List of Commands

This guide describes the commands supported in NCS 1004.

aaa authentication login

To configure authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) authentication at login, use the aaa authentication login command in global configuration mode.

aaa authentication login { default | list-name } method-list

Syntax Description

login Sets authentication for login.

Uses the listed authentication methods that follow this keyword as the default list of methods for authentication.


Character string used to name the authentication method list.


Method used to enable AAA system accounting. Method list types are entered in the preferred sequence. The value is one of the following options:

  • group tacacs+ — Specifies a method list that uses the list of all configured TACACS+ servers for authentication.

  • group radius — Specifies a method list that uses the list of all configured RADIUS servers for authentication.

  • group named-group — Specifies a named subset of TACACS+ or RADIUS servers for authentication.

  • local — Specifies a local username or password database for authentication.

  • line — Specifies a line password or user group for authentication.

Command Default

No authentication is performed.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to specify the default method list for authentication, and also enable authentication.

aaa authentication login default group tacacs+

aaa authorization

To create a method list for authorization, use the aaa authorization command in global configuration mode.

aaa authorization {exec | nacm} { default | list-name } {none | local | group tacacs+ | group radius | group group-name }

Syntax Description

exec Configures authorization for an interactive (EXEC) session.

Enables the NACM (NETCONF Access Control Model) functionality.


Uses the listed authorization methods that follow this keyword as the default list of methods for authorization.


Character string used to name the list of authorization methods.


Uses no authorization. If you specify none, no subsequent authorization method is attempted.


Uses local authorization. This method of authorization is not available for command authorization.

group tacacs+

Uses the list of all configured TACACS+ servers for authorization.

group radius

Uses the list of all configured RADIUS servers for authorization. This method of authorization is not available for command authorization.

group group-name

Specifies a named subset of TACACS+ or RADIUS servers for authorization.

Command Default

Authorization is disabled for all actions (equivalent to the method none keyword).

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to define the network authorization method list named listname1, which specifies that TACACS+ authorization is used.

aaa authorization exec listname1 group tacacs+

aaa authorization (System Admin-VM)

To create command rules and data rules for user authorization, use the aaa authorization command in System Admin Config mode. To delete the command rules and data rules, use the no form of this command.

aaa authorization { cmdrules cmdrule { integer | range integer } [ action action-type | command cmd-name | context context-name | group group-name | ops ops-type ] | commands group { none | tacacs } | datarules datarule { integer | range integer } [ action action-type | context context-name | group group-name | keypath keypath-name | namespace namespace-string | ops ops-type ] }

Syntax Description


Configures command rules.

cmdrule integer

Specifies the command rule number.

range integer

Specifies the range of the command rules or data rules to be configured.

action action-type

Specifies whether users are permitted or not allowed to perform the operation specified for the action-type keyword.

The action-type specifies the action type for the command rule or data rule.

Available options are: accept , accept_log and reject .

command cmd-name

Specifies the command to which the command rule applies. The command must be entered within double-quotes.

Example, get .

context context-name

Specifies to which type of connection the command rule or data rule applies. The connection type can be netconf, cli, or xml.

group group-name

Specifies the group to which the command rule or data rule applies.

Example, admin-r .

ops ops-type

Specifies whether the user has read, execute, or read and execute permissions for the command.

Available options for command rules are: r , rx , and x .

To know the available options for data rules, use a ? after the ops keyword.

commands group

Sets the command authorization lists for server groups.

Available options are none that specifies no authorization and tacacs that specifies use of the list of all tacacs+ hosts.

Command Default


Command Modes

System Admin Config mode

Command History



Release 7.3.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

From Cisco IOS XR Software Release 7.3.2, the system internally maps the users configured on the XR VM to System Admin VM of the router, based on the task table of the user on the XR VM. With this feature, NETCONF and gRPC users can access the admin-related information on the router even if their user profiles do not exist on System Admin VM. For a sample configuration, see the example section.

This example shows how to create a command rule:

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config)#aaa authorization cmdrules cmdrule 6
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config-cmdrule-6)#context netconf
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config-cmdrule-6)#command get
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config-cmdrule-6)#group admin-r
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config-cmdrule-6)#ops rx
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config-cmdrule-6)#action accept


To enable a Call Home profile, use the active command in the call home profile configuration mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Call home profile configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must enable a profile using the active command so that call home messages can be triggered.

The following example shows how to activate a profile.

domain name-server
service active
contact smart-licensing
profile CiscoTAC-1


To configure the IP address of the peer node during keyring configuration, use the address command in keyring configuration mode.

address { ipv4-address [ subnet-mask]}

Syntax Description


IP address of the peer node.


Subnet mask address.

Command Default


Command Modes

Keyring configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.


The following is a sample in which an OTNSec policy is configured.

Thu Mar  7 19:33:14.594 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#keyring kyr1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-keyring-kyr1)#peer peer1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-keyring-kyr1-peer-peer1)#pre-shared-key key1|clear
Thu Mar  7 19:54:33.314 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show keyring kyr1
Thu Mar  7 19:58:07.135 UTC

Keyring Name                          : kyr1
Total Peers                           : 1
   Peer Name                          : peer1
   IP Address                         :
   Subnet Mask                        :
   Local PSK                          : Configured
   Remote PSK                         : Configured

ains-soak (OTN-XP Card)

To configure the default AINS settings for all controllers on the OTN-XP card, use the ains-soak command in the IOS XR configuration mode. The configuration is applied to any OTN-XP line card that is installed in the Cisco NCS 1004.

ains-soak hours hours minutes minutes

Syntax Description

ains-soak hours hours minutes minutes

Specifies the AINS configuration in hours and minutes.

Command Default


Command Modes

Cisco IOS XR Configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.2.1

This command was introduced.


The following is a sample in which all the controllers on the OTN-XP card are configured with AINS with soak time period specified to be two minutes.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ains-soak hours 0 minutes 2

automatic-in-service (OTN-XP Card)

To override the default AINS settings on a specific controller on the OTN-XP card, use the automatic-in-service command.


This configuration does not persist after a RP reload operation.

automatic-in-service controller optics R/S/I/P hours hours minutes minutes

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the optics controller.

hours minutes minutes

Specifies the AINS configuration in hours and minutes.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.2.1

This command was introduced.


The following is a sample in which the optics controller on the OTN-XP card is configured with a soak time period of 45 minutes.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#automatic-in-service controller optics 0/1/0/0 hours 0 minutes 45


To configure the local or remote authentication method for the IKEv2 profile, use the authentication command in IKEv2 profile configuration mode.


You can specify only one local authentication method but multiple remote authentication methods.

authentication {local pre-share | rsa-signature} {remote pre-share | rsa-signature}

Syntax Description

pre-share Specifies the preshared key as the authentication method.

Specifies RSA signature as the authentication method.

Command Default


Command Modes

IKEv2 profile configuration

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to specify the authentication mode in the IKEv2 profile.

Thu May 7 16:22:33.804 IST
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 profile IP1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-IP1)#match identity remote address
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-IP1)#pki trustpoint myca
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-IP1)#lifetime 120
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-IP1)#authentication local rsa-signature
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-IP1)#authentication remote rsa-signature


To specify the encryption algorithm for an OTNSec policy, use the cipher-suite command in the OTNSec policy configuration mode.

cipher-suite encryption-algorithm-type

Syntax Description


Encryption algorithm type. AES-GCM-256 is used.

Command Default


Command Modes

OTNSec policy configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.


The following is a sample in which an OTNSec policy is configured.

Mon Mar 11 15:16:58.417 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#cipher-suite AES-GCM-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#security-policy must-secure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#sak-rekey-interval 120

The following is a sample of an OTNSec policy.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show run otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
Tue Mar 12 11:14:03.591 UTC
otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
 cipher-suite AES-GCM-256
 security-policy must-secure
 sak-rekey-interval 120

controller coherentDSP

To configure the coherent DSP controller, use the controller coherentDSP command in the Coherent DSP controller configuration mode.

controller coherentDSP R/S/I/P [ description ] | [ fec fec-value ] | [ pm { 30-sec |15-min | 24-hour } { fec | otn } { report | threshold } value ] | [ perf-mon { enable | disable } ] | [ loopback internal ] | [ secondary-admin-state { maintenance | normal }] | [ shutdown ] | [ tti { sent | expected } { ascii | hex } tti-string ][ gcc0 ][ flexo { gid gid-no | iid iid-no }]

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the coherent DSP controller.

description description

Description of the coherent DSP controller.

fec fec-value

Configures the FEC on the controller. The supported options on the 1.2T line card are StandardSD15 and StandardSD27.

From Release 7.2.1 onwards, the supported options on the OTN XP card are EnhancedSD15 and EnhancedSD27.

From Release 7.3.1 onwards, OFEC is supported on the OTN XP card.

pm { 30-sec |15-min | 24-hour} { fec | otn} { report | threshold} value

Configures performance monitoring parameters for 30 second, 15 minute, or 24-hour intervals.

The fec keyword configures FEC PM data in 30 second, 15 minute, or 24-hour intervals.

The otn keyword configures OTN PM data in 30 second, 15 minute, or 24-hour intervals.

The report keyword configures TCA reporting status.

The threshold keyword configures threshold values on PM parameters.

perf-mon { enable | disable }

Enables or disables performance monitoring.

loopback internal

Configures the internal loopback mode on the controller.

For the 1.2T line card, internal and line loopbacks are supported on the Ethernet controllers whereas only internal loopback is supported on the CoherentDSP controllers.


Configures the administrative state of the controller. The values are maintenance or normal.


Disables the configuration of the controller.

tti sent {ascii | hex} tti-string

Configures the Trail Trace Identifier (TTI) ASCII or hex string to be sent. From Release 7.3.2 onwards, TTI strings such as SAPI, DAPI, and operator inputs are supported.

tti expected {ascii | hex} tti-string

Configures the expected TTI ASCII or hex string. The OTUK-TIM alarm is raised if the received TTI string does not match the expected TTI string. From Release 7.3.2 onwards, TTI strings such as SAPI, DAPI, and operator inputs are supported.


Enables the GCC0 interface.

flexo{ gidgid-no | iidiid-no}]

Configures FlexO group identification (GID) and FlexO instance identification (IID) on the controller. The range of the gid gid-no is 1–1,048,576. The range of the iid iid-no is 1–254.

Command Default


Command Modes

Coherent DSP controller configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Release 7.1.1

gcc0 keyword was added.

Release 7.2.1

The following FEC options for the OTN-XP card were added.

  • EnhancedSD15

  • EnhancedSD27

Release 7.3.1

The following FEC options for the OTN-XP card were added.

  • OFEC

Release 7.3.1

The flexo{ gidgid-no | iidiid-no}] keyword and options were added.

Release 7.3.2

TTI strings such as SAPI, DAPI, and operator inputs were supported.


The following is a sample in which performance monitoring parameters of Coherent DSP controller is configured in 30-second intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller coherentDSP 0/0/1/1 pm 30-sec fec threshold post-fec-ber max OE-15

The following example shows how to configure TTI on a coherentDSP controller with the sent and expected strings set to the same ASCII string. The state of the controller is up.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller coherentDSP 0/1/0/1 tti sent ascii 1234
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller coherentDSP 0/1/0/1 tti expected ascii 1234

The following example shows how to configure TTI on a coherentDSP controller with the sent and expected strings set to different ASCII strings. The state of the controller goes down and the OTUK-TIM alarm is raised.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller coherentDSP 0/1/0/1 tti sent ascii 1234
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller coherentDSP 0/1/0/1 tti expected ascii 5678

The following is a sample to enable the GCC0 interface.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller CoherentDSP0/0/0/0

The following is a sample to configure FEC with the EnhancedSD15 option on the CoherentDSP controller of the OTN-XP card:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller coherentDSP 0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-CoDSP)#fec EnhancedSD15
Tue Feb 25 11:25:52.670 UTC
WARNING! Changing FEC mode can impact traffic

The following is a sample to configure with the O-FEC option on the CoherentDSP controller of the OTN-XP card:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller coherentDSP 0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-CoDSP)#fec OFEC
Tue Feb 25 11:25:52.670 UTC
WARNING! Changing FEC mode can impact traffic

The following is a sample to configure flexO GID and IID on the CoherentDSP controller of the OTN-XP card:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller coherentDSP0/2/0/12
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-CoDSP)#gid 2 iid 5,6,7,8

The following sample displays how to configure loopback on a coherent DSP controller ports on the OTN-XP in inverse muxponder configuration mode.

Thu Sep 30 14:16:04.678 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller coherentDSP 0/2/0/12 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-CoDSP)#secondary-admin-state maintenance 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-CoDSP)#loopback internal 
Thu Sep 30 14:16:19.594 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-CoDSP)#controller coherentDSP 0/2/0/13   
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-CoDSP)#secondary-admin-state maintenance 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-CoDSP)#loopback internal 

The following sample displays how to configure TTI on a coherent DSP controller port 12 on the OTN-XP in inverse muxponder configuration mode.

Thu Sep 30 14:18:13.288 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller coherentDSP 0/2/0/12 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-CoDSP)#tti sent sapi ascii cisco

controller HundredGigECtrlr

To configure the Ethernet controller, use the controller HundredGigECtrlr command in the Ethernet controller configuration mode.

controller HundredGigECtrlr R/S/I/P [ pm { 30-sec |15-min | 24-hour } { ether } { report | threshold } value ] | [ perf-mon disable ] | [ loopback { internal | line } ] | [ sec-admin-state maintenance ] | [ shutdown ] | [ laser-squelch ] | [ fec { none | standard } ] | [ holdoff-time trunk-fault timevalue ] insert-idle ingress insert-idle egress

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the Ethernet controller.

pm { 30-sec | 15-min | 24-hour }

Configures performance monitoring parameters for 30 second, 15 minutes, or 24 hour intervals.


Configures Ethernet PM data in 30 second, 15 minute or 24 hour intervals.


Configures TCA reporting status.


Configures threshold on Ethernet controller parameters.

perf-mon disable

Disables performance monitoring.

loopback [ internal | line ]

Configures the internal or line loopback mode on the Ethernet controller.

For the 1.2T line card, internal and line loopbacks are supported on the ethernet controllers whereas only internal loopbacks are supported on the CoherentDSP controllers.

sec-admin-state maintenance

Configures the administrative state of the controller indicating that the controller is under maintenance.


Disables the configuration of the controller.


Enables laser squelching so that laser is brought down in the event of trunk faults (LOF, LOS) and a SQUELCHED alarm is raised.

fec { none | standard }

Disables FEC or enables standard (Reed-Solomon) FEC.

holdoff-time trunk-fault timevalue

When a fault occurs on the trunk port, the user can hold the propagation of Local Fault using this parameter. The range of timevalue is 0 to 3000 ms.

insert-idle ingress

Enables idle frames insertion in the ingress direction.

insert-idle egress

Enables idle frames insertion in the egress direction.

Command Default


Command Modes

Ethernet controller configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Release 7.5.2

insert-idle ingress and insert-idle egress keywords were added.


The following example shows how to configure the performance monitoring parameters of the Ethernet controller in 15 minute intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10 pm 15-min pcs report bip enable

The following example shows how to configure the internal loopback.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10 secondary-admin-state maintenance
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10 loopback internal

The following example enables IDLE hold off timer in Ethernet controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10 holdoff-time trunk-fault 3000

The following is a sample where laser quelching is enabled on the Ethernet controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10 laser-squelch

controller FourHundredGigECtrlr

To configure the Ethernet controller, use the controller FourHundredGigECtrlr command in the Ethernet controller configuration mode.

controller FourHundredGigECtrlr R/S/I/P [ pm { 30-sec |15-min | 24-hour } { ether } { report | threshold } value ] | [ perf-mon disable ] | [ loopback { internal | line } ] | [ sec-admin-state maintenance ] | [ shutdown ] | [ laser-squelch ] | [ fec { none | standard } ] | [ holdoff-time trunk-fault timevalue ] insert-idle ingress insert-idle egress

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the Ethernet controller.

pm { 30-sec | 15-min | 24-hour }

Configures performance monitoring parameters for 30 second, 15 minutes, or 24 hour intervals.


Configures Ethernet PM data in 30 second, 15 minute or 24 hour intervals.


Configures TCA reporting status.


Configures threshold on Ethernet controller parameters.

perf-mon disable

Disables performance monitoring.

loopback [ internal | line ]

Configures the internal or line loopback mode on the Ethernet controller.

For the 1.2T line card, internal and line loopbacks are supported on the ethernet controllers whereas only internal loopbacks are supported on the CoherentDSP controllers.

sec-admin-state maintenance

Configures the administrative state of the controller indicating that the controller is under maintenance.


Disables the configuration of the controller.


Enables laser squelching so that laser is brought down in the event of trunk faults (LOF, LOS) and a SQUELCHED alarm is raised.

fec { none | standard }

Disables FEC or enables standard (Reed-Solomon) FEC.

holdoff-time trunk-fault timevalue

When a fault occurs on the trunk port, the user can hold the propagation of Local Fault using this parameter. The range of timevalue is 0 to 3000 ms.

insert-idle ingress

Enables idle frames insertion in the ingress direction.

insert-idle egress

Enables idle frames insertion in the egress direction.

Command Default


Command Modes

Ethernet controller configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.3.1

This command was introduced.

Release 7.5.2

insert-idle ingress and insert-idle egress keywords were added.


The following example shows how to configure the performance monitoring parameters of the Ethernet controller in 15 minute intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10 pm 15-min pcs report bip enable

The following example shows how to configure the internal loopback.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10 secondary-admin-state maintenance
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10 loopback internal

The following example enables IDLE hold off timer in Ethernet controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10 holdoff-time trunk-fault 3000

The following is a sample where laser quelching is enabled on the Ethernet controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10 laser-squelch

controller TenGigECtrlr (OTN-XP Card)

To configure the Ethernet controller, use the controller TenGigECtrlr command in the Ethernet controller configuration mode.

From R7.2.1 onwards, the TenGig Ethernet controller configuration is supported on the OTN-XP card.

controller TenGigECtrlr R/S/I/P/L [ pm { 30-sec |15-min | 24-hour } perf-mon disable ] | [ loopback { internal | line } ] | [ sec-admin-state maintenance ] | [ shutdown ] | [ laser-squelch ] | [ holdoff-time trunk-fault timevalue ]

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/Lane of the Ethernet controller.

pm { 30-sec | 15-min | 24-hour }

Configures performance monitoring parameters for 30 second, 15 minutes, or 24 hour intervals.

perf-mon disable

Disables performance monitoring.

loopback [ internal | line ]

Configures the internal or line loopback mode on the Ethernet controller.

sec-admin-state maintenance

Configures the administrative state of the controller indicating that the controller is under maintenance.


Disables the configuration of the controller.


Enables laser squelching so that laser is brought down in the event of trunk faults and a SQUELCHED alarm is raised.

holdoff-time trunk-fault timevalue

When a fault occurs on the trunk port, the user can hold the propagation of Local Fault using this parameter. The range of timevalue is 0 to 3000 ms.

Command Default


Command Modes

Ethernet controller configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.2.1

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to configure the internal loopback.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller TenGigECtrlr 0/0/0/4/1secondary-admin-state maintenance
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller TenGigECtrlr 0/0/0/4/1 loopback internal

The following example enables IDLE hold off timer in Ethernet controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller TenGigECtrlr 0/0/0/4/1 holdoff-time trunk-fault 3000

The following is a sample where laser quelching is enabled on the Ethernet controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller TenGigECtrlr 0/0/0/4/1 laser-squelch

controller odu2e (OTN-XP Card)

To configure the ODU2e controller, use the controller odu2e command in the configuration mode.

From R7.2.1 onwards, the PBRS mode configuration is supported on the ODU2e controller on OTN-XP card.

controller Odu2e R/S/I/P/C/L opu prbs mode { source | sink | source-sink } pattern invertedpn31

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/Client-port/Lane-number of the ODU2e controller.


Configures Optical Channel Payload Unit (OPU) on the ODU2e controller.

prbs mode { source| sink| source-sink}

Configures Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) mode as source, sink, or source sink.


Configures PRBS pattern as inverted pattern. Sequence length is from 2^31 -1 bits.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.2.1

This command was introduced.


The following is a sample in which PRBS mode is configured as source with pattern as invertedpn31.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller odu2e 0/0/0/0/4/1               
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-Opuk)#prbs mode source pattern invertedpn31  

controller ODU4

To configure the ODU4 controller, use the controller ODU4 command in the configuration mode.

controller ODU4 R/S/I/P gcc2

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/Lane of the ODU4 controller.


Enables the GCC2 interface.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Release 7.1.1

gcc2 keyword was added.


The following is a sample in which OTNSec is configured on ODU4 controllers.

Mon Mar 12 12:10:21.374 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller ODU4 0/1/0/0/1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#source ipv4
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#destination ipv4
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#session-id 9000
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#policy otnsec-policy1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#ikev2 profile1
Mon Mar 12 12:14:17.609 UTC

The following is a running configuration on an ODU4 controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show run controller ODU4 0/1/0/0/1
Tue Mar 12 12:20:49.153 UTC
controller ODU40/1/0/0/1
  policy otnsec-policy1
  source ipv4
  destination ipv4
  session-id 9000

The following is a sample to enable the GCC2 interface.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller odu4 0/1/0/0/1

controller ODUC4

To configure the ODUC4 controller, use the controller ODUC4 command in the configuration mode.

controller ODUC4 R/S/I/P

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/Lane of the ODUC4 controller.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.8.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which OTNSec is configured on ODUC4 controllers.

Wed Sep 28 23:10:48.429 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller oduc4 0/0/0/12
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#source ipv4
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#destination ipv4
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#session-id 99
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#policy otnsec-policy1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#ikev2 profile1
Wed Sep 28 23:10:48.973 UTC

The following is a running configuration on an ODUC4 controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show run controller ODUC4 0/0/0/12
Wed Sep 28 23:11:418.123 UTC
controller ODUC4 0/0/0/12
  policy otnsec-policy1
  source ipv4
  destination ipv4
  session-id 99

The following is a sample to enable the GCC2 interface.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller ODUC4 0/0/0/12

controller odu-group-mp

To create an ODU group controller, use the controller odu-group-mp command in the configuration mode. To delete an ODU group controller, use the no form of this command.

controller odu-group-mp Group-ID { signal } [ otn | sonet | ethernet ] { odu-type } type-of-the-odu [ protecting-controller | protection-attributes | protection-switching | working-controller ] [ connection-mode | protection-mode | protection-type | timers ] mode-of-the-connection

no controller odu-group-mp Group-ID { signal type } type-of-the-odu

Syntax Description

Group ID

Identifier of the ODU group controller. The valid range is from 1 to 65535.


Configures the type of the client signal to be added in the ODU group controller.


Configures the odu-type of the signal selected for the ODU group controller.

Type of the ODU

The odu-type of the signal selected for the ODU group controller.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.8.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.

ODU group is always created on the head node.

Task ID

Task ID Operation




This example shows how to create an ODU group controller:

RP/0/RP0:hostname(config)# controller odu-group-mp 2 signal Otn odu-type ODUC4
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config-odu-group-mp4)# protecting-controller ODUC4 0/0/0/13
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config-odu-group-mp4)# working-controller ODUC4 0/0/0/12

controller OTU (OTN-XP Card)

To configure the OTU controller, use the controller OTU command in the configuration mode.

From R7.2.1 onwards, you can configure loopback on the OTU2, OTU2e, and OTU4 controllers on OTN-XP card.

controller { otu2 | otu2e | otu4 } R/S/I/P/L sec-admin-state loopback [ internal | line ]

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/Lanenumber of the OTU2, OTU2e, and OTU4 controller.

The range of Lanenumber is from 1 to 4.


Configures the administrative state of the controller .

loopback [ internal | line ]

Configures the internal or line loopback mode on the OTU2, OTU2e, and OTU4 controller.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.2.1

This command was introduced.


