuration, copy it, modify the interface name, and use the r-map-object text object to identify a route map object in the object manager.


Clears Policy Based Routing configurations from the device.


Ignores the authentication key in RADIUS accounting responses.


Negates the Sysopt_AAA_radius configuration.


Configures sysopt wait time , maximum segment size for TCP packets, and detailed traffic statistics.

tcpMssMinimum, tcpMssBytes


Clears sysopt_basic detailed traffic statistics, wait time, and TCP maximum segment size.


Clears all sysopt configurations from the device.


Configures noproxy-arp CLIs.



Clears Sysopt_noproxyarp configurations.



Configures syopt preserve VPN flow.


Clears the Sysopt_Preserve_Vpn_Flow configuration.


Configures sysopt reclassify vpn.


Negates sysopt reclassify vpn.


Configures embryonic connection limits to protect against SYN Flood Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.

tcp_conn_misc, tcp_conn_limit


Configures embryonic connection timeouts to protect against SYN Flood Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.

tcp_conn_misc, tcp_conn_timeout


Clear the threat detection TCP Intercept configuration.


Configure threat detection statistics for attacks intercepted by TCP Intercept.



Removes the NVE 1 configured when VxLAN_Configure_Port_And_Nve is used from the device.


Clears the NVE configured on the interface when deployed.


Configures VLAN port and NVE 1.



Sets an interface for NVE only.




Creates a VNI interface. After deploying this you have to unregister and re-register the device to properly discover the VNI interface.



This template provides an example for configuring WCCP.

isServiceIdentifier, serviceIdentifier, wccpPassword


Clears WCCP configurations.

Predefined Text Objects

There are several predefined text objects. These objects are associated with variables used in the predefined FlexConfig objects. In most cases, you must edit these objects to add values if you use the associated FlexConfig object, or you will see errors during deployment. Although some of these objects contain default values, others are empty.

For information on editing text objects, see Configure FlexConfig Text Objects.



Associated FlexConfig Object


The DNS server IP address to configure in the Default DNS group.



The parameters to control DNS behavior for the default DNS server group. The object contains separate entries, in order, for retries, timeout, expire-entry-timer, poll-timer, domain-name.



Disables protocols in the default policy map (global_policy).



The DNS server IP address to configure in a user-defined DNS group.



The parameters to control DNS behavior for a non-default DNS server group. The object contains separate entries, in order, for retries, timeout, domain-name, name-server-interface.



Autonomous system number.

Eigrp_Configure, Eigrp_Interface_Configure, Eigrp_Unconfigure


EIGRP authentication key.



Shared key id that matches the authentication key.



A flag that, when true, disables auto-summary.



A flag that, when true, disables split horizon.



Seconds between hello transmission.



Seconds before neighbor is considered down.



List of logical interface names where EIGRP is to be applied.



Router-Id, in IP address format.



A flag that, when true, allows you to use connected in the eigrp stub configuration.



A flag that, when true, allows you to use receive-only in the eigrp stub configuration.



A flag that, when true, allows you to use redistributed in the eigrp stub configuration.



A flag that, when true, allows you to use summary in the eigrp stub configuration.



Enables protocols in the default policy map (global_policy). You are prevented from adding protocols whose inspection conflicts with Snort inspection.



The list of IPv6 routing header types that you want to disallow. IPv6 inspection drops packets that contain these headers without logging the drop.



The list of IPv6 routing header types that you want to disallow and log. IPv6 inspection drops packets that contain these headers and sends a syslog message about the drop.



The list of IPv6 routing header types that you want to allow but log. IPv6 inspection allows packets that contain these headers, but sends a syslog message about the existence of the header.



The IPv4 or IPv6 address family.




List of logical interface names.



IS Type (level-1, level-2-only or level-1-2).



Network entity.



When false, uses the standard web-cache service identifier.



Defines a single Netflow export destination's interface, destination, and UDP port number.



Defines the types of events to be exported for a destination as any subset of: all, flow-create, flow-defined, flow-teardown, flow-update.



Provides the Netflow export global settings: active refresh interval (number of minutes between flow update events), delay (flow create delay in seconds; default 0 = command will not appear), and template time-out rate in minutes.



