ip mobile mobile-networks through multi-path (mobile router)

ip mobile mobile-networks

To associate one or more networks with a mobile router configured as a mobile host and enter mobile networks configuration mode, use the ip mobile mobile-networks command in global configuration mode. To disassociate the networks from the mobile router, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile mobile-networks lower [upper]

no ip mobile mobile-networks lower [upper]

Syntax Description

lower [upper

Range of mobile host or mobile node group IP addresses. The upper end of the range is optional but can only be used for dynamic registration of mobile networks. Static mobile network configurations are not permitted for a range of hosts.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The upper argument was added to allow a range of mobile host or mobile node group addresses.

Usage Guidelines

The home agent supports mobile routers configured with the mobile networks that are roaming with the mobile routers.

The lower [upper arguments associate the mobile networks with the IP address of the mobile router, which was configured using the ip mobile host command. You can use the upper range only with dynamic mobile network registration. Static mobile network configurations are not permitted for a range of hosts.

You can configure the home agent to dynamically learn of the mobile networks during registration as shown in the following example:

ip mobile host virtual-networks
ip mobile mobile-networks
!dynamic registration

You can configure the home agent to learn of the mobile networks through static configuration as shown in the following example:

ip mobile host virtual-networks
ip mobile host virtual-networks
ip mobile mobile-networks
!static configuration
ip mobile mobile-networks
!static configuration

You cannot configure the range as shown in the following static configuration:

!static configuration not permitted for range of hosts
ip mobile mobile-networks

The mobile router configuration is allowed only for one mobile router or an entire range of mobile routers in the mobile host group, exclusively. You cannot configure a partial range of mobile routers as shown in the following example:

ip mobile host virtual-network
!Partial range shown below is prohibited
ip mobile mobile-networks

You cannot combine full ranges and partial ranges of IP addresses in a configuration as shown in the following example:

ip mobile host virtual-network
ip mobile mobile-networks
ip mobile mobile-networks 


The following example configures the mobile host, which is a mobile router at, and associates it with the mobile networks that it is supporting:

ip mobile host virtual-network
ip mobile mobile-networks
ip mobile secure host spi 100 key hex 12345678123456781234567812345678

The following example shows the mobile router configured for both static and dynamic mobile networks:

ip mobile host virtual-network
ip mobile mobile-networks

ip mobile prefix-length

To append the prefix-length extension to the advertisement, use the ip mobile prefix-length command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile prefix-length

no ip mobile prefix-length

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The prefix-length extension is not appended.

Command Modes

Interface and Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


Global configuration mode was added.

Usage Guidelines

The prefix-length extension is used for movement detection. When a mobile node registered with one foreign agent receives an agent advertisement from another foreign agent, the mobile node uses the prefix-length extension to determine whether the advertisements arrived on the same network. The mobile node needs to register with the second foreign agent if it is on a different network. If the second foreign agent is on the same network, reregistration is not necessary.


The following example appends the prefix-length extension to agent advertisements sent by a foreign agent:

ip mobile prefix-length

ip mobile proxy-host

To locally configure the proxy Mobile IP attributes, use the ip mobile proxy-host command in global configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile proxy-host nai username realm [ flags rrq-flags ] [ home-agent ip-address ] [ home-addr home-address ] [ lifetime seconds ] [local-timezone]

no ip mobile proxy-host nai usernam realm [ flags rrq-flags ] [ home-agent ip-address ] [ home-addr home-address ] [ lifetime seconds ] [local-timezone]

Syntax Description

nai username@realm

Network access identifier.

flags rrq-flags

(Optional) Registration request flags.

home-agent ip-address

(Optional) IP address of the home agent.

home-addr home-address

(Optional) Home IP address of the mobile node.

lifetime seconds

(Optional) Global registration lifetime for a mobile node. Note that this can be overridden by the individual mobile node configuration. Values are from 3 to 65535 (infinity). Default is 36000 seconds (10 hours). Registrations requesting a lifetime greater than this value will still be accepted, but will use this lifetime value.

local -timezone

(Optional) Adjusts the UTC time based on the local time zone configured and uses the adjusted time for proxy mobile IP registration.

Command Default

No security association is specified.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T for Packet Data Serving Node (PDSN) platforms.

Usage Guidelines

This command is only available on PDSN platforms running specific PDSN code images; consult Feature Navigator for your Cisco IOS software release.

All proxy Mobile IP attributes can be retrieved from the AAA server. You can use this command to configure the attributes locally.

If only a realm is specified, the home address cannot be specified.


The following example configures the Mobile IP proxy host with an IP address of and a lifetime value of 6000 seconds:

ip mobile proxy-host nai moiproxy1@cisco.com flags 40 home-agent lifetime 6000

ip mobile radius disconnect

To enable the home agent to process Radius Disconnect messages, use the ip mobile radius disconnect command in global configuration mode. To disable the processing of Radius Disconnect messages on the home agent, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile radius disconnect

no ip mobile radius disconnect

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Radius Disconnect messages are not processed by the home agent.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

In order for packet of disconnect (POD) requests to be processed by AAA, you need to configure the aaa server radius dynamic-author global configuration command.

You must configure radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req for the home agent to send the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the access request.


The following example enables the home agent to process Radius Disconnect messages:

Router(config)# ip mobile radius disconnect

ip mobile realm

To enable inbound user sessions to be disconnected when specific session attributes are presented, use the ip mobile realm command in global configuration mode. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile realm @ xyzcom vrf vrf-name ha-addr ip-address [ aaa-group [ accounting aaa-acct-group | authentication aaa-auth-group ] ] [ dns dynamic-update method word ] [ dns server primary dns server address secondary dns server address [assign] [hotline] ]

no ip mobile realm @ xyzcom vrf vrf-name ha-addr ip-address [ aaa-group [ accounting aaa-acct-group | authentication aaa-auth-group ] ] [ dns dynamic-update method word ] [ dns server primary dns server address secondary dns server address [assign] [hotline] ]

Syntax Description


Name of the specified realm.

vrf vrf name

Enables VRF support for a specific group.

ha-addr ip-address

IP address of the Home Agent.


(Optional) Denotes a AAA group.

accounting aaa-acct-group

(Optional) Specifies a AAA accounting group.

authentication aaa-auth-group

(Optional) Specifies a AAA authentication group.

dns dynamic-update method word

(Optional) Enables the DNS Update procedure for the specified realm. word is the dynamic DNS update method name.

dns server primary dns server address secondary dns server address

(Optional) Enables you to locally configure the DNS Server address.


(Optional) Enables this feature for the specified realm.


(Optional) Enables Hotlining of the mobile hosts.

Command Default

There are no default values for this command.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The dns server assign, and dns dynamic-update method variables were introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

This CLI defines the VRF for the domain “@xyz.com”. The IP address of the Home Agent corresponding to the VRF is also defined, at which the MOIP tunnel will terminate. The IP address of the Home Agent should be a routable IP address on the box. Optionally, the AAA accounting and/or authentication server groups can be defined per VRF. If a AAA accounting server group is defined, all accounting records for the users of the realm will be sent to the specified group. If a AAA authentication server group is defined, HA-CHAP is sent to the server(s) defined in the group.


The following example identifies the DNS dynamic update keyword:

router(config)#ip mobile realm @ispxyz1.com dns ?
dynamic-update Enable 3GPP2 IP reachability
server DNS server configuration 

The following example identifies the hotlining and vrf keywords:

router(config)# ip mobile realm @ispxyz1.com ? 
dns Configure DNS details
hotline Hotlining of the mobile hosts 
vrf VRF for the realm

ip mobile registration-lifetime

To set the registration lifetime value advertised, use the ip mobile registration-lifetime command in interface or global configuration mode.

ip mobile registration-lifetime seconds

no ip mobile registration-lifetime

Syntax Description


Lifetime in seconds. Range is from 3 to 65535 (infinity).

Command Default

36000 seconds

Command Modes

Interface and global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


Global configuration mode was added.

Usage Guidelines

This command allows an administrator to control the advertised lifetime on the interface. The foreign agent uses this command to control duration of registration. Visitors requesting longer lifetimes will be denied.


The following example sets the registration lifetime to 10 minutes on interface Ethernet 1 and 1 hour on interface Ethernet 2:

interface e1
 ip mobile registration-lifetime 600
interface e2
 ip mobile registration-lifetime 3600

ip mobile router

To enable the mobile router and enter mobile router configuration mode, use the ip mobile router command in global configuration mode. To disable the mobile router, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile router

no ip mobile router

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The mobile router is a router that operates as a mobile node. The mobile router can roam from its home network and still provide connectivity for devices on its networks. The mobile networks are locally attached to the router.


The following example enables the mobile router:

ip mobile router

ip mobile router-service

To enable mobile router service on an interface, use the ip mobile router-service command in interface configuration mode. To disable this service, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile router-service { hold-down [ foreign-agent seconds | reassociate msec ] | roam [ priority value ] | solicit [ interval seconds ] [ retransmit initial minimum maximum seconds retry number ] }

no ip mobile router-service { hold-down [ foreign-agent seconds | reassociate msec ] | roam [ priority value ] | solicit [ interval seconds ] [ retransmit initial minimum maximum seconds retry number ] }

Syntax Description


Specifies a delay period for mobile router registration.

foreign-agent seconds

(Optional) Time (in seconds) to wait before the mobile router registers to agents heard on an interface. The default is zero. The range is from 0 to 3600 seconds.

reassociate msec

(Optional) Specifies the delay (in milliseconds), after receiving a linkDown trap, that the mobile router waits for a linkUp trap. The default is 1000 msec. The range is from 0 to 5000 seconds.


Enables the mobile router interface to roam.

priority value

(Optional) Priority value that is compared among multiple configured interfaces to select the interface in which to send the registration request. When multiple interfaces have highest priority, the highest bandwidth is the preferred choice. When multiple interfaces have the same bandwidth, the interface with the highest IP address is preferred. The range is from 0 to 255; the default is 100. Higher values equate to a higher priority.


Instructs the mobile router to send agent solicitation messages periodically.

interval seconds

(Optional) Interval (in seconds) to wait before the mobile router sends the next agent solicitation message after an advertisement is received on an interface. The range is from 1 to 65535 seconds; the default interval is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

retransmit initial

(Optional) Wait period before a retransmission of a registration request when no reply is received. The range is from 10 to 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds); the default is 1000 milliseconds (1 second).


(Optional) Minimum wait period (in seconds) before retransmission of a registration request when no reply is received.

maximum seconds

(Optional) Maximum wait period (in seconds) before retransmission of a registration request when no reply is received. Each successive retransmission timeout period is twice the previous period, as long as that is less than the maximum value.

retry number

(Optional) Number of times to retry sending the retransmission request. Retransmission stops after the maximum number of retries are attempted. The range is from 0 to 10; the default retry is 3. A value of 0 means no retransmission.

Command Default

hold-down foreign agent seconds: zerohold-down reassociate msec: 1000priority value : 100interval seconds : 600 secondsretransmit initial minimum maximum seconds : 1000 milliseconds (1 second)retry number : Three retries

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The foreign-agent seconds and reassociate msec keywords and arguments were added.

