List of Commands

This guide describes the commands supported in NCS 1001.

controller optics

To configure the optics controller, use the controller optics command in the optics controller configuration mode.

controller optics R/S/I/P [ baud-rate rate ] [ bits-per-symbol value ] [ cd-max cd-max | cd-min cd-min | cd-low-threshold cd-low | cd-high-threshold cd-high | dgd-high-threshold dgd-value | lbc-high-threshold lbc-value | osnr-low-threshold osnr-value description description | rx-high-threshold rx-high | rx-low-threshold rx-low | tx-high-threshold tx-high | tx-low-threshold tx-low | sec-admin-state { maintenance | normal } | shutdown | transmit-power transmit-power | transmit-shutdown | perf-mon { enable | disable } | pm { 30-sec | 15-min | 24-hour } | optics { report | threshold { cd | dgd | lbc | lbc-pc | opr | opr-dbm | opt | opt-dbm | osnr | pcr | pdl | pn | sopmd | rx-sig-pow | rx-sig-pow-dbm }}]

Syntax Description


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the optics controller.

baud-rate rate

Sets baud-rate for this controller in GBd.

bits-per-symbol value

Sets bits-per-symbol for this controller.

cd-max cd-max

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Maximum chromatic dispersion.

The range is -350000 to +350000 ps/nm.

cd-min cd-min

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Minimum chromatic dispersion.

The range is -350000 to +350000 ps/nm.

cd-low-threshold cd-low

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Minimum acceptable chromatic dispersion. The CD alarm is raised if the chromatic dispersion goes below this value.

The range is -350000 to +350000 ps/nm.

cd-high-threshold cd-high

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Maximum acceptable chromatic dispersion. The CD alarm is raised if the chromatic dispersion exceeds this value.

The range is -350000 to +350000 ps/nm.

dgd-high-threshold dgd-value

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the maximum acceptable Differential Group Delay (DGD) value. The DGD alarm is raised if DGD exceeds this value.

The range is 0 to 18000 (in the units of 0.01 ps).

lbc-high-threshold lbc-value

Configures the high laser bias current threshold.

The range is 0–100%

osnr-low-threshold osnr-value

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the minimum acceptable Optical Signal to Noise ratio (OSNR) value. The OSNR alarm is raised if OSNR goes below this value.

The range is 0–4000 (in units of 0.01db).

description description

Description of the optics controller.

rx-high-threshold rx-high

Configures high receive power threshold. The range is -400 to 300 (in the units of 0.1 dBm).

rx-low-threshold rx-low

Configures low receive power threshold. The range is -400 to 300 (in the units of 0.1 dBm).

tx-high-threshold tx-high

Configures high transmit power threshold. The range is -400 to 300 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).

tx-low-threshold tx-low

Configures low transmit power threshold. The range is -400 to 300 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).


Configures the administrative state of the controller. The values are maintenance or normal.


Disables the configuration of the controller.


Configures performance monitoring parameters for 30 second, 15 minute, and 24 hour intervals.

transmit-power transmit-power

(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the transmit power. The range is -190 to 30 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).


Shuts down the transmit laser.

perf-mon { enable | disable }

Enables or disables performance monitoring.


Configures the chromatic dispersion threshold.


Configures the differential group delay threshold.


Configures the laser bias current threshold.


Configures the laser bias current threshold in percentage.


Configures the optical Rx power threshold in uW.


Configures the optical Rx power threshold in dBm. The unit is 0.01 dBm. For example, if you want to configure 30.00 dBm, enter 3000.


Configures the optical Tx power threshold in uW.


Configures the optical Tx power threshold in dBm. The unit is 0.01 dBm.


Configures the OSNR threshold.


Configures the Polarization Change Rate (PCR) threshold.


Configures the Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL) threshold.


Configures the Phase Noise (PN) threshold.


Configures the Second Order Polarization Mode Dispersion (SOPMD) threshold.


Configures the Rx signal power threshold in uW.


Configures the Rx signal power threshold in dBm. The unit is 0.01 dBm.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.5.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

Optics controller configuration

Usage Guidelines

The configurations for chromatic dispersion (cd-max, cd-min, cd-low-threshold, and cd-high-threshold) must be performed only after the hw-module configuration. These configurations must be removed before the no hw-module configuration.


The following example shows how to configure the optics controller and set the high power threshold at the transmit and receive side.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller optics 0/0/1/1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-optics)#rx-high-threshold 200
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-optics)#tx-high-threshold 300

The following example shows how to configure the optics controller and set the ranges for chromatic dispersion.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller optics 0/0/1/1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-optics)#cd-max 10000
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-optics)#cd-min 2000

The following is a sample in which the performance monitoring parameters of optics controller are configured in 24 hour intervals.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#controller optics 0/0/1/1 pm 24-hour optics threshold osnr max 345

controller ots

To configure the OTS controller, use the controller ots command in the OTS configuration mode.

controller ots R/S/I/P ampli-channel-power value | ampli-channel-psd value | ampli-control-mode {automatic |manual} | ampli-gain value | ampli-gain-range {extended |normal} | ampli-gain-thr-deg-high value | ampli-gain-thr-deg-low value | ampli-tilt value | channel-power-max-delta value | osri {on | off} | pm { 15-min | 24-hour | 30-sec } ots { report { opr { max-tca enable | min-tca } | opt { max-tca enable | min-tca } } | threshold { max | min } value } | rx-low-threshold value | rx-low-threshold-delta value | rx-low-threshold-psd value | rx-voa-attenuation value | sec-admin-state {normal | maintenence} | shutdown | tx-low-threshold value | tx-voa-attenuation value

Syntax Description


(For EDFA or PSM) Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the OTS controller, where:


S=1, 2, or 3


P=0, 1, 2, or 3

ampli-channel-power value

(For EDFA only) Configures the amplifier per channel power set point.

Valid range: -500 to +300

Default value: 0.0


(For EDFA only) Configures the psd per channel. This is the power spectral density that the EDFA uses to calculate the amplifier gain.


(For EDFA only) Configures the amplifier control mode.

Valid modes: automatic or manual


(For EDFA only) Configures the amplifier gain set point.

Valid range: 0 to 500

Default value: 0.0


(For EDFA only) Configures the amplifier gain range.

Valid modes: normal to extended


(For EDFA only) Configures high amplifier gain degrade threshold for gain alarm.

Valid range: 0 to 500


(For EDFA only) Configures low amplifier gain degrade threshold for gain alarm.

Valid range: 0 to 500


(For EDFA only) Configures the amplifier tilt.

Valid range: -50 to +50


(For EDFA only) Configures the maximum difference among all the measured channel powers.

Valid range: 0 to 200


(For EDFA only) Configures the optical safety remote interlock.

Valid modes: on or off


(For EDFA or PSM) Configures the OTS performance monitoring parameters for 15-min, 24-hours, 30-sec, and 10-sec.

report—Sets OTS/OPR TCA reporting status.

  • max-tca—Sets OPR maximum TCA reporting status.

  • min-tca—Sets OPR minimum TCA reporting status.

threshold—Configures threshold on OTS parameters.

  • max—The maximum value is 6633.

  • min—The minimum value is -3000.


(For EDFA or PSM) Configures the rx low receive power threshold.

Valid range: -400 to +400 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).


(For PSM only) Configures the threshold hysteresis parameter of PSM revertive switch. Threshold hysteresis parameter is required to avoid transient or flipping power readings in the region near the threshold which is monitoring the primary rx port. Threshold hysteresis parameter, if set, works in combination with WTR timer.


(For EDFA only) Configures the psd threshold.


(For PSM only) Configures the RX Voa attenuation set point.

Valid range: 0 to 200


(For EDFA only) Configures the safety control mode.

Valid modes: auto or disabled


(For EDFA or PSM) Configures the secondary admin state of ots controller.

Valid modes: normal or maintenance

Default mode: maintenance


(For EDFA or PSM) Disables optics controller processing.


(For EDFA or PSM) Configures the transponder (tx) low transmit power threshold.

Valid range: -400 to +400 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).


(For PSM only) Configures the TX Voa attenuation set point.

Valid range: 0 to 200

Command Default


Command Modes

OTS configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.2.1

This command was introduced.

Release 7.0.1

rx-low-threshold-delta, rx-low-threshold-psd and ampli-channel-psd keywords were added.


The following is a sample in which the amplifier gain range is set to extended and amplifier gain set point is set to 29.0 dB.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# controller ots 0/3/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-Ots)# ampli-gain-range extended
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-Ots)# ampli-gain 290
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-Ots)# commit

The following is a sample in which the safety control mode of the booster amplifier is set to disabled.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# controller ots 0/3/0/1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-Ots)# safety-control-mode disabled
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-Ots)# commit

controller ots-och

To configure the OTS-CSH controller, use the controller ots-och command in the OTS configuration mode.

controller ots-och R/S/I/P ampli-channel-power value | ampli-control-mode {automatic |manual} | ampli-gain value | ampli-gain-range {extended |normal} | ampli-gain-thr-deg-high value | ampli-gain-thr-deg-low value | ampli-tilt value | channel-power-max-delta value | osri {on | off} | pm { 15-min | 24-hour | 30-sec } ots { report { opr { max-tca enable | min-tca } | opt { max-tca enable | min-tca } } | threshold { max | min } value } | rx-low-threshold value | rx-voa-attenuation value | safety-control-mode {auto | disabled} | sec-admin-state {normal | maintenence} | shutdown | tx-low-threshold value | tx-voa-attenuation value

Syntax Description


(For EDFA only) Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/Channel of the OTS-CSH controller, where:


S=1, 2, or 3


P=0 or 1

C=1 to 96 (if grid-mode is set to 50GHz)

ampli-channel-power value

Configures the amplifier per channel power set point.

Valid range: -500 to +300

Default value: 0.0


Configures the amplifier control mode.

Valid modes: automatic or manual


Configures the amplifier gain set point.

Valid range: 0 to 500

Default value: 0.0


Configures the amplifier gain range.

Valid modes: normal to extended


Configures high amplifier gain degrade threshold for gain alarm.

Valid range: 0 to 500


Configures low amplifier gain degrade threshold for gain alarm.

Valid range: 0 to 500


Configures the amplifier tilt.

Valid range: -50 to +50


Configures the maximum difference among all the measured channel powers.

Valid range: 0 to 200


Configures the optical safety remote interlock. The valid mode is on or off.

Valid modes: on or off


Configures the OTS performance monitoring parameters for 15-min, 24-hours, 30-sec, and 10-sec.

report—Sets OTS/OPR TCA reporting status.

