show fras

To display notification that the Frame Relay access support (FRAS) dial backup over data-link switching plus (DLSw+) feature is active, information about the connection state in FRAS, and information about current boundary network node, boundary access node (BAN), and dial backup, use the show fras command in privileged EXEC mode.

show fras

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show fras command:

Router# show fras
Boundary Network Node (BNN): 
DLCI: 66
  Type   Destination      Int    LSap  RSap   Role  State
  fr                             4      4     S     ls_reset (Backup is enabled)
  llc    0000.f63a.2f50   To0    4      4     P     ls_contacted

Table 71 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 71 show fras Field Descriptions 



Connection type. The display example shows Logical Link Control (LLC) and Frame Relay.


Destination MAC address from the perspective of the Cisco IOS software.


Interface on which the connection resides.


Local service access point (SAP) value.


Remote SAP value.


Local link station role; P means primary and S means secondary.


Link station protocol machine state. This value may be one of the following states:

ls_reset—Initial state.

ls_RqOpnStnSent—TEST frame sent; request to open a connection endpoint.

ls_ExchgXid—exchange identification (XID) negotiation taking place.

ls_ConnRqSent—Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended (SABME) sent (connecting side).

ls_SigStnWait—Waiting for signal to clean up the congestion and respond to polling with an Receiver Not Ready (RNR).

ls_ConnRspWait—Wait for the other connection endpoint to bring up the link.

ls_ConnRspSent—A unnumbered acknowledgement (UA) has been sent and the router is waiting for a Receive Ready (RR) to clear up the flow.

ls_Contacted—Everything is connected

ls_DiscWait—Wait for acknowledge to disconnect request.

Backup is enabled

Notification displayed when the FRAS dial backup feature is configured.

show fras map

To display the mapping and connection state of Frame Relay access support (FRAS), use the show fras map command in privileged EXEC mode.

show fras map

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show fras map command:

Router# show fras map
Type Destination    Int   LSap   RSap   Role   State
tr   0800.5a8f.8802 tr0   4      4      P      ls_contacted
fr   200            s0    4      4      S      ls_contacted

Table 72 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 72 show fras map Field Descriptions 



Connection type. The display example shows Logical Link Control (LLC) and Frame Relay.


Destination MAC address from the perspective of the Cisco IOS software.


Interface on which the connection resides.


Local service access point (SAP) value.


Remote SAP value.


Local link station role; P means primary and S means secondary.


Connection type. The display example shows Logical Link Control (LLC) and Frame Relay.

show fras-host

To display the status of Logical Link Control, type 2 (LLC2) sessions using the Frame Relay access support (FRAS) Host feature, use the show fras-host command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show fras-host [interface] [dlci dlci-num] [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Only display LLC2 sessions from a specified Frame Relay interface or subinterface.

dlci dlci-number

(Optional) Only display LLC2 sessions from a specified data-link connection identifier (DLCI).


(Optional) Display additional information such as the Routing Information Field (RIF)s and statistics associated with the LLC2 sessions.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History


11.2 F

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show fras-host command:

router# show fras-host
Number of Active Control Blocks = 2
Number of Available Control Blocks in Pool = 126
Port	DLCI	Type	FrRsap	FrLSap	HostSap	VMac	HostMac 
Se0	16	BNN	04	08	04	4000.ABBA.001E	4000.3000.2000 
Se1	37	BAN	04	04	04	4000.0223.0019	4000.3000.2000

Table 73 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 73 show fras-host Field Descriptions 



Frame Relay interface or subinterface associated with this LLC2 session.


DLCI number associated with this LLC2 session


FRAS encapsulation type associated with this LLC2 session


Frame Relay Remote LLC2 service access point (SAP) associated with this LLC2 session. This SAP is the source sap on LLC2 frames sent by the remote Frame Relay access device (FRAD).


Frame Relay Local LLC2 SAP associated with this LLC2 session. This SAP is the destination SAP on LLC2 frames sent by the remote FRAD.


Destination SAP on LLC2 frames sent to the Channel Interface Processor (CIP) or LAN-attached AS/400. This SAP is identical to FrLsap unless the hsap keyword is specified on the fras-host bnn command.


MAC address associated with the remote FRAD for this LLC2 session.


MAC address associated with the host for this LLC2 session.

Related Commands


fras-host ban

Enables the FRAS Host function for BAN.

fras-host bnn

Enables the FRAS Host function for boundary network node.

fras-host dlsw-local-ack

Enables LLC2 local termination for FRAS Host connections using the virtual Token Ring.

show interfaces channel

To display information about the Cisco Mainframe Channel Connection (CMCC) adapter interfaces, use the show interfaces channel command in privileged EXEC mode. This command displays information that is specific to the interface hardware. The information displayed is generally useful for diagnostic tasks performed by technical support personnel only.

show interfaces channel slot/port [accounting]

Syntax Description


Slot number.


Port number.


(Optional) Displays interface accounting information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show interfaces channel command:

Router# show interfaces channel 3/0
Channel3/0 is up, line protocol is up
  Hardware is cxBus IBM Channel
  Internet address is, subnet mask is
  MTU 4096 bytes, BW 0 Kb, DLY 0 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
  Encapsulation CHANNEL, loopback not set, keepalive not set
  ECA type daughter card
  Data transfer rate 12 Mbytes  Number of subchannels 1
  Last input never, output never, output hang never
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters 0:00:04
  Output queue 0/0, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
  Five minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
  Five minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
     0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
     0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns
     0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets, 0 restarts

Table 74 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 74 show interfaces channel Field Descriptions 


Channel... is up

Indicates whether the interface hardware is active (whether synchronization is achieved on an ESCON channel, or whether operational out is enabled on a parallel channel) and whether it has been taken down by an administrator.

line protocol is up

Indicates whether the software processes that handle the line protocol "think" the line is usable (that is, whether keepalives are successful).

Hardware is

Hardware type.

Internet address is

IP address and subnet mask.


Maximum transmission unit of the interface.


Bandwidth of the interface in kilobits per second.


Delay of the interface in microseconds.


Reliability of the interface as a fraction of 255 (255/255 is 100 percent reliability), calculated as an exponential average over 5 minutes.


Load on the interface as a fraction of 255 (255/255 is completely saturated), calculated as an exponential average over 5 minutes. The calculation uses the value from the bandwidth interface configuration command.


Encapsulation method assigned to interface.


Indicates whether loopbacks are set.


Indicates whether keepalives are set.

daughter card

Type of adapter card.

Data transfer rate

Rate of data transfer.

Number of subchannels

Number of subchannels.

Last input

Number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully received by an interface. Useful for knowing when a dead interface first failed. This counter is updated only when packets are process switched, not when packets are fast switched.

Last output

Number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully sent by an interface. This counter is updated only when packets are process switched, not when packets are fast switched.

output hang

Number of hours, minutes, and seconds (or never) since the interface was last reset because of data that took too long to send. When the number of hours in any of the "last" fields exceeds 24 hours, the number of days and hours is printed. If that field overflows, asterisks are printed.

Last clearing

The time at which the counters that measure cumulative statistics (such as number of bytes sent and received) shown in this report were last reset to zero. Note that variables that might affect routing (for example, load and reliability) are not cleared when the counters are cleared. These asterisks (***) indicate the elapsed time is too large to be displayed; 0:00:00 indicates the counters were cleared more than 231ms (and less than 232ms) ago.

Output queue, drops input queue, drops

Number of packets in output and input queues. Each number is followed by a slash, the maximum size of the queue, and the number of packets dropped due to a full queue.

Five minute input rate, Five minute output rate

Average number of bits and packets sent per second in the last five minutes.

packets input

Total number of error-free packets received by the system.

bytes input

Total number of bytes, including data and MAC encapsulation, in the error-free packets received by the system.

no buffer

Number of received packets discarded because there was no buffer space in the main system. Compare with ignored count. Broadcast storms on Ethernets and bursts of noise on serial lines are often responsible for no input buffer events.


Total number of broadcast or multicast packets received by the interface.


Number of packets that are discarded because they are smaller than the medium's minimum packet size.


Number of packets that are discarded because they exceed the medium's maximum packet size.

input errors

Total number of buffer, runts, giants, cyclic redundancy checks (CRC), frame, overrun, ignored, and abort counts. Other input-related errors can also increment the count, so that this sum may not balance with the other counts.


Number of code violation errors seen on the ESCON interface, where a received transmission character is recognized as invalid. On a parallel interface, the number of parity errors seen.


Number of received packets having an incorrect CRC error and a noninteger number of octets. This value is always 0.


Number of times the serial receiver hardware was unable to hand received data to a hardware buffer because the input rate exceeded the receiver's ability to handle the data. This value is always 0.


Number of received packets ignored by the interface because the interface hardware ran low on internal buffers. These buffers are different than the system buffers mentioned previously in the "no buffer" description. Broadcast storms and bursts of noise can cause the ignored count to be increased.


Illegal sequence of one bits on a serial interface. This usually indicates a clocking problem between the serial interface and the data-link equipment. This value is always 0.

packets output

Total number of messages sent by the system.


Total number of bytes, including data and MAC encapsulation, sent by the system.


Sum of all errors that prevented the final sending of datagrams out of the interface being examined. Note that this may not balance with the sum of the enumerated output errors, because some datagrams may have more than one error, and others may have errors that do not fall into any of the specifically tabulated categories.

output errors

Number of output errors.


