aaa authorization ipmobile through ip mobile host

aaa authorization ipmobile

To authorize Mobile IP to retrieve security associations from the AAA server using TACACS+ or RADIUS, use the aaa authorization ipmobile command in global configuration mode. To remove authorization, use the no form of this command.

aaa authorization ipmobile { [ radius | tacacs | + ] | default } [ group server-groupname ]

no aaa authorization ipmobile { [ radius | tacacs | + ] | default } [ group server-groupname ]

Syntax Description


Authorization list named radius.


Authorization list named tacacs+.


Default authorization list.

group server-groupname

(Optional) Name of the server group to use.

Command Default

AAA is not used to retrieve security associations for authentication.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Mobile IP requires security associations for registration authentication. The security associations are configured on the router or on a AAA server. This command is not needed for the former; but in the latter case, this command authorizes Mobile IP to retrieve the security associations from the AAA server.

Once the authorization list is named, it can be used in other areas such as login. You can only use one named authorization list; multiple named authorization lists are not supported.

The aaa authorization ipmobile default group server-groupname command is the most commonly used method to retrieve security associations from the AAA server.


The AAA server does not authenticate the user. It stores the security association that is retrieved by the router to authenticate registration.


The following example uses TACACS+ to retrieve security associations from the AAA server:

aaa new-model
aaa authorization ipmobile tacacs+
tacacs-server host
tacacs-server key mykey
ip mobile host virtual-network aaa

The following example uses RADIUS as the default group to retrieve security associations from the AAA server:

aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default enable
aaa authorization ipmobile default group radius
aaa session-id common
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
radius-server retransmit 3
radius-server key cisco
ip mobile host virtual-network aaa

access-list (IP multiplexing)

To assign an existing access list to an IP multiplexing profile, use the access-list command in IPv4 multiplexing profile configuration or IPv6 multiplexing profile configuration mode. To clear the access list associated with an IP multiplexing profile, use the no form of this command.

access-list { standard-access-list-number | extended-access-list-number | name }

no access-list

Syntax Description


Standard access list number to use with the IP multiplexing profile. The range is 1 to 199.


Extended access list number to use with the IP multiplexing profile. The range is 1300 to 2699.


Access list name to use with the IP multiplexing profile.

Command Default

No access list is configured.

Command Modes

IP multiplexing profile configuration (config-ipmux-profile)

IPv6 multiplexing profile configuration (config-ipmux-profile-v6)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

You must configure an access list for IP multiplexing to work. The access list identifies the traffic to be considered for multiplexing. If you do not configure an access list, no packets are queued for multiplexing.

After the access list is created, if you enter the access-list command again, the new access list overwrites the previously entered access list. You must enter the shutdown and no shutdown commands to make the new access list take effect.

Create an access control ist (ACL) list by using the ip access-list or ipv6 access-list command. When you configure an ACL to use with IP multiplexing, filter only traffic based on the destination address, destination port, and protocol type. If you configure an ACL with other filter characteristics, unexpected or undesirable multiplexing decisions might occur. If you change an ACL associated with an IP multiplexing profile, you are prompted to enter the shutdown and no shutdown commands before the new access-list filters take effect.

If you delete an ACL from the profile, IP multiplexing will not send superframes; however, it still accepts superframes.


The following example shows how to configure the ACL routeRTP-SJ as the active ACL to filter packets for IP multiplexing:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ipv6 mux profile routeRTP-SJ
Router(config-ipmux-profile-v6)# access-list routeRTP-SJ
Router(config-ipmux-profile-v6)# exit

address (mobile router)

To set the home IP address of the mobile router, use the address command in mobile router configuration mode. To remove the address, use the no form of this command.

address address mask

no address address mask

Syntax Description


Home IP address.


Mask for the associated subnet.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Mobile router configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The address command con figures the home IP address and subnet mask of the mobile router. The address and subnet mask identify the home network of the mobile router and are used to discover when the mobile router is at home.


The following example sets the home IP address and subnet mask of the mobile router:

ip mobile router

address (proxy mobile IPv6)

To configure an IPv4, an IPv6, or dynamic address for a Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) or to configure an IPv4 or an IPv6 address on a Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), use the address command in MAG configuration mode or LMA configuration mode or PMIPv6 LMA Mobile Local Loop Customer Transport configuration mode. To remove the IP address, use the no form of this command.

address { ipv4 ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address | dynamic }

no address { ipv4 ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address | dynamic }

Syntax Description

ipv4 ipv4-address

Specifies an IPv4 address for a MAG or an LMA.

ipv6 ipv6-address

Specifies an IPv6 address for a MAG or an LMA.


Specifies a dynamic IP v4 address for a MAG.

Command Default

No IPv4 address or IPv6 address is configured for the MAG or the LMA.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

PMIPv6 LMA Mobile Local Loop Customer Transport configuration (config-pmipv6-lma-mll-cust-tpt)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. This command was made available in LMA configuration mode.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Cisco IOS 15.4(1)T

This command was modified. The dynamic keyword was added. .

Cisco IOS 15.5(2)T

This command was modified. The command was made available in PMIPv6 LMA Mobile Local Loop Customer Transport configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command in MAG configuration mode to configure an IPv4 or IPv6 address or a dynamic IPv4 address for a MAG. Use this command in LMA configuration mode to configure an IPv4 or IPv6 address for an LMA.

The MAG or the LMA can have only one IPv4 address and one IPv6 address.


The following example shows how to configure an IPv6 address for the MAG:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# address ipv6 2001:0DB8:2:5::1

The following example shows how to configure an IPv6 address for the LMA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# address ipv6 2001:0DB8:2:5::1

This example shows how to configure a customer-specific IPv4 address:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma LMA domain
Device(config-pmipv6-lma)# mobility-service mobile-local-loop
Device(config-pmipv6-lma-mll)# customer customer1 vrf vrf1
Device(config-pmipv6-lma-mll-cust)# transport vrf vrf1
Device(config-pmipv6-lma-mll-cust-tpt)# address ipv4

apn (proxy mobile IPv6)

To specify an access point name (APN) to the subscriber of the mobile node (MN) or for the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) within the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) domain, use the apn command in mobile node confguration mode or MAG configuration mode. To remove the APN specification, use the no form of this command.

apn apn-name

no apn

Syntax Description


APN identifier.

Command Default

No APN is specified.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)

Mobile node configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M


The following example shows how to specify the APN for the MN within the PMIPv6 domain:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# nai
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)# apn apn1

The following example shows how to specify the APN for the MAG within the PMIPv6 domain:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# apn apn1


To enable authentication for the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIP6) domain, the Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) peer entity within the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG), or the MAG peer entity within the LMA, use the auth-option command in the appropriate configuration mode. To disable the authentication, use the no form of this command.

auth-option spi { spi-hex-value | decimal spi-decimal-value } key { ascii | hex } string

no auth-option

Syntax Description

spi spi-hex-value

Specifies the Security Parameter Index (SPI) in hexadecimal format. The range is from 64 to FFFFFFFF.

decimal spi-decimal-value

Specifies the SPI value in decimal format. The range is from 256 to 12345678.


Specifies the security key.


Specifies the security key in ASCII format.


Specifies the security key in hexadecimal format.


String key value.

Command Default

No authentication is set.

Command Modes

MAG-LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6mag-lma)

LMA-MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-mag)

PMIP domain configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. This command was made available in LMA-MAG configuration mode.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M

Usage Guidelines

Use the auth-option command in PMIPv6 configuration mode to configure the SPI and the key value for the PMIPV6 domain. The LMAs and the MAGs within the PMIPV6 domain use this configuration as the default.

Use the auth-option command in MAG-LMA configuration mode to configure the authentication for the LMA within the MAG.

Use the auth-option command in LMA-MAG configuration mode to configure the authentication for the MAG within the LMA.


The following example shows how to configure authentication for the PMIPV6 domain in PMIPV6 configuration mode, with the SPI in hexadecimal format and an ASCII string key value:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# auth-option spi 67 key ascii key1

The following example shows how to configure the authentication for the LMA within the MAG in MAG-LMA configuration mode, with the SPI in decimal format and a string key value:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# lma lma1 dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6mag-lma)# auth-option spi decimal 258 key hex FFFF

The following example shows how to configure the authentication for the MAG peer entity within the LMA in LMA-MAG configuration mode, with the SPI in decimal format and a string key value:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# mag mag1 dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-mag)# auth-option spi decimal 258 key hex FFFF  

auth-option (pmipv6 lma mll customer)

To enable customer-specific authentication in a Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) within a Mobile Local Loop (MLL), use the auth-option command PMIPv6 LMA MLL Customer configuration mode. To disable the customer-specific authentication, use the no form of this command.

auth-option spi spi-hex-value key string

no auth-option spi spi-hex-value key string

Syntax Description

spi spi-hex-value

Specifies the Security Parameter Index (SPI) in hexadecimal format. The range is from 64 to FFFFFFFF.

key ascii

Specifies the security key in ASCII format.


String key value.

Command Default

No authentication is set.

Command Modes

PMIPv6 LMA MLL Customer configuration (config-pmipv6-lma-mll-cust)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The configuration of auth-option command in PMIPv6 LMA MLL Customer configuration mode overrides the global auth-option configuration in the PMIPv6 LMA Domain mode.


This example shows how to configure authentication for a customer:

Device(config)# configuration terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma domain
Device(config-pmipv6-lma)# mobility-service mobile-local-loop
Device(config-pmipv6-lma-mll)# customer cust1 vrf vrf1
Device(config-pmipv6-lma-mll-cust)# auth-option spi FF key ascii FFD

binding (proxy mobile IPv6)

To configure the binding update parameters for the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG), use the binding command in MAG configuration mode. To remove the configured binding update parameters, use the no form of this command.

binding { { init-retx-time | max-retx-time } milliseconds | { lifetime | refresh-time } seconds | maximum number }

no binding { init-retx-time | max-retx-time | lifetime | refresh-time | maximum }

Syntax Description

init-retx-time milliseconds

Specifies the initial timeout, in milliseconds (ms), between the Proxy Binding Updates (PBUs) and the Proxy Binding Acknowledgment (PBA) until the PBA is received. The range is from 100 to 65535. The default is 1.

lifetime seconds

Specifies the maximum lifetime, in seconds, permitted for the binding update entry. The range is from 10 to 65535. The default is 65535.

max-retx-time milliseconds

Specifies the maximum timeout in ms, between the PBUs and the PBAs until the PBA is received. The range is from 100 to 65535. The default is 32.

maximum number

Specifies the maximum number of binding update entries allowed. The range is from 1 to 40000.

refresh-time seconds

Specifies the binding update entry refresh time in seconds. The range is from 4 to 65535, and in multiples of 4. If the value entered is not a multiple of 4, the value configured may be rounded to the nearest lowest multiple of 4. The default is 300.

Command Default

Binding update parameters for the MAG is not configured.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

The value for the init-retx-time keyword should be less than that for the max-retx-time keyword.


The following example shows how to configure binding update parameters for the MAG:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# binding init-retx-time 110
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# binding max-retx-time 4000
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# binding lifetime 5000
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# binding maximum 200
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# binding refresh-time 2000

bce delete-wait-time

To specify the minimum time the Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) must wait, after receiving the delete notification from the Mobility Access Gateway (MAG), to delete the binding cache entries (BCEs) from the mobile node (MN), use the bce delete-wait-time command in LMA configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

bce delete-wait-time milliseconds

no bce delete-wait-time milliseconds

Syntax Description


Minimum time, in milliseconds, that the LMA waits before the BCE is deleted.
  • Range: 1 to 65535. Default: 10000.

Command Default

The time the LMA waits before it deletes the BCEs from the mobile node is 10000 ms.

Command Modes

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)  

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the bce delete-wait-time command to specify the minimum time in milliseconds the LMA must wait, after receiving the delete notification from the MAG, to delete a BCE.

To display the list of LMA bindings established over the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) signaling plane, use the show ipv6 mobile pmipv6 lma globals command. The DeleteTime variable field displays the specified time the LMA should wait before it deletes BCEs.


The following example shows how to specify the minimum time the LMA must wait before deleting the BCEs.

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# bce delete-wait-time 10

bce lifetime

To specify the lifetime of binding cache entries (BCEs) of a mobile node, use the bce lifetime command in LMA configuration mode. To restore to the default value, use the no form of this command.

bce lifetime seconds

no bce lifetime

Syntax Description


Lifetime of the BCEs.
  • The range is from 1 to 65535. The default is 3600.

Command Default

The lifetime of BCEs in the mobile node is 3600 seconds.

Command Modes

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the bce lifetime command to specify the lifetime of the BCEs of a mobile node.

To display the list of LMA bindings established over the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIP) signaling plane, use the show ipv6 mobile pmipv6 lma globals command. The RegistrationLifeTime field displays the specified lifetime of the BCEs in the LMA.


The following example shows how to specify the lifetime of BCEs in an LMA:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)#  exit
Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# bce lifetime 200

bce maximum

To specify the maximum number of binding cache entries (BCEs) that is allowed in a Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), use the bce maximum command in LMA configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

bce maximum maximum-number

no bce maximum

Syntax Description


Maximum number of BCEs that is allowed in an LMA.
  • The range is from 1 to 128000. The default is 10000.

Command Default

The default number of BCEs that is allowed in an LMA is 10000.

Command Modes

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the bce maximum command in LMA configuration mode to specify the maximum number of binding cache entries (BCEs) that is allowed in an LMA.

To display the list of LMA bindings established over the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) signaling plane, use the show ipv6 mobile pmipv6 lma globals command. The MaxBindings field displays the specified maximum number of BCEs allowed for the LMA.


The following example shows how to specify the maximum number of BCEs that is allowed in an LMA:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)#bce maximum 200 


To configure Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) message parameters, use the bri command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove BRI message parameters, use the no form of this command.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

bri { delay { max | min } milliseconds | retry number }

no bri { delay { max | min } | retry number }

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S and Later Releases

bri { delay { max | min } milliseconds | retries number }

no bri { delay { max | min } | retries number }

Syntax Description


Specifies the delay option.

max milliseconds

Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, for which the LMA or MAG should wait for the Binding Revocation Acknowledgment (BRA), from the MAG or LMA respectively, before retransmitting the BRI message.
  • The range is from 500 to 65536. The default is 2000.

min milliseconds

Specifies the minimum time, in milliseconds, for which the LMA or MAG should wait before transmitting the BRI message from MAG or LMA respectively.
  • The range is from 500 to 65536. The default is 100.

retries number

Specifies the maximum number of times the LMA should retransmit the BRI message until a BRA is received from MAG or LMA.
  • The range is from 1 to 10. The default is 1.

