Install Cisco Optical Network Controller Using VMware vSphere

Installation Requirements

The following list contains the pre-requisites of Cisco Optical Network Controller 24.3.1 installation.

  • Before installing Cisco Optical Network Controller 24.3.1, you must first login in to the VMware customer center and download VMware vCenter server version 7.0, as well as vSphere server and client with version 7.0. Cisco Optical Network Controller 24.3.1 is deployed on rack or blade servers within vSphere.

  • Install ESXi host version of 7.0 or higher on the servers to support creating Virtual Machines.

  • You must have a DNS server. The DNS server can be an internal DNS server if the Cisco Optical Network Controller instance is not exposed to the internet.

  • You must have an NTP server or NTP Pool for time synchronization.

  • Before the Cisco Optical Network Controller 24.3.1 installation, three networks must be created.

    • Control Plane Network:

      The control plane network helps in the internal communication between the deployed VMs within a cluster. If you are setting up a standalone system, this can refer to any private network.

    • VM Network or Northbound Network:

      The VM network is used for communication between the user and the cluster. It handles all the traffic to and from the VMs running on your ESXi hosts and this is your Public network through which the UI is hosted.

    • Eastbound Network:

      The Eastbound Network helps in the internal communication between the deployed VMs within a cluster. If you are setting up a standalone system, this can refer to any private network.


For more details on VMware vSphere, see VMware vSphere.

The minimum requirement for Cisco Optical Network Controller 24.3.1 installation is given in the table below.

Table 1. Minimum Requirement






16 vCPU

64 GB

800 GB


32 vCPU

128 GB

1536 GB

The requirements based on type of deployment are given in the table below.

Table 2. Deployment Requirements

Deployment Type


Standalone ( SA )

Control Plane Network: Can be a private network for standalone setups. Requires 1 IP address. Gateway: Required. DNS Server: Should be an internal DNS if the node is not exposed to the internet; otherwise, an internet DNS can be used.

Northbound Network (VM Network): Should be a public network. All communication between the Cisco Optical Network Controller and devices will flow through this network. Requires 1 public IP address. Gateway: Required. DNS Server:Required. Should be an internal DNS if the node is not exposed to the internet; otherwise, an internet DNS can be used.

Eastbound Network: Can be a private network for standalone setups. Requires 1 private IP address. Gateway: Required. DNS Server:Required. Should be an internal DNS if the node is not exposed to the internet; otherwise, an internet DNS can be used.

To create the control plane and virtual management networks follow the steps listed below.

  1. From the vSphere client, select the Datacenter where you want to add the ESXi host.

  2. Right-click the server from the vCenter inventory and click Add Networking.

  3. To create a private network for Control Plane and Eastbound Networks, follow the wizard for a Standard Switch addition for each network.

    1. In Select connection type, choose Virtual Machine Port Group for a Standard Switch and click Next.

    2. In Select target device , select New Standard Switch (MTU 1500) and click Next.

    3. In Create a Standard Switch, click Next, and confirm There are no active physical network adapters for the switch.

    4. In Connection settings choose a network label (Control Plane or Eastbound) and select VLAN ID as None(0) click Next.

    5. In Ready to complete, review your configuration and click Finish.

After adding the ESXi host, create the Control Plane, Northbound, and Eastbound Networks before deploying.

SSH Key Generation

For accessing SSH, ed25519 key is required. The ed25519 key is different from the RSA key.

Use the CLI given below to generate the ed25519 key.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/xyz/.ssh/id_ed25519): ./<file-name-of-your-key>.pem
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in ./<file-name-of-your-key>.pem
Your public key has been saved in ./<file-name-of-your-key>
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:zGW6aGn8rxvEq82sA/97jOaHrl9rnoTaYi+TqU3MeRU xyz@abc
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|                 |
|                 |
|          E      |
|       + + .     |
|        S .      |
|    .+ = =       |
|     o@o*+o      |
|     =XX++=o     |
|    .o*#/X=      |

#Once created you can cat the file with .pub extension for the public key. ( ex: <file-name-of-your-key> )

cat <file-name-of-your-key>
#The above key has to be used in the deployment template ( SSH Public Key ) in the Deployment process

Install Cisco Optical Network Controller Using VMware vSphere

To deploy the OVA template, follow the steps given below.

Before you begin


During the OVF deployment, the deployment gets aborted if there is an internet disconnection.