Usage Guidelines

The mobile router discovers home agents and foreign agents by receiving agent advertisements.


In release 12.3(14)T, the ip mobile router-service hold-down command was changed to the ip mobile router-service hold-down foreign-agent command. The previous version of the command is still accepted but the new command will appear in the running configuration.

When a wireless link connected to an interface is lossy, the mobile router must not immediately register with the foreign agent even when heard on a preferred interface. The ip mobile router-service hold-down foreign-agent seconds command allows existing communications to continue with mobile networks while the mobile router gauges the quality of the link to the new foreign agent.

The ip mobile router-service solicit command instructs the mobile router to send agent solicitation messages periodically. Some networks only send out agent advertisements periodically or when solicited. For networks on which agents do not advertise periodically, this function must be enabled to detect agents. The mobile router always sends solicitation messages when roaming interfaces come up.

If a mobile router interface is configured for solicitations, you should set both ip irdp maxadvertinterval seconds and ip irdp holdtime seconds to 0 seconds on the foreign agent. These settings ensure that the foreign agent will not send out any IRDP advertisements unless solicited. If a foreign agent or home agent are sending IRDP advertisements periodically, then a solicitation will trigger the agent to send an advertisement immediately instead of at the next time interval.

The solicit timer for the ip mobile router-service solicit command is reset and no solicitation is sent out on the roaming interface if the mobile router receives an advertisement from a foreign agent before the solicit timer expires. For example, if the mobile router is configured to solicit every 10 seconds and the foreign agent advertises every 3 seconds, the mobile router will never solicit.

Use the ip mobile router-service hold-down reassociate msec command to specify the interval of time that the mobile router will wait, after receiving an SNMP linkDown trap, for a linkUp trap from the Wireless Mobile Interface Card (WMIC) indicating that the wireless link is available for use. This hold-down delay should be long enough for the WMIC to establish connectivity with a new AP or bridge when roaming.

Use the show ip mobile router agent command to display agents learned from advertisements and the mobile router’s available CCoAs. Use the show ip mobile router interface command to display the configuration of the interfaces used for roaming.


The following example configures roaming interfaces, solicitation services, and hold-down timers on serial interface 0 and roaming interfaces and hold-down timers on Ethernet interface 0 of the mobile router.

In this example, the mobile router has two interfaces. The serial interface is connected to a serial interface of a foreign agent and the Ethernet interface is connected to an Ethernet interface of a foreign agent. The mobile router will prefer to register on the Ethernet interface if possible because it has a higher priority than the serial interface. If the mobile router does not receive any agent advertisements on the Ethernet interface, it will use the serial interface to solicit foreign agents.

If the Ethernet interface hears a new foreign agent advertisement after the mobile router has already registered using the serial interface, it will wait the duration of the hold-down timer (20 seconds) before registering with the foreign agent on the Ethernet interface. The ip mobile router-service hold-down foreign-agent seconds command allows communications to continue with mobile networks while the mobile router gauges the quality of the link to the new foreign agent. The Ethernet interface is configured with a higher priority so the mobile router prefers to register with this interface.

Once it receives an agent advertisement on the Ethernet interface, it will use the Ethernet interface to register to its home agent.

interface s0
  ip mobile router-service roam 
! s0 solicits every 5 seconds after last advertisement received on the interface
  ip mobile router-service solicit interval 5
  ip mobile router-service hold-down foreign-agent 20
interface e0
  ip mobile router-service roam priority 101
  ip mobile router-service hold-down foreign-agent 20

In the following example, the mobile router is configured to receive dynamic CCoA from DHCP. The mobile router will wait 2000 milliseconds for the SNMP linkUp trap from the WMIC indicating that layer 2 has reassociated. This interval of time allows the mobile router to roam and still maintain wireless connectivity.

interface FastEthernet0
 ip address dhcp
 ip dhcp client mobile renew count 3 interval 20
 ip mobile router-service roam
 ip mobile router-service collocated
 ip mobile router-service hold-down reassociate 2000

ip mobile router-service collocated

To enable static or dynamic collocated care-of address (CCoA) processing on a mobile router interface, use the ip mobile router-service collocated command in interface configuration mode. To disable static or dynamic CCoA processing, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile router-service collocated [ gateway ip-address ] [ccoa-only]

no ip mobile router-service collocated [ gateway ip-address ] [ccoa-only]

Syntax Description

gateway ip-address

(Optional) Next hop IP address for the mobile router to forward packets. The gateway ip-address combination is only seen while configuring an Ethernet interface.


(Optional) Enables the interface to use CCoA processing only.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The ccoa-only keyword was added. Dynamic CCoA functionality was added.

Usage Guidelines

The primary IP address of the interface is used as the CCoA. The interface must already be configured as a roaming interface using the ip mobile router-service roam interface configuration command for both static and dynamic CCoA processing.

The mobile router can register with the home agent using a CCoA that was acquired dynamically via the IP Control Protocol (IPCP).

The gateway IP address is the next-hop IP address for registration packets. Upon successful registration, this address will be used as the default gateway and default route.

You need not specify the gateway ip-address combination if using a serial interface. The gateway ip-address combination is required on all non point-to-point interfaces such as Ethernet LANs and must be on the same logical subnet as the primary interface IP address.

You can configure the mobile router interface to register only its CCoA and ignore foreign agent advertisements by using the ip mobile router-service collocated ccoa-only option. Using this command on an interface already registered with a foreign agent CoA will cause the mobile router to re-register immediately with a CCoA.

Using the no ip mobile router-service collocated ccoa-only command on an interface already registered with a CCoA will cause the interface to deregister its CCoA and begin foreign agent discovery.


The following example enables static CCoA processing on a mobile router interface:

interface FastEthernet0/0
! Primary IP address is the static CCoA
 ip address
 ip mobile router-service roam
! Gateway IP address is next-hop destination
 ip mobile router-service collocated gateway

The following example enables dynamic CCoA processing on a mobile router interface:

interface Serial 3/1
 ip address negotiated
 encapsulation ppp
 ip mobile router-service roam
 ip mobile router-service collocated

The following example enables static CCoA-only processing. The interface will not listen to foreign agent advertisements.

interface Ethernet 1/0
 ip address
 ip mobile router-service roam
 ip mobile router-service collocated gateway ccoa-only
 ip mobile router-service collocated registration retry 30

The following example enables dynamic CCoA-only processing. The interface will not listen to foreign agent advertisements.

interface Serial 1/0
 ip address negotiated
 encapsulation ppp
 ip mobile router-service roam
 ip mobile router-service collocated ccoa-only

ip mobile router-service collocated registration nat traversal

To enable Network Address Translation (NAT) traversal support for the mobile router, use the ip mobile router-service collocated registration nat traversal command in interface configuration mode. To disable NAT traversal support for the mobile router, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile router-service collocated registration nat traversal [ keepalive seconds ] [force]

no ip mobile router-service collocated registration nat traversal [ keepalive seconds ] [force]

Syntax Description

keepalive seconds

(Optional) Configures the keepalive interval, in seconds, that the mobile router will use when the home agent does not offer a specific value and just returns zero. The range is from is 0 to 65535. The default is 110.

When the value zero is chosen, the keepalive timer is disabled.


(Optional) Allows the mobile router to force the home agent to allocate a NAT UDP tunnel without performing detection presence of NAT along the HA-MR path.

Command Default

The mobile router does not support NAT traversal.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

UDP tunneling is negotiated only when the mobile router registers to the home agent in collocated care-of address (CCoA) mode.

If you configure the mobile router to force the home agent to allocate a UDP tunnel but do not configure the home agent to force UDP tunneling, the home agent will reject the forced UDP tunneling request. The decision of whether to force UDP tunneling is controlled by the home agent.


The following example shows a mobile router configured with a keepalive timer set to 56 seconds and forced to request UDP tunneling.

ip mobile router-service collocated registration nat traversal keepalive 56 force

ip mobile router-service collocated registration retry

To configure the time period that the mobile router waits before sending another registration request after a registration failure, use the ip mobile router-service collocated registration retry command in interface configuration mode. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile router-service collocated registration retry seconds

no ip mobile router-service collocated registration retry

Syntax Description


Retry interval (in seconds) for registration requests. The range is from 1 to 65535.

Command Default

60 seconds

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An interface configured for static collocated care-of address (CCoA) will not have foreign agent advertisements to use to trigger new registration attempts. Any foreign agent advertisements detected on that interface are ignored.

The default retry value is 60 seconds. You need to use this command only when a different retry interval is desired.


The following example shows that the mobile router will wait 30 seconds before sending another registration request after a registration failure:

interface FastEthernet0/0
! Primary IP address is the CCoA
 ip address
 ip mobile router-service roam
 ip mobile router-service collocated gateway
 ip mobile router-service collocated registration retry 30

ip mobile router-service description

To add a description for the type of roaming interface that is active on the mobile router, use the ip mobile router-service description command in interface configuration mode. To remove the description, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile router-service description string

no ip mobile router-service description string

Syntax Description


Alphanumeric character string of the description of the roaming interface.

Command Default

If this command is not issued, a description does not exist.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the ip mobile router-service description command is configured, the description of the roaming interface is sent to the home agent during registration and will display in the output of the show ip mobile binding command.


The following example shows the description for the type of roaming interface on the mobile router:

interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip mobile router-service description Wireless LAN

ip mobile router-service link-type

To enable a link-type roaming interface, use the ip mobile router-service link-type command in interface configuration mode. To disable the link-type roaming interface, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile router-service link-type link-type

no ip mobile router-service link-type

Syntax Description


Link-type associated with a roaming interface. The following link-types are available:

1xRTT, 4.9G, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, EDGE, EVDO, GPRS, UMTS, WORD, WiMAX

Command Default

No link-type roaming interface is configured.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure label-based application routing and the mobile router (MR) roaming interfaces. The link-type label on the interfaces is passed to the home agent (HA) when the interface registers. This label is used during registration on both the MR and the HA to generate dynamic route maps from mobile map templates.


interface ethernet 1/0
 ip mobile router-service roam
 ip mobile router-service link-type 802.11g

Access Control Lists

You can use one or more extended named access control lists (ACLs) on both the MR and the HA to identify the application traffic. MR and HA are used as templates at registration time to generate dynamic ACLs that are used in the dynamic route maps.


ip access-list extended WEB
 permit udp any any eq port 8080

Mobile Map Mobile Policy Templates

You can use one or more mobile map mobile policy templates on the MR and HA.


ip mobile mobile-map MPATH_1 10
 match access-list WEB
 set link-type 802.11g  UMTS
 set interface null0

You need to apply the mobile map to access interfaces. The mobile map is associated with a mobile network interface on the MR in the mobile network configuration. The mobile map configuration on the HA can specify up to three ingress interfaces.



ip mobile router
 mobile-network e 3/0 policy mobile-map MPATH_1


ip mobile router
 ip mobile home-agent policy mobile-map e 2/0   e 3/0   e 4/0

On the MR, a dynamic route map is created when each mobile-map template is configured. The dynamic route map has a long name that contains the first seven characters of the mobile map tag.