Configures the inside interface for DHCPv6 prefix delegation. The object includes multiple entries, in order, interface name, IPv6 suffix with prefix length, and prefix pool name.

None, but could be used with a copy of DHCPv6_Prefix_Delegation_Configure.


Configure the outside DHCPv6 prefix delegation client. The object includes multiple entries, in order, interface name and IPv6 prefix length

None, but could be used with a copy of DHCPv6_Prefix_Delegation_Configure.


Dynamic WCCP service identifier number.



Parameters used for configuring the TCP embryonic connection limits.



Parameters used for configuring the TCP embryonic connection settings.

TCP_Embryonic_Conn_Limit, TCP_Embryonic_Conn_Timeout


Parameters used for configuring the TCP embryonic connection timeouts.



Maximum segment size in bytes.



Checks whether to set maximum segment size (MSS), which is set only if this flag is true.



Parameters used for threat detection statistics for TCP Intercept.



Parameters for configuring NVE-only on interface:

  • logical name of interface

  • IPv4 address (optional for routed interface)

  • IPv4 netmask (optional for routed interface)



Parameters used for configuring ports and NVE for VXLAN:

  • vxlan port

  • source interface (logical name)

  • type (peer or mcast)

  • Peer IP Address or default-mcast-grooup



Parameters used for creating VNI:

  • Interface number (1-10000)

  • segment-id (1-16777215)

  • nameif (Logical Name of the interface)

  • type (routed or transparent)

  • IP address (used in case of routed mode device) or bridge-group number (used in case of transparent mode device)

  • netmask (If device is in routed mode) or unused



WCCP password.


Requirements and Prerequisites for FlexConfig Policies

Model Support


Supported Domains


User Roles


Guidelines and Limitations for FlexConfig

  • If you make a mistake in the FlexConfig policy, the system will roll back all changes included in the deployment attempt that includes the failed FlexConfig. Because rollback due to a failed deployment includes clearing the configuration, this can be disruptive to your network. Consider timing deployments that include FlexConfig changes to non-business hours. Also, consider isolation the deployment so it includes just FlexConfig changes, and no other policy updates.

  • When you use the VxLAN_Make_VNI object, you must deploy the same FlexConfig to all units in a cluster or high availability pair before you form the cluster or high availability pair. The Management Center requires the VXLAN interfaces to match on all devices before forming the cluster or high availability pair.

  • If you want to configure Equal-Cost-Multi-Path (ECMP) routing using traffic zones, the zone command differs for Firepower Threat Defense devices compared to the one used on ASA. Although you can still follow the instructions in the ASA general configuration guide, use zone name ecmp instead of the ASA version of the command. Otherwise, the operation of the traffic zone feature is identical between the ASA and Firepower Threat Defense .


    The system also configures zone name passive commands to configure passive zones if you define some interfaces as passive. This is handled automatically based on your interface configuration. Do not use FlexConfig to create passive traffic zones.

Customizing Device Configuration with FlexConfig Policies

Use FlexConfig policies to customize the configuration of a Firepower Threat Defense device.

Before using FlexConfig, try to configure all the policies and settings you need using the other features in Firepower Management Center. FlexConfig is a method of last resort to configure ASA-based features that are compatible with Firepower Threat Defense but which are not otherwise configurable in Firepower Management Center.

Following is the end-to-end procedure for configuring and deploying a FlexConfig policy.


Step 1

Determine the CLI command sequence that you want to configure.

If you have a functioning configuration on an ASA device, use show running-config to get the sequence of commands that you need. Make adjustments to items such as interface names and IP addresses as needed.

If this is for a new feature, it is best to try to implement it on an ASA device in a lab setting to verify that you have the correct command sequence.

For more information, see the following topics:

Step 2

Select Objects > Object Management, then select FlexConfig > FlexConfig Objects from the table of contents.

Examine the predefined FlexConfig objects to determine if any will be able to generate the commands you need. Click View (view button) to see the object contents. If an existing object is close to what you want, start by making a copy of the object, and then edit the copy. See Predefined FlexConfig Objects.

Examining the objects will also give you an idea of the structure, command syntax, and expected sequencing for a FlexConfig object.



If you find any objects that you will use, either directly or as copies, examine the Variables list at the bottom of the object. Make note of the variable names, except those in all capitals that start with SYS, which are system variables. These variables are text objects that you will probably need to edit and define overrides for, especially if the default value column shows the object has no value.