The following is a sample in which the line loopback is configured on the OTU2e controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller otu2e 0/0/0/11/3 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otu2e)#secondary-admin-state maintenance 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otu2e)#loopback line
Thu Apr 23 10:55:19.319 UTC

The following is a sample in which the internal loopback is configured on the OTU2 controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller otu2 0/0/0/5/1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otu2)#secondary-admin-state maintenance 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otu2)#loopback internal
Thu Apr 23 11:01:00.562 UTC

The following is a sample in which the internal loopback is configured on the OTU4 controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller otu4 0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otu4)#secondary-admin-state maintenance 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otu4)#loopback internal 
Thu Apr 23 11:05:22.429 UTC

controller optics

To configure the optics controller, use the controller optics command in the optics controller configuration mode.

controller optics R/S/I/P [ baud-rate rate ] [ bits-per-symbol value ] [ cd-max cd-max | cd-min cd-min | cd-low-threshold cd-low | cd-high-threshold cd-high | dgd-high-threshold dgd-value | lbc-high-threshold lbc-value | osnr-low-threshold osnr-value description description | rx-high-threshold rx-high | rx-low-threshold rx-low | tx-high-threshold tx-high | tx-low-threshold tx-low | sec-admin-state {maintenance | normal} | shutdown | transmit-power transmit-power | transmit-shutdown | perf-mon { enable | disable } | pm { 30-sec |15-min | 24-hour } | optics { report | threshold { cd | dgd | lbc | lbc-pc | opr | opr-dbm | opt | opt-dbm | osnr | pcr | pdl | pn | sopmd | rx-sig-pow | rx-sig-pow-dbm } }] [ fastpoll { enable | disable } ]

To configure the sub-sea parameters for the optics controller, use the following command:

controller optics R/S/I/P [ filter-roll-off-factor value | filter-roll-off-factor value | rx-voa target-power value | rx-voa fixed-ratio value | enh-colorless-mode value | enh-sop-tol-mode value | nleq-comp-mode value | cross-pol-gain-mode value | cross-pol-weight-mode value | cpr-win-mode value | cpr-ext-win-mode value | submarine-params type value ]

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the optics controller.

baud-rate rate

Sets baud-rate for this controller in GBd.

bits-per-symbol value

Sets bits-per-symbol for this controller.

cd-max cd-max

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Maximum chromatic dispersion.

The range is –350000 to +350000 ps/nm.

cd-min cd-min

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Minimum chromatic dispersion.

The range is –350000 to +350000 ps/nm.

cd-low-threshold cd-low

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Minimum acceptable chromatic dispersion. The CD alarm is raised if the chromatic dispersion goes below this value.

The range is –350000 to +350000 ps/nm.

cd-high-threshold cd-high

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Maximum acceptable chromatic dispersion. The CD alarm is raised if the chromatic dispersion exceeds this value.

The range is –350000 to +350000 ps/nm.

dgd-high-threshold dgd-value

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the maximum acceptable Differential Group Delay (DGD) value. The DGD alarm is raised if DGD exceeds this value.

The range is 0–18000 (in the units of 0.01 ps).

lbc-high-threshold lbc-value

Configures the high laser bias current threshold.

The range is 0 to 100%.

osnr-low-threshold osnr-value

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the minimum acceptable Optical Signal to Noise ratio (OSNR) value. The OSNR alarm is raised if OSNR goes below this value.

The range is 0–4000 (in units of 0.01db).

description description

Description of the optics controller.

rx-high-threshold rx-high

Configures high receive power threshold. The range is –400 to 300 (in the units of 0.1 dBm).

rx-low-threshold rx-low

Configures low receive power threshold. The range is –400 to 300 (in the units of 0.1 dBm).

tx-high-threshold tx-high

Configures high transmit power threshold. The range is –400 to 300 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).

tx-low-threshold tx-low

Configures low transmit power threshold. The range is –400 to 300 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).


Configures the administrative state of the controller. The values are maintenance or normal.


Disables the configuration of the controller.


Configures performance monitoring parameters for 30 second, 15 minute, and 24-hour intervals.

transmit-power transmit-power

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the transmit power. The range is –190 to 30 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).

From Release 7.3.1 onwards, transmit power is supported on the CFP2 DCO optics for the OTN-XP card. The transmit power value is –10 to +1 dBm.


Shuts down the transmit laser.

perf-mon { enable | disable }

Enables or disables performance monitoring.


Configures the chromatic dispersion threshold.


Configures the differential group delay threshold.


Configures the laser bias current threshold.


Configures the laser bias current threshold in percentage.


Configures the optical Rx power threshold in uW.


Configures the optical Rx power threshold in dBm. The unit is 0.01 dBm. For example, if you want to configure 30.00 dBm, enter 3000.


Configures the optical Tx power threshold in uW.


Configures the optical Tx power threshold in dBm. The unit is 0.01 dBm.


Configures the OSNR threshold.


Configures the Polarization Change Rate (PCR) threshold.


Configures the Polarization-Dependent Loss (PDL) threshold.


Configures the Phase Noise (PN) threshold.


Configures the Second Order Polarization Mode Dispersion (SOPMD) threshold.


Configures the Rx signal power threshold in uW.


Configures the Rx signal power threshold in dBm. The unit is 0.01 dBm.

filter-roll-off-factor value

Configures the RRC filter roll-off factor. The range is 0 to 1.

rx-voa target-power value

Configures the receive target power. The range is –190 to +30.

rx-voa fixed-ratio value

Configures the receive ratio of optical attenuation. The range is +100 to +1700.

enh-colorless-mode value

Configures the enhanced colorless mode. The range is 1–3.

enh-sop-tol-mode value

Configures the enhanced SOP tolerance mode. The range is 1–3.

nleq-comp-mode value

Configures the non-linear compensation. The range is 1–4.

cross-pol-gain-mode value

Configures the carrier phase recovery cross polarization gain mode. The range is 0–15.

cross-pol-weight-mode value

Configures the carrier phase recovery cross polarization weight mode. The range is 0–15.

cpr-win-mode value

Configures the carrier phase recovery window mode. The range is 1–4.

cpr-ext-win-mode value

Configures the carrier phase recovery extended window mode. The range is 1–9.

submarine-params type value

Configures the proprietary submarine parameters. The range for the type is 1–10 and the range for the value is 1–1000.



This parameter is for future use.

fastpoll { enable | disable }

Enables or disables fast polling of SOP data.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Release 7.3.1

The keyword fastpoll was added.

Command Modes

Optics controller configuration

Usage Guidelines

The configurations for chromatic dispersion (cd-max, cd-min, cd-low-threshold, and cd-high-threshold) must be performed only after the hw-module configuration. These configurations must be removed before the no hw-module configuration.


The following example shows how to configure the optics controller and set the high-power threshold at the transmit and receive side.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller optics 0/0/1/1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-optics)#rx-high-threshold 200
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-optics)#tx-high-threshold 300

The following example shows how to configure the optics controller and set the ranges for chromatic dispersion.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller optics 0/0/1/1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-optics)#cd-max 10000
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-optics)#cd-min 2000

The following is a sample in which the performance monitoring parameters of optics controller are configured in 24-hour intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller optics 0/0/1/1 pm 24-hour optics threshold osnr max 345

The following is a sample in which the fastpoll data is enabled on the optics controller:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# [no] controller optics <r/s/i/p> fastpoll enable

The following is a sample to configure transmit power on the CFP2 DCO optics for the OTN-XP card:

Mon Aug 19 19:31:42.115 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller optics 0/1/0/12
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-Optics)#transmit-power -1.50
Mon Aug 19 19:35:24.697 UTC

The following is a sample to configure 8QAM modulation on the 200G muxponder mode for the OTN-XP card:

Wed Jun 2 17:21:42.115 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller optics 0/1/0/12
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-Optics)#bits-per-symbol 3

crypto ca authenticate

To authenticate the certification authority (CA) by getting the certificate for the CA, use the crypto ca authenticate command in EXEC mode.

crypto ca authenticate { ca-name | system-trustpoint }

Syntax Description


Name of the CA Server.


Generates self-signed root certificate.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The crypto ca authenticate command is required when you initially configure CA support at your NCS 1004.

This command authenticates the CA to your NCS 1004 by obtaining the CA certificate, which contains the public key for the CA. For self-signed root CA, because the CA signs its own certificate, you should manually authenticate the CA public key by contacting the CA administrator when you use this command. The certificate fingerprint matching is done out-of-band (for example, phone call, and so forth).

Authenticating a second-level CA requires prior authentication of the root CA.

After the crypto ca authenticate command is issued and the CA does not respond by the specified timeout period, you must obtain terminal control again to re-enter the command.

Task ID

Task ID




The CA sends the certificate, and the NCS 1004 prompts the administrator to verify the certificate by checking the certificate fingerprint (a unique identifier). The CA administrator can also display the CA certificate fingerprint, so you should compare what the CA administrator sees to what the NCS 1004 displays on the screen. If the fingerprint on the display matches the fingerprint displayed by the CA administrator, you should accept the certificate as valid.

The following example shows that the NCS 1004 requests the CA certificate:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios# crypto ca authenticate msiox
Retrieve Certificate from SFTP server? [yes/no]: yes
Read 860 bytes as CA certificate
  Serial Number  : 06:A5:1B:E6:4F:5D:F7:83:41:11:D5:F9:22:7F:95:23
    Name: CA2
    CN= CA2
  Issued By      :
  Validity Start : 07:51:51 UTC Wed Jul 06 2005
  Validity End   : 08:00:43 UTC Tue Jul 06 2010
  CRL Distribution Point
Certificate has the following attributes:
   Fingerprint: D0 44 36 48 CE 08 9D 29 04 C4 2D 69 80 55 53 A3

Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios: cepki[335]: %SECURITY-CEPKI-6-INFO : certificate database updated
Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no] yes

This example shows how to generate a self-signed root certificate:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios#crypto ca authenticate system-trustpoint

crypto ca enroll

To obtain a NCS 1004 certificate from the certification authority (CA), use the crypto ca enroll command in EXEC mode.

crypto ca enroll { ca-name | system-trustpoint }

Syntax Description


Name of the CA Server.


Generates the leaf certificate.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the crypto ca enroll command to request certificates from the CA for the Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) key pairs for NCS 1004 defined by the rsakeypair command in trustpoint configuration mode. If no rsakeypair command is configured for the current trustpoint, the default RSA key pair is used for enrollment. This task is also known as enrolling with the CA. (Enrolling and obtaining certificates are two separate events, but they both occur when the crypto ca enroll command is issued.) When using manual enrollment, these two operations occur separately.

NCS 1004 needs a signed certificate from the CA for each of the RSA key pairs on NCS 1004; if you previously generated general-purpose keys, this command obtains the one certificate corresponding to the one general-purpose RSA key pair. If you previously generated special-usage keys, this command obtains two certificates corresponding to each of the special-usage RSA key pairs.

If you already have a certificate for your keys, you are unable to configure this command; instead, you are prompted to remove the existing certificate first. (You can remove existing certificates by removing the trustpoint configuration with the no crypto ca trustpoint command.)

The crypto ca enroll command is not saved in NCS 1004 configuration.


The root certificate signs the leaf certificate.

Task ID

Task ID




The following sample output is from the crypto ca enroll command:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios# crypto ca enroll msiox
% Start certificate enrollment...
% Create a challenge password. You will need to verbally provide this password to the
  CA Administrator in order to revoke your certificate.
% For security reasons you password will not be saved in the configuration.
% Please make a note of it.
re-enter Password:
    Fingerprint: 4F35ADC9 2791997A CE211437 AFC66CF7

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:May 29 18:49:15.572 : pki_cmd: %PKI-6-LOG_INFO : certificate request pending

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:May 29 18:52:17.705 : pki_get_cert: %PKI-6-LOG_INFO : certificate is granted

This example shows how to generate a leaf certificate:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios#crypto ca enroll system-trustpoint

crypto ca trustpoint

To configure a trusted point with a selected name, use the crypto ca trustpoint command. To unconfigure a trusted point, use the no form of this command in Config mode.

crypto ca trustpoint { ca-name | system-trustpoint }

Syntax Description


Name of the CA.


Specifies the default system trustpoint.

Command Default


Command Modes

Config mode

Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the crypto ca trustpoint command to declare a CA.

This command allows you to configure a trusted point with a selected name so that NCS 1004 can verify certificates issued to peers. NCS 1004 need not enroll with the CA that issued the certificates to the peers.

The crypto ca trustpoint command enters trustpoint configuration mode, in which you can specify characteristics for the CA with a set of commands. See the Related Commands section for details.

Task ID

Task ID




The following example shows how to use the crypto ca trustpoint command to create a trustpoint:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios# configure
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config)# crypto ca trustpoint msiox
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config-trustp)# sftp-password xxxxxx
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config-trustp)# sftp-username tmordeko
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config-trustp)# enrollment url sftp://192.168..254.254/tftpboot/tmordeko/CAcert
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config-trustp)# rsakeypair label-2

This example shows how to create a default system trustpoint:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config)#crypto ca trustpoint system-trustpoint



enrollment retry count

Specifies how many times NCS 1004 resends a certificate request.

enrollment retry period

Specifies the wait period between certificate request retries.

enrollment terminal

Specifies manual cut-and-paste certificate enrollment.

enrollment url

Specifies the URL of the CA.

query url

Specifies the LDAP URL of the CRL distribution point.

Required only if your CA supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).


Specifies a named RSA key pair for this trustpoint.

sftp-password (trustpoint)

Secures the FTP password.

sftp-username (trustpoint)

Secures the FTP username.

subject-name (trustpoint)

Specifies a subject name in the certificate request.

crypto key generate dsa

To generate Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key pairs, use the crypto key generate dsa command in EXEC mode.

crypto key generate dsa [system-enroll-key | system-root-key]

Syntax Description


Specifies key pair generation for the leaf certificate.

Note: Crypto key generation in Config Mode does not support this option.


Specifies key pair generation for the root certificate.

Note: Crypto key generation in Config Mode does not support this option.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the crypto key generate dsa command to generate DSA key pairs for your NCS 1004.

DSA keys are generated in pairs—one public DSA key and one private DSA key.

If NCS 1004 already has DSA keys when you issue this command, you are warned and prompted to replace the existing keys with new keys.

To remove the DSA key generated in Config mode, use no form of this command in Config mode.

To remove the DSA key generated in EXEC mode, use the crypto key zeroize dsa command.

Task ID

Task ID





The following example shows how to generate a 512-bit DSA key:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# crypto key generate dsa
The name for the keys will be: the_default
    Choose the size of your DSA key modulus. Modulus size can be 512, 768, or 1024 bits.
Choosing a key modulus
How many bits in the modulus [1024]: 512
Generating DSA keys...
Done w/ crypto generate keypair

This example shows how to generate a DSA key pair for the root certificate:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#crypto key generate dsa system-root-key

This example shows how to generate a DSA key pair for the leaf certificate:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#crypto key generate dsa system-enroll-key

The following example shows how to generate a 512-bit DSA key-pair in Config mode:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#conf t
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#crypto key generate dsa 512

This example shows how to delete a DSA key-pair in Config mode:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# conf t
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#no crypto key generate dsa 512

crypto key generate ecdsa

To generate an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) key pair, use the crypto key generate ecdsa command in EXEC mode.

crypto key generate ecdsa [nistp256 | nistp384 | nistp521] [system-enroll-key | system-root-key]

Syntax Description


Generates an ECDSA key of curve type nistp256, with key size 256 bits.


Generates an ECDSA key of curve type nistp384, with key size 384 bits.


Generates an ECDSA key of curve type nistp521, with key size 521 bits.


Specifies key pair generation for the leaf certificate.

Note: Crypto key generation in Config Mode does not support this option.


Specifies key pair generation for the root certificate.

Note: Crypto key generation in Config Mode does not support this option.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To remove the ECDSA key generated in Config mode, use no form of this command in Config mode.

To remove an ECDSA key generated in EXEC mode, use the crypto key zeroize ecdsa command.

Task ID

Task ID Operation




The following example shows how to generate an ECDSA key pair:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# crypto key generate ecdsa nistp384
Wed Mar 28 12:53:57.355 UTC
% You already have keys defined for the_default
Do you really want to replace them? [yes/no]: yes
Generating ECDSA keys ...
Done w/ crypto generate ECDSA keypair

This example shows how to generate a ECDSA key pair for the root certificate:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#crypto key generate ecdsa system-root-key

This example shows how to generate a ECDSA key pair for the leaf certificate:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#crypto key generate dsa system-enroll-key

The following example shows how to generate an ECDSA key-pair in Config mode:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#conf t
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#crypto key generate ecdsa nistp256

This example shows how to delete en ECDSA key-pair in Config mode:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# conf t
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#no crypto key generate ecdsa nistp256

crypto key generate ed25519

To generate Ed25519 crypto key pairs as part of supporting the Ed25519 public-key signature system, use the crypto key generate ed25519 command in EXEC mode and Config mode.

crypto key generate ed25519 [ system-enroll-key | system-root-key ]

Syntax Description


Specifies key pair generation for the leaf certificate.

Note: Crypto key generation in Config mode does not support this option.


Specifies key pair generation for the root certificate.

Note: Crypto key generation in Config mode does not support this option.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode and Config mode

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is applicable only for Cisco IOS XR 64-bit platforms.

To remove the Ed25519 key generated in Config mode, use no form of this command in Config mode.

To remove the Ed25519 key generated in EXEC mode, use the crypto key zeroize ed25519 command.

You can generate the crypto keys either with an empty label or with two predefined labels (system-root-key and system-enroll-key ). In case of empty label, the system generates the key pair against the default label. The key pairs with the predefined labels are used to integrate Cisco IOS XR with Cisco Crosswork Trust Insights.

Task ID

Task ID





This example shows how to generate a Ed25519 crypto key pair:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# crypto key generate ed25519

Mon Nov 30 07:03:17.058 UTC
The name for the keys will be: the_default
Generating ED25519 keys ...
Done w/ crypto generate keypair

This example shows how to generate a Ed25519 crypto key pair for the root certificate:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#crypto key generate ed25519 system-root-key

This example shows how to generate a Ed25519 crypto key pair for the leaf certificate:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#crypto key generate ed25519 system-enroll-key

The following example shows how to generate an Ed25519 key-pair in Config mode:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#conf t
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#crypto key generate ed25519

This example shows how to delete en Ed25519 key-pair in Config mode:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# conf t
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#no crypto key generate ed25519

crypto key generate rsa

To generate a Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) key pair, use the crypto key generate rsa command in EXEC mode and Config mode.

crypto key generate rsa [usage-keys | general-keys | system-enroll-key | system-root-key] [keypair-label]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Generates separate RSA key pairs for signing and encryption.


(Optional) Generates a general-purpose RSA key pair for signing and encryption.


(Optional) RSA key pair label that names the RSA key pairs.


Specifies key pair generation for the leaf certificate.

Note: Crypto key generation in Config mode does not support this option.


Specifies key pair generation for the root certificate.

Note: Crypto key generation in Config mode does not support this option.

Command Default

RSA key pairs do not exist.

If the usage-keys keyword is not used, general-purpose keys are generated. If no RSA label is specified, the key is generated as the default RSA key.

Command Modes

EXEC mode and Config mode

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the crypto key generate rsa command to generate RSA key pairs for NCS 1004.

RSA keys are generated in pairs—one public RSA key and one private RSA key.

If NCS 1004 already has RSA keys when you issue this command, you are warned and prompted to replace the existing keys with new keys. The keys generated by this command are saved in the secure NVRAM (which is not displayed to the user or backed up to another device).

To remove an RSA key generated in Config mode, use no form of this command in Config mode.

To remove an RSA key generated in EXEC mode, use the crypto key zeroize rsa command.

Task ID

Task ID





The following example shows how to generate an RSA key pair:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# crypto key generate rsa

The name for the keys will be: the_default

Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your
General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take
a few minutes.
How many bits in the modulus[1024]: <return> 

This example shows how to generate an RSA key pair for the root certificate:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#crypto key generate rsa system-root-key

This example shows how to generate an RSA key pair for the leaf certificate:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#crypto key generate rsa system-enroll-key

The following example shows how to generate an RSA key-pair in Config mode:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#conf t
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#crypto key generate rsa user1 general-keys 2048

This example shows how to delete en RSA key-pair in Config mode:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# conf t
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#no crypto key generate rsa user1 general-keys 2048

crypto key import authentication rsa

To import a public key using the Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) method, use the crypto key import authentication rsa command in EXEC mode.

crypto key import authentication rsa path

Syntax Description


(Optional) This denotes the path to the RSA public key file.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

  1. Use shh-keygen generation mechanism to generate keys using either a LINUX or UNIX client. This creates two keys: one public and one private.

  2. Remove the comment and other header tag from the keys, except the base64encoded text.

  3. Decode the base64encoded text, and use the for authentication.

Task ID

Task ID




The following example displays how to import a public key:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios:hostname#crypto key import authentication rsa

crypto key zeroize ed25519

To delete the Ed25519 crypto key pair from NCS 1004, use the crypto key zeroize ed25519 command in EXEC mode.

crypto key zeroize ed25519

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID




This example shows how to delete Ed25519 crypto key pairs from NCS 1004:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios# crypto key zeroize ed25519
% Keys to be removed are named the_default
Do you really want to remove these keys? [yes/no]: yes

crypto key zeroize rsa

To delete all Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) keys from NCS 1004, use the crypto key zeroize rsa command in EXEC mode.

crypto key zeroize rsa [keypair-label]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Names the RSA key pair to be removed.

Command Default

If the key pair label is not specified, the default RSA key pair is removed.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the crypto key zeroize rsa command to delete all RSA keys that were previously generated by NCS 1004. After issuing this command, you must perform two additional tasks:

  • Ask the certification authority (CA) administrator to revoke the certificates for NCS 1004 at the CA; you must supply the challenge password you created when you originally obtained NCS 1004 certificates with the crypto ca enroll command CA.

  • Manually remove the certificates from the configuration using the clear crypto ca certificates command.

Task ID

Task ID




The following example shows how to delete the general-purpose RSA key pair that was previously generated:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname# crypto key zeroize rsa key1
% Keys to be removed are named key1
Do you really want to remove these keys? [yes/no]: yes

destination address

To specify the destination address for Smart Call Home, use the destination address command in the call home profile configuration mode.

destination address address

Syntax Description


Specifies the destination address for Smart Call Home.

The format is {http|https}://{FQDN}/its/service/oddce/services/DDCEService

FQDN must be either Cisco Smart Software Manager FQDN ( or Smart Licensing satellite server FQDN.

Command Default


Command Modes

Call home profile configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must configure the DNS server before setting-up the call-home destination address as FQDN. Use domain name-server {DNS server IP} command to configure the DNS server on the device.

The following example shows how to specify the destination address for Smart Call Home.

domain name-server
service active
contact smart-licensing
profile CiscoTAC-1
destination address http

destination ipv4 unicast

To specify the destination of a GMPLS UNI tunnel, use the destination ipv4 unicast command in GMPLS UNI controller tunnel-properties configuration sub-mode.

destination ipv4 unicast address

Syntax Description


Specifies the tunnel destination (IPv4 address).

Command Default


Command Modes

GMPLS UNI controller tunnel-properties configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following example shows how to specify a tunnel destination (

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#mpls traffic-eng
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-mpls-te)#gmpls optical-uni
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-te-gmpls)#controller Optics0/0/0/0

destination transport-method

To specify the destination transport method for Smart Call Home, use the destination transport-method command.

destination transport-method {http|email}

Syntax Description


Enables an e-mail address for the profile.


Enables an HTTP URL for the profile.

Command Default


Command Modes

Call home profile configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

For the user profile, both e-mail and http can be enabled. For the Cisco TAC profile, only one transport method can be enabled.

The following example shows how to specify the destination transport method for Smart Call Home.

domain name-server
service active
contact smart-licensing
profile CiscoTAC-1
destination address http
destination transport-method http


To specify the Diffie-Hellman group for the IKEv2 proposal, use the dh command in IKEv2 proposal configuration mode.

dh dh-group

Syntax Description


DH group identifier. The possible values are 19, 20, and 21.