Command Default

BRI message parameters are not configured.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. This command was made available in LMA configuration mode. The retry keyword was changed to retries .


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M

Usage Guidelines

Use the bri command in MAG configuration mode to configure BRI message parameters in the MAG.

Use the bri command in LMA configuration mode to configure BRI message parameters in the LMA.

The max , min , and retries keywords are represent the MAX_BRACK_TIMEOUT, InitMINDelayBRIs, and BRIMaxRetriesNumber variables described in RFC 5846.


The following example shows how to configure BRI retransmission parameters for the MAG:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# bri delay max 4500
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# bri delay min 500
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# bri retries 6

The following example shows how to configure BRI retransmission parameters for the LMA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# bri delay max 4500
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# bri delay min 500
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# bri retries 6

clear ip mobile binding

To remove mobility bindings, use the clear ip mobile binding command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ip mobile binding { all [ load standby-group-name ] | ip-address [ coa care-of-address ] | nai string [ session-id string ] | vrf realm realm } [synch]

Syntax Description


Clears all mobility bindings.

load standby-group-name

(Optional) Downloads mobility bindings for a standby group after a clear operation.


IP address of a mobile node or mobile router.

coa care-of-address

(Optional) The binding corresponding to the IP address and its care-of address.

nai string

Network access identifier (NAI) of the mobile node.

session-id string

(Optional) Session identifier. The string value must be fewer than 25 characters in length.

vrf realm realm

Specifies the VRF realm.


(Optional) Specifies that the bindings that are administratively cleared on the active home agent are synchronized to the standby home agent, and the bindings will be deleted on the standby home agent.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following keywords and argument were added:

  • all

  • load

  • standby-group-name


The nai keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.


The session-id keyword was added.


The coa care-of-address keyword and argument combination were added.


The vrf realm realm and synch keywords and argument were added.

Usage Guidelines

The home agent creates a mobility binding for each roaming mobile node. Associated with the mobility binding is the tunnel to the visited network and a host route to forward packets destined for the mobile node. Typically, there should be no need to clear the binding because it expires after the lifetime is reached or when the mobile node deregisters.

When the mobility binding is removed through use of this command, the number of users on the tunnel is decremented and the host route is removed from the routing table. The mobile node is not notified.

If the nai string session-id string option is specified, only the binding entry with that session identifier is cleared. If the session-id keyword is not specified, all binding entries (potentially more than one, with different session identifiers) for that NAI are cleared. You can determine the session-id string value by using the show ip mobile binding command.

When the synch option is specified, bindings that are administratively cleared on the active home agent are synchronized to the standby home agent, and the bindings will be deleted on the standby home agent. When the redundancy mode is active-standby, the synch option will not take effect if the clear command is issued on the standby home agent.

Use this command with care, because it will disrupt any sessions used by the mobile node. After you use this command, the mobile node will need to reregister to continue roaming.


The following example administratively stops mobile node from roaming:

Router# show ip mobile binding
Mobility Binding List:
Total 1 
    Care-of Addr, Src Addr, 
    Lifetime granted 02:46:40 (10000), remaining 02:46:32
    Flags SbdmGvt, Identification B750FAC4.C28F56A8, 
    Tunnel100 src dest reverse-allowed
    Routing Options - (G)GRE
Router# clear ip mobile binding
Router# show ip mobile binding

clear ip mobile host-counters

To clear the mobility counters specific to each mobile node, use the clear ip mobile host-counters command in EXEC mode.

clear ip mobile host-counters [ [ ip-address | nai string ] undo ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) IP address of a mobile node.

nai string

(Optional) Network access identifier of the mobile node.


(Optional) Restores the previously cleared counters.

Command Modes


Command History




This command was introduced.


The nai keyword was added.


The nai keyword was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command clears the counters that are displayed when you use the show ip mobile host command. The undo keyword restores the counters (this option is useful for debugging).


The following example shows how the counters can be used for debugging:

Router# show ip mobile host
    Allowed lifetime 10:00:00 (36000/default)
    Roaming status -registered-, Home link on virtual network
    Accepted 2, Last time 04/13/02 19:04:28
    Overall service time 00:04:42
    Denied 0, Last time -never-
    Last code ‘-never- (0)’
    Total violations 1
    Tunnel to MN - pkts 0, bytes 0
    Reverse tunnel from MN - pkts 0, bytes 0
Router# clear ip mobile host-counters
Router# show ip mobile host-counters
    Allowed lifetime 10:00:00 (36000/default)
    Roaming status -Unregistered-, Home link on virtual network
    Accepted 0, Last time -never-
    Overall service time -never-
    Denied 0, Last time -never-
    Last code ‘-never- (0)’
    Total violations 0
    Tunnel to MN - pkts 0, bytes 0
    Reverse tunnel from MN - pkts 0, bytes 0

clear ip mobile router agent

To delete learned agents and the corresponding care-of address of the foreign agent from the mobile router agent table, use the clear ip mobile router agent command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ip mobile router agent [ip-address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) IP address of an agent. If not specified, all agents are deleted from the agent table.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The mobile router maintains an agent table listing active agents and the corresponding care-of address of the foreign agent. The mobile router uses this agent table to decide which foreign agent to register with. The mobile router updates the table when it receives advertisements. If an advertisement expires, its entry is automatically deleted from the table.

The clear ip mobile router agent ip-address option allows you to remove a specific agent.


The following example removes all agents from the mobile router agent table:

Router# clear ip mobile router agent

clear ip mobile router registration

To delete registration entries from the mobile router registration table, use the clear ip mobile router registration command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ip mobile router registration [ip-address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) IP address of a specific agent. If not specified, all registration entries are deleted.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The m obile router maintains a registration table listing registration entries that are used for retransmissions. For example, a registration request is sent when no reply is received or the lifetime is about to expire.

A registration request can be removed from the table to prevent further registration requests from being sent to the agent. The clear ip mobile router registration ip-address option allows you to remove a registration to a specific agent.

Clearing an active registration will cause the mobile router to attempt to deregister.


The following example removes all registration entries from the mobile router registration table:

Router# clear ip mobile router registration

clear ip mobile router traffic

To clear the counters that the mobile router maintains, use the clear ip mobile router traffic command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ip mobile router traffic

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Mobile router counters are accumulated during operation. They are useful for debugging and monitoring.


The following example shows how the mobile router counters can be used for debugging:

Router# show ip mobile router traffic
Mobile Router Counters:
Agent Discovery:
  Solicitations sent 90, advertisements received 17
  Agent reboots detected 0
  Register 70, Deregister 0 requests sent
  Register 70, Deregister 0 replies received
  Requests accepted 68, denied 1 by HA 1 /FA 0
  Denied due to mismatched ID 1
Router# clear ip mobile router traffic
Router# show ip mobile router traffic
Mobile Router Counters:
Agent Discovery:
  Solicitations sent 0, advertisements received 0
  Agent reboots detected 0
  Register 0, Deregister 0 requests sent
  Register 0, Deregister 0 replies received
  Requests accepted 0, denied 0 by HA 0 /FA 0
  Denied due to mismatched ID 0

clear ip mobile secure

To clear and retrieve remote security associations, use the clear ip mobile secure command in EXEC mode.

clear ip mobile secure { host lower [upper] | nai string | empty | all } [load]

Syntax Description


Mobile node host.


IP address of mobile node. Can be used alone, or as lower end of a range of IP addresses.


(Optional) Upper end of a range of IP addresses.

nai string

Network access identifier of the mobile node.


Load in only mobile nodes without security associations. Must be used with the load keyword.


Clears all mobile nodes.


(Optional) Reload the security association from the AAA server after security association has been cleared.

Command Modes


Command History




This command was introduced.


The nai keyword was added.


The nai keyword was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.

Usage Guidelines

Security associations are required for registration authentication. They can be stored on an AAA server. During registration, they may be stored locally after retrieval from the AAA server. The security association on the router may become stale or out of date when the security association on the AAA server changes.

This command clears security associations that have been downloaded from the AAA server.


Security associations that are manually configured on the router or not stored on the router after retrieval from the AAA server are not applicable.


In the following example, the AAA server has the security association for user after registration:

Router# show ip mobile secure host
Security Associations (algorithm,mode,replay protection,key):
    SPI 300,  MD5, Prefix-suffix, Timestamp +/- 7,
    Key ‘oldkey’ 1230552d39b7c1751f86bae5205ec0c8

If you change the security association stored on the AAA server for this mobile node, the router clears the security association and reloads it from the AAA server:

Router# clear ip mobile secure host load
Router# show ip mobile secure host
    SPI 300,  MD5, Prefix-suffix, Timestamp +/- 7,
    Key ‘newkey’ 1230552d39b7c1751f86bae5205ec0c8

clear ip mobile traffic

To clear counters, use the clear ip mobile traffic command in EXEC mode.

clear ip mobile traffic [undo]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Restores the previously cleared counters.

Command Modes


Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Mobile IP counters are accumulated during operation. They are useful for debugging and monitoring.

This command clears all Mobile IP counters. The undo keyword restores the counters (which is useful for debugging). See the show ip mobile traffic command for a description of all counters.


The following example shows how counters can be used for debugging:

Router# show ip mobile traffic
IP Mobility traffic:
    Solicitations received 0
    Advertisements sent 0, response to solicitation 0
Home Agent Registrations:
    Register 8, Deregister 0 requests
    Register 7, Deregister 0 replied
    Accepted 6, No simultaneous bindings 0
    Denied 1, Ignored 1 
    Unspecified 0, Unknown HA 0
    Administrative prohibited 0, No resource 0
    Authentication failed MN 0, FA 0
    Bad identification 1, Bad request form 0
Router# clear ip mobile traffic
Router# show ip mobile traffic
IP Mobility traffic:
    Solicitations received 0
    Advertisements sent 0, response to solicitation 0
Home Agent Registrations:
    Register 0, Deregister 0 requests
    Register 0, Deregister 0 replied
    Accepted 0, No simultaneous bindings 0
    Denied 0, Ignored 0 
    Unspecified 0, Unknown HA 0
    Administrative prohibited 0, No resource 0
    Authentication failed MN 0, FA 0
    Bad identification 0, Bad request form 0

clear ip mobile visitor

To remove visitor information, use the clear ip mobile visitor command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ip mobile visitor [ ip-address | nai string [ session-id string ] [ip-address] ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) IP address. If not specified, visitor information will be removed for all addresses.

nai string

(Optional) Network access identifier (NAI) of the mobile node.

session - id string

(Optional) Session identifier. The string value must be fewer than 25 characters in length.


(Optional) IP address associated with the NAI.

Command Modes


Command History




This command was introduced.


The nai keyword and associated variables were added.


The nai keyword and associated variables were integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.


The session-id keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The foreign agent creates a visitor entry for each accepted visitor. The visitor entry allows the mobile node to receive packets while in a visited network. Associated with the visitor entry is the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entry for the visitor. There should be no need to clear the entry because it expires after lifetime is reached or when the mobile node deregisters.

When a visitor entry is removed, the number of users on the tunnel is decremented and the ARP entry is removed from the ARP cache. The visitor is not notified.

If the nai string session-id string option is specified, only the visitor entry with that session identifier is cleared. If the session-id keyword is not specified, all visitor entries (potentially more than one, with different session identifiers) for that NAI are cleared. You can determine the session-id string value by using the show ip mobile visitor command.

Use this command with care because it may terminate any sessions used by the mobile node. After you use this command, the visitor will need to reregister to continue roaming.


The following example administratively stops visitor from visiting:

Router# clear ip mobile visitor

clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 lma

To reset the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) domain Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) sessions, use the clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 lma command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 lma lma-name { binding { all | lma lma-v6-address | nai nai-string } | stats [ domain domain-name peer peer-name ] }

Syntax Description


Specifies the binding sessions.


Resets all sessions.

lma lma-v6-address

Resets the binding sessions for the LMA.

nai nai-string

Resets the binding sessions for the mobile node (MN).


Specifies all LMA statistics.

domain domain-name

(Optional) Resets the statistics for the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) in the PMIP domain.

peer peer-name

Specifies the MAG.

Command Default

No reset is initiated.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M


The following example shows how to clear the binding sessions for the MN:

Device(config)# show ipv6 mobile pmipv6 lma lma1 binding
Total number of bindings: 1
[Binding][MN]: Domain: domain1, NAI:
        [Binding][MN]: ATT: 3, LLID: aabb.cc00.c900
        [Binding][MN]: HOA:, Prefix: 24
        [Binding][MN]: HNP: DDDD::
        [Binding][MN][MAG]: Id: mag0
        [Binding][MN][MAG]: Lifetime: 3600(sec), Lifetime Remaining: 3500(sec)
        [Binding][MN][MAG]: Tunnel: Tunnel0
        [Binding][MN][MAG]: Default Router:
        [Binding][MN][GREKEY]: Upstream: 400, Downstream: 100

Device# clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 lma lma1 binding nai
Device# show ipv6 mobile pmipv6 lma bindings
Total number of bindings: 0

The following example shows how to clear all LMA statistics:

Device# clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 lma stats

The following example shows how to clear LMA statistics for the MAG:

Device# clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 lma stats domain D1 peer mag1

clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag

To reset the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) domain Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) sessions, use the clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag command in privileged EXEC mode.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag { binding { all | lma lma-v6-address | nai nai-string [ interface type number ] } | stats [ domain domain-name peer peer-name ] }

Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M

clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag mag-id { binding { all | lma lma-v6-address | nai nai-string [ interface type number ] } | stats [ domain domain-name peer peer-name ] }

Syntax Description


MAG identifier. This can be any string that uniquely identifies the MAG.


Specifies the binding sessions.


Resets all sessions.

lma lma-v6-address

Resets the binding sessions for the Local Mobility Anchor (LMA).

nai nai-string

Resets the binding sessions for the mobile node (MN).

interface type number

(Optional) Resets the binding sessions for the MN interface.


Specifies all MAG statistics.

domain domain-name

(Optional) Resets the statistics for the LMA in the PMIPV6 domain.

peer peer-name

(Optional) Specifies the LMA.

Command Default

PMIPV6 domain MAG sessions reset is not initiated.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was modified. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M. The mag-id keyword was added.