Step 3

If you need to create your own FlexConfig objects, determine what variables you will need and create the associated objects.

The CLI you need to deploy might contain IP addresses, interface names, port numbers, and other parameters that you might want to adjust over time. These are best isolated into variables, which point to objects that contain the necessary values. You might also need variables for strings that are part of the configuration but which might change over time.

Also, determine if you need different values for each device to which you will assign the policy. For example, you might want to configure the feature on three devices, but you might need to specify a different interface name or IP address on a given command for each of these devices. If you need to customize the object for each device, ensure that you enable overrides when creating the object, and then define the override values per device.

See the following topics for an explanation of the various types of variables and how to configure the related objects when necessary.

Step 4

If you are using the predefined FlexConfig objects, edit the text objects used as variables.

See Configure FlexConfig Text Objects.

Step 5

(If necessary.) Configure FlexConfig Objects.

You need to create objects only if the predefined objects cannot do the job.

Step 6

Configure the FlexConfig Policy.

Step 7

Set Target Devices for a FlexConfig Policy.

You can also assign the policy to devices when you create the policy. The policy must have at least one assigned device before you can preview it.

Step 8

Preview the FlexConfig Policy.

You must save changes before you can preview the policy.

Verify that the generated commands are the ones intended, and that all variables are resolving correctly.

Step 9

Click Deploy in the menu bar, select the devices assigned to the policy, and click the Deploy button.

Wait for deployment to complete.

Step 10

Choose Deploy > Deployment in the menu bar.

Step 11

Verify the Deployed Configuration.

Step 12

(If necessary.) Remove Features Configured Using FlexConfig.

Unlike other types of policy, simply unassigning a FlexConfig from a device might not remove the related configuration. If you want to remove a FlexConfig-generated configuration, you follow the cited procedure.

If you are removing a Feature because it is now directly supported by the product, see also Convert from FlexConfig to Managed Feature.

Configure FlexConfig Objects

Use FlexConfig objects to define a configuration to be deployed to a device. Each FlexConfig policy is composed of a list of FlexConfig objects, so the objects are essentially code modules composed of Apache Velocity scripting commands, ASA software configuration commands, and variables.

There are several predefined FlexConfig objects that you can use directly, or you can make copies if you need to edit them. You can also create your own objects from scratch. A FlexConfig object’s content can range from a single simple command string to elaborate CLI command structures that use variables and scripting commands to deploy commands whose content can differ from device to device or deployment to deployment.

You can also create FlexConfig policy objects when defining FlexConfig policies.

Before you begin

Keep the following in mind:

  • FlexConfig objects translate into commands that are then deployed to the device. These commands are already issued in global configuration mode. Therefore, do not include the enable and configure terminal commands as part of the FlexConfig object.

  • Determine what types of variables you will need, and create any policy objects that you will require. You cannot create objects for variables while editing a FlexConfig object.

  • Ensure that your commands do not conflict in any way with the VPN or access control configuration on the devices.

  • If there is more than one set of commands for an interface, only the last set of commands is deployed. Therefore, we recommend you not use beginning and ending commands to configure interfaces. For an example of configuring interfaces, see the ISIS_Interface_Configuration predefined FlexConfig object.


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management.

Step 2

Choose FlexConfig > FlexConfig Object from the list of object types.

Step 3

Do one of the following:

  • Click Add FlexConfig Object to create a new object.

  • Click Edit (edit icon) to edit an existing object.

  • Click View (view button) to see the contents of a predefined object.

  • If you want to edit a predefined object, click Copy (copy icon) to create a new object with the same contents.

Step 4

Enter a Name and optionally, a description for the object.

Step 5

In the object body area, enter the commands and instructions to produce the required configuration.

The object content is a sequence of scripting commands and configuration commands that generate a valid ASA software command sequence. The Firepower Threat Defense device uses ASA software commands to configure some features. For more information on scripting and configuration commands, see:

You can use variables to supply information that can be known only at runtime, or which can differ from device to device. You simply type in processing variables, but you must use the Insert menu to add variables that are associated with policy objects or system variables, or which are secret keys. For a complete discussion of variables, see FlexConfig Variables.

