Manage the Shelf

This chapter describes the tasks related to shelf management in Cisco NCS 2000 SVO.

Configure Alarms and Controls

Use this task to configure external (environmental) alarms and external controls.


You can configure up to 14 alarms in the external alarms mode. You can configure up to 10 entities under external alarms and 4 entities under external controls in the external controls mode.


External alarms or external controls are not supported on the NCS 2002 chassis.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

The SVO Topology page appears.

Step 2

Click the rack in the left panel.

The rack view appears.

Step 3

Left-click the chassis and select Open.

The chassis view appears.

Step 4

Click the Provisioning > Alarm Extender > Alarm Dry Contacts Mode tabs.

Step 5

Choose whether to configure the alarms as external alarms or external controls.

  1. To configure external alarms, click the External Alarm option and click Apply.

  2. To configure external controls, click the External Control option and click Apply.

Step 6

To configure external alarms, click the External Alarms tab, complete the following fields, and click Apply.

  • Enabled—Check the check box to activate the fields for the alarm input number.
  • Severity—Choose a severity from the drop-down list.

    The severity determines the alarm’s severity in the Alarms and History tabs.

  • Alarm Type—Choose an alarm type from the drop-down list.
  • Virtual Wire—Choose the virtual wire number from the drop-down list to assign the external device to a virtual wire. Otherwise, do not change the None value.
  • Raised When—From the drop-down list, choose the contact condition (open or closed) that triggers the alarm.
  • Description—Enter a description.

Step 7

To configure external controls, click the External Controls tab, complete the following fields, and click Apply.

  • Enabled—Check this check box to activate the fields for the alarm input number.
  • Control Type—Choose the control type from the drop-down list: air conditioner, engine, fan, generator, heat, light, sprinkler, or miscellaneous.
  • Trigger Type—Choose a trigger type: a local minor, major, or critical alarm; a remote minor, major, or critical alarm; or a virtual wire activation.
  • Description—Enter a description.



External alarms and external controls must be recorded locally for the network element (NE). Both the alarm name and resolution are node-specific.

Step 8

To add new alarm types, complete the following:

  1. Click the User Defined Alarms tab.

    The user-defined alarms are displayed under the External Alarms tab if provisioned. If the user-defined alarm is configured as an external alarm, the alarm cannot be deleted. You can create up to 50 user-defined alarms.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter the new alarm type and click OK.

Suppress ECU Multishelf Ports Alarm

Alarms are raised when an ECU Multishelf (Management Ethernet) port is open. You can suppress the alarms on the unused ECU MSM ports and verify the ECU Multishelf ports alarm suppression settings.


ECU multishelf is not supported on the NCS 2002 chassis.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page and select SVO Topology.

The SVO Topology page appears.

Step 2

Click the rack in the left panel.

The rack view appears.

Step 3

Left-click the chassis and select Open.

The chassis view appears.

Step 4

Click the Provisioning > ECU Multishelf tabs.

Step 5

To suppress alarms for ECU multishelf ports:

  1. Check the Suppress Alarms check box corresponding to the port for which you want to suppress the alarm.

  2. Click Apply.

  3. Click Yes.

Step 6

Click the Alarms tab and verify whether the suppressed alarms are removed from the Alarms Summary table.

Step 7

Click the Conditions tab and verify whether the suppressed conditions are removed from the table.

Step 8

(Optional) To discontinue alarm suppression for the ECU ports:

  1. Check the Suppress Alarms check box corresponding to the port for which you want to suppress the alarm.

  2. Click Apply.

  3. Click Yes.

Display Power Monitoring Parameters

Use this task to display the power monitoring parameters of a chassis.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

The SVO Topology page appears.

Step 2

Click the rack in the left panel.

The rack view appears.

Step 3

Left-click the chassis and select Open.

The chassis view appears.

Step 4

Click the Provisioning > Power Monitor tabs.

The Power Monitor tab displays the environment type, power summary, voltage thresholds for NCS 2006, and PSU configuration for NCS 2015.

Set Voltage Thresholds

Use this task to set voltage thresholds within a –48 (ECU48) VDC environment and –60 (ECU60) VDC environment for NCS 2006.


This task is applicable only for NCS2006-SA; voltage thresholds are not applicable for NCS2015-SA.


