Configuring RMON

This chapter describes how to configure remote network monitoring (RMON) on the ML-Series card for the ONS 15454 SONET/SDH.

RMON is a standard monitoring specification that defines a set of statistics and functions that can be exchanged between RMON-compliant console systems and network probes. RMON provides you with comprehensive network-fault diagnosis, planning, and performance-tuning information. The ML-Series card features RMON and is designed to work with a network management system (NMS).

Note For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, see the "System Management Commands" section in the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference, Release 12.2.

Note For general information about using Cisco IOS to manage RMON, refer to the "Configuring RMON Support" chapter of the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

This chapter consists of these sections:

Understanding RMON

Configuring RMON

Displaying RMON Status

Understanding RMON

RMON is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard monitoring specification that allows various network agents and console systems to exchange network monitoring data. You can use the RMON feature with the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent to monitor all the traffic flowing among ML-Series card and other switches on all connected LAN segments.

For information on the MIBs supported by the ML-Series card, see the "Supported MIBs" section.

Figure 21-1 Remote Monitoring Example

Configuring RMON

These sections describe how to configure RMON on your ML-Series card:

Default RMON Configuration

Configuring RMON Alarms and Events (required)

Collecting Group History Statistics on an Interface (optional)

Configuring ML-Series Card RMON for CRC Errors (optional)

Default RMON Configuration

RMON is disabled by default; no alarms or events are configured.

Configuring RMON Alarms and Events

You can configure your ML-Series card for RMON by using the command-line interface (CLI) or an SNMP-compatible network management station. We recommend that you use a generic RMON console application on the NMS to take advantage of RMON's network management capabilities. You must also configure SNMP on the ML-Series card to access RMON MIB objects. For more information about configuring SNMP, see Chapter 22 "Configuring SNMP."

Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to enable RMON alarms and events. This procedure is required.


Step 1 

configure terminal

Enter global configuration mode.

Step 2 

rmon event number [description string] [log] [owner string] [trap community]

Add an event in the RMON event table that is associated with an RMON event number.

For number, assign an event number. The range is 1 to 65535.

(Optional) For description string, specify a description of the event.

(Optional) Use the log keyword to generate an RMON log entry when the event is triggered.

(Optional) For owner string, specify the owner of this event.

(Optional) For trap community, enter the SNMP community string used for this trap.

Step 3 

rmon alarm number variable interval {absolute | delta} rising-threshold value [event-number]
falling-threshold value [event-number]
owner string]

Set an alarm on a MIB object.

For number, specify the alarm number. The range is 1 to 65535.

For variable, specify the MIB object to monitor.

For interval, specify the time in seconds that the alarm monitors the MIB variable. The range is 1 to 2147483647 seconds.

Specify the absolute keyword to test each MIB variable directly. Specify the delta keyword to test the change between samples of a MIB variable.

For value, specify a number at which the alarm is triggered and a number at which the alarm is reset. The range for the rising threshold and falling threshold values is -2147483648 to 2147483647.

(Optional) For event-number, specify the event number to trigger when the rising or falling threshold exceeds its limit.

(Optional) For owner string, specify the owner of the alarm.

Step 4 


Return to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 5 

show running-config

Verify your entries.

Step 6 

copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.

To disable an alarm, use the no rmon alarm number global configuration command on each alarm you configured. You cannot disable all the alarms that you configured by not specifying a specific number. You must disable each alarm separately. To disable an event, use the no rmon event number global configuration command. To learn more about alarms and events and how they interact with each other, see RFC 1757.

You can set an alarm on any MIB object. The following example configures RMON alarm number 10 by using the rmon alarm command. The alarm monitors the MIB variable ifEntry.20.1 once every 20 seconds to check the change in the variable's rise or fall until the alarm is disabled. If the ifEntry.20.1 value shows a MIB counter increase of 15 or more, such as from 100000 to 100015, the alarm is triggered. The alarm in turn triggers event number 1, which is configured with the rmon event command. Possible events can include a log entry or an SNMP trap. If the ifEntry.20.1 value changes by 0, the alarm is reset and can be triggered again.

ML_Series(config)# rmon alarm 10 ifInErrors.65539 20 delta rising 15 1 fall 0

Note The example does not trigger an optional event when the falling-threshold is 0.