Command Default


Command Modes

IKEv2 proposal configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an IKEv2 proposal is configured.

Thu Mar  7 19:19:30.259 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 proposal proposal1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#encryption aes-cbc-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#integrity sha-1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#prf sha-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#dh 20
Thu Mar  7 19:20:30.916 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show ikev2 proposal proposal1
Thu Mar  7 19:20:48.929 UTC

Proposal Name              : proposal1
Status                     : Complete
Total Number of Enc. Alg.  : 1
   Encr. Alg.              : CBC-AES-256
Total Number of Hash. Alg. : 1
   Hash. Alg.              : SHA 1
Total Number of PRF. Alg.  : 1
   PRF. Alg.               : SHA 256
Total Number of DH Group   : 1
   DH Group                : Group 20


To configure the wavelength on the trunk port, use the dwdm-carrier command in optics controller configuration mode. To return the wavelength to its default value, use the no form of this command.

dwdm-carrier { 100MHz-grid frequency frequency } | { 50GHz-grid frequency frequency }

Syntax Description

50Ghz-grid | 100MHz-grid

Configures the wavelength in 50GHz grid and 100MHz (0.1GHz) grid spacing respectively in accordance with ITU definition.

frequency frequency

Specifies the frequency for the optics controller.

Command Default


Command Modes

Optics controller configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The controller must be in the shutdown state before you can use the wavelength command.


The following example shows how to configure the frequency in 100MHz grid spacing.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# config
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# controller optics 0/0/0/0
RP0/0/CPU0:ios(config-optics)# dwdm-carrier 100MHz-grid frequency 1865000


To specify the transform types for encryption, use the encryption command in the IKEv2 proposal configuration mode.

encryption encryption-type

Syntax Description


Encrytion algorithm. The possible values are aes-gcm-256, aes-gcm-128, aes-cbc-256, aes-cbc-192, and aes-cbc-128.

Command Default


Command Modes

IKEv2 proposal configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an IKEv2 proposal is configured.

Thu Mar  7 19:19:30.259 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 proposal proposal1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#encryption aes-cbc-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#integrity sha-1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#prf sha-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#dh 20
Thu Mar  7 19:20:30.916 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show ikev2 proposal proposal1
Thu Mar  7 19:20:48.929 UTC

Proposal Name              : proposal1
Status                     : Complete

Total Number of Enc. Alg.  : 1
   Encr. Alg.              : CBC-AES-256

Total Number of Hash. Alg. : 1
   Hash. Alg.              : SHA 1
Total Number of PRF. Alg.  : 1
   PRF. Alg.               : SHA 256
Total Number of DH Group   : 1
   DH Group                : Group 20

enrollment retry count

To specify the number of times a NCS 1004 resends a certificate request to a certification authority (CA), use the enrollment retry count command in trustpoint configuration mode. To reset the retry count to the default, use the no form of this command.

enrollment retry count number

no enrollment retry count number

Syntax Description


Number of times NCS 1004 resends a certificate request when NCS 1004 does not receive a certificate from the previous request. The range is from 1 to 100.

Command Default

If no retry count is specified, the default value is 10.

Command Modes

Trustpoint configuration

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

After requesting a certificate, NCS 1004 waits to receive a certificate from the CA. If NCS 1004 does not receive a certificate within a specified time (the retry period), NCS 1004 sends another certificate request. NCS 1004 continues to send requests until it receives a valid certificate, the CA returns an enrollment error, or the configured number of retries (the retry count) is exceeded.

To reset the retry count to the default of 10, use the no form of this command. Setting the retry count to 0 indicates an infinite number of retries. NCS 1004 sends the CA certificate requests until a valid certificate is received (there is no limit to the number of retries).

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to declare a CA, change the retry period to 10 minutes, and change the retry count to 60 retries. NCS 1004 resends the certificate request every 10 minutes until receipt of the certificate or approximately 10 hours pass since the original request was sent, whichever occurs first (10 minutes x 60 tries = 600 minutes = 10 hours).

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname# configure
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config)# crypto ca trustpoint myca
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config-trustp)# enrollment url http://ca_server
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config-trustp)# enrollment retry period 10
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config-trustp)# enrollment retry count 60

enrollment retry period

To specify the wait period between certificate request retries, use the enrollment retry period command in trustpoint configuration mode. To reset the retry period to the default of 1 minute, use the no form of this command.

enrollment retry period minutes

no enrollment retry period minutes

Syntax Description


Period (in minutes) between certificate requests issued to a certification authority (CA) from NCS 1004. The range is from 1 to 60 minutes.

Command Default

minutes: 1

Command Modes

Trustpoint configuration

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

After requesting a certificate, NCS 1004 waits to receive a certificate from the CA. If NCS 1004 does not receive a certificate within a specified time (the retry period), NCS 1004 sends another certificate request. NCS 1004 continues to send requests until it receives a valid certificate, the CA returns an enrollment error, or the configured number of retries (the retry count) is exceeded.

NCS 1004 sends the CA another certificate request every minute until a valid certificate is received. (By default, NCS 1004 sends ten requests, but you can change the number of permitted retries with the enrollment retry count command.)

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to declare a CA and change the retry period to 5 minutes:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname# configure
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config)# crypto ca trustpoint myca
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config-trustp)# enrollment retry period 5

enrollment terminal

To specify manual cut-and-paste certificate enrollment, use the enrollment terminal command in trustpoint configuration mode. To delete a current enrollment request, use the no form of this command.

enrollment terminal

no enrollment terminal

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Trustpoint configuration

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can manually cut and paste certificate requests and certificates when you do not have a network connection between NCS 1004 and certification authority (CA). When the enrollment terminal command is enabled, NCS 1004 displays the certificate request on the console terminal, which allows you to enter the issued certificate on the terminal.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to manually specify certificate enrollment through cut-and-paste. In this example, the CA trustpoint is myca.

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname# configure
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config)# crypto ca trustpoint myca
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config-trustp)# enrollment terminal

enrollment url

To specify the certification authority (CA) location by naming the CA URL, use the enrollment url command in trustpoint configuration mode. To remove the CA URL from the configuration, use the no form of this command.

enrollment url CA-URL

no enrollment url CA-URL

Syntax Description


URL of the CA server. The URL string must start with http://CA_name, where CA_name is the host Domain Name System (DNS) name or IP address of the CA (for example, http://ca-server).

If the CA cgi-bin script location is not /cgi-bin/pkiclient.exe at the CA (the default CA cgi-bin script location), you must also include the nonstandard script location in the URL, in the form of http://CA-name/script-location, where script-location is the full path to the CA scripts.

Command Default


Command Modes

Trustpoint configuration

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the enrollment url command to specify the CA URL. This command is required when you declare a CA with the crypto ca trustpoint command. The URL must include the CA script location if the CA scripts are not loaded into the default cgi-bin script location. The CA administrator should be able to tell you where the CA scripts are located.

This table lists the available enrollment methods.

Table 1. Certificate Enrollment Methods

Enrollment Method



Enroll through SFTP: file system


Enroll through TFTP: file system

1 If you are using TFTP for enrollment, the URL must be in the form tftp://certserver/file_specification. (The file specification is optional.)

TFTP enrollment sends the enrollment request and retrieves the certificate of the CA and the certificate of NCS 1004. If the file specification is included in the URL, NCS 1004 appends an extension to the file specification.

To change the CA URL, repeat the enrollment url command to overwrite the previous URL

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows the absolute minimum configuration required to declare a CA:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname# configure 
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config)#crypto ca trustpoint myca
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config-trustp)#enrollment url


Use the fault-profile command in the global configuration mode, to create a new fault profile with one or more alarms and user-defined severity.

fault-profile name fault-identifier subsystem XR fault-type { ethernet | sdh_controller | sonet | OPTICS | G709 } fault-tag name sas severity nsas severity

Syntax Description

fault-profile name

Name of the fault profile.

fault-identifier subsystem XR

Supports the XR sub-system.


The component the fault profile is applicable to. The available options are:

  • ethernet

  • sdh_controller

  • sonet


  • G709

fault-tag name The faults that are included as part of the newly created fault profile.
sas severity nsas severity

Sets the severity level for:

  • sas (service affecting; impacts traffic)

  • nsas (non-service affecting; does not impact traffic)

The available options are:

  • Critical

  • Major

  • Minor

  • Non-faulted

  • Non-reported

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global Configuration

Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.1.1

Release 7.2.1

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to use the fault profile command.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0: router (config) # fault profile f1 fault-identifier subsystem XR fault-type HW_OPTICS fault-tag OPTICAL_LO_RXPOWER sas CRITICAL nsas CRITICAL 

fault-profile apply

Use the fault-profile apply command in the global configuration mode, to apply a fault profile at the node level or card levelport level or node level.

fault-profile name apply rack0 slot location

Syntax Description

fault-profile name

Name of the fault profile.

rack 0 slot location

Sets the profile at the node level or line card levelport level or node level.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global Configuration

Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.1.1

Release 7.2.1

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to use the fault profile apply command.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# fault profile f1 apply rack 0 slot ALL 

The following example shows how to use the fault profile apply command at the port level.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# fault profile f1 apply rack 0 slot LC0 port 1 

The following example shows how to use the fault profile apply command at the node level.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# fault profile f1 apply rack 0 slot ALL 

gmpls optical-uni

To enable GMPLS UNI feature, use the gmpls optical-uni command in LMP configuration mode.

gmpls optical-uni

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

LMP configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The LMP submode enables GMPLS-UNI LMP functionality and acts as a container for other GMPLS-UNI LMP configuration commands.


The following example shows how to enable GMPLS UNI and enter LMP configuration mode.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp)#gmpls optical-uni

http client connection

To configure the connection for http client, use the http client connection command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client connection { retry count | timeout seconds }

Syntax Description

retry count

Specifies how many times HTTP Client resends a connection request. Range is from 1 to 5. The default value is 0.

timeout seconds

The time interval (in seconds) that HTTP client waits for a server connection to establish before giving up. Range is from 1 to 60 seconds. The default value is 10 seconds.

Command Default

The connection retry is not configured by default. The default connection timeout is set to 10 seconds.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the connection timeout or connection retry count.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to configure the connection request retry to two times:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client connection retry 2

The following example shows how to configure the connection request timeout to 20 seconds:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client connection timeout 20

http client response

To configure the time interval (in seconds) for HTTP Client to wait for a response from the server before giving up, use the http client response command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client response { timeout seconds }

Syntax Description

timeout seconds

The time interval (in seconds) that HTTP client waits for a response from the server before giving up. Range is from 1 to 300 seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.

Command Default

The response timeout is 30 seconds by default.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the response timeout.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to configure the response timeout to 40 seconds:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client response timeout 40

http client ssl

To configure Secure Socket Layer (SSL) version to be used for HTTPS requests, use the http client ssl command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client ssl version

Syntax Description

ssl version

Specify the SSL version to be used for HTTPS requests. Select one of the following versions:

  • tls1.0 - Forces TLSv1.0 to be used for HTTPS requests.

  • tls1.1 - Forces TLSv1.1 to be used for HTTPS requests.

  • tls1.2 - Forces TLSv1.2 to be used for HTTPS requests.

By default libcurl does not force the TLS version.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Default

By default, the SSL version is not configured.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ssl version to be used in HTTPS requests.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to configure the SSL version to tls1.1:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client ssl tls1.1

http client secure-verify-host

To enable verifying host in peer's certificate, use the http client secure-verify-host command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client secure-verify-host

Syntax Description


Verifies the host in peer's certificate. This is enabled by default. To disable, use the command http client secure-verify-host disable

Command Default

Host verification is enabled by default.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the http client secure-verify-host command to disable the host verification.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to disable host verification :

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client secure-verify-host disable

http client secure-verify-peer

To enable verifying authenticity of the peer certificate, use the http client secure-verify-peer command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client secure-verify-peer

Syntax Description


Verifies authenticity of the peer certificate. This is enabled by default. To disable, use the command http client secure-verify-peer disable

Command Default

Peer verification is enabled by default.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the http client secure-verify-peer command to disable the peer verification.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to disable peer verification :

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client secure-verify-peer disable

http client source interface

To specify the interface for source address for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connections, use the http client source-interface command in XR Config mode. To remove the http client source-interface command from the configuration file and restore the system to its default condition, use the no form of this command.

http client source-interface { ipv4 | ipv6 }

Syntax Description

ipv4 ip-address

Enter ipv4 address from interface.

ipv6 ip-address

Enter ipv6 address from interface.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the http client source-interface command to configure ipv4 and ipv6 source interfaces. If both the source interfaces are configured, then the source interface is selected depending on the host DNS resolution.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to configure ipv4 source interface for HTTP connection:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client source-interface ipv4 gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0

The following example shows how to configure ipv6 source interface for HTTP connection:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client source-interface ipv6 gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0

http client tcp-window-scale

To configure the TCP window scale factor for high latency links, use the http client tcp-window-scale command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client tcp-window-scale scale

Syntax Description


Specify the TCP window scale for HTTP requests. Range is 1 to 14.

Command Default

By default, TCP window scale is disabled.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the TCP window scale for HTTP requests.


Currently, this is enabled for copying of files using HTTP.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to set the TCP window scale to 10:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client tcp-window-scale 10

http client version

To configure the HTTP version to be used for HTTP requests, use the http client version command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client version version

Syntax Description


Specify the HTTP version to be used for HTTP requests. Select one of the following versions:

  • 1.0 - Forces HTTP1.0 to be used for all HTTP requests.

  • 1.1 - Forces HTTP1.1 to be used for all HTTP requests.

  • default - libcurl picks up HTTP version automatically.

Command Default

By default, libcurl does not force the HTTP version.


HTTP Client uses libcurl version 7.30

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the HTTP version to be used in HTTP requests.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to configure the HTTP version to 1.1:

Router(config)#http client version 1.1

http client vrf

To configure a new VRF to be used by the HTTP client, use the http client vrf command. To remove the specified vrf, use the no form of this command.

http client vrf vrf-name

Syntax Description


Specifies the name of the VRF to be used by the HTTP client.

Command Default

If not configured, the default VRF "default-vrf" will be used.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

A HTTP client can have only one VRF. If a specific VRF is not configured for the HTTP client, the default VRF is assumed.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows the HTTP client being configured to start with the specified VRF:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# http client vrf green


To configure the Call Home HTTP proxy server, use the http-proxy command in the call home profile configuration mode.

http-proxy proxy-server-name port port-number

Syntax Description


Specifies the name of the proxy server.


Specifies the port for the specified HTTP proxy server.

Command Default


Command Modes

Call home profile configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


The following example configures the call home HTTP proxy server :

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-call-home)#http-proxy port 100


To configure the card in the module (muxponder), slice configuration (muxponder slice), or regen mode, use the hw-module command in Cisco IOS XR configuration mode.

hw-module location location { mxponder | mxponder-slice mxponder-slice-number { trunk-mode [ZR | OR] } } client-rate [100GE | OTU4] trunk-rate [50G | 100G | 150G | 200G | 250G | 300G | 350G | 400G | 450G | 500G | 550G | 600G] [drop-lldp] [client-port-ains-soak hours hours minutes minutes ]

hw-module location location { regen trunk-rate trunk-rate regen-slice slice-number }

hw-module location location mxponder arp-snoop

hw-module location location attention-led all-ports | port-number

hw-module location location { mxponder | mxponder-slice mxponder-slice-number { trunk-rate [100G | 200G | 300G | 400G] { client-type [100G | OTU4 ] | [client-port-rate [2-5] | [6-9]][ client-type [100GE | OTU4]] } } }

Syntax Description

location location

Specifies the location of the optics controller.


Configures the card in muxponder mode.

mxponder-slice mxponder-slice-number

Configures the card in muxponder slice configuration. Slice numbers can be 0 or 1.

trunk-mode [ZR | OR]

Specifies the trunk mode when using a Bright ZR+ pluggable module as the trunk pluggable on a QXP card. Use ZR for ethernet and OR for OTN datapath.

client-rate [100GE | OTU4]

Specifies the traffic rate on the client ports. The supported client rates are 100GE and OTU4.

trunk-rate [50G | 100G | 150G | 200G | 250G | 300G | 350G | 400G | 450G | 500G | 550G | 600G]

Specifies the traffic rate on the trunk ports. The supported trunk rates are 150G, 200G, 250G, 300G, 350G, 400G, 450G, 500G, 550G, and 600G.

From R7.2.1, you can configure trunk rates of 50G, 100G, and 150G to support Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK) modulation.



The 150G, 250G, 350G, 450G, and 550G data rates can be configured only in the muxponder card mode.


Enables LLDP drop on a muxponder or muxponder slice.

client-port-ains-soak hours hours minutes minutes

Specifies the AINS configuration in hours and minutes.

regen trunk-rate trunk-rate

Configures the card in Regen mode. The supported trunk rates are 100G to 600G in multiples of 100G.

regen-slice slice-number

Specify the slice number on which you want to enable regen mode. The supported trunk rates are 100G to 400G in multiples of 100G.

Valid values:

  • QXP Card: 0 to 5 (Only alternate slices can be configured.)


Configures MAC address or ARP snoop on the client ports.

attention-led all-ports | port-number

Turns on the attention LED on all the ports or on a specific port of the line card.


Specifies the traffic rate on the trunk ports. The supported trunk rates is 100G, 200G, 300G, and 400G.

client-port-rate client-port-number

Specifies client port number.

  • Mxponder-slice 0—Client ports 2, 3, 4, and 5 are mapped to the trunk port 0.

  • Mxponder-slice 1—Client ports 6, 7, 8, and 9 are mapped to the trunk port 1.

client-type [100GE | OTU4]

Specifies the traffic type on the client ports. The supported client types are 100GE and OTU4.

Command Default

No slice is configured.

You must configure the card mode before enabling LLDP drop.

Command Modes

Cisco IOS XR Configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Release 7.1.1

regen keyword was added.

Release 7.2.1

arp-snoop keyword was added.

Release 7.3.1

trunk-rate 50G | 100Gkeyword options are introduced.

Release 7.7.1

attention-led keyword was introduced.

Release 7.10.1

regen-slice, client-port-rate [2-5] | [6-9], client-type <100GE | OTU4> , trunk-mode [ZR | OR] keywords were introduced.


The following is a sample in which the card is configured in the muxponder mode with 100GE client payload and 500G trunk payload.

Sun Feb 24 14:09:33.989 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/2 mxponder client-rate 100GE
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/2 mxponder trunk-rate 500G

The following is a sample in which the card is configured in the muxponder mode with a 550G trunk payload.

Tue Oct 15 01:24:56.355 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder client-rate 100GE
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder trunk-rate 550G
The following is a sample in which the card is configured in the muxponder mode with OTU4 client payload and 500G trunk payload.

Sun Feb 24 14:09:33.989 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/2 mxponder client-rate OTU4
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/2 mxponder trunk-rate 500G

The following is a sample in which the card is configured in the muxponder slice 0 mode with a 300G trunk payload.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 0 client-rate 100GE
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 0 trunk-rate 300G

The following is a sample in which the card is configured in the muxponder slice 1 mode with a 400G trunk payload.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 1 client-rate 100GE
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 1 trunk-rate 400G

The following example shows how to configure LLDP drop on a muxponder slice.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 0 drop-lldp 

The following is a sample in which all the client ports are configured with AINS with soak time as 15 minutes.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/3 mxponder client-rate 100GE trunk-rate 500G
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/3 mxponder client-port-ains-soak hours 0 minutes 15

The following is a sample to configure the card in Regen mode.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/0 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-regen)#trunk-rate 400

The following is a sample to configure regen mode on slices 0, 2, and 4 with a 400G trunk rate on each slice of the QXP card.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/3 regen-slice 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-regen)#trunk-rate 400G
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/3 regen-slice 2
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-regen)#trunk-rate 400G
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/3 regen-slice 4
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-regen)#trunk-rate 400G

The following is a sample in which the 2-QDD-C card is configured with mixed client rates in the muxponder slice 1 and 0 modes.

Mon Mar 23 06:10:22.227 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 0 client-rate OTU4 trunk-rate 400G 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 1 client-rate 100GE trunk-rate 400G

The following is a sample in which the 2-QDD-C card is configured with mixed client rates in the same muxponder slice 0 mode.

Mon Mar 23 06:10:22.227 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 0 client-port-rate 2 client-type OTU4 trunk-rate 400G 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 0 client-port-rate 3 client-type 100GE trunk-rate 400G

The following is a sample to configure MAC address or ARP snoop on client ports for Mxponder mode configuration.

Mon Mar 16 19:08:17.154 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder arp-snoop 

The following is a sample to configure MAC address snoop on client ports for slice mode configuration.

Mon Mar 16 19:30:33.933 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/3 mxponder-slice 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-rate 100GE 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#trunk-rate 600G 
Mon Mar 16 19:30:52.636 UTC

The following example shows how to configure trunk rate to 50G:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:(config)#hw-module location 0/0 mxponder
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:(config-hwmod-mxp)#trunk-rate 50G 

hw-module (OTN-XP Card)

To configure the OTN-XP card in the muxponder mode, use the hw-module command in IOS XR configuration mode.

hw-module location location mxponder-slice mxponder-slice-number trunk-rate [100G | 200G | 300G | 400G] client-port-rate client-port-number lane lane number client-type [10GE | OTU2 | OTU2e | 400GE | FC16 | FC32 | oc192 | stm64]

hw-module location location attention-led all-ports | port-number

Syntax Description

location location

Specifies the location of the optics controller.

mxponder-slice mxponder-slice-number

Configures the card in muxponder mode. The muxponder configuration supports two slices, 0 and 1.


Enables the Automatic Protection System on the OTN XP card.


Specifies the traffic rate on the trunk ports. The supported trunk rates is 100G, 200G, 300G, and 400G.

client-port-rate client-port-number

Specifies client port number.

  • Mxponder-slice 0—Client ports 4, 5, and 2 are mapped to the trunk port 0.

  • Mxponder-slice 1—Client ports 7, 6, and 11 are mapped to the trunk port 1.

lane lane-number

Specifies client port lane number.

client-type [10GE | OTU2 | OTU2e | 400GE | FC16 | FC32 | oc192 | stm64]

Specifies the traffic type on the client ports. The supported client types are 10GE, OTU2, OTU2e, FC16, FC32, OC192, STM64, and 400GE.

attention-led all-ports | port-number

Turns on the attention LED on all the ports or on a specific port of the line card.

Command Default


Command Modes

Cisco IOS XR Configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.2.1

This command was introduced.

Release 7.3.2

The trunk rates 200G, 300G and 400G were introduced.

Release 7.3.2

The client type 400GE was introduced.

Release 7.5.2

The client types FC16 and FC32 were introduced.

Release 7.7.1

attention-led keyword was introduced.

Release 7.10.1

The client types OC192 and STM64 were introduced.

The following is a sample in which the OTN-XP card is configured with mixed client rates in the mxponder-slice 0 mode.

Tue Apr 21 09:21:44.460 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#trunk-rate 100G
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 2 lane 3 client-type OTU2
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 2 lane 4 client-type OTU2
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 4 lane 1 client-type 10GE

The following sample configures inverse muxponder for 400GE over 2x200G CFP2 trunk ports.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/0 mxponder
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#trunk-rate 200G
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 10 client-type 400GE

The following sample configures 300G trunk rate on the OTN-XP card:.