Number of collisions detected. This value is always 0.

interface resets

Number of times an interface has been completely reset. This can happen if packets queued for sending were not sent within several seconds. On a serial line, this can be caused by a malfunctioning modem that is not supplying the send clock signal, or by a cable problem. If the system notices that the carrier detect line of a serial interface is up, but the line protocol is down, it periodically resets the interface in an effort to restart it. Interface resets can also occur when an interface is looped back or shut down.

On the CMCC adapter, this may occur if the host software is not requesting data.


Number of times the controller was restarted because of errors.

show interfaces crb

To display the configuration for each interface that has been configured for routing or bridging, use the show interfaces crb command in privileged EXEC mode.

show interfaces crb

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show interfaces crb command:

Router# show interfaces crb
Routed protocols on Ethernet0/0:
appletalk decnet ip novell
Routed protocols on Ethernet0/1:
appletalk  decnet  ip  novell
Routed protocols on Ethernet0/2:
appletalk  ip
Bridged protocols on Ethernet0/2:
clns  decnet  vines  apollo
novell  xns
Software MAC address filter on Ethernet0/2
Hash Len   Address         Matches   Act   Type
0x00: 0    ffff.ffff.ffff  0         RCV   Physical broadcast
0x00: 1    ffff.ffff.ffff  0         RCV   Appletalk zone
0x2A: 0    0900.2b01.0001  0         RCV   DEC spanning tree
0x49: 0    0000.0c36.7a45  0         RCV   Interface MAC address
0xc0: 0    0100.0ccc.cccc  20        RCV   CDP
0xc2: 0    0180.c200.0000  0         RCV   IEEE spanning tree
0xF8: 0    0900.07ff.ffff  0         RCV   Appletalk broadcast
Routed protocols on Ethernet0/3:
appletalk  ip
Bridged protocols on Ethernet0/3:
clns  decnet  vines  apollo
novell  xns
Software MAC address filter on Ethernet0/3
Hash Len   Address         Matches   Act   Type
0x00: 0    ffff.ffff.ffff  0         RCV   Physical broadcast
0x00: 1    ffff.ffff.ffff  0         RCV   Appletalk zone
0x2A: 0    0900.2b01.0001  0         RCV   DEC spanning tree
0x49: 0    0000.0c36.7a45  0         RCV   Interface MAC address
0xc0: 0    0100.0ccc.cccc  48        RCV   CDP
0xc2: 0    0180.c200.0000  0         RCV   IEEE spanning tree
0xF8: 0    0900.07ff.ffff  0         RCV   Appletalk broadcast 

Table 75 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 75 show interfaces crb Field Descriptions 


Routed protocols on...

List of the routed protocols configured for the specified interface.

Bridged protocols on...

List of the bridged protocols configured for the specified interface.

Software MAC address filter on...

Table of software MAC address filter information for the specified interface.


Hash key/relative position in the keyed list for this MAC-address entry.


Length of this entry to the beginning element of this hash chain.


Canonical (Ethernet ordered) MAC address.


Number of received packets matched to this MAC address.


Action to be taken when that address is looked up; choices are to receive or discard the packet.


MAC address type.

show interfaces irb

To display the configuration for each interface that has been configured for integrated routing or bridging, use the show interfaces irb command in privileged EXEC mode.

show interfaces {ethernet | fastethernet} [interface | slot/port] irb

Syntax Description


Specify Ethernet interface.


Specify Fast Ethernet interface.


(Optional) Specific interface, such as Ethernet 0.


(Optional) Specific slot and port, such as Fast Ethernet 3/0.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show interfaces irb command:

Router# show interfaces ethernet 2 irb
Ethernet 2
Routed protocols on Ethernet 2:
appletalk ip
Bridged protocols on Ethernet 2:
appletalk   clns   decnet   vines
apollo      ipx    xns
Software MAC address filter on Ethernet 2
Hash Len  Address         Matches  Act   Type
0x00: 0   ffff.ffff.ffff  4886     RCV   Physical broadcast
0x1F: 0   0060.3e2b.a221  7521     RCV   Appletalk zone
0x1F: 1   0060.3e2b.a221  0        RCV   Bridge-group Virtual Interface
0x2A: 0   0900.2b01.0001  0        RCV   DEC spanning tree
0x05: 0   0900.0700.00a2  0        RCV   Appletalk zone
0xC2: 0   0180.c200.0000  0        RCV   IEEE spanning tree
0xF8: 0   0900.07ff.ffff  2110     RCV   Appletalk broadcast

The following example shows that IP is configured for the first PA-12E/2FE interface of the port adapter in slot 3:

Router# show interfaces fastethernet 3/0 irb
Fast Ethernet3/0
 Routed protocols on Fast Ethernet3/0:
 Bridged protocols on Fast Ethernet3/0:
  appletalk  clns       decnet     ip       
  vines      apollo     ipx        xns      
 Software MAC address filter on Ethernet3/0
  Hash Len    Address      Matches  Act      Type
  0x00:  0 ffff.ffff.ffff         0 RCV Physical broadcast
  0x2A:  0 0900.2b01.0001         0 RCV DEC spanning tree
  0xC2:  0 0180.c200.0000         0 RCV IEEE spanning tree
  0xC7:  0 00e0.f7a4.5130         0 RCV Interface MAC address
  0xC7:  1 00e0.f7a4.5130         0 RCV Bridge-group Virtual Interface

Table 76 describes the significant fields shown in the displays.

Table 76 show interfaces irb Field Descriptions 


Routed protocols on...

List of the routed protocols configured for the specified interface.

Bridged protocols on...

List of the bridged protocols configured for the specified interface.

Software MAC address filter on...

Table of software MAC address filter information for the specified interface.


Hash key/relative position in the keyed list for this MAC-address entry.


Length of this entry to the beginning element of this hash chain.


Canonical (Ethernet ordered) MAC address.


Number of received packets matched to this MAC address.


Action to be taken when that address is looked up; choices are to receive or discard the packet.


MAC address type.

show interfaces tokenring (IBM)

To display information about the Token Ring interface and the state of source-route bridging (SRB), use the show interfaces tokenring command in privileged EXEC mode.

show interfaces tokenring [number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Interface number. If you do not provide a value, the command will display statistics for all Token Ring interfaces.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show interfaces tokenring command:

Router# show interfaces tokenring
TokenRing 0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is 16/4 Token Ring, address is 5500.2000.dc27 (bia 0000.3000.072b)
   Internet address is, subnet mask is
   MTU 8136 bytes, BW 16000 Kb, DLY 630 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
   Encapsulation SNAP, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec)
   ARP type: SNAP, ARP Timeout 4:00:00
   Ring speed: 16 Mbps
   Single ring node, Source Route Bridge capable
   Group Address: 0x00000000, Functional Address: 0x60840000
   Last input 0:00:01, output 0:00:01, output hang never
   Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
   Five minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
   Five minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
   16339 packets input, 1496515 bytes, 0 no buffer
        Received 9895 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
        0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
     32648 packets output, 9738303 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets, 0 restarts
     5 transitions

Table 77 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 77 show interfaces tokenring Field Descriptions 


Token Ring is up

Interface is currently active and inserted into ring (up) or inactive and not inserted (down).

Token Ring is Reset

Hardware error has occurred. This is not in the sample output; it is informational only.

Token Ring is Initializing

Hardware is up, in the process of inserting the ring. This is not in the sample output; it is informational only.

Token Ring is Administratively Down

Hardware has been taken down by an administrator. This is not in the sample output; it is informational only. "Disabled" indicates the Cisco IOS software has received over 5000 errors in a keepalive interval, which is 10 seconds by default.

line protocol is up

Indicates whether the software processes that handle the line protocol believe the interface is usable (that is, whether keepalives are successful).


Specifies the hardware type. "Hardware is ciscoBus Token Ring" indicates that the board is a CSC-C2CTR board. "Hardware is 16/4 Token Ring" indicates that the board is a CSC-1R, CSC-2R, or a CSC-R16M board. Also shows the address of the interface.

Internet address

Lists the Internet address followed by the subnet mask.


Maximum transmission unit of the interface.


Bandwidth of the interface in kilobits per second.


Delay of the interface in microseconds.


Reliability of the interface as a fraction of 255 (255/255 is 100 percent reliability), calculated as an exponential average over 5 minutes.


Load on the interface as a fraction of 255 (255/255 is completely saturated), calculated as an exponential average over 5 minutes.


Encapsulation method assigned to interface.


Indicates whether loopback is set.


Indicates whether keepalives are set.

ARP type

Type of Address Resolution Protocol assigned.

Ring speed

Speed of Token Ring—4 or 16 Mbps.

Single ring node

Indicates whether a node is enabled to collect and use source RIF for routable Token Ring protocols.

Group Address

Interface's group address, if any. The group address is a multicast address; any number of interfaces on the ring may share the same group address. Each interface may have at most one group address.

Functional Address

Bit-significant group address. Each "on" bit represents a function performed by the station.

Last input

Number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was received by an interface. Useful for knowing when a dead interface failed.

output hang

Number of hours, minutes, and seconds (or never) since the interface was last reset because the data took too long to send. When the number of hours in any of the "last" fields exceeds 24 hours, the number of days and hours is printed. If that field overflows, asterisks are printed.

Output queue, drops
input queue, drops

Number of packets in output and input queues. Each number is followed by a slash, the maximum size of the queue, and the number of packets dropped due to a full queue.

