Power Down the Node

This chapter explains how to power down a node and stop all node activity on the Cisco ONS 15454.

NTP-A114 Power Down the Node


This procedure stops all node activity.



Prerequisite Procedures


Required/As Needed

As needed



Security Level

For software steps, a provisioning level or higher is required. For hardware steps, any level is allowed.

Warning Do not reach into a vacant slot or chassis while you install or remove a module or a fan. Exposed circuitry could constitute an energy hazard. Statement 206

Caution The following procedure is designed to minimize traffic outages when powering down nodes, but traffic will be lost if you delete and recreate circuits that passed through a working node.

Note Always use the supplied ESD wristband when working with the ONS 15454. Plug the wristband into the ESD jack located on the fan-tray assembly or on the lower right outside edge of the shelf on the NEBS 3 shelf assembly. To access the ESD plug on the NEBS 3 shelf assembly, open the front door of the ONS 15454. The front door is grounded to prevent electrical shock.

Step 1 Identify the node that you want to power down. If no cards are installed, go to Step 14. If cards are installed, log into the node. See the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.

Step 2 In node view, choose Go to Network View from the View menu.

Step 3 Verify that the node is not connected to a network.

a. If the node is part of a working network, log out of the node and complete the "NTP-A313 Remove an In-Service Node from a Linear ADM" procedure, the "NTP-A240 Remove a BLSR Node" procedure, or the "NTP-A294 Remove a Path Protection Node" procedure. If the node is part of a dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) configuration, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide. Continue with Step 4.

b. If the node is not connected to a working network and the current configurations are no longer required, proceed to Step 4.

Note Current configurations will be saved if Steps 4 to 14 are skipped.

Step 4 In node view, click the Circuits tab and verify that no circuits appear, then proceed to Step 5. If circuits appear, delete all the circuits that originate or terminate in the node, as follows:

Note When deleting circuits from a node, make sure that the node is not connected to any network.

a. Click the circuits that need to be deleted and click Delete.

b. Click Yes.

Repeat until no circuits appear.

Step 5 In node view, click the Provisioning > Protection tabs and delete all protection groups:

a. Click the protection group that needs to be deleted and click Delete.

b. Click Yes.

Repeat until no protection groups appear.

Step 6 In node view, click the Provisioning > Comm Channels tabs and delete all communications channel terminations:

a. On the appropriate subtab (SDCC, LDCC, GCC, or OSC), click the section data communications channel (SDCC), line data communications channel (LDCC), generic communications channel (GCC), or OSC termination that needs to be deleted and click Delete.

b. Click Yes.

Repeat until no SDCC, LDCC, GCC, or OSC terminations are present.

Note Before deleting the OSC termination, make sure the Ring ID is deleted. Click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > OSC tabs. Select the Ring ID and click Delete.

Step 7 For each installed OC-N or DS-N card, place all ports in Out-of-Service and Management, Disabled (OOS-MA,DSBLD) service status:

a. In card view, click the Provisioning > Line tabs.

b. Click under the Status column for each port and make sure that OOS,DSBLD is selected.

Note Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide for information regarding DWDM cards.

Step 8 Remove all fiber connections to the cards.

Step 9 In node view, right-click an installed card and click Delete.

Step 10 Click Yes.

Step 11 After you have deleted the card, open the card ejectors and remove it from the node.

Step 12 Repeat Step 7 through 11 for each installed card.

Note You cannot delete a TCC2 or TCC2P card in Cisco Transport Controller (CTC). Physically remove it after all the other cards have been deleted and removed.

Step 13 Store all the cards you removed and update inventory records according to local site practice.

Step 14 Shut off the power from the power supply that feeds the node.

Step 15 Disconnect the node from its external fuse source.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.