Example: A mobile map with the tag “MPATH_1” creates the following dynamic route map:


The dynamic name contains the application that generated the MIP, a date and time stamp, and a sequence number.

On the HA, a single dynamic route map is created when the first mobile map is configured. It has the following name:



The following example shows how to enable the link-type roaming interface using the ip mobile router-service link-type command:

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface FastEthernet0/2
Router(config-if)# ip mobile router-service link-type 802.11g

ip mobile router-service roam

To enable the roaming interface of the IP mobile router service, use the ip mobile router-service roam command in interface configuration mode. To disable a roaming interface, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile router-service roam [ priority priority-level ]

no ip mobile router-service roam [ priority priority-level ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Sets the roaming interface priority of the router service.


(Optional) Roaming priority level. The priority level can be 50, 100, 200, and so on.

Command Default

No priority is set for roaming interfaces.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure label-based application routing and the mobile router (MR) roaming interfaces. The link type label on the interfaces is passed to the home agent (HA) when the interface registers. This label is used during registration on both the MR and the HA to generate dynamic route maps from mobile map templates.


interface ethernet 1/0
 ip mobile router-service roam
 ip mobile router-service link-type 802.11g

Access Control Lists (ACL)

You can use one or more extended named ACLs on both the MR and the HA to identify the application traffic. MR- and HA-named ACLs are used as templates at registration time to generate dynamic ACLs that are used in the dynamic route maps.


ip access-list extended WEB
 permit udp any any eq port 8080

Mobile Map Mobile Policy Templates

You can use one or more mobile map mobile policy templates on the MR and HA.


ip mobile mobile-map MPATH_1 10
 match access-list WEB
 set link-type 802.11g  UMTS
 set interface null0

You need to apply the mobile map to access interfaces. The mobile map is associated with a mobile network interface on the MR in the mobile network configuration. The mobile map configuration on the HA can specify up to three ingress interfaces.



ip mobile router
 mobile-network e 3/0 policy mobile-map MPATH_1


ip mobile router
 ip mobile home-agent policy mobile-map e 2/0   e 3/0   e 4/0

On the MR, a dynamic route map is created when each mobile map template is configured. The dynamic route map has a long name that contains the first seven characters of the mobile map tag.

Example: A mobile map with the tag “MPATH_1” creates the following dynamic route map:


The dynamic name contains the application that generated the MIP, a date and time stamp, and a sequence number.

On the HA, a single dynamic route map is created when the first mobile map is configured. It has the following name:



The following example shows how to enable a roaming interface and assign a priority for it:

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router# interface FastEthernet0/2
Router(config-if)# ip mobile router-service roam priority 101

ip mobile router-service tunnel mode

To set the encapsulation mode for a mobile router interface, use the ip mobile router-service tunnel mode command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default encapsultion mode on an interface, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile router-service tunnel mode { gre | ipip }

no ip mobile router-service tunnel mode

Syntax Description


Specifies that the mobile router will attempt to register with Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) on the interface.


Specifies that IP-in-IP encapsulation will be used on the interface.

Command Default

The default encapsulation mode for Mobile IP is IP-in-IP encapsulation.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the ip mobile router-service tunnel mode gre command is configured, the mobile router will request GRE encapsulation in the registration request only if the foreign agent (FA) advertises that it is capable of GRE encapsulation (the G bit is set in the advertisement). If the registration request is successful, packets will be tunneled using GRE.

If the ip mobile router-service tunnel mode gre command is enabled and collocated care-of address (CCoA) is configured, the mobile router will attempt to register with the home agent (HA) using GRE encapsulation. If the registration request is successful, packets will be tunneled using GRE.

If the mobile router receives a denied registration reply with error code 72 (foreign agent required encapsulation unavailable) or error code 139 (home agent unsupported encapsulation), the mobile router will send another registration request with the G bit unset and IP-in-IP encapsulation will be used.

The no ip mobile router-service tunnel mode command instructs the mobile router to revert to the default encapsulation mode and register with IP-in-IP encapsulation.


If an encapsulation type is configured on an interface using the ip mobile router-service tunnel mode command, that encapsulation type overrides the global encapsulation type configured with the tunnel mode gre command on that interface only. If there is no interface-level configuration, the interface inherits the global configuration.

Once GRE encapsulation is enabled, GRE keepalives can be configured on an interface using the keepalive command. GRE keepalives check for a failure in the end-to-end tunnel at a configurable interval. If the connection to the HA is lost, the mobile router will attempt to reregister. GRE keepalives must be configured on the mobile router only--no configuration is required on the HA.


If the GRE keepalive messages time out, indicating an interruption in the end-to-end tunnel, only the mobile router will tear down the GRE tunnel. The HA will not tear down its side of the tunnel.


The following example configures GRE encapsulation and GRE keepalive messages on an interface of a mobile router:

interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip address
 ip mobile router-service roam
 ip mobile router-service tunnel mode gre
interface tunnel 121
 keepalive 5 3
ip mobile router
 template tunnel 121

ip mobile secure

To specify the mobility security associations for the mobile host, visitor, home agent, foreign agent, and proxy-host, use the ip mobile secure command in global configuration mode. To remove the mobility security associations, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile secure { aaa-download | host | visitor | home-agent | foreign-agent | proxy-host } { lower-address [upper-address] | nai string } { inbound-spi spi-in outbound-spi spi-out | spi spi } key hex string [ replay timestamp [number] algorithm { md5 | hmac-md5 } mode prefix-suffix ]

no ip mobile secure { aaa-download | host | visitor | home-agent | foreign-agent | proxy-host } { lower-address [upper-address] | nai string } { inbound-spi spi-in outbound-spi spi-out | spi spi } key hex string [ replay timestamp [number] algorithm { md5 | hmac-md5 } mode prefix-suffix ]

Syntax Description


Downloads security association from AAA at every timer interval.


Security association of the mobile host on the home agent.


Security association of the mobile host on the foreign agent.


Security association of the remote home agent on the foreign agent.


Security association of the remote foreign agent on the home agent.


Security association of the proxy Mobile IP users. This keyword is only available on Packet Data Serving Node (PDSN) platforms.


IP address of a host or lower range of IP address pool.


(Optional) Upper range of an IP address pool. If specified, security associations for multiple hosts are configured. The value used in the upper-address argument must be greater than that used in the lower-address argument.

nai string

Network access identifier of the mobile node. The nai string is valid only for a host, visitor, and proxy host.

inbound-spi spi-in

Security parameter index used for authenticating inbound registration packets. Range is from 0x100 to 0xffffffff.

outbound-spi spi-out

Security parameter index used for calculating the authenticator in outbound registration packets. Range is from 0x100 to 0xffffffff.

spi spi

Bidirectional SPI. Range is from 0x100 to 0xffffffff.

key hex string

ASCII string of hexadecimal values. No spaces are allowed.


(Optional) Specifies replay protection used on registration packets.


(Optional) Validates incoming packets to ensure that they are not being “replayed” by a spoofer using the timestamp method.


(Optional) Number of seconds. Registration is valid if received within the router’s clock +/- 7 seconds. This means the sender and receiver are in time synchronization (NTP can be used).


(Optional) Algorithm used to authenticate messages during registration.


(Optional) Message Digest 5.


(Optional) Hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) message digest 5.


(Optional) Mode used to authenticate during registration.


(Optional) The key is used to wrap the registration information for authentication (for example, key registration information key) to calculate the message digest.

Command Default

No security association is specified.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The lower-address and upper-address arguments were added.


The nai keyword was added.


The hmac-md5 keyword was added and this command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.


The proxy-host keyword was added for PDSN platforms.

Usage Guidelines

The security association consists of the entity address, SPI, key, replay protection method, authentication algorithm, and mode.

The SPI is the 4-byte index that selects the specific security parameters to be used to authenticate the peer. The security parameters consist of the authentication algorithm and mode, replay attack protection method, timeout, and IP address.

The HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm is mandatory for mobile-home authentication (MHAE), mobile-foreign authentication (MFAE), and foreign-home authentication (FHAE)

On a home agent, the security association of the mobile host is mandatory for mobile host authentication. If desired, configure a foreign agent security association on your home agent. On a foreign agent, the security association of the visiting mobile host and security association of the home agent are optional. Multiple security associations for each entity can be configured.

If registration fails because the timestamp value is out of bounds, the time stamp of the home agent is returned so that the mobile node can reregister with the time-stamp value closer to that of the home agent, if desired.

The nai keyword is valid only for a host, visitor, and proxy host.

The proxy-host keyword is available only on PDSN platforms running specific PDSN code images; consult Feature Navigator for your Cisco IOS software release.


NTP is not required for operation but NTP can be used to synchronize time for all parties.


The following example shows mobile node, which has a key that is generated by the MD5 hash of the string:

ip mobile secure host spi 100 key hex 12345678123456781234567812345678

ip mobile secure aaa-download

To specify that authentication, authorization, and account ing (AAA) mobility security associations (SAs) are downloaded from the AAA server and the rate at which the information is downloaded, use the ip mobile secure aaa-downloa d command in global configuration mode. To delete the AAA download rate, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile secure aaa-download rate seconds

no ip mobile secure aaa-download rate seconds

Syntax Description


Rate at which the AAA SA is downloaded.

  • seconds--Download rate, in seconds. The range is from 1 to 100.

Command Default

No AAA SAs are downloaded.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

SAs are downloaded from a AAA server on the first use. This command allows the home agent (HA) to prepopulate an SA table.


The following example shows a download rate of 35 seconds:

ip mobile secure aaa-download rate 35

ip mobile secure foreign-agent

To specify the mobility security associations (SAs) for a foreign agent (FA), use the ip mobile secure foreign-agent command in global configuration mode. To remove the mobility SAs, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile secure foreign-agent lower-address [upper-address] { inbound-spi { hex-in | decimal decimal-in } outbound-spi { hex-out | decimal decimal-out } | spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } } key { ascii string | hex string } [ replay timestamp within seconds ] [ algorithm { hmac-md5 | md5 mode prefix-suffix } ]

no ip mobile secure foreign-agent lower-address [upper-address] { inbound-spi { hex-in | decimal decimal-in } outbound-spi { hex-out | decimal decimal-out } | spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } }

Syntax Description


IP address of an FA or lower range of IP address pool.

upper-address --(Optional) Upper range of IP address pool. If specified, SAs for multiple FAs are configured.

The upper-address value must be greater than the lower-address value.


Bidirectional 4-byte security parameter index (SPI) used for authenticating inbound registration packets.

hex-in --Index for inbound registration packets. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.


Decimal SPI. The arguments are as follows:

decimal-in --SPI expressed as a decimal number for inbound registration packets. The range is from 256 to 4294967295.

decimal-out --SPI expressed as a decimal number for outbound registration packets. The range is from 256 to 4294967295.


SPI used for calculating the authenticator in outbound registration packets.

hex-out --Index for outbound registration packets. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.


SPI authenticates a peer. The argument and keyword are as follows:

hex-value --SPI expressed as a hexadecimal number. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.