  • To insert system variables, choose Insert > Insert System Variable > Variable Name. For a detailed explanation of these variables, see FlexConfig System Variables.

  • To insert policy object variables, choose Insert > Insert Policy Object > Object Type, selecting the appropriate type of object. Then, give the variable a name (which can be the same name as the associated policy object), select the object to associate with the variable, and click Save. For a detailed explanation of these types, see FlexConfig Policy Object Variables. For more detail on the procedure, see Add a Policy Object Variable to a FlexConfig Object.

  • To insert secret key variables, choose Insert > Secret Key and define the variable name and value. For more detail on the procedure, see Configure Secret Keys.



You must use the Insert menu to create a new policy object or system variable. However, for subsequent uses of that variable, you must type it in, $ included. This is also true for system variables: the first time you use it, add it from the Insert menu. Then, type it out for subsequent uses. If you use the Insert menu more than once for a system variable, the system variable is added to the Variables list multiple times, and the FlexConfig will not validate, meaning you cannot save your changes. For processing variables (those not associated with a policy object or system variable), simply type in the variable. If you are adding a secret key, always use the Insert menu. Secret key variables do not show up in the Variables list.

Step 6

Choose the deployment frequency and type.

  • Deployment—Whether to deploy the commands in the object Once or Everytime. The only way to choose the right option is to test the results of deployment.

    Start by selecting Everytime. Then, after you attach the object to a FlexConfig policy, deploy the configuration. After a successful deployment, come back to the FlexConfig policy and preview the configuration for one of the assigned devices as described in Preview the FlexConfig Policy. If the section labeled ###CLI generated from managed features ### contains commands that clear or negate the commands in the object, and the ###Flex-config Appended CLI ### section contains the commands to reconfigure the feature, you know that Everytime is the right option.

    Even if you do not see negate commands, make some minor change to the device configuration, then run another deployment. If the deployment completes successfully, you can check the deployment transcript (see Verify the Deployed Configuration). If you see that the commands were issued again (even when they were already configured) without error, then you can keep Everytime.

    Change to Once only if the system does not first negate the commands in the object before issuing them again, or if the deployment results in errors that are specific to the command. In some cases, the system does not allow you to issue a command that is already configured, but this is the exception.

    Some additional tips:

    • If the FlexConfig object points to system-managed objects such as network or ACL objects, choose Everytime. Otherwise, updates to the objects might not get deployed.

    • Use Once if the only thing you do in the object is to clear a configuration. Then, remove the object from the FlexConfig policy after the next deployment.

  • Type—Select one of the following:

    • Append—(The default.) Commands in the object are put at the end of the configurations generated from the Firepower Management Center policies. You must use Append if you use policy object variables, which point to objects generated from managed objects. If commands generated for other policies overlap with those specified in the object, you should select this option so your commands are not overwritten. This is the safest option.

    • Prepend—Commands in the object are put at the beginning of the configurations generated from the Firepower Management Center policies. You would typically use prepend for commands that clear or negate a configuration.

Step 7

(Optional.) Click Validate above the object body to check the integrity of the script.

The object is always validated when you click Save. You cannot save an invalid object.

Step 8

Click Save.

What to do next

Add a Policy Object Variable to a FlexConfig Object

You can insert variables into a FlexConfig policy object that are associated with other types of policy object. When the FlexConfig is deployed to a device, these variables resolve to the names or content of the associated object.

Use the following procedure for the first use of a policy object variable in a FlexConfig object. If you need to refer to the object again, type in the variable (including the $ sign). To understand how to use these variables, see How to Process Variables.


Step 1

Choose Insert > Insert Policy Object > Object Type, selecting the appropriate type of object.

Step 2

Enter a name for the variable, and optionally, a description.

The name must be unique within the context of the FlexConfig object. It cannot include spaces. You are allowed to use the exact same name as the object associated with the variable.

Step 3

Select the object to associate with the variable and click Add to move it to the Selected Object list.

You can associate a variable with a single object only.



For text objects, you can select any of the predefined objects as needed. However, many of these objects have no default values. You must update the objects to add the required values either directly or as overrides for the device to which you will deploy the FlexConfig object. Trying to deploy a FlexConfig without updating these objects typically results in deployment errors.