  • max-tca—Sets OPR maximum TCA reporting status.

  • min-tca—Sets OPR minimum TCA reporting status.

threshold—Configures threshold on OTS parameters.

  • max—The maximum value is 6633.

  • min—The minimum value is -3000.


Configures the rx low receive power threshold.

Valid range: -400 to +150dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).


Configures the RX Voa attenuation set point.

Valid range: 0 to 200


Configures the safety control mode.

Valid modes: auto or disabled


Configures the secondary admin state of ots controller.

Valid modes: normal or maintenance

Default mode: maintenance


Disables the ots-och controller processing.


Configures the transponder(tx) low transmit power threshold.

Valid range: -400 to +150 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).


Configures the TX Voa attenuation set point.

Valid range: 0 to 200

Command Default


Command Modes

OTS configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.2.1

This command was introduced.


The following is a sample in which the RX low power threshold and TX low power threshold for the OTS OCH controller is set to -30 dB and -35dB.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# controller ots-och 0/1/0/0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-Ots)# rx-low-threshold -30
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-Ots)# tx-low-threshold -35
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-Ots)# commit


Use the fault-profile command in the global configuration mode, to create a new fault profile with one or more alarms and user-defined severity.

fault-profile name fault-identifier subsystem XR fault-type { HW_GFP | HW_ETHERNET | HW_SDH_CONTROLLER | HW_SONET | HW_OPTICS | HW_G709 | HW_CPRI | HW_OTS } fault-tag fault-name sas severity-level nsas severity-level

Syntax Description

fault-profile name

Name of the fault profile.

fault-identifier subsystem XR

Supports the IOS XR sub-system.


The component the fault profile is applicable to. The available options are:

  • HW_GFP





  • HW_G709


  • HW_OTS

fault-tag fault-name The faults that are included as part of the newly created fault profile.
sas severity-level nsas severity-level

Sets the severity level for:

  • sas (service affecting; impacts traffic)

  • nsas (non-service affecting; does not impact traffic)

The available options are:

  • Critical

  • Major

  • Minor

  • Non-faulted

  • Non-reported

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global Configuration

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to use the fault profile command.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#configure terminal
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#fault-profile FpSystem fault-identifier subsystem XR


Use the fault-profile apply command in the global configuration mode, to apply a fault profile at the port level or node level.

fault-profile name apply rack0 slot location port port-id

Syntax Description

fault-profile name

Name of the fault profile.

rack 0 slot location port port-id

Applies the fault profile at the port level or node level.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global Configuration

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


The following sample creates a fault profile and applies at port or slot level.

The following sample creates a fault profile and applies at node level.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#configure terminal
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#fault-profile FpNode fault-identifier subsystem XR
fault-type HW_OTS fault-tag OTS_RX_LOS_P sas CRITICAL nsas CRITICAL
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#fault-profile FpNode apply rack 0 slot ALL

http client connection

To configure the connection for http client, use the http client connection command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client connection { retry count | timeout seconds }

Syntax Description

retry count

Specifies how many times HTTP Client resends a connection request. Range is from 1 to 5. The default value is 0.

timeout seconds

The time interval (in seconds) that HTTP client waits for a server connection to establish before giving up. Range is from 1 to 60 seconds. The default value is 10 seconds.

Command Default

The connection retry is not configured by default. The default connection timeout is set to 10 seconds.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the connection timeout or connection retry count.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to configure the connection request retry to two times:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client connection retry 2

The following example shows how to configure the connection request timeout to 20 seconds:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client connection timeout 20

http client response

To configure the time interval (in seconds) for HTTP Client to wait for a response from the server before giving up, use the http client response command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client response { timeout seconds }

Syntax Description

timeout seconds

The time interval (in seconds) that HTTP client waits for a response from the server before giving up. Range is from 1 to 300 seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.

Command Default

The response timeout is 30 seconds by default.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the response timeout.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to configure the response timeout to 40 seconds:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client response timeout 40

http client ssl

To configure Secure Socket Layer (SSL) version to be used for HTTPS requests, use the http client ssl command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client ssl version

Syntax Description

ssl version

Specify the SSL version to be used for HTTPS requests. Select one of the following versions:

  • tls1.0 - Forces TLSv1.0 to be used for HTTPS requests.

  • tls1.1 - Forces TLSv1.1 to be used for HTTPS requests.

  • tls1.2 - Forces TLSv1.2 to be used for HTTPS requests.

By default libcurl does not force the TLS version.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Default

By default, the SSL version is not configured.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ssl version to be used in HTTPS requests.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to configure the SSL version to tls1.1:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client ssl tls1.1

http client secure-verify-host

To enable verifying host in peer's certificate, use the http client secure-verify-host command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client secure-verify-host

Syntax Description


Verifies the host in peer's certificate. This is enabled by default. To disable, use the command http client secure-verify-host disable

Command Default

Host verification is enabled by default.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the http client secure-verify-host command to disable the host verification.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to disable host verification :

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client secure-verify-host disable

http client secure-verify-peer

To enable verifying authenticity of the peer certificate, use the http client secure-verify-peer command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client secure-verify-peer

Syntax Description


Verifies authenticity of the peer certificate. This is enabled by default. To disable, use the command http client secure-verify-peer disable

Command Default

Peer verification is enabled by default.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the http client secure-verify-peer command to disable the peer verification.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to disable peer verification :

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client secure-verify-peer disable

http client source interface

To specify the interface for source address for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connections, use the http client source-interface command in XR Config mode. To remove the http client source-interface command from the configuration file and restore the system to its default condition, use the no form of this command.

http client source-interface { ipv4 | ipv6 }

Syntax Description

ipv4 ip-address

Enter ipv4 address from interface.

ipv6 ip-address

Enter ipv6 address from interface.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the http client source-interface command to configure ipv4 and ipv6 source interfaces. If both the source interfaces are configured, then the source interface is selected depending on the host DNS resolution.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to configure ipv4 source interface for HTTP connection:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client source-interface ipv4 gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0

The following example shows how to configure ipv6 source interface for HTTP connection:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client source-interface ipv6 gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0

http client ssl

To configure Secure Socket Layer (SSL) version to be used for HTTPS requests, use the http client ssl command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client ssl version

Syntax Description

ssl version

Specify the SSL version to be used for HTTPS requests. Select one of the following versions:

  • tls1.0 - Forces TLSv1.0 to be used for HTTPS requests.

  • tls1.1 - Forces TLSv1.1 to be used for HTTPS requests.

  • tls1.2 - Forces TLSv1.2 to be used for HTTPS requests.

By default libcurl does not force the TLS version.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Default

By default, the SSL version is not configured.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ssl version to be used in HTTPS requests.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to configure the SSL version to tls1.1:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client ssl tls1.1

http client tcp-window-scale

To configure the TCP window scale factor for high latency links, use the http client tcp-window-scale command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client tcp-window-scale scale

Syntax Description


Specify the TCP window scale for HTTP requests. Range is 1 to 14.

Command Default

By default, TCP window scale is disabled.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the TCP window scale for HTTP requests.


Currently, this is enabled for copying of files using HTTP.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to set the TCP window scale to 10:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)#http client tcp-window-scale 10

http client version

To configure the HTTP version to be used for HTTP requests, use the http client version command in XR Config mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

http client version version

Syntax Description


Specify the HTTP version to be used for HTTP requests. Select one of the following versions:

  • 1.0 - Forces HTTP1.0 to be used for all HTTP requests.

  • 1.1 - Forces HTTP1.1 to be used for all HTTP requests.

  • default - libcurl picks up HTTP version automatically.

Command Default

By default, libcurl does not force the HTTP version.


HTTP Client uses libcurl version 7.30

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the HTTP version to be used in HTTP requests.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows how to configure the HTTP version to 1.1:

Router(config)#http client version 1.1

http client vrf

To configure a new VRF to be used by the HTTP client, use the http client vrf command. To remove the specified vrf, use the no form of this command.

http client vrf vrf-name

Syntax Description


Specifies the name of the VRF to be used by the HTTP client.

Command Default

If not configured, the default VRF "default-vrf" will be used.

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.10.1

This command was introduced.

Command Modes

HTTP configuration

Usage Guidelines

A HTTP client can have only one VRF. If a specific VRF is not configured for the HTTP client, the default VRF is assumed.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write

The following example shows the HTTP client being configured to start with the specified VRF:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# http client vrf green


To provision the Optical Amplifier Module, Protection Switching Module (PSM), or Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) module, use the hw-module location command in IOS XR configuration mode.

If span-loss is specified, you can specify the optional parameter span-loss-delta (range [0,500] in 0.01 dB), which is the threshold delta controlling the OTDR auto-scan trigger.

hw-module location { location | WORD } slot slotnumber { ampli { auto-threshold } { flex-mode flex-spectrum channel-id | channel-id | channel-width | channel-width } { grid-mode | { 100GHz | 50GHz | 75GHz | GRIDLESS } | { | flex-channel-id | channel-id | chan-central-freq | frequency | chan-width | width | } | span-loss | node-type {iLA | TERM} | udc-vlan VLANID } | psm { revertive wtr wtr-value } { path-protection } { uni-dir } { primary-path path } section-protection { lockout-from { PROTECTED | WORKING } | manual-switch-to { PROTECTED | WORKING } } { relative-switch-threshold value } { relative-switch-threshold-offset value } }

hw-module location location slot slot-number otdr port port-number direction direction { ml-enabled | { 1 | 0 } } { scan | { expert | auto | abort } | { mode-auto | mode-expert } }

hw-module location location slot slot-number ampli otdr-autoscan otdr-module-[ipv4-address | ipv6-address] IPv4 address | IPv6 address otdr-slot-id slot-number otdr-port-id port-number ampli-far-end-[ipv4-address | ipv6-address] IPv4 address | IPv6 address ampli-far-end-slot-id slot-number scan-type AUTO

hw-module location location slot slot-number ampli remote node [local-ipv4 | local-ipv6 ] LocalIPv4 address | LocalIPv6 address [remote-ipv4 | remote-ipv6 ] RemoteIPv4 address | RemoteIPv6 address remote-slot-id slot-number

Syntax Description


Specifies the location of the hardware module. The location is 0/RP0/CPU0.


Specifies the name of the hardware module.

slot slotnumber

(For EDFA, PSM or OTDR) Specifies the slot number.

Valid range:1 to 3


(For EDFA only) Configures the parameters on the optical amplifier module.