Five minute input rate,
Five minute output rate

Average number of bits and packets sent per second in the last 5 minutes.

packets input

Total number of error-free packets received by the system.


Total number of broadcast or multicast packets received by the interface.


Number of packets that are discarded because they are smaller than the medium's minimum packet size.


Number of packets that are discarded because they exceed the medium's maximum packet size.


Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) generated by the originating LAN station or far-end device does not match the checksum calculated from the data received. On a LAN, this usually indicates noise or problems sending data on the LAN interface or the LAN bus itself. A high number of CRCs is usually the result of a station sending bad data.


Number of packets received incorrectly having a CRC error and a noninteger number of octets.


Number of times the serial receiver hardware was unable to hand received data to a hardware buffer because the input rate exceeded the receiver's ability to handle the data.


Number of received packets ignored by the interface because the interface hardware ran low on internal buffers. These buffers are different than the system buffers mentioned previously in the buffer description. Broadcast storms and bursts of noise can cause the ignored count to be increased.

packets output

Total number of messages sent by the system.


Total number of bytes, including data and MAC encapsulation, sent by the system.


Number of times that the far-end sender has been running faster than the near-end router's receiver can handle. This may never be reported on some interfaces.

output errors

Sum of all errors that prevented the final sending of datagrams out of the interface being examined. Note that this may not balance with the sum of the enumerated output errors, because some datagrams may have more than one error, and others may have errors that do not fall into any of the specifically tabulated categories.


Because a Token Ring cannot have collisions, this statistic is nonzero only if an unusual event occurred when frames were being queued or dequeued by the system software.

interface resets

Number of times an interface has been reset. The interface may be reset by the administrator or automatically when an internal error occurs.


Should always be zero for Token Ring interfaces.


Number of times the ring made a transition from up to down, or vice versa. A large number of transitions indicates a problem with the ring or the interface.

show llc2

To display the Logical Link Control, type 2 (LLC2) connections active in the router, use the show llc2 command in privileged EXEC mode.

show llc2 [brief]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information about the LLC2 connections that are active in the router.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release  12.2(33)SXI.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.


The following is sample output from the show llc2 command:

Router# show llc2
TokenRing0 DTE=1000.5A59.04F9,400022224444 SAP=04/04, State=NORMAL
V(S)=5, V(R)=5, Last N(R)=5, Local window=7, Remote Window=127
ack-max=3, n2=8, Next timer in 7768
xid-retry timer 0/60000 ack timer 0/1000
p timer 0/1000 idle timer 7768/10000
rej timer 0/3200 busy timer 0/9600
ack-delay timer 0/3200
CMNS Connections to:
Address 1000.5A59.04F9 via Ethernet2
Protocol is up
Interface type X25-DCE RESTARTS 0/1
Timers: T10 1 T11 1 T12 1 T13 1

The display includes a Connection-Mode Network Service (CMNS) addendum, indicating the LLC2 is running with CMNS. When LLC2 is not running with CMNS, the show llc2 command does not display a CMNS addendum.

Table 78 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 78 show llc2 Field Descriptions 



Name of interface on which the session is established.

DTE=1000.5A59.04F9, 400022224444

Address of the station to which the router is talking on this session. The address is the MAC address of the interface on which the connection is established, except when Local Acknowledgment or SDLC Logical Link Control (SDLLC) is used, in which case the address used by the Cisco IOS software is shown as in this example, following the DTE address and separated by a comma.


Other station's and the router's (remote or local) service access point (SAP) for this connection. The SAP is analogous to a "port number" on the router and allows for multiple sessions between the same two stations.


Current state of the LLC2 session. The values are:

ADM—Asynchronous Disconnect Mode. A connection is not established, and either end can begin one.

SETUP—Request to begin a connection has been sent to the remote station, and this station is waiting for a response to that request.

RESET—A previously open connection has been reset because of some error by this station, and this station is waiting for a response to that reset command.

D_CONN—This station has requested a normal, expected, end of communications with the remote, and is waiting for a response to that disconnect request.

ERROR—This station has detected an error in communications and has told the other station of this. This station is waiting for a reply to its posting of this error.

NORMAL—Connection between the two sides is fully established, and normal communication is occurring.

BUSY—Normal communication state exists, except busy conditions on this station make it such that this station cannot receive information frames from the other station at this time.

REJECT—Out-of-sequence frame has been detected on this station, and this station has requested that the other resend this information.

AWAIT—Normal communication exists, but this station has had a timer expire, and is trying to recover from it (usually by resending the frame that started the timer).

AWAIT_BUSY—A combination of the AWAIT and BUSY states.

AWAIT_REJ—A combination of the AWAIT and REJECT states.


Sequence number of the next information frame this station will send.


Sequence number of the next information frame this station expects to receive from the other station.

Last N(R)=5

Last sequence number of this station's sent frames acknowledged by the remote station.

Local window=7

Number of frames this station may send before requiring an acknowledgment from the remote station.

Remote Window=127

Number of frames this station can accept from the remote.


Maximum number of packets to receive before sending an acknowledgment.


Number of times to retry operations.

Next timer in 7768

Number of milliseconds before the next timer, for any reason, goes off.

xid-retry timer 0/60000

Number of milliseconds to wait for a reply to exchange identification (XID) frames before dropping a session. This timer value is in the form of next-time/time-between, where "next-time" is the next time, in milliseconds, that the timer will wake, and "time-between" is the time, in milliseconds, between each timer wakeup. A "next-time" of zero indicates that the timer is not enabled, and will never wake.

ack timer 0/1000

Number of milliseconds to wait before sending an acknowledgment. This timer value is in the form of next-time/time-between, where "next-time" is the next time, in milliseconds, that the timer will wake, and "time-between" is the time, in milliseconds, between each timer wakeup. A "next-time" of zero indicates that the timer is not enabled, and will never wake.

p timer 0/1000

Number of milliseconds to wait for a final response to a poll frame before resending the poll frame. This timer value is in the form of next-time/time-between, where "next-time" is the next time, in milliseconds, that the timer will wake, and "time-between" is the time, in milliseconds, between each timer wakeup. A "next-time" of zero indicates that the timer is not enabled, and will never wake.

idle timer 7768/10000

Number of milliseconds that can pass with no traffic before the LLC2 station sends a Receiver Ready frame. This timer value is in the form of next-time/time-between, where "next-time" is the next time, in milliseconds, that the timer will wake, and "time-between" is the time, in milliseconds, between each timer wakeup. A "next-time" of zero indicates that the timer is not enabled, and will never wake.

rej timer 0/3200

Number of milliseconds to wait for a resend of a rejected frame before sending a reject command to the remote station. This timer value is in the form of next-time/time-between, where "next-time" is the next time, in milliseconds, that the timer will wake, and "time-between" is the time, in milliseconds, between each timer wakeup. A "next-time" of zero indicates that the timer is not enabled, and will never wake.

busy timer 0/9600

Number of milliseconds to wait before repolling a busy remote station. This timer value is in the form of next-time/time-between, where "next-time" is the next time, in milliseconds, that the timer will wake, and "time-between" is the time, in milliseconds, between each timer wakeup. A "next-time" of zero indicates that the timer is not enabled, and will never wake.

ack-delay timer 0/3200

Number of milliseconds to allow incoming information frames to stay unacknowledged. This timer value is in the form of next-time/time-between, where "next-time" is the next time, in milliseconds, that the timer will wake, and "time-between" is the time, in milliseconds, between each timer wakeup. A "next-time" of zero indicates that the timer is not enabled, and will never wake.

CMNS Connections to:

List of values that affect the interface if CMNS is enabled.

Address 1000.5A59.04F9 via Ethernet2

MAC address of remote station.

Protocol is up

Up indicates that the LLC2 and X.25 protocols are in a state where incoming and outgoing Call Requests can be made on this LLC2 connection.

Interface type X25-DCE

One of X25-DCE, X25-DTE, or X25-DXE (both DTE and DCE).


Restarts sent/received on this LLC2 connection.


T10, T11, T12, T13 (or T20, T21, T22, T23 for DTE); these are Request packet timers. These are similar in function to X.25 parameters of the same name.

Related Commands


llc2 ack-delay-time

Sets the amount of time the Cisco IOS software waits for an acknowledgment before sending the next set of information frames.

llc2 ack-max

Controls the maximum amount of information frames the Cisco IOS software can receive before it must send an acknowledgment.

llc2 idle-time

Controls the frequency of polls during periods of idle time (no traffic).

llc2 local-window

Controls the maximum number of information frames the Cisco IOS software sends before it waits for an acknowledgment.

llc2 n2

Controls the number of times the Cisco IOS software retries sending unacknowledged frames or repolls remote busy stations.

llc2 t1-time

Controls the amount of time the Cisco IOS software will wait before resending unacknowledged information frames.

llc2 tbusy-time

Controls the amount of time the Cisco IOS software waits until repolling a busy remote station.

llc2 tpf-time

Sets the amount of time the Cisco IOS software waits for a final response to a poll frame before resending the poll frame.

llc2 trej-time

Controls the amount of time the Cisco IOS software waits for a correct frame after sending a reject command to the remote LLC2 station.

llc2 xid-neg-val-time

Controls the frequency of XID transmissions by the Cisco IOS software.

llc2 xid-retry-time

Sets the amount of time the Cisco IOS software waits for a reply to XID frames before dropping the session.

show lnm bridge

Note Effective with release 12.3(4)T, the show lnm bridge command is no longer available in Cisco IOS 12.3T releases.

