Create a Worker Node

This module describes the tasks to create a worker node.

Create a Worker Node

This section describes how to create a self-managed worker node in the EKS cluster that satisfies all of XRd's requirements on the host operating system.

Before creating a worker node, ensure that the EKS cluster is in ACTIVE state, and the authentication and networking configuration has been applied as described in the EKS Cluster Configuration section.

This example is inline with the XRd vRouter, and uses m5n.24xlarge instance with three interfaces:

  • One interface reserved for cluster communication.

  • Two XRd data interfaces.


  • Find the number of cores on the instance type

    To find the number of cores, run the following command:

    aws ec2 describe-instance-types \
      --instance-type m5.24xlarge \
      --query "InstanceTypes[0].VCpuInfo.DefaultCores" \
      --output text

    This value must be substituted for <cpu-cores> in the EC2 run-instances command.

  • Create a user data file

    Create the user data file by copying the following contents into a file named worker-user-data.bash:

    /etc/eks/ xrd-cluster

    For XRd Control Plane, add the following two sysctl settings to the user data file:

    echo "fs.inotify.max_user_instances=64000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
    echo "fs.inotify.max_user_watches=64000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Bring Up the Worker Node

Bring up the worker node by running the following command:

aws ec2 run-instances \
  --image-id <xrd-ami-id> \
  --count 1 \
  --instance-type m5.24xlarge \
  --key-name <key-pair-name> \
  --block-device-mappings "DeviceName=/dev/xvda,Ebs={VolumeSize=56}" \
  --iam-instance-profile "Arn=<node-profile-arn>" \
  --network-interfaces "DeleteOnTermination=true,DeviceIndex=0,Groups=<sg-id>, SubnetId=<private-subnet-1>,PrivateIpAddress=" \
  --cpu-options CoreCount=<cpu-cores>,ThreadsPerCore=1 \
  --tag-specifications "ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{,Value=owned}]" \
  --user-data file://worker-user-data.bash

Make a note of the instance id, <worker-instance-id>.

This command brings up an EC2 instance with the following settings:

  • A 56-GB primary partition - required to store any process cores that the XRd generates.

  • A single interface in the first private subnet with permissions to communicate with the EKS control plane. This interface is used for cluster control plane communications. The assigned IP address is

  • One thread per core (SMT or Hyper-Threading turned off). This is to prevent the "noisy neighbor effect" (where processes scheduled on a different logical but same physical core hampers the performance of high priority processes) for the high-performance packet processing threads.

  • A tag that is required by EKS to display the node should be allowed to join the cluster.

  • A user data file that runs the EKS bootstrap script with the cluster name.

The requirements for XRd Control Plane are as follows:

  • You can use a smaller (and cheaper) instance type, for example, m5.2xlarge.

  • The --cpu-options line is not required.

Turn off the source or destination check for the instance, by running the following command:

aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute \
  --instance-id <worker-instance-id> \

When the worker node is up, check if the worker node is added to the cluster.

# kubectl get nodes
NAME                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
ip-10-0-0-10.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>   1m     v1.22.17-eks-48e63af


If you do not see the worker node, check the EKS configuration steps.

Add Interfaces for XRd

The worker node created in the previous step has a single interface used for cluster control plane traffic. So, you must create more XRd interfaces and attach them to the worker node.

Also, you must create additional subnets and security groups. You must not use the subnets and security groups created while creating a VPC here, because the cluster control plane traffic must be kept separate from the data traffic flowing through the XRd instances.

Add Subnets for Data Traffic

The setup for data subnets and security groups vary with each deployment. In this example two subnets are created, and isolated from the internet. One security group is created, which allows all communication inside the security group, but rejects any traffic from outside the security group.

These subnets and the security group can be used for interfaces on multiple worker nodes.


The data traffic subnets must be created in the same Availability Zone (AZ) as the worker node.

Create two subnets for data traffic using the following command:

aws ec2 create-subnet \
  --vpc-id "<vpc-id>" \
  --cidr-block "" \
  --availability-zone "<region>a"
aws ec2 create-subnet \
  --vpc-id <vpc-id> \
  --cidr-block "" \
  --availability-zone "<region>a"


The a after the <region> in the availability zone specification indicates the first subnet in the region.

Make a note of the subnet IDs, <data-subnet-1> and <data-subnet-2>.

Create the Security Group

Create a security group for the data network traffic using the following command:

aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name "xrd-data" \
  --description "Data traffic for XRd EKS Cluster" \
  --vpc-id <vpc-id>

Make a note of the output group ID, <data-sg-id>.

A single egress rule that allows all traffic egress is added when a security group is created, but no ingress rules are added. So, all incoming traffic is dropped. You must add an ingress rule for all traffic originating from the same security group, so that all traffic is allowed within the security group.