(For EDFA or PSM) This enables auto-threshold mechanism on EDFA for rx-low-threshold on the ots-och controller, while on PSM enables the auto-threshold mechanism for rx-low-threshold on the working and protected ports.


(For EDFA only) Enables the flex mode.

For R7.1.1, the channel width can be set between 50GHz to 800GHz in multiples of 25GHz.

grid-mode {100GHz | 50GHz | 75GHz | GRIDLESS}

(For EDFA only) Specifies the optical spectrum on the interfaces of the amplifier module.

Valid values:100GHz, 75GHz, 50GHz, and Gridless

flex-channel-id channel-id

(For EDFA only) Defines the channel identifier of a flex-channel.

Valid range:1 to 96

chan-central-freq frequency

(For EDFA only) Defines the central frequency of the channel.

Valid range:191350 to 196100 in multiples of 125.

chan-width width

(For EDFA only) Defines the width of the channel.

Valid range:500 (50.0 GHz) to 8000(800.0 GHz) in multiples of 12.5GHz.


(For EDFA only) Enables automatic span loss calculation.

node-type {iLA | TERM}

(For EDFA only) Specifies the type of the node in which the amplifier is set to work. The valid values are iLA and TERM.

udc-vlan VLANID

(For EDFA only) Specifies the VLAN associated to the selected slot and its UDC port.

Valid range:2 to 4080


(For PSM only) Configures the parameters of the protection switching module.


(For PSM only) Enables the PSM path protection.


(For PSM only) Enables the PSM uni-directional mode.


(For PSM only) Enables the revertive switch for PSM.

wtr wtr-value

(For PSM only) Specify the WTR (Wait To Restore Time) in seconds. When this time elapses, traffic is moved to the primary path. This time delay is introduced after LOS alarm on the primary path is cleared.

This parameter must be specified in conjunction with revertive.


(For PSM only) Configures the primary path of PSM. You can change this path from WORKING to PROTECTED but cannot delete it.

Default value: WORKING

lockout-from {PROTECTED | WORKING}

(For PSM only) Specify either working or protected port to be locked out. When lockout is configured on any of the ports, traffic is not switched to that port.

For example, lockout the protected port if you do not want the traffic to be switched switch to the protected port.




If you configure lockout on an active port, the traffic is switched to the other port.


(For PSM only) Enables section protection.

otdr port port-number direction direction scan {expert|auto|abort} {mode-auto | mode-expert}

(For OTDR only) Configures OTDR in specific ports and directions in automatic and expert modes.

ml-enabled 1

(For OTDR only) Enables Machine Learning (ML) on the OTDR card. By default, ML is disabled.


(For PSM only) Specify the delta threshold value in dB at which the working path should switch to the protected path. It can be set to the value of 0dB.

Valid range: <0 to +800> dB

Default value: 0 dB

When set to 0dB, the threshold is ignored and the system automatically applies the primary and secondary switch thresholds. When set to a non-zero value, the system overrides the primary and secondary switch thresholds.

relative-switch-threshold offset

(For PSM only) Specify the value in dB that compensates the normal difference of receiving power between the working and protected paths. A negative offset value compensates the difference in receiving power where the protected path receives a higher power than the working path. A positive offset value compensates the difference in receiving power where the protected path receives a lower power than the working path.

Valid range: <-300 to +300> dB

Default value: 0 dB

The offset works only if the value of relative-switch-threshold is set to a non-zero value.

otdr-autoscan otdr-module-[ipv4-address | ipv6-address]IPv4 address | IPv6 addressscan-type AUTO

Performs OTDR auto scan between different NCS 1001 nodes using either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses configured on their management interfaces.

Limitation: OTDR measurement using IPv6 address is not supported on the OSC management interfaces.

ampli remote node [local-ipv4 | local-ipv6 ]LocalIPv4 address | LocalIPv6 address[remote-ipv4 | remote-ipv6 ]RemoteIPv4 address | RemoteIPv6 address

Defines local or remode node addresses using either IPv4 or IPv6 address in span loss calculation.

Command Default

No hardware module is configured.

Command Modes

Cisco IOS XR Configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.2.1

This command was introduced.

Release 6.3.1

iLA keyword was introduced.

Release 6.5.1

otdr keyword was introduced.

span-loss keyword was introduced.

Release 7.0.1

revertive wtr, flex-mode, primary-path,relative-switch-threshold, and relative-switch-threshold-offset keywords were introduced.

Release 7.1.1

auto-threshold keyword was introduced for EDFA.

Release 7.3.1

  • ml-enabled keyword was introduced to enable ML on the OTDR card.

  • 75GHz grid mode was introduced.

  • flex-channel-id, chan-central-freq, and chan-width keywords were added to configure flex channels on the Amplifier module.

Release 7.10.1

  • ipv6-address keyword was introduced to perform OTDR autoscan using IPv6 address.

  • local-ipv6 and remote-ipv6 keywords were added to define local or remode node addresses using IPv6 address in span loss calculation.

Usage Guidelines

You can use no hw-module location command to remove all the hardware module configurations.


The following is a sample in which the amplifier module is inserted in slot 3 and udc-vlan is set to 4000.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# hw-module location 0/RP0/CPU0 slot 3 ampli grid-mode 100GHz
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# hw-module location 0/RP0/CPU0 slot 3 ampli udc-vlan 4000

The following is a sample in which the PSM module is inserted in slot 2.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# hw-module location 0/RP0/CPU0 slot 2 psm manual-switch-to working
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# hw-module location 0/RP0/CPU0 slot 2 psm lockout-from working

The following is a sample in which the amplifier module is configured in ILA automatic mode.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# hw-module location 0/RP0/CPU0 slot 3 ampli grid-mode 50GHz node-type iLA

The following is a sample of configuring the WTR parameter of PSM revertive switch in which the PSM module is inserted in slot 2 and primary path is set to working.

hw-module location 0/RP0/CPU0 slot 2 psm
revertive wtr 120
primary-path WORKING

The following is a sample for enabling autothreshold on an EDFA equipped in slot 1.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#configure terminal 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/RP0/CPU0 slot 1 ampli auto-threshold 

The following command configures the channel width as 800GHz. This means that the channels are spaced on eight slices at 100GHz each.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#configure terminal 
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/RP0/CPU0 slot 1 ampli flex-mode flex-spectrum
channel-id 10 channel-width 8000

The following is a sample for enabling ML on the OTDR card on slot 1, port 1, and direction tx:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0(config)#hw-module location 0/RP0/CPU0 slot 1 otdr port 1 direction tx ml-enabled 1

The following is a sample in which the amplifier module is configured in flex spectrum.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#configure terminal
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/RP0/CPU0 slot 2 ampli grid-mode gridless
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module location 0/RP0/CPU0 slot 2 ampli flex-channel-id 5
chan-central-freq 1931750 chan-width 6500

hw-module slot

To start the calculation of rxlow-threshold for an EDFA inserted in slot 1, use the hw-module slot command in IOS XR configuration mode.

hw-module slot { slot number } { ampli-auto-rxlow-threshold { threshold-offset } { offset } }

Syntax Description

slot slotnumber

Specifies the slot number. The range is 1–3.


Triggers the auto-threshold calculation.

threshold-offset offset

Offset is a value to be chosen in the range <0-800> (in tenth of dBm).

Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.1.1

ampli-auto-rxlow-threshold and threshold-offset keywords were introduced.


The following is a sample to start the calculation of rx-low-threshold for an EDFA equipped in slot 1 and offset is 4 dB.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#hw-module slot 1 ampli-auto-rxlow-threshold threshold-offset 40

hw-module eth-switch

To enable or disable the UDC ports and their attributes, use the hw-module eth-switch command in IOS XR configuration mode.

hw-module eth-switch { port | [ | CpuMgmt | | | Rj45Mgmt | | | Rj45Udc1 | | | Rj45Udc2 | | | Rj45Udc3 | | | SfpMgmt | | | SfpUdc1 | | | SfpUdc2 | | | SfpUdc3 | ] | { disable | | | enable-clear-on-read | | | enable-loopback } | { clear-stats | [ all | | | port | Device port number | ] }

Syntax Description


Enables, disables, or clears port configurations.

port { CpuMgmt |Rj45Mgmt |Rj45Udc1 | Rj45Udc2 | Rj45Udc3 |SfpMgmt |SfpUdc1 |SfpUdc2 |SfpUdc3 {disable |enable-clear-on-read |enable-loopback } }

Disables configurations, clears attribute, or enables loopback for each port.

clear-stats{all |port Device port number}

Clears all the counters on the selected port and turns off the Clear-On-Read attribute.

Command Modes

Cisco IOS XR Configuration

Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.8.1

  • port keyword was introduced to disable attributes or enable loopback for the selected ports.

  • clear-stats keyword was introduced to clear all the counters on the selected port.


The following is a sample to enable loopback for the management port on the CPU side.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#:hw-module eth-switch port CpuMgmt enable-loopback

The following is a sample to clear the counters of the management port on the CPU side.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)#hw-module eth-switch clear-stats port CpuMgmt


To specify an IPv4 address to act as the router ID, use the router-id command in MPLS LDP configuration mode.

router-id ip-address

Syntax Description


IP address in A.B.C.D format

Command Default

LDP uses router ID as determined by global router ID agent, IP Address Repository Manager (IP ARM).

Command Modes

MPLS LDP configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.3.2

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to specify an IP address as the router ID:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config-ldp)# router-id

router ospf

To enable Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for a specific area interface, use the router ospf command in IOS XR Configuration mode.

router ospf process-id[ area { area-id | ip-address }] interface type R/S/I/P

Syntax Description


Internally used identification parameter for an OSPF routing process. It is locally assigned and can be any positive integer. A unique value is assigned for each OSPF routing process.


(Optional) Enters the OSPF area configuration submode.


Specifies the OSPF area ID as a decimal value.


Specifies the OSPF area ID as an IP address in A.B.C.D format.


(Optional) Enters the OSPF interface configuration submode.


Interface type.



Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

IOS XR Configuration Mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.3.2

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to enable OSPF.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios(config)# router ospf 109

show alarms

To display alarms in brief, detail or xml format, use the show alarms command in XR EXEC mode or Administration EXEC mode.

show alarms brief [card [ location location | WORD | xml ] | xml ]

show alarms detail [card [ location location | WORD | xml ] | xml ] system [active | clients | history | stats | suppressed | xml ]

show alarms xml

Syntax Description


Displays alarms in brief.


Displays card scope alarms related data.

location location

Specifies the target location in the rack/slot notation.


Specifies the name of the card.


Displays the output in xml format.


Displays alarms in detail.


Displays the system scope alarms related data.