Step 4

Click Save.

The variable appears in the Variables list at the bottom of the FlexConfig object editor.

Configure Secret Keys

A secret key is any single-string variable whose content you want to mask, such as passwords. The system provides special treatment for these variables to help you prevent the dissemination of sensitive information.

Secret key variables do not show up in the Variables list in the FlexConfig object.

Use the following procedure to create, insert, and otherwise manage secret key variables in a FlexConfig object. Unlike other types of variables, you can use the Insert command every time you need to insert a given secret key variable. With respect to processing, these variables behave like single-value text object variables; see Single Value Variables.


Any data defined in a secret key variable is masked from users except when previewing a FlexConfig policy. In addition, if you export a FlexConfig policy, the content of any secret key variable is erased. When you import the policy, you will need to manually edit each secret key variable to enter the data.


Step 1

While editing a FlexConfig Policy Object, choose Insert > Secret Key.

Step 2

In the Insert Secret Key dialog box, do any of the following:

  • To create a new key, click Add Secret Key, then fill in the following information and click Add.

    • Secret Key Name—The name of the variable. This name appears in the FlexConfig object prefixed with @.

    • Password, Confirm Password—The secret string, which is masked with asterisks as you type.

  • To insert a secret key variable in the FlexConfig object, select the check box for the variable.

  • To edit the value of a secret key variable, click Edit (edit icon) for the variable. Make your changes and click Add.

  • To delete a secret key variable, click Delete (delete icon) for the variable.

Step 3

Click Save.

Configure FlexConfig Text Objects

Use text objects in FlexConfig objects as the target of policy object variables. You can use variables to supply information that can be known only at runtime, or which can differ from device to device. During deployment, variables that point to text objects are replaced by the content of the text object.

Text objects contain free-form strings, which can be keywords, interface names, numbers, IP addresses, and so forth. The content depends on how you will use the information within a FlexConfig script.

Before creating or editing a text object, determine exactly what content you will need. This includes how you intend to process the object, which will help you decide between creating a single string or multiple string object. Read the following topics:


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management.

Step 2

Choose FlexConfig > Text Object from the list of object types.

Step 3

Do one of the following:

  • Click Add Text Object to create a new object.

  • Click Edit (edit icon) to edit an existing object. You are allowed to edit the predefined text objects, which is required if you intended to use the predefined FlexConfig objects.

Step 4

Enter a Name and optionally, a description for the object.

Step 5

(New objects only.) Choose a Variable Type from the drop-down list:

  • Single—If the object should contain a single text string.
  • Multiple—If the object should contain a list of text strings.

You cannot change the variable type after you save the object.

Step 6

If the variable type is Multiple, use the up and down arrows to specify a Count.

Rows are added or removed from the object as you change the number.

Step 7

Add content to the object.

You can either click in the text box next to a variable number and type in a value, or you can set up device overrides for each device that will be assigned a FlexConfig object that uses the text object. You can also do both, in which case the values configured in the base object act as default values in cases where an override does not exist for a given device.

When editing predefined objects, it is a good practice to use device overrides, so that the system defaults remain in place for other users who might need to use the object in different FlexConfig policies. The approach you take depends on the requirements of your organization.



Some predefined objects require multiple values where each value serves a specific purpose. Read the description text carefully to determine the expected values in the object. In some cases, the instructions specify that you must use overrides instead of changing the base values. In the case of enableInspectProtocolList, you are prevented from entering protocols whose inspection is incompatible with Snort inspection.

If you decide to use device overrides, do the following.

  1. Select Allow Overrides.

  2. Expand the Overrides area (if necessary) and click Add.

    If an override already exists for the device, click edit for the override to change it.

  3. On Targets in the Add Object Override dialog box, select the device for which you are defining values and click Add to move it to the Selected Devices list.

  4. Click Override, adjust the Count as needed, then click in the variable fields and type in the values for the device.

  5. Click Add.

Step 8

Click Save.

What to do next

Configure the FlexConfig Policy

A FlexConfig policy contains two ordered lists of FlexConfig objects, one prepended list and one appended list. For an explanation of prepend/append, see Configure FlexConfig Objects.

FlexConfig policies are shared policies that you can assign to multiple devices.