Cisco recommends that you use hexadecimal values instead of decimal values for interoperability.

decimal-- Decimal SPI. The argument is as follows:

decimal-value --SPI expressed as a decimal number. The range is from 256 to 4294967295.


Security key. The arguments and keywords are as follows:

ascii string --Security key expressed as an ASCII string. A maximum of 32 characters is allowed. No spaces are allowed.

hex string --Security key expressed in hexadecimal digits. A maximum of 32 hex digits is allowed. The range is from 100 to ffffffff. No spaces are allowed.

replay timestamp within

(Optional) Specifies the number of seconds that the router uses for replay protection.

seconds-- Time, in seconds, that a router uses for replay protection. The range is from plus or minus 255. The default is plus or minus 7.

The registration packet is considered “not replayed” if the time stamp in the packet is within plus or minus the configured number of seconds of the router clock.


(Optional) Algorithm used to authenticate messages during registration. The keywords are as follows:

hmac-md5 --Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) MD5.

The HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm or MD5 (prefix-suffix) authentication algorithm is mandatory for mobile-home authentication (MHAE), mobile-foreign authentication (MFAE), or foreign-home authentication (FHAE).

md5 mode --Message Digest 5 (MD5) mode used to authenticate packets during registration.

prefix-suffix --Wrapped registration information for authentication (for example, key registration information key) that calculates the message digest.

Cisco no longer recommends this method of authentication, but it is retained for backward compatibility.

Command Default

No SA is specified for FAs.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The lower-address and upper-address arguments were added.


The hmac-md5 keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The SA consists of an entity address, SPI, key, replay protection method, authentication algorithm, and authentication algorithm mode (prefix-suffix).

On a FA, the SA of the visiting mobile host and the SA of the home agent (HA) are optional. Multiple SAs for each entity can be configured.

The SA of a visiting mobile host on the MFAE and the SA of the HA on the FHAE are optional on the FA as long as they are not specified on the other entity. Multiple SAs for each entity can be configured.


NTP is not required for operation, but NTP can be used to synchronize time for all parties.


The following example shows the configuration of an FA with an IP address of 209.165.200/254:

ip mobile secure foreign-agent 209.165.200/254 inbound-spi 203 outbound-spi 150 key hex ffffffff

ip mobile secure home-agent

To specify the mobility security associations (SAs) for a home agent (HA), use the ip mobile secure home-agent command in global configuration mode. To remove the mobility SAs, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile secure home-agent lower-address [upper-address] { inbound-spi { hex-in | decimal decimal-in } outbound-spi { hex-out | decimal decimal-out } | spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } } key { ascii string | hex string } [ replay timestamp within seconds ] [ algorithm { hmac-md5 | md5 mode prefix-suffix } ] [ignore-spi]

no ip mobile secure home-agent lower-address [upper-address] { inbound-spi { hex-in | decimal decimal-in } outbound-spi { hex-out | decimal decimal-out } | spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } }

Syntax Description


IP address of an HA or lower range of IP address pool.

upper-address --(Optional) Upper range of IP address pool. If specified, SAs for multiple HAs are configured.

The upper-address value must be greater than the lower-address value.


Bidirectional 4-byte security parameter index (SPI) used for authenticating inbound registration packets.

hex-in --Index for inbound registration packets. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.


Decimal SPI. The arguments are as follows:

decimal-in --SPI expressed as a decimal number for inbound registration packets. The range is from 256 to 4294967295.

decimal-out --SPI expressed as a decimal number for outbound registration packets. The range is from 256 to 4294967295.


SPI used for calculating the authenticator in outbound registration packets.

hex-out --Index for outbound registration packets. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.


SPI authenticates a peer. The argument and keyword are as follows:

hex-value --SPI expressed as a hexadecimal number. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.

Cisco recommends that you use hexadecimal values instead of decimal values for interoperability.

decimal-- Decimal SPI. The argument is as follows:

decimal-value --SPI expressed as a decimal number. The range is from 256 to 4294967295.


Security key. The arguments and keywords are as follows:

ascii string --Security key expressed as an ASCII string. A maximum of 32 characters is allowed. No spaces are allowed.

hex string --Security key expressed in hexadecimal digits. A maximum of 32 hex digits is allowed. The range is from 100 to ffffffff. No spaces are allowed.

replay timestamp within

(Optional) Specifies the number of seconds that the router uses for replay protection.

seconds-- Time, in seconds, that a router uses for replay protection. The range is from plus or minus 255. The default is plus or minus 7.

The registration packet is considered “not replayed” if the time stamp in the packet is within plus or minus the configured number of seconds of the router clock.


(Optional) Algorithm used to authenticate messages during registration. The keywords are as follows:

hmac-md5 --Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) MD5.

The HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm or MD5 (prefix-suffix) authentication algorithm is mandatory for mobile-home authentication (MHAE), mobile-foreign authentication (MFAE), or foreign-home authentication (FHAE).

md5 mode --Message Digest 5 (MD5) mode used to authenticate packets during registration.

prefix-suffix --Wrapped registration information for authentication (for example, key registration information key) that calculates the message digest.

Cisco no longer recommends this method of authentication, but it is retained for backward compatibility.


(Optional) Allows authentications that ignore SPI.

Command Default

No SA is specified for HAs.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The lower-address and upper-address arguments were added.


The hmac-md5 keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The SA consists of an entity address, SPI, key, replay protection method, authentication algorithm, and authentication algorithm mode (prefix-suffix).

The HA may have multiple SAs for each peer. The SPI specifies which SA to use for the peer and selects the specific security parameters to be used to authenticate the peer.

On an HA, the SA of the mobile host is mandatory for mobile host authentication and allows the HA to compute the MHAE for mobile host authentication. If desired, configure a foreign agent (FA) SA on your HA.

The mobile IP protocol automatically synchronizes the time stamp used by the mobile node (MN) in its registration requests. If the MN registration request time stamp is outside the HA permitted replay protection time interval, the HA will respond with the number of seconds by which the MN time stamp is off relative to the HA clock. This allows the MN to adjust its time stamp and use synchronized time stamps in subsequent registration attempts.

If you prefer that the MN first registration attempt always fall within the HA replay protection time interval, use Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize the MN and HA.


NTP is not required for operation, but NTP can be used to synchronize time for all parties.


The following example shows the configuration of an SA for an HA with an IP address of

ip mobile secure home-agent spi 100 key hex ffffffff

ip mobile secure host

To specify the mobility security associatio ns (SAs) for a mobile host, use the ip mobile secure host command in global configuration mode. To remove the mobility SAs, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile secure host { l ower-address [upper-address] | nai nai-string } { inbound-spi { hex-in | decimal decimal-in } outbound-spi { hex-out | decimal decimal-out } | spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } } key { ascii string | hex string } [ replay timestamp within seconds ] [ algorithm { hmac-md5 | md5 mode prefix-suffix } ]

no mobile secure host { lower-address [upper-address] | nai nai-string } { inbound-spi { hex-in | decimal decimal-in } outbound-spi { hex-out | decimal decimal-out } | spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } }

Syntax Description


IP address of a host or lower range of IP address pool.

  • upper-address --(Optional) Upper range of IP address pool. If specified, SAs for multiple hosts are configured.


The upper-address value must be greater than the lower-address value.


Network access identifier (NAI) of the mobile node (MN).

  • nai-string --NAI username or username@realm.


Bidirectional 4-byte security parameter index (SPI) used for authenticating inbound registration packets.

  • hex-in --Index for inbound registration packets. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.


Decimal SPI. The arguments are as follows:

  • decimal-in --SPI expressed as a decimal number for inbound registration packets. The range is from 256 to 4294967295.

  • decimal-out --SPI expressed as a decimal number for outbound registration packets. The range is from 256 to 4294967295.


SPI used for calculating the authenticator in outbound registration packets.

  • hex-out --Index for outbound registration packets. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.


SPI authenticates a peer. The argument and keyword are as follows:

  • hex-value --SPI expressed as a hexadecimal number. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.


Cisco recommends that you use hexadecimal values instead of decimal values for interoperability.

  • decimal-- Decimal SPI. The argument is as follows:
    • decimal-value --SPI expressed as a decimal number. The range is from 256 to 4294967295.


Security key. The arguments and keywords are as follows:

  • ascii string --Security key expressed as an ASCII string. A maximum of 32 characters is allowed. No spaces are allowed.

  • hex string --Security key expressed in hexadecimal digits. A maximum of 32 hex digits is allowed. The range is from 100 to ffffffff. No spaces are allowed.

replay timestamp within

(Optional) Specifies the number of seconds that the router uses for replay protection.

  • seconds-- Time, in seconds, that a router uses for replay protection. The range is from plus or minus 255. The default is plus or minus 7.


The registration packet is considered “not replayed” if the time stamp in the packet is within plus or minus the configured number of seconds of the router clock.


(Optional) Algorithm used to authenticate messages during registration. The keywords are as follows:

  • hmac-md5 --Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) MD5.


The HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm or MD5 (prefix-suffix) authentication algorithm is mandatory for mobile-home authentication (MHAE), mobile-foreign authentication (MFAE), or foreign-home authentication (FHAE).

  • md5 mode --Message Digest 5 (MD5) mode used to authenticate packets during registration.

  • prefix-suffix --Wrapped registration information for authentication (for example, key registration information key) that calculates the message digest.


Cisco no longer recommends this method of authentication, but it is retained for backward compatibility.

Command Default

No SA is specified for mobile hosts.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The lower-address and upper-address arguments were added.


The nai keyword was added.


The hmac-md5 keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The SA consists of an entity address, SPI, key, replay protection method, authentication algorithm, and authentication algorithm mode (prefix-suffix).

The SA of a visiting mobile host on the MFAE and the SA of the home agent (HA) on the FHAE are optional as long as they are not specified on the other entity. Multiple SAs for each entity can be configured.

The HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm is mandatory for MHAE, MFAE, and FHAE.


NTP is not required for operation, but NTP can be used to synchronize time for all parties.


The following example shows the configuration of an SA for a host:

ip mobile secure host spi 100 key hex 12345678123456781234567812345678

ip mobile secure mn-aaa

To specify non-standard security parameter index (SPI) values in the MN-AAA authentication extension that need to be accepted by the home agent or the foreign agent, use the ip mobile secure mn-aaa command in global configuration mode. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile secure mn-aaa spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } algorithm md5 mode ppp-chap-style

no ip mobile secure mn-aaa spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } algorithm md5 mode ppp-chap-style

Syntax Description


Bidirectional security parameter index (SPI). The index can be a hexadecimal or decimal value. The arguments and keyword are as follows:

hex -value --SPI expressed in hexadecimal digits. The range is from 100 to ffffffff. No spaces are allowed. The maximum is 32 characters.

decimal decimal-value --SPI expressed as a decimal number. The range is from 256 to 4294967295. No spaces are allowed. The maximum is 32 characters.

algorithm md5 mode ppp-chap-style

Message Digest 5 (MD5) authentication algorithm used during authentication by the Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).