The default battery voltage thresholds are not changed. Threshold changes must only be performed at the direction of your site administrator.

The voltage threshold range for each battery is –40.5 to –57.2 for ECU 48 and 40.5 to 72.0 for ECU 60.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

The SVO Topology page appears.

Step 2

Click the rack in the left panel.

The rack view appears.

Step 3

Left-click the chassis and select Open.

The chassis view appears.

Step 4

Click the Provisioning > Power Monitor tabs.

Step 5

To change the extreme low battery voltage threshold in 0.5 VDC increments, choose a voltage from the ELWBATVGVdc drop-down list. The default value is -40.5.

Step 6

To change the low battery voltage threshold in 0.5 VDC increments, choose a voltage from the LWBATVGVdc drop-down list. The default value is -44.

Step 7

To change the high battery voltage threshold in 0.5 VDC increments, choose a voltage from the HIBATVGVdc drop-down list. The default value is -54 or -68.5 (for ECU 60).

Step 8

To change the extreme high battery voltage threshold in 0.5 VDC increments, choose a voltage from the EHIBATVGVdc drop-down list. The default value is -57.5 or -72.0 (for ECU 60).

Step 9

Click Apply.

Set PSU Configuration

Use this task to set PSU configuration for NCS 2015.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

The SVO Topology page appears.

Step 2

Click the rack in the left panel.

The rack view appears.

Step 3

Left-click the chassis and select Open.

The chassis view appears.

Step 4

Click the Provisioning > Power Monitor tabs.

Step 5

Choose the appropriate PSU configuration for each PSU. The applicable values are none, work, protect, and both.

Step 6

Click Apply.

Display Voltage and Temperature Information

Use this task to display the voltage and temperature information of a chassis.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

The SVO Topology page appears.

Step 2

Click the rack in the left panel.

The rack view appears.

Step 3

Left-click the chassis and select Open.

The chassis view appears.

Step 4

Click the Provisioning > Voltage/Temperature tabs.

The Voltage/Temperature tab displays the voltage and temperature information of the chassis.

Cooling Profile

The cooling profile feature allows you to control the speed of the fans in the Cisco NCS 2006 depending on the line cards used.

You can enable automatic cooling profile or manual cooling profile at the node level. The automatic cooling profile is selected by default. In this case, the cooling profile of the shelf is set, based on the line cards used in the shelf. The supported cooling profile values are Low, Medium, and High. The default cooling profile value is High.

You can change the cooling profile of the node from automatic to manual. In this case, you must change the cooling profile of the shelf depending on the line cards used in the shelf. If there are multiple cards in the shelf, you must choose the cooling profile of the card that requires the highest cooling profile. For example, if the shelf has two cards with low cooling profile, three cards with medium cooling profile, and one card with high cooling profile, you must choose a high cooling profile for the shelf.

Set Cooling Profile

Use this task to set the cooling profile on Cisco NCS 2006.

Before you begin


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

The SVO Topology page appears.

Step 2

Click the rack in the left panel.

The rack view appears.

Step 3

Left-click the NCS 2006 chassis and select Open.

The chassis view appears.

Step 4

Click the Provisioning > Voltage/Temperature tabs.

Step 5

From the Cooling Profile drop-down list, choose the cooling profile.

Step 6

Click Apply.

Set IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Router Using LCD

Use this task to change the IP address, default router, and network mask using the LCD of NCS 2006 and NCS 2015. On NCS 2006, the LCD is a separate unit at the top of the shelf with a display. On NCS 2015, the LCD is on the fan tray.


You cannot perform this task if the LCD IP display screen is set to Display Only or Suppress Display.


The LCD reverts to normal display mode after five seconds of button inactivity.


Step 1

On the NCS 2000 front panel, repeatedly press the Slot button until SHELF appears on the first line of the LCD. You are in the Shelf menu.

Step 2

Repeatedly press the Port button until the following information appears:

  • To change the node IP address, Node Status=IpAddress

  • To change the node network mask, Node Status=Net Mask

  • To change the default router IP address, Node Status=Default Rtr

Step 3

Press the Status button to display the node IP address, the node subnet mask length, or the default router IP address.

