Turn Up a Node

This chapter explains how to provision a single Cisco ONS 15600 SDH node and turn it up for service, including node name, date and time, timing references, network attributes such as IP address and default router, users and user security, and card protection groups.

Before You Begin

Complete the procedures applicable to your site plan from the following chapters:

Chapter 1 "Install the Bay and Backplane Connections"

Chapter 2 "Install Cards and Fiber-Optic Cable"

Chapter 3 "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI"

This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for a list of its tasks (DLPs).

1. F131 Verify Card Installation—Complete this procedure first.

2. F132 Create Users and Assign Security—Continue with this procedure to create Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) users and assign their security levels.

3. F133 Set Up Date, Time, and Contact Information—Continue with this procedure to set the node name, date, time, location, and contact information.

4. F134 Set Power Monitor Thresholds—Continue with this procedure on a node with a customer access panel version 2 (CAP2) installed to provision power thresholds within a -48 VDC environment.

5. F135 Set Up CTC Network Access—Continue with this procedure if the ONS 15600 SDH will be accessed behind firewalls.

6. F248 Set Up the ONS 15600 in EMS Secure Access—Continue with this procedure to connect the CTC in secure mode.

7. F136 Set Up the ONS 15600 SDH for Firewall Access—Continue with this procedure to provision the IP address, default router, subnet mask, and network configuration settings.

8. F137 Set Up Timing—Continue with this procedure to set up the node SDH timing references.

9. F138 Create a 1+1 Protection Group—Complete as needed to set up 1+1 protection groups for ONS 15600 SDH optical cards.

10. F139 Set Up SNMP—Continue with this procedure, as needed.

11. F140 Set the User Code for Card Inventory—Continue with this procedure, as needed.

12. F141 Configure a Node Using an Existing Database—Continue with this procedure, as needed.

13. F142 Set External Alarms and Controls—As needed, complete these tasks to set external alarm reporting, assign external alarms to virtual wires, and view external alarms for ONS 15600 SDH nodes and ONS 15454 SDH nodes.

14. F143 Provision OSI—complete this procedure if the ONS 15600 SDH will be connected in networks with network elements (NEs) that are based on the Open System Interconnection (OSI) protocol stack. This procedure provisions the TID Address Resolution Protocol (TARP), OSI routers, manual area addresses, subnetwork points of attachment, and IP-over-OSI tunnels.

NTP-F131 Verify Card Installation


This procedure verifies that the ONS 15600 SDH node is ready for turn-up.



Prerequisite Procedures

Chapter 1 "Install the Bay and Backplane Connections"

Chapter 2 "Install Cards and Fiber-Optic Cable"

Required/As Needed




Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step 1 Verify that the TSC cards are installed in Slots 5 and 10.

Step 2 Verify that the green ACT/STBY LED is illuminated on the active TSC. The ACT/STBY LED will not be illuminated on the standby TSC.

Note If the TSCs are not installed or their LEDs are not illuminated as described, do not proceed. See Chapter 2 "Install Cards and Fiber-Optic Cable" or refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide to resolve installation problems before proceeding.

Step 3 Verify that the SSXC cards are installed in Slots 6 and 8. The SSXC card faceplates extend to cover Slots 7 and 9, respectively.

Step 4 Verify that the SRV LED is illuminated on both SSXC cards.

Note If the SSXC cards are not installed, or their LEDs are not illuminated as described, do not proceed. See Chapter 2 "Install Cards and Fiber-Optic Cable" or refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide to resolve installation problems before proceeding.

Step 5 Verify that the STM-N cards are installed in the slots designated by your site plan. Slots 1 to 4 and 11 to 14 are used for all optical cards.

Step 6 Verify that fiber-optic cables are installed and connected to the locations indicated in the site plan.

Step 7 Verify that fiber is routed correctly in the shelf assembly.

Step 8 Verify that the SSXC cards are working:

a. Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task at the node that you will turn up.

b. Click the Maintenance > Diagnostic tabs.

c. Click Run Diagnostics Test.