Command Default

The home agent or foreign agent only accept the standard SPI value in the MN-AAA authentication extension that specifes CHAP-style authentication using MD5. The standard value for the SPI is 2.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The SPI is the 4-byte index that selects the specific security parameters to be used to authenticate the peer. The security parameters consist of the authentication algorithm and mode.

A mobile node configured to be authenticated via an MN-AAA authentication extension is required to use an SPI value of 2 to indicate CHAP-style authentication using MD5 as specified by RFC 3012, Mobile IPv4 Challenge/Response Extensions.

Some network implementations need the flexibility to allow an SPI value other than 2 even though the mobile node is authenticated using CHAP. The ip mobile secure mn-aaa command maps new SPI values in the MN-AAA extension of the registration message to the SPI value pre-defined by RFC 3012. When a registration request arrives at the foreign agent or home agent with the MN-AAA extension containing an SPI value specified by the ip mobile secure mn-aaa command, the foreign agent or home agent will process it as if the value was 2 instead of rejecting the request.

Use this command with caution because it is non-standard behavior. For example, different vendors might use the same non-standard SPI to denote different authentication methods and this could affect interoperability. Cisco recommends the use of standard SPI values if possible to be used in the MN-AAA authentication extension by the mobile node.


In the following example, the foreign agent or home agent will process the registration request even though the CHAP SPI value is not 2:

ip mobile secure mn-aaa spi 1234 algorithm md5 mode ppp-chap-style

ip mobile secure proxy-host

To specify the mobility security assoc iations (SAs) for a proxy host, use the ip mobile secure proxy-host command in global configuration mode. To remove the mobility SAs, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile secure proxy-host { lower-address [upper-address] | nai nai-string } { inbound-spi spi-in outbound-spi spi-out | spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } } key { ascii string | hex string } [ replay timestamp seconds ] [ algorithm { md5 mode prefix-suffix | hmac-md5 } ]

no ip mobile secure proxy-host { lower-address [upper-address] | nai nai-string } { inbound-spi spi-in outbound-spi spi-out | spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } } key { ascii string | hex string } [ replay timestamp seconds ] [ algorithm { md5 mode prefix-suffix | hmac-md5 } ]

Syntax Description


IP address of a proxy host or lower range of IP address pool.

upper-address --(Optional) Upper range of IP address pool. If specified, SAs for multiple proxy hosts are configured.

The upper-address value must be greater than the lower-address value.


Network access identifier (NAI) of the mobile node (MN).

nai-string --NAI username or username@realm.


Bidirectional 4-byte security parameter index (SPI) used for authenticating inbound registration packets.

spi-in --Index for inbound registration packets. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.


SPI used for calculating the authenticator in outbound registration packets.

spi-out --Index for outbound registration packets. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.


SPI authenticates a peer. The argument and keyword are as follows:

hex-value --SPI expressed as a hexadecimal number. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.

Cisco recommends that you use hexadecimal values instead of decimal values for interoperability.

decimal-- Decimal SPI. The argument is as follows:

decimal-value --SPI expressed as a decimal number. The range is from 256 to 4294967295.


Security key. The arguments and keywords are as follows:

ascii string --Security key expressed as an ASCII string. A maximum of 32 characters is allowed. No spaces are allowed.

hex string --Security key expressed in hexadecimal digits. A maximum of 32 hex digits is allowed. The range is from 100 to ffffffff. No spaces are allowed.

replay timestamp

(Optional) Specifies the number of seconds that the router uses for replay protection.

seconds-- Time, in seconds, that a router uses for replay protection. The range is from plus or minus 255. The default is plus or minus 7.

The registration packet is considered “not replayed” if the time stamp in the packet is within plus or minus the configured number of seconds of the router clock.


(Optional) Algorithm used to authenticate messages during registration. The keywords are as follows:

md5 mode --Message Digest 5 (MD5) mode used to authenticate packets during registration.

prefix-suffix --Wrapped registration information for authentication (for example, key registration information key) that calculates the message digest.

Cisco no longer recommends this method of authentication, but it is retained for backward compatibility.

hmac-md5 --Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) MD5.

The HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm or MD5 (prefix-suffix) authentication algorithm is mandatory for mobile-home authentication (MHAE), mobile-foreign authentication (MFAE), or foreign-home authentication (FHAE).

Command Default

No SA is specified for proxy hosts.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The lower-address and upper-address arguments were added.


The nai keyword was added.


The hmac-md5 keyword was added.


The proxy-host keyword was added for Packet Data Serving Node (PDSN) platforms only.

Usage Guidelines

The SA consists of an entity address, SPI, key, replay protection method, authentication algorithm, and authentication algorithm mode (prefix-suffix).

The HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm is mandatory for MHAE, MFAE, and FHAE.


The proxy-host keyword is available only on PDSN platforms that are running specific PDSN code images; consult Cisco Feature Navigator for your Cisco IOS software release.


NTP is not required for operation, but NTP can be used to synchronize time for all parties.


The following example shows the configuration of SAs for a proxy host:

ip mobile secure proxy-host spi 100 key hex 12345678123456781234567812345678

ip mobile secure visitor

To specify the mobility security associations (SAs) for a visitor, use the ip mobile secure visitor command in global configuration mode. To remove the mobility security associations, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile secure visitor { lower-address [upper-address] | nai nai-string } { inbound-spi spi-in outbound-spi spi-out | spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } } key { ascii string | hex string } [ replay timestamp seconds ] [ algorithm { md5 mode prefix-suffix | hmac-md5 } ]

no ip mobile secure visitor { lower-address [upper-address] | nai nai-string } { inbound-spi spi-in outbound-spi spi-out | spi { hex-value | decimal decimal-value } } key { ascii string | hex string } [ replay timestamp seconds ] [ algorithm { md5 mode prefix-suffix | hmac-md5 } ]

Syntax Description


IP address of a visitor or lower range of IP address pool.

upper-address --(Optional) Upper range of IP address pool. If specified, SAs for multiple visitors are configured.

The upper-address value must be greater than the lower-address value.


Network access identifier (NAI) of the mobile node (MN).

nai-string --NAI username or username@realm.


Bidirectional 4-byte security parameter index (SPI) used for authenticating inbound registration packets.

spi-in --Index for inbound registration packets. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.


SPI used for calculating the authenticator in outbound registration packets.

spi-out --Index for outbound registration packets. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.


SPI authenticates a peer. The argument and keyword are as follows:

hex-value --SPI expressed as a hexadecimal number. The range is from 100 to ffffffff.

Cisco recommends that you use hexadecimal values instead of decimal values for interoperability.

decimal-- Decimal SPI. The argument is as follows:

decimal-value --SPI expressed as a decimal number. The range is from 256 to 4294967295.


Security key. The arguments and keywords are as follows:

ascii string --Security key expressed as an ASCII string. A maximum of 32 characters is allowed. No spaces are allowed.

hex string --Security key expressed in hexadecimal digits. A maximum of 32 hex digits is allowed. The range is from 100 to ffffffff. No spaces are allowed.

replay timestamp

(Optional) Specifies the number of seconds that the router uses for replay protection.

seconds-- Time, in seconds, that a router uses for replay protection. The range is from plus or minus 255. The default is plus or minus 7.

The registration packet is considered “not replayed” if the time stamp in the packet is within plus or minus the configured number of seconds of the router clock.


(Optional) Algorithm used to authenticate messages during registration. The keywords are as follows:

md5 mode --Message Digest 5 (MD5) mode used to authenticate packets during registration.

prefix-suffix --Wrapped registration information for authentication (for example, key registration information key) that calculates the message digest.

Cisco no longer recommends this method of authentication, but it is retained for backward compatibility.

hmac-md5 --Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) MD5.

The HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm or MD5 (prefix-suffix) authentication algorithm is mandatory for mobile-home authentication (MHAE), mobile-foreign authentication (MFAE), or foreign-home authentication (FHAE).

No SA is specified for visitors.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The lower-address and upper-address arguments were added.


The nai keyword was added.


The hmac-md5 keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The SA consists of an entity address, SPI, key, replay protection method, authentication algorithm, and authentication algorithm mode (prefix-suffix).

The SA of a visiting mobile host on the MFAE and the SA of the home agent (HA) on the FHAE are optional as long as they are not specified on the other entity. Multiple SAs for each entity can be configured.

The mobile IP protocol automatically synchronizes the time stamp used by the MN in its registration requests. If the MN registration request time stamp is outside the visitor permitted replay protection time interval, the visitor will respond with the number of secondsby which the MN time stamp is off relative to the visitor clock. This allows the MN to adjust its time stamp and use synchronized time stamps in subsequent registration attempts.

If you prefer that the MN first registration attempt always fall within the visitor replay protection time interval, use Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize the MN and visitor.

The HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm is mandatory for MHAE, MFAE, and FHAE.


NTP is not required for operation, but NTP can be used to synchronize time for all parties.


The following example shows the configuration of SAs for a visitor:

ip mobile secure visitor spi 100 key hex 12345678123456781234567812345678

ip mobile tunnel

To specify the settings of tunnels created by Mobile IP, use the ip mobile tunnel command in global configuration mode. To disable the setting of tunnels created by Mobile IP, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile tunnel { crypto map map-name | route-cache [cef] | path-mtu-discovery [ age-timer { minutes | infinite } ] | nat { inside | outside } | route-map map-tag }

no ip mobile tunnel { crypto map map-name | route-cache [cef] | path-mtu-discovery [ age-timer { minutes | infinite } ] | nat { inside | outside } | route-map map-tag }

Syntax Description

crypto map

Enables encryption or decryption on new tunnels. This keyword is only available on platforms running specific Packet Data Serving Node (PDSN) code images.


The name of the crypto map. This argument is available only on platforms running specific PDSN code images.


Sets tunnels to fast-switching mode.


Sets tunnels to Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) switching mode if CEF is enabled on the router.


Specifies when the tunnel MTU should expire if set by Path MTU Discovery.

age-timer minutes

(Optional) Time interval in minutes after which the tunnel reestimates the path MTU.


(Optional) Turns off the age timer.


Ap plies Network Address Translation (NAT) on the tunnel interface.


Sets the dynamic tunnel as the inside interface for NAT.


Sets the dynamic tunnel as the outside interface for NAT.

route-map map-tag

Defines a meaningful name for the route map.

Command Default


If enabled, default value for the minutes argument is 10 minutes.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The nat , inside , and outside keywords were added.


The cef keyword was added.


The route-map keyword and map-tag argument were added.


The crpto map keyword and map-name argument were added for PDSN platforms.

Usage Guidelines

Path MTU Discovery is used by end stations to find a packet size that does not need to be fragmented when being sent between the end stations. Tunnels must adjust their MTU to the smallest MTU interior to achieve this condition, as described in RFC 2003.

The discovered tunnel MTU should be aged out periodically to possibly recover from a case where suboptimum MTU existed at time of discovery. It is reset to the outgoing MTU of the interface.

The no ip mobile tunnel route-cache command disables fast switching and CEF switching (if CEF is enabled) on Mobile IP tunnels. The no ip mobile tunnel route-cache cef command disables CEF switching only.