The following IP addresses are displayed in the LCD one after the other:

  • Regular IP―Node IP address that is used to access the node when the controller card is in nonsecure mode.

  • Secure IP (15454 secure mode IP)―IP address that is assigned to the backplane LAN port. This port connects the node to an operations support system (OSS) through a central office LAN or private enterprise network. This IP address becomes a private address in the secure mode and prevents the front-access craft port user from accessing the LAN through the backplane port.

  • Primary SVO―IP address of the SVO card that is currently managing the NCS 2000 device. The value is assigned only when the SVO card is connected to the NCS 2000 device and managing it. Otherwise, when SVO is not connected, the value of the IP address is It is a read-only IP address that is displayed for troubleshooting.



If the Primary SVO node has an IPv6 address, the LCD is unable to display the full IP address because of the character limit of the display.

Step 4

Push the Slot button to move to the digit of the IP address, subnet mask, or default router that you want to change. The selected digit flashes.

The Slot, Status, and Port button positions correspond to the positions of the commands shown on the LCD. For example, you press the Slot button to invoke the Next command and the Status button to invoke the Done command.

Step 5

Press the Port button to cycle the IP address, subnet mask, or default router to the correct digit.

Step 6

When the change is complete, press the Status button to return to the relevant Node Status menu.

Step 7

Repeatedly press the Port button until the Shelf Save Configuration option appears.

Step 8

Press the Status button to choose the Save Configuration option.

A Save and REBOOT message appears.

Step 9

Press the Slot button to apply the new IP address, subnet mask, or default router configuration or press Port to cancel the configuration.



The IP address and default router must be on the same subnet. If it is not, you cannot apply the configuration.

Step 10

Saving the new configuration causes the control cards to reboot. During the reboot, a message appears on the LCD. The LCD returns to the normal alternating display after both the control cards finish rebooting.

Configure Timing

Use this task to configure the node identification information such as NTP servers, date, time, and time zone.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Configuration.

Step 2

Click the SVO Configuration > Time Settings tabs to view the timezone information.

  • Enable Date and Time—Check this check box to enable the synchronization of SVO card with network time.

  • Server Address—Type the IP address of the primary NTP server.

  • Backup Server Address—Type the IP address of the secondary NTP server.

    When the primary NTP server fails or is not reachable, the node uses the secondary NTP server to synchronize its date and time. If both the primary and secondary NTP servers fail or are not reachable, the SNTP-FAIL alarm is raised. The node checks for the availability of the primary or secondary NTP server at regular intervals until it can get the time from any one of the NTP servers. When the node receives the time from any one server, it synchronizes its date and time with the server’s date and time and the SNTP-FAIL alarm is cleared. For each retry and resynchronization, the node checks the availability of the primary NTP server first, followed by the secondary NTP server. The node synchronizes its date and time every hour.

  • Date and Time—Choose the date and time.

  • Time Zone—Choose a city within your time zone from the drop-down list.

Step 3

Click Apply.

A confirmation message appears.

Step 4

Click Yes.

Retrieve and Download SVO Diagnostics and System Diagnostics

Table 1. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information

Feature Description

NCS Callback Log

Cisco NCS 2000 Release 12.2

This feature allows you to retrieve NCS callback diagnostic logs. This log collects information about the implementation status and return values of entire NSO data tree.

Use this task to retrieve and download SVO diagnostics and system diagnostics information.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Configuration.

Step 2

Click the Diagnostics tab.

Step 3

To retrieve SVO diagnostic logs, perform these steps:

  1. Click the SVO Logs tab.

  2. Check the Alarms, Audit Logs, Conditions, DB Logs, Engineer Logs, History Logs, NCS Callback Log, and Inventory Logs check boxes as appropriate.



    NCS Callback Log check box is not selected by default because retrieving NCS callback log could take long time to complete.

    Table 2. Fields Description




    Collects the active alarms

    Audit Logs

    Collects NSO audit logs


    Collects the active conditions

    DB Logs

    Collects the database logs

    Engineer Logs

    Collects all the system software logs

    History Logs

    Collects the alarms history logs

    Inventory Logs

    Collects the hardware inventory logs

    NCS Callback Log

    Collects information about the implementation status and return values of entire NSO data tree

  3. Click Retrieve to retrieve the diagnostics report.

    A confirmation message appears.