Where 65539 is the SNMP IfIndex for interface POS 0. You can get the SNMP ifIndex for a given port with an SNMP get. In the example output, you can see that the SNMP ifIndex for POS0 is 65539:

tuvoks-view:128> getmany -v2c tcc@1 ifDescr
ifDescr.65536 = GigabitEthernet0
ifDescr.65537 = GigabitEthernet1
ifDescr.65538 = Null0
ifDescr.65539 = POS0
ifDescr.65540 = POS1
ifDescr.65541 = SPR1

The following example creates RMON event number 1 by using the rmon event command. The event is defined as High ifOutErrors and generates a log entry when the event is triggered by the alarm. The user jjones owns the row that is created in the event table by this command. This example also generates an SNMP trap when the event is triggered.

ML_Series(config)# rmon event 1 log trap eventtrap description "High ifOutErrors" owner 

Collecting Group History Statistics on an Interface

You must first configure RMON alarms and events to display collection information.

Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to collect group history statistics on an interface. This procedure is optional.


Step 1 

configure terminal

Enter global configuration mode.

Step 2 

interface interface-id

Specify the interface on which to collect history, and enter interface configuration mode.

Note Group history statistics do not work on packet-over-SONET/SDH (POS_ interfaces, only on Ethernet interfaces.

Step 3 

rmon collection history index
[buckets bucket-number] [interval seconds] [owner ownername]

Enable history collection for the specified number of buckets and time period.

For index, identify the RMON group of statistics. The range is 1 to 65535.

(Optional) For buckets bucket-number, specify the maximum number of buckets desired for the RMON collection history group of statistics. The range is 1 to 65535. The default is 50 buckets.

(Optional) For interval seconds, specify the number of seconds in each polling cycle. The range is 1 to 3600. The default is 1800 seconds.

(Optional) For owner ownername, enter the name of the owner of the RMON group of statistics.

Step 4 


Return to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 5 

show running-config

Verify your entries.

Step 6 

show rmon history

Display the contents of the ML-Series card history table.

Step 7 

copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.

To disable history collection, use the no rmon collection history index interface configuration command.

This example shows how to collect and show RMON history for the owner root:

ML_Series(config)# interface gigabitethernet1
ML_Series(config-if)# rmon collection history 2 owner root
ML_Series(config-if)# end
ML_Series# show rmon history
Entry 2 is active, and owned by root
Monitors ifIndex.393217 every 1800 second(s)
Requested # of time intervals, ie buckets, is 50,

Configuring ML-Series Card RMON for CRC Errors

The ML-Series card supports using an NMS for SNMP performance monitoring (PM), including monitoring cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors. If the NMS supports periodic polling and programmed threshold values to monitor interface index errors (ifInErrors) for all the ML-Series card interfaces, you can manage and monitor CRC errors by relying on the NMS.

If the NMS does not support polling or if the desired polling frequency uses too much bandwidth, you can configure SNMP traps on the ML-Series card through the Cisco IOS CLI. This method is only for ML-Series cards on the ONS 15454 SONET/SDH. RMON capabilities for ML-Series cards on the ONS 15310-CL and ONS 15310-MA are best managed through Cisco Transport Controller (CTC), Transaction Language One (TL1), or Cisco Transport Manager (CTM) in the standard manner for the node.

Configuration Guidelines for CRC Thresholds on the ML-Series Card

These are the guidelines for determining the interface CRC errors (ifInErrors) threshold values for generating an NMS PM alert:

SONET/SDH bit errors also create POS CRC errors. There is no alarm suppression hierarchy between the SONET/SDH errors and POS errors, so each set of errors creates separate alerts.

The actual packet rate of an interface is unpredictable. A high bandwidth interface might forward only a few packets per minute in a particular time period of low data traffic, which means a relatively low number of CRC errors would represent a 100 percent loss. A lower bandwidth interface might forward a high packet count (millions) per minute during a particular time period, and so a relatively few CRC errors would represent an error rate of 10-9. This situation prevents the straightforward determination of a maximum bit error rate (BER), which is often used for non-packet-based PM.

You can set up the monitoring of ML-Series card CRC errors for either signs of minor trouble or signs of major trouble. For minor trouble monitoring, set a relatively quick and sensitive error rate trigger, such as 10 errors in a 60 second period. This method will likely generate an NMS alert every time an interface goes up or down, a fiber error occurs, or a SONET/SDH protection event occurs (even though protection might occur within 50 ms). To monitor only major trouble and to reduce the number of alerts, set a relatively high threshold, such as 1000 errors in a 300 second period.