CEF switching is currently not supported on a foreign agent when reverse tunneling is enabled. If reverse tunneling is enabled at the foreign agent, disable CEF on the foreign agent using the no ip cef global configuration command. If the foreign agent does not support reverse tunneling, there is no need to disable CEF at the global configuration level.

The crypto map map-name keyword and argument combination are available only on platforms running specific PDSN code images; consult Feature Navigator for your Cisco IOS software release.


The following example sets the discovered tunnel MTU to expire in 10 minutes (600 seconds):

ip mobile tunnel path-mtu-discovery age-timer 600

ip mobile virtual-network

To define a virtual network, use the ip mobile virtual-network command in global configuration mode. To remove the virtual network, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile virtual-network net mask [ address address ]

no ip mobile virtual-network net mask

Syntax Description


Network associated with the IP address of the virtual network.


Mask associated with the IP address of the virtual network.

address address

(Optional) IP address of a home agent on a virtual network.

Command Default

No home agent addresses are specified.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The address keyword and address argument were added.

Usage Guidelines

This command inserts the virtual network into the routing table to allow mobile nodes to use the virtual network as their home network. The network is propagated when redistributed to other routing protocols.


You may need to include virtual networks when configuring the routing protocols. If this is the case, use the redistribute mobile router configuration command to redistribute routes from one routing domain to another.


The following example adds the virtual network to the routing table and specifies that the home agent IP address is configured on the loopback interface for that virtual network:

interface ethernet 0
 ip address
 standby ip
 standby name SanJoseHA
interface loopback 0
 ip address
ip mobile home-agent
 ip mobile virtual-network address
 ip mobile home-agent standby SanJoseHA virtual-network
 ip mobile secure home-agent spi 100 hex 00112233445566778899001122334455

ip mobile vpn-realm

To define the virtual private network (VPN) realms to be used in home agent policy routing, use the ip mobile vpn-realm command in global configuration mode. To remove the VPN realms, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile vpn-realm realm-name route-map-sequence sequence-number

no ip mobile vpn-realm realm-name route-map-sequence sequence-number

Syntax Description


Network access identifier (NAI) realm name.


Sequence of the route map.


Number that indicates the position a new route map is to have in the list of route maps already configured with the same name. If given with the no form of this command, it specifies the position of the route map that should be deleted. The sequence number range is from 0 to 65535.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The sequence-number argument must match that configured in the route-map sequence-number command.


The following example shows two realms configured on the router:

ip mobile vpn-realm company1.com route-map-sequence 20
ip mobile vpn-realm company2.com route-map-sequence 10

ip mux

To enable IP multiplexing in IPv4 on an interface, use the ip mux command in interface configuration mode. To disable IP multiplexing on an interface, use the no form of the command.

ip mux

no ip mux

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

IP multiplexing is disabled on the interface.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

IP multiplexing must be enabled on the interface before the interface can receive or send IP multiplexing superframes.


The following example shows how to configure IP multiplexing in IPv4 on FastEthernet interface 0/1.

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface fastethernet0/1
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# ip mux 
Router(config-if)# exit

ip mux cache

To set the IP multiplexing cache size in bytes, use the ip mux cache command in global configuration mode. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

ip mux cache size

no ip mux cache size

Syntax Description


Maximum cache size in bytes. The range is 1,000,000 to 4,294,967,295.

Command Default

The default cache size is 1,000,000 bytes.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not enter a cache size, the IP multiplexing packet handler defaults to 1,000,000 bytes. A 1,000,000 byte cache contains 11,363 entries.


The following example shows how to configure the IP multiplexing cache size to 5,000,000:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip mux cache 5000000

ip mux policy

To create an IPv4 multiplexing differentiated services code point (DSCP) policy with a specified name, use the ip mux policy command in global configuration mode. To delete the IPv4 multiplexing policy, use the no form of this command.

ip mux policy policy-name

no ip mux policy policy-name

Syntax Description


Name of the IPv4 multiplexing policy.

Command Default

No policies are created.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

You can specify up to three policies in addition to the default policy.

If you do not configure an IPv4 multiplexing policy, all IPv4 multiplexing packets are sent using the default IPv4 multiplexing policy with a DSCP value equal to 0.


The following example shows how to configure an IPv4 multiplexing DSCP policy with the name routeRTP-SJ and enter IPv4 multiplexing policy configuration mode:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip mux policy routeRTP-SJ

ip mux profile

To create an IPv4 multiplexing profile with a specified name, use the ip mux profile command in global configuration mode. To delete the IPv4 multiplexing profile, use the no form of this command.

ip mux profile profile-name

no ip mux profile profile-name

Syntax Description


Name of the IPv4 multiplexing profile.

Command Default

No default profile exists.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

You can specify up to 500 profiles.


The following example shows how to configure an IPv4 multiplexing profile with the name routeRTP-SJ and enter IPv4 multiplexing profile configuration mode:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip mux profile routeRTP-SJ

ip mux udpport

To specify a destination UDP port to use for IPv4 multiplexed packets, use the ip mux udpport command in global configuration mode. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

ip mux udpport port-number

no ip mux udpport

Syntax Description


UDP port number. The range is 1,024 to 49,151.

Command Default

The default port number is 6,682.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not enter a port number, the system uses the default port 6,682.


The following example shows how to configure the UDP port for IP multiplexed packets to 5,000:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip mux udpport 5000


To configure the IPv4 address for the Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) within MAG, for the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) with LMA, or for the LMA or MAG within the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) domain, use the ipv4-address command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove the IPv4 address for the LMA or MAG, use the no form of this command.

ipv4-address ipv4-address

no ipv4-address

Syntax Description


The IPv4 address for the LMA or MAG.

Command Default

No IPv4 address is configured for the LMA or MAG.

Command Modes

MAG-LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6mag-lma)

LMA-MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-mag)

PMIPV6 domain LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-lma)

PMIPV6 domain MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mag)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. This command was made available in LMA-MAG configuration mode.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ipv4-address command in PMIPV6 domain LMA configuration mode to configure the IPv4 address for the LMA within the PMIPV6 domain.

Use the ipv4-address command in PMIPV6 domain MAG configuration mode to configure the IPv4 address for the MAG within the PMIPV6 domain.

Use the ipv4-address command in MAG-LMA configuration mode to configure the IPv4 address for the LMA within the MAG.

Use the ipv4-address command in LMA-MAG configuration mode to configure the IPv4 address for the MAG within the LMA.


The following example shows how to configure the IPv4 address for the LMA within the PMIPV6 domain:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# lma lma1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-lma)# ipv4-address

The following example shows how to configure the IPv4 address for the MAG within the PMIPV6 domain:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mag mag1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mag)# ipv4-address

The following example shows how to configure the IPv4 address for the LMA within the MAG:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# lma lma1 dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6mag-lma)# ipv4-address

The following example shows how to configure the IPv4 address for the MAG within the LMA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# mag mag1 dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-mag)# ipv4-address

ipv6-address (proxy mobile ipv6)

To configure the IPv6 address for a Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) or a Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) within the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) domain for an LMA within a MAG or for a MAG within an LMA, use the ipv6-address command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove the IPv6 address for the LMA or MAG, use the no form of this command.

ipv6-address ipv6-address

no ipv6-address

Syntax Description


The IPv6 address for the LMA or MAG.

Command Default

No IPv6 address is configured for the LMA or MAG.

Command Modes

MAG-LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6mag-lma)

LMA-MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-mag)

PMIPV6 domain LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-lma)

PMIPV6 domain MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mag)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. This command was made available in LMA-MAG configuration mode.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ipv6-address command in PMIPV6 domain LMA configuration mode to configure the IPv6 address for the LMA within the PMIPV6 domain.

Use the ipv6-address command in PMIPV6 domain MAG configuration mode to configure the IPv6 address for the MAG within the PMIPV6 domain.

Use the ipv6-address command in MAG-LMA configuration mode to configure the IPv6 address for the LMA within the MAG.

Use the ipv6-address command in LMA-MAG configuration mode to configure the IPv6 address for the MAG within the LMA.


The following example shows how to configure an IPv6 address for an LMA within the PMIPV6 domain:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# lma lma1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-lma)# ipv6-address 2001:0DB8:2:3::1

The following example shows how to configure an IPv6 address for a MAG within the PMIPV6 domain:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mag mag1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mag)# ipv6-address 2001:0DB8:2:3::2

The following example shows how to configure an IPv6 address for a LMA within a MAG:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# lma lma1 dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6mag-lma)# ipv6-address 2001:0DB8:2:3::2

The following example shows how to configure an IPv6 address for a MAG within an LMA:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# mag mag1 dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-mag)# ipv6-address 2001:0DB8:2:3::2

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain

To configure the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPV6) domain, use the ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain command in global configuration mode. To remove the PMIPV6 domain configuration, use the no form of this command.

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name [load-aaa]

no ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name [load-aaa]

Syntax Description


PMIPV6 domain name.


(Optional) Loads the domain configuration from the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server.

Command Default

No PMIPV6 domain is configured.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M

Usage Guidelines

Use the ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain command to enter PMIPV6 domain configuration mode and configure the domain-specific parameters.

Use the ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name load-aaa to create the PMIPV6 domain using the configuration from AAA.


The following example shows how to enter PMIPV6 domain configuration mode to configure the PMIPV6 domain:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1

The following example shows how to load the domain configuration from the AAA server:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1 load-aaa

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma

To enable Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) service on the router and to configure the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) domain for the LMA, use the ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma command in global configuration mode. To disable the LMA service, use the no form of this command.

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name [force]

no ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name

Syntax Description


LMA identifier. This can be an instance identifier or any string that uniquely identifies the LMA.

domain domain-name

Specifies the PMIP domain to which the LMA belongs.


(Optional) Resets all parameter values to the default values set in the PMIP domain.

Command Default

LMA service on the router is not configured.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma command to enable the LMA service on the router. This command configures LMA-specific parameter values to the default configuration available in the PMIP domain, and enters LMA configuration mode.

Use the ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name force command to set the LMA-specific parameter values to the default values set in the PMIPv6 domain.

The MAG service depends on the network time protocol (NTP) service, the IPv4 or IPv6 routing, and the IPv4 or IPV6 address configuration on interfaces.


The following example shows how to configure the LMA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1

The following example shows how to reset the LMA configuration to the default configuration available in the PMIP domain:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1 force

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag

To enable the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) service on the router and to configure the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIP) domain for the MAG, use the ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag command in global configuration mode. To disable the MAG service, use the no form of this command.

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name [force]

no ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name

Syntax Description


MAG identifier. This can be Network Access Identifier or any string that uniquely identifies the MAG.

domain domain-name

Specifies the PMIP domain to which the MAG belongs.


(Optional) Resets all parameter values to the default values set in the PMIP domain.

Command Default

MAG service on the router is not configured.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name command to enable the MAG service on the router. This command configures the MAG-specific parameter values to the default configuration available in the PMIP domain, and enters MAG configuration mode.

Use the ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name force command to set the MAG-specific parameter values to the default values set in the PMIP domain.

