CP Call Summary Log

Revision History


Revision history details are not provided for features introduced before release 21.24.

Revision Details


With this release, new Sx-specific information are added in S-GW and P-GW event records.


First introduced

Pre 21.24

Feature Description

Call Summary Log is a mechanism using which subscriber activities like Session Creation/Deletion, Bearer Creation/Update/Deletion is reported to an external server.

When the Call Summary Log feature is enabled on the CUPS Control Plane (CP) node—where S-GW and/or P-GW records are generated depending upon SAEGW call type—generates events records and stores the records in chassis hard disk in CSV file format. The files are stored in .gz compressed format as well. These files are later SFTPed to external server for further analysis from network operator to maintain and troubleshoot the network.

This chapter captures the Call Summary Log feature for CUPS CP node. For information about Call Summary Log feature from CUPS User Plane (UP) node, see the UPC CUPS User Plane Administration Guide.

How it Works

S-GW Event Record

S-GW event reporting is a feature using which subscriber events like Session creation (PDN connect), Session deletion (PDN disconnect), Bearer Creation, Bearer Deletion, Bearer Modification and Bearer Update is reported to external SFTP server.

The interface between the S-GW and SFTP server is based on SFTP. Each record is generated as comma-separated ASCII values (CSV record). S-GW sends one ASCII formatted CSV record per line. The CSV records are stored in file and are compressed before sending to external SFTP server. The CSV records cannot be older than 15 minutes; therefore, the file needs to be SFTed to external SFTP server at least once in 15 minutes. The transfer of CSV record file between S-GW and SFTP server is based on either PULL or PUSH model. In PULL model, the external SFTP server is responsible for SFTP with S-GW. For PUSH model, S-GW is responsible for sending the CSV record file to external SFTP server based on the configured PUSH timer interval.

The following events trigger a record.

Event Description
1 Session Creation
2 Session Deletion
3 Bearer Creation
4 Bearer Deletion
5 Bearer Modification (Suppress intra system handover)
6 Bearer Update

The report includes the following information in the CSV format:

No. Description Format Example
1 Event Identity Integer [1-6]
2 Event Result (3GPP 29.274 Result Cause Code) Integer [1-255]

Integer (15 digits)


Intrger (16 digits)



Internal CallID. Example: [376efb10]


Start Time (GMT)



7 End Time (GMT)




Protocol (GTPv2)




Disconnect Reason

Integer [1-999]


Trigger Event (3GPP 29.274 request cause code)

Integer [1-6]


CP Name (Hostname)




Origination Node Type

String (SGW|HSGW|PGW|…)



EPS Bearer ID (Default)

Integer [1-15]

14 APN Name



15 PGW IP Address IPv4 or IPv6 Address
16 UE IPv4 Address IPv4 Address
17 UE IPv6 Address IPv6 Address
18 Uplink AMBR Integer (0-4 Billion)
19 Downlink AMBR Integer (0-4 Billion)



21 Cell ID (ECI)

String (8bytes)


22 EPS Bearer ID (Dedicated) Integer (1-15)
23 Result Code (Success/Fail) 0=fail 1=success
24 QCI Integer [1-255]
25 Uplink MBR Integer (0-4 Billion)
26 Downlink MBR Integer (0-4 Billion)
27 Uplink GBR Integer (0-4 Billion)
28 Downlink GBR Integer (0-4 Billion)
29 Downlink Packets Sent Integer (0-4 Billion)
30 Downlink Bytes Sent Integer (0-4 Billion)
31 Downlink Packets Dropped Integer (0-4 Billion)
32 Uplink Packets Sent Integer (0-4 Billion)
33 Uplink Bytes Sent Integer (0-4 Billion)
34 Uplink Packets Dropped Integer (0-4 Billion)
35 MME S11 IP Address IPv4 or IPv6 Address
36 S1u IP Address IPv4 or IPv6 Address
37 User Plane IP Address Contains User Plane IPv4 or IPv6 Address
38 Sx-PFCP Local SEID Contains the SEID for CP node
39 Sx-PFCP Remote SEID Contains the SEID for UP node
40 Sx-PFCP Cause Code Contains the PFCP cause code
41 Sx-PFCP Response Time Contains the PFCP transaction response time

P-GW Event Record

The P-GW generates the per call, per event call summary records with error or cause codes and latency information.