Displays the active alarms.


Displays the clients associated with the service.


Displays the alarm history.


Displays the service statistics.


Displays the suppressed alarms.

Command Default


Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.2.1

This command was introduced.


The following example shows the output of the show alarms command.

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# show alarms

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show alarms
Mon Apr 17 07:32:33.474 CEST

Active Alarms (Brief) for 0/RP0
Location        Severity     Group            Set Time               Description                                                                                                                     
0/2             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 07:31:09 CESOts0/2/0/1 - Switched to Protect Path                                                                                           
0/3             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 07:31:10 CESOts0/3/0/0 - Amplifier OFF for Safety Reasons                                                                                   
0/3             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 07:31:10 CESOts0/3/0/1 - Loss Of Continuity                                                                                                 
0/3             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 07:31:10 CESOts0/3/0/1 - Amplifier OFF for Safety Reasons                                                                                   
0/3             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 07:31:10 CESOts0/3/0/3 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
0/1             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 07:31:10 CESOts0/1/0/0 - Amplifier OFF for Safety Reasons                                                                                   
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 07:31:10 CESOts0/1/0/1 - Loss Of Continuity                                                                                                 
0/1             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 07:31:10 CESOts0/1/0/1 - Amplifier OFF for Safety Reasons                                                                                   
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 07:31:10 CESOts0/1/0/3 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
0/2             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 07:31:10 CESOts0/2/0/1 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
0/2             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 07:31:10 CESOts0/2/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           

History Alarms (Brief) for 0/RP0
Location        Severity     Group            Set Time               Description                                                                                                                     
                                              Clear Time
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:32:11 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:32:11 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:32:38 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:32:38 CEST
0/3             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 04:32:41 CESOts0/3/0/1 - Amplifier in power reduction for safety reasons                                                                    
                                         04/17/2017 04:32:49 CEST
0/1             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 04:32:43 CESOts0/1/0/1 - Amplifier in power reduction for safety reasons                                                                    
                                         04/17/2017 04:32:51 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:33:04 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:33:04 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:33:30 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:33:30 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:33:56 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:33:56 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:34:25 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:34:25 CEST
0/3             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 04:34:29 CESOts0/3/0/1 - Amplifier in power reduction for safety reasons                                                                    
                                         04/17/2017 04:34:37 CEST
0/1             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 04:34:31 CESOts0/1/0/1 - Amplifier in power reduction for safety reasons                                                                    
                                         04/17/2017 04:34:39 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:34:51 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:34:51 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:35:17 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:35:17 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:35:44 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:35:44 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:36:10 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:36:10 CEST
0/3             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 04:36:17 CESOts0/3/0/1 - Amplifier in power reduction for safety reasons                                                                    
                                         04/17/2017 04:36:25 CEST
0/1             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 04:36:19 CESOts0/1/0/1 - Amplifier in power reduction for safety reasons                                                                    
                                         04/17/2017 04:36:27 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:36:36 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:36:36 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:37:02 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:37:02 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:37:27 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:37:27 CEST
0/1             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:37:54 CESOts0/1/0/2 - Loss of Signal - Payload                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:37:54 CEST
0/3             Critical     Controller       04/17/2017 04:31:01 CESOts0/3/0/1 - Loss Of Continuity                                                                                                 
                                         04/17/2017 04:38:06 CEST
0/3             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 04:31:01 CESOts0/3/0/1 - Amplifier OFF for Safety Reasons                                                                                   
                                         04/17/2017 04:38:06 CEST
0/2             NotAlarmed   Controller       04/17/2017 04:30:59 CESOts0/2/0/1 - Switched to Protect Path                                                                                           
                                         04/17/2017 04:38:06 CEST

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show alarms detail system active

Mon Apr 17 07:35:49.634 CEST

Active Alarms
Description:             Amplifier in power reduction for safety reasons                                                                                                                             
Location:                0/3
AID:                     XR/(null)/139
Tag String:              FAM_FAULT_TAG_OTS_AUTO_POW_RED
Module Name:             Ots0/3/0/0
EID:                     MODULE/TRC/1:PORT/OTS/0
Reporting Agent ID:      65587
Pending Sync:            false
Severity:                NotAlarmed
Status:                  Set
Group:                   Controller
Set Time:                04/17/2017 07:32:50 CEST
Clear Time:              -
Service Affecting:       NotServiceAffecting
Transport Direction:     Receive
Transport Source:        NearEnd
Threshold Value:         -
Current Value:           -
Bucket Type:             NotSpecified
Event Type:              Default
Interface:               Ots0/3/0/0
Alarm Name:              AUTO-POW-RED
Description:             Loss Of Continuity                                                                                                                                                          
Location:                0/3
AID:                     XR/(null)/135
Tag String:              FAM_FAULT_TAG_OTS_RX_LOC
Module Name:             Ots0/3/0/1
EID:                     MODULE/TRC/1:PORT/OTS/1
Reporting Agent ID:      65587
Pending Sync:            false
Severity:                Critical
Status:                  Set
Group:                   Controller
Set Time:                04/17/2017 07:35:11 CEST
Clear Time:              -
Service Affecting:       ServiceAffecting
Transport Direction:     Receive
Transport Source:        NearEnd
Threshold Value:         -
Current Value:           -
Bucket Type:             NotSpecified
Event Type:              Default
Interface:               Ots0/3/0/1
Alarm Name:              RX-LOC
Description:             Amplifier OFF for Safety Reasons                                                                                                                                            
Location:                0/3
AID:                     XR/(null)/138
Tag String:              FAM_FAULT_TAG_OTS_AUTO_LASER_SHUT
Module Name:             Ots0/3/0/1
EID:                     MODULE/TRC/1:PORT/OTS/1
Reporting Agent ID:      65587
Pending Sync:            false
Severity:                NotAlarmed
Status:                  Set
Group:                   Controller
Set Time:                04/17/2017 07:35:11 CEST
Clear Time:              -
Service Affecting:       NotServiceAffecting
Transport Direction:     Receive
Transport Source:        NearEnd
Threshold Value:         -
Current Value:           -
Bucket Type:             NotSpecified
Event Type:              Default
Interface:               Ots0/3/0/1
Alarm Name:              AUTO-LASER-SHUT

show configuration commit changes

To display the changes made to the running configuration by previous configuration commits, a configuration commit, or for a range of configuration commits, use the show configuration commit changes command in EXEC, administration EXEC, administration configuration, or global configuration mode.

show configuration commit changes { commit-id | since commit-id | last number-of-commits | all } [diff]

Syntax Description


Displays all changes committed to the running configuration since (and including) a specific configuration commit.


Displays configuration changes for a specific configuration commit.

last number-of-commits

Displays the changes made to the running configuration during the last number of configuration commits specified for the number-of-commits argument.


Displays commit ID and configurations completed for last 100 commits.


(Optional) Displays added lines, changed lines, and deleted lines.

Command Default


Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Administration configuration

Global configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Each time a configuration is committed with the commit command, the configuration commit operation is assigned a commit ID. The show configuration commit changes command displays the configuration changes made since the specified commit.

To display a list of the available commit IDs, enter the show configuration commit list command. You can also display the commit IDs by entering the show configuration commit changes command with the online help function (? ).

You cannot view commit IDs from a different release if the syntax or semantics of the configuration changed in the current release.


Syntax of a configuration refers to its structure and format, while the semantics of a configuration refers to its backend interpretation.

The following example shows sample output from the show configuration commit changes command with the commit-id argument. In this example, the output displays the changes made in the configuration commit assigned commit ID 1000035693.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show configuration commit changes 1000035693
Tue Feb 28 14:28:03.404 UTC
!! Building configuration...
interface GCC20/1/0/12
 ipv4 address

The following example shows sample output from the show configuration commit changes command with the since commit-id keyword and argument. In this example, the output displays the configuration changes made since the configuration commit assigned commit ID 1000035693 was committed.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show configuration commit changes since 1000035693
Tue Feb 28 14:29:42.858 UTC
!! Building configuration...
controller ODUC40/1/0/12
 no gcc2
no interface preconfigure GCC20/1/0/12
no keyring keyring_all_in_one
no ikev2 profile profile_all_in_one

The following example shows sample output from the show configuration commit changes command with the diff keyword. In the display, the following symbols signify changes:

+ indicates an added line.

– indicates a deleted line.

# indicates a modified line.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show configuration commit changes since 1000035681 diff
Tue Feb 28 14:32:24.349 UTC
!! Building configuration...
-  logging console disable
#  line default
#   exec-timeout 0 0
#  !
-  controller ODUC40/1/0/12
-   gcc2
-  !
-  interface preconfigure GCC20/1/0/12
-   ipv4 address
-  !
-  keyring keyring_all_in_one
-   peer link_1
-    pre-shared-key password 11021C1C46
-    address
-   !
-  !

The following example shows sample output from the show configuration commit changes command with the all keyword. In this example, the output displays the list of configurations that are committed in last 100 commits along with their commit-ID.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show configuration commit changes all
Tue Feb 28 14:33:33.772 UTC

 Commit ID :  1000035611
!! Building configuration...
controller Optics0/3/0/12

 Commit ID :  1000035612
!! Building configuration...
controller Optics0/3/0/12
 no shutdown

 Commit ID :  1000035613
!! Building configuration...
controller Odu-Group-Mp1 signal Otn odu-type ODUC4
 no protection-switching operate lockout odu-dest ODUC40/3/0/12

show controllers

To display status and configuration information about the interfaces on a specific node, use the show controllers command in EXEC mode.

show controllers controllertype R/S/I/P [db | dwdm-carrrier-map | periodic {15-min period period duration duration | 24-hour period period duration duration | 30-sec period period duration duration } | pm | {current {15-min optics lane number } {24-hour optics lane number } {30-sec optics lane number } { flex-bin optics lane number bucket bucket number } | history {15-min optics lane number bucket bucket number } {24-hour optics lane number } {30-sec optics lane number bucket bucket number } { flex-bin optics lane number bucket bucket number }} | summary]

Syntax Description


Type of the controller. The possible values are OTS, OTS-OCH, Coherent DSP, Fast Ethernet, FortyGigECtrlr, GigabitEthernet and so on.


Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/Lane number of the controller.


(Optional) Displays the optics parameters.


(Optional) Displays the ITU channel, frequency, and wavelength.


(Optional) Displays the performance monitoring data in 15 minute, 24 hour, and 30 seconds intervals.

period period

(Optional) Displays the performance monitoring data after the specified period. The range is from 1 to 60.

duration duration

(Optional) Displays the performance monitoring data for the specified number of times. The range is from 1 to 60.