The following example shows how to clear the binding sessions for the MN:

Device(config)# show ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag mag1 bindings
Total number of bindings: 1
[Binding][MN]: Domain: D1, Nai:
        [Binding][MN]: State: ACTIVE
        [Binding][MN]: Interface: Ethernet0/0
        [Binding][MN]: Hoa: 0x11110106, att: 3, llid: aabb.cc00.ce00
        [Binding][MN][LMA]: Id: LMA2
        [Binding][MN][LMA]: lifetime: 3600
Device(config)# clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag mag1 binding nai
Device(config)# show ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag mag1 bindings
Total number of bindings: 0

The following example shows how to clear all MAG statistics:

Device(config)# clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag mag1 stats

The following example shows how to clear MAG statistics for the LMA:

Device(config)# clear ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag mag1 stats domain D1 peer lma1

clear mcsa statistics

To clear the mobile client service abstraction (MCSA) notification statistics, use the clear mcsa statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear mcsa statistics { sint | cint }

Syntax Description


Clears the service interface notification statistics.


Clears the client interface notification statistics.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to clear the MCSA service interface notification statistics:

Device# clear mcsa statistics sint

collocated single-tunnel

To configure the number of tunnels between the mobile router and home agent when registering with a collocated care-of address (CCoA), use the collocated single-tunnel command in mobile router configuration mode.

collocated single-tunnel

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Defaults to single-tunnel enabled.

Command Modes

Mobile router

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used as a “placeholder” only and defaults to single-tunnel enabled. This command can not be unconfigured. In future Cisco IOS releases, a dual-tunnel capability will be needed for IPSec between the mobile router and the home agent. At that time, this command will be optional with dual tunnels (no collocated single-tunnel ) being the default. This command is provided now for backward compatibility when the dual-tunnel capablity is implemented.

customer (pmipv6 lma mll)

To configure the name and Virtual Private Network (VPN) Route Forwarding (VRF), use the customer command in PMIPv6 Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) Mobile Local Loop (MLL) configuration mode. To remove the existing customer, use the no form of this command.

customer customer-name vrf vrf-name

no customer customer-name vrf vrf-name

Syntax Description


Name of the customer.


Name of the VRF.

Command Default


Command Modes

PMIPv6 LMA MLL configuration (config-pmipv6-lma-mll)

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

There can be many customers; however no two customers can be configured with the same VRF.


Device# configuration terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma LMA domain
Device(config-pmipv6-lma)# mobility-service mobile-local-loop
Device(config-pmipv6-lma-mll)# customer cust1 vrf vrf1

debug ipv6 mobile lma

To enable debugging the Local Mobility Access (LMA) application programming interface (API), information, or events, use the debug ipv6 mobile lma command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable display of the debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ipv6 mobile lma { api | events | info }

no debug ipv6 mobile lma { api | events | info }

Syntax Description


Enables API-specific debug events.


Enables all events occurring within the LMA and the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG).


Provides debug information within the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIP) module.

Command Default

Debugging is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.


The following sample output from the debug ipv6 mobile lma api command displays the APIs that are called during the call setup flow:

Device# debug ipv6 mobile lma api

*Mar 19 08:52:50.989: PMIPV6_LMA_API: pmipv6_lma_should_handle_pkt called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.989: MIP_PDL_API: pmipv6_pdl_get_timestamp API Called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.989: [PMIPV6_BINDING_API]: pmipv6_get_binding API called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.989: [PMIPV6_BINDING_API]: pmipv6_get_binding API called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.989: PMIPV6_LMA_API: pmipv6_lma_mn_do_state_transition called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.989: PMIPV6_LMA_API: lma_bce_state_transition called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.989: [PMIPV6_BINDING_API]: pmipv6_add_binding_entry API called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.989: [PMIPV6_BINDING_API]: pmipv6_get_binding API called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.989: PMIPV6_LMA_API: pmipv6_lma_mn_do_state_transition called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.989: PMIPV6_LMA_API: lma_bce_state_transition called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.989: MIP_PDL_API: mip_pdl_setupv4_tunnel API Called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.990: MIP_PDL_API: mip_pdl_get_handle_for_tunnel API Called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.990: MIP_PDL_API: mip_pdl_get_handle_for_tunnel API Called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.990: MIP_PDL_API: mip_pdl_setupv4_route API Called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.990: MIP_PDL_API: mip_pdl_get_handle_for_tunnel API Called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.990: MIP_PDL_API: mip_pdl_setupv6_route API Called
*Mar 19 08:52:50.990: [PMIPV6_BINDING_API]: pmipv6_update_binding_key API called

The following example shows the output of the debug ipv6 mobile lma events command:

Device# debug ipv6 mobile lma events

*Mar 20 12:08:54.703: PMIPV6_LMA_EVENT: Event (HI_UNKNOWN) received in pmipv6_lma_mn_init_state_hndlr
*Mar 20 12:08:54.703: PMIPV6_LMA_EVENT: MN( State Transition: MN_INIT -> MN_ACTIVE
*Mar 20 12:08:54.703: PMIPV6_LMA_EVENT: Event (HI_UNKNOWN) received in pmipv6_lma_mn_active_state_entry
*Mar 20 12:08:54.703: PMIPV6_LMA_EVENT: BCE( With ATT(4) State Transition: BCE_NULL -> BCE_INIT
*Mar 20 12:08:54.703: PMIPV6_LMA_EVENT: Event (HI_UNKNOWN) received in pmipv6_lma_bce_init_state_entry
*Mar 20 12:08:54.703: PMIPV6_LMA_EVENT: Event (LMA_ADDRESS_ALLOC) received in pmipv6_lma_mn_active_state_hndlr
*Mar 20 12:08:54.703: PMIPV6_LMA_EVENT: BCE( With ATT(4) State Transition: BCE_INIT -> BCE_ACTIVE
*Mar 20 12:08:54.704: PMIPV6_LMA_EVENT: Event (LMA_ADDRESS_ALLOC) received in pmipv6_lma_bce_active_state_entry

The following example shows the output of the debug ipv6 mobile lma info command:

Device# debug ipv6 mobile lma info

*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: [PMIPV6_PDB_INFO]:MN example1 found locally
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: PMIPV6_LMA_INFO: Default (example1) profile set for this MN
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: PMIPV6_LMA_INFO: PBU Received: MAG(mag2), MN(, HI(4), Lifetime (3600), ATT (4), LLI(aabb.cc00.c901), HOA(0)
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: [PMIPV6_BINDING_INFO_KEY]: Keytype as NAI. NAI:
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: [PMIPV6_BINDING_INFO]: binding not found
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: [PMIPV6_BINDING_INFO_KEY]: Keytype as NAI. NAI:
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: [PMIPV6_BINDING_INFO]: binding not found
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: PMIPV6_LMA_INFO: Network name(n1) taken from MN profile
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: [PMIPV6_BINDING_INFO_KEY]: Keytype as NAI. NAI:
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: [PMIPV6_BINDING_INFO]: binding added New NAI AVL node created
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: PMIPV6_LMA_INFO: Added BCE(, with key(7) to Binding Module
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: [PMIPV6_BINDING_INFO_KEY]: Keytype as NAI. NAI:
*Mar 20 12:10:11.975: [PMIPV6_BINDING_INFO]: binding found on NAI tree
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: MIP_PDL_INFO: Route via: Ethernet0/0 (IPv6)
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: MIP_PDL_INFO: Stopping LineProtoTimer for Tunnel1
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel1, changed state to down
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: MIP_PDL_INFO: Tunnel1 (IPv6) created with src 2001:DB8::1 dst 2006::4
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: MIP_PDL_INFO: Successfully added route to Tunnel1
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: PMIPV6_LMA_INFO: Success in Adding IPv4 route (F0F0F06)
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: MIP_PDL_INFO: Added Route to home addr. 2001:DB8::/64 via Tunnel Tunnel1
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: MIP_PDL_INFO: route_add success: 2
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: PMIPV6_LMA_INFO: Added IPv6 route for HNP(2001:DB8::), Prefix Length(64)
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: [PMIPV6_BINDING_INFO_KEY]: Keytype  as HOA. HOA: 0xF0F0F06
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: [PMIPV6_BINDING_INFO]: pmipv6_update_binding_key, binding inserted into HNP tree
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: PMIPV6_LMA_INFO: Updated BCE( with key(17) to Binding Module
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: PMIPV6_LMA_INFO: Started Lifetime Timer(3600) sec for BCE (
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: PMIPV6_LMA_INFO: Updated Lifetime (3600)secs for BCE(
*Mar 20 12:10:11.976: PMIPV6_LMA_INFO: PBA Message to MAG:mag2 ATT:4 SeqNo:362 Lifetime:3600 Status:0
*Mar 20 12:10:11.977: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel1, changed state to up

default profile

To enable the default profile for the mobile node (MN), use the default profile command in Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) configuration mode. To disable the default profile, use the no form of this command.

default profile name

no default profile name

Syntax Description


Profile name of the MN.

Command Default

The default profile is disabled.

Command Modes

        LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the default profile command, in LMA configuration mode, to enable the default profile for the MN.

When you configure the default profile command, if the locally configured profile or the profile that is fetched from the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server is unavailable in the MN, then the MN uses the default profile.


The following example shows how to configure the default profile for the MN:

Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# nai
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)# network network1 
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)# exit
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# address ipv6 2001:DB8:0:0:E000::F
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# address ipv4
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# network network1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# pool ipv4 v4pool pfxlen 24
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# pool ipv6 v6pool pfxlen 24
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# exit
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# default profile


description (mobile networks)

To add a description to a mobile router configuration, use the description command in mobile networks configuration mode. To remove the description, use the no form of this command.

description string

no description

Syntax Description


Comment or description about the mobile router or its networks.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Mobile networks configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The description command is meant solely as a comment to be put in the configuration to help you remember information about the configured mobile router or its mobile networks.


The following example shows how to add a description for the mobile router:

ip mobile mobile-networks
 description mobileunit

destination (IP multiplexing)

To specify the IPv4 or IPv6 destination address for the remote endpoint of an IP multiplexing path, use the destination command in IPv4 multiplexing profile configuration or IPv6 multiplexing profile configuration mode. To clear the destination address, use the no form of this command.

destination { ip-addr | ipv6-addr }

no destination

Syntax Description


IPv4 destination address for the remote endpoint of the IP multiplexing path.


IPv6 destination address for the remote endpoint of the IP multiplexing path.

Command Default

No destination address is configured.

Command Modes

IP multiplexing profile configuration (config-ipmux-profile)

IPv6 multiplexing profile configuration (config-ipmux-profile-v6)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

You must configure a destination address for a profile in order to use it. If you attempt to issue a no shutdown command when no destination address is configured, you are prompted to configure a destination address. If a profile is active, you must issue a shutdown command before changing the destination address.

An incoming superframe must match its source and destination addresses to the destination and source addresses, respectively, in the multiplexing profile for the superframe to be demultiplexed. If either address does not match, the superframe is ignored.

After the destination address is specified, if you enter the destination command again, the new address overwrites the previously entered address.


The following example shows how to configure an IPv6 address as the destination address for superframe packets:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ipv6 mux profile routeRTP-SJ
Router(config-ipmux-profile-v6)# destination FE80::A8BB:CCFF:FE01:5700
Router(config-ipmux-profile-v6)# exit


To enable the periodic verification of the mobile node (MN) attachment with the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG)-enabled interface, use the discover-mn-detach command in MAG configuration mode. To disable the periodic verification, use the no form of this command.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

discover-mn-detach mn-attach-seconds timeout-seconds retries retry-count

no discover-mn-detach

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S and Later Releases

discover-mn-detach poll interval seconds timeout seconds retries retry-count

no discover-mn-detach

Syntax Description


Period for verifying the MN attachment, in seconds. The range is from 1 to 100.


Timeout for response from the MN, in seconds. The timeout range is from 1 to 10, and should be less than the value for the period.


Enables the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

interval seconds

Specifies the periodic time interval, in seconds, in which a MAG sends ARP requests to a MN. The range is from 11 to 36000. The default is 10.

timeout seconds

Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for a response from an MN. The range is from 1 to 10. The default is 2.

retries retry-count

Specifies a number of times a MAG retries sending ARP requests to an MN if the MAG does not receive any response from an MN. The range is from 1 to 10. The default is 0.

Command Default

The periodic verification of the MN attachment with the MAG-enabled interface is not enabled.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was modified. The poll keyword and the retries retry-count keyword-argument pair were added. The seconds argument was changed to interval seconds keyword-argument pair. The timeout-seconds argument was changed to timeout seconds keyword-argument pair.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

Use the discover-mn-detach command to enable the periodic verification of the MN attachment with the MAG-enabled interface. When periodic verification is enabled, the MAG periodically verifies the MN attachment by using the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request or the neighbor solicitation. When the mobile client responds with the ARP reply or the neighbor advertisement, a trigger attach is generated, thereby confirming that the MN is attached to the interface.


The following example shows how to periodically verify the MN attachment with the MAG-enabled interface:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# discover-mn-detach poll interval 11 timeout 3 retries 4 

dscp control-plane (pmipv6 lma)

To configure the value of Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) in the outgoing PMIPv6 control plane messages, use the dscp control-plane command in PMIPv6 LMA configuration mode. To disable DSCP value configuration, use the no form of this command.

dscp control-plane dscp-value [ force ]

no dscp control-plane dscp-value [ force ]

Syntax Description


DSCP value. The range is from 1 to 63.


Forces the setting of the configured DSCP value in all outgoing packets.

Command Default


Command Modes

  LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The outgoing PMIPv6 control plane messages include locally generated packets such as Proxy Binding Revocation Indications (PBRIs), Proxy Binding Revocation Acknowledgments (PBRAs), Heartbeat Requests, and packets sent in response to packets received from MAG such as Proxy Binding Acknowledgments (PBAs), PBRIs, PBRAs, and Heartbeat Responses.

If the DSCP value is not specified, then the DSCP received in a request is used in the outgoing response packet. DSCP is not set in the other outgoing packets.

If dscp-value is specified without the force option:

  • The configured DSCP value is set in locally generated packets.

  • If the received packet does not have DSCP marking, the configured value is set in the outgoing packet.

  • If the received packet has DSCP marking that matches the configured value, then the DSCP received is set in the outgoing response packet.

  • If the received packet has DSCP marking that does not match the configured value, then the DSCP received is used in the outgoing response packet.

If the DSCP value is specified with the force option, then the configured DSCP value is set in all outgoing packets.


Device> enable
Device# configure terminal 
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma domain
Device(config-pmipv6-lma)# dscp control-plane 45

dynamic mag learning

To enable local mobility anchor (LMA) to accept proxy mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) signaling messages from any MAG that is not locally configured, use the dynamic mag learning command in LMA configuration mode. To enable the LMA to reject the PMIPv6 signaling messages from any MAG that is not locally configured, use the no form of the command.

dynamic mag learning

no dynamic mag learning

Syntax Description

This command does not have any arguments or keywords.