If errors exist, the Cross Connect Diagnostics Error box appears with a list of errors. Click Close.

If no errors exist, click OK to close the confirmation dialog box.

Note You must run the diagnostics test before the optical cards are provisioned.

For more information about Diagnostics refer to "Using CTC Diagnostics" in the General Troubleshooting chapter of the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide.

Step 9 Set the optical power received threshold for each optical card. See the "DLP-F261 Set the Optical Power Received Nominal Value" task.

Step 10 If all cards and fiber are installed in the ONS 15600 SDH shelf as described in Steps 1 through 9, continue with the "NTP-F132 Create Users and Assign Security" procedure.

Note If cards are not installed or the LEDs are not shown as described, do not continue. Go to Chapter 2 "Install Cards and Fiber-Optic Cable" or the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide to resolve the installation problems before continuing with shelf turn up.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F132 Create Users and Assign Security


This procedure creates ONS 15600 SDH users and assigns security levels.



Prerequisite Procedures

F131 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task at the node where you need to create users. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Note You must log in as a Superuser to create additional users. The CISCO15 user provided with each ONS 15600 SDH can be used to set up other ONS 15600 SDH users. You can add up to 500 users to one ONS 15600 SDH.

Step 2 Complete the "DLP-F269 Change User Password and Security Levels for a Single Node" task or the "DLP-F270 Change User and Security Settings for Multiple Nodes" task as needed.

Note You must add the same user name and password to each node that the user will access.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F133 Set Up Date, Time, and Contact Information


This procedure provisions identification information for the node, including the node name, a contact name and phone number, the location of the node, and the date, time, and time zone.



Prerequisite Procedures

F131 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed



Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task for the node you will turn up. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > General tabs.

Step 3 Enter the following information in the fields listed:

Node Name—Enter a name for the node. For TL1 compliance, names must begin with an alpha character and have no more than 20 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters.

Contact—(Optional) Enter the name of the node contact person and the phone number, up to 255 characters.

Latitude—(Optional) Enter the node latitude: N (North) or S (South), degrees, and minutes.

Longitude—(Optional) Enter the node longitude: E (East) or W (West), degrees, and minutes.

Tip You can also position nodes manually in network view. Press Ctrl while you drag and drop the node icon. To create the same network map visible for all ONS 15600 SDH users, complete the "NTP-F162 Create a Logical Network Map" procedure.

Note The latitude and longitude values only indicate the geographical position of the nodes in the actual network and not the CTC node position.

Description—Enter a description of the node. The description can be a maximum of 255 characters.

Use NTP/SNTP Server—When checked, CTC uses a Network Time Protocol (NTP) or Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) server to set the date and time of the node.

If you do not use an SNTP or NTP server, complete the Date and Time fields. The ONS 15600 SDH will use these fields for alarm dates and times. By default, CTC displays all alarms in the CTC computer time zone for consistency. To change the display to the node time zone, complete the "DLP-F198 Display Events Using Each Node's Time Zone" task.

Note Using an NTP or SNTP server ensures that all ONS 15600 SDH network nodes use the same date and time reference. The server synchronizes node time after power outages or software upgrades.

If you check the Use NTP/SNTP Server check box, enter the IP address of one of the following:

An NTP/SNTP server connected to the ONS 15600 SDH

Another ONS 15600 SDH with NTP/SNTP enabled that is connected to the ONS 15600 SDH

If you check Gateway Network Element (GNE) for the ONS 15600 SDH SOCKS proxy server (see the "DLP-F185 Provision IP Settings" task), external ONS 15600 SDHs must reference the gateway ONS 15600 SDH for NTP/SNTP timing. For more information about the ONS 15600 SDH gateway settings, refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Reference Manual.

Caution If you reference another ONS 15600 SDH for the NTP/SNTP server, make sure the second ONS 15600 SDH references an NTP/SNTP server and not the first ONS 15600 SDH (that is, do not create an NTP/SNTP timing loop by having two ONS 15600 SDHs reference each other).