Step 1

Right click the ESXi host in the vSphere client screen and click Deploy OVF Template.

Step 2

In the Select an OVF template screen, select the URL radio button for specifying the URL to to download and install the OVF package from the Internet or select the Local file radio button to upload the downloaded ova files from your local system and click Next.

Figure 1. Select an OVF Template

Step 3

In the Select a name and folder screen, specify a unique name for the virtual machine Instance. From the list of options, select the location of the VM to be used and click Next.

Figure 2. Select a name and folder

Step 4

In the Select a compute resource screen, select the destination compute resource on which you want to deploy the VM and click Next.

Figure 3. Select a Compute Resource



While selecting the compute resource the compatibility check proceeds till it completes successfully.

Step 5

In the Review details screen, verify the template details and click Next.

Figure 4. Review Details

Step 6

In the Select storage screen, select the virtual disk format based on provision type requirement. VM Storage Policy is set as Datastore Default and click Next. Select the virtual disk format as Thin Provision.

You must select "Thin provision" as the virtual disk format.

Figure 5. Select Storage

Step 7

In the Select networks screen, select the control and management networks as Control Plane, Eastbound, and Northbound from the networks created earlier and click Next.

Figure 6. Select Networks

Step 8

In the Customize template screen, set the values using the following table as a guideline for deployment.

Figure 7. Customize Template
screenshot of OpenStack Stacks screen
screenshot of OpenStack Stacks screen
screenshot of OpenStack Stacks screen
Table 3. Customize Template
Key Values
Instance Hostname <instance-name>
SSH Public Key

<ssh-public-key>. Used for SSH access that allows you to connect to the instances securely without the need to manage credentials for multiple instances. SSH public key must be a ed25519 key.

Node Name


Must be a valid DNS name per RFC1123.1.2.4

  • Contain at most 63 characters.

  • Contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters or '-'.3

  • Start with an alphanumeric character.

  • End with an alphanumeric character.

  • Node Name should be the same as instance name.

Initiator Node Select the Checkbox
Supercluster Cluster Index


If you want to add your Cisco Optical Network Controller instance to a GeoHA SuperCluster in the future, use different Super Cluster Index values for each instance.

Supercluster Cluster Name


Must be a valid DNS name per RFC1123

If you want to add your Cisco Optical Network Controller instance to a GeoHA SuperCluster in the future, use unique Super Cluster Names for each instance.

Data Volume Size (GB) 200GB
NTP Pools (comma separated)
NTP Servers (comma separated)
Cluster Join Token

Can be left with the default value

Control Plane Node Count 1
Control Plane IP <Private IP for the Instance> Control Plane Network
Initiator IP <Same IP as Control Plane> Control Plane Network
Protocol Static IP
IP (ip[/subnet]) - if not using DHCP <Public IP for the Instance> Northbound Network
Gateway - if not using DHCP <Gateway IP for the Instance> Northbound Network
Protocol Static IP
IP (ip[/subnet]) - if not using DHCP

< IP for the Instance> Eastbound Network

Can be a private IP

Gateway - if not using DHCP <Gateway IP for the Network> Eastbound Network
Northbound Virtual IP Type L2
Northbound Virtual IP Same as Northbound IP
Supercluster Cluster Role worker
Arbitrator Node Name node3

Step 9

In Review the details screen, review all your selections and click Finish. To check or change any properties from the review screen anytime, before clicking Finish click BACK to go back to the previous screen Customize template to ad your changes.

Figure 8. Ready to Complete

Step 10

After the VM is created, try connecting to the VM using the pem key which was generated earlier, see SSH Key Generation above. For this, use the private key that is generated along with the public key during customizing the public key options.

Step 11

Log in to the VM using the private key.

  • After the nodes are deployed, the deployment of OVA progress can be checked in the Tasks console of vSphere Client. After Successful deployment Cisco Optical Network Controller takes around 30 minutes to boot.

  • By default, the user ID is admin, and only the password needs to be set.

Step 12

SSH to the node and execute the following CLI command.

##Command to change permissions of key file
chmod 400 <file-name-of-your-key>.pem

ssh -i [ed25519 Private key] nxf@<northbound-ip>/<dns name assigned too the IP>
Enter passphrase for key '<file-name-of-your-key>.pem':



Private key is created as part of the key generation with just the .pem extension, and it must be set with the least permission level before using it.