Command Default

LMA does not accept PMIPv6 signaling messages from any MAG that is not locally configured.

Command Modes

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to enable the LMA to accept to PMIPv6 signaling messages

Device> enable
Device# configuration terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# dynamic mag learning

eigrp interface


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M, the eigrp interface command is replaced by the dampening-change command and the dampening-interval command. See the dampening-change and dampening-interval commands for more information.

To set a threshold value to minimize hysteresis in a router-to-radio configuration, use the eigrp interface command in interface configuration mode. To reset the hysteresis threshold to the default value, use the no form of this command.

eigrp vmi-interface-number interface [ dampening-change value ] [ dampening-interval value ]

no eigrp vmi-interface-number interface [ dampening-change value ] [ dampening-interval value ]

Syntax Description


The number assigned to the VMI interface.

dampening-change value

(Optional) Value used to minimize the effect of frequent routing changes in router-to-radio configurations. Percent interface metric must change to cause update. Value range is 1 to 100.

dampening-interval value

(Optional) Specifies the time interval in seconds to check the interface metrics at which advertising of routing changes occurs. The default value is 30 seconds. Value range is 1 to 65535.

Command Default

Default for change-based dampening is 50 percent of the computed metric.

Default for interval-based dampening is 30 seconds.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T.


This command was replaced. This command was replaced by the dampening-change command and the dampening-interval command.

Usage Guidelines

This command advertises routing changes for EIGRP traffic only.

The REPLY sent to any QUERY will always contain the latest metric information. Exceptions which will result in immediate UPDATE being sent:

  • A down interface

  • A down route

  • Any change in metric which results in the router selecting a new next hop

Change-based Dampening

The default value for the change tolerance will be 50% of the computed metric. It can be configured in the range from 0 to 100 percent. If the metric change of the interface is not greater (or less) than the current metric plus or minus the specified amount, the change will not result in a routing change, and no update will be sent to other adjacencies.

Interval-based Dampening

The default value for the update intervals is 30 seconds. It can be configured in the range from 0 to 64535 seconds. If this option is specified, changes in routes learned though this interface, or in the interface metrics, will not be advertised to adjacencies until the specified interval is met. When the timer expires, any changes detected in any routes learned through the interface, or the metric reported by the interfaces will be sent out.



The following example sets the threshold to 50 percent tolerance routing updates involving VMI interfaces and peers:

interface vmi1
 ip address
 ipv6 address 2001:0DB1:2::1/96
 ipv6 enable
 eigrp 1 interface dampening-change 50
 physical-interface Ethernet0/0


The following example sets the interval to 30 seconds at which updates occur for topology changes that affect VMI interfaces and peers:

interface vmi1
 ip address
 ipv6 address 2001:0DB1:2::1/96
 ipv6 enable
 eigrp 1 interface dampening-interval 30
 physical-interface Ethernet0/0

egress interface

To monitor the specified interface and initiate PMIPv6 signaling if the interface goes down, use the egress interface command in the MAG MLL service configuration mode. To not monitor an interface and run PMIPv6 as the primary link use the, use the no form of this command.

egress interface name

no egress interface name

Syntax Description


Name of the physical interface.

Command Default

The interface is not monitored.

Command Modes

MAG MLL service configuration (config-pmipv6-mag-svc)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

For the Logical MN to use the configuration of the egress interface command, use the command before the MAG logical MN configuration is applied.


The following example shows how to configure the ACL routeRTP-SJ as the active ACL to filter packets for IP multiplexing:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# mobility-service mobile-local-loop
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-svc)# egress interface

enable aaa accounting

To enable authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) accounting for mobile node (MN) sessions, use the enable aaa accounting command in LMA configuration mode. To disable AAA accounting, use the no form of this command.

enable aaa accounting

no enable aaa accounting

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

AAA accounting is disabled.

Command Modes

        LMA configuration mode (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the enable aaa accounting command to enable AAA accounting for MN sessions. Only when AAA accounting is enabled, the LMA sends start or stop accounting notification to the AAA server when a binding for the MN is created or deleted in the LMA.


The following example shows how to enable AAA accounting in an LMA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# enable aaa accounting

enable sessionmgr

To enable mobile client service abstraction (MCSA) to receive notifications from Intelligent Services Gateway (ISG), use the enable sessionmgr command in MCSA configuration mode. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

enable sessionmgr

no enable sessionmgr

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

MCSA does not receive notifications from ISG.

Command Modes

MCSA configuration (config-mcsa)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show mcsa statistics sint command to verify if the MCSA has received any notification from the ISG.


The following example shows how to enable the MCSA to receive notifications from ISG:

Device> enable
Device# configuration terminal
Device(config-if) mcsa 
Device(config-mcsa) enable sessionmgr
Device(config-mcsa) end

encap (proxy mobile IPv6)

To configure the tunnel encapsulation type for a PMIP domain, for a Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) with a Mobile Access Gateway (MAG), or for a MAG within an LMA, use the encap command in the appropriate configuration mode. To disable the tunnel encapsulation mode type, use the no form of this command.

encap { gre-ipv4 | gre-ipv6 | ipv6-in-ipv6 | udptunnel }

no encap { gre-ipv4 | gre-ipv6 | ipv6-in-ipv6 | udptunnel }

Syntax Description


Sets the tunnel encapsulation type to generic routing encapsulation (GRE) in IPv4.


Sets the tunnel encapsulation type to GRE in IPv6.


Sets the tunnel encapsulation type to IPv6 in IPv6.


Sets the tunnel encapsulation type to UDP.

Command Default

The Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) tunnel encapsulation mode type is IPv6 in IPv6.

Command Modes

MAG-LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6mag-lma)

LMA-MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-mag)

PMIPv6 domain configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. This command was made available in MAG-LMA configuration mode.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. This udptunnel keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use the encap command in PMIPV6 domain configuration mode to configure the tunnel encapsulation type for the PMIPV6 domain. The LMAs and the MAGs within the PMIPV6 domain use this configuration as the default.


You can configure the UDP encapsulation type only in PMIPv6 domain configuration mode, whereas you can configure other encapsulation types in PMIPv6 domain configuration, MAG-LMA configuration and LMA-MAG configuration modes.

Use the encap command in MAG-LMA configuration mode to configure the tunnel encapsulation type for the LMA within the MAG.

Use the encap command in LMA-MAG configuration mode to configure the tunnel encapsulation type for the MAG within the LMA.


The following example shows how to configure the encapsulation type as IPv6 in IPv6 in MAG-LMA configuration mode:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# lma lma1 dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6mag-lma)# encap ipv6-in-ipv6

The following example shows how to configure an encapsulation type in LMA-MAG configuration mode:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# mag mag1 dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-mag)# encap ipv6-in-ipv6

The following example shows how to configure an encapsulation type in PMIPV6 domain configuration mode:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# encap udptunnel


To configure the fixed link-layer address (Layer 2 address) for the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG)-enabled interface toward the mobile node (MN), use the fixed-link-layer-address command in PMIPV6 domain or MAG configuration mode. To remove the fixed Layer 2 address for the MAG-enabled interface, use the no form of this command.

fixed-link-layer-address hardware-address

no fixed-link-layer-address

Syntax Description


The 48-bit hardware address.

Command Default

No fixed link-layer address is configured.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)

PMIPV6 domain configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

Use the fixed-link-layer-address command in PMIPV6 domain configuration mode to configure the fixed link layer address for the MAG-enabled interface within the PMIPv6 domain. If the PMIPv6 domain is configured using the ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name load-aaa command, use the fixed-link-layer-address command to override the fixed link layer address configuration.

Use the fixed-link-layer-address command in MAG configuration mode to configure the fixed link-layer address for the MAG-enabled interface.


The following example shows how to configure the fixed link layer address for the MAG-enabled interface toward the MN in PMIPV6 domain configuration mode:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# fixed-link-layer-address aaaa.bbbb.cccc

The following example shows how to configure the fixed link layer address for the MAG-enabled interface in MAG configuration mode:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# fixed-link-layer-address aaaa.bbbb.cccc


To configure the fixed link-local address for the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG)-enabled interface toward the mobile node (MN), use the fixed-link-local-address command in PMIP domain or MAG configuration mode. To remove the fixed link-local address on the MAG-enabled interface, use the no form of this command.

fixed-link-local-address ipv6-address

no fixed-link-local-address

Syntax Description


The IPv6 link-local address assigned to the MAG-enabled interface toward the MN.

Command Default

No fixed link-local address is configured for the MAG-enabled interface toward the MN.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)
PMIP domain configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the fixed-link-local-address command in the PMIP domain configuration mode to configure the fixed link-local address for the MAG-enabled interface within the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIP) domain. If the PMIP domain is configured using ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name load-aaa command, use the fixed-link-local-address command to override the fixed link-local address configuration.

Use the fixed-link-local-address command in MAG configuration mode to configure the fixed link-local address for the MAG-enabled interface.


The following example shows how to configure the fixed link-local address for the MAG-enabled interface toward the MN in PMIP domain configuration mode:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# fixed-link-local-address FE80:0DB8:3333:4::5

The following example shows how to configure the fixed link-local address for the MAG-enabled interface in MAG configuration mode:

Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Router(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Router(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# fixed-link-local-address FE80:0DB8:3333:4::5

generate grekey

To dynamically generate upstream or downstream generic routing encapsulation (GRE) keys for mobile nodes (MNs) in a local mobile anchor (LMA) or a mobile access gateway (MAG) respectively, use the generate grekey command in MAG or LMA configuration mode respectively. To disable the dynamic generation of upstream or downstream GRE keys in an LMA or MAG, use the no form of this command.

generate grekey

no generate grekey

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The upstream or the downstream GRE keys for the MNs in the LMA or MAG respectively are generated dynamically.

Command Modes

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you enter the no generate key command in the LMA or MAG configuration mode, the upstream or downstream GRE keys for the MNs are not generated dynamically. In that case, you must use the keys from the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) profile or the local mobile node (MN) configuration.

When tunnel encapsulation mode in the configured MAG is GRE-IPv4, it is required that every mobile subscriber should have a GRE key. To provide every mobile subscriber with a GRE key value, perform one of the following:
  • Enter the generate grekey in MAG configuration mode. The GRE key value, thus generated, are assigned to every mobile subscriber as and when the mobile subscribers attach to the MAG.

  • Explicitly assign the GRE key values to the Network Access Identifier (NAI) in the PMIPv6 domain.

  • Configure the GRE key for each subscriber in the AAA attributes.


The following example shows how to dynamically generate upstream GRE keys for MNs in an LMA:

Device> enable
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# no generate grekey
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# end

The following example shows how to explicitly configure GRE key to NAI to generate downstream GRE keys.

Device> enable
Device# configuration terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# nai
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)# gre-encap-key up 100
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)# gre-encap-key down 200
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)# end


To configure the generic routing encapsulation (GRE) key for the mobile node (MN), use the gre-encap-key command in Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPV6) domain mobile node configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

gre-encap-key [ down key-value | up key-value ]

no gre-encap-key [ down | up ]

Syntax Description

down key-value

(Optional) Specifies the encapsulation key as downstream from the Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) to the Mobile Access Gateway (MAG). The range for the key-value argument is from 0 to 4294967295.

up key-value

(Optional) Specifies the encapsulation key as upstream from the MAG to the LMA. The range for the key-value argument is from 0 to 4294967295.

Command Default

No GRE key is configured.

Command Modes

PMIPV6 domain mobile node configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.


The following example shows how to configure a GRE key from the LMA to the MAG:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# nai
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)# gre-encap-key down 45


To configure heartbeat detection between Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) and Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), use the heartbeat command in LMA configuration mode. To disable heartbeat detection, use the no form of this command.

heartbeat [ interval interval] retries retries [ label label] [ natreboot ]

no heartbeat [ interval interval] retries retries [ label label] [ natreboot ]

Syntax Description

interval interval

Specifies the interval for the heartbeat, in seconds. The range is from 1 to 3600.

retries retries

Specifies the number of heartbeat retries. The range is from 1 to 10.

label label

Specifies the path label of the MAG's roaming interface.


Specifies the NAT reboot detection.

Command Default

There is no heartbeat detection between MAG and LMA.

Command Modes

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.10S

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to specify the heartbeat interval, retries, labels and NAT reboot detection:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# heartbeat interval 300 retries 2 label label1 natreboot

home interface

To enable a specific interface as the home interface for a logical mobile node (LMN), use the home interface command in MAG logical-mn configuration mode. To disassociate a home interface from a logical mobile node, use the no form of this command.

home interface type number

Syntax Description


Interface type that is configured as the home interface.

The home interface should be of the interface type loopback only.

Interface number.

Command Default

The home interface is not configured.

Command Modes

MAG logical MN configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-logicalmn)

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Network Access Identifier (NAI) should already be configured under the PMIPv6 domain configuration mode.


The following example shows how to enable the mobile router:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# logical-mn
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-logicalmn)# home interface loopback 0


To specify the amount of time, in milliseconds, that a multiplexing profile waits to fill a superframe before sending a partial superframe with currently queued packets, use the holdtime command in IPv4 multiplexing profile configuration or IPv6 multiplexing profile configuration mode. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

holdtime milliseconds

no holdtime

Syntax Description


Amount of time, in milliseconds, that a multiplexing profile waits before sending a partial superframe. The range is 20 to 250.

Command Default

The default holdtime is 20 milliseconds.

Command Modes

IP multiplexing profile configuration (config-ipmux-profile)

IPv6 multiplexing profile configuration (config-ipmux-profile-v6)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not enter a holdtime, the profile waits the default value of 20 milliseconds before sending a partial superframe.


The following example shows how to configure the holdtime to 150 milliseconds before the profile forwards a partial superframe:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ipv6 mux profile routeRTP-SJ
Router(config-ipmux-profile-v6)# holdtime 150
Router(config-ipmux-profile-v6)# exit


To specify the home agent that the mobile router uses during registration, use the home-agent command in mobile router configuration mode. To disable the home agent, use the no form of this command.

home-agent ip-address [ priority level ]

no home-agent ip-address [ priority level ]

Syntax Description


Home IP address.

priority level

(Optional) Priority level that prioritizes which home agent address is the best to use during registration. The range is from 0 to 255, where 0 denotes the lowest priority and 255 denotes the highest priority. The default is 100.

Command Default

The default priority level is 100.

Command Modes

Mobile router configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The home-agent command specifies which home agent the mobile router uses for registration and to de tect when it is home. The priority level determines which home agent address to register with, although all addresses are on the same home agent. The mobile router registers with the home agent with the highest priority level.