Step 1

Choose Devices > FlexConfig.

Step 2

Do one of the following:

  • Click New Policy to create a new FlexConfig Policy. You are prompted to enter a name. Optionally, select devices in the Available Devices list and click Add to Policy to assign devices. Click Save.

  • Click Edit (edit icon) to edit an existing Policy. You can change the name or description by clicking them in edit mode.

  • Click Copy (copy icon) to create a new policy with the same contents. You are prompted for a name. Device assignments are not retained for the copy.

  • Click delete to remove a policy you no longer need.

Step 3

Select the FlexConfig objects required for the policy from the Available FlexConfig list and click > to add them to the policy.

Objects are automatically added to the prepended or appended list based on the deployment type specified in the FlexConfig object.

To remove a selected object, click Delete (delete icon) next to an object.

Step 4

For each selected object, click View (view button) next to the object to identify the variables used in the object.

Except for system variables, which start with SYS, you need to ensure that the objects associated with the variables are not empty. A blank or brackets with nothing between them, [ ], indicate an empty object. You will need to edit these objects before deploying the policy.



If you use object overrides, those values will not show up in this view. Thus, an empty default value does not necessarily mean that you have not updated the object with the required values. Previewing the configuration will show whether the variables resolve correctly for a given device. See Preview the FlexConfig Policy.

Step 5

Click Save.

What to do next

Set Target Devices for a FlexConfig Policy

When you create a FlexConfig policy, you can select the devices that use the policy. You can subsequently change device assignments for the policy as described below.


Normally, when you unassign a policy from a device, the system automatically removes the associated configuration upon the next deployment. However, because FlexConfig objects are scripts for deploying customized commands, simply unassigning a FlexConfig policy from a device does not remove the commands that were configuring by the FlexConfig objects. If your intention is to remove FlexConfig-generated commands from a device's configuration, see Remove Features Configured Using FlexConfig.


Step 1

Choose Devices > FlexConfig and edit a FlexConfig policy.

Step 2

Click Policy Assignments.

Step 3

On Targeted Devices, build your target list:

  • Add—Choose one or more Available Devices, then click Add to Policy or drag and drop into the list of Selected Devices. You can assign the policy to devices, high availability pairs, and clustered devices.
  • Delete—Click Delete (delete icon) next to a single device, or select multiple devices, right-click, then choose Delete Selection.

Step 4

Click OK to save your selection.

Step 5

Click Save to save the FlexConfig policy.

What to do next

Preview the FlexConfig Policy

Preview a FlexConfig policy to see how the FlexConfig objects get translated into CLI commands. The preview shows the commands that will be generated for a selected device from the scripts and variables used in the FlexConfig objects. The variables are resolved based on the configuration for the device, so you get a clear idea of what will be deployed.

Use the preview to look for potential problems in the FlexConfig objects. Correct the objects until the preview shows the expected results.

You must preview the configuration separately for each device, because the variables can resolve differently based on the device configuration.


Step 1

Choose Devices > FlexConfig and edit a FlexConfig policy.

Step 2

If there are any pending changes, click Save.

The preview shows results only for those FlexConfig objects that were in the most recently saved version of the policy. You must save the policy to see a preview of newly-added objects.

Step 3

Click Preview Config.

Step 4

Choose a device from the Select Device drop-down list.

The system retrieves information from the device and configured policies, and determines what CLI commands will be generated on the next deployment to the device. You can select the output and use Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard, where you can paste it into a text file for further analysis.

The preview includes the following sections:

  • Flex-config Prepended CLI—These are the commands generated by FlexConfigs that are prepended to the configuration.

  • CLI generated from managed features—These are commands generated for policies configured in Firepower Management Center. Commands are generated for new or changed policies since the last successful deployment to the device. These commands do not represent all commands needed to implement the assigned policies. No commands in this section are generated from FlexConfig objects.

  • Flex-config Appended CLI—These are the commands generated by FlexConfigs that are appended to the configuration.

Step 5

Click Close to close the preview dialog.

Verify the Deployed Configuration

After you deploy a FlexConfig policy to a device, verify that the deployment was successful and that the resulting configuration is what you expected. Also, verify that the device is performing as expected.