(Optional) Displays the optics performance monitoring parameters.


(Optional) Displays the current performance monitoring data in 10 seconds, 15 minute, 24 hour, and 30 seconds intervals.


(Optional) Displays the historical performance monitoring data in 10 seconds, 15 minute, 24 hour, and 30 seconds intervals.


(Optional) Displays the performance monitoring data for optics controller.


(Optional) Lane number to display performance monitoring data. The valid value is 1.


(Optional) Displays the performance monitoring data for the specified bucket.


(Optional) Lane number to display performance monitoring data.

The valid range is 1 to 32 for 15 minute interval.

The valid range is 1 to 30 for 30 seconds interval.


(Optional) Displays brief information about optics controller.

Command Default

The status and configuration information of all the interfaces is displayed.

Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.2.1

This command was introduced.

Release 7.3.1

flex-bin keyword was added.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show controllers ots 0/3/0/1

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers ots 0/3/0/1
Wed Aug 23 09:08:27.962 UTC

 Controller State: Up

 Transport Admin State: In Service

 Port Type: Line

 Laser State: Off

 Optics Status::

 Alarm Status:
 Detected Alarms:

 Alarm Statistics:
 RX-LOS-P = 0
 RX-LOC = 1

 Parameter Statistics:
 TX Power = -40.00 dBm
 RX Power = -40.00 dBm
 Ampli Gain = -1.00 dB
 Ampli Tilt = 0.00
 Total TX Power = -40.00 dBm
 Total RX Power = -40.00 dBm

 Configured Parameters:
 Rx Low Threshold = -25.0 dBm
 Tx Low Threshold = -20.0 dBm
 Ampli Gain = 1.00 dB
 Ampli Tilt = 0.00
 Ampli Channel power = 0.00 dBm
 Channel Power Max Delta = 3.00 dBm
 Ampli Control mode = Manual
 Ampli Gain Range = Normal
 Ampli Safety Control mode = auto
 Osri = OFF


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show controllers ots 0/1/0/3 db

Wed Apr 12 08:34:37.869 CEST

 Transport Admin State: In Service

 Controller State: Up

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show controllers ots 0/1/0/1 pm history 24-hour optics 1

Wed Apr 12 07:49:58.268 CEST

Optics in interval 1 [00:00:00 - 24:00:00 Tue Apr 11 2017]

Optics history bucket type : Valid
              MIN       AVG       MAX
LBC[% ]    : 0.0       15.0      18.9
OPT[dBm]   : -40.00    0.44      8.00
OPR[dBm]   : -40.00    -11.37    -7.80

Last clearing of "show controllers OPTICS" counters never

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show controllers ots 0/1/0/1 periodic 15-min period 2 duration 2

Wed Apr 12 08:06:46.211 CEST

Iteration 1 of 2 for channel 1, Query At Timestamp: [08:06:48.495 Wed Apr 12 2017]
Optics in the current interval [08:00:00 - 08:06:48 Wed Apr 12 2017]

Optics current bucket type : Valid
             MIN       AVG       MAX     Threshold  TCA     Threshold  TCA
                                          (min)   (enable)    (max)   (enable)
LBC[% ]    : 15.1      15.1      15.1      0.0      NO        0.0      NO
OPT[dBm]   : 0.40      0.42      0.50      -50.00   NO        10.00    NO
OPR[dBm]   : -11.70    -11.69    -11.61    -50.00   NO        10.00    NO

Last clearing of "show controllers OPTICS" counters never

Iteration 2 of 2 for channel 1, Query At Timestamp: [08:06:50.494 Wed Apr 12 2017]
Optics in the current interval [08:00:00 - 08:06:50 Wed Apr 12 2017]

Optics current bucket type : Valid
             MIN       AVG       MAX     Threshold  TCA     Threshold  TCA
                                          (min)   (enable)    (max)   (enable)
LBC[% ]    : 15.1      15.1      15.1      0.0      NO        0.0      NO
OPT[dBm]   : 0.40      0.42      0.50      -50.00   NO        10.00    NO
OPR[dBm]   : -11.70    -11.69    -11.61    -50.00   NO        10.00    NO

Last clearing of "show controllers OPTICS" counters never

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show controllers ots 0/1/0/1 pm history 30-sec optics 1 bucket 1

Wed Apr 12 08:15:22.555 CEST

Optics in interval 1 [08:14:30 - 08:15:00 Wed Apr 12 2017]

Optics history bucket type : Valid
              MIN       AVG       MAX
LBC[% ]    : 15.1      15.1      15.1
OPT[dBm]   : 0.50      0.50      0.50
OPR[dBm]   : -11.70    -11.61    -11.61

Last clearing of "show controllers OPTICS" counters never

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show controllers ots 0/1/0/3 summary

Wed Apr 12 08:35:26.353 CEST

 Port        Type       Status    TX Power    TX Total Power  RX Power    RX Total Power   
                                  (dBm)       (dBm)           (dBm)       (dBm)            
 ----        ----       ------  -----------   -------------   ----------  ---------------  
 Ots0_1_0_3  Com-Check  N/A      Unavailable  Unavailable     -8.30       Unavailable     

RX Voa Attenuation    TX Voa Attenuation    Ampli Gain     Ampli Tilt
(dBm)                 (dBm)
------------------    ------------------    ----------     ----------
 Unavailable           Unavailable           Unavailable    Unavailable

The following sample shows the configured channel with its frequency and width.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0#show controllers ots-och 0/2/0/0/5 summary

Fri Oct  9 10:43:44.002 CEST
 Port       	Type   Status   TX Power   RX Power   
                            	  (dBm)      (dBm)    
----------------- -----   -------   ---------  ---------
Ots-Och0_2_0_0_5    Com     N/A     -8.60       -8.90      
TX psd     RX psd         Central         Channel Width
(nW/MHz)   (nW/MHz)       Frequency(GHz)    (GHz)
---------  ------------   -------------    --------------   
  0.410       0.450         193175.0         650.0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0#show controllers ots-och 0/2/0/0/5

Fri Oct  9 10:46:33.046 CEST

 Controller State: Up

 Transport Admin State: Maintenance

 Port Type: Com

 Laser State: Unknown

 Optics Status::

         Alarm Status:
         Detected Alarms: None

         Alarm Statistics:
         LOW-RX-PWR = 0
         LOW-TX-PWR = 0
         RX-LOS-P = 0
         RX-LOC = 0
         AMPLI-GAIN-DEG-LOW = 0
         AMPLI-GAIN-DEG-HIGH = 0
         AUTO-LASER-SHUT = 0
         AUTO-POW-RED = 0
         SWITCH-TO-PROTECT = 0

         Parameter Statistics:
         TX Power = -8.60 dBm
         RX Power = -8.90 dBm
         TX psd = 0.440 nW/MHz
         RX psd = 0.450 nW/MHz
         Channel Central Frequency = 193175.0 GHz
         Channel Width = 650.0 GHz

         Configured Parameters:
         Rx Low Threshold = -25.0 dBm
         Tx Low Threshold = -25.0 dBm

show hw-module

To display the details of the Field Programmable Devices (FPDs), location, patchcord configuration, and slot, use the show hw-module in EXEC mode.

show hw-module { details | fpd [ WORD | help-fpd ] | location { WORD | all fpd [ WORD | help-fpd ] | help-loc | 0/0 | 0/1 | 0/2 | 0/3 | 0/FT0 | 0/FT1 | 0/FT2 | 0/FT3 | 0/RP0 } | patchcord { all | port optics R/S/I/P } | slot slotnumber { ampli-trail-view { all | bst | pre } | channel-trail-view active all } }

show hw-module slot slot-number otdr {status | scan}

show hw-module eth-switch { ports-attrs | | | stats | port | port number | | | vlans }

Syntax Description


Displays the hardware module information.


Displays information for all the Field Programmable Devices (FPD) installed.


(Optional) Displays information of the specified FPD.


(Optional) Displays the list of all FPDs installed.


Displays the information of the specified location of the FPD.


Displays all the FPDs location information.


Displays the list of all available locations.

0/0, 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, 0/FT0, 0/FT1, 0/FT2, 0/FT3, 0/RP0

Displays the location of the FPD.


Displays the hardware module patch-cord information.


Displays all the hardware module patch-cord information.

port optics R/S/I/P

Displays the configured patch-cord information for the specified optical port.

R/S/I/P—Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/Lane number of the controller

slot slotnumber

Displays the slot information.

slotnumber—Slot number of the hardware module. The valid range is 1–3.


Defines the booster and pre trail information.


Displays booster and pre trail information.


Displays booster trail information.


Displays pre trail information.


Defines the channels trail information.


Displays active channels trail information.


Displays all channels trail information.

otdr {status | scan}

status keyword: Displays a table with the status for all the OTDR ports and directions

scan keyword: Displays the list of OTDR measurements


Displays information that is related to the port state, VLAN lists and port statistics.


Displays ports attributes and status.


Displays counters for the selected port.


Displays the list of configured VLANs.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.2.1

This command was introduced.

Release 6.5.1

otdr keyword was introduced.