The home agent address list is used to detect when the mobile router is home. The mobile router knows that it is at home when the source of the agent advertisements is an IP source address that exists on the home agent address list.


The following example shows that the mobile router will use the home agent address during registration and will detect when it is at home after receiving agent advertisements from either address or

router mobile
ip mobile router
  home-agent priority 101
  home-agent priority 100


To configure maximum home network prefix (HNP) that a mobile node can possess, use the hnp command in PMIPv6 LMA configuration mode. To remove the configured HNP number, use the no form of this command.


no hnp

Syntax Description

maximum number

Specifies the maximum allowed number of HNPs associated with a mobile node.

Command Default


Command Modes

PMIPv6 LMA configuration (config-pmipv6-lma)

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure two HNPs for a mobile node:

Device# configuration terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma domain
Device(config-pmipv6-lma)# hnp maximum 2

int att

To configure the access technology type (ATT), the interface, and the MAC address of the mobile node (MN) interface, use the int att command in PMIPV6 domain mobile node configuration mode. To remove the configuration of the MN, use the no form of this command.

int att interface-access-type l2-addr mac-address

no int att interface-access-type l2-addr mac-address

Syntax Description


MN interface access technology type. The type can be ethernet , PPP, virtual, wima, or wlan.


Specifies the MAC address of the MN interface.


MAC address of the MN interface.

Command Default

The ATT, interface type, and MAC address are not configured for the MN.

Command Modes

PMIPV6 domain mobile node configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.


The following example shows how to configure the ATT, interface type, and MAC address of the MN interface:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# nai
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mn)# int att ETHERNET l2-addr 02c7.f800.0422

interface (proxy mobile IPv6)

To configure the interface on which Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) functionality or third-generation mobility anchor (3GMA) functionality is enabled, or to configure the interface on which the mobile maps is to be applied on Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), use the interface command in appropriate configuration mode. To remove the interface configuration, use the no form of this command.

interface type number

no interface type number

Syntax Description


Type of interface to be configured.


Port, connector, or interface card number.

Command Default

MAG or 3GMA functionality for the interface is not configured, or the mobile maps are not applied on LMA.

Command Modes

LMA configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)

MAG configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)

3GMA role configuration (config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-role)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.9S

This command was modified. This command was made available in 3GMA configuration mode.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.10S

This command was modified. This command was made available in LMA configuration mode and is enhanced to apply mobile maps.

Usage Guidelines

When mobile nodes are used in dual stack mode with IPv4 transport between MAG and LMA, either enable IPv6 on the access interface of MAG using the ipv6 enable command in interface configuration mode, or explicitly configure an IPv6 address on the MAG access interface.


The following example shows how to enable Gigabit Ethernet 0/1/0 interface for the MAG:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/1/0

The following example shows how to enable Gigabit Ethernet 0/1/0 interface for the 3GMA:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/1/0

The following example shows how to enable Gigabit Ethernet 0/1/0 interface for the mobile maps:

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# exit
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# role 3gma
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-role)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/1/0

ignore homeaddress

To make MAG ignore the home address that it received from the Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) and to skip the creation of reverse tunnel for logical mobile node (LMN), use the ignore homeaddress command in MAG MLL service configuration mode. To make the MAG regard and assign the received home address from the LMA and create the reverse tunnel for LMN, use the no form of the command.

ignore homeaddress

no ignore homeaddress

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

MAG assigns the home address that it received from the LMA and creates the reverse tunnel for the LMN.

Command Modes

MAG MLL services configuration mode ( config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-svc )

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To restore the default behavior, use the no form of the command, however make sure that the corresponding configuration is set up at the LMA as well. To enable the Logical MN to use the configuration of the ignore homeaddress command, use this command before the MAG logical MN configuration is applied.


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# mobility-service mobile-local-loop
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-svc)# ignore homeaddress 

ip dampening-change eigrp

To set a threshold percentage to minimize or dampen the effect of frequent routing changes through an interface in Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) for IPv4, use the ip dampening-change eigrp command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

ip dampening-change eigrp as-number [change-percentage]

no ip dampening-change eigrp as-number

Syntax Description


Autonomous system number. The range is from 1 to 65535.


(Optional) The percentage a metric must change before the value is stored for future decisions on advertisements.

The range is from 1 to 100. If a change-percentage value is not specified, the default is 50 percent of the computed metric.

Command Default

No threshold percentage is configured.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)
Virtual network interface (config-if-vnet)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.2S

This command was modified. Support was added for this command in virtual network interface configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

The ip dampening-change eigrp command is supported only for Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) router-to-radio links.

When a peer metric changes on an interface that is configured with the ip dampening-change eigrp command, EIGRP multiplies the dampening-change percentage with the old peer metric and compares the result (the threshold) to the difference between the old and new metrics. If the metric difference is greater than the calculated threshold, then the new metric is applied and the routes learned from that peer are updated and advertised to other peers. If the metric difference is less than the threshold, the new metric is discarded.

The following are the exceptions that will result in an immediate update of the routes regardless of the dampening-change setting:

  • An interface is down.

  • A route is down.

  • A change in the metric that results in the router selecting a new next hop.

Peer metric changes that do not exceed a configured change percentage and that do not result in a routing change do not cause an update to be sent to other adjacencies. Peer metric changes are based on the stored last-update of the peer. Peer metric changes that exceed the threshold value are stored and used for future comparisons.


The following example shows how to configure the EIGRP to accept a peer metric change if the change is greater than 75 percent of the last updated value:

Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0
Router(config-if)# ip dampening-change eigrp 1 75 

ip dampening-interval eigrp

To set a threshold time interval to minimize or dampen the effect of frequent routing changes through an interface in Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) for IPv4, use the ip dampening-interval eigrp command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

ip dampening-interval eigrp as-number [interval]

no ip dampening-interval eigrp as-number

Syntax Description


Autonomous system number. The range is from 1 to 65535.


(Optional) Time interval, in seconds, that must elapse before a route change will cause an update to occur.

The range is from 1 to 65535. If an interval value is not specified, the default is 30 seconds.

Command Default

A dampening interval is not enabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)
Virtual network interface (config-if-vnet)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.2S

This command was modified. Support was added for this command in virtual network interface configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

The ip dampening-interval eigrp command is supported only for Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) Router-to-Radio links.

When a peer metric changes on an interface that is configured with a dampening interval, EIGRP for IPv4 will apply the metric change only if the time difference since the last metric change exceeds the specified interval. If the time difference is less than the specified interval, the update is discarded.

The following are the exceptions that result in an immediate update of the routes regardless of the dampening interval settings:

  • An interface is down.

  • A route is down.

  • A change in the metric that results in the router selecting a new next hop.


The following example shows how to configure EIGRP for IPv4 on a FastEthernet interface 0/0 to limit the metric change frequency to no more than one change in a 45-second interval:

Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0
Router(config-if)# ip dampening-interval eigrp 1 45

ip dhcp client mobile renew

To configure the number of renewal attempts and the interval between attempts for renewing an IP address acquired by a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the ip dhcp client mobile renew command in interface configuration mode. To disable the functionality, use the no form of this command.

ip dhcp client mobile renew count number interval ms

no ip dhcp client mobile renew count number interval ms

Syntax Description

count number

Number of attempts to renew a current IP address before starting the DHCP discovery process. The range is from 0 to 10 attempts. The default is 2 attempts.

interval ms

Interval to wait between renewal attempts. The range is from 1 to 1000 ms. The default is 50 ms.

Command Default

count number : 2interval ms : 50

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Mobile DHCP clients automatically attempt to renew an existing IP address in response to certain events, such as moving between wireless access points. The number of renewal attempts, and the interval between those attempts, depending on network conditions, can be modified by using the ip dhcp client mobile renew command.


In the following example, the DHCP client will make four attempts to renew its current IP address with an interval of 30 milliseconds between attempts :

interface FastEthernet0
 ip dhcp client mobile renew count 4 interval 30

ip mobile arp

To enable local-area mobility, use the ip mobile arp command in interface configuration mode. To disable local-area mobility, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile arp [ timers keepalive hold-time ] [ access-group access-list-number | name ]

no ip mobile arp

Syntax Description


(Optional) Sets local-area mobility timers.


(Optional) Frequency, in minutes, at which the Cisco IOS software sends unicast Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages to a relocated host to verify that the host is present and has not moved. The default value is 5.


(Optional) Hold time, in minutes. This is the length of time the software considers that a relocated host is present without receiving some type of ARP broadcast or unicast from the host. Normally, the hold time should be at least three times greater than the keepalive time. The default value is 15.


(Optional) Indicates that you are applying an access list. This access list applies only to local-area mobility.


(Optional) Number of a standard IP access list. The range is from 1 to 99. Only hosts with addresses permitted by this access list are accepted for local-area mobility.


(Optional) Name of an IP access list. The name cannot contain a space or quotation mark, and must begin with an alphabetic character to avoid ambiguity with numbered access lists.

Command Default

Local-area mobility is disabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

XE 2.5.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.1. VRF-awareness for local-area mobility is available in this release.

Usage Guidelines

Local-area mobility is supported on Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI interfaces only.

To create larger mobility areas, you must first redistribute the mobile routes into your Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). The IGP must support host routes. You can use Enhanced IGRP, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), or Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS); you can also use Routing Information Protocol (RIP), but RIP is not recommended. The mobile area must consist of a contiguous set of subnets.

Using an access list to control the list of possible mobile nodes is strongly encouraged. Without an access list, misconfigured hosts can be mistaken for mobile nodes and disrupt normal operations.


The following example shows how to configure local-area mobility on Ethernet interface 0:

access-list 10 permit
 interface ethernet 0
 ip mobile arp access-group 10 

ip mobile authentication ignore-spi

To enable the home agent or foreign agent to accept RFC-2002 based mobile nodes or foreign agents that don’t include the security parameter index (SPI) in the authentication extension of the registration message, use the ip mobile authentication ignore-spi command in global configuration mode. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile authentication ignore-spi

no ip mobile authentication ignore-spi

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global configuration.

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco IOS software supports the Mobile-Home Authentication Extension (MHAE). All registration messages between a mobile and a home agent include a mandatory authentication extension.

In RFC 2002, the SPI field was not included to calculate the authenticator value in the authentication extension of the registration message. In RFC 3220 and 3344, the SPI field in the authentication extension is used as part of the data over which the authentication algorithm must be computed.

The command turns off authentication and allows an RFC-2002 based mobile node and foreign agent to register with the home agent even though the SPI field is not included in the authentication extension of the registration message. The foreign agent will accept both RFC 2002 and RFC 3220/3344 based visitors and the home agent will accept both RFC 2002 and RFC 3220/3344 based mobile nodes and foreign agents.


The following example allows the home agent to accept registration messages without the SPI in the authentication extension:

ip mobile authentication ignore-spi

ip mobile bindupdate

To enable a home agent to send a binding update message to a foreign agent, use the ip mobile bindupdate command in global configuration mode. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile bindupdate [acknowledge] [ maximum seconds ] [ minimum seconds ] [ retry number ]

no ip mobile bindupdate [acknowledge] [ maximum seconds ] [ minimum seconds ] [ retry number ]

Syntax Description


(Optional). Indicates that the foreign agent must acknowledge receipt of a binding update message.

maximum seconds

(Optional) Maximum period (in seconds) that the home agent waits before retransmission of a binding update message. The default is 10 seconds.

minimum seconds

(Optional) Minimum period (in seconds) that the home agent waits before retransmission of a binding update message. The default is 1 second.

retry number

(Optional) Number of times to retry sending the binding update message. Retransmission stops after the maximum number of retries are attempted. The range is from 1 to 4; the default retry is 4.

Command Default

maximum seconds : 10 secondsminimum seconds : 1 secondretry number : 4 retries

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables the home agent to send a binding update message to the previous foreign agent when the mobile node moves to a new care-of address. The binding update message informs the foreign agent that a mobile node has moved and it can reclaim resources associated with that mobile node such as a visitor entry or visitor route.

Typically, resources on the foreign agent are not reclaimed until the mobility binding lifetime expires for that mobile node. By using this command, the foreign agent does not have to wait to reclaim resources used by the mobile node when that mobile node is no longer associated with the foreign agent.

Without this command configured, when a mobile node moves from foreign agent 1 to foreign agent 2 or when the home agent removes the binding, foreign agent 1 does not know that the mobile node has moved and the resources on foreign agent 1 associated with the mobile node will not be cleared until the lifetime expires for the mobile node.

If the acknowledge keyword is specified, the home agent periodically retransmits a binding update message until it receives a binding acknowledgement from the foreign agent or until the number of retries is exceeded.

The home agent and foreign agent must share a security association. The binding update message from the home agent and the binding update acknowledgement from the foreign agent must contain a FHAE (Foreign-Home Authentication Extension). If the FHAE is not configured on the home agent with the ip mobile secure command, the home agent will not send a binding update message even if the ip mobile bindupdate command is configured.


The following example configures the home agent to wait a maximum of 8 seconds before retransmitting a binding update message to a foreign agent. The foreign agent must send an acknowledgement of this binding update message upon receipt.

ip mobile bindupdate acknowledge maximum 8 retry 3 
ip mobile secure foreign-agent spi 100 key hex 23456781234567812345678123456781

The following example configures the security association on the foreign agent. Without the security association configured on the home agent and the foreign agent, the binding update message would not be sent or processed.

ip mobile secure home-agent spi 100 key hex 23456781234567812345678123456781

ip mobile cdma ha-chap send attribute

To include the Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) in the HA-CHAP access request, use the ip mobile cdma ha-chap send attribute command in global configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

ip mobile cdma ha-chap send attribute [ A1 | A2 | A3 ]

no ip mobile cdma ha-chap send attribute [ A1 | A2 | A3 ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Send A1 (Calling Station ID) in ha-chap.


(Optional) Send A2 (ESN) in ha-chap.


(Optional) Send A3 (MEID) in ha-chap.

Command Default

There are no default values.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

The MEID is a new attribute introduced in IS-835D that will eventually replace the ESN. In the interim, both attributes are supported on the Home Agent.

The MEID NVSE will be appended by the PDSN node to the Mobile IP RRQ. When the MEID NVSE is received on the HA, and the ip mobile cdma ha-chap send attribute A3 command is configured, then the MEID value is included in the HA-CHAP access request.