Step 1

To verify that deployment was successful:

  1. Click System Status in the menu bar, which is unnamed between Deploy and System.

    The icon looks like one of the following, and it might include a number if there are errors:

    • Indicates No Warnings — Indicates no warnings or errors are present on the system.

    • Indicates One or More Warnings — Indicates one or more warnings and no errors are present on the system.

    • Indicates One or More Errors — Indicates one or more errors and any number of warnings are present on the system.

  2. On Deployments, verify that the deployment was successful.

  3. To see more detailed information, especially for failed deployments, click Show History.

  4. Select the deployment job in the list of jobs in the left column.

    Jobs are listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent job at the top of the list.

  5. Click download in the Transcript column for the device in the right column.

    The deployment transcript includes commands sent to the device, and any responses returned from the device. These response can be informative messages or error messages. For failed deployments, look for messages that indicate errors with the commands that you sent through FlexConfig. These errors can help you correct the script in the FlexConfig object that is trying to configure the commands.



    There is no distinction made in the transcript between commands sent for managed features and those generated from FlexConfig policies.

    For example, the following sequence shows that Firepower Management Center (FMC) sent commands to configure GigabitEthernet0/0 with the logical name outside. The device responded that it automatically set the security level to 0. Firepower Threat Defense does not use the security level for anything. Messages relevant to FlexConfig are in the CLI Apply section of the transcript.

    ========= CLI APPLY =========
    FMC >> interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    FMC >>  nameif outside
    FTDv >> [info] : INFO: Security level for "outside" set to 0 by default.

Step 2

Verify that the deployed configuration includes the expected commands.

You can do this by making an SSH connection to the device's management IP address. Use the show running-config command to view the configuration.

Alternatively, use the CLI tool within Firepower Management Center.

  1. Choose System > Health > Monitor and click the name of the device.

    You might need to click the open/close arrow in the Count column in the Status table to see any devices.

  2. Click Advanced Troubleshooting.

  3. Click Threat Defense CLI.

  4. Select show as the command, and type running-config as the parameter.

  5. Click Execute.

    The running configuration appears in the text box. You can select the configuration and press Ctrl+C, then paste it into a text file for later analysis.

Step 3

Verify that the device is performing as expected.

Use the show commands related to the feature to see detailed information and statistics. For example, if you enabled additional protocol inspections, the show service-policy command provides this information. The exact commands to use are feature-dependent and should be mentioned in the ASA configuration guide and command reference you used to learn how to configure the feature.

If commands that show statistics indicate that numbers are not changing (for example, hit counts, connection counts, and so forth), the configuration might be valid but not meaningful. If you know that traffic is going through the device that should show up in statistics, look for what is missing in your configuration. For example, NAT or access rules might be dropping or changing traffic before a feature can act on it.

You can use the show commands from an SSH session or through the Firepower Management Center CLI tool.

However, if the show command that you need to use is not available directly within the Firepower Threat Defense CLI, you will need make an SSH connection to the device to use the commands. From the CLI, enter the following command sequence to enter Privileged EXEC mode within the diagnostic CLI. From there, you should be able to enter these otherwise unsupported show commands.

> system support diagnostic-cli
Attaching to Diagnostic CLI ... Press 'Ctrl+a then d' to detach.
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
firepower> enable
Password: <press enter, do not enter a password>

Remove Features Configured Using FlexConfig

If you decide you need to remove a set of configuration commands you configured using FlexConfig, you might need to manually remove that configuration. Unassigning the FlexConfig policy from a device might not remove all of the configuration.

To manually remove the configuration, you create new FlexConfig objects to clear or negate the configuration commands.

Before you begin

To determine if you need to manually remove some or all of the configuration generated by an object:

  1. Examine the configuration preview, as described in Preview the FlexConfig Policy. If the ###CLI generated from managed features ### section contains the clear or negate commands to remove all of the commands in the FlexConfig object, then you can simply remove the object from the FlexConfig policy, save, and redeploy.

  2. Remove the object from the FlexConfig policy, save the change, then preview the configuration again. If the ###CLI generated from managed features ### section still does not include the required clear or negate commands, you must follow this procedure to manually remove the configuration.


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management and create the FlexConfig Objects to clear or negate the configuration commands.