Release 7.8.1

eth-switch, ports-attrs , stats, and vlans were introduced to display information that is related to the port state, VLAN lists, and port statistics.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module fpd

Tue Sep 12 16:13:00.898 CEST
                                                               FPD Versions
Location   Card type        HWver FPD device       ATR Status   Running Programd
0/0       NCS1001-K9        0.1   Control_BKP      B   CURRENT            1.09
0/0       NCS1001-K9        0.1   Control_FPGA         CURRENT    1.09    1.09
0/1       NCS1K-EDFA        0.0   FW_EDFAv1            CURRENT    1.39    1.39
0/2       NCS1K-PSM         0.0   FW_PSMv1             CURRENT    1.38    1.38
0/3       NCS1K-EDFA        0.0   FW_EDFAv1            CURRENT    1.39    1.39
0/RP0     NCS1K-CNTLR2      0.1   BIOS_Backup      BS  CURRENT           13.60
0/RP0     NCS1K-CNTLR2      0.1   BIOS_Primary      S  CURRENT   13.60   13.60
0/RP0     NCS1K-CNTLR2      0.1   Daisy_Duke_BKP   BS  CURRENT            0.17
0/RP0     NCS1K-CNTLR2      0.1   Daisy_Duke_FPGA   S  CURRENT    0.17    0.17

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module fpd help-fpd

Thu Apr 13 08:24:15.770 CEST

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module fpd Control_BKP

Thu Apr 13 08:25:15.360 CEST
                                                               FPD Versions
Location   Card type        HWver FPD device       ATR Status   Running Programd
0/0       NCS1001-K9        0.1   Control_BKP      B   CURRENT            1.09

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module location 0/0 fpd help-fpd

Thu Apr 13 08:30:12.529 CEST

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module location 0/0 fpd Control_FPGA

Thu Apr 13 08:30:38.114 CEST
                                                               FPD Versions
Location   Card type        HWver FPD device       ATR Status   Running Programd
0/0       NCS1001-K9        0.1   Control_FPGA         CURRENT    1.09    1.09

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module location all fpd help-fpd

Thu Apr 13 08:33:50.794 CEST

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module location all fpd

Tue Sep 12 16:13:00.898 CEST
                                                               FPD Versions
Location   Card type        HWver FPD device       ATR Status   Running Programd
0/0       NCS1001-K9        0.1   Control_BKP      B   CURRENT            1.09
0/0       NCS1001-K9        0.1   Control_FPGA         CURRENT    1.09    1.09
0/1       NCS1K-EDFA        0.0   FW_EDFAv1            CURRENT    1.39    1.39
0/2       NCS1K-PSM         0.0   FW_PSMv1             CURRENT    1.38    1.38
0/3       NCS1K-EDFA        0.0   FW_EDFAv1            CURRENT    1.39    1.39
0/RP0     NCS1K-CNTLR2      0.1   BIOS_Backup      BS  CURRENT           13.60
0/RP0     NCS1K-CNTLR2      0.1   BIOS_Primary      S  CURRENT   13.60   13.60
0/RP0     NCS1K-CNTLR2      0.1   Daisy_Duke_BKP   BS  CURRENT            0.17
0/RP0     NCS1K-CNTLR2      0.1   Daisy_Duke_FPGA   S  CURRENT    0.17    0.17

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module location all fpd Control_BKP

Thu Apr 13 08:37:26.261 CEST
                                                               FPD Versions
Location   Card type        HWver FPD device       ATR Status   Running Programd
0/0       NCS1001-K9        0.1   Control_BKP      B   CURRENT            1.09

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module patchcord all

Thu Apr 13 08:38:53.553 CEST

Hw-module Patchcord Configuration
No Hw-module Patchcord Configuration exists

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module patchcord port optics 0/3/0/4

Thu Apr 13 08:40:52.355 CEST

Hw-module Patchcord Configuration
Given Port has not been used in any Patchcord Configuration

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module slot 1 ampli-trail-view all

Thu Apr 13 08:43:25.305 CEST

  Ampli Trail View - BST and PRE Amplifiers
Port: 0/COM                             Port: 1/LINE
--------------                          --------------
         Rx Power = -17.00 dBm                   Rx Power = -50.00 dBm
   Rx Total Power = -17.00 dBm             Rx Total Power = -50.00 dBm
 Rx Low Threshold = -25.0 dBm            Rx Low Threshold = -25.0 dBm

Port: 1/LINE                            Port: 0/COM
--------------                          --------------
         Tx Power = -50.00 dBm                   Tx Power = -50.00 dBm
   Tx Total Power = -50.00 dBm             Tx Total Power = -50.00 dBm
 Tx Low Threshold = -20.0 dBm            Tx Low Threshold = -20.0 dBm

         Bst Gain = 1.00 dB                      Pre Gain = -90.00 dB
         Bst Tilt = 2.00                         Pre Tilt = 0.00
Bst Channel Power = 3.00 dBm            Pre Channel Power = 3.00 dBm
 Bst Control Mode = Auto                 Pre Control Mode = Auto
  Bst Safety Mode = ALS Auto              Pre Safety Mode = ALS Auto
         Bst Osri = Off                          Pre Osri = Off
   Bst Gain Range = Normal                 Pre Gain Range = Normal

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module slot 1 ampli-trail-view pre

Thu Apr 13 08:44:44.927 CEST

  Ampli Trail View - PRE Amplifier
Port: 1/LINE
         Rx Power = -7.70 dBm
   Rx Total Power = -7.80 dBm
 Rx Low Threshold = -25.0 dBm

Port: 0/COM
         Tx Power = -50.00 dBm
   Tx Total Power = -50.00 dBm
 Tx Low Threshold = -2.0 dBm

       Ampli Gain = 0.00 dB
       Ampli Tilt = 0.00
    Channel Power = 3.00 dBm
     Control Mode = Auto
      Safety Mode = ALS Auto
             Osri = Off
       Gain Range = Normal

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module slot 1 channel-trail-view active

Thu Apr 13 08:45:45.582 CEST

  Channel Trail View - Active
                                         0/COM - BST - 1/LINE      1/LINE - PRE - 0/COM
 Och Name    Wavelength    Frequency     Rx Power    Tx Power      Rx Power        Tx Power

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show hw-module location all fpd Control_BKP

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show hw-module slot 1 channel-trail-view all
Thu Apr 13 08:48:00.763 CEST

  Channel Trail View - All
                                                            0/COM - BST - 1/LINE           1/LINE - PRE - 0/COM
     Och Name            Wavelength      Frequency        Rx Power        Tx Power        Rx Power        Tx Power
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_1        1528.77 nm      196.10 THz      -34.80 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -36.00 dBm      -5.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_2        1529.16 nm      196.05 THz      -35.80 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -38.20 dBm      -5.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_3        1529.55 nm      196.00 THz      -18.70 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -39.30 dBm      -5.40 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_4        1529.94 nm      195.95 THz      -36.50 dBm      -31.60 dBm      -33.80 dBm      -5.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_5        1530.33 nm      195.90 THz      -35.50 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -42.00 dBm      -5.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_6        1530.72 nm      195.85 THz      -46.40 dBm      -33.90 dBm      -44.10 dBm      -5.60 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_7        1531.12 nm      195.80 THz      -42.80 dBm      -35.90 dBm      -39.20 dBm      -5.60 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_8        1531.51 nm      195.75 THz      -39.50 dBm      -43.20 dBm      -44.80 dBm      -5.80 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_9        1531.90 nm      195.70 THz      -36.20 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -41.20 dBm      -5.80 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_10       1532.29 nm      195.65 THz      -42.00 dBm      -36.50 dBm      -46.40 dBm      -5.90 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_11       1532.68 nm      195.60 THz      -30.90 dBm      -33.60 dBm      -32.50 dBm      -6.10 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_12       1533.07 nm      195.55 THz      -46.00 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -41.00 dBm      -6.40 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_13       1533.46 nm      195.50 THz      -42.40 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -40.80 dBm      -6.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_14       1533.86 nm      195.45 THz      -42.80 dBm      -34.60 dBm      -37.00 dBm      -6.80 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_15       1534.25 nm      195.40 THz      -42.50 dBm      -33.60 dBm      -38.30 dBm      -7.00 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_16       1534.64 nm      195.35 THz      -39.90 dBm      -40.10 dBm      -40.30 dBm      -7.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_17       1535.04 nm      195.30 THz      -36.90 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -37.60 dBm      -7.60 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_18       1535.43 nm      195.25 THz      -34.00 dBm      -35.40 dBm      -34.80 dBm      -8.00 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_19       1535.82 nm      195.20 THz      -36.70 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -8.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_20       1536.22 nm      195.15 THz      -39.80 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -41.80 dBm      -8.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_21       1536.61 nm      195.10 THz      -40.20 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -39.40 dBm      -8.60 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_22       1537.00 nm      195.05 THz      -36.70 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -43.00 dBm      -8.90 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_23       1537.40 nm      195.00 THz      -39.40 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -40.20 dBm      -9.00 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_24       1537.79 nm      194.95 THz      -44.40 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -39.10 dBm      -8.90 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_25       1538.19 nm      194.90 THz      -35.50 dBm      -30.40 dBm      -41.20 dBm      -9.10 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_26       1538.58 nm      194.85 THz      -39.80 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -41.60 dBm      -9.10 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_27       1538.98 nm      194.80 THz      -30.40 dBm      -31.10 dBm      -32.90 dBm      -9.20 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_28       1539.37 nm      194.75 THz      -40.00 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -38.60 dBm      -9.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_29       1539.77 nm      194.70 THz      -40.90 dBm      -33.50 dBm      -38.50 dBm      -9.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_30       1540.16 nm      194.65 THz      -36.20 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -36.30 dBm      -9.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_31       1540.56 nm      194.60 THz      -35.70 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -43.50 dBm      -9.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_32       1540.95 nm      194.55 THz      -48.70 dBm      -40.20 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -9.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_33       1541.35 nm      194.50 THz      -35.40 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -36.80 dBm      -9.40 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_34       1541.75 nm      194.45 THz      -34.50 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -38.10 dBm      -9.40 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_35       1542.14 nm      194.40 THz      -39.60 dBm      -38.00 dBm      -38.60 dBm      -9.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_36       1542.54 nm      194.35 THz      -42.50 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -35.10 dBm      -9.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_37       1542.94 nm      194.30 THz      -34.80 dBm      -39.40 dBm      -38.90 dBm      -9.70 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_38       1543.33 nm      194.25 THz      -40.10 dBm      -36.90 dBm      -41.60 dBm      -9.80 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_39       1543.73 nm      194.20 THz      -29.90 dBm      -29.20 dBm      -33.10 dBm      -9.60 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_40       1544.13 nm      194.15 THz      -36.50 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -34.80 dBm      -9.80 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_41       1544.53 nm      194.10 THz      -37.60 dBm      -35.50 dBm      -39.40 dBm      -9.90 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_42       1544.92 nm      194.05 THz      -37.10 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -40.70 dBm      -9.60 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_43       1545.32 nm      194.00 THz      -38.60 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -36.20 dBm      -9.80 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_44       1545.72 nm      193.95 THz      -32.40 dBm      -41.30 dBm      -41.80 dBm      -10.20 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_45       1546.12 nm      193.90 THz      -33.90 dBm      -32.50 dBm      -41.20 dBm      -10.00 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_46       1546.52 nm      193.85 THz      -38.00 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -10.10 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_47       1546.92 nm      193.80 THz      -32.70 dBm      -29.80 dBm      -37.40 dBm      -10.20 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_48       1547.32 nm      193.75 THz      -40.20 dBm      -37.80 dBm      -38.70 dBm      -10.20 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_49       1547.71 nm      193.70 THz      -35.80 dBm      -32.00 dBm      -40.60 dBm      -10.40 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_50       1548.12 nm      193.65 THz      -35.70 dBm      -41.10 dBm      -37.80 dBm      -10.40 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_51       1548.52 nm      193.60 THz      -45.40 dBm      -45.10 dBm      -37.20 dBm      -10.40 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_52       1548.91 nm      193.55 THz      -47.10 dBm      -32.80 dBm      -39.10 dBm      -10.70 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_53       1549.32 nm      193.50 THz      -41.60 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -37.40 dBm      -10.60 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_54       1549.71 nm      193.45 THz      -34.60 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -34.10 dBm      -10.80 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_55       1550.12 nm      193.40 THz      -38.80 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -43.50 dBm      -10.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_56       1550.52 nm      193.35 THz      -29.40 dBm      -29.90 dBm      -31.30 dBm      -10.90 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_57       1550.92 nm      193.30 THz      -33.50 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -37.90 dBm      -11.00 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_58       1551.32 nm      193.25 THz      -38.20 dBm      -35.30 dBm      -37.30 dBm      -10.90 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_59       1551.72 nm      193.20 THz      -30.70 dBm      -36.10 dBm      -37.10 dBm      -10.90 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_60       1552.12 nm      193.15 THz      -34.80 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -42.00 dBm      -11.10 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_61       1552.52 nm      193.10 THz      -38.00 dBm      -31.80 dBm      -35.30 dBm      -11.10 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_62       1552.93 nm      193.05 THz      -33.40 dBm      -30.90 dBm      -41.00 dBm      -11.00 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_63       1553.33 nm      193.00 THz      -34.20 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -11.20 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_64       1553.73 nm      192.95 THz      -36.40 dBm      -43.50 dBm      -36.10 dBm      -11.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_65       1554.13 nm      192.90 THz      -41.20 dBm      -37.70 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -11.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_66       1554.54 nm      192.85 THz      -35.40 dBm      -30.00 dBm      -40.10 dBm      -11.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_67       1554.94 nm      192.80 THz      -38.70 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -37.40 dBm      -11.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_68       1555.34 nm      192.75 THz      -42.10 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -40.80 dBm      -11.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_69       1555.75 nm      192.70 THz      -34.20 dBm      -34.60 dBm      -36.20 dBm      -11.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_70       1556.15 nm      192.65 THz      -38.10 dBm      -31.60 dBm      -37.20 dBm      -11.40 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_71       1556.56 nm      192.60 THz      -43.50 dBm      -36.90 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -11.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_72       1556.96 nm      192.55 THz      -32.30 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -12.00 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_73       1557.36 nm      192.50 THz      -39.50 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -37.00 dBm      -11.50 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_74       1557.77 nm      192.45 THz      -35.20 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -39.10 dBm      -11.80 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_75       1558.17 nm      192.40 THz      -32.50 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -41.00 dBm      -11.40 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_76       1558.58 nm      192.35 THz      -34.70 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -39.10 dBm      -11.70 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_77       1558.98 nm      192.30 THz      -37.90 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -41.20 dBm      -11.70 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_78       1559.39 nm      192.25 THz      -35.30 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -36.10 dBm      -11.90 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_79       1559.79 nm      192.20 THz      -35.70 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -12.00 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_80       1560.20 nm      192.15 THz      -35.40 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -40.20 dBm      -12.00 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_81       1560.61 nm      192.10 THz      -32.40 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -37.80 dBm      -12.10 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_82       1561.01 nm      192.05 THz      -35.80 dBm      -38.10 dBm      -37.70 dBm      -12.10 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_83       1561.42 nm      192.00 THz      -33.10 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -32.70 dBm      -12.20 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_84       1561.83 nm      191.95 THz      -42.10 dBm      -33.90 dBm      -32.60 dBm      -11.90 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_85       1562.23 nm      191.90 THz      -28.90 dBm      -28.60 dBm      -30.30 dBm      -12.70 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_86       1562.64 nm      191.85 THz      -31.30 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -33.60 dBm      -12.60 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_87       1563.05 nm      191.80 THz      -34.70 dBm      -34.20 dBm      -32.70 dBm      -12.40 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_88       1563.45 nm      191.75 THz      -35.10 dBm      -34.20 dBm      -35.00 dBm      -13.00 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_89       1563.86 nm      191.70 THz      -33.00 dBm      -32.00 dBm      -42.10 dBm      -12.70 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_90       1564.27 nm      191.65 THz      -39.90 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -33.90 dBm      -13.20 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_91       1564.68 nm      191.60 THz      -34.90 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -35.70 dBm      -13.10 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_92       1565.09 nm      191.55 THz      -30.40 dBm      -32.00 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -13.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_93       1565.50 nm      191.50 THz      -38.00 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -13.70 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_94       1565.90 nm      191.45 THz      -31.90 dBm      -36.00 dBm      -37.70 dBm      -12.90 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_95       1566.31 nm      191.40 THz      -35.40 dBm      -31.30 dBm      -35.70 dBm      -13.30 dBm
 Ots-Och0_1_0_0_96       1566.72 nm      191.35 THz      -38.30 dBm      -50.00 dBm      -33.90 dBm      -13.90 dBm