The following example illustrates the ip mobile cdma ha-chap send attribute A3 command:

ip mobile cdma ha-chap send attribute A3

ip mobile debug include username

To display the user name or International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) condition with each debug statement, use the ip mobile debug include username command. To remove the user name or IMSI condition from the debug display, use the no form of the command.

ip mobile debug include username

no ip mobile debug include username

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The user name or IMSI condition is not displayed in the debug output.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

In the following example, the user name or IMSI condition will be displayed in any Mobile IP debug output:

Router(config)# ip mobile debug include username

ip mobile foreign-agent

To enable foreign agent service, use the ip mobile foreign-agent command in global configuration mode. To disable this service, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile foreignagent [ careof interface [interface-only] [transmit-only] | reg-wait seconds | local-timezone | reverse-tunnel private-address ]

no ip mobile foreignagent [ careof interface [interface-only] [transmit-only] | reg-wait | local-timezone | reverse-tunnel private-address ]

Syntax Description

care-of interface

IP address of the interface. Sets the care-of address on the foreign agent. Multiple care-of addresses can be configured. At least one care-of address must be configured for foreign agent service.


(Optional) Enables the specified interface to advertise only its own address as the care-of address. Other interfaces configured for foreign agent service will not advertise this care-of address.


(Optional) Informs Mobile IP that the interface is being used on a unidirectional link and will transmit only. This interface will be used as the source interface for this care-of address for any registration request received on another interface. Only serial interfaces can be configured as transmit only.

reg-wait seconds

(Optional) Pending registration expires after the specified number of seconds if no reply is received. Range is from 5 to 600 seconds. Default is 15.


(Optional) Uses the local time zone to generate identification fields.

reverse-tunnel private-address

(Optional) Forces a mobile node with a private address to register with reverse tunneling.

Command Default

reg-wait seconds : 15

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The interface-only , transmit-only , and reverse-tunnel private-address keywords were added.


The local-timezone keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables foreign agent service when at least one care-of address is configured. When no care-of address exists, foreign agent service is disabled.

The foreign agent is responsible for relaying the registration request to the home agent, setting up a tunnel to the home agent, and forwarding packets to the mobile node. The show commands used to display relevant information are shown in parentheses in the following paragraph.

When a registration request comes in, the foreign agent will ignore requests when foreign agent service is not enabled on an interface or when no care-of address is advertised. If a security association exists for a visiting mobile node, the visitor is authenticated. The registration bitflag is handled as described in Table 3. The foreign agent checks the validity of the request. If successful, the foreign agent relays the request to the home agent, appending an FH authentication extension if a security association for the home agent exists. The pending registration timer of 15 seconds is started (show ip mobile visitor pending command). At most, five outstanding pending requests per mobile node are allowed. If a validity check fails, the foreign agent sends a reply with error code to the mobile node (reply codes are listed in Table 4). A security violation is logged when visiting mobile node authentication fails (show ip mobile violation command).

When a registration reply comes in, the home agent is authenticated (show ip mobile secure home-agent command) if a security association exists for the home agent (IP source address or home agent address in reply). The reply is relayed to the mobile node.

When registration is accepted, the foreign agent creates or updates the visitor table, which contains the expiration timer. If no binding existed before this registration, a virtual tunnel is created, a host route to the mobile node via the interface (of the incoming request) is added to the routing table (show ip route mobile command), and an ARP entry is added to avoid the sendingof ARP requests for the visiting mobile node. Visitor binding is removed (along with its associated host route, tunnel, and ARP entry) when the registration lifetime expires or deregistration is accepted.

When registration is denied, the foreign agent will remove the request from the pending registration table. The table and timers of the visitor will be unaffected.

When a packet destined for the mobile node arrives on the foreign agent, the foreign agent deencapsulates the packet and forwards it out its interface to the visiting mobile node, without sending ARP requests.

The care-of address must be advertised by the foreign agent. This adddress is used by the mobile node to register with the home agent. The foreign agent and home agent use this address as the source and destination point of tunnel, respectively. The foreign agent is not enabled until at least one care-of address is available. The foreign agent will advertise on interfaces configured with the ip mobile foreign-service command.

Only care-of addresses with interfaces that are up are considered available.

The interface-only and transmit-only keywords are used in an aysmmetric link environment, such as satellite communications, where separate uplinks and downlinks exist. The ip mobile foreign-agent care-of interface interface-only command enables the specified interface to advertise only its own address as the care-of address. All other care-of addresses are not advertised. Other foreign agent interfaces configured for foreign-service will not advertise interface-only care-of addresses. The ip mobile foreign-agent care-of interface transmit-only command informs Mobile IP that the interface acts as an uplink. Registration requests and replies received for this care-of address are treated as transmit-only. This interface will not hear any solicitations. Any care-of address can be configured with the interface-only keyword, but only serial interfaces can be configured with the transmit-only keyword.

Use the reverse-tunnel private-address keywords to force a mobile node with a private address to register with reverse tunnel. Private addresses are IP addresses in the following ranges:

  • to (10/8 prefix)

  • to (172.16/12 prefix)

  • to (192.168/16 prefix)

The table below lists mobile node registration request service bitflags.

Table 1. Mobile Node Registration Request Service Bitflags

Bit Set

Registration Request


No operation. Not applicable to foreign agent.


No operation. Not applicable to foreign agent.


Make sure source IP address belongs to the network of the interface.


Deny request. Minimum IP encapsulation is not supported.


No operation. GRE encapsulation is supported.


Sent as zero; ignored on reception. Do not allocate for any other uses.




Deny if reverse tunneling is disabled on the foreign agent.


Deny request. Reserved bit must not be set.

The table below lists foreign agent reply codes.

Table 2. Foreign Agent Reply Codes




Reason unspecified.


Administratively prohibited.


Insufficient resource.


Mobile node failed authentication.


Home agent failed authentication.


Requested lifetime is too long.


Poorly formed request.


Poorly formed reply.


Requested encapsulation is unavailable.


Reverse tunnel unsupported.


Reverse tunnel is mandatory and T bit is not set.


Mobile node too distant.


Invalid care-of address.


Registration timeout.


Delivery style not supported.


Home network unreachable (ICMP error received).


Home agent host unreachable (ICMP error received).


Home agent port unreachable (ICMP error received).


Home agent unreachable (other ICMP error received).


Missing home agent.


Missing home agent address.


Unsupported vendor ID or unable to interpret vendor extension type in the registration request extensions sent by the mobile node to the foreign agent.


Unsupported vendor ID or unable to interpret vendor extension type in the registration request extensions sent by the home agent to the foreign agent.


Unknown challenge.


Missing challenge.


Stale challenge.


The following example enables foreign agent service on Ethernet interface 1, advertising as the care-of address:

ip mobile foreign-agent care-of Ethernet0
interface Ethernet0
 ip address
interface Ethernet1
 ip mobile foreign-service

The following example enables foreign agent service on serial interface 4, advertising as the only care-of address. The uplink interface is configured as a transmit-only interface.

ip mobile foreign-agent care-of Serial4 interface-only transmit-only
interface Serial4
! Uplink interface
 ip address
 ip irdp
 ip mobile foreign-service

ip mobile foreign-agent inject-mobile-networks

To enable direct routing to mobile networks via the foreign agent, use the ip mobile foreign-agent inject-mobile-networks command in global configuration mode. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile foreign-agent inject-mobile-networks [ mobnetacl access-list-identifier ]

no ip mobile foreign-agent inject-mobile-networks [ mobnetacl access-list-identifier ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies that the foreign agent can provide direct routing for only the mobile networks covered by the specified access list.


(Optional) Name of an access list defined using the ip access-list command or number of an access list defined using the access-list command.

Command Default

Direct routing via the foreign agent is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Configure the ip mobile foreign-agent inject-mobile-networks command on the foreign agent to enable direct routing.

The value entered for the access-list-identifier argument must match the name of an access list defined using the ip access-list command or the number of an access list defined using the access-list command.


The following example configures the access list named mobile-net-list and enables direct routing via the foreign agent for mobile networks specified on that access list.

ip access-list standard mobile-net-list
 permit any
ip mobile foreign-agent inject-mobile-networks mobnetacl mobile-net-list

ip mobile foreign-service

To enable foreign agent service on if care-of addresses are configured, use the ip mobile foreign-service command in interface or global configuration mode. To disable this service, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile foreignservice [ challenge [forwardmfce] [ timeout value ] [ window number ] | [ homeaccess accesslist ] [ limit number ] [registrationrequired] [ reversetunnel [mandatory] ] ]

no ip mobile foreignservice [ challenge [forwardmfce] [ timeout value ] [ window number ] | [ homeaccess accesslist | limit number | registrationrequired | reversetunnel ] ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Configures the foreign agent challenge parameters. For releases prior to 12.3T, you cannot use this keyword when you enable foreign agent service on a subinterface.


(Optional) Enables the foreign agent to forward mobile foreign challenge extensions (MFCEs) and mobile node-AAA extensions to the home agent.

timeout value

(Optional) Challenge timeout in seconds. Possible values are from 1 to 10.

window number

(Optional) Maximum number of valid challenge values to maintain. Possible values are from 1 to 10. The default is 2.

home-access access-list

(Optional) Controls which home agent addresses mobile nodes can be used to register. The access list can be a string or number from 1 to 99. For releases prior to 12.3T, you cannot use this keyword when you enable foreign agent service on a subinterface.

limit number

(Optional) Number of visitors allowed on the interface. The Busy (B) bit will be advertised when the number of registered visitors reaches this limit. For releases prior to 12.3T, you cannot use this keyword when you enable foreign agent service on a subinterface.


(Optional) Solicits registration from the mobile node even if it uses colocated care-of addresses. The Registration-required (R) bit will be advertised. For releases prior to 12.3T, you cannot use this keyword when you enable foreign agent service on a subinterface.

reverse-tunnel [mandatory ]

(Optional) Enables reverse tunneling on the foreign agent. For releases prior to 12.3T, you cannot use this keyword when you enable foreign agent service on a subinterface.

Command Default

Foreign agent service is not enabled. There is no limit to the number of visitors allowed on an interface.window number: 2 Foreign agent reverse tunneling is not enabled. When foreign agent reverse tunneling is enabled, it is not mandatory by default.

Command Modes

Interface and global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The challenge keyword and associated parameters were added.


The reverse-tunnel [mandatory ] keywords were added.


The challenge keyword and associated parameters and the reverse-tunnel [mandatory ] keywords were integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.


Global configuration mode was added.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables foreign agent service on the interface or all interfaces (global configuration). The foreign agent (F) bit will be set in the agent advertisement, which is appended to the IRDP router advertisement whenever the foreign agent or home agent service is enabled on the interface.


The Registration-required bit only tells the visiting mobile node to register even if the visiting mobile node is using a colocated care-of address. You must set up packet filters to enforce this. For example, you could deny packets destined for port 434 from the interface of this foreign agent.

When you use the reverse-tunnel keyword to enable foreign agent reverse tunneling on an interface, the reverse tunneling support (T) bit is set in the agent advertisement.

Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) switching is currently not supported on a foreign agent when reverse tunneling is enabled. If reverse tunneling is enabled at the foreign agent, disable CEF on the foreign agent, using the no ip cef global configuration command. If the foreign agent does not support reverse tunneling, then there is no need to disable CEF at the global configuration level.

Below table lists the advertised bitflags.

Table 3. Foreign Agent Advertisement Bitflags

Bit Set

Service Advertisement


Set if the reverse-tunnel parameter is enabled.


Set if the registration-required parameter is enabled.


Set if the number of visitors reached the limit parameter.


Set if the interface is the home link to the mobile host (group).


Set if foreign-agent service is enabled.


Never set.


Always set.




Never set.


The following example shows how to enable foreign agent service for up to 100 visitors:

interface Ethernet 0
 ip mobile foreign-service limit 100 registration-required

The following example shows how to enable foreign agent reverse tunneling:

interface ethernet 0
 ip mobile foreign-service reverse-tunnel

The following example shows how to configure foreign agent challenge parameters:

interface ethernet 0
 ip mobile foreign-service challenge window 2

ip mobile home-agent

To enable and control home agent (HA) services, use the ip mobile home-agent command in global configuration mode. To disable these services, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile homeagent [ address ip-address ] [broadcast] [ care-of-access access-list ] [ lifetime seconds ] [nat-detect] [ replay seconds ] [ reverse-tunnel { off | private-address } ] [ roam-access access-list ] [strip-realm] [suppress-unreachable] [local-timezone] [ unknown-ha [ accept [reply] | deny ] ] [send-mn-address]

no ip mobile home-agent [ address ip-address ] [broadcast] [ care-of-access accessl-ist ] [ lifetime seconds ] [nat-detect] [ replay seconds ] [ reverse-tunnel { off | private-address } ] [ roam-access access-list ] [strip-realm] [suppress-unreachable] [local-time-zone] [ unknown-ha [ accept [reply] | deny ] ] [send-mn-address]

Syntax Description

address ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the IP address of the HA.


This option is only applicable when HA redundancy is used for virtual networks.


(Optional) Enables forwarding of broadcast datagrams to the mobile node (MN). By default, broadcasting is disabled.

care-of-access access-list

(Optional) Controls which care-of addresses (CoAs) in registration requests are permitted by the HA. By default, all CoAs are permitted. The access-list argument can be a string or number from 1 to 99.

lifetime seconds

(Optional) Specifies the global registration lifetime for an MN in seconds. Range is from 3 to 65535 (infinity). Default is 36000 (10 hours).


This configuration can be overridden by the individual MN configuration. Registrations requesting a lifetime greater than this value will still be accepted, but will use this lifetime value.


(Optional) Allows the HA to detect registration requests from a MN traversing a Network Address Translation (NAT)-enabled device and apply a tunnel to reach the MN. By default, NAT detection is disabled.

replay seconds

(Optional) Sets the replay protection time-stamp value in seconds. A registration received within the router clock time plus or minus 7 is valid.

reverse-tunnel off | private-address

(Optional) Enables support of reverse tunnel by the HA. By default, reverse tunnel support is enabled. The keywords are as follows:

  • off--Disables support of reverse tunnel.

  • private-address--Reverse tunnel mandatory for private Mobile IP addresses.

roam-access access - list

(Optional) Controls which MNs are permitted or denied to roam. By default, all specified MNs can roam.


(Optional) Strips the realm part of the Network access identifier (NAI) before authentication is performed. This option is useful if the majority of MNs have the identical realm, for example, in the case of enterprise networks.


(Optional) Disables sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) unreachable messages to the source when an MN on the virtual network is not registered. By default, ICMP unreachable messages are sent.


(Optional) Uses the local time zone to generate identification fields.

unknown-ha [accept [reply ] | deny

Accepts or denies an unknown HA registration request. The keywords are as follows:

  • accept--(Optional) HA accepts the registration request with an HA address different from the IP destination of the registration request. The HA address set in the registration reply is that of the IP destination address.