Wed Jun  2 17:17:59.409 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#trunk-rate 300G

The following is a sample to configure 16G FC muxponder mode on slice 0 of the OTN-XP card:.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/2 mxponder-slice 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#trunk-rate 400G
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 1 lane 1 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 1 lane 2 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 1 lane 3 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 1 lane 4 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 6 lane 1 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 6 lane 2 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 6 lane 3 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 6 lane 4 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 7 lane 1 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 7 lane 2 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 7 lane 3 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 7 lane 4 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 9 lane 1 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 9 lane 2 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 9 lane 3 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 9 lane 4 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 10 lane 1 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 10 lane 2 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 10 lane 3 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 10 lane 4 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 11 lane 1 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 11 lane 2 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 11 lane 3 client-type fc16
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 11 lane 4 client-type fc16
Fri Feb 4 16:06:59.967 UTC

The following is a sample to configure 32G FC muxponder mode on slice 0 of the OTN-XP card:

Fri Feb 4 16:24:53.964 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/2 mxponder-slice 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#trunk-rate 400G
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 6 lane 1 client-type fc32
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 6 lane 2 client-type fc32
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 6 lane 3 client-type fc32
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 6 lane 4 client-type fc32
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 7 lane 1 client-type fc32
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 7 lane 2 client-type fc32
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 7 lane 3 client-type fc32
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 7 lane 4 client-type fc32
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 10 lane 1 client-type fc32
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 10 lane 2 client-type fc32
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 10 lane 3 client-type fc32
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-port-rate 10 lane 4 client-type fc32
Fri Feb 4 16:26:46.550 UTC

ikev2 policy

To specify an IKEv2 policy name, use the ikev2 policy command in configuration mode.

ikev2 policy policy-name

Syntax Description


IKEv2 policy name upto 32 characters.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an IKEv2 policy is configured.

Thu Mar  7 19:26:45.752 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 policy mypolicy
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-policy-mypolicy)#proposal proposal1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-policy-mypolicy)#match address local
Thu Mar  7 19:29:25.043 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show ikev2 policy mypolicy
Thu Mar  7 19:30:30.343 UTC

Policy Name                           : mypolicy
Total number of match local addr      : 1
   Match address local                :
Total number of proposal attached     : 1
   Proposal Name                      : proposal1

ikev2 profile

To configure an IKEv2 profile, use the ikev2 profile command in configuration mode.

ikev2 profile profile-name keyring ppk name

Syntax Description


Name of the IKEv2 profile.

keyring ppk

It specifies that ppk needs to be used and which keyring has the ppk configuration.


name of the keyring configured.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Release 24.1.1

The key word keyring ppk was introduced.


The following is a sample in which an IKEv2 profile is configured.

Thu Mar  7 20:00:36.490 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 profile profile1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-profile1)#match identity remote address
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-profile1)#keyring kyr1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-profile1)#lifetime 120
Thu Mar  7 20:15:03.401 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show ikev2 profile profile1
Thu Mar  7 20:15:25.776 UTC

Profile Name                          : profile1
Keyring                               : kyr1
Lifetime(Sec)                         : 120
DPD Interval(Sec)                     : 10
DPD Retry Interval(Sec)               : 2
Match ANY                             : NO
Total Match remote peers              : 1
   Addr/Prefix                        :

The following is a sample in which keyring ppk is specified in the IKEv2 profile.

RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 profile test
RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-test)#keyring dynamic
RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-test)#keyring ppk dynamic
RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-name)#match address

ikev2 proposal

To specify an IKEv2 proposal name, use the ikev2 proposal command in the configuration mode .

ikev2 proposal proposal-name

Syntax Description


Name of IKEv2 proposal upto 32 characters.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an IKEv2 proposal is configured.

Thu Mar  7 19:19:30.259 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 proposal proposal1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#encryption aes-cbc-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#integrity sha-1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#prf sha-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#dh 20
Thu Mar  7 19:20:30.916 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show ikev2 proposal proposal1
Thu Mar  7 19:20:48.929 UTC

Proposal Name              : proposal1
Status                     : Complete
Total Number of Enc. Alg.  : 1
   Encr. Alg.              : CBC-AES-256
Total Number of Hash. Alg. : 1
   Hash. Alg.              : SHA 1
Total Number of PRF. Alg.  : 1
   PRF. Alg.               : SHA 256
Total Number of DH Group   : 1
   DH Group                : Group 20


To specify one or more transforms of the integrity algorithm type, use the integrity command in IKEv2 proposal configuration mode.

integrity algorithm-type

Syntax Description


Integrity algorithm type. The possible values are: sha-1, sha-256, sha-384, and sha-512.

Command Default


Command Modes

IKEv2 proposal configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an IKEv2 proposal is configured.

Thu Mar  7 19:19:30.259 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 proposal proposal1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#encryption aes-cbc-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#integrity sha-1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#prf sha-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#dh 20
Thu Mar  7 19:20:30.916 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show ikev2 proposal proposal1
Thu Mar  7 19:20:48.929 UTC

Proposal Name              : proposal1
Status                     : Complete
Total Number of Enc. Alg.  : 1
   Encr. Alg.              : CBC-AES-256

Total Number of Hash. Alg. : 1
   Hash. Alg.              : SHA 1

Total Number of PRF. Alg.  : 1
   PRF. Alg.               : SHA 256
Total Number of DH Group   : 1
   DH Group                : Group 20

interface gcc0

To configure the GCC0 interface, use the interface gcc0 command in configuration mode.

interface gcc0 R/S/I/P

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the GCC0 interface.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.1.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample to configure the GCC0 interface using the static IP address.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#interface gcc0 0/1/0/0
P/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-if)#ipv4 address
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show run interface gcc0 0/1/0/0
interface GCC00/1/0/0
ipv4 address

The following is a sample to configure the GCC0 interface using the loopback IP address.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:R2(config)#interface gcc0 0/1/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:R2(config-if)#ipv4 unnumbered loopback 0

interface gcc2

To configure the GCC2 interface, use the interface gcc2 command in configuration mode.

interface gcc2 R/S/I/P/L

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/Lane of the GCC2 interface.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample to configure the GCC2 interface using the static IP address.

Tue Mar 12 11:16:04.749 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#interface gcc2 0/1/0/0/1
P/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-if)#ipv4 address
Tue Mar 12 11:18:32.867 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show run interface gcc2 0/1/0/0/1
Tue Mar 12 11:19:00.475 UTC
interface gcc2 0/1/0/0/1
 ipv4 address

The following is a sample to configure the GCC2 interface using the loopback IP address.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:R2(config)#interface gcc2 0/1/0/0/1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:R2(config-if)#ipv4 unnumbered loopback 0

ipcc routed

To specify the LMP neighbor IPCC configuration for GMPLS UNI, use the ipcc routed command in the neighbor sub-mode for LMP GMPLS-UNI controller configuration mode.

ipcc routed

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

LMP GMPLS-UNI controller neighbor configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The LMP submode enables GMPLS-UNI LMP functionality and acts as a container for other GMPLS-UNI LMP configuration commands.


The following example shows how to specify the IPCC configuration for the GMPLS UNI controller 0/0/0/0, neighbor UN02.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp)#gmpls optical-uni
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni)#neighbor UN02
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni-nbr-UN02)#ipcc routed

ipv4 access-group

To configure the Access List (ACL), use the ipv4 access-group command at the IPv4 interface in the interface configuration mode.

ipv4 access-group access-list-name { ingress | egress }

Syntax Description


Access list name. Names cannot contain a space or quotation marks.


Specifies an inbound interface.


Specifies an outbound interface.

Command Default

No IPv4 access list is defined.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ipv4 access-list command to configure an IPv4 access list. This command places the system in access list configuration mode, in which the denied or permitted access conditions must be defined with the deny or permit command.


The following examples shows how to configure the Access List at the IPv4 interface in the configuration mode:

interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
ipv4 address
ipv4 access-group IPV4_ICMP_DENY ingress
ipv4 access-group IPV4_ROUTER_FWD_TELNET_TRAFFIC_DENY egress

Sample Configuration for IPv4 Access Lists

ipv4 access-list IPV4_ICMP_DENY
10 deny icmp any any
20 permit ipv4 any any
10 deny tcp any any eq telnet
20 permit ipv4 any any

ipv6 access-group

To configure the Access List (ACL), use the ipv6 access-group command at the IPv6 interface in the interface configuration mode.

ipv6 access-group access-list-name { ingress | egress }

Syntax Description


Access list name. Names cannot contain a space or quotation marks.


Specifies an inbound interface.


Specifies an outbound interface.

Command Default

No IPv6 access list is defined.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ipv6 access-list command to configure an IPv6access list. This command places the system in access list configuration mode, in which the denied or permitted access conditions must be defined with the deny or permit command.


The following examples shows how to configure the Access List at the IPv6 interface in the configuration mode

interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
ipv6 address 1000::1/64
ipv6 access-group IPV6_SSH_DENY ingress
ipv6 access-group IPV6_ROUTER_FWD_TELNET_TRAFFIC_DENY egress

Sample Configuration for IPv6 Access Lists

ipv6 access-list IPV6_SSH_DENY
10 deny tcp any any eq ssh
20 permit ipv6 any any
10 deny tcp any any eq telnet
20 permit ipv6 any any

key config-key password-encryption

To create a primary key for the Type 6 password encryption feature, use the key config-key password-encryption command in EXEC mode.

key config-key password-encryption [ delete ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Deletes the primary key for Type 6 password encryption.

Command Default

No primary key exists.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XR Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to create a primary key for Type 6 password encryption:

P/0/0/CPU0:ios#key config-key password-encryption
Thu Jul 11 09:40:47.396 UTC
New password Requirements: Min-length 6, Max-length 64
Enter new key :
Enter confirm key :
Master key operation is started in background


To configure the details of the IKEv2 keyring that consists of the preshared keys along with the IP address for IKEv2 negotiations used to establish the peer tunnel, use the keyring command in XR Config mode.

keyring peer name ppk { manual | dynamic } [ required ] { address ipv4 mask pre-shared-key { clear clear-text key | local local key | password encrypted key | password 6 encrypted key }

Syntax Description


Name of the keyring upto 32 characters.

peer name

Specifies the name of the peer interface

ppk [dynamic | manual]

Specifies whether the Postquantum Preshared Keys (PPK) is dynamic or manual.

address ipv4 mask

Specifies the ip address of the peer interface along with the mask.


Configures the preshared keys for authentication.

clear clear-text key

Specifies that the preshared key is in cleartext format.

local local key

Specifies that the preshared key is a local passphrase.

password encrypted key

Specifies that the preshared key is an encrypted string in hexadecimal format.

password 6 encrypted key

Specifies that the preshared key is an encrypted string in hexadecimal format. The preshared keystring will be stored in an encoded format when password6 is enabled.


Specifies whether dynamic or manual ppk configuration is mandatory or not.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Release 24.1.1

The keyword ppk [dynamic | manual] was introduced.

Release 24.3.1

The keyword password6 was introduced.

Example 1

The following is a sample in which a keyring is configured.

Thu Mar  7 19:33:14.594 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#keyring kyr1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-keyring-kyr1)#peer peer1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-keyring-kyr1-peer-peer1)#pre-shared-key password 14341B180F547B7977
Thu Mar  7 19:54:33.314 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show keyring kyr1
Thu Mar  7 19:58:07.135 UTC

Keyring Name                          : kyr1
Total Peers                           : 1
   Peer Name                          : peer1
   IP Address                         :
   Subnet Mask                        :
   Local PSK                          : Configured
   Remote PSK                         : Configured

Example 2

The following is a sample in which the dynamic ppk is configured.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#configure terminal
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#keyring dynamic
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-keyring)#peer peer1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)#ppk dynamic qkd required
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)#pre-shared-key cisco123!cisco123

RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 profile test
RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-test)#keyring dynamic
RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-test)#keyring ppk dynamic
RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-test)#match address

Example 3

The following is a sample in which the manual ppk is configured.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#configure terminal
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#keyring manual
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-keyring)#peer peer1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)#ppk manual id cisco123 key password 070804564A41694B89 required
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)#pre-shared-key cisco123!cisco123

RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 profile test
RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-test)#keyring manual
RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-test)#keyring ppk manual 
RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-test)#match address

Example 4

These are the examples where the PPK and preshared key are configured with the password6 keyword, after enabling the Type 6 method:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#configure terminal
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#keyring type6_psk
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-keyring)#peer peer1
password6 525548665b4e534660504c54645d63526668604945635a6452604a5f644d605a5c4461644d4e444e6566414142
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#configure terminal
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#keyring type6_ppk
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-keyring)#peer peer1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)#ppk manual id 123 key password6
 426447414e60494d48655d434f4749525d69484f434d445850675258544d56444a5d4d5b664b4c55624e414142 required

lc-module (OTN-XP Card)

To configure the LC mode on the OTN-XP card, use the lc-module command in IOS XR configuration mode.

lc-module location location lcmode mode

Syntax Description

location location

Specifies the location of the optics controller.

lcmode mode

Configures the line card mode.

The LC modes supported on the OTN-XP card are:

  • 10G-GREY-MXP

  • 40x10G-4x100G-MXP

  • 4x100G-MXP-400G-TXP

  • FC-MXP




Only 10G-GREY-MXP is supported in Release 7.2.1 even though all the above modes are software configurable.

Command Default


Command Modes

Cisco IOS XR Configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.2.1

This command was introduced.

Release 7.5.2

The LC modes FC-MXP and OTUCn-REGEN were introduced.


The following is a sample in which the OTN-XP card is configured in the 10G-GREY-MXP mode.

Thu Mar 26 21:40:51.495 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#lc-module location 0/1 lcmode 10G-GREY-MXP

The following is a sample in which the OTN-XP card is configured in the FC-MXP mode.

Fri Feb  4 16:06:59.967 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#lc-module location 0/1 lcmode FC-MXP

The following is a sample in which the OTN-XP card is configured in the OTUCn-REGEN mode.

Fri Feb  4 16:06:59.967 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#lc-module location 0/1 lcmode OTUCn-REGEN

license smart register

To register the device instance with Cisco licensing cloud, use the license smart register idtoken token-id force command.

license smart register idtoken token-id [ force ]

Syntax Description


Specifies the token generated in smart manager.


If the registration fails due to communication failure between the device and the portal or satellite, the system waits for 24 hours before attempting to register the device again. Use this option to force the registration.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to register the device instance with Cisco licensing cloud.

The following example registers and sets the token ID required for registration of NCS 1004.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#license smart register token-id  

license smart renew

To manually renew the ID certification or authorization, use the license smart renew command.

license smart renew id{ ID|auth}

Syntax Description


ID certificates are renewed automatically after six months. In case, the renewal fails, the product instance goes into unidentified state. You can manually renew the ID certificate using this option.


Authorization periods are renewed by the Smart Licensing system every 30 days. As long as the license is in an 'Authorized' or 'Out-of-compliance' (OOC), the authorization period is renewed. Use this command to make an on-demand manual update of your registration. Thus, instead of waiting 30 days for the next registration renewal cycle, you can use this option to instantly find out the status of your license.

After 90 days, the authorization period expires and the status of the associated licenses display "AUTH EXPIRED". Use this option to retry the authorization period renewal. If the retry is successful, a new authorization period begins.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


The following example manually renews the ID certificate for NCS 1004.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#license smart renew id  

The following example manually renews the authorization for NCS 1004.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#license smart renew auth

license smart deregister

To cancel the registration of your device, use the license smart deregister command.

license smart deregister

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When your device is taken off the inventory, shipped elsewhere for redeployment or returned to Cisco for replacement using the return merchandise authorization (RMA) process, you can use this command to cancel the registration on your device. All smart licensing entitlements and certificates on the platform are removed.

The following example deregisters NCS 1004.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#license smart deregister


To configure the lifetime of IKEv2 security association (SA), use the lifetime command in IKEv2 profile configuration mode.

lifetime seconds

Syntax Description


Specifies the lifetime in seconds. The range is from 120 to 86400 seconds.

Command Default


Command Modes

IKEv2 profile configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an IKEv2 profile is configured.

Thu Mar  7 20:00:36.490 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 profile profile1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-profile1)#match identity remote address
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-profile1)#keyring kyr1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-profile1)#lifetime 120
Thu Mar  7 20:15:03.401 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show ikev2 profile profile1
Thu Mar  7 20:15:25.776 UTC

Profile Name                          : profile1
Keyring                               : kyr1
Lifetime(Sec)                         : 120
DPD Interval(Sec)                     : 10
DPD Retry Interval(Sec)               : 2
Match ANY                             : NO
Total Match remote peers              : 1
   Addr/Prefix                        :

link-id ipv4 unicast

To specify the local optical interface address for an LMP link for a GMPLS UNI controller, use the link-id ipv4 unicast command in GMPLS-UNI controller configuration mode.

link-id ipv4 unicast address

Syntax Description


Specifies the optical unicast IPv4 address.

Command Default


Command Modes

LMP GMPLS-UNI controller configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following example shows how to specify the local optical interface address for an LMP link.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp)#gmpls optical-uni
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni)#controller Optics0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni-ctrl)#link-id ipv4 unicast


To enable functionality for GMPLS UNI LMP and enter LMP configuration commands, use the lmp command in global configuration mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following example shows how to enable LMP functionality and enter the sub-mode for LMP configuration commands.


match address local

To specify the IP address of the local node, use the match address local command in the IKEv2 policy configuration mode.

match address local ipv4-address

Syntax Description


IP address of the local node.

Command Default


Command Modes

IKEv2 policy configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an IKEv2 policy is configured.

Thu Mar  7 19:26:45.752 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 policy mypolicy
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-policy-mypolicy)#proposal proposal1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-policy-mypolicy)#match address local
Thu Mar  7 19:29:25.043 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show ikev2 policy mypolicy
Thu Mar  7 19:30:30.343 UTC

Policy Name                           : mypolicy

Total number of match local addr      : 1
   Match address local                :

Total number of proposal attached     : 1
   Proposal Name                      : proposal1

match identity remote address

To specify the IP address of the remote node, use the match identity remote address command in IKEv2 profile configuration mode.

match identity remote address { ipv4-address [ subnet-mask]}

Syntax Description


IP address of the remote node.


Subnet mask address.

Command Default


Command Modes

IKEv2 profile configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an IKEv2 profile is configured.

Thu Mar  7 20:00:36.490 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 profile profile1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-profile1)#match identity remote address

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-profile1)#keyring kyr1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-profile1)#lifetime 120
Thu Mar  7 20:15:03.401 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show ikev2 profile profile1
Thu Mar  7 20:15:25.776 UTC

Profile Name                          : profile1
Keyring                               : kyr1
Lifetime(Sec)                         : 120
DPD Interval(Sec)                     : 10
DPD Retry Interval(Sec)               : 2
Match ANY                             : NO
Total Match remote peers              : 1
   Addr/Prefix                        :

neighbor interface-id unnumbered

To specify the neighbor's optical interface ID of an LMP link for a GMPLS UNI controller, use the neighbor interface-id unnumbered command in GMPLS-UNI controller configuration mode.

neighbor interface-id unnumbered interface-id

Syntax Description


Specifies the optical interface ID of the neighbor.

Command Default


Command Modes

LMP GMPLS-UNI controller configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following example shows how to specify the optical interface ID of an LMP neighbor.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp)#gmpls optical-uni
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni)#controller Optics0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni-ctrl)#neighbor interface-id unnumbered 2130706976

neighbor link-id ipv4 unicast

To specify the neighbor's optical address of an LMP link for a GMPLS UNI controller, use the neighbor link-id ipv4 unicast command in GMPLS-UNI controller configuration mode.

neighbor link-id ipv4 unicast address

Syntax Description


Specifies the IPv4 address of the neighbor.

Command Default


Command Modes

LMP GMPLS-UNI controller configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following example shows how to specify the optical IPv4 address ( of an LMP neighbor for controller 0/0/0/0:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp)#gmpls optical-uni
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni)#controller Optics0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni-ctrl)#neighbor link-id ipv4 unicast


To specify an LMP neighbor for GMPLS and enter commands to configure the neighbor, use the neighbor command in the LMP GMPLS-UNI configuration mode.

neighbor name

Syntax Description


Specifies the name of the LMP neighbor.

Command Default


Command Modes

LMP GMPLS-UNI configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Under the LMP GMPLS UNI submode, this command creates a submode in which other properties of the neighbor can be specified.


The following example shows how to specify the neighbor UN01 for the GMPLS-UNI controller 0/0/0/0.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp)#gmpls optical-uni
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni)#neighbor UN01
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni)#controller Optics0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni-cntl)#neighbor UN01

nvgen default-sanitize

To enable sanitizing passwords in the output for show running configurations command, use the nvgen default-sanitize command.

nvgen default-sanitize { password }

Syntax Description


Removes the passwords in the running configuration and replaces it with the <removed> phrase.

Command Default

The output for the show running configurations command includes sensitive information such as passwords.

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XR Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to sanitize show running configurations:

RP/0/0/CPU0:ios(config)#nvgen-default-sanitize passwords

otnsec policy

To configure an OTNSec policy, use the otnsec policy command in the configuration mode.

otnsec policy policy-name

Syntax Description


Policy name

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an OTNSec policy is configured.

Mon Mar 11 15:16:58.417 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#cipher-suite AES-GCM-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#security-policy must-secure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#sak-rekey-interval 120

The following is a sample of an OTNSec policy.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show run otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
Tue Mar 12 11:14:03.591 UTC
otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
 cipher-suite AES-GCM-256
 security-policy must-secure
 sak-rekey-interval 120

password6 aes encryption

To enable a type 6 encrypted preshared key, use the password encryption aes command in global configuration mode.

password6 aes encryption

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Config mode

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XR Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can securely store plain text passwords in type 6 format in NVRAM using a CLI. Type 6 passwords are encrypted. Although the encrypted passwords can be seen or retrieved, it is difficult to decrypt them to find out the actual password. Use the key config-key password-encrypt command along with the password encryption aes command to configure and enable the password.


he following example shows how a type 6 encrypted preshared key is enabled:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#password6 encryption aes


To specify a path option for a GMPLS UNI tunnel, use the path-option command in GMPLS UNI controller tunnel-properties configuration sub-mode.

path-option 10 { no-ero | explicit { name path-name | index index } } [ xro-attribute-set name ] [lockdown] [verbatim]

Syntax Description


Specifies the path option index. 10 is the only supported index


Specifies that LSP paths are IP explicit paths.

name path-name

Specifies the path name of the IP explicit path.


Specifies that no ERO object is included in signalling.


(Optional) Specifies the xro attribute set for the path option.


Specifies the name of the xro-attribute-set.


(Optional) Indicates that the tunnel does not reoptimize without user intervention.


(Optional) Bypasses the topology check for explicit paths.

Command Default


Command Modes

GMPLS UNI controller tunnel-properties configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following example shows how to specify the tunnel path option for controller 0/0/0/0, attribute set A01..

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#mpls traffic-eng
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-mpls-te)#gmpls optical-uni
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-te-gmpls)#controller Optics0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-te-gmpls-tun)#path-option 10 no-ero xro-attribute-set A01 lockdown


To specify the peer node during keyring configuration, use the peer command in keyring configuration mode.

peer peer-name

Syntax Description


Peer node name.

Command Default


Command Modes

Keyring configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which a keyring is configured.

Thu Mar  7 19:33:14.594 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#keyring kyr1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-keyring-kyr1)#peer peer1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-keyring-kyr1-peer-peer1)#pre-shared-key key1|clear
Thu Mar  7 19:54:33.314 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show keyring kyr1
Thu Mar  7 19:58:07.135 UTC

Keyring Name                          : kyr1
Total Peers                           : 1
   Peer Name                          : peer1
   IP Address                         :
   Subnet Mask                        :
   Local PSK                          : Configured
   Remote PSK                         : Configured

pki trustpoint

To specify the trustpoints for use with the RSA signature authentication method, use the pki trustpoint command in IKEv2 profile configuration mode

pki trustpoint trustpoint-label

Syntax Description

trustpoint-label Specifies the name of the trustpoint.

Command Default


Command Modes

IKEv2 profile configuration

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to specify the authentication mode in the IKEv2 profile.

Thu May 7 16:22:33.804 IST
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 profile IP1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-IP1)#match identity remote address
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-IP1)#pki trustpoint myca
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-IP1)#lifetime 120
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-IP1)#authentication local rsa-signature
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-profile-IP1)#authentication remote rsa-signature


To configure the performance monitoring parameters of the optics, Ethernet, and coherent DSP controllers, use the pm command in the controller configuration mode.

pm [ 15-min | 30-sec | 24-hour] [ optics | ether | pcs | fec | otn] [ report | threshold] value

Syntax Description

15-min | 30-sec | 24-hour

Configures performance monitoring parameters for 15 minute or 30 second or 24 hour intervals.

optics | ether | pcs | fec | otn

Specifies whether to configure performance monitoring parameters for the optics, Ethernet, or coherent DSP controllers.