Currently, the feature supports the P-GW event records for the following six independent GTPv2 procedures.

Procedure Number Procedure Name
1 GTP Create Session
2 GTP Create Bearer
3 GTP Delete Session
4 GTP Delete Bearer
5 GTP Modify Bearer
6 GTP Update Bearer
8…16 Diameter Procedures

The report includes the following information in the CSV format:

IE Description Definition or Format Example Applicable Procedures (from Table above)
1 PGW RTT Record Number <proclet-type>|<instance-id>|<RTT-record-#> All
2 PGW RTT Version Number Version 1 in v18.0 All
3 Procedure Number Defined Table 1 (1 through 18) All
4 PGW Name Host Name of the Chassis All
5 Procedure Start Time (GMT) Time in UTC, (to ms accuracy) All
6 Procedure End Time (GMT) Time in UTC (to ms accuracy) All
7 ASR5K CallID Internal CallID. Example: [376efb10] All
8…10 Reserved
11 IMSI Example: [311480076488840] 1
12 MSISDN Example: [19728256305] 1, 5
13 IMEISV Example: [9900028823793406] 1
14 TAI - MCC/MNC/TAC Example: String [311-480-0x3B00] 1 through 6
15 Cell ID ECI. Example: [0xE70D01] 1 through 6
16 ASR5K Disconnect Reason Internal reason for session disconnect (e.g. timeout, error). Example: [0 to 533] All (pending error)
17…20 Reserved
21 Serving Network MCC MNC. Example: [311480] 1, 5
22 Radio Access Technology Defined in TS29.274. Example: [6 = E-UTRAN] 1, 5
23 Handover Indicator HI field in Indication attribute; e.g. [0 = New PDN; 1 = Handover] 1, 5
24 SGW/HSGW TEID Tunnel Identifier for Peer. Example: [0x26B609F0] 1, 2, 5
25 PGW TEID Tunnel Identifier for PGW. Example: 0x084BC005 1, 2
26 AN GW Address IP Address of Remote GW: HSGW or SGW 1, 2, 5
27 Access Point Name String. Example: [vzwims.mnc311.mcc480.3gppnetwork.org] 1
28 Framed-IP Address UE assigned IPv4 address 1
29 Framed-IPv6 Address UE assigned IPv6 prefix/address 1
30 Uplink AMBR In Kbps. Example: [0-4294967295] 1, 6
31 Downlink AMBR In Kbps. Example: [0-4294967295] 1, 6
32 PCO DNS IPv6 Address – Primary IPv6 Address 1
33 PCO DNS IPv6 Address - Secondary IPv6 Address 1
34 PCO DNS IPv4 Address – Primary IPv4 Address 1
35 PCO DNS IPv4 Address - Secondary IPv4 Address 1
36 List of EPS Bearer IDs (Successful)

Each bearer Id shall be separated by a “|”

Example: 1 | 3 | 5

1, 2, 4, 5, 6
37 Linked Bearer Identity Example: [0-15] 2, 3, 4, 5
38 Uplink MBR

In Kbps. MBR.