To display all currently configured bridges and all parameters that are related to the bridge as a whole, not to one of its interfaces, use the show lnm bridge command in privileged EXEC mode.

show lnm bridge

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command is no longer available in Cisco IOS 12.3T releases.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show lnm bridge command:

Router# show lnm bridge
Bridge 001-2-003, Ports 0000.3000.abc4, 0000.0028.abcd
Active Links: 0000.0000.0000 0000.0000.0000 0000.0000.0000 0000.0000.0000
Notification: 0 min, Threshold 00.10%

Table 79 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 79 show lnm bridge Field Descriptions 


Bridge 001-2-003

Ring and bridge numbers of this bridge.

Ports 0000.3000.abc4....

MAC addresses of the two interfaces of this bridge.

Active Links:

Any LAN Network Manager (LNM) stations that are connected to this bridge. An entry preceded by an asterisk is the controlling LNM.

Notification: 0 min

Current counter notification interval in minutes.

Threshold 00.10%

Current loss threshold (in percent) that will trigger a message to the LNM.

show lnm config

Note Effective with release 12.3(4)T, the show lnm config command is no longer available in Cisco IOS 12.3T releases.

To display the logical configuration of all bridges configured in a router, use the show lnm config command in privileged EXEC mode. This information is needed to configure an LAN Network Manager (LNM) Management Station to communicate with a router. This is especially important when the router is configured as a multiport bridge, thus employing the concept of a virtual ring.

show lnm config

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command is no longer available in Cisco IOS 12.3T releases.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show lnm config command for a simple two-port bridge:

Router# show lnm config
Bridge(s) currently configured:
           From     ring 001, address 0000.3000.abc4
           Across bridge 002
           To       ring 003, address 0000.0028.abcd

The following is sample output from the show lnm config command for a multiport bridge:

Router# show lnm config
Bridge(s) currently configured:
           From     ring 001, address 0000.0028.abc4
           Across bridge 001
           To       ring 008, address 4000.0028.abcd
           From     ring 002, address 0000.3000.abc4
           Across bridge 002
           To       ring 008, address 4000.3000.abcd
           From     ring 003, address 0000.3000.5735
           Across bridge 003
           To       ring 008, address 4000.3000.5735

Table 80 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 80 show lnm config Field Descriptions 


From ring 001

Ring number of the first interface in the two-port bridge.

address 0000.3000.abc4

MAC address of the first interface in the two-port bridge.

Across bridge 002

Bridge number assigned to this bridge.

To ring 003

Ring number of the second interface in the two-port bridge.

address 0000.0028.abcd

MAC address of the second interface in the two-port bridge.

show lnm interface

Note Effective with release 12.3(4)T, the show lnm interface command is no longer available in Cisco IOS 12.3T releases.

To display all LAN Network Manager (LNM)-related information about a specific interface or all interfaces, use the show lnm interface command in privileged EXEC mode.

show lnm interface [type number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Interface type.


(Optional) Interface number.


The type argument is not specified, information about all interface types is displayed.
If number is not specified, information about all interface numbers is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command is no longer available in Cisco IOS 12.3T releases.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

This command is for all types of interfaces, including Token Ring interfaces. If you want information specific to Token Ring, use the show lnm ring command.


The following is sample output from the show lnm interface command:

Router# show lnm interface
 nonisolating error counts
interface  ring   Active Monitor  SET   dec   lost   cong.  fc    freq.token
TokenRing1 0001*  1000.5a98.23a0  00200 00001 00000  00000  00000 0000000002
Notification flags: FE00, Ring Intensive: FFFF, Auto Intensive: FFFF
Active Servers: LRM LBS REM RPS CRS
Last NNIN:   never, from 0000.0000.0000.
Last Claim:  never, from 0000.0000.0000.
Last Purge:  never, from 0000.0000.0000.
Last Beacon: never, 'none' from 0000.0000.0000.
Last MonErr: never, 'none' from 0000.0000.0000.
                 isolating error counts
station         int ring   loc.   weight line   inter  burst  ac    abort
1000.5a98.23a0  T1  0001   0000   00 - N00000   00000  00000  00000 00000
1000.5a98.239e  T1  0001   0000   00 - N00000   00000  00000  00000 00000
1000.5a6f.bc15  T1  0001   0000   00 - N00000   00000  00000  00000 00000
0000.3000.abc4  T1  0001   0000   00 - N00000   00000  00000  00000 00000
1000.5a98.239f  T1  0001   0000   00 - N00000   00000  00000  00000 00000

Table 81 describes the significant fields shown in the display. See the show lnm station command for a description of the fields that follow after the "isolating error counts" line in the sample output.

Table 81 show lnm interface Field Descriptions 



Interface about which information was requested.


Number assigned to that Token Ring. An asterisk following the ring number indicates that stations with nonzero error counters are present on that ring.

Active Monitor

Address of the station that is providing "Active Monitor" functions to the ring. The description of this server can be found in the IBM Token Ring Architecture Reference Manual.


Current soft error reporting time for the ring in units of tens of milliseconds.


Rate at which the various counters of nonisolating errors are being decreased. This number is in errors per 30 seconds.

lost, cong., fc, freq.token

Current values of the five nonisolating error counters specified in the 802.5 specification. These are Lost Frame errors, Receiver Congestion errors, FC errors, Frequency errors, and Token errors.

Notification flags:

Representation of which types of ring errors are being reported to LNM. The description of this number can be found in the IBM Token Ring Architecture Reference Manual.

Ring Intensive:

Representation of which specific ring error messages are being reported to LNM when in the "Ring Intensive" reporting mode. The description of this number can be found in the IBM Token Ring Architecture Reference Manual.

Auto Intensive:

Representation of which specific ring error messages are being reported to LNM when in the "Auto Intensive" reporting mode. The description of this number can be found in the IBM Token Ring Architecture Reference Manual.

Active Servers:

A list of which servers are active on this Token Ring. The acronyms and their meanings are as follows:

CRS—Configuration Report Server

LRM—LAN Reporting Manager

LBS—LAN Bridge Server

REM—Ring Error Monitor

RPS—Ring Parameter Server

The description of these servers can be found in the IBM Token Ring Architecture Reference Manual.

Last NNIN:

Time since the last "Neighbor Notification Incomplete" frame was received, and the station that sent this message.

Last Claim:

Time since the last "Claim Token" frame was received, and the station that sent this message.

Last Purge:

Time since the last "Purge Ring" frame was received, and the station that sent this message.

Last Beacon:

Time since the last "Beacon" frame was received, the type of the last beacon frame, and the station that sent this message.

Last Mon Err:

Time since the last "Report Active Monitor Error" frame was received, the type of the last monitor error frame, and the station that sent this message.

Related Commands


show lnm ring

Displays all LNM information about a specific Token Ring or all Token Rings.

show lnm station

Displays LNM-related information about a specific station or all known stations on all rings.

show lnm ring

Note Effective with release 12.3(4)T, the show lnm ring command is no longer available in Cisco IOS 12.3T releases.

To display all LAN Network Manager (LNM) information about a specific Token Ring or all Token Rings, use the show lnm ring command in privileged EXEC mode.

show lnm ring [ring-number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number of a specific Token Ring. It can be a value in the range from 1 to 4095.


If the ring-number argument is not specified, information about all Token Rings is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command is no longer available in Cisco IOS 12.3T releases.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

If a specific interface is requested, it also displays a list of all active stations on that interface.

The output of this command is the same as the output of the show lnm interface command. See the show lnm interface and show lnm station commands for sample output and a description of the fields. The same information can be obtained by using the show lnm interface command, but instead of specifying an interface number, you specify a ring number as an argument.

Related Commands


show lnm interface

Displays all LNM-related information about a specific interface or all interfaces.

show lnm station

Displays LNM-related information about a specific station or all known stations on all rings.

show lnm station

Note Effective with release 12.3(4)T, the show lnm station command is no longer available in Cisco IOS 12.3T releases.

To display LAN Network Manager (LNM)-related information about a specific station or all known stations on all rings, use the show lnm station command in privileged EXEC mode

show lnm station [address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Address of a specific LNM station.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command is no longer available in Cisco IOS 12.3T releases.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

If a specific station is requested, it also displays a detailed list of that station's current MAC-level parameters.


The following is sample output from the show lnm station command when a particular address has been specified:

Router# show lnm station 1000.5a6f.bc15
                                            isolating error counts
    station      int  ring  loc.   weight   line  inter burst   ac  abort
1000.5a6f.bc15    T1  0001  0000   00 - N   00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
Unique ID:  0000.0000.0000          NAUN: 0000.3000.abc4
Functional: C000.0000.0000         Group: C000.0000.0000
Physical Location:   00000        Enabled Classes:  0000
Allowed Priority:    00000        Address Modifier: 0000
Product ID:     00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000.0000
Ucode Level:    00000000.00000000.0000
Station Status: 00000000.0000
Last transmit status: 00

Table 82 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 82 show lnm station Field Descriptions 



MAC address of the given station on the Token Ring.


Interface used to reach the given station.


Number of the Token Ring where the given station is located.


Physical location number of the given station.


Weighted accumulation of the errors of the given station, and of its nearest active upstream neighbor (NAUN). The three possible letters and their meanings are as follows:1

N—not in a reported error condition.