Accessing CRC Errors Through SNMP

CRC errors for each interface are reported in the IF-MIB object ifInErrors (OID Users can check the current value of ifInErrors through SNMP get requests. Each ML-Series card runs a separate instance of SNMP. SNMP requests are relayed to the individual ML-Series card based on the community string. The community string uses the following format:


Configuring an SNMP Trap for the CRC Error Threshold Using Cisco IOS

The ML-Series card supports RMON trap functionality in Cisco IOS. You must use the Cisco IOS CLI to configure RMON to monitor ifInErrors and generate a trap to an NMS when a threshold is crossed. The ML-Series card on the ONS 15454 SONET/SDH does not support the configuration of RMON traps through an SNMP set request, which typically initiates an action on a network device.

Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure RMON to monitor ifInErrors and generate a trap for an NMS when a threshold is crossed:


Step 1 

configure terminal

Enter global configuration mode.

Step 2 

rmon event number [log] [trap community] [description string] [owner string]

Add an event in the RMON event table that is associated with an RMON event number.

For number, assign an event number. The range is 1 to 65535.

(Optional) Use the log keyword to generate an RMON log entry when the event is triggered.

(Optional) For trap community, enter the SNMP community string used for this trap.

(Optional) For description string, specify a description of the event.

(Optional) For owner string, specify the owner of this event.

Step 3 

rmon alarm number ifInErrors.ifIndex-number interval {absolute | delta} rising-threshold value [event-number]
falling-threshold value [event-number]
owner string]

Set an alarm on the MIB object.

For number, specify the alarm number. The range is 1 to 65535.

The ifIndex-number variable is the ifIndex number of an ML-Series card interface in decimal form. (For information about determining this number, see "Determining the ifIndex Number for an ML-Series Card" section.)

For interval, specify the time in seconds the alarm monitors the MIB variable. The range is 1 to 4294967295 seconds.

Specify the absolute keyword to test each MIB variable directly. Specify the delta keyword to test the change between samples of a MIB variable.

For value, specify a number at which the alarm is triggered and a number at which the alarm is reset. The range for the rising threshold and falling threshold values is -2147483648 to 2147483647.

(Optional) For event-number, specify the event number to trigger when the rising or falling threshold exceeds its limit.

(Optional) For owner string, specify the owner of the alarm.

Step 4 


Return to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 5 

show running-config

Verify your entries.

Step 6 

copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.

Below is an example of configuring an SNMP trap for the CRC error threshold.

ML_Series # configure terminal
ML_Series(config)# rmon event 10 log trap slot15 owner config
ML_Series(config)# rmon alarm 9 ifInErrors.983043 300 delta rising-threshold 1000 10 
 falling-threshold 1000 10 owner config
ML_Series(config)# end
ML_Series # show running-config
ML_Series # copy running-config startup-config

The ifIndex number of an ML-Series card interface in decimal form used for the rmon alarm command in the example is ifInErrors.983043. This variable is the MIB object to monitor combined with the ifIndex number of an ML-Series card interface. For information on determining the ifIndex number for an ML-Series card, see "Determining the ifIndex Number for an ML-Series Card" section.

Below is an example of a rising-threshold trap generated by 1002 ifInErrors crossing a threshold of 1000 in a 5-minute period.

2005-03-22 16:25:38 []:
SNMPv2-MIB:sysUpTime.0 = Wrong Type (should be Timeticks): 43026500
SNMPv2-MIB:snmpTrapOID.0 = OID: RMON-MIB:risingAlarm
RFC1271-MIB:alarmIndex.9 = 9
RFC1271-MIB:alarmVariable.9 = OID: IF-MIB:ifInErrors.983043
RFC1271-MIB:alarmSampleType.9 = deltaValue(2)
RFC1271-MIB:alarmValue.9 = 1002
RFC1271-MIB:alarmRisingThreshold.9 = 1000
SNMPv2-SMI:snmpModules. = IpAddress:

Determining the ifIndex Number for an ML-Series Card

When an NMS polls an ML-Series card for performance data, the NMS uses ifIndex numbers internally to consolidate interface data from multiple MIBs and associate this data with an interface name. The user can rely on the interface name and does not need to know the actual ifIndex number.

When you use the Cisco IOS CLI to configure the ML-Series card to generate traps directly, you do not have this associated name to use. You must use the actual ifIndex number for each interface being configured with a trap. To determine the actual ifIndex number, you can use an NMS to retrieve the ifIndex number of each ML-Series card interface and VLAN subinterface, or you can calculate the ifIndex number for the interface.

The user can also use a MIB browser (SNMP MIB definition lookup service) to examine the ifDescr for the appropriate ifIndex number. The ifIndex number from the ifDescr must be the ifIndex number for the desired port.