For example, 1234 | 3456 | 567

MBR of each bearer shall be separated by "|” and has same order as of IE 37 followed by 44

1, 6
39 Downlink MBR Same as IE 38 1, 6
40 Uplink GBR Same as IE 40 1, 6
41 Downlink GBR Same as IE 41 1, 6
42 GTP Cause Value Request/Acceptance/Rejection Cause, e.g. [1-255] 1 through 6
43 Piggyback Record Indicator Explicit indication of piggyback message record, e.g. (0=no; 1=yes) 2, 5
44…50 Reserved
51 Diameter IEs

Session ID

Session-ID for Authentication Session, example,

UTF8 String [0006-diamproxy.WSBOMAGJPNC. S6b.vzims.com; 21604107; 449305093; 536f9359-503]

7 to 18, 24


Auth-Application ID

Example [S6b = 16777999 , Gx = 16777238, Gy = 4]

7 to 18, 24


PGW-Host (Origin Host)

FQDN of PGW, example [0004-diamproxy. WSBOMAGJPNC. Gy.vzims. com]

7 to 18, 24


Diameter Peer Address Realm

FQDN of 3GPP AAA, PCRF OCS realm, example [Customerims.com]

7 to 18, 24


Dest Peer Host

FQDN of 3GPP AAA, PCRF, OCS host, example [njbbpcrf1a.vzims.com]

7 to 18, 24


CC Request Type

Example Enumerated [1-3, for I, U, T]

11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17


CC Request Number

Example [0]

11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17


Result Code

Diameter Result Code based on RFC3588, example [2001]

7 to 18, 24


Origin State ID

Example [1366695723]

7 through 18


Service Selection

AVP used for providing APN name for authorization, example [Customerinternet]

12 through 24

61 Charging Gateway Function Host FQDN of CGF, e.g. [cgf1.NEE29.cisco.com] 5, 7
62 Charging Group ID Charging ID of each bearer is separated by “|” in the order same as that of IE 37 followed by 44 5, 7


Server-Name (CSCF Address)

Only on IMS APN, example [pcscf1.CTX07.vzims.com]




Pool name from which IPv4 address is to be allocated, example [int41]




Pool name from which IPv6 prefix is to be allocated, example [ims61]




Based on TS29.273 and 29.212. Example Enumerated [1-3]

7 through 24



Based on TS29.273 and 29.212. Example Enumerated [0-1]

8, 14 18


Diameter Termination Cause

Based on TS29.273 and 29.212. Example Enumerated [1-8]

9, 13, 17


QoS Class Identifier

QCI, example [8]

11, 12, 15, 16



Example [5 = 3GPP-EPS]

11, 12, 14


Event Trigger

Based on TS29.212, Series of Pipe Delimited Triggers, example [1 = QOS_CHANGE]

11, 12


Event Trigger



Name of the removed Charging rule, example String [RTRRule3300]




Name of the installed Charging rule, example String[RTRRule3300]



Multiple Services Indicator

Based on TS32.299, example Enumerated [0-1]

15 16 17


Multiple Services Credit Control Rating-Group

Identifier of Rating Troup, example [3300]

15 16 17


Multiple Services Credit Control Granted Service Unit

CC-Total-Octets, example [524288000]








81 to 170

Not applicable to P-GW

171 User Plane IP Address Contains User Plane IPv4 or IPv6 Address 1 through 6
172 Sx-PFCP Local SEID Contains the SEID for CP node 1 through 6
173 Sx-PFCP Remote SEID Contains the SEID for UP node 1 through 6
174 Sx-PFCP Cause Code Contains the PFCP cause code 1 through 6
175 Sx-PFCP Response Time Contains the PFCP transaction response time 1 through 6

Sx-specific Fields

Following are the new Sx-specific information which are added in S-GW and P-GW event records on CP for CUPS.

S.No. Description Definition Bytes
1 User Plane IP Address Contains User Plane IPv4 or IPv6 address 7-55
2 Sx-PFCP Local SEID Contains the SEID for CP node 8
3 Sx-PFCP Remote SEID Contains the SEID for UP node 8
4 Sx-PFCP Cause Code

Contains the PFCP cause code. This is per 3GPP specification 29.244 section 8.2.1.

There can be multiple cause codes corresponding to one event record as multiple Sx transactions are involved.