P—in a "preweight" error condition.

W—in a "preweight" error condition.

isolating error counts

Current values of the five isolating error counters specified in the 802.5 specification. These are Line errors, Internal errors, Burst errors, AC errors, and Abort errors.

Values below this point will be zero unless the LNM has previously requested this information.

Unique ID:

Uniquely assigned value for this station.


MAC address of this station's "upstream" neighbor.


MAC-level functional address currently in use by this station.


MAC-level group address currently in use by this station.

Physical Location:

Number assigned to this station as its "Physical Location" identifier.

Enabled Classes:

Functional classes that the station is allowed to send.

Allowed Priority:

Maximum access priority that the station may use when sending onto the Token Ring.

Address Modifier:

Reserved field.

Product ID:

Encoded 18-byte string used to identify what hardware and software combination is running on this station.

Ucode Level:

10-byte extended binary coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC) string indicating the microcode level of the station.

Station Status:

Implementation-dependent vector that is not specified anywhere.

Last transmit status:

Contains the strip status of the last "Report Transmit Forward" MAC frame forwarded by this interface.

1 The description of these error conditions can be found in the IBM Architecture Reference Manual.

show local-ack

To display the current state of any current local acknowledgment for both Logical Link Control, type 2 (LLC2) and SDLC Logical Link Control (SDLLC) connections, and for any configured pass-through rings, use the show local-ack command in privileged EXEC mode.

show local-ack

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show local-ack command:

Router# show local-ack
local 1000.5a59.04f9, lsap 04, remote 4000.2222.4444, dsap 04 
llc2 = 1798136, local ack state = connected
Passthrough Rings: 4 7

Table 83 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 83 show local-ack Field Descriptions 



MAC address of the local Token Ring station with which the route has the LLC2 session.


Local service access point (LSAP) value of the Token Ring station with which the router has the LLC2 session.


MAC address of the remote Token Ring on whose behalf the router is providing acknowledgments. The remote Token Ring station is separated from the device via the TCP backbone.


Destination service access point (SAP) value of the Token Ring station on whose behalf the router is providing acknowledgments.


Pointer to an internal data structure used by the manufacturer for debugging.

local ack state

State of the local acknowledgment for both LLC2 and Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) connections. The states are as follows:

disconnected—No session between the two end nodes.

connected—Full data transfer between the two.

awaiting connect—Cisco IOS software is waiting for the other end to confirm a session establishment with the remote host.

Passthrough Rings

Ring numbers of the virtual rings that have been defined as pass-throughs using the source-bridge passthrough command. If a ring is not a pass-through, it is locally terminated.

show ncia circuits

To display the state of all circuits involving this MAC address as a source and destination, use the show ncia circuits command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ncia circuits [id-number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number assigned to identify the circuit. If no ID number is specified, the command lists information for all circuits.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ncia client command to list the active circuits by circuit ID number, then use a specific circuit ID number in the show ncia circuits command.


The following is sample output from the show ncia circuits command:

Router# show ncia circuits 
IP             State                   ID        Mac             SAP CW  GP    START_DL_RCVD   (Client)10000000  1000.0000.0001  4   0   0
                               (Server)163D04    4000.1060.1000  4   10  0

Table 84 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 84 show ncia circuits Field Descriptions 



IP address of the client.


Communication state of the circuit.


Circuit ID number. The server circuit ID is used by the server to identify a circuit. Use this ID in the show ncia circuits command. The client circuit ID is for information only.


Client MAC address is the MAC address used by the client; server MAC address is the MAC address used by the host. In a downstream physical unit (DSPU) configuration, the server MAC address is the one defined in the dspu ncia command as server-virtual-mac-address.


Local address (LSAP), specified in the dspu enable-pu command.


Current window, the number of packets that can be increased or decreased for each Increment or Decrement operation.


Granted packets, the number of packets the client or server is permitted to send to the other.

show ncia client

To display the status of the native client interface architecture (NCIA) client, use the show ncia client command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ncia client [sap-list] [ip-address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Display the service access points (SAP) supported by the client. If the sap-list option is not specified, the command does not display service access point (SAP) list information.


(Optional) Client IP address. If no IP address is specified, the command lists information for all clients.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ncia server command to list the active clients by IP address, then use a specific IP address in the show ncia client command.


The following are sample outputs from the show ncia client command:

Router# show ncia client
IP              State  MacAddr         Flags   Num SAP    PktRxd  PktTxd  Drop         4  1000.0000.0011  0x0800     3           27      36     0
    Circuit[1] : 791F8C         4  1000.0000.0011  0x0800     1           28      58     0
    Circuit[2] : 793500
Router# show ncia client sap-list
IP              Num SAPS  Sap List        3      4 8 c

Table 85 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 85 show ncia client Field Descriptions 



IP address of the client.


Communication state of the client. Values are:

0 CLOSED—Read and write pipe closed

1 OPEN_WAIT—Active open.

2 CAP_WAIT—Waiting for a cap exchange request.

3 CAP_NEG—Waiting for a cap exchange req/rsp.

4 OPENED—Both pipes opened.

5 BUSY—WAN transport is congested.

6 CLOSE_WAIT—Close connection.

7 SHUTDOWN_PENDING—TCP, HOST, or router shutdown.


MAC address of the client.


Current operational status of the client. Values are:

0x0100—Client is configured.

0x0200—Client is registered (a client connects to the server to register itself, and then disconnects).

0x0800—Client is active.


Number of SAPs supported by this client; 0 indicates that this client supports all SAPs.


Number of packets sent downstream from the server toward a client workstation.


Number of packets the server received from a downstream client workstation.


Number of packets that should have been sent to a downstream client, but were dropped by the server because the TCP connection has failed. Normally, no packets should be dropped.


Bracketed decimal indicates the order of the circuit in the list. The hexadecimal circuit ID is used by the server to identify a circuit. The circuit ID can be used to query circuit status in the show ncia circuits command.

SAP List

List of SAPs supported by this client. A client can specify a maximum of 16 SAPs. If the "Num SAP" field is 0, no SAPs are displayed in this field.

show ncia server

To display the state of the native client interface architecture (NCIA) server, use the show ncia server command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ncia server [server-number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) NCIA server number. If no server number is specified, the command lists information for all servers.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show ncia server command:

Router# show ncia server
NCIA Server [1]:
    IP address:
    Server Virtual MAC address: 4000.3174.0001
    Starting MAC address: 1000.0000.0001
    MAC address range: 128
    Flags: 0x02
    Number of MAC addresses being used: 0

show netbios-cache

To display a list of NetBIOS cache entries, use the show netbios-cache command in privileged EXEC mode.

show netbios cache

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show netbios-cache command:

Router# show netbios-cache
  HW Addr          Name            How       Idle      NetBIOS Packet Savings
1000.5a89.449a     IC6W06_B        TR1       6         0
1000.5a8b.14e5     IC_9Q07A        TR1       2         0
1000.5a25.1b12     IC9Q19_A        TR1       7         0
1000.5a25.1b12     IC9Q19_A        TR1       10        0
1000.5a8c.7bb1     BKELSA1         TR1       4         0
1000.5a8b.6c7c     ICELSB1         TR1       -         0
1000.5a31.df39     ICASC_01        TR1       -         0
1000.5ada.47af     BKELSA2         TR1       10        0
1000.5a8f.018a     ICELSC1         TR1       1         0

Table 86 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 86 show netbios-cache Field Descriptions 


HW Addr

MAC address mapped to the NetBIOS name in this entry.


NetBIOS name mapped to the MAC address in this entry.


Interface through which this information was learned.


Period of time (in seconds) since this entry was last accessed. A hyphen in this column indicates it is a static entry in the NetBIOS name cache.

NetBIOS Packet Savings

Number of packets to which local replies were made (thus preventing sending of these packets over the network).

Related Commands


netbios name-cache

Defines a static NetBIOS name cache entry, tying the server with the name netbios-name to the mac-address, and specifying that the server is accessible either locally through the interface-name specified, or remotely through the ring-group group-number specified.

netbios name-cache timeout

Enables NetBIOS name caching and sets the time that entries can remain in the NetBIOS name cache.

show qllc

To display the current state of any Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC) connections, use the show qllc command in privileged EXEC mode.

show qllc

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show qllc command.

Router# show qllc
QLLC Connections:
Serial2: 1000.5a35.3a4f->1000.5a59.04f9. SAPs 4 4. Rings Src 200, Tgt 100.
State Connect
Remote DTE 1002. QLLC Protocol State NORMAL lci 1 (PVC)

In the display, the first two lines of the show qllc command show that there is a QLLC session between a Token Ring device and an X.25 remote device. The X.25 device has a virtual MAC address of 100.5a35.3a4f with a service access point (SAP) of 04. It is using a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) with logical channel number 1. The Token Ring device has a MAC address of 1000.5a59.04f9 with a service access point (SAP) of 04. The state of the QLLC session is CONNECTED.

Table 87 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 87 show qllc Field Descriptions 



Serial interface for the X.25 link.


Virtual MAC address for the X.25 attached device.


MAC address of the Token Ring attached device with which the X.25 attached device is communicating. This device might be on a local Token Ring or attached via source-route bridging (SRB) or remote source-route bridging (RSRB).

SAPs 4 4

Source SAP value at the virtual MAC address and destination SAP value at the Token Ring station.

Rings Src 200

Ring number for the source virtual ring defined by the qllc srb command.

