Site Administration

These release notes apply only to administrators.

Use the WebEx Site Administration to configure and maintain your WebEx Meeting Center, Event Center, Training Center, or Support Center sites.

What's New


Content sharing support

The Site Administration tool now provides the ability to manage content sharing integrations, which is currently only available on WebEx Meetings for iPad for the WebEx mobile application for iOS. Android support will be available in a future release.
  • Content sharing can be enabled with Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive.
  • If content sharing is enabled, you can selectively control whether Dropbox, Box or Google Drive integrations are enabled for mobile users.
  • You have the ability to automatically clear files that have been cached in the WebEx mobile application app from "Recently Shared Files."

Enable NBR audible announcements

The Enable NBR audible announcements setting will be available after additional upgrades are completed to the WebEx Cloud. The target availability is Q1 2015. When the setting feature is available, the option will appear in WebEx Site Administration and NBR announcements will be disabled by default.

New User Reference link

Administrators can now change the default URL for the New User Reference link for each center.


Deactivated host account

WebEx meetings or events cannot be started if the host has been deactivated.

Disable printing and saving documents during file sharing

WebEx Site Administration provides the ability to control printing and saving documents when sharing a file for all centers.


Collaboration Meeting Rooms

There is a new site administration section for cloud Collaboration Meeting Room options:
  • Video device bandwidth-Enables video device bandwidth control (WebEx VoIP and video connection control). When enabled, WebEx will adjust the session bandwidth capability to lower the bit rate in cases when there is low bandwidth on the WebEx application.

  • Use a pilot number-When enabled, the pilot number displays in email invitations and on the host's Personal Room page. Sample text for dial in information is provided and can be modified. It is limited to 256 characters.

  • Enable Personal Room-Enables Personal Rooms for hosts. This option is enabled by default.

  • Host PIN length-Specifies the PIN length for a host's Personal Room. Possible values are 4, 6, 8, and 12 characters.

For more information about administration for CMR Cloud, see the Collaboration Meeting Rooms (CMR Cloud) Enterprise Deployment Guide on the Configuration Guides page at http:/​/​​c/​en/​us/​support/​conferencing/​webex-meeting-center/​products-installation-and-configuration-guides-list.html.

HTML Email Templates

The Site Administration tool now provides applicable email templates in HTML format.

  • Email template list indicates which email templates provide HTML format

  • Email templates can be sorted by HTML or text format

Mac Productivity Tools Settings

The Site Administration tool now offers the ability to enable or disable the WebEx Productivity Tools integration with Microsoft Outlook for Mac. The following options are included:
  • Enable and disable Productivity Tools integration with Microsoft Outlook for Mac and Windows:

    • Microsoft Outlook for Windows option

    • Microsoft Outlook for Mac option

  • One-Click option-Displays the One-Click icon in the taskbar.

Simplified branding to support user interface redesign

The site administration branding tool now has simplified branding options to support the latest user interface redesign. If your site is already branded, no action is required. The user interface redesign provides a flexible structure to continue to support your existing branded elements.

  • Existing branding, such as the header menu bar, logo, left-page navigation pane, footers, terms of service, and privacy statements will not be changed.

  • Elements and areas that can be branded have been simplified. Elements within the content area cannot be branded; however, global link colors and font style will be consistent for all of the pages. For example, if a font color is changed in left navigation, then the same font color will be reflected in all of the centers.

To make an additional branding request, contact your customer service manager with your branding requirements.


New range for reuse of last passwords

The Do not allow reuse of last passwords option site administration option now allows you to select a range from 3 to 8 last passwords. The new default is 3.


Support for PayPal

Starting in version WBS29.1, the site administrator will see new selections to the Provider Settings for PayPal Payflow Pro, PayPal Website Payments Pro UK, and PayPal Express Checkout US and Canada for training sessions. End users will see changes in the Payment Information Page for training sessions.


GMT offset display option

The Display GMT offset for time zones in emails and web pages option controls whether the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset, such as "GMT -8:00," is displayed for time zones and times. If you only work with customers in the U.S. and Canada who are not familiar with GMT, you can disable this option.

Time zone configuration

Time zone labels are now brand-able for a site. These labels include the location (for example, "San Francisco") and time zone name (for example, "Pacific Time") and daylight-savings time (DST) label (for example, "Daylight" or "Standard").

Display meetings at actual or scheduled start time

The Display meetings at actual start time, not scheduled time option, which is available for Meeting Center, controls whether a meeting in progress displays on calendars at the scheduled time or the actual start time. To make it easier for attendees to find meetings in progress on calendars, meetings now display at the scheduled time by default. Enabling this option in the site administration options will revert to the previous behavior if desired.

Community button option

The Display Community button on navigation bar option controls whether the Community button appears on the horizontal navigation bar. Both hosts and attendees can use this button to access the WebEx Community.

Importing address books into Microsoft Outlook 2010

Importing your company address book into your WebEx contacts is not supported with Microsoft Outlook 2010 64-bit.

Site administration accounts without session type

Site administration accounts can now be created with no session types assigned, and such accounts do not count toward the Named Host limit on a site. Such accounts cannot start a session themselves, but can schedule for another user if given permission to do so by the other user.

Invite by IM and Remind by IM in Quick Start menu

The Presence integration option controls the appearance of the Invite by IM and Remind by IM options in the Quick Start menu in a meeting, and also controls the download of WebEx Connect on Support pages.

Named Host audio-only users

There is now a separate provisioning count for Named Host users who only have the Personal Conference meeting type enabled, that is, users who can only start Personal Conference meetings. This count appears on the site administration Home page.

Account sign-up confirmation

The Confirmation required for new accounts option requires users who sign up for an account to confirm the request. The user confirms by clicking a link in a follow-up email sent to the address given in the sign-up form. There are also related options to expire the confirmation page (the default is 3 days), and notify site administrators of a successful confirmation, and to include a security check in the sign-up form.

Known Issues and Limitations

This section contains known issues and limitations that affect only Site Administration. For more information about the browsers, operating systems, supported by WebEx, and known issues that affect other WebEx services, see System Requirements and Feature Support.

Branding and customization

  • The new WebEx header does not allow branded headers to be less than 75 px. If a branded site has a header height that is less then 75 px and does not have customized header HTML code, the system will automatically increase header height to 75 px.

  • The Log in and Log out links for the Site Administration tool are not visible if the header navigation color is blue or a dark color.

If you want to make branding changes, you should contact your customer support manager (CSM).

Safari browser support

The Safari browser is not supported for Site Administration.