Date—If Use NTP/SNTP Server is not selected, enter the current date in the format mm/dd/yyyy, for example, September 24, 2002 is 09/24/2002.

Time—If Use NTP/SNTP Server is not selected, enter the current time in the format hh:mm:ss, for example, 11:24:58. The ONS 15600 SDH uses a 24-hour clock, so 10:00 PM is entered as 22:00:00.

Time Zone—Click the field and choose a city within your time zone from the drop-down list. The menu displays the 80 World Time Zones from -11 through 0 (GMT) to +14. Continental United States time zones are GMT-05:00 (Eastern), GMT-06:00 (Central), GMT-07:00 (Mountain), and GMT-08:00 (Pacific).

Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

Step 6 Review the node information. If you need to make corrections, repeat Steps 3 through 5 to enter the corrections. If the information is correct, continue with the "NTP-F135 Set Up CTC Network Access" procedure.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F134 Set Power Monitor Thresholds


This procedure provisions extreme high and extreme low input battery power thresholds within a -48 VDC environment. When the thresholds are crossed, the TSC generates warning alarms in CTC. You must have a CAP2 installed to be able to set power thresholds.



Prerequisite Procedures

F131 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed



Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to set power monitor thresholds. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 In node view, click the Provisioning > General > Power Monitor tabs.

Step 3 To change the extreme low battery voltage threshold in 0.5 VDC increments, choose a voltage from the ELWBATVG(Vdc) drop-down list.

Step 4 To change the extreme high battery voltage threshold in 0.5 VDC increments, choose a voltage from the EHIBATVG(Vdc) drop-down list.

Step 5 Click Apply.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F135 Set Up CTC Network Access


This procedure provisions network access for a node, including its subnet mask, default router, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, (Internet Inter-Orb Protocol) IIOP listener port, SOCKS proxy server settings, static routes, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol, and designated SOCKS servers.



Prerequisite Procedures

F131 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed



Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 Complete the "DLP-F185 Provision IP Settings" task to provision the ONS 15600 SDH IP address, subnet mask, default router, DHCP server, IIOP listener port, and SOCKS proxy server settings.

Step 3 If static routes are needed, complete the "DLP-F186 Create a Static Route" task. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Reference Manual for more information about static routes.

Step 4 If the ONS 15600 SDH is connected to a LAN or WAN that uses OSPF and you want to share routing information between the LAN/WAN and the ONS network, complete the "DLP-F187 Set Up or Change Open Shortest Path First Protocol" task.

Step 5 Complete the "DLP-F397 Provision the Designated SOCKS Servers" task after the network is provisioned and one or more of the following conditions exist:

SOCKS proxy is enabled.

The ratio of ENEs to GNEs is greater than eight to one.

Most ENEs do not have LAN connectivity.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F248 Set Up the ONS 15600 in EMS Secure Access


This procedure provisions ONS 15600s and CTC computers for secure access.



Prerequisite Procedures

F135 Set Up CTC Network Access

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level


Step 1 In node view, click the Provisioning > Security > Access pane.

Step 2 Under the EMS Access area, change the Access State to Secure.

Step 3 Click Apply. The CTC disconnects and reconnects through a secure socket connection.

Step 4 To create a secure connection, enter https://node-address.

Note After setting up a CTC connection in secure mode, http requests are automatically redirected to https mode.

Step 5 A first time connection is authenticated by the Website Certification is Not Known dialog box. Accept the certificate and click OK. The Security Error: Domain Name Mismatch dialog box appears. Click OK to continue.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F136 Set Up the ONS 15600 SDH for Firewall Access


This procedure provisions ONS 15600 SDHs and CTC computers for access through firewalls.


IIOP listener port number provided by your LAN or firewall administrator

Prerequisite Procedures

F131 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 If the ONS 15600 SDH resides behind a firewall, complete the "DLP-F262 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the ONS 15600 SDH" task.

Step 3 If the CTC computer resides behind a firewall, complete the "DLP-F263 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the CTC Computer" task.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F137 Set Up Timing


This procedure provisions the ONS 15600 SDH timing.