Tgt 100

Ring number for the target virtual ring defined by the source-bridge ring-group command.


State of the QLLC-Logical Link Control, type 2 (LLC2) conversion. This can be any of the following:

DISCONNECT—No connection exists.

NET DISC WAIT—X.25 device is disconnecting. The QLLC conversion is waiting for the Token Ring device to disconnect.

QLLC DISC WAIT—The Token Ring device is disconnecting. The QLLC conversion is waiting for the X.25 device to disconnect.

QLLC PRI WAIT—Connection is being established. The Token Ring device is ready to complete the connection, and the Cisco IOS software is establishing the QLLC connection with the X.25 device.

NET CONTACT REPLY WAIT—Remote X.25 device is a front-end processor (FEP), and has made contact with the Cisco IOS software. The software is attempting to reach Token Ring device.

QLLC SEC WAIT—Connection is being established.

NET UP WAIT—Connection is being established. QLLC connection to X.25 device has been established; awaiting completion on the connection to the Token Ring attached device.

Connect—Connections from the software to X.25 and Token Ring devices are established. Data can flow end to end.

Remote DTE 1002

X.121 address of X.25 connected device.

QLLC Protocol State

State of the QLLC protocol between the software and the X.25 attached device. These states are different from the state of the underlying X.25 virtual circuit. Values are as follows:

ADM—Asynchronous Disconnected Mode.

SETUP—Cisco IOS software has initiated QLLC connection, awaiting confirmation from the X.25 device.

RESET—Cisco IOS software has initiated QLLC reset, awaiting confirmation from the X.25 device.

DISCONNECTING—Cisco IOS software has initiated QLLC disconnect, awaiting confirmation from the X.25 device.

NORMAL—QLLC connection has been completed. Systems Network Architecture (SNA) data can be sent and received.

lci 1 (PVC)

Logical channel number used on the X.25 interface.

show rif

To display the current contents of the Routing Information Field (RIF) cache, use the show rif command in privileged EXEC mode.

show rif

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show rif command:

Router# show rif
Codes: * interface, - static, + remote
Hardware Addr  How   Idle (min)  Routing Information Field
5C02.0001.4322 rg5           -   0630.0053.00B0
5A00.0000.2333 TR0           3   08B0.0101.2201.0FF0
5B01.0000.4444 -             -   -
0000.1403.4800 TR1           0   -
0000.2805.4C00 TR0           *   -
0000.2807.4C00 TR1           *   -
0000.28A8.4800 TR0           0   -
0077.2201.0001 rg5          10   0830.0052.2201.0FF0

In the display, entries marked with an asterisk (*) are the router's interface addresses. Entries marked with a dash (-) are static entries. Entries with a number denote cached entries. If the RIF timeout is set to something other than the default of 15 minutes, the timeout is displayed at the top of the display. Table 88 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 88 show rif Field Descriptions 


Hardware Addr

Lists the MAC-level addresses.


Describes how the RIF has been learned. Values are ring group (rg) or interface (TR).

Idle (min)

Indicates how long, in minutes, since the last response was received directly from this node.

Routing Information Field

Lists the RIF.

Related Commands



Enables collection and use of RIF information.

show sdllc local-ack

To display the current state of any current local acknowledgment connections, and any configured pass-through rings, use the show sdllc local-ack command in privileged EXEC mode.

show sdllc local-ack

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show sdllc local-ack command:

Router# show sdllc local-ack
local 1000.5a59.04f9, lsap 04, remote 4000.2222.4444, dsap 04
llc2 = 1798136, local act state = connected
Passthrough Rings: 4 7

In the display, the first two lines of the show sdllc local-ack command show that there is a local acknowledgment session between two Token Ring devices. The device on the local ring has a MAC address of 1000.5a59.04f9 with a service access point (SAP) of 04. The remote device has a MAC address of 4000.2222.4444 with a SAP of 04. The state of the local acknowledgment session is connected.

The pass-through rings display is independent of the rest of the show sdllc local-ack command. The pass-through rings display indicates that there are two rings, 4 and 7, configured for pass-through. This means that stations on these rings will not have their sessions locally acknowledged but will instead have their acknowledgments end-to-end.

Table 89 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 89 show sdllc local-ack Field Descriptions 



MAC address of the local Token Ring station with which the router has the Logical Link Control, type 2 (LLC2) session.


Local SAP value of the Token Ring station with which the router has the LLC2 session.


MAC address of the remote Token Ring station on whose behalf the router is providing acknowledgments. The remote Token Ring station is separated from the router via the TCP backbone.


Destination SAP value of the remote Token Ring station on whose behalf the router is providing acknowledgments.


Pointer to an internal data structure used by technical support staff for debugging.

local ack state

Current state. Values are as follows:

disconnected—No session between the two end hosts.

connected—Full data transfer between the two end hosts.

awaiting connect—This router is waiting for the other end to confirm a session establishment with the remote host.

Passthrough Rings

Ring number of the start ring and destination ring for the two IBM machines when you do not have local acknowledgment for LLC2 configured for your routers using remote source-route bridging (RSRB).

show sna

To display the status of the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Service Point feature, use the show sna command in privileged EXEC mode.

show sna [pu host-name [all]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of a host defined in an sna host command.


(Optional) Name of a host defined in an sna host command.


(Optional) Displays detailed status.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show sna command. It shows a summary of the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) features status.

Router# show sna
sna host HOST_NAMEA TokenRing1 PU STATUS active

The following is sample output from the show sna command with the pu keyword:

Router# show sna pu putest
sna host PUTEST TokenRing1 PU STATUS active
RMAC 400000000004 RSAP 04 LSAP 04

Because the all keyword refers to logical unit (LU)s under the physical unit (PU), this has no significance for the service point host.

show snasw class-of-service

To display the class of service (CoS) definitions predefined to Switching Services (SNASw), use the show snasw class-of-service command in privileged EXEC mode.

show snasw class-of-service [brief | detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates a one-line display per displayed resource. The brief version displays CoS name, transmission priority, and number of node and Transmission Group (TG) rows.


(Optional) Indicates a detailed, multiline display of all fields returned for CoS display.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC


The default display is brief.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is a truncated example of the show snasw class-of-service command:

Router# show snasw class-of-service
Number of class of service definitions 7
      SNA Classes of Service
        Name    Trans. Pri.  Node Rows  TG Rows
      --------  -----------  ---------  -------
   1> #BATCH    Low               8         8
   2> #INTER    High              8         8
   3> CPSVCMG   Network           8         8
   4> #BATCHSC  Low               8         8
   5> #CONNECT  Medium            8         8
   6> #INTERSC  High              8         8
   7> SNASVCMG  Network           8         8
Router# show snasw class-of-service detail
Number of class of service definitions 7
Class of service name                              #BATCH
Transmission priority                              Low
Number of node rows                                8
Number of TG rows                                  8
1.1>Node row weight                                5
Congestion min                                     No
Congestion max                                     No
Route additional resistance min                    0
Route additional resistance max                    31

Related Commands


show snasw mode

Displays the SNASw modes.

show snasw connection-network

To display the connection networks (virtual nodes) defined to the local node, use the show snasw connection-network command in privileged EXEC.

show snasw connection-network [brief | detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates a one-line display per resource. The brief version displays the connection network name, the number of attached ports, and the port names in the connection network.


(Optional) Indicates a detailed, multiline display of all fields returned for connection-network display.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC


The default display is brief.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output form the show snasw connection-network command:

Router# show snasw connection-network
Connection network definitions 1
      SNA Connection Networks
        Resource Name    Attached Ports            Port Name(s)
      -----------------  --------------  --------------------------------
   1> CISCO.VN                     1     TR0
Router# show snasw connection-network detail
Connection network definitions 1
Connection network name                            CISCO.VN         
Effective capacity                                 16 Mbps
Cost per connect time                              0
Cost per byte                                      0
Propagation delay                                  384 microseconds
User defined parameter 1                           128
User defined parameter 2                           128
User defined parameter 3                           128
Security                                           Nonsecure
1.1>Port name                                      TR0 

Related Commands


show snasw link

Displays the Switching Services (SNASw) link objects.

show snasw directory

To display the Switching Services (SNASw) directory entries, use the show snasw directory command in EXEC mode.

show snasw directory [name resource-name-filter] [brief | detail]

Syntax Description

name resource-name-filter

(Optional) Indicates the fully qualified name of the resource (1 to 17 characters). Only resource names that match the specified name are displayed.


(Optional) Indicates a one-line display for each resource. The brief version displays resource name, owning control point (CP) name, network node server name, and entry type.


(Optional) Indicates a detailed, multiline display of all fields returned for the directory display.