So, this is an array separated by “|”.

For example: 1|2|3

5 Sx-PFCP Response Time

Contains the Sx transaction response time in milliseconds.

There are multiple Response time corresponding to one event record as multiple Sx transactions are involved.

So, this is an array separated by “|”.

If response times-out, then fill -1


Configuring Call Summary Log in CP

Following is the event record framework CLI configuration for file creation, rotation, compression, and SFTP PUSH:

   context context_name
        session-event-module event_module_name 
         file name <ser> current-prefix <curr> rotation volume <xxxxx.. xxxxxxxx> rotation time <xx..xxxxx>  field-separator underscore include compression gzip 
         event { transfer-mode [ pull | push { primary { encrypted-url | url } <value> [ { encrypted-secondary-url | secondary-url } ] [{module-only}]]  | push-interval  <xx.. xxxx> | remove-file-after-transfer | use-harddisk } 

Configuring Call Summary Log in S-GW

To enable the S-GW event reporting, configure “reporting-action” under SGW service.

   context context_name 
      sgw-service service_name 
         [ no | default ] reporting-action up-event-record

Configuring Call Summary Log in P-GW

To enable the P-GW event reporting, configure “reporting-action” under APN.

   context context_name
        apn apn_name
          [ no | default ] reporting-action up-event-record 

Verifying Call Summary Log Configuration in CP

Use the show configuration or show config verbose CLI command to verify if the feature is enabled. The following is a sample output of the command when reporting of event records is enabled.

  context context1
    apn apn1
      reporting-action event-record

Use the show config verbose CLI command to verify if the feature is disabled. The following is a sample output of the command when reporting event records is disabled.

  context context1
    apn apn1
      no reporting-action event-record

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Show Command(s) and/or Outputs

This section provides information regarding show commands and/or their outputs in support of the CSL.

show session-event-module file-space-usage

The show command output displays the Event-Service module file space usage information.

CDRMOD Instance Id: 2

  Session-Event File Storage Limit                   : 33554432 bytes
  Session-Event File Storage Usage                   : 33554431 bytes
  Percentage of Session-Event file store usage : 100.000000

show session-event-module statistics

The show command output displays the Event-Service module counters and statistics.

CDRMOD Instance Id: 2

Session-Event Specific Statistics:
  Session-Event files rotated:                                    0
  Session-Event files rotated due to volume limit:  0
  Session-Event files rotated due to time limit:       0
  Session-Event files rotated due to records limit:  0
  Session-Event file rotation failures:                       0
  Session-Event files deleted:                                     0
  Session-Event records deleted:                               0
  Session-Event records received:                             0
  Current open Session-Event files:                          0
  Time of last Session-Event file deletion:                0

Session-Event Record Transfer Statistics:
  Successful File Transfers   :                    0
  Failed File Transfers       :                       0
  Num of times PUSH initiated :               0
  Num of times PUSH Failed    :                0
  Num of times PUSH cancelled 
            due to HD failure :                         0
  Num of periodic PUSH        :                  0
  Num of manual PUSH          :                 0
  Current status of PUSH      :                  Not Running
  Last completed PUSH time    :              N/A

show event-record statistics pgw

Displays the statistics for the event records

Number of event records: 80
Number of event records for gtpc procedures: 50
   Create Session procedure: 10
   Create Bearer procedure: 20
   Modify Bearer procedure: 30
   Update Bearer procedure: 0
   Delete Session procedure: 0
   Delete Bearer procedure: 0
Number of event records for diameter procedures: 30

show event-record statistics pgw gtpc-procedure

Displays event records for gtpc procedures.

Number of event records for gtpc procedures: 50
   Create Session procedure: 10
   Create Bearer procedure: 20
   Modify Bearer procedure: 30
   Update Bearer procedure: 0
   Delete Session procedure: 0
   Delete Bearer procedure: 0