Prerequisite Procedures

F131 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed



Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to set up timing. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 Complete the "DLP-F188 Set Up External or Line Timing" task if an external building integrated timing supply (BITS) source is available. This is the common SDH timing setup procedure.

Step 3 If you cannot complete Step 2 (an external BITS source is not available), complete the "DLP-F189 Set Up Internal Timing" task. This task can only provide Stratum 3E timing.

Note For information about SDH timing, refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Reference Manual or to ITU-T G.784.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F138 Create a 1+1 Protection Group


This procedure creates a 1+1 protection group. A 1+1 protection group pairs a working STM-N port with a protect STM-N port. The ports on cards can be either working or protect. You can mix working and protect ports on the same card: any STM-64 port can protect another STM-64 port, and any STM-16 port can protect another STM-16 port. You cannot mix STM-64 and STM-16 ports in protection schemes.



Prerequisite Procedures


Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to create the protection group. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 Verify that the STM-N cards are installed.

Step 3 Click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.

Step 4 Click Create.

Step 5 In the Create Protection Group dialog box, enter the following:

Name—Enter a name for the protection group. The name can have up to 32 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters. Special characters are permitted. For TL1 compatibility, do not use question marks (?), backslash (\), or double quote (") characters.

Type—Choose 1+1 (port) from the drop-down list.

Protect (Entity) Port—Choose the protect port from the drop-down list. When you choose 1+1 (port) from the Type drop-down list, this field changes from Protect Entity to Protect Port. The list displays the available STM-N ports. If STM-N cards are not installed, no ports appear in the drop-down list.

After you choose the protect port, a list of working ports available for protection appears in the Available Ports list. If no cards are available, no ports appear. If this occurs, you cannot complete this task until you install the physical cards or preprovision the ONS 15600 SDH slots using the "NTP-F122 Preprovision a Card Slot" procedure.

Step 6 From the Available Ports list, choose the working port that will be protected by the port chosen in the Protect Port field. Click the top arrow button to move each port to the Working Ports list.

Step 7 Complete the remaining fields:

Bidirectional switching—If checked, both the near-end and far-end nodes switch to the designated protection ports. For example, if the near-end node has a loss of signal (LOS) alarm, it switches to the protection port and transmits a switch request to the far-end node to switch to the protection port also. This ensures that both nodes process traffic from the same span.

If the Bidirectional switching check box is not checked, the near-end and far-end nodes switch independently of each other. For example, if the near-end node has an LOS on its working port it switches to the protection port. If the far-end node does not have an LOS, traffic remains on the working port.

Revertive—Check this check box if you want traffic to revert to the working port after failure conditions stay corrected for the amount of time entered in the Reversion time field.

Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, click the Reversion time field and choose a reversion time from the drop-down list. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. Reversion time is the interval between the point when the fault is cleared and the point when the traffic switches to the working port. The reversion timer starts after conditions causing the switch are cleared.

Step 8 Click OK.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F139 Set Up SNMP


This procedure sets up Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) parameters so that you can use SNMP management software with the ONS 15600 SDH.



Prerequisite Procedures

F131 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

Required if SNMP is used at your installation


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to set up SNMP. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > SNMP tabs.

Step 3 In the Trap Destinations area, click Create.

Step 4 In the Create SNMP Traps Destination dialog box, complete the following:

IP Address—Enter the IP address of your network management system (NMS). If the node you are logged into is an ENE, set the destination address to the GNE.

Community—Enter the SNMP community name.

Note The community name is a form of authentication and access control. The community name assigned to the ONS 15600 SDH is case-sensitive and must match the community name of the NMS. For a description of SNMP community names, refer to the "SNMP" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide.

UDP Port—The default User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port for SNMP is 162.

Trap Version—Choose either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 from the drop-down list. Refer to your NMS documentation to determine whether to use SNMP v1 or v2.

Step 5 Click OK. The node IP address of the node where you provisioned the new trap destination appears in the Trap Destinations area.