  • reply--(Optional) HA uses the received HA address in reply.

  • deny--(Optional) HA denies the registration request with an HA address different from the IP destination of the registration request with error code Unknown HomeAgent. The HA address set in the reject registration reply is that of the IP destination address.


This command option can be used in a testing environment when the home agent is in private addressing space behind a NAT gateway.


Sends the home address as received in the registration request and in the access request messages for the HA Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).


You must configure this keyword in the HA to send radius-server vsa send authentication 3gpp2 attributes. This keyword is available only on PDSN platforms running specific PDSN code images.

Command Default

The command is disabled. Broadcasting is disabled. Reverse tunnel support is enabled. ICMP unreachable messages are sent. NAT detection is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The strip-nai-realm and local-timezone keywords were added.


The nat-detect keyword was added.


The unknown-ha , accept , reply , deny and send-mn-address keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables and controls HA services on a router. Changes to service take effect immediately; however, broadcast and lifetime settings for previously registered MNs are unaffected. Tunnels are shared by MNs registered with the same endpoints, so the reverse-tunnel-off keyword also affects registered MNs.

The HA processes registration requests from the MN and sets up tunnels and routes to the CoA. Packets to the MN are forwarded to the visited network.

The HA will forward broadcast packets to MNs if the MNs are registered with the service. However, heavy broadcast traffic uses the CPU of the router.

The HA can control where the MNs roam by the care-of-access keyword, and which MN is allowed to roam by the roam-access keyword.

When a registration request comes in, the HA ignores requests when HA service is not enabled or the security association of the MN is not configured. The latter condition occurs because the security association must be available for the MH authentication extension in the reply. If a security association exists for the FA (IP source address or CoA in the request), the FA is authenticated, and then the MN is authenticated. The Identification field is verified to protect against replay attack. The HA checks the validity of the request (see Table 3) and sends a reply. (Reply codes are listed in Table 4.) A security violation is logged when FA authentication, MH authentication, or identification verification fails. (The violation reasons are listed in Table 5.)

After registration is accepted, the HA creates or updates the mobility binding of the MN, which contains the expiration timer. If no binding existed before this registration, a virtual tunnel is created, a host route to the MN via the care-of address is added to the routing table, and gratuitous ARPs are sent out. For deregistration, the host route is removed from the routing table, the virtual tunnel interface is removed (if no MNs are using it), and gratuitous ARP messages are sent out if the MN is back home. Mobility binding is removed (along with its associated host route and tunnel) when registration lifetime expires or deregistration is accepted.

By default, the HA uses the entire NAI string as the username for authentication (which may be with local security association or retrieved from the AAA server). The strip-nai-realm keyword instructs the HA to strip off the realm part of NAI (if it exists) before performing authentication. Basically, the MN is identified by only the user name part of the NAI. This option is useful if the majority of MNs belong to the same realm, for example, in the case of enterprise networks.

When the packet destined for the MN arrives on the HA, the HA encapsulates the packet and tunnels it to the care-of address. If the Don’t Fragment (DF) bit is set in the packet via the ip mobile tunnel path-mtu-discovery global configuration command, the HA will copy the DF bit from the original packet to the new tunnel IP header. This allows the path MTU discovery to set the MTU of the tunnel. Subsequent packets greater than the MTU of the tunnel will be dropped and an ICMP datagram too big message will be sent to the source (correspondent node). If the HA loses the route to the tunnel endpoint, the host route to the MN will be removed from the routing table until the tunnel route is available. Packets destined for the MN without a host route will be sent out the interface (home network) or to the virtual network (see the description of the suppress-unreachable keyword). For subnet-directed broadcasts to the home link, the HA will send a copy to all MNs registered with the broadcast routing option.

Some companies block ICMP datagram too big messages. If the message does not reach the original correspondent node sending the packet, the correspondent node will simply resend the same size packet. To work around this problem, turn off Path MTU Discovery with the no ip mobile tunnel path-mtu-discovery command. The DF bit will not be copied from the original packet and the tunnel packet can be fragmented.

The ip mobile home-agent nat-detect option is supported for MNs using a collocated care-of address and registering through the FA. The MN will use the NAT inside address as the collocated care-of address used in its registration requests. If a MN is using a FA CoA address, the MN can be detected behind a NAT gateway.

The ip mobile home-agent unknown-ha option can be useful in a testing environment when the HA is using a private address behind a NAT gateway. A MN would need to access the HA through the NAT box while it is on a public network domain. However, NAT will translate the destination IP address of the registration request to the private address of the HA. When the HA checks the HA field in the registration request, it does not match one of the interfaces. The packet can not be processed properly and the tunnels are not set up properly. The ip mobile home-agent unknown-ha command allows the HA to accept the unknown (translated) address and process the registration request.

The send-mn-address keyword is available only on PDSN platforms running specific PDSN code images; consult Feature Navigator for your Cisco IOS software release.

The MN requests services from the HA by setting bits in the registration request. The table below shows the services the MN can request.

Table 4. HA Registration Bitflags

Bit Set



Accept with code 1 (no simultaneous binding).


Accept. Broadcast can be enabled or disabled.


Accept. Tunnel endpoint is a colocated care-of address.


Deny. Minimum IP encapsulation is not supported.


Accept. GRE encapsulation is supported.


Deny if this bit is set.


Accept if the reverse-tunnel-off parameter is not set.


Deny. Reserved bit must not be set.

The table below lists the HA registration reply codes. The codes tell the MN whether the registration was accepted or denied. If registration is denied, the reply code gives the reason.

Table 5. HA Registration Reply Codes






Accept. No simultaneous bindings.


Reason unspecified.


Administratively prohibited.


Insufficient resource.


MN failed authentication.


FA failed authentication.


Registration identification mismatched (timestamp is off).


Poorly formed request.


Unknown HA address.


Reverse tunnel is unavailable.


Reverse tunnel is mandatory and T bit not set.


Unsupported encapsulation.


Unsupported vendor id or unable to interpret registration request extensions sent by the MN to the home agent.


Unsupported vendor id or unable to interpret registration request extensions sent by the FA to the home agent.


Active home agent failed authentication.

Below table lists security violation codes.

Table 6. Security Violation Codes




No mobility security association.


Bad authenticator.


Bad identifier.


Bad SPI.


Missing security extension.




Stale request.


The following example enables broadcast routing and specifies a global registration lifetime of 7200 seconds (2 hours):

ip mobile home-agent broadcast lifetime 7200

ip mobile home-agent aaa user-password

To configure an authentication password for the downloading of security associations from a AAA server, use the ip mobile home-agent aaa user-password command in global configuration mode. To remove the password requirement, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile home-agent aaa user-password { 0 password | 7 encrypted-password | password }

no ip mobile home-agent aaa user-password

Syntax Description

0 password

Specifies that an unencrypted password will follow. The unencrypted (cleartext) password.

7 password

Specifies that an encrypted password will follow. The encrypted password.


The unencrypted (cleartext) password.

Command Default

The default password is cisco.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When a mobile node sends a registration request packet to the home agent, Mobile IP requires a security association for registration authentication. Security associations for a mobile node can be configured on the home agent or retrieved by the home agent from a AAA server.

If security associations are retrieved from a AAA server, the AAA access-request packets used to retrieve the security associations require a challenge and response. If the registration request of the mobile node does not contain a challenge and response, the home agent auto-generates a challenge and creates a response using the default password “cisco” unless you specify a different password using the ip mobile home-agent aaa user-password command. In either case, a single password is used for all mobile nodes.

The AAA server will read the challenge in the access-request packet of the mobile node, and using the password of the mobile node that is stored on the AAA server, create the response to the challenge. It then authenticates the mobile node, identified by its IP address (or network access identifier), by comparing the two responses to ensure they are identical. For this reason, the password configured by the ip mobile home-agent aaa user-password command must match the user password in the user profile on the AAA server.

Mobile nodes that include a challenge and response in their registration request, such as in the case of dynamic security association and key distribution, do not use the defined password. Instead, the home agent copies the challenge/response from the registration request into the AAA access-request packet. Thus, a mobile node in this scenario can have a “unique” password.

You can enable or disable password encryption with the service password-encryption command. If this command is enabled, even if the ip mobile home-agent aaa user-password 0 password is used, the password will be encrypted.


The following example enables the encrypted password “ $1$i5Rkls3L0yxzS8t9” for authenticating the downloading of security associations from the AAA server:

ip mobile home-agent aaa user-password 7 $1$i5Rkls3L0yxzS8t9

The following example enables the unencrypted password “ pswd2” for authenticating the downloading of security associations from the AAA server:

ip mobile home-agent aaa user-password 0 pwsd2

The following example enables the unencrypted password “ pswdmobile” for authenticating the downloading of security associations from the AAA server:

ip mobile home-agent aaa user-password pswdmobile

ip mobile home-agent accounting

To enable home agent accounting services on the router, use the ip mobile home-agent accounting command in global configuration mode. To disable these services, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile home-agent accounting { default | list-name }

no ip mobile home-agent accounting { default | list-name }

Syntax Description


Uses the listed accounting methods that follow this argument as the default list of methods for accounting services.


Character string used to name the list of at least one of the accounting methods.

Command Default

The command is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables and controls home agent accounting services on the router. First, use the aaa accounting global configuration command to define the accounting method list. Next, apply the same accounting method list on the home agent using the ip mobile home-agent accounting global configuration command.


The following example enables home agent accounting for the list named mobile-list:

ip mobile home-agent accounting mobile-list

ip mobile home-agent dynamic-address

To set the home agent address field in a Registration Response packet, use the ip mobile home-agent dynamic-address command in global configuration. To disable this functionality, or to reset the field use the no form of this command.

ip mobile home-agent dynamic-address ip-address

no ip mobile home-agent dynamic-address ip-address

Syntax Description


The IP address of the Home Agent.

Command Default

The Home Agent Address field will be set to the values specified by the ip-address argument.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.


In the following example, the dynamic home-agent address is set to

Router# ip mobile home-agent dynamic-address	

ip mobile home-agent multi-path

To enable the home agent to process registration requests with multiple path support for all mobile routers, use the ip mobile home-agent multi-path command in global configuration mode. To disable multipath support on the home agent, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile home-agent multi-path [ metric { bandwidth | hopcount } ]

no ip mobile home-agent multi-path [ metric { bandwidth | hopcount } ]

Command Default

Multiple path support is enabled by default on the mobile router.

Command Modes

Global configuration.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Multiple path support is enabled by default on the mobile router but disabled by default on the home agent. The multi-path command in mobile networks configuration mode overrides the global setting.


The following example shows how to configure the home agent to globally process registration requests for all mobile routers:

router mobile 
ip mobile home-agent multi-path

ip mobile home-agent nat traversal

To enable NAT traversal support for Mobile IP home agents (HAs), use the ip mobile home-agent nat traversal command in global configuration mode. To disable Network Address Translation (NAT) traversal support for Mobile IP for the HA, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile home-agent nat traversal [ keepalive keepalive-time ] [ forced { accept | reject } ]

no ip mobile home-agent nat traversal [ keepalive keepalive-time ] [ forced { accept | reject } ]

Syntax Description

keepalive keepalive-time

(Optional) Configures the keepalive interval in seconds the HA uses in registration replies. When the HA replies with a keepalive interval other than zero, it forces the FA or MN to use this interval. If it replies with an interval of zero, the FA or MN should use its default configured interval. The range is 0 to 65535 seconds. The default is 110 seconds.


(Optional) Enables the HA to accept or reject forced UDP tunneling from the mobile node (MN) regardless of the NAT-detection outcome.

accept --Accepts UDP tunneling.

reject --Rejects UDP tunneling.

If the forced keyword is not specified, the command defaults to rejecting registration requests where the “force” bit is set in the UDP tunnel extension. MN registration attempts will fail until the MN retries without the “forced” bit set in the UDP tunnel extension. The registration will fail until the MN retries the registration.

Command Default

NAT traversal support for Mobile IP is disabled for the HA.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


the keepalive keepalive-time range changed.

Usage Guidelines

Enable this command if your MNs will roam behind a NAT-enabled router or firewall.


The following example shows an HA configured with a keepalive timer set to 56 seconds and forced to accept UDP tunneling.

ip mobile home-agent nat traversal 56 forced accept
ip mobile home-agent replay 255
ip mobile home-agent redundancy Phy1 virtual-network

ip mobile home-agent redundancy

To configure the home agent for redundancy by using the Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) group name, use the ip mobile home-agent redundancy command in global configuration mode. To remove the address, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile home-agent redundancy hsrp-group-name [ [virtual-network] address address ] [ mode active-standby ] [swact-notification]

no ip mobile home-agent redundancy hsrp-group-name [ [virtual-network] address address ] [ mode active-standby ] [swact-notification]

Syntax Description


Specifies the HSRP group name.


(Optional) Specifies that the HSRP group is used to support virtual networks.

address address

(Optional) Home agent address.

mode active-standby

(Optional) Allows the bindings to come up (with local pool addressing for virtual-networks) with the home agent IP address specified under the loopback interface.


(Optional) Notifies the RADIUS server of a home agent failover.

Command Default

No global home agent addresses are specified.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The command changed from ip mobile home-agent standby to ip mobile home-agent redundancy .


The mode active-standby and swact-notification keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

The virtual-network keyword specifies that the HSRP group supports virtual networks.


Redundant home agents must have identical Mobile IP configurations. You can use a standby group to provide HA redundancy for either physical or virtual networks, but not both at the same time.

When Mobile IP standby is configured, the home agent can request mobility bindings from the peer home agent. When Mobile IP standby is deconfigured, the home agent can remove mobility bindings. Operation of home agent redundancy on physical and virtual networks is described as follows:

  • Physical network --Only the active home agent will receive registrations on a physical network. It updates the standby home agent. The standby home agent requests the mobility binding table from the active home agent. When Mobile IP standby is deconfigured, the standby home agent removes all bindings, but the active home agent keeps all bindings.

  • Virtual network --Both active and standby home agents receive registrations if the loopback interface is used; each will update the peer after accepting a registration. Otherwise, the active home agent receives registrations. Both active and standby home agents request mobility binding tables from each other. When Mobile IP standby is deconfigured, the standby or active home agent removes all bindings.


The swact-notification option notifies the RADIUS server of a home agent failover. This is achieved by including the cisco-avpair radius attribute “mobileip-rfswat=1” in RADIUS accounting records. This attribute is included only in the first accounting record of a binding generated after a failover, and if that binding was created before the failover.