Command Modes



The default display is brief.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show snasw directory and show snasw directory detail commands:

Router# show snasw directory
Total Directory Entries 2
      SNA Directory Entries
        Resource Name     Owning CP Name        NN Server      Entry Type
      -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------
   1> CISCO.A            CISCO.A            CISCO.B            Registry
   2> CISCO.B            CISCO.B            CISCO.B            Home
Router# show snasw directory detail 
Total Directory Entries 2
Resource name                                      CISCO.A
NN server name                                     CISCO.B
Entry type                                         Registry
Location                                           Local to this domain
Resource owner's CP name                           CISCO.A          
Apparent resource owner's CP name                                   
Wildcard                                           Explicit
Resource name                                      CISCO.B          
NN server name                                     CISCO.B          
Entry type                                         Home
Location                                           Local to this node
Resource owner's CP name                           CISCO.B          
Apparent resource owner's CP name                                   
Wildcard                                           Explicit

Related Commands


snasw location

Configures the location of a resource.

show snasw dlctrace

To display the captured Data-link control (DLC) trace information to the console, use the show snasw dlctrace command.

show snasw dlctrace [id recordid] [all | last number-records | next number-records] [brief | detail] [filter filter-string]

Syntax Description

id recordid

(Optional) Indicates that the 1 to 999,999 trace record identifier. Only the frame ID that matches the record specified is displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that all records in the dlctrace buffer are displayed.

last number-records

(Optional) Indicates that the last x frames before the record identified in the ID operand (or before the last record in the trace if the ID operand is not coded) are displayed.

next number-records

(Optional) Indicates that the next frames after the record identified in the ID operand (or from the beginning of the trace if the ID operand is not coded) are displayed.


(Optional) Indicates a one-line display per trace entry describing the type of frame traced.


(Optional) Indicates a detailed, multiline display of the frame that displays the brief information plus a hexadecimal dump of the entire frame.

filter filter-string

(Optional) Indicates that a string follows against which the formatted trace output is filtered. Only frames that contain the filter string are displayed.

Command Modes



If id recordid is specified, next is the default parameter; if not, last is the default parameter.

The default display is brief.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show snasw dlctrace command:

Router# show snasw dlctrace id 2467 next 20
DLC Trace Output
2467   LINKT    In  sz:43   HPR +Rsp IPM     slctd nws:0007
2468   LINKT    In  sz:212  HPR +Rsp IPM     slctd nws:0007
2469   LINKT    In  sz:52   HPR CP CAPABILITIES
2470   LINKT    In  sz:221  HPR CP CAPABILITIES
2471   LINKT    Out sz:282  HPR MIS
2472   LINKT    Out sz:43   HPR +Rsp IPM     slctd nws:0007
2473   LINKT    In  sz:154  HPR Rq Bind CISCO.B CISCO.A
2474   LINKT    In  sz:323  HPR Rq Bind CISCO.B CISCO.A
2475   LINKT    Out sz:361  HPR MIS
2476   LINKT    Out sz:132  HPR +Rsp Bind
2477   LINKT    In  sz:102  HPR fmh5 CP CAPABILITIES
2478   LINKT    In  sz:271  HPR fmh5 CP CAPABILITIES
2479   LINKT    Out sz:282  HPR MIS
2480   LINKT    Out sz:43   HPR +Rsp IPM     slctd nws:0007
2481   LINKT    Out sz:291  HPR MIS
2482   LINKT    Out sz:52   HPR CP CAPABILITIES
2483   LINKT    In  sz:43   HPR +Rsp IPM     slctd nws:0007
2484   LINKT    In  sz:212  HPR +Rsp IPM     slctd nws:0007
2485   LINKT    Out sz:45   HPR
2486   LINKT    In  sz:45   HPR
Router# show snasw dlctrace id 2486 detail
DLC Trace Output
2486   LINKT    In  sz:45   HPR     
 10:08:36.14, 14 March 1993
   0000 C60080FF 00000000 00010000 00000400  *F...............*
   0010 0A000000 00000001 7E050E00 00000000  *........=.......*
   0020 01000001 7E000000 00000000 00        *....=........   *

Related Commands


snasw dlctrace

Traces frames arriving and leaving SNASw.

snasw dlcfilter

Filters frames being captured.

show snasw dlus

To display the Switching Services (SNASw) Dependent Logical Unit Server (DLUS) objects, use the show snasw dlus command.

show snasw dlus [brief | detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates that one line per DLUS is displayed. The brief version includes the DLUS name, state (active or inactive), port name, cpname, node type, and number of active physical unit (PU)s on the DLUS.


(Optional) Indicates the detailed, multiline display that shows all fields returned for DLUS displayed.

Command Modes



The default display is brief.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show snasw dlus command:

Router# show snasw dlus
Number of Dependent LU Servers2
SNA Dependent LU Servers
          DLUS Name      Default?  Backup?  Pipe State         PUs
      -----------------  --------  -------  ----------------  -------
   1> NETA.SJMVS3        Yes       No       Active                1
   2> NETA.SJMVS4        No        Yes      Inactive              0
Router# show snas dlus detail
Number of Dependent LU Servers2
DLUS name                                          NETA.SJMVS3      
Is this the default DLUS                           Yes
Is this the backup default DLUS                    No
Pipe state                                         Active
Number of active PUs                               1
DLUS pipe statistics:                               
  REQACTPUs sent                                   1
  REQACTPU responses received                      1
  ACTPUs received                                  1
  ACTPU responses sent                             1
  DACTPUs received                                 0
  DACTPU responses sent                            0
  REQDACTPUs sent                                  0
  REQDACTPU responses received                     0
  ACTLUs received                                  16
  ACTLU responses sent                             1
  DACTLUs received                                 0
  DACTLU responses sent                            0
  SSCP-PU MUs sent                                 0
  SSCP-PU MUs received                             0
  SSCP-LU MUs sent                                 19
  SSCP-LU MUs received                             3

Related Commands


snasw dlus

Specifies parameters related to DLUR/DLUS functionality.

show snasw ipstrace

To display the interprocess signal (IS) trace on the router console, use the show snasw ipstrace command.

show snasw ipstrace [id recordid] [all | next number-records | last number-records] [filter filter-string]

Syntax Description

id recordid

(Optional) Indicates that the 1 to 999,999 trace record identifier. Only the frame ID that matches the record specified is displayed.


(Optional) Specifies that all records are displayed

next number-records

(Optional) Displays records from beginning or following record IS.

last number-records

(Optional) Indicates that the last x frames before the record identified in the ID operand (or before the last record in the trace if the ID operand is not coded) are displayed.

filter filter-string

(Optional) Indicates that a string follows against which the formatted trace output is filtered. Only frames that contain the filter-string are displayed.

Command Modes



No default behaviors or values

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0 T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show snasw ipstrace command:

Router# show snasw ipstrace
423452 : DLC_UI_MU : PC(2350000) -> DLC(2300000) Q 2
 03/14/1993 10:11:36.18
    00000000 00000000 61BB3F50 00800000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    000000FF 000000FF 00000000 00000000 05010000 000000FF 50130000 002D00D2
    02340000 03000000 00000000 61BB3FB0 00140050 0000017E 000100FF 00000000
    00000000 01000000 00000000 00000000 0000017E 00000000 00000000 00000000
    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00C6C600 80FF0000 00000001 00000000
    04000A00 00000000 00017E05 0E000000 01000100 00017E00 00000000 00000000

Related Commands


snasw ipstrace

Sets up a trace buffer and begins tracing IPS trace elements

snasw ipsfilter

Filters interprocess signal trace elements being traced using the snasw ipstrace or debug snasw ips commands.

show snasw link

To display the Switching Services (SNASw) link objects, use the show snasw link command.

show snasw link [brief | detail] [active | not-active] [cpname cp-name-filter] [name linknamefilter] [port port-name-filter] [rmac mac-filter] [xid xid-filter]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates that one line per link is displayed. The brief version includes the link name, state (active or inactive), port name, adjacent control point (CP) name, node type information, number of sessions, and HPR support. The number of sessions does not include HPR sessions.


(Optional) Indicates that a detailed, multiline display that shows all fields returned for links are displayed.


(Optional) Displays active snasw links.


(Optional) Displays snasw links that are not active.

cpname cp-name-filter

(Optional) Indicates a fully qualified cpname (1 to 17 characters). Only links with CP names (as known to the router) that match the specified cpname are displayed.

name linknamefilter

(Optional) Indicates the name of the link to be displayed. Only links matching this name are displayed.

port port-name-filter

(Optional) Indicates the handle "naming" for the specific port (1 to 8 characters). All links associated with a port matching the filter are displayed.

rmac mac-filter

(Optional) Indicates a 48-bit MAC address in hexadecimal form. Only links with a remote MAC address matching the MAC address specified are displayed.

xid xid-filter

(Optional) Indicates a 4-byte exchange identification (XID) (idnum/idblk) specified in hexadecimal form. Only links matching the configured XID are displayed.

Command Modes



The default display is brief.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0 T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the show snasw link command:

Router# show snasw link
Number of links 1
      SNA Links                                                            HPR
      Link Name   State    Port Name Adjacent CP Name  Node Type     Sess  Sup
      ---------  -------   --------- ----------------  ------------  ----  ---
   1> LINKT      Active    TR0       CISCO.B           Network Node     0  Yes
Router# show snasw link detail
Number of links 1
Link name                                          LINKT   
Port name                                          TR0     
DLC type                                           Token-ring
Destination DLC Address                            000B.1AA4.9280.04
Link state                                         Active
Link substate                                      Active
Number of active sessions traversing link          0
Adjacent Node Id                                   X'FFF00000'
Max send frame data (BTU) size                     4400
Adjacent node CP name                              CISCO.B          
Adjacent node type                                 Network Node
CP-CP session support                              Yes
Link station role                                  Secondary
Transmission group number                          21
Limited resource                                   No
Effective capacity                                 16 Mbps
Cost per connect time                              0
Cost per byte                                      0
Propagation delay                                  384 microseconds
User defined parameter 1                           128
User defined parameter 2                           128
User defined parameter 3                           128
Security                                           Nonsecure
Routing Information Field
Primary DLUS Name
Backup DLUS Name
Downstream PU Name
Retry link station                                 Yes
Dynamic link station                               No
Adjacent node is a migration node                  No
Link station statistics:
  Total XID bytes sent                             466
  Total XID bytes received                         344
  Total XID frames sent                            5
  Total XID frames received                        4
  Total data bytes sent                            752
  Total data bytes received                        685
  Total data frames sent                           8
  Total data frames received                       9
  Total session control frames sent                0
  Total session control frames received            0
  Total number of successful XID exchanges         1
  Total number of unsuccessful XID exchanges       0

Related Commands


snasw link

Configures upstream links.

show snasw lu

To display the SNA Switching Services (SNASw) dependent logical units (LU)s, use the show snasw lu command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show snasw lu [brief | detail] [name lu-name] [pu pu-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates that one line per LU is displayed. The brief display includes LU name, physical unit (PU) name, dependent logical unit server (DLUS) name, and primary logical unit (PLU) name.


