Automation Workflows

This chapter describes the installation and communication sequence of the Routed Optical Networking components. The chapter also includes some Routed Optical Networking ML service provisioning examples.

Sequence for Installation of Routed Optical Networking Components

We recommend this installation sequence:


Cisco Crosswork Hierarchical Controller, Crosswork Network Controller Essentials, and NSO 6.1.9 with Routed Optical Networking 3.0.0 Function Pack are the minimum required components for the Routed Optical Networking solution. Cisco Optical Network Controller is required when using Cisco optical networking components.

Communication Sequence

This diagram displays the communication sequence between the Routed Optical Networking components:

Figure 1. Routed Optical Networking Communication Flow
Routed Optical Networking Communication Flow
  1. Crosswork Network Controller discovers services. Crosswork Network Controller populates NSO with device information via RESTCONF and handles NSO provisioning requests. EMS collects fault and alarm data from devices.

  2. Crosswork Data Gateway sends device status to Crosswork Network Controller using Kafka. Crosswork Network Controller manages the Crosswork Data Gateway instance.

  3. SR-PCE sends SR-TE/RSVP-TE and topology information to Crosswork Network Controller via REST APIs.

  4. NSO manages XR router configuration using NETCONF and CLI.

  5. Crosswork Data Gateway collects network information from XR routers using CLI, SNMP, syslog, and MDT.

  6. SR-PCE acts as a network PCE and collects IGP topology information from the network using PCEP and BGP-LS.

  7. Cisco Optical Network Controller manages the NCS 1010 network nodes via NETCONF and gNMI. Cisco Optical Network Controller communicates with Cisco Optical Site Manager for NCS 1010

  8. EPNM performs router inventory, SWIM, fault, and performance data collection using SNMP, CLI, and SYSLOG.

  9. EPNM performs optical inventory, SWIM, fault, and performance data collection via NETCONF.

  10. Crosswork Hierarchical Controller discovers optical equipment, topology, and services and provisions optical services via TAPI. Crosswork Hierarchical Controller receives PM data using ONC RPC.

  11. Crosswork Hierarchical Controller discovers IGP nodes and topology and provisions services using Crosswork Network Controller NB API. Crosswork Hierarchical Controller receives PM data using GRPC.

  12. Crosswork Hierarchical Controller collects the inventory data for ZR/ZR+ optics discovery using XR adapter directly from routers. This is also used to verify successful provisioning.


    Routed Optical Networking components are not required in all the deployments.

Service Provisioning Examples

In this section, a service provisioning example has been provided. This example uses the Cisco NSO Routed Optical Networking Core Function Pack for service provisioning.

Provision End-to-end Service (Cisco Routers with ZR/ZR+ Optics Only)

These diagrams display a network that contains Cisco routers with ZR or ZR+ optics and a non-Cisco optical line system.

Figure 2. Cisco Routers (with ZR/ZR+ Optics)
Cisco Routers (with ZR/ZR+ Optics)
Cisco Routers (with ZR/ZR+ Optics)
  1. Create Routed Optical Networking ML Service with the following parameters:




    ron-8201-1, ron-8201-2


    Transponder (1x400G mode)





    TX Power

    -12dB on both endpoints

    IP Addressing and on FourHundredGigE 0/0/0/8

    ron ron-ml ron-8201-1_ron-8201-2
     mode      transponder
     bandwidth 400
     circuit-id "Router Only"
     frequency  1952000
     end-point ron-8201-1
      terminal-device-optical line-port 0/0/0/8
      terminal-device-optical transmit-power -120
      terminal-device-packet interface 0
       ip-address v4
     end-point ron-8201-2
      terminal-device-optical line-port 0/0/0/8
      terminal-device-optical transmit-power -120
      terminal-device-packet interface 0
       ip-address v4

NSO Routed Optical Networking ML Service

This diagram displays the NSO Routed Optical Networking ML service workflow for an end-to-end service (only Cisco routers with ZR/ZR+ optics).

Figure 3. NSO Routed Optical Networking ML Service Sequence
NSO Routed Optical Networking ML Service Sequence

The workflow of the Routed Optical Networking ML service is as follows:

  1. User initiates the Routed Optical Networking ML provisioning request.

  2. The Routed Optical Networking ML service retrieves the transceiver and line card PIDs for each router end-point using CLI NED.

  3. The Routed Optical Networking ML service compares the received transceiver PIDs and determines if the transceivers can support the service.

  4. The Routed Optical Networking ML service compares the received line card PIDs, and determines if the line cards must be configured.

  5. The Routed Optical Networking ML service provisions the router optics ports. It optionally performs bundle and IP configuration using the Cisco YANG models.

  6. The Routed Optical Networking ML service stores the service information as NSO operational data and also returns the service state to user.

Crosswork Hierarchical Controller Provisioning Workflow

This section describes the workflow for provisioning the Routed Optical Networking circuit in the Crosswork Hierarchical Controller GUI via the Crosswork Network Controller.