The MAG service depends on the network time protocol service, IPv4/IPv6 routing, and IPv4/IPV6 address configuration on the interfaces.


The following example shows how to configure the MAG:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1

The following example shows how to reset the MAG configuration to the default configuration available in the PMIP domain:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1 force

ipv6 mux

To enable IP multiplexing in IPv6 on an interface, use the ipv6 mux command in interface configuration mode. To disable IP multiplexing on an interface, use the no form of the command.

ipv6 mux

no ipv6 mux

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

IP multiplexing is disabled on the interface.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

IP multiplexing must be enabled on the interface before the interface can receive or send IP multiplexing superframes.


The following example shows how to configure IP multiplexing in IPv6 on FastEthernet 0/1:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface fastethernet0/1
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address FE80::A8BB:CCFF:FE01:5700
Router(config-if)# ipv6 enable
Router(config-if)# ipv6 mux 
Router(config-if)# exit

ipv6 mux cache

To set the IPv6 multiplexing cache size in bytes, use the ipv6 mux cache command in global configuration mode. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

ipv6 mux cache size

no ipv6 mux cache size

Syntax Description


Maximum cache size in bytes. The range is 1,000,000 to 4,294,967,295.

Command Default

The default cache size is 1,000,000 bytes.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not enter a cache size, the IPv6 multiplexing packet handler defaults to 1,000,000 bytes. A 1,000,000 byte cache contains 11,363 entries.


The following example shows how to configure the IPv6 multiplexing cache size to 5,000,000:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ipv6 mux cache 5000000

ipv6 mux policy

To create an IPv6 multiplexing differentiated services code point (DSCP) policy with a specified name, use the ipv6 mux policy command in global configuration mode. To delete the IPv6 multiplexing policy, use the no form of this command.

ipv6 mux policy policy-name

no ipv6 mux policy policy-name

Syntax Description


Name of the IPv6 multiplexing policy.

Command Default

No policies are created.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

You can specify up to three policies in addition to the default policy.

If you do not configure an IPv6 multiplexing policy, all IPv6 multiplexing packets are sent using the default IPv6 multiplexing policy with a DSCP value equal to 0.


The following example shows how to configure an IPv6 multiplexing DSCP policy with the name routeRTP-SJ and enter IPv6 multiplexing policy configuration mode:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ipv6 mux policy routeRTP-SJ

ipv6 mux profile

To create an IPv6 multiplexing profile with a specified name, use the ipv6 mux profile command in global configuration mode. To delete the IPv6 multiplexing profile, use the no form of this command.

ipv6 mux profile profile-name

no ipv6 mux profile profile-name

Syntax Description


Name of the IPv6 multiplexing profile.

Command Default

No default profile exists.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

You can specify up to 500 profiles.


The following example shows how to configure an IPv6 multiplexing profile with the name routeRTP-SJ and enter IPv6 multiplexing profile configuration mode:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ipv6 mux profile routeRTP-SJ

ipv6 mux udpport

To specify a destination UDP port to use for IPv6 multiplexed packets, use the ipv6 mux udpport command in global configuration mode. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

ipv6 mux udpport port-number

no ipv6 mux udpport

Syntax Description


UDP port number. The range is 1,024 to 49,151.

Command Default

The default port number is 6,682.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not enter a port number, the system uses the default port 6,682.


The following example shows how to configure the UDP port for IP multiplexed packets to 5,000:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ipv6 mux udpport 5000


To specify the Local Mobility Anchors (LMAs), or to configure the LMA for the mobile node (MN) or the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG), use the lma command in the appropriate configuration mode. To disable the LMA configuration, use the no form of this command.

lma lma-id domain-name

no lma lma-id

Syntax Description


LMA identifier.


Domain name to which the LMA belongs. This argument is only available in MAG configuration mode.

Command Default

The LMA within the PMIPV6 domain is not configured. The LMA for the MN within the PMIPV6 domain is not configured.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)

Mobile node configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)

PMIPV6 domain configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

Use the lma command in PMIPV6 domain configuration mode to enter LMA configuration mode and configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for the LMA within the PMIPV6 domain.

Use the lma command in MN configuration mode to specify the LMA for the MN within the PMIPV6 domain.

Use the lma command in MAG configuration mode to specify the LMA for the MAG.


The following example shows how to enter LMA configuration mode to configure the LMA in PMIPV6 domain configuration mode:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# lma lma1

The following example shows how to configure the LMA for the MN within the PMIPV6 domain:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# nai example@example.com
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)# lma lma1

The following example shows how to configure the LMA for the MAG within the PMIPV6 domain:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# lma lma1 dn1


To enable local routing for the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG), use the local-routing-mag command in PMIPv6 domain configuration mode or MAG configuration mode. To disable local routing for the MAG, use the no form of this command.


no local-routing-mag

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Local routing is not enabled for the MAG.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)

PMIP domain configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.


The following example shows how to enable local routing for the MAG in PMIPV6 configuration mode:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# local-routing-mag

The following example shows how to enable local routing for the MAG in MAG configuration mode:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# local-routing-mag


To enable mobile router functionality in MAG, use the logical-mn command in MAG configuration mode. To disable the mobile router functionality, use the no form of this command.

logical-mn network-access-identifier

no logical-mn network-access-identifier

Syntax Description


Specifies the Network Access Identifier (NAI) of the mobile node.

Command Default

The mobile router functionality is not enabled.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Only loopback interfaces can be configured as home interfaces. A loopback interface that is configured as home interface must first be configured as a MAG-enabled interface.


The following example shows how to enable the mobile router:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# logical-mn mn1@example.com


To configure the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) within the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPV6) domain or to configure the MAG within a Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), use the mag command in the PMIPV6 domain configuration mode or LMA configuration mode. To disable the MAG configuration, use the no form of this command.

mag mag-id domain-id

no mag mag-id domain-id

Syntax Description


MAG identifier.


PMIP domain identifier.

Command Default

The LMA within the PMIPV6 domain is not configured.

Command Modes

PMIPV6 domain configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. The domain-id argument was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

Use the mag command in PMIPV6 domain configuration mode to configure the MAG within the PMIPV6 domain.

Use the mag command in LMA configuration mode to specify the MAG for the LMA.


The following example shows how to configure the MAG in the PMIPV6 domain:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mag mag1

The following example shows how to configure the MAG for the LMA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lmag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# mag mag1 dn1

match access-list (PMIPv6)

To create a match clause and specify access lists, use the match access-list command in PMIPv6 domain mobile-map configuration mode. To remove the match clause and the access lists, use the no form of this command.

match access-list acl-name

no match access-list acl-name

Syntax Description


Access list name.

Command Default

Match clause is not created.

Command Modes

PMIPv6 domain mobile map configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.10S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

First create the extended named access list in the configuration mode. Mention the name of the access list in the match access-list command.


The following example shows how to configure the match access list for a mobile map:

Device(config)# ip access-list extended acl1 
Device(config-ext-nacl)# permit icmp any any
Device(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1 
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mobile-map map1 10 
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# match access-list acl1


To specify a differentiated services code point (DSCP) value used to match IP multiplexed packets for the policy, use the matchdscp command in IPv4 multiplexing policy configuration or IPv6 multiplexing policy configuration mode. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

matchdscp DSCP-value

no matchdscp DSCP-value

Syntax Description


DSCP value. The range is 0 to 63. The following DSCP values are also valid:

  • af11 —Match packets with AF11 DSCP (001010)

  • af12 —Match packets with AF12 DSCP (001100)

  • af13 —Match packets with AF13 DSCP (001110)

  • af21 —Match packets with AF21 DSCP (010010)

  • af22 —Match packets with AF22 DSCP (010100)

  • af23 —Match packets with AF23 DSCP (010110)

  • af31 —Match packets with AF31 DSCP (011010)

  • af32 —Match packets with AF32 DSCP (011100)

  • af33 —Match packets with AF33 DSCP (011110)

  • af41 —Match packets with AF41 DSCP (100010)

  • af42 —Match packets with AF42 DSCP (100100)

  • af43 —Match packets with AF43 DSCP (100110)

  • cs1 —Match packets with CS1 (precedence 1) DSCP (001000)

  • cs2 —Match packets with CS2 (precedence 2) DSCP (010000)

  • cs3 —Match packets with CS3 (precedence 3) DSCP (011000)

  • cs4 —Match packets with CS4 (precedence 4) DSCP (100000)

  • cs5 —Match packets with CS5 (precedence 5) DSCP (101000)

  • cs6 —Match packets with CS6 (precedence 6) DSCP (110000)

  • cs7 —Match packets with CS7 (precedence 7) DSCP (111000)

  • default —Match packets with default DSCP (000000)

  • ef —Match packets with EF DSCP (101110)

Command Default

No DSCP values are set.

Command Modes

IP multiplexing policy configuration (config-ipmux-policy)

IPv6 multiplexing policy configuration (config-ipmux-policy-v6)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

Make sure that the DSCP values do not overlap between policies. If the DSCP values do overlap, then the first policy to match the DSCP value from the top of the list is selected.

You can enter more than one value.


The following example shows how to configure the DSCP value to 45 in the IPv6 multiplexing policy routeRTP-SJ :

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ipv6 mux policy routeRTP-SJ
Router(config-ipmux-policy-v6)# matchdscp 45
Router(config-ipmux-policy-v6)# exit 


To specify the largest packet size that a multiplexing profile can hold for multiplexing, use the maxlength command in IPv4 multiplexing profile configuration or IPv6 multiplexing profile configuration mode. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

maxlength bytes

no maxlength

Syntax Description


Maximum packet size, in bytes. The range is 64 to 1472.

Command Default

The policy multiplexes any packet that fits into the superframe.

Command Modes

IP multiplexing profile configuration (config-ipmux-profile)

IPv6 multiplexing profile configuration (config-ipmux-profile-v6)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not specify a maximum packet size for multiplexing, the maximum packet size will default to the configured MTU size minus the length of the superframe header (28 bytes for IPv4 and 48 bytes for IPv6).


The following example shows how to configure the maximum packet size that can go into the IP multiplexing profile routeRTP-SJ to 1472 bytes:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ipv6 mux profile routeRTP-SJ
Router(config-ipmux-profile-v6)# maxlength 1472
Router(config-ipmux-profile-v6)# exit


To enable mobile client service abstraction (MCSA), use the mcsa command in global configuration mode. To disable MCSA, use the no form of this command.


no mcsa

Syntax Description

There are no arguments and keywords.

Command Default

An abstraction to receive event notifications is not available.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was introduced in Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S.

Usage Guidelines

MCSA provides an abstraction to receive the discovery event and service event notifications from the MNs, and binding events from the local mobility anchor (LMA).

If you have enabled the mobile access gateway (MAG) functionality, you do not have to enable the mcsa command.

Enter the sessionmgr command in MAG configuration mode, before you enter the mcsa command in global configuration mode.

Enter the no sessionmgr command in MAG configuration mode, before you enter the no mcsa command in global configuration mode.