Configures optics TCA reporting status.


Configures threshold on optics parameters.


Value of the reporting or threshold parameters.

Command Default


Command Modes

Controller configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The following table describes the optics PM parameters.




Chromatic dispersion TCA reporting status or threshold


Differential group delay TCA reporting status or threshold


lbc TCA reporting status or threshold


lbc percentage TCA reporting status or threshold


low signal frequency offset TCA reporting status or threshold


opr/opr-dbm TCA reporting status or threshold


opt/opt-dbm TCA reporting status or threshold


Optical Signal to Noise Ratio TCA reporting status or threshold


Polarization Change Rate TCA reporting status or threshold


Polarization Dependent Loss TCA reporting status or threshold


Phase Noise TCA reporting status or threshold


rx signal power TCA reporting status or threshold


Second Order Polarization Mode Dispersion TCA reporting status or threshold

The following table describes the OTN PM parameters.




Error seconds in the near end


Error seconds ratio in the near end


Severely error seconds in the near end


Severely error seconds ratio in the near end


Unavailable seconds in the near end


Background block errors in the near end


Background block errors ratio in the near end


Failure counts in the near end


Error seconds in the far end


Error seconds ratio in the far end


Severely error seconds in the far end


Severely error seconds ratio in the far end


Unavailable seconds in the far end


Background block errors in the far end


Background block errors ratio in the far end


Failure counts in the far end

The following table describes the Ethernet PM parameters.




Bandwidth utilization of port at the ingress side in percentage.


Bandwidth utilization of port at egress side in percentage.


Number of received packets


Status of received packets


Total number of octets of data received in the network


Total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets and were otherwise well formed


Total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets), and had either a bad FCS with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)


Total number of packets received that were 64 octets in length


Total number of packets received that were between 65 and 127 octets in length


Total number of packets received that were between 128 and 255 octets in length


Total number of packets received that were between 256 and 511 octets in length


Total number of packets received that were between 512 and 1023 octets in length


Total number of packets received that were between 1024 and 1518 octets in length


Total number of multicast frames received error-free


Total number of broadcast frames received error-free


Total number of broadcast frames transmitted error-free


Total number of multicast frames transmitted error-free


Number of transmitted packets


Total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters


Status of multicast packets


Status of broadcast packets


Number of good packets received that are shorter than 64 bytes.


Number of bad packets received that are shorter than 64 bytes.

tx-undersized-pkt Total number of packets transmitted that are shorter than 64 bytes.
tx-oversized-pkt Total number of oversized packets transmitted.
tx-fragments Total number of fragmented packets transmitted.
tx-jabber Total number of Jabber packets transmitted.
tx-bad-fcs Total number of bad FCS packets transmitted.


A count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check.


Total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.


Number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.


Total number of good bytes or octets received.


Total number of good packets received.


A count of frames received on a particular interface that exceed the maximum permitted frame size.


Total number of good bytes or octets transmitted


Total number of good packets transmitted.


Total number of packets (including error packets) received that were between 1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).


Total number of packets (including error packets) received that were between 128 and 255 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).


Total number of packets (including error packets) received that were between 256 and 511 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).


Total number of packets (including error packets) received that were between 512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).


Total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).


Total number of packets (including error packets) received that were between 65 and 127 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).

The following table describes the FEC PM parameters.




Number of bit errors that are corrected by the system


Number of words that are not corrected by the system

The following table describes the PCS PM parameters.




Error seconds


Severly error seconds


Unavailable seconds


Error seconds in far end


Severly error seconds in far end


Unavailable seconds in far end


The following is a sample in which the performance monitoring parameters of optics controller is configured in 24 hour intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller optics 0/0/1/1 pm 24-hour optics threshold osnr max 345

The following is a sample in which the performance monitoring parameters of the ethernet controller is configured in 15 minute intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/3/0/2 pm 15-min pcs report bip enable

The following is a sample in which performance monitoring parameters of Coherent DSP controller is configured in 30 second intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller coherentDSP 0/0/1/1 pm 30-sec fec threshold post-fec-ber max OE-15


To specify the Pseudo-Random Function (PRF) algorithm type, use the prf command in IKEv2 proposal configuration mode.

prf prf-algorithm

Syntax Description


PRF algorithm type. The possible values are sha-1, sha-256, sha-384, and sha-512.

Command Default


Command Modes

IKEv2 proposal configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an IKEv2 proposal is configured.

Thu Mar  7 19:19:30.259 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#ikev2 proposal proposal1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#encryption aes-cbc-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#integrity sha-1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#prf sha-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ikev2-proposal-proposal1)#dh 20
Thu Mar  7 19:20:30.916 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show ikev2 proposal proposal1
Thu Mar  7 19:20:48.929 UTC

Proposal Name              : proposal1
Status                     : Complete
Total Number of Enc. Alg.  : 1
   Encr. Alg.              : CBC-AES-256
Total Number of Hash. Alg. : 1
   Hash. Alg.              : SHA 1

Total Number of PRF. Alg.  : 1
   PRF. Alg.               : SHA 256

Total Number of DH Group   : 1
   DH Group                : Group 20


To configure an ODUk controller as the protecting controller in the ODU group controller, use the protecting-controller command in the configuration mode. To delete an ODUk controller as the protecting controller in the ODU group controller, use the no form of this command.

protecting-controller [ ODUk R/S/I/P ]

no protecting-controller [ ODUk ]

Syntax Description


Name of the ODUk controller.


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the controller.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.8.1

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure an ODU1 controller as the protecting controller in the ODU group 1 controller:

RP/0/RP0:hostname(config)# controller Odu-Group-Mp2 signal Otn odu-type ODUC4
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config-odu-group-mp 1)# protecting-controller ODUC40/0/0/13

protection-attributes connection-mode

To configure connection mode of all the protecting controllers in the ODU Group controller, use the protection-attributes connection mode command in the configuration mode. To delete a connection mode of all the protecting controllers in the ODU Group controller, use the no form of this command.

protection-attributes connection mode [ snc-n ]

no protection-attributes connection mode [ snc-n ]

Syntax Description


Configures the SNC-N connection-mode which provides non-intrusive monitoring of the original characteristic information. When this mode is selected, protection is provided at the ODUk path (ODUkP) layer or ODUk TCM (ODUkT) sub-layers.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.8.1

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure the connection mode of an ODU group controller as inherent subnetwork connection:

RP/0/RP0:hostname(config)# controller Odu-Group-Mp2 signal Otn odu-type ODUC4
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config-odu-group-mp 1)# protection-attributes connection-mode snc-n

protection-attributes protection-mode

To configure protection mode of all the protecting controllers in the ODU Group controller, use the protection-attributes protection-mode command in the configuration mode. To delete a protection mode of all the protecting controllers in the ODU Group controller, use the no form of this command.

protection-attributes protection-mode [ revertive wait-to-restore-time ] timer

no protection-attributes protection-mode [ revertive wait-to-restore-time ] timer

Syntax Description


Configures the revertive protection mode. The revertive mode allows you to configure APS to switch to the working path after it becomes functional. This mode requires configuring the wait-to-restore option in seconds.

This switch occurs after the following conditions are met:

  • The condition that caused the traffic switch to the protection path is resolved.

  • The wait-to-restore time has expired.


Configures the wait-to-restore timer.


Specify the time in seconds after which the traffic is automatically switched back to the working controller.

Valid range: 300 to 720 seconds.

Default value: 300 seconds

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.8.1

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure the protection mode of an ODU group controller as revertive:
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config)# controller Odu-Group-Mp2 signal Otn odu-type ODUC4
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config-odu-group-mp1)# protection-attributes protection-mode revertive wait-to-restore-time 400

protection-attributes protection-type

To configure protection type of all the protecting controllers in the ODU Group controller, use the protection-attributes protection-type command in the configuration mode. To delete a protection type of all the protecting controllers in the ODU Group controller, use the no form of this command.

protection-attributes protection-type [ APSbidi ]

no protection-attributes protection-type [ APSbidi ]

Syntax Description


Configures the 1+1 bi-directional protection type. This protection type allows the working path to switch to the protection path for both receipt and transmission of traffic. This switch happens regardless of whether the signal fails in the receiving or transmitting direction.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.8.1

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure the protection type of an ODU group controller as 1+1 bidirectional automatic protection switching:
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config)# controller Odu-Group-Mp2 signal Otn odu-type ODUC4
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config-odu-group-mp 1)# protection-attributes protection-type APSbidi

protection-attributes timers

To configure hold-off timer for the ODU Group controller, use the protection-attributes timers command in the configuration mode. To delete a hold-off timer for the ODU Group controller, use the no form of this command.

protection-attributes timers [ hold-off-time ] timer

no protection-attributes timers protection-attributes timers { hold-off-time } timer

Syntax Description


(Optional) Configures the hold-off time. Once a signal failure is detected on the working path, APS waits until this timer expires before switching the traffic to the protecting path.


Specify the time in milliseconds. You can configure the timer only in multiples of hundred.

Valid range:100 to 10000 milliseconds

Default value: 0

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.8.1

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure the hold-off timer for the ODU group controller:

RP/0/RP0:hostname(config)# controller Odu-Group-Mp2 signal Otn odu-type ODUC4
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config-odu-group-mp 1)# protection-attributes timers hold-off-time 1000


To configure a controller as a locked out resource in an ODU Group controller, use the protection-switching command in the configuration mode. To delete a controller as a locked out resource in an ODU Group controller, use the no form of this command.


If the protection controller is active, configuring the protection switching to lockout automatically switches the traffic to the working controller.

protection-switching { operate lockout odu-dest } [ ODUk R/S/I/P ]

no protection-switching { operate lockout odu-dest } [ ODUk R/S/I/P ]

Syntax Description


Configures the protection switching.


Configures the working path as a locked out resource, forcing the use of working controller and preventing the traffic to be automatically switched to the protection controller.


Configures the controller in which the working path is to be locked out.


Specify the name of the controller.


Specify the Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the working path.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.8.1

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure a protecting controller as a locked out resource:

RP/0/RP0:hostname(config)# controller Odu-Group-Mp2 signal Otn odu-type ODUC4
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config-odu-group-mp 1)# protection-switching operate lockout odu-dest ODUC4 0/0/0/12
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config-odu-group-mp 1)# commit

query url

To specify Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) protocol support, use the query url command in trustpoint configuration mode. To remove the query URL from the configuration, use the no form of this command.

query url LDAP-URL

no query url LDAP-URL

Syntax Description


URL of the LDAP server (for example, ldap://another-server).

This URL must be in the form of ldap://server-name where server-name is the host Domain Name System (DNS) name or IP address of the LDAP server.

Command Default

The URL provided in NCS 1004 certificate’s CRLDistributionPoint extension is used.

Command Modes

Trustpoint configuration

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

LDAP is a query protocol used when NCS 1004 retrieves the Certificate Revocation List (CRL). The certification authority (CA) administrator should be able to tell you whether the CA supports LDAP; if the CA supports LDAP, the CA administrator can tell you the LDAP location where certificates and certificate revocation lists should be retrieved.

To change the query URL, repeat the query url command to overwrite the previous URL.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows the configuration required to declare a CA when the CA supports LDAP:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname# configure
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config)# crypto ca trustpoint myca
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config-trustp)# query url ldap://

router-id ipv4 unicast

To configure the LMP unicast or neighbor router ID for GMPLS, use the router-id command in the LMP GMPLS UNI configuration or LMP GMPLS UNI neighbor configuration mode.

router-id ipv4 unicast address

Syntax Description


Specifies the GMPLS UNI optical router-id (IPv4 address).

Command Default


Command Modes

LMP GMPLS UNI configuration

LMP GMPLS UNI neighbor configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following example shows how to specify a router ID (address for GMPLS UNI.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp)#gmpls optical-uni
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni)#router-id ipv4 unicast

The following example shows how to specify the neighbor router ID for GMPLS UNI.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp)#gmpls optical-uni
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni)#neighbor UN01
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-lmp-gmpls-uni-nbr-UN01)#router-id ipv4 unicast


To specify a named Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) key pair for this trustpoint, use the rsakeypair command in trustpoint configuration mode. To reset the RSA key pair to the default, use the no form of this command.

rsakeypair keypair-label

no rsakeypair keypair-label

Syntax Description


RSA key pair label that names the RSA key pairs.

Command Default

If the RSA key pair is not specified, the default RSA key is used for this trustpoint.

Command Modes

Trustpoint configuration

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the rsakeypair command to specify a named RSA key pair generated using the crypto key generate rsa command for this trustpoint.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to specify the named RSA key pair key1 for the trustpoint myca:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname# configure
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config)# crypto ca trustpoint myca
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config-trustp)# rsakeypair key1

sftp-password (trustpoint)

To secure the FTP password, use the sftp-password command in trustpoint configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

sftp-password {clear text | clear text | password encrypted string}

no sftp-password {clear text | clear text | password encrypted string}

Syntax Description

clear text

Clear text password and is encrypted only for display purposes.

password encrypted string

Enters the password in an encrypted form.

Command Default

The clear text argument is the default behavior.

Command Modes

Trustpoint configuration

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Passwords are stored in encrypted form and not as plain text. The command-line interface (CLI) contains the provisioning (for example, clear and encrypted) to specify the password input.

The username and password are required as part of the SFTP protocol. If you specify the URL that begins with the prefix (sftp://), you must configure the parameters for the sftp-password command under the trustpoint. Otherwise, the certificate from the SFTP server, which is used for manual certificate enrollment, cannot be retrieved.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to secure the FTP password in an encrypted form:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname# configure
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config)# crypto ca trustpoint msiox
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config-trustp)# sftp-password password xxxxxx

sftp-username (trustpoint)

To secure the FTP username, use the sftp-username command in trustpoint configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

sftp-username username

no sftp-username username

Syntax Description


Name of the user.

Command Default


Command Modes

Trustpoint configuration

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The sftp-username command is used only if the URL has (sftp://) in the prefix. If (sftp://) is not specified in the prefix, the manual certificate enrollment using SFTP fails.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to secure the FTP username:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname# configure
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config)# crypto ca trustpoint msiox
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname(config-trustp)# sftp-username tmordeko

show configuration commit changes

To display the changes made to the running configuration by previous configuration commits, a configuration commit, or for a range of configuration commits, use the show configuration commit changes command in EXEC, administration EXEC, administration configuration, or global configuration mode.

show configuration commit changes { commit-id | since commit-id | last number-of-commits | original last-modified | all } [diff]

Syntax Description


Displays all changes committed to the running configuration since (and including) a specific configuration commit.


Displays configuration changes for a specific configuration commit.

last number-of-commits

Displays the changes made to the running configuration during the last number of configuration commits specified for the number-of-commits argument.

original last-modified

Displays the original content of the actual commit operation before policy modifications by commit scripts.


Displays commit ID and configurations completed for last 100 commits.


(Optional) Displays added lines, changed lines, and deleted lines.

Command Default


Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Administration configuration

Global configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Each time a configuration is committed with the commit command, the configuration commit operation is assigned a commit ID. The show configuration commit changes command displays the configuration changes made since the specified commit.

To display a list of the available commit IDs, enter the show configuration commit list command. You can also display the commit IDs by entering the show configuration commit changes command with the online help function (? ).

You cannot view commit IDs from a different release if the syntax or semantics of the configuration changed in the current release.


Syntax of a configuration refers to its structure and format, while the semantics of a configuration refers to its backend interpretation.

The following example shows sample output from the show configuration commit changes command with the commit-id argument. In this example, the output displays the changes made in the configuration commit assigned commit ID 1000035693.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show configuration commit changes 1000035693
Tue Feb 28 14:28:03.404 UTC
!! Building configuration...
interface GCC20/1/0/12
 ipv4 address

The following example shows sample output from the show configuration commit changes command with the since commit-id keyword and argument. In this example, the output displays the configuration changes made since the configuration commit assigned commit ID 1000035693 was committed.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show configuration commit changes since 1000035693
Tue Feb 28 14:29:42.858 UTC
!! Building configuration...
controller ODUC40/1/0/12
 no gcc2
no interface preconfigure GCC20/1/0/12
no keyring keyring_all_in_one
no ikev2 profile profile_all_in_one

The following example shows sample output from the show configuration commit changes command with the diff keyword. In the display, the following symbols signify changes:

+ indicates an added line.

– indicates a deleted line.

# indicates a modified line.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show configuration commit changes since 1000035681 diff
Tue Feb 28 14:32:24.349 UTC
!! Building configuration...
-  logging console disable
#  line default
#   exec-timeout 0 0
#  !
-  controller ODUC40/1/0/12
-   gcc2
-  !
-  interface preconfigure GCC20/1/0/12
-   ipv4 address
-  !
-  keyring keyring_all_in_one
-   peer link_1
-    pre-shared-key password 11021C1C46
-    address
-   !
-  !

The following example shows sample output from the show configuration commit changes command with the all keyword. In this example, the output displays the list of configurations that are committed in last 100 commits along with their commit-ID.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show configuration commit changes all
Tue Feb 28 14:33:33.772 UTC

 Commit ID :  1000035611
!! Building configuration...
controller Optics0/3/0/12

 Commit ID :  1000035612
!! Building configuration...
controller Optics0/3/0/12
 no shutdown

 Commit ID :  1000035613
!! Building configuration...
controller Odu-Group-Mp1 signal Otn odu-type ODUC4
 no protection-switching operate lockout odu-dest ODUC40/3/0/12

show controllers [odu-group-mp]

To display details of an ODU group controller, use the show controller [odu-group-mp | odu-group-te] command in the exec mode.

show controllers [ odu-group-mp ] Group ID [ protection-detail ]

Syntax Description


Displays details of the ODU group controller pertaining to management plane.

Group ID

Name of the ODU group controller.


Displays the hardware information of the ODU group controller.

Command Modes

Exec mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.8.1

This command was introduced.

Example 1

This example shows how to display the details of an ODU group controller:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show  controllers odu-group-mp 2
ODU  Group Information
ODU GROUP ID                                    : 2
Controller State                                : Up


ODU NAME                                        :  ODUC4 0/0/0/12
ODU ROLE                                        :  WORKING
ODU STATE                                       : Active_tx
Local Failure                                   :  Yes
Remote Failure                                  :  Yes


ODU NAME                                        :  ODUC4 0/0/0/13
ODU ROLE                                        :  PROTECT
ODU STATE                                       : Active
Local Failure                                   :  No
Remote Failure                                  :  No

Connection Mode                                 : SNC_N
Protection Type                                 : 1+1 Bidirectional Protection
Tcmid                                           : 0
Protection Mode                                 : Revertive
Hold off timer                                  : 1000
Wait-to-restore timer                           : 400000 ms

Detected Alarms                                 :Switched To Protection

Example 2

This example shows how to display the harware details of an ODU group controller:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show  controllers odu-group-mp 2 protection-detail
Tue Sep 13 12:22:41.316 UTC

ODU  Group Information
                Request State                   : Signal Failed
                Request signal                  : 0
                Bridge signal                   : 1
                Bridge Status                   : 1+1
                Request State                   : Signal Failed
                Request signal                  : 0
                Bridge signal                   : 1
                Bridge Status                   : 1+1
                Controller Name                 : ODUC40_0_0_12
                ODU STATE                       : Active_tx
                Local Failure                   : Signal Failure
                Remote Failure                  : Signal Failure
                WTR Left                        : 0 ms

                Controller Name                 : ODUC40_0_0_13
                ODU STATE                       : Active
                Local Failure                   : State Ok
                Remote Failure                  : State Ok
                WTR Left                        : 0 ms

                Controller Name                 : ODUC40_0_0_0
                ODU STATE                       : Not Present

Wait to restore                                 : 400000 ms
Hold-off-timer                                  : 1000 ms
Current State                                   :  Signal failed on Working
Previous State                                  : No Request State

show crypto ca certificates

To display information about your certificate and the certification authority (CA) certificate, use the show crypto ca certificates command in EXEC mode.

show crypto ca certificates

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show crypto ca certificates command to display information about the following certificates:

  • Your certificate, if you have requested one from the CA (see the crypto ca enroll command).

  • CA certificate, if you have received the certificate (see the crypto ca authenticate command).

Task ID

Task ID




The following sample output is from the show crypto ca certificates command:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname# show crypto ca certificates
Trustpoint       : msiox
CAa certificate
  Serial Number  : 06:A5:1B:E6:4F:5D:F7:83:41:11:D5:F9:22:7F:95:23
    Name: CA2
    CN= CA2
  Issued By      :
  Validity Start : 07:51:51 UTC Wed Jul 06 2005
  Validity End   : 08:00:43 UTC Tue Jul 06 2010
  CRL Distribution Point
  Status         : Available
  Key usage      : Signature
  Serial Number  : 38:6B:C6:B8:00:04:00:00:01:45
    IP Address:
    Serial Number: 8cd96b64
  Issued By      :
  Validity Start : 08:30:03 UTC Mon Apr 10 2006
  Validity End   : 08:40:03 UTC Tue Apr 10 2007
  CRL Distribution Point
Associated Trustpoint: MS-IOX
  Status         : Available
  Key usage      : Encryption
  Serial Number  : 38:6D:2B:A7:00:04:00:00:01:46
    IP Address:
    Serial Number: 8cd96b64
  Issued By      :
  Validity Start : 08:31:34 UTC Mon Apr 10 2006
  Validity End   : 08:41:34 UTC Tue Apr 10 2007
  CRL Distribution Point
Associated Trustpoint: msiox

The following is a sample output with multi-tier CA. The command output displays the Trusted Certificate Chain field if there is one or more subordinate CAs involved in the hierarchy.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show crypto ca certificates test-ca
Mon Feb  6 09:03:53.019 UTC
Trustpoint       : test-ca
CA certificate 
  Serial Number  : 10:01
  Issued By      :
  Validity Start : 12:31:40 UTC Sun Jun 14 2020
  Validity End   : 12:31:40 UTC Wed Jun 12 2030
  CRL Distribution Point
  SHA1 Fingerprint:
Trusted Certificate Chain
  Serial Number  : 0F:A0:06:7A:C9:5E:A9:E7:61:A2:B9:2B:27:D1:D6:8F:3D:51:43:3B
  Issued By      :
  Validity Start : 13:12:32 UTC Sun Jun 07 2020
  Validity End   : 13:12:32 UTC Sat Jun 02 2040
  CRL Distribution Point
  SHA1 Fingerprint:
  Key usage      : General Purpose 
  Status         : Available 
  Serial Number  : 28:E5
  Issued By      :
  Validity Start : 08:49:54 UTC Mon Feb 06 2023
  Validity End   : 08:49:54 UTC Wed Mar 08 2023
  SHA1 Fingerprint:
Associated Trustpoint: test-ca 

show crypto key mypubkey ed25519

To display the Ed25519 crypto public keys of NCS 1004, use the show crypto key mypubkey ed25519 command in in EXEC mode.

show crypto key mypubkey ed25519

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID




This example shows the sample output of the show crypto key mypubkey ed25519 command:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios# show crypto key mypubkey  ed25519

Mon Nov 30 07:05:06.532 UTC
Key label: the_default
Type : ED25519
Size : 256
Created : 07:03:17 UTC Mon Nov 30 2020
Data :
FF0ED4E7 71531B3D 9ED72C48 3F79EC59 9EFECCC3 46A129B2 FAAA12DD EE9D0351

show crypto key mypubkey rsa

To display the Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) public keys for NCS 1004, use the show crypto key mypubkey rsa command in EXEC mode.

show crypto key mypubkey rsa

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


Task ID

Task ID




The following is sample output from the show crypto key mypubkey rsa command:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios:hostname# show crypto key mypubkey rsa

Key label: mykey
Type : RSA General purpose
Size : 1024
Created  : 07:46:15 UTC Fri Mar 17 2006
Data :
30819F30 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 05000381 8D003081 89028181 00CF8CDF
5BFCA055 DA4D164D F6EDB78B 926B1DDE 0383027F BA71BCC6 9D5592C4 5BA8670E
35CD19B7 1C973A46 62CC5F8C 82BD596C F292410F 8E83B753 4BA71BAC 41AB6B60
F34A2499 EDE11639 F88B4210 B2A0CF5F DD678C36 0D8B7DE1 A2AB5122 9ED947D5
76CF5BCD D9A2039F D02841B0 7F8BFF97 C080B791 10A9ED41 00FB6F40 95020301

Key label: the_default
Type : RSA General purpose 
Size : 512
Created  : 07:46:15 UTC Fri Mar 17 2006
Data :
305C300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 00034B00 30480241 00C7DE73 7B3EA447
CCE8F3DF DD1327D8 C1C30C45 2EEB4981 B1B48D2B 1AF14665 178058FB 8F6BB6BB
E08C6163 FA0EE356 395C8E5F 2AC59383 0706BDDF EC8E5822 9B020301 0001


To configure the key lifetime for the child security associations (SA), use the sak-rekey-interval command in OTNSec policy configuration mode.

sak-rekey-interval seconds

Syntax Description


SAK rekey timer in seconds. The range is from 30 to 1209600 seconds.