  4. Click Yes.

  5. Click Download to download the diagnostics report.

A zip file containing the logs is downloaded.

Step 4

To retrieve system diagnostic logs, perform these steps:



The System logs can be retrieved only by the superuser on a ROADM node.

  1. Click the System Logs tab.

  2. Check the Admin Plane Logs, HA Logs, and System Logs check boxes as appropriate.

  3. Click Retrieve to retrieve the diagnostics report.

    A confirmation message appears.

  4. Click Yes.

  5. Click Download to download the diagnostics report.

    A zip file containing the logs is downloaded.

The following details are displayed for both SVO logs and system logs:

  • Diagnostic Type—Displays the request of the user

  • Progress Status—Displays the progress of retrieval of logs

  • Result Info—Displays the completed progress of retrieval of logs

  • Latest Log Time Stamp—Displays the latest date and time of retrieval of logs

Fault Monitoring

The Fault Monitoring pane provides an alarm summary for all alarms and conditions that are encountered. It displays the number of Critical (CR), Major (MJ), Minor (MN), Warnings (W), and Non-applicable (NA) alarms. It displays the alarms, transient conditions, and historical alarms that are related to chassis, passive devices, pluggables, line cards, amplifier cards, and control cards. You can also create custom alarm profiles and apply them on the node using this pane.

Display Alarms

Use this task to display the alarms raised on a rack, chassis, or card.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Perform this step, as needed.

  1. To view the alarms raised on the specific rack, perform these steps:

    1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

      The SVO Topology page appears.

    2. Click the rack in the left panel.

      The rack view appears.

      From R12.0.1 onwards, the alarm severities are displayed with alarm icons that are based on the alarm severity colors along with alarms. The expanded rack view on the left panel displays the highest alarm severity for each chassis.

    3. Click the Alarms tab.

      In the rack view, the alarms that are related to the rack are displayed. The alarms with several severities such as Critical, Major, Minor, and Not Alarmed are displayed. The alarm severities are indicated by different colors.

  2. To view the alarms raised on the specific chassis, perform these steps:

    1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

      The SVO Topology page appears.

    2. Click the rack in the left panel.

      The rack view appears.

    3. Left-click the chassis and select Open.

      The chassis view appears.

    4. Click the Alarms tab.

      In the chassis view, the alarms that are related to chassis and ancillaries of NCS 2006 and NCS 2015, control cards, line cards, amplifier cards, and pluggables are displayed. The alarms with several severities such as Critical, Major, Minor, and Not Alarmed are displayed. The alarm severities are indicated by different colors.

      In the chassis view, you can view borders with maximum alarm severity. For example, if critical alarms are raised for ports, then the borders of the ports section along with the chassis display with the designated alarm severity color.

  3. To view the alarms raised on the specific card, perform these steps:

    1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

      The SVO Topology page appears.

    2. Click the rack in the left panel.

      The rack view appears.

    3. Left-click the chassis and select Open.

      The chassis view appears.

    4. Left-click the card and select Open Card.

      The card view appears.

    5. Click the Alarms tab.

      In the card view, the alarms that are related to the card are displayed. The alarms with several severities such as Critical, Major, Minor, and Not Alarmed are displayed. The alarm severities are indicated by different colors. The color of the card is the same as that of the highest severity alarm.

Step 2

Click the Auto delete cleared alarms check box to automatically delete the cleared alarms.

Step 3

Click Export to Excel to export the alarms to the excel sheet.

Step 4

From the Severity drop-down list, choose a severity to filter the alarms based on severity.

Display Transient Conditions

Use this task to display the transient conditions raised on a rack, chassis, or card.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Perform this step, as needed.

  1. To view the transient conditions raised on the specific rack, perform these steps:

    1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

      The SVO Topology page appears.

    2. Click the rack in the left panel.

      The rack view appears.

    3. Click the Conditions tab.

  2. To view the transient conditions raised on the specific chassis, perform these steps:

    1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

      The SVO Topology page appears.

    2. Click the rack in the left panel.

      The rack view appears.

    3. Left-click the chassis and select Open.

      The chassis view appears.