The workflow does not support provisioning an end-to-end service in a network that contains Cisco routers with ZR or ZR+ optics and a non-Cisco optical line system.

Figure 4. Crosswork Hierarchical Controller Provisioning Workflow
Crosswork Hierarchical Controller Provisioning Workflow

Automation Starter Solution

Automation Starter Solution accelerates adoption of Routed Optical Networking by simplifying the installation and deployment of the overall Routed Optical Networking solution. It is a simplified automation stack that is used to manage ZR/ZR+ optics in Cisco routers. The primary difference between the starter and full solution is the absence of CNC in the Starter solution. In the starter solution, the Crosswork Hierarchical Controller communicates with Cisco routers using the IOS XR and NSO adapters, and communicates with optical networks using the appropriate optical controller adapter.

The Starter solution uses the same NSO RON-ML function pack as the full solution. The function pack version is 3.0

Communication Workflow in Automation Starter Solution

This diagram displays the communication workflow between the Routed Optical Networking components in the automation starter solution.

Figure 5. Communication Workflow in Automation Starter Solution
Routed Optical Networking Communication Flow in Starter Solution
  1. Crosswork Hierarchical Controller communicates with the router to collect hardware inventory, link discovery and state, and collect performance measurement statistics.

  2. NSO communicates with the router for router configuration management, DCO, and IP link provisioning.

  3. Crosswork Hierarchical Controller discovers optical equipment, topology, and services and provisions optical services through TAPI, PM data through CONC RPC.

  4. ONC communicates with SVO and Cisco Optical Site Manager for end-to-end optical device management.

Automation Starter Solution versus Full Solution

This diagram displays the components that are involved in the automation starter solution and full solution.

Figure 6. Automation Starter Solution versus Full Solution
RON Automation Starter versus Full RON Solution
Table 1. Automation Starter Solution versus Full Solution


Automation Starter Kit

Full Solution

Wavelength Provisioning



Optical Circuit Assurance and Troubleshooting



Multilayer Visualization and History View



Management and verification of optical to IP connections



SR/SRv6 Control Plane SDN Automation



IP Element Management and IP SDN Path Optimization



IP Service Assurance and Service Orchestration



PLE Automation (SR-CS bandwidth reservation, provisioning, assurance)



Table 2. Required Adapters in Automation Starter Solution and Full Solution

Type of Solution

Required Adapters

Full Solution

  • CNC adapter - Inventory, physical and IGP topology, segment routing, service discovery

  • CDG adapter - PM collection

  • IOS-XR adapter - RON inventory and topology

  • NSO adapter+RON-ML FP - RON link provisioning

  • Optical adapters to support Optical Line System - CONC adapter for Cisco Optical Network Controller

Starter Solution

  • IOS-XR adapter - RON inventory and topology

  • NSO adapter+RON-ML FP - RON link provisioning

  • Optical adapters to support Optical Line System - CONC adapter for Cisco Optical Network Controller

Troubleshoot Provisioning Issues

Provisioning on ZR or ZR+ Optics

  • To check the controller state on the router, use:

    RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ron-8201-1#show controllers optics 0/0/0/20
    Thu Jun  3 15:34:44.098 PDT
     Controller State: Up
     Transport Admin State: In Service
     Laser State: On
     LED State: Green
     Optics Status
             Optics Type:  QSFPDD 400G ZR
             DWDM carrier Info: C BAND, MSA ITU Channel=10, Frequency=195.65THz,
             Alarm Status:
             Detected Alarms: None
             LOS/LOL/Fault Status:
             Alarm Statistics:
             HIGH-RX-PWR = 0            LOW-RX-PWR = 0
             HIGH-TX-PWR = 0            LOW-TX-PWR = 4
             HIGH-LBC = 0               HIGH-DGD = 1
             OOR-CD = 0                 OSNR = 10
             WVL-OOL = 0                MEA  = 0
             IMPROPER-REM = 0
             TX-POWER-PROV-MISMATCH = 0
             Laser Bias Current = 0.0 %
             Actual TX Power = -7.17 dBm
             RX Power = -9.83 dBm
             RX Signal Power = -9.18 dBm
             Frequency Offset = 9 MHz
    RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ron-8201-1#show controllers coherentDSP 0/0/0/20
    Thu Jun  3 15:38:04.565 PDT
    Port                                            : CoherentDSP 0/0/0/20
    Controller State                                : Up
    Inherited Secondary State                       : Normal
    Configured Secondary State                      : Normal
    Derived State                                   : In Service
    Loopback mode                                   : None
    BER Thresholds                                  : SF = 1.0E-5  SD = 1.0E-7
    Performance Monitoring                          : Enable
    Bandwidth                                       : 400.0Gb/s
    Alarm Information:
    LOS = 8 LOF = 0 LOM = 0
    OOF = 0 OOM = 0 AIS = 0
    IAE = 0 BIAE = 0        SF_BER = 0
    SD_BER = 0      BDI = 0 TIM = 0
    FLEXO-MM = 0    FLEXO-LOM = 0   FLEXO-RDI = 0
    FLEXO-LOF = 2
    Detected Alarms                                 : None
    Bit Error Rate Information
    PREFEC  BER                                     : 1.5E-03
    POSTFEC BER                                     : 0.0E+00
    Q-Factor                                        : 9.40 dB
    Q-Margin                                        : 2.20dB
    OTU TTI Received
    FEC mode                                        : C_FEC
  • To gather the performance measurement data, use:

    RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ron-8201-1#show controllers optics 0/0/0/20 pm current 30-sec optics 1
    Thu Jun  3 15:39:40.428 PDT
    Optics in the current interval [15:39:30 - 15:39:40 Thu Jun 3 2021]
    Optics current bucket type : Valid
                   MIN       AVG       MAX    Operational Configured TCA   Operational Configured TCA
                                              Th(min)     Th(min)   (min)  Th(max)     Th(max)   (max)
    LBC[% ]      : 0.0       0.0       0.0      0.0          NA       NO   100.0       NA          NO
    OPT[dBm]     : -7.17     -7.17     -7.17    -15.09       NA       NO   0.00        NA          NO
    OPR[dBm]     : -9.86     -9.86     -9.85    -30.00       NA       NO   8.00        NA          NO
    CD[ps/nm]    : -489      -488      -488     -80000       NA       NO   80000       NA          NO
    DGD[ps ]     : 1.00      1.50      2.00     0.00         NA       NO   80.00       NA          NO
    SOPMD[ps^2]  : 28.00     38.80     49.00    0.00         NA       NO   2000.00     NA          NO
    OSNR[dB]     : 34.90     35.12     35.40    0.00         NA       NO   40.00       NA          NO
    PDL[dB]      : 0.70      0.71      0.80     0.00         NA       NO   7.00        NA          NO
    PCR[rad/s]   : 0.00      0.00      0.00     0.00         NA       NO   2500000.00  NA          NO
    RX_SIG[dBm]  : -9.23     -9.22     -9.21    -30.00       NA       NO   1.00        NA          NO
    FREQ_OFF[Mhz]: -2        -1        4        -3600        NA       NO   3600        NA          NO
    SNR[dB]      : 16.80     16.99     17.20    7.00         NA       NO   100.00      NA          NO
    RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ron-8201-1#show controllers coherentDSP 0/0/0/20 pm current 30-sec fec
    Thu Jun  3 15:42:28.510 PDT
    g709 FEC in the current interval [15:42:00 - 15:42:28 Thu Jun 3 2021]
    FEC current bucket type : Valid
        EC-BITS   : 20221314973             Threshold : 83203400000            TCA(enable)  : YES
        UC-WORDS  : 0                       Threshold : 5                      TCA(enable)  : YES
                  MIN       AVG        MAX      Threshold      TCA     Threshold     TCA
                                                  (min)     (enable)    (max)     (enable)
    PreFEC BER  : 1.5E-03   1.5E-03   1.6E-03      0E-15        NO       0E-15        NO
    PostFEC BER :  E-15     0E-15     0E-15      0E-15        NO       0E-15        NO
    Q[dB]       : 9.40      9.40      9.40          0.00        NO        0.00        NO
    Q_Margin[dB]: 2.20      2.20      2.20          0.00        NO        0.00        NO
    Last clearing of "show controllers OTU" counters never

This table contains the streaming telemetry sensor paths and the information fields that you receive from them.

Sensor path Information Fields



alarm-detected, baud-rate, dwdm-carrier-frequency, controller-state, laser-state, optical-signal-to-noise-ratio, temperature, voltage



receive-power, receive-signal-power, transmit-power



bandwidth, ec-value, post-fec-ber, pre-fec-ber, qfactor, qmargin, uc





dd__average, dgd__average, opr__average, opt__average, osnr__average, pcr__average, pmd__average, rx-sig-pow__average, snr__average, sopmd__average




ec-bits__data, post-fec-ber__average, pre-fec-ber__average, q__average, qmargin__average, uc-words__data


The performance management sensor paths show the sensor path for a 30-second performance measurement (PM) interval. They also support 15 minutes and 24 hours. To access these options, replace second30 in the sensor path with minute15 and hour24 respectively.

Crosswork Hierarchical Controller Provisioning

In the event of a failed configuration, the configuration state transitions to FAILED. The Last Operation is in the Rollback stage where it rolls back the configuration.

Figure 7. Crosswork Hierarchical Controller UI - Operations Tab
Crosswork Hierarchical Controller UI - Operations Tab

After clicking the service, you can click on ERRORS to check the reason for failure. In this case, the discovery of the operational state exceeded the discovery timeout. The reason for this is, one end of the link was in a loopback state, which did not prohibit the provisioning of the ports, but affected the reachability between the two endpoints.

Figure 8. Crosswork Hierarchical Controller UI - Operations Tab
Crosswork Hierarchical Controller UI - Operations Tab

The logs display both the provisioning flow and the rollback flow.

Figure 9. Crosswork Hierarchical Controller UI - Operations Tab
Crosswork Hierarchical Controller UI - Operations Tab