The following is a sample to display all the counters on the management port on the CPU side.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show hw-module eth-switch stats port CpuMgmt
Mon May 16 09:10:24.491 UTC

****************** START ******************
 PORT MAC COUNTERS - Test cmd [1] [Port:0x18]
  goodPktsSent          0
  goodPktsRcv           0
  ucPktsSent            17
  ucPktsRcv             2
  mcPktsSent            1489
  mcPktsRcv             0
  brdcPktsSent          349
  brdcPktsRcv           1
  goodOctetsSent        200863
  goodOctetsRcv         474
  pkts64Octets          614
  pkts65to127Octets     872
  pkts128to255Octets    86
  pkts256to511Octets    286
  pkts512to1023Octets   0
  pkts1024tomaxOoctets  0
  pkts1024to1518Octets  0

The following is a sample to display the attributes for all the configured ports.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show hw-module eth-switch ports-attrs
Thu Nov 10 13:24:16.932 CET
Ports Attributes:
Port SfpUdc3  # 0 (enable)      Link UP         Full-Duplex  9604 [1 Gbps] 6(1000BASE_X)     Clear-On-Read
Port SfpUdc2  # 4 (enable)      Link UP         Full-Duplex  9604 [1 Gbps] 6(1000BASE_X)     Clear-On-Read
Port SfpUdc1  # 8 (enable)      Link UP         Full-Duplex  9604 [1 Gbps] 6(1000BASE_X)     Clear-On-Read
Port Rj45Udc1 # 12 (enable)     Link DOWN       Half-Duplex  9600 [1 Gbps] 3(SGMII)     Clear-On-Read
Port Rj45Udc2 # 16 (enable)     Link DOWN       Half-Duplex  9600 [1 Gbps] 3(SGMII)     Clear-On-Read
Port Rj45Udc3 # 20 (enable)     Link DOWN       Half-Duplex  9600 [1 Gbps] 3(SGMII)     Clear-On-Read
Port CpuMgmt  # 24 (enable)     Link UP         Full-Duplex  1522 [1 Gbps] 6(1000BASE_X)      
Port          # 25 (enable)     Link UP         Full-Duplex  1522 [1 Gbps] 6(1000BASE_X)      
Port Rj45Mgmt # 26 (enable)     Link UP         Full-Duplex  1522 [1 Gbps] 3(SGMII)      
Port SfpMgmt  # 27 (enable)     Link DOWN       Half-Duplex  1522 [1 Gbps] 3(SGMII)      

show inventory

To retrieve and display the physical inventory information, use the show inventory command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

show inventory [WORD | all | details | location {WORD | all | 0/0 | 0/1 | 0/2 | 0/3 | 0/FT0 | 0/FT1 | 0/FT2 | 0/FT3 | 0/RP0 }details | raw | {details} | vendor-type]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information of the partially qualified location specification.


(Optional) Displays inventory information for all the physical entities.


(Optional) Displays the detailed entity information.


(Optional) Displays inventory information for the specified location of the chassis.

0/0, 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, 0/FT0, 0/FT1, 0/FT2, 0/FT3, 0/RP0 —Fully qualified location specification.


(Optional) Displays raw information about the chassis for diagnostic purposes.


(Optional) Displays vendor type inventory information about the chassis.

Command Default

All hardware inventory information is displayed.

Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.2.1

This command was introduced.

Release 6.5.1

The output was updated to include the passive modules connected through the USB ports.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show inventory

Thu Apr 13 09:21:03.096 CEST
NAME: "0/0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 line system 3 slots"
PID: NCS1001-K9        , VID: V00, SN: CAT2015B010

NAME: "0/1", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 amplifier module"
PID: NCS1K-EDFA        , VID: V01, SN: IIF2025003L

NAME: "0/2", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 protection module"
PID: NCS1K-PSM         , VID: V01, SN: OPM20461001

NAME: "0/3", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 amplifier module"
PID: NCS1K-EDFA        , VID: V01, SN: IIF2024001K

NAME: "0/RP0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 Controller"
PID: NCS1K-CNTLR2      , VID: V01, SN: CAT2013B00P

NAME: "0/RP0-SFP-PORT", DESCR: "Unqualified SFP Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: ONS-SI-GE-LX      , VID: V01 , SN: FNS17350WZT

NAME: "Rack 0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 line system 3 slots"
PID: NCS1001-K9        , VID: V00, SN: CAT2015B010

NAME: "0/FT0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 Fan"
PID: NCS1K1-FAN        , VID: V01, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/FT1", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 Fan"
PID: NCS1K1-FAN        , VID: V01, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/FT2", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 Fan"
PID: NCS1K1-FAN        , VID: V01, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/FT3", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 Fan"
PID: NCS1K1-FAN        , VID: V01, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/PM0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 2KW AC PSU"
PID: NCS1K-2KW-AC2     , VID: V00, SN: POG2004JT0L

NAME: "0/PM1", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 2KW AC PSU"
PID: NCS1K-2KW-AC2     , VID: V00, SN: POG2015JT1G

NAME: "0/RP0-USB0", DESCR: "ONS Mux/Demux Patch Panel Even Extended"
PID: 15216-MD-48-EVENE , VID: V01 , SN: NSZ19510021

NAME: "0/RP0-USB1", DESCR: "OSC Combiner-Splitter Module"
PID: 15216-FLD-OSC=    , VID: V00 , SN: OPL17190305

NAME: "0/RP0-USB2", DESCR: "ONS Mux/Demux Patch Panel Odd Extended"
PID: 15216-MD-48-ODDE  , VID: V01 , SN: NSZ19510003