    4. Click the Conditions tab.

  3. To view the transient conditions raised on the specific card, perform these steps:

    1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

      The SVO Topology page appears.

    2. Click the rack in the left panel.

      The rack view appears.

    3. Left-click the chassis and select Open.

      The chassis view appears.

    4. Left-click the card and select Open Card.

      The card view appears.

    5. Click the Conditions tab.

Step 2

Click Fetch Conditions to display the transient conditions.

Step 3

Click Export to Excel to export the transient conditions to the excel sheet.

Display Historical Alarms

Use this task to display the historical alarms raised on a rack, chassis, or card.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Perform this step, as needed.

  1. To view the historical alarms raised on the specific rack, perform these steps:

    1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

      The SVO Topology page appears.

    2. Click the rack in the left panel.

      The rack view appears.

    3. Click the History tab.

  2. To view the historical alarms raised on the specific chassis, perform these steps:

    1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

      The SVO Topology page appears.

    2. Click the rack in the left panel.

      The rack view appears.

    3. Left-click the chassis and select Open.

      The chassis view appears.

    4. Click the History tab.

  3. To view the historical alarms raised on the specific card, perform these steps:

    1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

      The SVO Topology page appears.

    2. Click the rack in the left panel.

      The rack view appears.

    3. Left-click the chassis and select Open.

      The chassis view appears.

    4. Left-click the card and select Open Card.

      The card view appears.

    5. Click the History tab.

Step 2

Click Export to Excel to export the historical alarms to the excel sheet.

Step 3

From the Severity drop-down list, choose a severity to filter the alarms based on severity.

Alarm Profiles

The alarm profiles feature allows the user to change default alarm severities by creating unique alarm profiles for individual ports, cards, chassis, passive units, optical cross-connects, and optical interfaces.

By defalut, you can view two alarm profiles:

  • Defalut―The Default alarm profile containing all the alarms is preprovisioned on the node. The Default profile sets alarm severities to standard Telcordia GR-474-CORE settings. The alarm severities in the Default profile cannot be changed. After loading the Default profile on the node, you can create custom alarm profiles. In the Inherited alarm profile, alarms inherit or copy severity from the next highest level. For example, a card with an Inherited alarm profile copies the severities that are used by the node hosting the card.

  • all-suppressed alarms―Includes all the suppressed alrams.

You do not have to apply a single alarm profile to the node, card, and port-level alarms. Different profiles can be applied at different levels. You could use the default profile on a node and on all the cards and ports, but apply a custom profile that downgrades an alarm on a specific card.

When you modify severities in an alarm profile, all the Critical (CR) or Major (MJ) default or user-defined severity settings are demoted to Minor (MN) in Non-Service-Affecting (NSA) settings and the other way round as defined in Telcordia GR-474. Default severities are used for all alarms and conditions until you create a new profile and apply it.

Create and Load Alarm Profiles

Use this task to create and load alarm profiles on the node.

Before you begin
Log into the SVO Web Interface

Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select Fault Monitoring.

Step 2

Click the Profiles > Alarm Profile tabs.

The Default profile and all-suppressed alarms profile, along with the complete list of alarms appear in this tab.

Step 3

Click the + button to create a alarm profile.

The Alarm Profile dialog box appears.

Step 4

Enter the name of the custom alarm profile in the Name field.

Step 5

(Optional) Choose the resources such as card, ecu, and fan-tray from the Resources drop-down list.

A specific set of alarms is available for each resource.

Step 6

Click Apply.

The created alarm profile appears along with the Default alarm profile in the Alarm Profile tab.

Step 7

In the Alarm Profile tab, choose the new alarm profile and click Load Profile to load the new alarm profile on the node.

The alarms that belong to this alarm profile appear in the Alarms for Profile area.

Step 8

Perform these steps, as needed.

  1. From the SA Severity, NSA Severity, and Alarm Reported drop-down lists for each alarm, choose the desired values and click Apply.

    If Alarm Reported for an alarm is set as false, the alarm is not reported and is not available in the list of outstanding alarms.

  2. To add a new alarm to the alarm profile, perform these steps:

    1. Click the + button in the Alarms for Profile area.

      The Add Alarm To Profile dialog box appears.