Step 6 Click the node IP address in the Trap Destinations area. Verify the SNMP information that appears under Selected Destination.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F140 Set the User Code for Card Inventory


This procedure creates a user code to help identify the SSXC, TSC, and optical (traffic) cards. The user code is stored in nonvolatile memory on the card so it is not lost when a card is moved or stored as a spare.



Prerequisite Procedures

F131 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning and higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 Click the Inventory tab.

Step 3 In the User Code field, type the code you want to use to identify the card. The user code is a 20-character ASCII string.

Step 4 Click Apply.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F141 Configure a Node Using an Existing Database


This procedure downloads the provisioning database file from one node to a designated node and assigns a new IP address to the designated node. You can use this procedure to turn up a node or to reconfigure a node.


Database backup file

Prerequisite Procedures


Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level


Note Only the provisioning database is downloaded from the specified database backup even if the alarm, performance, or audit logs are included in the database backup.

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task at the node that you want to configure. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 As needed, complete the "NTP-F221 Back Up the Database" procedure to back up the logged in node before reconfiguration.

Step 3 Click the Maintenance > Database tabs.

Step 4 Click Configure. The Configure Node dialog box appears. In the Current Node Configuration area, the Version field displays the current software version.

Step 5 Click Browse and navigate to the database backup file you will use to configure the node.

Step 6 In the Database Configuration area, verify the following:

Provisioning—(Display only) Automatically checked to download the provisioning data from the selected database file.

Version—(Display only) Displays the software version of the selected database file.

IP address—(Display only) Displays the IP address assigned to the node of the selected database file.

Step 7 In the New Node Configuration area, verify the following:

Provisioning—(Display only) Downloads the provisioning data from the selected database file.

Version—(Display only) Displays the current software version.

IP address—Displays the current IP address. To assign a new IP address, type a new IP address in the field.

Step 8 Click OK. When the Node Configuration warning message appears, click Yes to continue. The database restoration window appears. The CTC session closes when the TSC reboots.

Step 9 After the TSC completes its reboot, log into the node using the IP address assigned in Step 7. For login instructions, see the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F142 Set External Alarms and Controls


This procedure provisions the reporting parameters and/or virtual wires for external alarms and controls (environmental alarms) that are wired to the CAP or CAP2 alarm contacts.



Prerequisite Procedures


Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 Complete the "DLP-F204 Provision External Alarms and Virtual Wires" task to set external alarm inputs.

Step 3 Complete the "DLP-F205 Provision External Controls for External Alarms and Virtual Wires" task to set external control outputs.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F143 Provision OSI


This procedure provisions the ONS 15600 SDH so it can be networked with other vendor NEs that use the OSI protocol stack for data communications network (DCN) communications. This procedure provisions the TARP, OSI routers, manual area addresses, subnetwork points of attachment, and IP-over-OSI tunnels.



Prerequisite Procedures

F131 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

As needed



Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Caution This procedure requires an understanding of OSI protocols, parameters, and functions. Before you begin, review the OSI reference sections in the "Management Network Connectivity" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Reference Manual.

Caution Do not begin this procedure until you know the role of the ONS 15600 SDH within the OSI and IP network.

Note This procedure requires provisioning of non-ONS equipment including routers and third party NEs. Do not begin until you have the capability to complete that provisioning.

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-F181 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to provision the OSI routing mode. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step 2 As needed, complete the following:

"DLP-F361 Provision OSI Routing Mode" task—Complete this task first.

"DLP-F362 Provision or Modify TARP Operating Parameters" task—Complete this task next.

"DLP-F363 Add a Static TID-to-NSAP Entry to the TARP Data Cache" task—Complete this task as needed.

"DLP-F365 Add a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry" task—Complete this task as needed.

"DLP-F366 Provision OSI Routers" task—Complete this task as needed.

"DLP-F367 Provision Additional Manual Area Addresses" task—Complete this task as needed.

"DLP-F368 Enable the OSI Subnet on the LAN Interface" task—Complete this task as needed.

"DLP-F369 Create an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel" task—Complete this task as needed.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.