NAME: "0/RP0-USB3", DESCR: "ONS Coupler and Splitter Pluggable"
PID: 15216-MD-48-CME   , VID: V01 , SN: NSZ20159002

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show inventory details

Thu Apr 13 09:22:11.529 CEST
NAME: "0/0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 line system 3 slots"
PID: NCS1001-K9        , VID: V00, SN: CAT2015B010
MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 4097      , Type: Module

NAME: "0/1", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 amplifier module"
PID: NCS1K-EDFA        , VID: V01, SN: IIF2025003L
MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 8193      , Type: Module

NAME: "0/3", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 amplifier module"
PID: NCS1K-EDFA        , VID: V01, SN: IIF2024001K
MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 16385     , Type: Module

NAME: "0/RP0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 Controller"
PID: NCS1K-CNTLR2      , VID: V01, SN: CAT2013B00P
MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 1         , Type: Module
PN: 800-45459-02

NAME: "0/RP0-SFP-PORT", DESCR: "Unqualified SFP Pluggable Optics Module"
PID: ONS-SI-GE-LX      , VID: V01 , SN: FNS17350WZT
MFG_NAME: CISCO-FINISAR     , SNMP_IDX: 532481    , Type: Module

NAME: "Rack 0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 line system 3 slots"
PID: NCS1001-K9        , VID: V00, SN: CAT2015B010
MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 8384513   , Type: Rack
PN: 800-46433-01

NAME: "0/FT0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 Fan"
PID: NCS1K1-FAN        , VID: V01, SN: N/A
MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 20481     , Type: Fantray

NAME: "0/FT1", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 Fan"
PID: NCS1K1-FAN        , VID: V01, SN: N/A
MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 24577     , Type: Fantray

NAME: "0/FT2", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 Fan"
PID: NCS1K1-FAN        , VID: V01, SN: N/A
MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 28673     , Type: Fantray

NAME: "0/FT3", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 Fan"
PID: NCS1K1-FAN        , VID: V01, SN: N/A
MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 32769     , Type: Fantray

NAME: "0/PM0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 2KW AC PSU"
PID: NCS1K-2KW-AC2     , VID: V00, SN: POG2004JT0L
MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 36865     , Type: Power Supply
PN: 341-100362-02

NAME: "0/PM1", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1000 2KW AC PSU"
PID: NCS1K-2KW-AC2     , VID: V00, SN: POG2015JT1G
MFG_NAME: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC, SNMP_IDX: 40961     , Type: Power Supply
PN: 341-100362-02

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show inventory raw

Thu Apr 13 09:25:46.814 CEST
NAME: "Rack 0-Interconnect Board Slot", DESCR: "NCS1K1 Interconnect Board"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0", DESCR: "Network Convergence System 1001 line system 3 slots"
PID: NCS1001-K9        , VID: V00, SN: CAT2015B010

NAME: "0/0-Module Interconnect Board", DESCR: "Module Interconnect Board"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-Power Sequencer 1", DESCR: "Sensor Module 1"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V12P0 IMON MOD1 CS", DESCR: "Current Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V12P0 IMON MOD2 CS", DESCR: "Current Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V12P0 IMON MOD3 CS", DESCR: "Current Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V1P2 IMON FPGA Core", DESCR: "Current Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V1P0 IMON PON Core", DESCR: "Current Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V0P9 IMON PEX Core", DESCR: "Current Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V3P3", DESCR: "Voltage Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V5P0 USB0-1", DESCR: "Voltage Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V5P0 USB2-3", DESCR: "Voltage Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V5P0 SATA", DESCR: "Voltage Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V1P8", DESCR: "Voltage Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V1P2 FPGA Core", DESCR: "Voltage Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

NAME: "0/0-V0P9 PEX Core", DESCR: "Voltage Sensor"
PID: N/A               , VID: N/A, SN: N/A

show platform

To display information and status for each node in the system, use the show platform command in XR EXEC or administration EXEC mode.

show platform [WORD | vm | 0/0 | 0/1 | 0/2 | 0/3 | 0/FT0 | 0/FT1 | 0/FT2 | 0/FT3 | 0/RP0 ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the node type.


(Optional) Displays the virtual machine information of node.

0/0, 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, 0/FT0, 0/FT1, 0/FT2, 0/FT3, 0/RP0

(Optional) Displays the platform detail of the specified node location.

Command Default

The status and information are displayed for all the nodes in the system.

Command Modes


Administration EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.2.1

This command was introduced.


The following example shows sample output from the show platform command.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show platform

Mon Apr 17 07:37:38.014 CEST
Node              Type                       State             Config state
0/0               NCS1001-K9                 OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/1               NCS1K-EDFA                 OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/2               NCS1K-PSM                  OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/3               NCS1K-EDFA                 OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/RP0/CPU0        NCS1K-CNTLR2(Active)       IOS XR RUN        NSHUT
0/FT0             NCS1K1-FAN                 OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/FT1             NCS1K1-FAN                 OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/FT2             NCS1K1-FAN                 OPERATIONAL       NSHUT
0/FT3             NCS1K1-FAN                 OPERATIONAL       NSHUT

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# show platform vm

Mon Apr 17 07:38:54.025 CEST
Node name       Node type       Partner name    SW status       IP address
--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
0/RP0/CPU0      RP (ACTIVE)     NONE            FINAL Band

ztp clean

To remove all Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) logs and settings that are saved on the node, use the ztp clean command in EXEC mode.

ztp clean

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Cisco IOS XR Configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.5.2

This command was introduced.



To remove all the ZTP logs and saved settings, use the following command:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#ztp clean
Fri Apr 29 06:49:29.760 UTC
This would remove all ZTP temporary files.
Would you like to proceed? [no]: yes
All ZTP operation files have been removed.
ZTP logs are present in /var/log/ztp*.log for logrotate.
Please remove manually if needed.
If you now wish ZTP to run again from boot, do 'conf t/commit replace' followed by reload.

ztp initiate

To remove all Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) logs and settings that are saved on the node, use the ztp initiate command in EXEC mode.

ztp initiate

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Cisco IOS XR Configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.5.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



To initiate the ZTP, use the following command:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#ztp initiate
Fri Jun 17 11:44:08.791 UTC
Initiating ZTP may change your configuration.
Interfaces might be brought up if they are in shutdown state
Would you like to proceed? [no]: yes
ZTP will now run in the background.
Please use "show logging" or look at /var/log/ztp.log to check progress.

ztp terminate

To terminate all existing Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) processes, use the ztp terminate command in EXEC mode.

ztp terminate

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Cisco IOS XR Configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 6.5.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



To terminate the ZTP process, use the following command:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#ztp terminate
Fri Apr 29 06:38:59.238 UTC
This would terminate active ZTP session if any (this may leave your system in a partially configured
Would you like to proceed? [no]: yes
Terminating ZTP
No ZTP process running

aaa authentication login

To configure authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) authentication at login, use the aaa authentication login command in global configuration mode.

aaa authentication login { default | list-name } method-list

Syntax Description

login Sets authentication for login.

Uses the listed authentication methods that follow this keyword as the default list of methods for authentication.


Character string used to name the authentication method list.


Method used to enable AAA system accounting. Method list types are entered in the preferred sequence. The value is one of the following options:

  • group tacacs+ — Specifies a method list that uses the list of all configured TACACS+ servers for authentication.

  • group radius — Specifies a method list that uses the list of all configured RADIUS servers for authentication.

  • group named-group — Specifies a named subset of TACACS+ or RADIUS servers for authentication.

  • local — Specifies a local username or password database for authentication.

  • line — Specifies a line password or user group for authentication.

Command Default

No authentication is performed.

Command Modes

Global configuration


The following example shows how to specify the default method list for authentication, and also enable authentication.

aaa authentication login default group tacacs+

aaa authorization (System Admin-VM)

To create command rules and data rules on for user authorization, use the aaa authorization command in System Admin Config mode. To delete the command rules and data rules, use the no form of this command.

aaa authorization { cmdrules cmdrule { integer | range integer } [ action action-type | command cmd-name | context context-name | group group-name | ops ops-type ] | commands group { none | tacacs } | datarules datarule { integer | range integer } [ action action-type | context context-name | group group-name | keypath keypath-name | namespace namespace-string | ops ops-type ] }

Syntax Description


Configures command rules.

cmdrule integer

Specifies the command rule number.

range integer

Specifies the range of the command rules or data rules to be configured.


Specifies whether users are permitted or not allowed to perform the operation specified for the ops keyword.


Specifies the action type for the command rule or data rule.

Available options are: accept , accept_log and reject .

command cmd-name

Specifies the command to which the command rule applies. The command must be entered within double-quotes.

Example, get .

context context-name

Specifies to which type of connection the command rule or data rule applies. The connection type can be netconf, cli, or xml.

group group-name

Specifies the group to which the command rule or data rule applies.

Example, admin-r .

ops ops-type

Specifies whether the user has read, execute, or read and execute permissions for the command.

Available options for command rules are: r , rx , and x .

To know the available options for data rules, use a ? after the ops keyword.

commands group

Sets the command authorization lists for server groups.

Available options are none that specifies no authorization and tacacs that specifies use of the list of all tacacs+ hosts.

Command Default


Command Modes

System Admin Config mode

Command History



Release 7.3.2

This command was introduced.

This example shows how to create a command rule:

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config)#aaa authorization cmdrules cmdrule 6
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config-cmdrule-6)#context netconf
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config-cmdrule-6)#command get
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config-cmdrule-6)#group admin-r
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config-cmdrule-6)#ops rx
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0(config-cmdrule-6)#action accept

aaa authorization

To create a method list for authorization, use the aaa authorization command in global configuration mode.

aaa authorization {exec | nacm} { default | list-name } {none | local | group tacacs+ | group radius | group group-name }

Syntax Description

exec Configures authorization for an interactive (EXEC) session.

Enables the NACM (NETCONF Access Control Model) functionality.


Uses the listed authorization methods that follow this keyword as the default list of methods for authorization.


Character string used to name the list of authorization methods.


Uses no authorization. If you specify none, no subsequent authorization method is attempted.


Uses local authorization. This method of authorization is not available for command authorization.

group tacacs+

Uses the list of all configured TACACS+ servers for authorization.

group radius

Uses the list of all configured RADIUS servers for authorization. This method of authorization is not available for command authorization.

group group-name

Specifies a named subset of TACACS+ or RADIUS servers for authorization.

Command Default

Authorization is disabled for all actions (equivalent to the method none keyword).

Command Modes

Global configuration


The following example shows how to define the network authorization method list named listname1, which specifies that TACACS+ authorization is used.

aaa authorization exec listname1 group tacacs+