    2. From the Alarm Name drop-down list, choose the alarm and click Apply.

  3. To remove an existing alarm from the alarm profile, perform these steps:

    1. Choose the alarms to be removed in the Alarms for Profile area.

    2. Click the - button.

      A confirmation message appears.

    3. Click Yes.

Associate Alarm Profiles

Use this task to associate alarm profiles with the resources such as ports, cards, chassis, passive units, optical cross-connects, and optical interfaces.

Before you begin
Log into the SVO Web Interface

Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select Fault Monitoring.

Step 2

Click the Profiles > Profile Association tabs.

Step 3

Click the + button.

The Profile Association dialog box appears.

Step 4

Enter the name of the association in the Association field.

Step 5

Choose the alarm profile from the Profile drop-down list.

Step 6

Click Apply.

Step 7

Choose the association and click Load Association.

Step 8

In the Resource for Association area, click the + button to associate a resource to the association.

The Resource dialog box appears.

Step 9

From the Resoure Type drop-down list, choose the resource such as device, chassis, passive unit, module, port, and so on.

The Resource Type drop-down list contains all the resources to which the alarm profile can be associated. Multiple resources can be associated with the same alarm profile. The other drop-down list options in the Resource dialog box vary based on the selected resource type.

Step 10

Choose the desired values from the other drop-down lists in the Resource dialog box.

Step 11

From the Inherited drop-down list, choose Yes or No to indicate whether the association must be applied to all the children of this resource or not.

Step 12

Click Apply.

When the alarm profile is associated with the resources, all the outstanding and new alarms matching these resources are immediately set with the new alarm severities.

High Availability Support on SVO

High Availability (HA) runs as a service package in each of the SVO instances. It is responsible for:

  • Manual switchover for ROADM and OLA nodes

  • Public IP address management after switchovers

A manual switchover is performed by the user for load balancing or during an upgrade, where an active instance is made standby and the standby instance becomes active. When the switchover is completed, the public IP address of the active instance is moved to the standby instance (which is currently the active instance). When the switchover between the primary and secondary instance is completed, the user must relogin.

Perform Manual Switchover for High Availability

Use this task to perform the manual switchover for high availability.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select HA Manager.

The HA Status pane is displayed with the following details:

  • SVO Instance Name—Displays the name of the SVO instance.

  • SVO Instance IP—Displays the public IP address of the SVO instance that is used to access the Web UI of the SVO instance.

  • SVO Role on Primary—Displays the role of the SVO instance on the primary card. The role can be primary or secondary.

  • SVO Role on Secondary—Displays the role of the SVO instance on the secondary card. The role can be primary or secondary.

Step 2

From the SVO Instance drop-down list, select the SVO instance for which the switch over is required.

Step 3

Click Switch.

The HA Status table is automatically updated with the switchover details for the selected SVO instance.

Step 4

Click the IP address in the IP address column to get the details of the nodes.



While configuring a standalone HA link, if the user puts the high availability port on the standby SVO to OOS through the nodal craft, the standby SVO becomes unmanageable on nodal craft permanently.

To avoid this situation, click Admin Plane > Details of Instance icon > Make the instance active on the SVO where HA port is put to the OOS.

View Granular Details of the Card

Table 3. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information

Feature Description

View Granular Details of the Card

Cisco NCS 2000 Release 12.3

You can view the granular details of the card, such as port name, admin state, and service state, by hovering the mouse over the ports in the card view.

Use this task to view the granular details of cards up to the port details.

Before you begin

Log into the SVO Web Interface.


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

The SVO Topology page appears.

Step 2

Click the rack in the left panel.

The rack view appears.

Step 3

Hover the mouse over the card ports to view the following details that are available under the Provisioning > Optical Channel or Provisioning > Interface tabs in the card view:

  • Port name

  • Service state

  • Admin state

You can view these details in the rack view, chassis view and card view as well.