Command Default


Command Modes

OTNSec policy configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an OTNSec policy is configured.

Mon Mar 11 15:16:58.417 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#cipher-suite AES-GCM-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#security-policy must-secure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#sak-rekey-interval 120

The following is a sample of an OTNSec policy.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show run otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
Tue Mar 12 11:14:03.591 UTC
otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
 cipher-suite AES-GCM-256
 security-policy must-secure
 sak-rekey-interval 120


To specify the security for OTNSec policy, use the security-policy command in OTNSec policy configuration mode.

security-policy must-secure

Syntax Description


Mandatory security for OTNSec.

Command Default


Command Modes

OTNSec policy configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which an OTNSec policy is configured.

Mon Mar 11 15:16:58.417 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#cipher-suite AES-GCM-256
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#security-policy must-secure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec-policy)#sak-rekey-interval 120

The following is a sample of an OTNSec policy.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show run otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
Tue Mar 12 11:14:03.591 UTC
otnsec policy otnsec-policy1
 cipher-suite AES-GCM-256
 security-policy must-secure
 sak-rekey-interval 120


To configure the session ID for OTNSec on ODU4 controller, use the session-id command in OTNSec configuration mode.

session-id session-id

Syntax Description


Session ID. The range is from 1 to 65535.

Command Default


Command Modes

OTNSec configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which OTNSec is configured on ODU4 controllers.

Mon Mar 12 12:10:21.374 UTC
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller ODU4 0/1/0/0/1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#source ipv4
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#destination ipv4
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#session-id 9000
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#policy otnsec-policy1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-otnsec)#ikev2 profile profile1
Mon Mar 12 12:14:17.609 UTC

The following is a running configuration on an ODU4 controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show run controller ODU4 0/1/0/0/1
Tue Mar 12 12:20:49.153 UTC
controller ODU40/1/0/0/1
  policy otnsec-policy1
  source ipv4
  destination ipv4
  session-id 9000

show alarms

To display alarms in brief or detail, use the show alarms command in XR EXEC mode or Administration EXEC mode.

show alarms brief [card [ location location ] | rack | system ] [ active | history ] ]

show alarms detail [card [ location location ]| rack | system ] [ active | clients | history | stats ] ]

Syntax Description


Displays alarms in brief.


Displays card scope alarms related data.


Displays rack scope alarms related data.


Displays system scope alarms related data.

location location

Specifies the target location in the rack/slot notation.


Displays active alarms.


Displays alarm history.


Displays alarms in detail.


Displays clients associated with the service.


Displays service statistics.

Command Default


Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the alarms in brief or detail. The command displays only the administration alarms in admin EXEC mode and all the alarms in XR EXEC mode.


The following example shows the output of the show alarms command.

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# show alarms

Wed Mar  20 05:25:53.146 UTC+00:00

Active Alarms
Location          Severity      Group           Set time            Description
0/PM0             major         environ         03/19/19 21:37:29   Power Module Output Disabled
0                 major         environ         03/19/19 21:37:35   Power Module redundancy lost.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show alarms brief card location 0/RP0/CPU0 active

Wed Mar 20 05:26:52.116 UTC

Active Alarms
Location        Severity     Group            Set Time                   Description

0/PM0           Major        FPD_Infra        03/19/2019 21:39:04 UTC    One Or More FPDs Need Upgrade
                                                                         Or Not In Current State       

show controllers

To display status and configuration information about the interfaces on a specific node, use the show controllers command in XR EXEC mode.

show controllers controllertype R/S/I/P [ pm { current | history } { 30 sec | 15-min | 24-hour } { optics | ether | pcs | prbs | stm | ocn } linenumber { otn | fec } ] [ fastpoll ]

To view the the bits-per-symbol or baud rate of the optics controller for a specific range use the following command:

show controllers optics R/S/I/P { bps-range bps-range | baud-rate-range baud-range } | include data-rate | include fec-type

Syntax Description


Type of the controller. The possible values are HundredGigECtrlr, CoherentDSP, ODU4, ODUC4, oc192, stm64, and Optics.


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the controller.


Displays performance monitoring parameters for the controller.


Displays the current performance monitoring data in 30 second, 15 minute, and 24-hour intervals.


Displays the historical performance monitoring data in 30 second, 15 minute, and 24-hour intervals.

optics | ether | pcs | prbs | stm | ocn

optics to display the PM data for Optics controller, ether, pcs, and prbs to display the PM data for Ethernet controller. stm and ocn for STM64 and OC192 controllers.


Line number to display performance monitoring data. The range is 1–4.

otn | fec

Displays OTN PM data or FEC PM data for CoherentDSP controller.

bps-range bps-range

Displays the BPS for the specified range.

baud-rate-range baud-range

Displays the baud rates for the specified range.

| include

Filters the show command output so that it displays only lines that contain a particular regular expression.


Data rate for which the BPS or baud rate is displayed.


FEC type for which the BPS or baud rate is displayed.


The fastpoll data is displayed.

Usage Guidelines

The following table describes the PRBS parameters.




Cumulative count of PRBS bit errors in the sampling window (15 min or 24 hour). Bit errors are accumulated only if PRBS signal is locked.


Number of state transitions from signal unlocked state to locked state in the sampling window. If no state change is observed in the interval, the count will be zero.


Number of state transitions from signal locked state to signal unlocked state in the sampling window. If there is no state change observed in the interval, the count is zero.


Latest timestamp when the PRBS state switches from unlocked state to locked state in the sampling window. If no state change is observed in the sampling window, this value is null.


Latest timestamp when the PRBS state switches from locked state to unlocked state in the sampling window. If no state change is observed in the sampling window, this value is null.


Configured PRBS pattern on the port.

  • Total TX Power and Total RX Power: For multi-lane controller optics, total power is calculated by converting each lane power value from dBm to mW, and adding each lane power. Total power in mW must then be converted to dBm.

    Total power in mW = [(Lane 1 power in mW) + (Lane 2 power in mW) + (Lane 3 power in mW) + (Lane 4 power in mW)]

    Total power in dBm = Converted value of total power in mW to dBm

Command Default

The status and configuration information of all the interfaces is displayed.

Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


pcs keyword was added.


The keyword fastpoll was added.


The ODUC4 controllertype argument was added.


oc192 and stm64, controllertype arguments were added.


The following is a sample to view the laser squelch status on the Ethernet controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10
Fri Feb 22 15:18:47.011 UTC
Operational data for interface HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/10:

    Administrative state: enabled
    Operational state: Up
    LED state: Green On
    Maintenance: Disabled
    AINS Soak: None
      Total Duration: 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s)
      Remaining Duration: 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s)
    Laser Squelch: Enabled

    Media type: Not known
            Corrected Codeword Count: 0
            Uncorrected Codeword Count: 0

Autonegotiation disabled.

Operational values:
    Speed: 100Gbps
    Duplex: Full Duplex
    Flowcontrol: None
    Loopback: None (or external)
    BER monitoring:
        Not supported
    Forward error correction: Standard (Reed-Solomon)
    Holdoff Time: 0ms

The following is a sample to view the hold off timer configured on the ethernet controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10

Fri Feb 22 18:58:06.888 UTC
Operational data for interface HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/10:

    Administrative state: enabled
    Operational state: Up
    LED state: Green On
    Maintenance: Disabled
    AINS Soak: None
      Total Duration: 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s)
      Remaining Duration: 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s)
    Laser Squelch: Enabled

    Media type: Not known
            Corrected Codeword Count: 0
            Uncorrected Codeword Count: 0

Autonegotiation disabled.

Operational values:
    Speed: 100Gbps
    Duplex: Full Duplex
    Flowcontrol: None
    Loopback: None (or external)
    BER monitoring:
        Not supported
    Forward error correction: Standard (Reed-Solomon)
    Holdoff Time: 3000ms

The following is a sample to view the loopback configured on the ethernet controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controller HundredGigECtrlr 0/1/0/10

Fri Feb 22 20:01:00.521 UTC
Operational data for interface HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/10:

    Administrative state: enabled
    Operational state: Up
    LED state: Green On
    Maintenance: Enabled
    AINS Soak: Pending
      Total Duration: 0 hour(s) 30 minute(s)
      Remaining Duration: 0 hour(s) 30 minute(s) 0 second(s)
    Laser Squelch: Enabled

    Media type: Not known
            Corrected Codeword Count: 0
            Uncorrected Codeword Count: 6

Autonegotiation disabled.

Operational values:
    Speed: 100Gbps
    Duplex: Full Duplex
    Flowcontrol: None
    Loopback: Line
    BER monitoring:
        Not supported
    Forward error correction: Standard (Reed-Solomon)
    Holdoff Time: 0ms

The following example displays the optics controller statistics with AINS Soak in running state.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controller optics 0/1/0/3

Thu Feb 21 19:45:41.088 UTC

 Controller State: Up

 Transport Admin State: Automatic In Service

 Laser State: On

 LED State: Green

 Optics Status

         Optics Type:  Grey optics

         Alarm Status:
         Detected Alarms: None

         LOS/LOL/Fault Status:

         Alarm Statistics:

         HIGH-RX-PWR = 0            LOW-RX-PWR = 0
         HIGH-TX-PWR = 0            LOW-TX-PWR = 0
         HIGH-LBC = 0               HIGH-DGD = 0
         OOR-CD = 0                 OSNR = 0
         WVL-OOL = 0                MEA  = 0
         IMPROPER-REM = 0

         Performance Monitoring: Enable


         Parameter                 High Alarm  Low Alarm  High Warning  Low Warning
         ------------------------  ----------  ---------  ------------  -----------
         Rx Power Threshold(dBm)          4.9      -12.0           0.0          0.0
         Tx Power Threshold(dBm)          3.5      -10.1           0.0          0.0
         LBC Threshold(mA)                N/A        N/A          0.00         0.00

         LBC High Threshold = 98 %
         Polarization parameters not supported by optics

        Total TX Power = 6.39 dBm

        Total RX Power = 5.85 dBm

         Lane  Laser Bias    TX Power    RX Power  Output Frequency
         ----  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------------
           1      75.0 %    0.59 dBm    0.63 dBm  230.43 THz
           2      68.6 %    0.06 dBm   -0.68 dBm  230.43 THz
           3      69.0 %    0.26 dBm   -0.63 dBm  230.43 THz
           4      69.1 %    0.56 dBm   -0.10 dBm  230.43 THz

 Transceiver Vendor Details

         Form Factor            : QSFP28
         Name                   : CISCO-FINISAR
         Part Number            : FTLC1152RGPL-C2
         Rev Number             : CISCO-FINISAR
         Serial Number          : FNS22150LEC
         PID                    : QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S
         VID                    : V02
         Date Code(yy/mm/dd)    : 18/04/11
         Fiber Connector Type: LC
         Sonet Application Code: Not Set
         Ethernet Compliance Code: 100GBASE-CWDM4

 Transceiver Temperature : 32 Celsius

 AINS Soak                : Running
 AINS Timer               : 0h, 15m
 AINS remaining time      : 771 seconds

The following is a sample to view the current performance monitoring parameters of the optics controller in 15-minute intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controller optics 0/1/0/3 pm current 15-min optics 3

Sat Feb  9 19:33:42.480 UTC

Optics in the current interval [19:30:00 - 19:33:42 Sat Feb 9 2019]

Optics current bucket type : Valid
             MIN       AVG       MAX      Operational      Configured      TCA   Operational      Configured     TCA
                                          Threshold(min)   Threshold(min) (min) Threshold(max)   Threshold(max) (max)
LBC[% ]      : 0.0       0.0       0.0      0.0               NA              NO   100.0            NA              NO

OPT[dBm]     : -40.00    -40.00    -40.00   -30.00            NA              NO   63.32            NA              NO

OPR[dBm]     : -40.00    -40.00    -40.00   -30.00            NA              NO   63.32            NA              NO

FREQ_OFF[Mhz]: 0         0         0        0                 NA              NO   0                NA              NO

The following is a sample to view the current performance monitoring parameters of the Coherent DSP controller in 15-minute intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controller coherentDSP 0/2/0/1 pm current 15-min fec

Sat Feb  9 11:23:42.196 UTC

g709 FEC in the current interval [11:15:00 - 11:23:42 Sat Feb 9 2019]

FEC current bucket type : Valid
    EC-BITS   : 291612035786            Threshold : 903330                 TCA(enable)  : YES
    UC-WORDS  : 0                       Threshold : 5                      TCA(enable)  : YES

                MIN       AVG        MAX    Threshold   TCA     Threshold   TCA
                                              (min)    (enable)   (max)    (enable)
PreFEC BER  : 7.1E-03   7.2E-03   8.1E-03     0E-15        NO     0E-15       NO
PostFEC BER :   0E-15     0E-15     0E-15     0E-15        NO     0E-15       NO

The following is a sample of an encryption configuration on an ODU4 controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers ODU4 0/1/0/0/1 otnsec

Tue Mar 12 17:34:50.660 UTC
Controller Name          : ODU4 0/1/0/0/1
Source ip                :
Destination ip           :
Session id               : 9000
IKEv2 profile            : Not Configured
Session State            : SECURED

Otnsec policy name       : otnsec-policy1
  cipher-suite           : AES-GCM-256
  security-policy        : Must Secure
  sak-rekey-interval     : 120
Time to rekey            : 0

Programming Status       :
  Inbound SA(Rx)         :
    AN[0]                :
        SPI              : None
  Outbound SA(Tx)        :
    AN[0]                :
        SPI              : None

The following is a sample to view the summary of all the ODU4 controllers.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controller ODU4 * otnsec summary

Tue Mar 12 15:18:26.299 IST
Controller Name     Source ip           Destination ip      Session id          Session State
ODU4 0/0/0/0/1                1                   SECURED
ODU4 0/0/0/0/2                2                   SECURED
ODU4 0/0/0/0/3                3                   SECURED
ODU4 0/0/0/0/4                4                   SECURED
ODU4 0/0/0/0/5                5                   SECURED
ODU4 0/0/0/1/1                6                   SECURED
ODU4 0/0/0/1/2                7                   SECURED
ODU4 0/0/0/1/3                8                   SECURED
ODU4 0/0/0/1/4                9                   SECURED
ODU4 0/0/0/1/5                10                  SECURED
ODU4 0/1/0/0/1                11                  SECURED
ODU4 0/1/0/0/2                12                  SECURED
ODU4 0/1/0/0/3                13                  SECURED
ODU4 0/1/0/0/4                14                  SECURED
ODU4 0/1/0/0/5                15                  SECURED
ODU4 0/1/0/1/1                16                  SECURED
ODU4 0/1/0/1/2                17                  SECURED
ODU4 0/1/0/1/3                18                  SECURED
ODU4 0/1/0/1/4                19                  SECURED
ODU4 0/1/0/1/5                20                  SECURED
ODU4 0/2/0/0/1                21                  SECURED
ODU4 0/2/0/0/2                22                  SECURED
ODU4 0/2/0/0/3                23                  SECURED
ODU4 0/2/0/0/4                24                  SECURED
ODU4 0/2/0/0/5                25                  SECURED
ODU4 0/2/0/1/1                26                  SECURED
ODU4 0/2/0/1/2                27                  SECURED
ODU4 0/2/0/1/3                28                  SECURED
ODU4 0/2/0/1/4                29                  SECURED
ODU4 0/2/0/1/5                30                  SECURED
ODU4 0/3/0/0/1                31                  SECURED
ODU4 0/3/0/0/2                32                  SECURED
ODU4 0/3/0/0/3                33                  SECURED
ODU4 0/3/0/0/4                34                  SECURED
ODU4 0/3/0/0/5                35                  SECURED
ODU4 0/3/0/1/1                36                  SECURED
ODU4 0/3/0/1/2                37                  SECURED
ODU4 0/3/0/1/3                38                  SECURED
ODU4 0/3/0/1/4                39                  SECURED
ODU4 0/3/0/1/5                40                  SECURED

The following is a sample to view the PM statistics for encryption.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers ODU4 0/1/0/0/1 pm current 30-sec otnsec

Tue Mar 12 15:19:33.371 IST

OTNSec in the current interval [15:19:30 - 15:19:33 Tue Mar 12 2019]
OTNSEC current bucket type : Valid
InBlocks               : 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
InBlocksEnc            : 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
InBlocksUnEncrypted    : 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
InBlocksProtected      : 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
InBlocksUnProtected    : 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
InBlocksSequenceErrors : 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
InBlocksReplayErrors   : 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
InBlocksAuthErrors     : 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
InBlocksZeroed         : 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
OutBlocks              : 3425548              Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
OutBlocksEnc           : 3425548              Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
OutBlocksUnEncrypted   : 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
OutBlocksSequenceErrors: 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
OutBlocksZeroed        : 0                    Threshold : 0                    TCA(enable) :  No
Last clearing of "show controllers ODU" counters never

The following is a sample to view the current performance monitoring parameters for the ethernet controller in 30-second intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers hundredGigECtrlr 0/0/0/2 pm current 30-sec pcs

Tue Nov 19 09:17:26.684 UTC

Ethernet PCS in the current interval [09:17:00 - 09:17:26 Tue Nov 19 2019]

Ethernet PCS current bucket type : Valid
BIP[00] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[01] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[02] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[03] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[04] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[05] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[06] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[07] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[08] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[09] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[10] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[11] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[12] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[13] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[14] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[15] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[16] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[17] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[18] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BIP[19] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[00] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[01] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[02] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[03] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[04] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[05] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[06] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[07] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[08] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[09] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[10] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[11] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[12] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[13] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[14] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[15] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[16] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[17] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[18] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
FRM-ERR[19] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[00] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[01] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[02] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[03] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[04] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[05] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[06] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[07] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[08] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[09] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[10] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[11] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[12] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[13] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[14] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[15] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[16] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[17] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[18] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
BAD-SH[19] : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
ES : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
SES : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
UAS : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
ES-FE : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
SES-FE : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO
UAS-FE : 0 Threshold : 0 TCA(enable) : NO

Last clearing of "show controllers ETHERNET " counters never

The following is a sample to view the historical performance monitoring parameters for Ethernet controller in 30-second intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers hundredGigECtrlr 0/0/0/2 pm history 30-sec pcs 1

Tue Nov 19 09:27:49.169 UTC

Ethernet PCS in the current interval [09:27:00 - 09:27:30 Tue Nov 19 2019]

Ethernet PCS current bucket type : Valid
BIP[00] : 0
BIP[01] : 0
BIP[02] : 0
BIP[03] : 0
BIP[04] : 0
BIP[05] : 0
BIP[06] : 0
BIP[07] : 0
BIP[08] : 0
BIP[09] : 0
BIP[10] : 0
BIP[11] : 0
BIP[12] : 0
BIP[13] : 0
BIP[14] : 0
BIP[15] : 0
BIP[16] : 0
BIP[17] : 0
BIP[18] : 0
BIP[19] : 0
FRM-ERR[00] : 0
FRM-ERR[01] : 0
FRM-ERR[02] : 0
FRM-ERR[03] : 0
FRM-ERR[04] : 0
FRM-ERR[05] : 0
FRM-ERR[06] : 0
FRM-ERR[07] : 0
FRM-ERR[08] : 0
FRM-ERR[09] : 0
FRM-ERR[10] : 0
FRM-ERR[11] : 0
FRM-ERR[12] : 0
FRM-ERR[13] : 0
FRM-ERR[14] : 0
FRM-ERR[15] : 0
FRM-ERR[16] : 0
FRM-ERR[17] : 0
FRM-ERR[18] : 0
FRM-ERR[19] : 0
BAD-SH[00] : 0
BAD-SH[01] : 0
BAD-SH[02] : 0
BAD-SH[03] : 0
BAD-SH[04] : 0
BAD-SH[05] : 0
BAD-SH[06] : 0
BAD-SH[07] : 0
BAD-SH[08] : 0
BAD-SH[09] : 0
BAD-SH[10] : 0
BAD-SH[11] : 0
BAD-SH[12] : 0
BAD-SH[13] : 0
BAD-SH[14] : 0
BAD-SH[15] : 0
BAD-SH[16] : 0
BAD-SH[17] : 0
BAD-SH[18] : 0
BAD-SH[19] : 0
ES : 0
SES : 0
UAS : 0
ES-FE : 0
SES-FE : 0
UAS-FE : 0

Last clearing of "show controllers ETHERNET " counters never

The following is a sample to view the Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) performance monitoring parameters on the coherentDSP controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers coherentDSP 0/0/0/1 pm current 15-min prbs
Mon Feb 13 00:58:48.327 UTC
PRBS in the current interval [00:45:00 - 00:58:48 Mon Feb 13 2019]
PRBS current bucket type : Valid
EBC : 40437528165
FOUND-COUNT : 1 FOUND-AT-TS : 00:51:22 Mon Feb 13 2019
LOST-COUNT : 1 LOST-AT-TS : 00:52:52 Mon Feb 13 2019
Last clearing of "show controllers OTU" counters never

The following is a sample to view the fastpoll data using the show controller optics fastpoll command:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:G_BLR#sh controllers optics 0/0/0/0 fastpoll
Thu Mar  4 07:36:06.479 UTC

Index   Timestamp           Interval   SOP Param1             SOP Param2             SOP Param3
                            (in msec)
323997   1614843319774376    71        0.75634020566940308    0.65416425466537476    0.00256355479359627
323997   1614843319842376    68        0.73894464969635010    0.67360454797744751    -0.01290932949632406
323997   1614843319911376    69        0.74565875530242920    0.66615802049636841    0.01333658862859011
323997   1614843319979376    68        0.75981932878494263    0.64986115694046021    -0.01788384653627872
323997   1614843320034376    55        0.75841546058654785    0.65172278881072998    -0.00027466658502817
323997   1614843320091376    57        0.75084686279296875    0.66032898426055908    -0.01101718191057444
323997   1614843320146376    55        0.74700152873992920    0.66475415229797363    -0.00756859034299850
323997   1614843320201376    55        0.74233222007751465    0.66988128423690796     0.01202429272234440
323997   1614843320259376    58        0.75130468606948853    0.65990173816680908     0.00363170262426138
323997   1614843320316376    57        0.75209814310073853    0.65892511606216431     -0.01126132998615503
323997   1614843320372376    56        0.74962615966796875    0.66182440519332886     0.00259407330304384
323997   1614843320427376    55        0.75087738037109375    0.66035950183868408     -0.00869777519255877
323997   1614843320483376    56        0.75930052995681763    0.65068513154983521     -0.00244148075580597

The following is a sample to view the 8QAM modulation on the 200G muxponder mode for the OTN-XP card.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers optics 0/1/0/12 
Wed Jun  2 17:17:29.652 UTC
 Controller State: Up 
 Transport Admin State: In Service 
 Laser State: On 
 LED State: Green 
 Optics Status 

         Optics Type:  <Unknown> DWDM
         DWDM carrier Info: C BAND, MSA ITU Channel=61, Frequency=193.10THz,

         Alarm Status:
         Detected Alarms: None

         LOS/LOL/Fault Status:

         Alarm Statistics:
         HIGH-RX-PWR = 0            LOW-RX-PWR = 1          
         HIGH-TX-PWR = 0            LOW-TX-PWR = 1          
         HIGH-LBC = 0               HIGH-DGD = 0          
         OOR-CD = 0                 OSNR = 1          
         WVL-OOL = 0                MEA  = 0          
         IMPROPER-REM = 0          
         TX-POWER-PROV-MISMATCH = 0          
         Laser Bias Current = 0.0 %
         Actual TX Power = 0.97 dBm 
         RX Power = 1.47 dBm 
         RX Signal Power = 17.67 dBm 
         Frequency Offset = 82 MHz 

         Performance Monitoring: Enable 


         Parameter                 High Alarm  Low Alarm  High Warning  Low Warning
         ------------------------  ----------  ---------  ------------  -----------
         Rx Power Threshold(dBm)          3.0      -31.5           0.0          0.0
         Tx Power Threshold(dBm)          3.0      -12.0           0.0          0.0
         LBC Threshold(mA)                N/A        N/A          0.00         0.00

         LBC High Threshold = 90 % 
         Configured Tx Power = 1.00 dBm 
         Configured CD High Threshold = 96000 ps/nm 
         Configured CD lower Threshold = -96000 ps/nm 
         Configured OSNR lower Threshold = 13.70 dB 
         Configured DGD Higher Threshold = 67.00 ps 
         Baud Rate =  42.2082633972 GBd
         Bits per Symbol = 3.0000000000  bits/symbol 
         Modulation Type: 8QAM 
         Chromatic Dispersion 2 ps/nm 
         Configured CD-MIN -48000 ps/nm  CD-MAX 48000 ps/nm 
         Polarization Mode Dispersion = 0.0 ps 
         Second Order Polarization Mode Dispersion = 72.00 ps^2 
         Optical Signal to Noise Ratio = 34.10 dB 
         SNR = 18.40 dB 
         Polarization Dependent Loss = 1.20 dB 
         Polarization Change Rate = 0.00 rad/s 
         Differential Group Delay = 2.00 ps 

 Transceiver Vendor Details
         Form Factor            : Not set
         Fiber Connector Type: Not Set 
         Otn Application Code: Not Set 
         Sonet Application Code: Not Set 
         Ethernet Compliance Code: Not set 

 Transceiver Temperature : 46 Celsius

 AINS Soak                : None 
 AINS Timer               : 0h, 0m
 AINS remaining time      : 0 seconds

The following sample verifies the alarm correlation on the inverse muxponder configuration on the OTN-XP card. When trunk port 12 is shut down, LOS alarm is raised and the trunk port 13 also goes down.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers coherentDSP 0/2/0/12 
Thu Sep 30 14:12:54.604 UTC

Port                                            : CoherentDSP 0/2/0/12
Controller State                                : Down
Inherited Secondary State                       : Normal
Configured Secondary State                      : Normal
Derived State                                   : In Service
Loopback mode                                   : None
BER Thresholds                                  : SF = 1.0E-5  SD = 1.0E-7
Performance Monitoring                          : Enable
Bandwidth                                       : 200.0Gb/s

Alarm Information:
LOS = 2 LOF = 0 LOM = 0
OOF = 1 OOM = 0 AIS = 1
IAE = 0 BIAE = 0        SF_BER = 0
SD_BER = 0      BDI = 0 TIM = 0
FLEXO-LOF = 0   
Detected Alarms                                 : LOS 

Bit Error Rate Information
PREFEC  BER                                     : 0.00E+00 
POSTFEC BER                                     : 0.00E+00 
Q-Factor                                        : 0.00 dB 

Q-Margin                                        : 0.00dB 

        Remote IP addr                          :

FEC mode                                        : O_FEC

Flexo-Mode                                      : Enable
Flexo Details:
        Tx GID                                  : 1
        TX IID                                  : 1, 2, 
        Rx GID                                  : 0
        RX IID                                  : 0, 0, 

Flexo Peers Information:
        Controller                              : CoherentDSP0_2_0_13 
        OTUCn rate                              : OTUC2

AINS Soak                                       : None
AINS Timer                                      : 0h, 0m
AINS remaining time                             : 0 seconds

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers coherentDSP 0/2/0/13 
Thu Sep 30 14:12:59.330 UTC

Port                                            : CoherentDSP 0/2/0/13
Controller State                                : Down
Inherited Secondary State                       : Normal
Configured Secondary State                      : Normal
Derived State                                   : In Service
Loopback mode                                   : None
BER Thresholds                                  : SF = 1.0E-5  SD = 1.0E-7
Performance Monitoring                          : Enable
Bandwidth                                       : 200.0Gb/s

Alarm Information:
LOS = 1 LOF = 0 LOM = 0
OOF = 0 OOM = 0 AIS = 0
IAE = 0 BIAE = 0        SF_BER = 0
SD_BER = 0      BDI = 0 TIM = 0
FLEXO-LOF = 0   
Detected Alarms                                 : None

Bit Error Rate Information
PREFEC  BER                                     : 0.00E+00 
POSTFEC BER                                     : 0.00E+00 
Q-Factor                                        : 15.80 dB 

Q-Margin                                        : 9.50dB 

        Remote IP addr                          :

FEC mode                                        : O_FEC

Flexo-Mode                                      : Enable
Flexo Details:
        Tx GID                                  : 1
        TX IID                                  : 3, 4, 
        Rx GID                                  : 1
        RX IID                                  : 3, 4, 

Flexo Peers Information:
        Controller                              : CoherentDSP0_2_0_12 
        OTUCn rate                              : OTUC2

AINS Soak                                       : None
AINS Timer                                      : 0h, 0m
AINS remaining time                             : 0 seconds

The following sample verifies the loopback on the inverse muxponder configuration on the OTN-XP card:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers coherentDSP 0/2/0/12 
Thu Sep 30 14:17:04.411 UTC

Port                                            : CoherentDSP 0/2/0/12
Controller State                                : Up
Inherited Secondary State                       : Normal
Configured Secondary State                      : Maintenance
Derived State                                   : Maintenance
Loopback mode                                   : Internal
BER Thresholds                                  : SF = 1.0E-5  SD = 1.0E-7
Performance Monitoring                          : Enable
Bandwidth                                       : 200.0Gb/s

Alarm Information:
LOS = 2 LOF = 0 LOM = 0
OOF = 1 OOM = 0 AIS = 1
IAE = 0 BIAE = 0        SF_BER = 0
SD_BER = 0      BDI = 0 TIM = 0
FLEXO-LOF = 0   
Detected Alarms                                 : None

Bit Error Rate Information
PREFEC  BER                                     : 2.46E-08 
POSTFEC BER                                     : 0.00E+00 
Q-Factor                                        : 14.60 dB 

Q-Margin                                        : 8.30dB 

        Remote hostname                         : ios
        Remote interface                        : CoherentDSP 0/2/0/12
        Remote IP addr                          :

FEC mode                                        : O_FEC

Flexo-Mode                                      : Enable
Flexo Details:
        Tx GID                                  : 1
        TX IID                                  : 1, 2, 
        Rx GID                                  : 1
        RX IID                                  : 1, 2, 

Flexo Peers Information:
        Controller                              : CoherentDSP0_2_0_13 
        OTUCn rate                              : OTUC2

AINS Soak                                       : None
AINS Timer                                      : 0h, 0m
AINS remaining time                             : 0 seconds

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#sh controllers coherentDSP 0/2/0/13 
Thu Sep 30 14:17:08.140 UTC

Port                                            : CoherentDSP 0/2/0/13
Controller State                                : Up
Inherited Secondary State                       : Normal
Configured Secondary State                      : Maintenance
Derived State                                   : Maintenance
Loopback mode                                   : Internal
BER Thresholds                                  : SF = 1.0E-5  SD = 1.0E-7
Performance Monitoring                          : Enable
Bandwidth                                       : 200.0Gb/s

Alarm Information:
LOS = 1 LOF = 0 LOM = 0
OOF = 0 OOM = 0 AIS = 0
IAE = 0 BIAE = 0        SF_BER = 0
SD_BER = 0      BDI = 0 TIM = 0
FLEXO-LOF = 0   
Detected Alarms                                 : None

Bit Error Rate Information
PREFEC  BER                                     : 0.00E+00 
POSTFEC BER                                     : 0.00E+00 
Q-Factor                                        : 15.70 dB 

Q-Margin                                        : 9.50dB 

        Remote IP addr                          :

FEC mode                                        : O_FEC

Flexo-Mode                                      : Enable
Flexo Details:
        Tx GID                                  : 1
        TX IID                                  : 3, 4, 
        Rx GID                                  : 1
        RX IID                                  : 3, 4, 

Flexo Peers Information:
        Controller                              : CoherentDSP0_2_0_12 
        OTUCn rate                              : OTUC2

AINS Soak                                       : None
AINS Timer                                      : 0h, 0m
AINS remaining time                             : 0 seconds

The following is a sample of an encryption configuration on an ODUC4 controller.

show controllers oduc4 0/0/0/12 otnsec

Wed Sep 28 23:17:15.395 UTC
Controller Name          : ODUC4 0/0/0/12
Source ip                :
Destination ip           : 10    .1.1.2
Session id               : 99
IKEv2 profile            : profile_all_in_one
Session State            : SECURED

Otnsec policy name       : otnsecpolicy1
  cipher-suite           : AES-GCM-256
  security-policy        : Must Secure
  sak-rekey-interval     : 120
Time to rekey            : 103
Time to Expire           : 1284201

Programming Status       :
  Inbound SA(Rx)         :
    AN[1]                :
        SPI              : 0x6301
  Outbound SA(Tx)        :
    AN[0]                :
        SPI              : None
    AN[1]                :
        SPI              : 0x6301

show access-lists ipv4

To display the contents of current IPv4 access lists, use the show access-lists ipv4 command in EXEC mode.

show access-lists ipv4 [ interface MgmtEth R/S/I/P | maximum [ detail] | summary [ access-list-name ] | usage pfilter location { location node-id | all } | access-list-name [ sequence-number | usage pfilter location { location node-id | all } ] ]

Syntax Description

R/S/I/P Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/ number of the interface.

(Optional) Name of a particular IPv4 access list. The name cannot contain a space or quotation mark; it may contain numbers.

location number

Location of a particular IPv4 access list.


(Optional) Location of a particular IPv4 access list. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation.


(Optional) Displays the usage of the access list on a given line card.


(Optional) Displays the packet filtering usage for the specified line card.


Displays a summary of all current IPv4 access lists.


(Optional) Sequence number of a particular IPv4 access list.


Displays the current maximum number of configurable IPv4 accesscontrol lists (ACLs) and access control entries (ACEs).


(Optional) Displays complete out-of-resource (OOR) details.


(Optional) Displays the location of all the line cards.

Command Default

Displays all IPv4 access lists.

Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show access-lists ipv4 command to display the contents of all IPv4 access lists. To display the contents of a specific IPv4 access list, use the name argument. Use the sequence-number argument to specify the sequence number of the access list.

Use the show access-lists ipv4 summary command to display a summary of all current IPv4 access lists. To display a summary of a specific IPv4 access list, use the name argument.

Use the show access-lists ipv4 maximum detail command to display the OOR details for IPv4 access lists. OOR limits the number of ACLs and ACEs that can be configured in the system. When the limit is reached, configuration of new ACLs or ACEs is rejected.


In the following example, the contents of all IPv4 access lists are displayed:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show access-lists ipv4

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show access-lists ipv4
Wed Jan 17 09:52:12.448 IST
ipv4 access-list IPV4_ICMP_DENY
10 deny icmp any any (8 matches)
20 permit ipv4 any any (106 matches)
10 deny tcp any any eq telnet (3 matches)
20 permit ipv4 any any (6 matches)

show access-lists ipv6

To display the contents of current IPv6 access lists, use the show access-lists ipv6 command in EXEC mode.

show access-lists ipv6 [ interface MgmtEth R/S/I/P | maximum [ detail] | summary [ access-list-name ] | usage pfilter location { location node-id | all } | access-list-name [ sequence-number | usage pfilter location { location node-id | all } ] ]

Syntax Description

R/S/I/P Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/ number of the interface.

(Optional) Name of a particular IPv4 access list. The name cannot contain a space or quotation mark; it may contain numbers.

location number

Location of a particular IPv4 access list.

location node-id

(Optional) Location of a particular IPv4 access list. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation.


(Optional) Displays the usage of the access list on a given line card.


(Optional) Displays the packet filtering usage for the specified line card.


Displays a summary of all current IPv4 access lists.


(Optional) Sequence number of a particular IPv4 access list.


Displays the current maximum number of configurable IPv4 accesscontrol lists (ACLs) and access control entries (ACEs).


(Optional) Displays complete out-of-resource (OOR) details.


(Optional) Displays the location of all the line cards.

Command Default

Displays all IPv6 access lists.

Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show access-lists ipv6 command is similar to the show access-lists ipv4 command, except that it is IPv6 specific.

Use the show access-lists ipv6 command to display the contents of all IPv6 access lists. To display the contents of a specific IPv6 access list, use the name argument. Use the sequence-number argument to specify the sequence number of the access list.

Use the show access-lists ipv6 summary command to display a summary of all current IPv6 access lists. To display a summary of a specific IPv6 access list, use the name argument.

Use the show access-lists ipv6 maximum detail command to display the OOR details for IPv6 access lists. OOR limits the number of ACLs and ACEs that can be configured in the system. When the limit is reached, configuration of new ACLs or ACEs is rejected.


In the following example, the contents of all IPv6 access lists are displayed:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show access-lists ipv6

Wed Jan 17 09:52:14.591 IST
10 deny tcp any any eq telnet (3 matches)
20 permit ipv6 any any (5 matches)
ipv6 access-list IPV6_SSH_DENY
10 deny tcp any any eq ssh (9 matches)
20 permit ipv6 any any (100 matches)

show environment

To display environmental monitor parameters for the system, use the show environment command in administration EXEC mode.

show environment [ all | fan | power | voltages | current | trace | temperatures ] [ location | location ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information for all the environmental monitor parameters.


(Optional) Displays information about the fans.


(Optional) Displays power supply voltage and current information.


(Optional) Displays system voltage information.


(Optional) Displays current sensor information.


(Optional) Displays system temperature information.


(Optional) Displays trace data for environment monitoring.

location | location

(Optional) Enter the location for which the environmental information needs to be displayed.

Command Default

All environmental monitor parameters are displayed.

Command Modes

Administration EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show environment command displays information about the hardware that is installed in the system, including fans, power supply voltage, current information, and temperatures.


The following example shows sample output from the show environment command with the fan keyword.

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# show environment fan

Wed Mar  20 04:40:02.510 UTC+00:00
                        Fan speed (rpm)
Location     FRU Type           FAN_0   FAN_1
0/FT0        NCS1K4-FAN          7020    6960
0/FT1        NCS1K4-FAN          6750    6720
0/FT2        NCS1K4-FAN          6750    6720

0/PM0        NCS1K4-AC-PSU      24800   23680

0/PM1        NCS1K4-AC-PSU      14240   14176

The following example shows sample output from the show environment command with the temperatures keyword.

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# show environment temperatures location 0/RP0

Wed Mar  20 04:40:48.518 UTC+00:00
Location  TEMPERATURE                 Value   Crit Major Minor Minor Major  Crit
          Sensor                    (deg C)   (Lo) (Lo)  (Lo)  (Hi)  (Hi)   (Hi)
          TEMP_LOCAL                     29    -10    -5     0    55    65    70
          TEMP_REMOTE1                   30    -10    -5     0    55    65    70
          TEMP_CPU_DIE                   30    -10    -5     0    75    80    90

The following example shows sample output from the show environment command with the power keyword.

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# show environment power

Wed Mar  20 04:41:39.990 UTC+00:00
   Total output power capacity (N + 1)             :    2000W +       0W
   Total output power required                     :    1430W
   Total power input                               :    1075W
   Total power output                              :    1009W

Power Group 0:
   Power       Supply     ------Input----   ------Output---      Status
   Module      Type        Volts     Amps    Volts     Amps
   0/PM0       2kW-AC        0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    FAILED or NO PWR

Total of Power Group 0:          0W/  0.0A         0W/  0.0A

Power Group 1:
   Power       Supply     ------Input----   ------Output---      Status
   Module      Type        Volts     Amps    Volts     Amps
   0/PM1       2kW-AC      228.8      4.7     12.1     83.4    OK

Total of Power Group 1:       1075W/  4.7A      1009W/ 83.4A

   Location     Card Type            Power       Power       Status
                                     Allocated   Used
                                     Watts       Watts
   0/0          NCS1K4-1.2T-K9         260           -       ON
   0/1          NCS1K4-1.2T-K9         260           -       ON
   0/2          NCS1K4-1.2T-K9         260           -       ON
   0/3          NCS1K4-1.2T-K9         260           -       ON
   0/RP0        NCS1K4-CNTLR-K9         55           -       ON
   0/FT0        NCS1K4-FAN             100           -       ON
   0/FT1        NCS1K4-FAN             100           -       ON
   0/FT2        NCS1K4-FAN             100           -       ON
   0/SC0        NCS1004                 35           -       ON

The following example shows sample output from the show environment command with the voltages keyword.

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# show environment voltages location 0/RP0

Wed Mar  20 04:43:04.524 UTC+00:00
Location  VOLTAGE                     Value   Crit Minor Minor  Crit
          Sensor                      (mV)    (Lo) (Lo)  (Hi)   (Hi)
          ADM1266_VH1_12V             11982  10800 11040 12960 13200
          ADM1266_VH3_3V3              3303   3036  3135  3465  3564
          ADM1266_VH4_2V5              2493   2300  2375  2625  2700
          ADM1266_VP1_1V8              1794   1656  1710  1890  1944
          ADM1266_VP2_1V2              1189   1104  1140  1260  1296
          ADM1266_3V3_STAND_BY         3303   3036  3135  3465  3564
          ADM1266_VP4_3V3_CPU          3301   3036  3135  3465  3564
          ADM1266_VP5_2V5_CPU          2490   2300  2375  2625  2700
          ADM1266_VP6_1V8_CPU          1796   1656  1710  1890  1944
          ADM1266_VP7_1V24_VCCREF      1233   1140  1178  1302  1339
          ADM1266_VP8_1V05_CPU         1047    966   997  1102  1134
          ADM1266_VP9_1V2_DDR_VDDQ     1200   1104  1140  1260  1296
          ADM1266_VP10_1V0_VCCRAM      1056    500   650  1300  1400
          ADM1266_VP11_VNN              876    400   550  1300  1400
          ADM1266_VP12_VCCP            1062    300   450  1300  1400
          ADM1266_VP13_0V6_VTT          600    552   570   630   648
          ADM1293_DB_5V0               5014   4600  4750  5250  5400
          ADM1293_DB_3V3               3317   3036  3135  3465  3564
          ADM1293_DB_5V0_USB_0         5018   4000  4500  5500  6000
          ADM1293_DB_5V0_USB_1         5036   4000  4500  5500  6000
          ADM1293_MB_5V0_PMOD0         4932   4600  4750  5250  5400
          ADM1293_MB_5V0_PMOD1         5012   4600  4750  5250  5400
          ADM1293_MB_2V5_PLL           2485   2300  2375  2625  2700

show hw-module

To display the details of the muxponder slice, Field Programmable Devices (FPDs), and the card configuration in regen mode, use the show hw-module in XR EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

show hw-module { fpd | location location [ mxponder | mxponder-slice | regen | xponder capabilities ] }


Syntax Description


Displays the status of FPDs installed.

location location

Specifies the location.


Displays information for all the slices of the muxponder.

mxponder-slice slicenumber

Displays information for a specific slice of the muxponder. The valid values of slicenumber are 0 and 1.


Displays information of card configuration in regen mode.

xponder capabilities

Displays the client ports that are mapped to each trunk port along with the corresponding trunk rates and client rates.

Command Default


Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Release 7.1.1

regen keyword was added.

Release 7.3.2

xponder capabilities keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

If the ISO image has new version of FPD, the Status column in show hw-module fpd command shows NEED UPGD. If the upgrade is required, use the upgrade hw-module location all fpd fpd_device_name command to start the upgrade. When the upgrade starts, the Status column in show hw-module fpd command sequentially shows UPGD PREP, UPGRADING, and the percentage of upgrade completion. After the upgrade is completed, the Status column shows RLOAD REQ if the ISO image requires reload; otherwise the Status column shows CURRENT.


The upgrade of LC_OPT_MOD_FW FPD affects traffic. Hence, the user must perform this upgrade during a maintenance window.

If reload is required:

Reload the line card or use the admin hw-module location all reload command to reboot NCS 1004. After the reload is completed, the new FPGA runs the current version.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show hw-module location 0/2 mxponder
Fri Mar 15 11:48:48.344 IST

Location:             0/2
Client Bitrate:       100GE
Trunk  Bitrate:       500G
Status:               Provisioned
LLDP Drop Enabled:    FALSE
Client Port                     Mapper/Trunk Port          CoherentDSP0/2/0/0   CoherentDSP0/2/0/1
                                Traffic Split Percentage

HundredGigECtrlr0/2/0/2         ODU40/2/0/0/1                      100                        0
HundredGigECtrlr0/2/0/3         ODU40/2/0/0/2                      100                        0
HundredGigECtrlr0/2/0/4         ODU40/2/0/0/3                      100                        0
HundredGigECtrlr0/2/0/5         ODU40/2/0/0/4                      100                        0
HundredGigECtrlr0/2/0/6         ODU40/2/0/0/5                      100                        0
HundredGigECtrlr0/2/0/7         ODU40/2/0/1/1                        0                      100
HundredGigECtrlr0/2/0/8         ODU40/2/0/1/2                        0                      100
HundredGigECtrlr0/2/0/9         ODU40/2/0/1/3                        0                      100
HundredGigECtrlr0/2/0/10        ODU40/2/0/1/4                        0                      100
HundredGigECtrlr0/2/0/11        ODU40/2/0/1/5                        0                      100

The following is a sample output of all the muxponder slice 0 configurations.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 0
Fri Mar 15 06:04:18.348 UTC

Location:             0/1
Slice ID:             0
Client Bitrate:       100GE
Trunk  Bitrate:       500G
Status:               Provisioned
LLDP Drop Enabled:    FALSE
Client Port                     Mapper/Trunk Port          CoherentDSP0/1/0/0
                                Traffic Split Percentage

HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/2         ODU40/1/0/0/1                      100
HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/3         ODU40/1/0/0/2                      100
HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/4         ODU40/1/0/0/3                      100
HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/5         ODU40/1/0/0/4                      100
HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/6         ODU40/1/0/0/5                      100

The following is a sample output of all the muxponder slice 1 configurations.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show hw-module location 0/1 mxponder-slice 1
Fri Mar 15 06:11:50.020 UTC

Location:             0/1
Slice ID:             1
Client Bitrate:       100GE
Trunk  Bitrate:       400G
Status:               Provisioned
LLDP Drop Enabled:    TRUE
Client Port                     Mapper/Trunk Port          CoherentDSP0/1/0/1
                                Traffic Split Percentage

HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/8         ODU40/1/0/1/1                      100
HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/9         ODU40/1/0/1/2                      100
HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/10        ODU40/1/0/1/3                      100
HundredGigECtrlr0/1/0/11        ODU40/1/0/1/4                      100

The following is a sample output of card configuration in regen mode.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show hw-module location 0/0 regen
Mon Mar 25 09:50:42.936 UTC

Location:             0/0
Trunk  Bitrate:       400G
Status:               Provisioned
East Port 	            West Port
CoherentDSP0/0/0/0      CoherentDSP0/0/0/1

The following shows the muxponder slice 0 configurations where the client ports that are mapped to each trunk port are displayed along with the corresponding trunk rates and client rates.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show hw-module location 0/1 xponder-capabilities mxponder-slice 0
Fri Aug 13 18:21:43.931 UTC

Location: 0/1

Trunk-Port(s): 11

Port Group Restrictions:
Shared-Client-Group-Bandwidth Shared-Group-Client-Ports
400G 1, 6, 7, 10

Trunk-bandwidth: 400G
Client-port Supported client rates
1 100GE
6 100GE
7 100GE
10 100GE

Trunk-bandwidth: 300G
Client-port Supported client rates
1 100GE
7 100GE
10 100GE

Trunk-bandwidth: 200G
Client-port Supported client rates
7 100GE
10 100GE

show inventory

To retrieve and display the physical inventory information, use the show inventory command in XR EXEC or administration EXEC mode.


show inventory [ all | oid | raw | location location ]

Administration EXEC Mode

show inventory [ all | chassis | fan | power | raw | location location ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays inventory information for all the physical entities.