Step 13

SSH to the node and execute the following CLI command.

ssh -i [ed25519 Private key] nxf@<northbound-vip>
Enter passphrase for key '<file-name-of-your-key>.pem':



Private key is created as part of the key generation with just the .pem extension, and it must be set with the least permission level before using it.

Step 14

After you SSH into the node, use the sedo system status command to check the status of all the pods.

sedo system status
│ System Status (Fri, 20 Sep 2024 08:21:27 UTC)                                     │
│ OWNER  │ NAME                         │ NODE  │ STATUS  │ RESTARTS │ STARTED      │
│ onc    │ monitoring                   │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-alarm-service            │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-apps-ui-service          │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-circuit-service          │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-collector-service        │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-config-service           │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-devicemanager-service    │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-inventory-service        │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-nbi-service              │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-netconfcollector-service │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-osapi-gw-service         │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-pce-service              │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-pm-service               │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-pmcollector-service      │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-topology-service         │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ onc    │ onc-torch-service            │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 3 hours ago  │
│ system │ authenticator                │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 12 hours ago │
│ system │ controller                   │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 12 hours ago │
│ system │ flannel                      │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 12 hours ago │
│ system │ ingress-proxy                │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 12 hours ago │
│ system │ kafka                        │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 12 hours ago │
│ system │ loki                         │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 12 hours ago │
│ system │ metrics                      │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 12 hours ago │
│ system │ minio                        │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 12 hours ago │
│ system │ postgres                     │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 12 hours ago │
│ system │ promtail-cltmk               │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 12 hours ago │
│ system │ vip-add                      │ node1 │ Running │ 0        │ 12 hours ago │


  • The different pods along with their statuses including active and standby modes are all displayed in the different terminal sessions for each pod.

  • All the services with owner onc must display the status as Running.

Step 15

You can check the current version using the sedo version command.

sedo version
│ Installer: CONC 24.3.1                                                                │
│ NODE NAME │ OS VERSION                                               │ KERNEL VERSION │
│ node1     │ NxFOS 3.0-408 (f2beddad9abeb84896cc13efcd9a87c48ccb5d0c) │ 6.1.0-23-amd64 │
│ IMAGE NAME                                                                 │ VERSION            │ NODES │
│                                                   │ 3.20.0             │ node1 │
│                                   │ v0.0.27            │ node1 │
│         │ 23.7.1-beta2       │ node1 │
│                                                        │ v3.5.12            │ node1 │
│                                            │ v1.11.1            │ node1 │
│                                             │ v1.30.2            │ node1 │
│                                    │ v1.30.2            │ node1 │
│                                                 │ v1.30.2            │ node1 │
│                                             │ v1.30.2            │ node1 │
│                                                      │ 3.9                │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/alarmservice             │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/circuit-service          │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/collector-service        │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/config-service           │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/devicemanager-service    │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/inventory-service        │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/monitoring               │ release2431_latest │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/nbi-service              │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/netconfcollector-service │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/onc-apps-ui-service      │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/osapi-gw-service         │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/pce_service              │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/pm-service               │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/pmcollector-service      │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/topology-service         │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│ registry.nxf-system.svc:8443/cisco-onc-docker/dev/torch                    │ 24.3.1-3           │ node1 │
│                            │ 3.0-348            │ node1 │
│                                      │ 3.0-365            │ node1 │
│                               │ 3.0-384            │ node1 │
│                                │ 3.0-365            │ node1 │
│                                  │ 3.0-365            │ node1 │
│                            │ 3.0-370            │ node1 │
│                                 │ 3.0-370            │ node1 │
│                                    │ 3.0-365            │ node1 │
│                                     │ 3.0-365            │ node1 │
│                         │ 3.0-365            │ node1 │
│                                    │ 3.0-365            │ node1 │
│                            │ 3.0-370            │ node1 │
│                         │ 3.0-340            │ node1 │
│                                │ 3.0-359            │ node1 │

Step 16

SSH to the node and set the initial UI password for the admin user.

sedo security user set admin --password

Step 17

To check the default admin user ID, use the command sedo security user list. To change the default password, use the command sedo security user admin set --password on the CLI console of the VM or through the web UI.

Step 18

Use a web browser to access https://<virtual ip>:8443/ to access the Cisco Optical Network Controller Web UI. Use the admin id and the password you set to log in to Cisco Optical Network Controller.



Access the web UI only after all the onc services are running. Use the sedo system status to verify that all services are running.