The following cards are supported:

  • 15454-M-10X10G-LC

  • 15454-M-100G-LC-C

  • 15454-M-CFP-LC

  • NCS2K-100G-CK-C

  • NCS2K-100GS-CK-C

  • NCS2K-200G-CK-C


  • NCS2K-400G-XP

  • NCS2K-1.2T-MXP

  • 15454-40E-MXP-C

  • 15454-OPT-AMP-C

  • 15454-OPT-EDFA-17

  • 15454-OPT-EDFA-24


  • 15454-M-RAMAN-CTP

  • 15454-M-RAMAN-COP

  • NCS2K-EDRA1-26C

  • NCS2K-EDRA1-26C

  • NCS2K-EDRA2-26C

  • NCS2K-EDRA2-35C

  • NCS2K-EDRA1-35C

  • NCS2K-9-SMR17FS

  • NCS2K-9-SMR24FS

  • NCS2K-9-SMR34FS


  • NCS2K-20-SMRFS




  • 15454-PSM

  • 15454-OTU2-XP

  • 15454-80-WXC-C

  • 15454-40-SMR1-C

  • 15454-40-SMR2-C

  • 15454-OPT-PRE

  • 15454-OPT-BST

  • 15454-OPT-BST-E

  • 15454-OPT-AMP-17C

  • 15454-OSC-CSM

  • TNC

  • TNCS-2

  • TNCS-20

  • TSC

Enable Autonegotiation on Ethernet Ports

Table 4. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information

Feature Description

Auto negotiation Support on Ethernet Ports

Cisco NCS 2000 Release 12.3

Autonegotiation is supported for CRAFT, EMS, and UDC ethernet ports. You must choose AUTO for Speed or Duplex parameter to enable auto negotiation between the current node and peer node.

From Release 12.3, Autonegotiation can be enabled for CRAFT, EMS, and UDC ethernet ports.

Use this task to provision the parameters for the Ethernet interfaces of a chassis.

Before you begin


Step 1

Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

The SVO Topology page appears.

Step 2

Click the rack in the left panel.

The rack view appears.

Step 3

Left-click the chassis and select Open.

The chassis view appears.

Step 4

Click the Provisioning > Ethernet tabs.

Step 5

Modify any of the Ethernet settings as described in the following table.

Table 5. Ethernet Settings





(Display only) Name of the port


  • EMS

  • UDC-VOIP-1

  • UDC-VOIP-2


Sets the expected port speed.

  • 10

  • 100

  • 1000

  • AUTO. Selecting AUTO enables auto negotiation between the current node and peer node.



    If AUTO is selected for Speed, then the value of Duplex parameter changes to AUTO. Collapse and expand the Ethernet tab to reflect the change.


Sets the expected duplex capability of ports.

  • Full

  • Half

  • AUTO. Selecting AUTO enables auto negotiation between the current node and peer node.



    If AUTO is selected for Duplex, then the value of Speed parameter changes to AUTO.

Current Value

Displays current value of speed and duplex.

Primary State

Displays the primary state of port.

Secondary State

Displays the secondary state of port.

Step 6

Click Apply.

View Blinking Alarm of a Card

Table 6. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information

Feature Description

Blinking Alarm of a Card

Cisco NCS 2000 Release 12.3

You can view alarms blinking on a card in the rack, chassis, and card view. By default, the blinking alarms are enabled.

In Release 12.3, the SVO application displays blinking alarms for a card. The color of the blinking alarm changes based on the severity level of the alarm. The SVO application displays the highest severity alarm and hides the low severity alarms. To view the low severity alarms, you must disable the high severity alarms.

Use this task to view the blinking alarm of racks, chassis, and cards.

Before you begin


Step 1

To view the blinking alarm in the specific rack, perform these steps:

  1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

    The SVO Topology page appears.

  2. Click the specific rack in the left panel.

    The rack view appears.

Step 2

To view the blinking alarm in the specific chassis, perform these steps:

  1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

    The SVO Topology page appears.

  2. Click the specific rack in the left panel.

    The rack view appears.

  3. Left-click the chassis, and select Open.

    The chassis view appears.

Step 3

To view the blinking alarm in the specific card, perform these steps:

  1. Click the hamburger icon at the top-left of the page, and select SVO Topology.

    The SVO Topology page appears.

  2. Click the specific rack in the left panel.

    The rack view appears.

  3. Left-click the specific chassis, and select Open.

    The chassis view appears.

  4. Click the slot that contains the card, and click Open Card.

    The card view appears.



To disable the blinking alarms, click the respective alarm status icon in Alarm Summary under the Alarms tab.