The following example shows how to enable MCSA:

Device# configuration terminal
Device(config) ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain) exit
Device(config) ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag) sessionmgr
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag) exit
Device(config) mcsa
The following example shows how to disable MCSA:
Device# configuration terminal
Device(config) ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain) exit
Device(config) ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag) no sessionmgr
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag) exit
Device(config) no mcsa


To load the profile configuration from the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server to the mobile node (MN), use the mn-profile-load-aaa command in PMIPV6 domain configuration mode. To disable triggering of AAA requests, use the no form of this command.


no mn-profile-load-aaa

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The profile configuration for the MN is not loaded.

Command Modes

PMIPV6 domain configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

Use the mn-profile-load-aaa command to configure the MN by using the configuration from the AAA server.


The following example shows how to configure the MN within the PMIPV6 domain by using the configuration from AAA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mn-profile-load-aaa

mobile-map (LMA)

To apply a mobile map for an LMA, use the mobile-map command in the LMA configuration mode. To remove the mobile map, use the no form of this command.

mobile-map map-name

no mobile-map map-name

Syntax Description


Name of the mobile map.

Command Default

No mobile maps are applied.

Command Modes

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Release 3.10S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the mobile-map command to apply the mobile map that is configured in the PMIPv6 domain.


The following example shows how to apply a mobile map for an LMA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain d1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# mobile-map map1

mobile network (label)

To configure a physical interface for a mobile network, use the mobile network command in MAG logical MN configuration. To disassociate a physical interface from the mobile network, use the no form of this command.

mobile network interface-name interface-type [ label label-name] [ skip-register] [ learn-prefix ]

no mobile network interface-type interface-number

Syntax Description


Interface type.


Interface number.

label label-name

A identifier for the interface to be used in the PMIPv6 signaling packets.


(Optional) Specified when the interface information is not to be carried in the PMIPv6 proxy binding update (PBU) packet.


(Optional) Registers all the prefixes learnt via the configured mobile network interface with the LMA

Command Default

No mobile networks are configured.

Command Modes

MAG logical MN configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-logicalmn)

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Do not use a MAG-enabled interface for the mobile network.


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# logical-mn mn1@example.com
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-logicalmn)# mobile network ethernet 0/0 label eth0

mobile-network (mobile router)

To specify the mobile router interface that is connected to the dynamic mobile network, use the mobile-network command in mobile router configuration mode. To disassociate the networks from the mobile router, use the no form of this command.

mobile-network interface

no mobile-network interface

Syntax Description


Mobile router interface that is connected to the dynamic network.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Mobile router configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The IP address and mask of the interface are added to the registration request to notify the home agent of the mobile networks. Once the home agent acknowledges the mobile network, the mobile router will no longer add the mobile network information in subsequent requests.


The following example shows how to enable mobile router services. In this example, the mobile router located at is dynamically registering the primary interface address on Ethernet interface 3/2:

router mobile
ip mobile router
 !specifies the Mobile Router interface connected to the mobile network
 mobile-network Ethernet3/2
 register lifetime 120

mobile-network (PMIPv6)

To specify mobile address pools, from which a mobile network prefix is allocated to a logical mobile node (LMN), in a Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), use the mobile-network pool command in LMA-network configuration mode. To disassociate a mobile-network pool from an LMA, use the no form of this command.

mobile-network { pool | v6pool } address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix

no mobile-network { pool | v6pool } address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix

Syntax Description

pool address

IPv4 starting address in the mobile-network pool.

v6pool address

IPv6 starting address in the mobile-network pool.

pool-prefix pool-prefix

Specifies the prefix length of the pool address.

network-prefix network-prefix

Specifies the prefix length of the mobile network address.

Command Default

No mobile network pool is specified in the LMA for the logical MN.

Command Modes

LMA-network configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.10S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.12S

This command was modified. The v6pool keyword has been added.


The following example shows how to specify the name of the IPv4 address pool in an LMA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# network network1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30


The following example shows how to specify the name of the IPv6 address pool in an LMA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# network network1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network v6pool 2001:DB8:: pool-prefix 48 network-prefix 64

mobility-service mobile-local-loop (LMA)

To configure Mobile Loop Local (MLL) service on the Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), use the mobility-service mobile-local-loop command in PMIPv6 LMA configuration mode. To disable the MLL service, use the no form of this command.

mobility-service mobile-local-loop

no mobility-service mobile-local-loop

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


Device> configure terminal 
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma LMA domain example.com
Device(config-pmipv6-lma)# mobility-service mobile-local-loop

mobility-service mobile-local-loop (PMIP domain)

To enable mobile loop service, use the mobility-service mobile-local-loop command in PMIP domain configuration mode. To disable mobile loop service, use the no of the command.

mobility-service mobile-local-loop

no mobility-service mobile-local-loop

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

PMIP domain configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn) #

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

For the logical mobile node (LMN) to use the configuration of the mobility-service mobile-local-loop command, use the command before the MAG LMN configuration is applied.


The following command shows how to configure the mobility-service mobile-local-loop command.

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# nai user1@example.com
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mobility-service mobile-local-loop

mobility-service mobile-local-loop (MAG)

To specify a client as a mobility services user, use the mobility-service mobile-local-loop command in MAG configuration mode. To dissociate the client from being a mobility services user, use the no of the command.

mobility-service mobile-local-loop

no mobility-service mobile-local-loop

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No client is specified as a mobility services user.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)#

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

For the logical mobile node (LMN) to use the configuration of the mobility-service mobile-local-loop command, use the command before the MAG LMN configuration is applied.


When you configure this command, the mode changes to mobility MLL service configuration mode, The two commands ignore homeaddress and egress interface can be used in this mode. If you do not use the ignore homeaddress command, the mobile node does not ignore the IP addresses received from the MAG. If you do not use the egress command, the PMIPv6 links acts as the primary link.

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1  
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# mobility-service mobile-local-loop   

mode bypass

To enable Virtual Multipoint Interfaces (VMI) to support multicast traffic, use the mode bypass command in interface configuration mode. To return the interface to the default mode of aggregate, use the no form of this command.

mode [ aggregate | bypass ]

no mode bypass

Syntax Description


Sets the mode to aggregate. All virtual-access interfaces created by PPPoE sessions are logically aggregated under the VMI.


Sets the mode to bypass.

Command Default

No mode

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T to support multicast traffic on Virtual Multipoint Interfaces (VMIs).

Usage Guidelines

Use the mode bypass command when you need to support multicast traffic in router-to-radio configurations.

Aggregate Mode

The default mode for operation of the VMI is aggregate mode. In aggregate mode, all of the virtual-access interfaces created by PPPoE sessions are logically aggregated under the VMI. As such, applications above Layer 2, such as, EIGRP and OSPFv3, should be defined on the VMI interface only. Packets sent to the VMI will be correctly forwarded to the correct virtual-access interface.

Bypass Mode

Using bypass mode is recommended for multicast applications.

In bypass mode, the virtual-access interfaces are directly exposed to applications running above Layer2. In bypass mode, definition of a VMI is still required because the VMI will continue to manage presentation of cross-layer signals, such as, neighbor up, neighbor down, and metrics. However, applications will still be aware on the actual underlying virtual-access interfaces and send packets to them directly.

Using bypass mode can cause databases in the applications to be larger because knowledge of more interfaces are required for normal operation.

After you enter the mode bypass command, Cisco recommends that you copy the running configuration to NVRAM. because the default mode of operation for VMI is to logically aggregate the virtual-access interfaces.


The following example sets the interface mode to bypass:

Router# enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface vmi1
Router(config-if)# mode bypass

mtu (IP multiplexing)

To specify the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of an outbound superframe, use the mtu command in IP v4 multiplexing profile configuration or IPv6 multiplexing profile configuration mode. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

mtu bytes

no mtu

Syntax Description


MTU size of the outbound superframe, in bytes. The range is 256 to 1,500.

Command Default

The maximum superframe packet size is 1,500 bytes.

Command Modes

IP multiplexing profile configuration (config-ipmux-profile)

IPv6 multiplexing profile configuration (config-ipmux-profile-v6)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not specify an MTU size, the IP multiplexing packet handler uses the default value of 1,500 bytes.

For each new packet being added to the superframe, the IP multiplexing packet handler checks the byte count of the multiplexing queue. If the queue byte count and the superframe header length exceed the configured MTU size, the software builds a superframe from the previous packets and the new packet becomes the first packet of the next superframe.

After you specify the MTU size, if you enter the mtu command again, the MTU size overwrites the previously entered size.

The superframe size specified in the mtu command includes the IP frame header for the superframe of 48 bytes for IPv6 and 28 bytes for IPv4 packets. Therefore an IPv6 MTU configured to 1,400 bytes will accept 1,352 bytes of data before sending a full superframe. An IPv4 MTU configured to 1,400 bytes will accept 1,372 bytes of data before sending a full superframe.


The following example shows how to configure the MTU size for IP multiplexing profile routeRTP-SJ to 1,000 bytes:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ipv6 mux profile routeRTP-SJ
Router(config-ipmux-profile-v6)# mtu 1000
Router(config-ipmux-profile-v6)# exit


To enable the multihoming feature for the mobile node (MN), use the multi-homed command in the PMIPV6 domain mobile node configuration mode. To remove the multihoming feature for the MN, use the no form of this command.


no multi-homed

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Multihoming is not enabled for the MN.

Command Modes

PMIPV6 domain mobile node configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.


The following example shows how to enable multihoming for the MN:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# nai example@example.com
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)# multi-homed

multi-path (mobile networks)

To override the global default setting and enable the home agent to process requests with multiple path support for a specific mobile router, use the multi-path command in mobile networks configuration mode. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

multi-path [ metric { bandwidth | hopcount } ]

no multi-path [ metric { bandwidth | hopcount } ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Metric for multipath load balancing.


(Optional) Specifies that bandwidth is used as the metric. Bandwidth is the default metric.


(Optional) Specifies that hop count is used as the metric.

Command Default

Multiple path support is disabled on the home agent.

Command Modes

Mobile networks configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Multiple path support is enabled by default on the mobile router but is disabled by default on the home agent.


The following example shows how to configure the home agent to disable multiple path support for a specific mobile router:

ip mobile mobile-networks
 no multi-path

multi-path (mobile router)

To enable the mobile router to request multiple path support, use the multi-path command in mobile router configuration mode. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

multi-path [ metric { bandwidth | hopcount } ]

no multi-path [ metric { bandwidth | hopcount } ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Metric for multipath load balancing.


Specifies that bandwidth is used as the metric. Bandwidth is the default metric.


Specifies that hop count is used as the metric.

Command Default

Multiple path support is enabled on the mobile router.

Command Modes

Mobile router configuration.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Multiple path support is enabled by default on the mobile router but disabled by default on the home agent.


The following example shows how to configure the mobile router to request multiple path support:

ip mobile router


To enable multipath support in Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), use the multipath command in LMA configuration mode. To remove the multipath support, use the no form of this command. To remove the multipath support, use the no form of this command.


no multipath

Syntax Description

There are no arguments and keywords.

Command Default

Multipath support is not enabled.

Command Modes

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.10S

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to enable multipath for LMA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain d1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# multipath