If a feature has a clear command that can remove all configuration settings, then use that command. For example, the predefined Eigrp_Unconfigure_All object contains a single command that removes all EIGRP-related configuration commands:

clear configure router eigrp

If there is not a clear command for the feature, you need to use the no form of each command you want to remove. For example, the predefined Sysopt_basic_negate object removes the commands configured through the predefined Sysopt_basic object.

no sysopt traffic detailed-statistics

no sysopt connection timewait

You would typically configure a FlexConfig object that removes configurations as a prepended, deploy once object.

Step 2

Choose Devices > FlexConfig and create a new FlexConfig policy or edit the existing policy.

If you want to preserve the FlexConfig policy that deploys the configuration commands, create a new policy specifically for negating the commands, and assign the devices to the policy. Then, add the new FlexConfig objects to the policy.

If you want to completely remove the FlexConfig configuration objects from all devices, you can simply delete those commands from the existing FlexConfig policy and replace them with the objects that negate the configuration.

Step 3

Click Save to save the FlexConfig policy.

Step 4

Click Preview Config and verify that the clear and negation commands are generating correctly.

Step 5

Click Deploy in the menu bar, select the device, and click Deploy.

Wait for deployment to complete.

Step 6

Verify that the commands were removed.

View the running configuration on the device to confirm that the commands are removed. For more detailed information, see Verify the Deployed Configuration.

Step 7

While editing the FlexConfig policy, click Policy Assignments and remove the device. Optionally, remove the FlexConfig Objects from the policy.

Assuming that the FlexConfig policy simply removes the unwanted configuration commands, there is no need to keep the policy assigned to the device after the removal is complete.

However, if the FlexConfig policy retains options that you still want configured on the device, remove the negation objects from the policy. They are no longer needed.

Convert from FlexConfig to Managed Feature

Each software release adds managed features to the product, that is, features that you configure directly through policies that are controlled outside of FlexConfig. This can deprecate FlexConfig commands that you are currently using; your configurations are not automatically converted. After the upgrade, you cannot assign or create FlexConfig objects using the newly deprecated commands. After upgrading software, examine your FlexConfig policies and objects.

When a feature you configured using FlexConfig starts to be supported as a managed feature, you must convert from using FlexConfig to using the managed feature. In most cases, your existing FlexConfig configurations continue to work post-upgrade and you can still deploy. However, in some cases, using deprecated commands can cause deployment issues. Configuring a feature in both the GUI and FlexConfig is not supported.


Step 1

Remove the FlexConfig, as explained in Remove Features Configured Using FlexConfig.

Step 2

Configure the settings in the newly supported managed feature.

The release notes have a list of new features for the release.

History for FlexConfig






The FlexConfig feature allows you use the Firepower Management Center to deploy ASA CLI template-based functionality to Firepower Threat Defense devices. This feature allows you to enable some of the most valuable ASA functions that are not currently available on Firepower Threat Defense devices. This functionality is structured as templates and objects that work together in a policy. The default templates are officially supported by Cisco TAC.

New screen: Devices > FlexConfig. Also, under Objects > Object Management, FlexConfig > FlexConfig Objects and FlexConfig > Text Object.

Supported platforms: Firepower Threat Defense

FlexConfig Updates



As per the Government Certification requirements, all sensitive information like password, shared keys in system-provided or user-defined FlexConfig object should be masked using secret key variables. After you update the Firepower Management Center to these releases, all sensitive information in FlexConfig Objects are converted to secret key variable format.

In addition, the following new FlexConfig templates are added:

  • Default_DNS_Configure template allows you to the default DNS group, which is used to resolve hostnames for commands or features that resolve names through the data interfaces.

  • TCP Embryonic connection limit and timeout configuration template allows you to configure embryonic connection limits/timeout CLIs to protect from SYN Flood DoSAttack.

  • Turn on threat detection configure and clear templates allow you to configure threat detection statistics for attacks intercepted by TCP Intercept.

  • IPV6 router header inspection template allows you to configure of IPV6 inspection header for selectively allow/block certain headers with different types (e.g. allowing RH Type 2,mobile).

  • DHCPv6 prefix delegation template allows you to configure one outside (PD client) and one inside interface (recipient of delegated prefix) for IPv6 prefix delegation.

Supported platforms: Firepower Threat Defense