On an ML-Series card, the ifIndex number of Ethernet and POS interfaces is compiled from two pieces of information:

The chassis slot number of the card—The slot number is the number of the physical space in the shelf that the ML-Series card resides in. It ranges from Slot 1 to Slot 6 or Slot 12 to Slot 17 on an ONS 15454 SONET/SDH shelf. You can find this information in many ways, including through the graphical representation of the shelf slots on CTC, or by looking at the front of the physical shelf.

A local port number within the card—Port numbers of the ML-Series cards for the ONS 15454 SONET/SDH match the interface numbers for Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. POS port numbers do not match the interface numbers and do not consecutively follow the Ethernet port numbering. A consecutive value is skipped between the last Ethernet port number and the first POS number (POS Port 0). Port numbers for the interfaces are listed in Table 21-1:

Table 21-1 Port Numbers for the Interfaces of ML-Series Cards

ML100T-12 FastEthernet Interfaces
ML100T-12 POS Interfaces
ML100X-8 FastEthernet Interfaces
ML100X-8 POS Interfaces
ML1000-2 Gigabit Ethernet Interfaces
ML1000-2 POS Interfaces

FE 0 = Port 0

POS 0 = Port 13

FE 0 = Port 0

POS 0 = Port 9

GE 0 = Port 0

POS 0 = Port 3

FE 1 = Port 1

POS 1 = Port 14

FE 1 = Port 1

POS 1 = Port 10

GE 1 = Port 1

POS 1 = Port 4

FE 2 = Port 2


FE 2 = Port 2


FE 3 = Port 3


FE 3 = Port 3


FE 4 = Port 4


FE 4 = Port 4


FE 5 = Port 5


FE 5 = Port 5


FE 6 = Port 6


FE 6 = Port 6


FE 7 = Port 7


FE 7 = Port 7


FE 8 = Port 8


FE 9 = Port 9


FE 10 = Port 10


FE 11 = Port 11


The slot and port are combined to form the ifIndex using the following formula:

ifIndex = (slot * 10000h) + (port)

10000h is the hexadecimal equivalent number of 65536. The resulting ifIndex is a meaningful two-part number in hexadecimal, but seems confusing and arbitrary in decimal. For example, ifIndex E0002h is Slot 14, Port 2. This same number in decimal notation is 917506. The rmon alarm command requires the ifindex number in decimal form.

As an additional reference for calculating the correct ifindex value to use with the rmon alarm command, Table 21-1 lists the base ifindex number for Slots 1 to 17. The desired port number can be added to the slot base number to quickly determine the correct ifIndex number.

Table 21-2 Port Numbers for the Interfaces of ML-Series Cards 

Slot Number for the ML-Series Card
Base ifIndex Number in Hexidecimal Format
Base ifIndex Number in Decimal Format





































Manually Checking CRC Errors on the ML-Series Card

Users can also check the current count of ML-Series card CRC errors on an interface by using the show interface command. The example shows six total input errors, which are all CRC errors, in the last line of the output.

ML_Series(config)# show interface pos 0

POS0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet, address is 0005.9a39.713e (bia 0005.9a39.713e)
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 48384 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, 
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 182/255
Encapsulation: Cisco-EoS-LEX, crc 32, loopback not set
Keepalive set (10 sec)
Scramble enabled
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
Last input never, output never, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue: 0/40 (size/max)
5 minute input rate 34621000 bits/sec, 60083 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
311190527 packets input, 931220183 bytes
Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicast)
6 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 parity
6 input errors, 6 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored

Displaying RMON Status

Note RMON status commands do not work for POS interfaces.

To display the RMON status, use one or more of the privileged EXEC commands in Table 21-3.

Table 21-3 Commands for Displaying RMON Status 


show rmon

Displays general RMON statistics.

show rmon alarms

Displays the RMON alarm table.

show rmon events

Displays the RMON event table.

show rmon history

Displays the RMON history table.

show rmon statistics

Displays the RMON statistics table.

Example 21-1 shows examples of the commands in Table 21-3.

Example 21-1 CRC Errors Displayed with show rmon Commands

ML_Series# show rmon alarms

Alarm 9 is active, owned by config

Monitors ifInErrors.983043 every 300 second(s)

Taking delta samples, last value was 0

Rising threshold is 1000, assigned to event 10

Falling threshold is 1000, assigned to event 10

On startup enable rising or falling alarm

ML_Series# show rmon events

Event 10 is active, owned by config

Description is

Event firing causes log and trap to community slot15,

last event fired at 0y3w2d,00:32:39,

Current uptime 0y3w6d,03:03:12

Current log entries:

index uptime description

1 0y3w2d,00:32:39