The following example specifies an HSRP group named SanJoseHA:

ip mobile home-agent redundancy SanJoseHA

ip mobile home-agent redundancy periodic-sync

To synchronize the byte and packet counters for each binding to the standby unit using an accounting update event, use the ip mobile home-agent redundancy periodic-sync command in global configuration mode. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile home-agent redundancy hsrp-group-name [ [virtual-network] address address ] periodic-sync

no ip mobile home-agent redundancy hsrp-group-name [ [virtual-network] address address ] periodic-sync

Syntax Description


Specifies the HSRP group name.


(Optional) Specifies that the HSRP group is used to support virtual networks.

address address

(Optional) Home agent address.

Command Default

There are no default values for this command.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

The byte and packet counters for each binding are synchronized to the standby unit using an accounting update event only if the byte counts have changed since the last synchronization.


In the following example, the byte and packet counters for each binding will be periodically synchronized between the active and standby unit:

Router# ip mobile home-agent redundancy group1 periodic-sync

ip mobile home-agent reject-static-addr

To configure the HA to reject Registration Requests from MNs under certain conditions, use the ip mobile home-agent reject-static-addr sub-command under the ip mobile home-agent global configuration command.

ip mobile home-agent reject-static-addr

Syntax Description

This command has not arguments or keywords

Command Modes

Sub-command of the ip mobile home-agent global configuration command.

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

You must first configure the ip mobile home-agent command to use this sub-command.

If an MN that has a binding to the HA with a static address tries to register with the same static address again, then the HA rejects the second RRQ from the MN.


The following example illustrates the ip mobile home-agent reject-static-addr command:

Router# ip mobile home-agent reject-static-addr

ip mobile home-agent resync-sa

To configure the home agent to clear out the old cached security associations and requery the AAA server for a new security association when the mobile node fails authentication, use the ip mobile home-agent resync-sa command in global configuration mode. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile home-agent resync-sa seconds

no ip mobile home-agent resync-sa seconds

Syntax Description


Specifies the time in which the home agent will wait to initiate a resynchronization.

Command Default

This command is off by default. The normal behavior of the home agent is to never requery the AAA server for a new security association.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must enable security association caching for the ip mobile home-agent resync-sa command to work. Use the ip mobile host aaa load-sa global configuration command to enable caching of security associations retrieved from a AAA server.

When a security association is downloaded for a mobile node from a AAA server, the security association is time stamped. If the mobile node fails reregistration and the time interval since the security association was cached is greater than sec seconds, the home agent will clear out the old security association and requery the AAA server. If the time period is less than the sec value, the home agent will not requery the AAA server for the security association of the mobile node.

The sec value represents the number of seconds the home agent will consider the downloaded security association synchronized with the AAA server. After that time period, it is considered old and can be replaced by a new security association from the AAA server.

This time-based resynchronization process helps prevent denial-of-service attacks on the AAA server and provides a way to synchronize the home agent's cached security association entry when a change to the security association for the mobile node is made at the AAA server and on the mobile node. By using this process, once the mobile node fails reregistration with the old cached security association, the home agent will clear the cache for that mobile node, and resynchronize with the AAA server.


In the following example, if a registration fails authentication, the home agent retrieves a new security association from the AAA server if the existing security association was downloaded more than 10 seconds ago:

ip mobile home-agent resync-sa 10

ip mobile home-agent revocation

To enable support for MIPv4 registration revocation on the home agent, use the ip mobile home-agent revocation command in global configuration mode. To disable support for registration revocation, use the no form of the command.

ip mobile home-agent revocation [ timeout seconds ] [ retransmit retries ] [ timestamp msec ]

no ip mobile home-agent revocation [ timeout seconds ] [ retransmit retries ] [ timestamp msec ]

Syntax Description

timeout seconds

(Optional) Configures the time interval (in seconds) between retransmission of MIPv4 registration revocation message. The no version restores the time interval between retransmission of MIPv4 registration revocation Message to the default value. The default is 3 seconds. The range is from 1 to 100 seconds

retransmit retries

(Optional) Configures the number of times MIPv4 registration revocation messages are retransmitted. The no version of this command restores the retransmit number to the default value. The default is 3 retransmissions. The range is from 1 to 100 retransmissions.

timestamp msec

(Optional) Configures the units in which the timestamp value in the revocation support extension and revocation message should be encoded. By default the timestamp value will be sent as seconds. If the msec option is specified, the values will be encoded in milliseconds.

Command Default

The home agent does not support registration revocation.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.


In the following example, the MIPv4 registration message will be retransmitted a maximum of 5 times with a time interval of 4 seconds in between retransmissions:

Router(config)#ip mobile home-agent revocation timeout 4 retransmit 5

ip mobile home-agent template tunnel

To configure a home agent to use the template tunnel, use the ip mobile home-agent template tunnel command in global configuration. To disable the use of the template tunnel, use the no form of the command.

ip mobile home-agent template tunnel interface-id address ha-address

no ip mobile home-agent template tunnel interface-id address ha-address

Syntax Description


Specifies the template tunnel interface ID from which to apply ACLs.

address ha-address

Specifies the home agent address. ACLs will be applied to tunnels with ha-address as the local end point.

Command Default

The home agent does not use a template tunnel.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.


In the following example, the home agent is configured to use the template tunnel:

Router(config)# interface tunnel 10
Router(config)# ip mobile home-agent template tunnel 10 address

ip mobile host

To configure the mobile host or mobile node group, use the ip mobile host command in global configuration mode. To disable these services, use the no form of this command.

ip mobile host { lower [upper] | nai string [ static-address { addr1 [addr2] [addr3] [addr4] [addr5] | local-pool - name } ] [ address { addr | pool { local name | dhcp-proxy-client [ dhcp-server addr ] } } ] { interface name | virtual-network networkaddress mask } [ aaa [ load-sa [permanent] ] ] [ authorized-pool name ] [skip-aaa-reauthentication] [ care-of-access access-list ] [ lifetime seconds ] }

no ip mobile host { lower [upper] | nai string [ static-address { addr1 [addr2] [addr3] [addr4] [addr5] | local-pool name } ] [ address { addr | pool { local name | dhcp-proxy-client [ dhcp-server addr ] } } ] { interface name | virtual-network networkaddress mask } [ aaa [ loadsa [permanent] ] ] [ authorized-pool name ] [skip-aaa-reauthentication] [ care-of-access accesslist ] [ lifetime seconds ] }

Syntax Description

lower upper

One or a range of mobile host or mobile node group IP addresses. The upper end of the range is optional.

nai string

Network access identifier. The NAI can be a unique identifier (username@realm) or a group identifier (@realm).


(Optional) Indicates that a static IP address is to be assigned to the flows on this NAI. This parameter is not valid if the NAI is a realm.

addr1, addr2, ...

(Optional) One to a maximum of five IP addresses to be assigned using the static-address keyword.

local-pool nam e

(Optional) Name of the local pool of addresses to use for assigning a static IP address to this NAI.


(Optional) Indicates that a dynamic IP address is to be assigned to the flows on this NAI.


(Optional) IP address to be assigned using the address keyword.


(Optional) Indicates that a pool of addresses is to be used in assigning a dynamic IP address.

local name

(Optional) The name of the local pool to use in assigning addresses.


(Optional) Indicates that the DHCP request should be sent to a DHCP server on behalf of the mobile node.

dhcp-server addr

(Optional) IP address of the DHCP server.

interface name

When used with DHCP, specifies the gateway address from which the DHCP server should select the address.

virtual-network network-address mask

Indicates that the mobile station resides in the specified virtual network, which was created using the ip mobile virtual-network command.


(Optional) Retrieves security associations from a AAA (TACACS+ or RADIUS) server. Allows the home agent to download address configuration details from the AAA server.


(Optional) Caches security associations after retrieval by loading the security association into RAM. See the table Caching Behavior for Security Associations for details on how security associations are cached for NAI hosts and non-NAI hosts.


(Optional) Caches security associations in memory after retrieval permanently. Use this optional keyword only for NAI hosts.

authorized-pool name

(Optional) Verifies the IP address assigned to the mobile node if it is within the pool specified by the name argument.


(Optional) When configured, the home agent does not send an access request for authentication for mobile IP re-registration requests. When disabled, the home agent sends an access request for all Mobile IP registration requests.

care-of-access access-list

(Optional) Access list. This can be a named access list or standard access list. The range is from 1 to 99. Controls where mobile nodes roam--the acceptable care-of addresses.

lifetime seconds

(Optional) Lifetime (in seconds). The lifetime for each mobile node (group) can be set to override the global value. The range is from 3 to 65535 (infinite).

Command Default

No host is configured.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The nai keyword and associated parameters were added.


The permanent keyword was added and the command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.


The authorized-pool and skip-aaa-reauthentication keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the mobile host or mobile node group (ranging from lower address to upper address) to be supported by the home agent. These mobile nodes belong to the network on an interface or a virtual network (via the ip mobile virtual-network command). The security association for each mobile host must be configured using the ip mobile secure command or downloaded from a AAA server.

All hosts must have security associations for registration authentication. Mobile nodes can have more than one security association. The memory consumption calculations shown in the first table below are based on the assumption of one security association per mobile node. Caching behavior of security associations differs between NAI and non-NAI hosts as described in the second table below.

The nai keyword allows you to specify a particular mobile node or range of mobile nodes. The mobile node can request a static IP address (static-address keyword), which is configured using the addr1 variable (for a specific address) or the local-pool keyword (for an IP address from an address pool; the requested address must be in the pool). Or, the mobile node can request a dynamic address (address keyword), which is configured using the addr variable (for a specific address) or the pool keyword (for an IP address from a pool or DHCP server). If this command is used with the Packet Data Serving Node (PDSN) proxy Mobile IP feature and a realm is specified in the ip mobile proxy-host nai command, then only a pool of addresses can be specified in this command.

The address pool can be defined by a local pool or by use of a DHCP proxy client. For DHCP, the interface name keyword and argument combination specifies the gateway address from which the DHCP server should select the address and the dhcp-server keyword specifies the DHCP server address. The NAI is sent in the client-id option of the DHCP packet and can be used to provide dynamic DNS services.

You can also use this command to configure the static IP address or address pool for multiple flows with the same NAI. A flow is a set of {NAI, IP address}.

Security associations can be stored by using one of three methods:

  • On the router

  • On the AAA server, retrieve security association each time registration comes in (aaa optional keyword)

  • On the AAA server, retrieve and cache security association (aaa load-sa option)

Each method has advantages and disadvantages, which are described in the table below.

Table 7. Methods for Storing Security Associations

Storage Method



On the router

  • Security association is in router memory, resulting in fast lookup.

  • For home agents supporting fewer than 1500 mobile nodes, this provides optimum authentication performance and security (keys never leave router).

  • NVRAM of router is limited, cannot store many security associations. Each security association configuration takes about 80 bytes. For 125 KB NVRAM, you can store about 1500 security associations on a home agent.

On the AAA server, retrieve security association each time registration comes in

  • Central administration and storage of security association on AAA server.

  • If keys change constantly, administration is simplified to one server, latest keys always retrieved during registration.

  • Router memory (DRAM) is conserved. Router will need memory only to load in a security association, and then release the memory when done.

  • Requires network to retrieve security association, slower than other storage methods, and dependent on network and server performance.

  • Multiple home agents that use one AAA server, which can become the bottleneck, can get slow response.

  • Key can be snooped if packets used to retrieve from AAA are not encrypted (for example, using RADIUS or unencrypted TACACS+ mode).

On the AAA server, retrieve and store security association

  • AAA acts as an offload configuration server, security associations are loaded into router DRAM, which is more abundant (for example, 16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB) when the first registration comes in. Each security association takes only about 50 bytes of DRAM, so 10,000 mobile nodes will use up 0.5 MB.

  • If keys remain fairly constant, once security associations are loaded, home agent authenticates as fast as when stored on the router.

  • Only security associations that are needed are loaded into router memory. Mobile nodes that never register will not waste memory.

  • If keys change on the AAA server after the mobile node registered, then you need to use clear ip mobile secure command to clear and load in new security association from AAA, otherwise the security association of the router is stale.

The caching behavior of security associations for NAI hosts and non-NAI hosts is described in in the below table.

Table 8. Caching Behavior for Security Associations

Keyword Option

NAI Hosts

Non-NAI Hosts


Security associations are deleted after authentication and are not cached.

Security associations are deleted after authentication and are not cached.

aaa load-sa

The security association is cached while the mobile node is registered. If the mobile node’s registration is deleted, the security association is removed.

Security associations are cached permanently.

aaa load-sa permanent

Security associations are cached permanently after being retrieved from the AAA server.



On the Mobile Wireless Home Agent, the following conditions apply: If the aaa load-sa option is configured, the Home Agent caches the SA locally on first registration. In this case the Home Agent will not invoke the RADIUS authorization procedure for re-registration. If aaa load-sa skip-aaa-reauthentication is configured, the Home Agent caches the SA locally on first registration; however, the Home Agent will not invoke HA-CHAP procedure for re-registration. The aaa load-sa permanent option is not supported on the Mobile Wireless Home Agent, and should not be configured.


The following example configures a mobile node group to reside on virtual network and retrieve mobile node security associations from a AAA server every time the mobile node registers:

ip mobile host virtual-network aaa

The following example configures a mobile node group to reside on virtual network and retrieve and cache mobile node security associations from a AAA server. The cached security association is then used for subsequent registrations.

ip mobile host virtual-network aaa load-sa

The following example configures a local pool of dynamic addresses to be used in assigning IP addresses to mobile nodes in the domain:

ip mobile host nai address pool local mobilenodes virtual-network aaa lifetime 180

The following example configures a local pool of dynamic addresses to be used in assigning IP addresses to mobile nodes in the domain. The security associations that are retrieved from the AAA server are cached as long as the binding is present and are deleted on the home agent when the binding is removed (due to manual clearing of the binding or lifetime expiration).

ip mobile host nai address pool local mobilenodes virtual-network aaa load-sa lifetime 180

The following example configures a local pool of static addresses to be used in assigning IP addresses to mobile nodes in the domain:

ip mobile host nai static-address local-pool mobilenodes

The following example configures a local pool of dynamic addresses to be used in assigning IP addresses to mobile nodes in the domain. The security associations that are retrieved from the AAA server are cached permanently until cleared manually.

ip mobile host nai address pool local mobilenodes virtual network aaa load-sa permanent lifetime 180

The following example configures the DHCP proxy client to use a DHCP server located at to allocate a dynamic home address:

ip mobile host nai address pool dhcp-proxy-client dhcp-server interface FastEthernet 0/0