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
  --group-id <data-sg-id> \
  --source-group <data-sg-id> \
  --protocol all

Create and Attach Interfaces

The following example creates two interfaces on the worker node to be used by XRd, one in each of the two subnets created. Run the following commands to create these interfaces:

aws ec2 create-network-interface \
  --description "XRd worker 1 data 1" \
  --groups <data-sg-id> \
  --private-ip-address "" \
  --subnet-id <data-subnet-1> \
  --tag-specifications "ResourceType=network-interface,Tags=[{,Value=true}]"
aws ec2 create-network-interface \
  --description "XRd worker 1 data 2" \
  --groups <data-sg-id> \
  --private-ip-address "" \
  --subnet-id <data-subnet-2> \
  --tag-specifications "ResourceType=network-interface,Tags=[{,Value=true}]"

Make a note of both the network interface IDs, <data-interface-1> and <data-interface-2>.

To attach the interfaces to the worker node, run the following commands:

aws ec2 attach-network-interface \
  --device-index 1 \
  --instance-id <worker-instance-id> \
  --network-interface-id <data-interface-1>
aws ec2 attach-network-interface \
  --device-index 2 \
  --instance-id <worker-instance-id> \
  --network-interface-id <data-interface-2>

Running Cisco IOS XRd on the Worker Node

This section provides instruction on how to run a Cisco IOS XRd workload on the previously configured worker node.

Perform the following steps to run the Cisco IOS XRd on the Worker Node:

  • Provide a label to the worker node so that it can be identified in Kubernetes metadata using the following command:

    kubectl label node/ip-10-0-0-10.ec2.internal xrd-worker=one
  • Add the XRd Helm repository using the following command:

    helm repo add xrd
  • Proceed with either of the XRd installation sections provided below:

Install XRd vRouter

Copy the following contents to a file named xrd-one.yaml.

  repository: "<repository-uri>"
  tag: "7.8.1"
    memory: 10Gi
    hugepages-1Gi: 6Gi
  xrd-worker: "one"
  enabled: true
  storageClass: "gp2"
  username: <xr-root-username>
  password: <xr-root-password>
  ascii: |
    interface HundredGigE0/0/0/0
     ipv4 address
    interface HundredGigE0/0/0/1
     ipv4 address
- type: pci
    last: 2
  cpuset: "12-23"
pciDriver: "igb_uio"

Replace all the values in angle brackets with:

  • The ECR repository URI from the top

  • An XR root username and password

Run the following command to install XRd into the cluster:

helm install xrd-one xrd/xrd-vrouter -f xrd-one.yaml

Install XRd Control Plane

Copy the following contents to a file named xrd-one.yaml.

  repository: "<repository-uri>"
  tag: "7.8.1"
    memory: 6Gi
  xrd-worker: "one"
  enabled: true
  storageClass: "gp2"
  username: <xr-root-username>
  password: <xr-root-password>
  ascii: |
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0
     ipv4 address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1
     ipv4 address
- type: multus
    type: host-device
    device: eth1
- type: multus
    type: host-device
    device: eth2

Replace all the values in angle brackets with:

  • The ECR repository URI from the top

  • An XR root username and password

Run the following command to install XRd Control plane into the cluster.

helm install xrd-one xrd/xrd-control-plane -f xrd-one.yaml

Access XRd

After the XRd is installed, it takes around a minute to come up as the image is pulled from the ECR repository. You can monitor the status of the XRd pod by running the following command:

kubectl get pods

When the pod is in Running state, attach to the XRd pod using the following command:

kubectl attach -it pod/<pod-name>

Log in using the root username and password that were added into xrd-one.yaml.

The following is a sample output:

# kubectl attach -it pod/<pod-name>
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.

User Access Verification

Username: myuser


To check the status of the XR data interfaces, run the show ip int br command.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show ip int br
Wed Mar  8 12:27:35.949 UTC

Interface                      IP-Address      Status          Protocol Vrf-Name
HundredGigE0/0/0/0        Up              Up       default
HundredGigE0/0/0/1        Up              Up       default


On XRd Control Plane, the interface name is GigabitEthernet*.

You can detach the console using ^P^Q.


In this example, the only method to attach to the XRd console is using kubectl attach (or kubectl exec).

In this example setup, the XRd instance has interfaces only in the data subnets. Interfaces in the data subnets can communicate only with other interfaces in the data subnets (due to the security group). SSH access is not possible because there are no other hosts with interfaces in the data subnet.

If more hosts are added with interfaces in the data subnet (appropriate security group settings applied), and when standard XR SSH server configuration is applied, SSH access from that host is possible.