(Optional) Displays inventory information for the fans.


(Optional) Displays inventory information for the power supply.


(Optional) Displays raw information about the chassis for diagnostic purposes.


(Optional) Displays inventory information for the entire chassis.

location location

(Optional) Displays inventory information for a specific node, or for all nodes in the chassis.


(Optional) Displays inventory information along with oid.

Command Default

All hardware inventory information is displayed.

Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the show inventory command with the raw keyword to display every RFC 2737 entity installed in NCS 1004, including those without a PID, unique device identifier (UDI), or other physical identification. The raw keyword is primarily intended for troubleshooting problems with the show inventory command itself.


The following examples show sample output from the show inventory command in both EXEC and Administration EXEC modes.

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# show inventory

Thu Mar  7  12:49:15.974 UTC+00:00

 Name: Rack 0                Descr: Network Convergence System 1004 Chassis
 PID: NCS1004                VID: V00                   SN: CAT2217B020

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/2     Descr: Cisco QSFP-100G-LR4-S Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-LR4-S        VID: V01                   SN: FNS20530F3H

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/3     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ22108035

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/4     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ22108033

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/5     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150QF8

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/6     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150UJQ

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/7     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150Q9P

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/8     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150TE5

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/9     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150TCP

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/10    Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150LDS

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/11    Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150L5H

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/12    Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150SED

 Name: 0/0-Optics0/0/0/13    Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150TUV

 Name: 0/0                   Descr: NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card
 PID: NCS1K4-1.2T-K9         VID: V00                   SN: CAT2250B0A9

 Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/2     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ22108003

 Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/3     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150QD8

 Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/4     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ22108004

Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/5     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 SM-SR Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SM-SR        VID: V02                   SN: FNS22070GFW

 Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/6     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 SM-SR Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SM-SR        VID: V01                   SN: FNS20510ZFP

 Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/7     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150QFJ

 Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/8     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150TZF

 Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/9     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150UJS

 Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/10    Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 SM-SR Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SM-SR        VID: V02                   SN: FNS22070GCH

 Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/11    Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 SM-SR Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SM-SR        VID: V02                   SN: FNS22070J79

 Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/12    Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 SM-SR Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SM-SR        VID: V02                   SN: FNS22070GD7

 Name: 0/1-Optics0/1/0/13    Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150LHE

 Name: 0/1                   Descr: NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card
 PID: NCS1K4-1.2T-K9         VID: V00                   SN: CAT2223B129

 Name: 0/2-Optics0/2/0/2     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ22108001

 Name: 0/2-Optics0/2/0/3     Descr: Non-Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: LQ210CR-CPA1           VID: 01                    SN: FG4657250006

 Name: 0/2-Optics0/2/0/4     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ2210802P

 Name: 0/2-Optics0/2/0/5     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ2210802Q

 Name: 0/2-Optics0/2/0/6     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ2210802R

 Name: 0/2-Optics0/2/0/7     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ2210802U

 Name: 0/2-Optics0/2/0/8     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ2146802T

 Name: 0/2-Optics0/2/0/9     Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ2210800G

 Name: 0/2-Optics0/2/0/10    Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ2210802M

 Name: 0/2-Optics0/2/0/11    Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: JFQ2210800P

 Name: 0/2                   Descr: NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card - Licensed
 PID: NCS1K4-1.2T-L-K9       VID: V00                   SN: CAT2250B09F

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/2     Descr: Non-Cisco 100G QSFP28 LR4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: ONS-QSFP28-LR4         VID: V01                   SN: FNS20500RVT

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/3     Descr: Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S        VID: V03                   SN: AVF2219S1D4

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/4     Descr: Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S        VID: V03                   SN: AVF2219S16R

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/5     Descr: Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S        VID: V03                   SN: AVF2219S16W

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/6     Descr: Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S        VID: V03                   SN: AVF2219S17H

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/7     Descr: Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S        VID: V03                   SN: AVF2219S1BA

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/8     Descr: Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S        VID: V03                   SN: AVF2219S16G

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/9     Descr: Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S        VID: V03                   SN: AVF2219S17N

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/10    Descr: Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S        VID: V03                   SN: AVF2219S15W

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/11    Descr: Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S      VID: V02                   SN: FNS22150TES

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/12    Descr: Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S        VID: V03                   SN: AVF2219S16S

 Name: 0/3-Optics0/3/0/13    Descr: Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module
 PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S        VID: V03                   SN: AVF2219S178

 Name: 0/3                   Descr: NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card
 PID: NCS1K4-1.2T-K9         VID: V00                   SN: CAT2236B01A

 Name: 0/RP0                 Descr: Network Convergence System 1004 Controller
 PID: NCS1K4-CNTLR-K9        VID: V00                   SN: CAT2217B09N

Name: 0/FT0                 Descr: Network Convergence System 1004 Fan
 PID: NCS1K4-FAN             VID: V00                   SN: CAT2218B12J

 Name: 0/FT1                 Descr: Network Convergence System 1004 Fan
 PID: NCS1K4-FAN             VID: V00                   SN: CAT2218B125

 Name: 0/FT2                 Descr: Network Convergence System 1004 Fan
 PID: NCS1K4-FAN             VID: V00                   SN: CAT2218B124

 Name: 0/PM0                 Descr: Network Convergence System 1004 AC Power Supply Unit
 PID: NCS1K4-AC-PSU          VID: V00                   SN: POG2212CL12
 Name: 0/PM1                 Descr: Network Convergence System 1004 AC Power Supply Unit
 PID: NCS1K4-AC-PSU          VID: V00                   SN: POG2212CL2Q

 Name: 0/SC0                 Descr: Network Convergence System 1004 Chassis
 PID: NCS1004                VID: V00                   SN: CAT2217B020

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show inventory

Thu Mar  7 10:39:50.321 UTC
NAME: "0/0", DESCR: "NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card"
PID: NCS1K4-1.2T-K9    , VID: V00, SN: CAT2250B0A9

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/2", DESCR: "Cisco QSFP-100G-LR4-S Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-LR4-S   , VID: V01 , SN: FNS20530F3H

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/3", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ22108035

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/4", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ22108033

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/5", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150QF8

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/6", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150UJQ

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/7", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150Q9P

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/8", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150TE5

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/9", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150TCP

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/10", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150LDS

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/11", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150L5H

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/12", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150SED

NAME: "0/0-Optics0/0/0/13", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150TUV

NAME: "0/1", DESCR: "NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card"
PID: NCS1K4-1.2T-K9    , VID: V00, SN: CAT2223B129

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/2", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ22108003

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/3", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150QD8

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/4", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ22108004

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/5", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 SM-SR Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SM-SR   , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22070GFW

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/6", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 SM-SR Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SM-SR   , VID: V01 , SN: FNS20510ZFP

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/7", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150QFJ

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/8", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150TZF

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/9", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150UJS

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/10", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 SM-SR Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SM-SR   , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22070GCH

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/11", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 SM-SR Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SM-SR   , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22070J79

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/12", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 SM-SR Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SM-SR   , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22070GD7

NAME: "0/1-Optics0/1/0/13", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150LHE

NAME: "0/2", DESCR: "NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card - Licensed"
PID: NCS1K4-1.2T-L-K9  , VID: V00, SN: CAT2250B09F

NAME: "0/2-Optics0/2/0/2", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ22108001

NAME: "0/2-Optics0/2/0/3", DESCR: "Non-Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: LQ210CR-CPA1      , VID: 01 , SN: FG4657250006

NAME: "0/2-Optics0/2/0/4", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ2210802P

NAME: "0/2-Optics0/2/0/5", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ2210802Q

NAME: "0/2-Optics0/2/0/6", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ2210802R

NAME: "0/2-Optics0/2/0/7", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ2210802U

NAME: "0/2-Optics0/2/0/8", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ2146802T

NAME: "0/2-Optics0/2/0/9", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ2210800G

NAME: "0/2-Optics0/2/0/10", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ2210802M

NAME: "0/2-Optics0/2/0/11", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: JFQ2210800P

NAME: "0/3", DESCR: "NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card"
PID: NCS1K4-1.2T-K9    , VID: V00, SN: CAT2236B01A

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/2", DESCR: "Non-Cisco 100G QSFP28 LR4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: ONS-QSFP28-LR4    , VID: V01 , SN: FNS20500RVT

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/3", DESCR: "Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V03 , SN: AVF2219S1D4

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/4", DESCR: "Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V03 , SN: AVF2219S16R

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/5", DESCR: "Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V03 , SN: AVF2219S16W

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/6", DESCR: "Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V03 , SN: AVF2219S17H

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/7", DESCR: "Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V03 , SN: AVF2219S1BA

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/8", DESCR: "Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V03 , SN: AVF2219S16G

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/9", DESCR: "Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V03 , SN: AVF2219S17N

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/10", DESCR: "Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V03 , SN: AVF2219S15W

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/11", DESCR: "Cisco 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-CWDM4-S , VID: V02 , SN: FNS22150TES

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/12", DESCR: "Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V03 , SN: AVF2219S16S

NAME: "0/3-Optics0/3/0/13", DESCR: "Cisco 100GE QSFP28 SR4 Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: QSFP-100G-SR4-S   , VID: V03 , SN: AVF2219S178

NAME: "0/RP0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1004 Controller"
PID: NCS1K4-CNTLR-K9   , VID: V00, SN: CAT2217B09N

NAME: "0/SC0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1004 Chassis"
PID: NCS1004           , VID: V00, SN: CAT2217B020

NAME: "Rack 0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1004 Chassis"
PID: NCS1004           , VID: V00, SN: CAT2217B020

NAME: "0/FT0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1004 Fan"
PID: NCS1K4-FAN        , VID: V00, SN: CAT2218B12J

NAME: "0/FT1", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1004 Fan"
PID: NCS1K4-FAN        , VID: V00, SN: CAT2218B125

NAME: "0/FT2", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1004 Fan"
PID: NCS1K4-FAN        , VID: V00, SN: CAT2218B124

NAME: "0/PM0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1004 AC Power Supply Unit           "
PID: NCS1K4-AC-PSU     , VID: V00, SN: POG2212CL12

NAME: "0/PM1", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1004 AC Power Supply Unit           "
PID: NCS1K4-AC-PSU     , VID: V00, SN: POG2212CL2Q

show lc-module (OTN-XP Card)

To display the details of the LC mode configured on the OTN-XP card, use the show lc-module in XR EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

show lc-module location location lcmode [ all ]

Syntax Description

location location

Specifies the location.


Displays the LC mode configured.


Displays all type of LC modes that are supported on the OTN-XP card.

Command Default


Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.2.1

This command was introduced.

The following sample displays the LC modes that are configured on the OTN-XP card.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show lc-module location 0/3 lcmode all
Wed Aug 11 17:06:29.538 UTC
States: A-Available R-Running C-Configured
Node   Lcmode_Supported     Owner   Options(State)            HW_Ver
0/3         Yes              CLI     10G-GREY-MXP (A)          3.0
                                     4x100G-MXP-400G-TXP (A)   2.0
                                     40x10G-4x100G-MXP (A)     3.0
                                     4x100GE-MXP-DD (R/C)      7.0

The following sample displays the OTUCn-REGEN LC mode that is configured on the OTN-XP card.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show lc-module location 0/2 lcmode    
Fri Feb  4 17:00:09.842 UTC

Node    Lcmode_Supported    Owner      Running          Configured
0/2       Yes                CLI       OTUCn-REGEN       OTUCn-REGEN 

The following sample displays the FC-MXP LC mode that is configured on the OTN-XP card.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show lc-module location 0/2 lcmode    
Fri Feb  4 17:00:09.842 UTC

Node    Lcmode_Supported    Owner      Running          Configured
0/2       Yes                CLI       OTUCn-REGEN       FC-MXP

show led

To display the status of various LEDs present in NCS 1004, use the show led command in administration EXEC mode.

show led [ location location ]

Syntax Description

location location

(Optional) Displays LED information for a specific location.

Command Default

The status of all the LEDs present in NCS 1004 is displayed.

Command Modes

Administration EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the show LED command in administration EXEC mode to display the status of all the LEDs present in NCS 1004.


The following example shows sample output from the show led command.

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# show led

Wed Mar  20 04:45:25.457 UTC+00:00
Location  LED Name                      Mode         Color
          0/0-Status LED                WORKING     GREEN
          0/1-Status LED                WORKING     GREEN
          0/2-Status LED                WORKING     GREEN
          0/3-Status LED                WORKING     GREEN
          0/RP0-Attention LED           WORKING     OFF
          0/RP0-SYS LED                 WORKING     AMBER
          0/RP0-PSU LED                 WORKING     RED
          0/RP0-FAN LED                 WORKING     GREEN
          0/FT0-Status LED              WORKING     GREEN
          0/FT1-Status LED              WORKING     GREEN
          0/FT2-Status LED              WORKING     GREEN
          0/PM0-Status LED              WORKING     AMBER
          0/PM1-Status LED              WORKING     GREEN

show platform

To display information and status for each node in the system, use the show platform command in XR EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

Administration EXEC Mode

show platform [{ detail | location | slices} location]


show platform [ vm | 0/RP0 ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the details of node type and state.


(Optional) Displays the location of node.


(Optional) Displays the summary information of each slice in the node.


(Optional) Node location such as 0/FT0, 0/RP0.


(Optional) Displays the virtual machine information of node.

Command Default

The status and information are displayed for all the nodes in the system.

Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the show platform command in administration EXEC mode to display the output for the entire system.


The following example shows sample output from the show platform command.

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# show platform

Wed Mar  20 04:27:21.562 UTC+00:00
Location  Card Type               HW State      SW State      Config State
0/0       NCS1K4-1.2T-K9          OPERATIONAL   N/A           NSHUT
0/1       NCS1K4-1.2T-K9          OPERATIONAL   N/A           NSHUT
0/2       NCS1K4-1.2T-K9          OPERATIONAL   N/A           NSHUT
0/3       NCS1K4-1.2T-K9          OPERATIONAL   N/A           NSHUT
0/FT0     NCS1K4-FAN              OPERATIONAL   N/A           NSHUT
0/FT1     NCS1K4-FAN              OPERATIONAL   N/A           NSHUT
0/FT2     NCS1K4-FAN              OPERATIONAL   N/A           NSHUT
0/PM0     NCS1K4-AC-PSU           OPERATIONAL   N/A           NSHUT
0/PM1     NCS1K4-AC-PSU           OPERATIONAL   N/A           NSHUT
0/SC0     NCS1004                 OPERATIONAL   N/A           NSHUT

The following example shows sample output from the show platform detail command.

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# show platform detail

Wed Mar  20 04:31:02.480 UTC+00:00
MODULE                                                                                                  HW OPER      SW OPER
LOCATION :  PID :            DESCRIPTION :                                                    VID/SN :  STATE :      STATE :      CONFIGURATION :  HW VERSION :  LAST  EVENT :     LAST  EVENT  REASON :
0/0         NCS1K4-1.2T-K9   NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card                       V00       OPERATIONAL  N/A          NSHUT RST        0.1           HW_EVENT_OK       HW READY
0/1         NCS1K4-1.2T-K9   NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card                       V00       OPERATIONAL  N/A          NSHUT RST        0.1           HW_EVENT_OK       HW READY
0/2         NCS1K4-1.2T-K9   NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card                       V00       OPERATIONAL  N/A          NSHUT RST        0.1           HW_EVENT_OK       HW READY
0/3         NCS1K4-1.2T-K9   NCS1K4 12x QSFP28 2 Trunk C-Band DWDM card                       V00       OPERATIONAL  N/A          NSHUT RST        0.1           HW_EVENT_OK       HW READY
0/RP0       NCS1K4-CNTLR-K9  Network Convergence System 1004 Controller                       V00       OPERATIONAL  OPERATIONAL  NSHUT RST        0.1           HW_EVENT_OK       HW Event OK
0/FT0       NCS1K4-FAN       Network Convergence System 1004 Fan                              V00       OPERATIONAL  N/A          NSHUT RST        0.1           HW_EVENT_OK       HW Operational
0/FT1       NCS1K4-FAN       Network Convergence System 1004 Fan                              V00       OPERATIONAL  N/A          NSHUT RST        0.1           HW_EVENT_OK       HW Operational
0/FT2       NCS1K4-FAN       Network Convergence System 1004 Fan                              V00       OPERATIONAL  N/A          NSHUT RST        0.1           HW_EVENT_OK       HW Operational
0/PM0       NCS1K4-AC-PSU    Network Convergence System 1004 AC Power Supply Unit             V00       OPERATIONAL  N/A          NSHUT RST        0.0           HW_EVENT_OK       HW Operational
0/PM1       NCS1K4-AC-PSU    Network Convergence System 1004 AC Power Supply Unit             V00       OPERATIONAL  N/A          NSHUT RST        0.0           HW_EVENT_OK       HW Operational
0/SC0       NCS1004          Network Convergence System 1004 Chassis                          V00       OPERATIONAL  N/A          NSHUT RST        0.1           HW_EVENT_OK       HW Event OK

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show platform

Wed Mar 20 04:23:12.582 UTC
Node              Type                       State             Config state
0/0               NCS1K4-1.2T-K9             OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/1               NCS1K4-1.2T-K9             OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/2               NCS1K4-1.2T-K9             OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/3               NCS1K4-1.2T-K9             OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/RP0/CPU0        NCS1K4-CNTLR-K9(Active)    IOS XR RUN        NSHUT
0/FT0             NCS1K4-FAN                 OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/FT1             NCS1K4-FAN                 OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/FT2             NCS1K4-FAN                 OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/PM0             NCS1K4-AC-PSU              OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/PM1             NCS1K4-AC-PSU              OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/SC0             NCS1004                    OPERATIONAL       NSHUT

show type6

To view Type 6 password encryption information, use the show type6 command in EXEC mode.

show type6 [ server ]

Syntax Description


Displays Type 6 server information.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XR Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following command displays Type 6 password encryption feature information:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show type6 server 
Thu Jul 11 09:43:36.103 UTC
Server detail information:
AES config State       :             Enabled
Masterkey config State :             Enabled
Type6 feature State    :             Enabled
Master key Inprogress  :             No
Masterkey Last updated/deleted :     Thu Jul 11 09:40:57 2024

signalling refresh out-of-band interval

To specify the out-of-band refresh interval for RSVP, use the signalling refresh out-of-band interval command in RSVP controller configuration mode.

signalling refresh out-of-band interval interval

Syntax Description


Specifies the refresh interval (180-86400 seconds).

Command Default

45 seconds

Command Modes

RSVP controller configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command applies only to the RSVP sessions associated with GMPLS UNI tunnels.


The following example shows how to specify 200 seconds for the out-of-band interface refresh interval.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-rsvp)#controller Optics0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-rsvp-ctrl)#signalling refresh out-of-band interval 200

signalling refresh out-of-band missed

To specify the number of missed refresh messages allowed before states are deleted for optical tunnels, use the signalling refresh out-of-band missed command in RSVP controller configuration mode.

signalling refresh out-of-band missed mis-count

Syntax Description


Number of missed refresh messages allowed before states are deleted for optical tunnels (1-48).

Command Default

The default value is 12.

Command Modes

RSVP controller configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command applies only to the RSVP sessions associated with GMPLS UNI tunnels.


The following example shows how to specify a maximum of 10 messages for the number of allowed missed refresh messages.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-rsvp)#controller Optics0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-rsvp-ctrl)#signalling refresh out-of-band missed 10

sks profile

To configure the Session Key Service (SKS) profile with the IP address of the Key Management Entity (KME) server that manages cryptographic keys (dynamic Postquantum Preshared Keys (PPK), use the command sks profile.

sks profile profile-name type { local | remote } kme server ipv4 ipv4 adress port port number

Syntax Description


Name of the sks profile used in the dynamic PPK configuration.


Configures the type of the server.

local | remote

Indicates whether the server is local or remote server.

kme server ipv4

Configures the kme server IP address.

ipv4 adress IP address of the kme server.

Configures the specific port number of the server, through which packets will be sent.

port number

Port number of the server.

Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 24.1.1

This command was introduced


The following example shows how to define a sks profile for dynamic ppk based IKEv2 encryption.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#configure terminal
RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config)#sks profile qkd type remote
RP/0/1/CPU0:ios(config-sks-profile)#kme server ipv4 port 10001


To configure the trunk port to client port mapping for sub 50G configuration in the split client port mapping mode, use the split-client-port-mapping command in muxponder hardware module configuration mode.


no split-client-port-mapping

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Muxponder hardware module configuration mode (config-hwmod-mxp)

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.5.2

This command is introduced.


The following is a sample in which split-client-port-mapping is configured with a 450G trunk payload.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#trunk-rate 450G
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#client-rate 100GE

The following is a sample in which split client port-mapping configuration is removed.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/1 mxponder
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-hwmod-mxp)#no split-client-port-mapping

subject-name (trustpoint)

To specify the subject name in the certificate request, use the subject-name command in trustpoint configuration mode. To clear any subject name from the configuration, use the no form of this command.

subject-name [ca-certificate] subject-name

Syntax Description

ca-certificate (Optional) Specifies the subject name for the CA certificate for self-enrollment.


(Optional) Specifies the subject name used in the certificate request.

Command Default

If the subject-name argument is not specified, the fully qualified domain name (FQDN), which is the default subject name, is used.

Command Modes

Trustpoint configuration

Command History



Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Before you can use the subject-name command, you must enable the crypto ca trustpoint command, which declares the certification authority (CA) that NCS 1004 should use and enters trustpoint configuration mode.

The subject-name command is an attribute that can be set for automatic enrollment; thus, issuing this command prevents you from being prompted for a subject name during enrollment.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to specify the subject name for the frog certificate:

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios# configure
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config)# crypto ca trustpoint frog
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config-trustp)# enrollment url
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config-trustp)# subject-name OU=Spiral Dept.,
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config-trustp)# ip-address

This example shows how to specify the subject name for the CA certificate for self-enrollment.

RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config)#crypto ca trustpoint system-trustpoint
RP/0/0RP0RSP0/CPU0:ios(config-trustp)#subject-name ca-certificate CN=labuser-ca,C=US,ST=CA,L=San Jose,O=cisco systems,OU=ASR


To specify the ID of the GMPLS UNI tunnel, use the tunnel-id command in GMPLS UNI controller tunnel-properties configuration sub-mode.

tunnel-id number

Syntax Description


Specifies the tunnel ID.

Command Default


Command Modes

GMPLS UNI controller tunnel-properties configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following example shows how to specify a tunnel ID.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#mpls traffic-eng
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-mpls-te)#gmpls optical-uni
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-te-gmpls)#controller Optics0/0/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-te-gmpls-tun)#tunnel-id 5


To configure tunnel-specific information for a GMPLS UNI controller, use the tunnel-properties command in GMPLS-UNI configuration sub-mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

GMPLS UNI configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command is introduced.


The following example shows how to enter the sub-mode to configure tunnel-specific information for a GMPLS UNI controller.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#mpls traffic-eng
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-mpls-te)#gmpls optical-uni
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-te-gmpls)#controller Optics0/0/0/0


To configure an ODUk controller as the working controller in the ODU group controller, use the working-controller command in the config mode. To delete an ODUk controller as the working controller in the ODU group controller, use the no form of this command.

working-controller [ ODUk R/S/I/P ]

no working-controller [ ODUk R/S/I/P ]

Syntax Description


Name of the ODUk controller.


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the controller.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.8.1

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure an ODU4 controller as the working controller in the ODU group 2 controller:

RP/0/RP0:hostname(config)# controller Odu-Group-Mp 2 signal Otn odu-type ODUC4
RP/0/RP0:hostname(config-odu-group-mp 1)# working-controller ODUC4 0/0/0/12