(Optional) Indicates that a detailed, multiline display that shows all fields returned for the link is displayed.

name lu-name

(Optional) Indicates an LU name to filter. Only LUs matching the specified name are displayed.

pu pu-name

(Optional) Indicates a PU name to filter. Only LUs for the specified name are displayed.


The default display is brief.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0 T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following sample display is from the show snasw lu command:

Router# show snasw lu
Number of DLUR LUs 49
      SNA DLUR LUs
      LU Name   PU Name   DLUS Name          PLU Name
      --------  --------  -----------------  -----------------
   1> CWBC0601  CWBC06    NETA.MVSD                           
   2> CWBC0602  CWBC06    NETA.MVSD 

The following is sample output from the show snasw lu detail command:

Router# show snasw lu detail
Number of DLUR LUs 49
LU name                                            CWBC0601
LU status                                          Active
SLU status                                         No session
PU name                                            CWBC06
DLUS name                                          NETA.MVSD
Primary LU name
LU location                                        Downstream
LU  FSM history                                    (00,00)->(01,01)->(02,0E)->(03,03)->04
SLU FSM history                                    (00,10)->00

Table 90 describes the significant fields shown in the output.


Table 90 show snasw lu Field Descriptions 


LU name

The name of the LU.

PU name

The physical unit this LU is defined to.

DLUS name

Dependent LU server for the PU and LU.

PLU name

The name of the host LU that this LU is in session with. If the LU is not in session, no PLU name will be displayed.

LU status

The state of the system services control points (SSCP)-LU session. States are:

Active—The SSCP-LU is active and available for LU-LU sessions.

Pend ACTLU rsp—The SSCP-LU session is pending activation.

Pend DACTLU rsp—The SSCP-LU session is pending deactivation.

Reset—The SSCP-LU session is not active.

SLU status

The current state of the LU-LU session. States are:

In Session—The LU-LU session is active.

No Session—The LU-LU session is not active.

Pend BIND rsp—The LU-LU session is pending activation.

Pend UNBIND rsp—The LU-LU session is pending deactivation.

Primary LU name

The name of the host LU that this LU is in session with. If the LU is not in session, no PLU name will be displayed.

LU location: Downstream

Indicates that the LU resides on a node downstream from this SNASw node.

LU FSM history

A history of the states and actions of the SSCP-LU session for diagnostic use by Cisco technical support.

SLU FSM history

A history of the states and actions of the LU-LU session for diagnostic use by Cisco technical support.

Related Commands


show snasw dlus

Displays the SNASw DLUS objects.

show snasw pu

Displays the SNASw PUs that require or request SSCP-PU services.

show snasw mode

To display the Switching Services (SNASw) modes, use the show snasw mode command.

show snasw mode

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes



No default behaviors or values

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show snasw mode command:

Router# show snasw mode
Number of modes 8
      SNA Modes
        Name     Associated COS
      ---------  --------------
   1> #BATCH     #BATCH
   2> #INTER     #INTER
   4>            #CONNECT

Related Commands


show snasw class-of-service

Displays the class of service (CoS) definitions predefined to SNASw.

show snasw node

To display details and statistics of the Switching Services (SNASw) operation, use the show snasw node command.

show snasw node

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes



No default behaviors or values

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0 T.


Additional fields were added to the command output.


Additional fields were added to the command output to describe RTP information.


The Alert focal point field was added to the command output.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show snasw node command:

Router# show snasw node
Node type                                          Branch Network Node
Node name                                          NETA.NODE
CP alias                                           NODE
Node ID                                            X'FFF00000'
Time active                                        9 days,  11 hrs,  57 mins,  13 secs
Defined LS good XID exchanges                      2
Defined LS bad XID exchanges                       0
Dynamic LS good XID exchanges                      243
Dynamic LS bad XID exchanges                       0
Number of active ISR sessions                      0
DLUR release level                                 1
Branch extender architecture version               1
Mode to COS mapping supported                      No
MS includes Multiple Domain Support                Yes
MDS send alert queue size                          10
Maximum locates                                    10000
Directory cache size                               10000
Maximum directory entries (0 is unlimited)         0
Locate timeout in seconds (0 is no timeout)        540
COS cache size                                     8
Topology database routing tree cache size          8
Topology database routing tree cache use limit     1
Maximum nodes stored in database (0 unlimited)     0
Maximum TGs stored in database (0 unlimited)       0
Maximum allowed ISR sessions                       22000
Maximum receive RU size for ISR sessions           61440
Maximum receive pacing window                      7
Storing endpoint RSCVs for debug                   Yes
Storing ISR RSCVs for debug                        No
Storing DLUR RSCVs for debug                       No
DLUR support                                       Yes
HPR support                                        Yes
RTP short request retry limit                      6
RTP path switch route attempts                     6
RTP path switch time LOW priority                  480 seconds
RTP path switch time MEDIUM priority               240 seconds
RTP path switch time HIGH priority                 120 seconds
RTP path switch time NETWORK priority              60 seconds
Alert focal point                                  NETA.ND        
PD log capture level                               Problem level entries
PD log size                                        500 kilobytes
PD log path                                        disk0:
IPS tracing                                        Inactive
DLC tracing                                        Active
DLC trace format                                   Detailed
DLC trace size                                     500 kilobytes
DLC trace path                                     tftp://
Number of links                                    3 
Number of local endpoint sessions                  4 
Number of non-DLUR intermediate sessions           0 
Number of DLUR intermediate sessions               0 
Number of DLUR PUs                                 0 
Number of DLUR LUs                                 0 

Related Commands


show snasw statistics

Displays the SNASw node-wide information.

show snasw pdlog

To display entries in the cyclical problem determination log to the console, use the show snasw pdlog command.

show snasw pdlog [brief | detail] [id record-id] [all | next number-records | last number-records] [filter filter-string]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates that a one-line description for each pdlog entry is returned.


(Optional) Indicates that a multiline display is returned.

id record-id

(Optional) Indicates that the 1 to 99999 trace record identifier. Only the frame ID that matches the record specified is displayed.


(Optional) Specifies that all records are displayed.

next number-records

(Optional) Displays records from the beginning, or following a record ID.

last number-records

(Optional) Displays records from the end or prior to the record ID. Indicates that the last x frames before the record identified in the ID operand (or before the last record in the trace if the ID operand is not coded) are displayed.

filter filter-string

(Optional) Indicates that a string follows against which the formatted trace output is filtered. Only frames that contain the filter-string argument are displayed.

Command Modes



The default display is brief.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show snasw pdlog command:

Router# show snasw pdlog
Problem Determination Log Output
**** 00000014 - AUDIT 512:727 (0) ****
CP-CP sessions established
 Adjacent CP name = CISCO.A          
 1015 compliant   = 01
 Topology awareness of CP-CP sessions support = 01
 CP Capabilities : 
   000C12C1 00000000 82844000 
>From ../dcl/nssrcctp.c 589 :at 0:10:24, 1 March 93

Related Commands


snasw pdlog

Controls message logging to the console and the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) problem determination log cyclic buffer.

show snasw port

To display the Switching Services (SNASw) port objects, use the show snasw port command.

show snasw port [brief | detail] [active | not-active] [name port-name-filter]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates that a one-line description for each port entry is displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that a multiline display is returned.


(Optional) Displays all active snasw ports.


(Optional) Displays all snasw ports that are not active.

name port-name-filter

(Optional) Indicates the name of the port to filter for which information is displayed. Only ports matching name are displayed.

Command Modes



The default display is brief.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the show snasw port command:

Router# show snasw port
Number of ports 3
      SNA Ports
        Name     State    SAP  HPR-SAP  Interface
      --------  --------  ---  -------  ---------------------
   1> ETH0      Active    x04    xC8    Ethernet0/0
   2> SER1      Active           xC8    Serial0/0
   3> TR0       Active    x04    xC8    TokenRing0/0
Router# show snasw port detail
Number of ports 3
Port name                                          ETH0    
Interface name                                     Ethernet0/0
DLC name                                           ETH0    
Port state                                         Active
SAP                                                X'04'
HPR SAP                                            X'C8'
Port type                                          Shared Access Transport Facility
Port number                                        0
Link station role                                  Negotiable
Limited resource                                   No
Max send frame data (BTU) size                     1436
Maximum receive BTU size                           1436
Effective capacity                                 16 Mbps
Cost per connect time                              0
Cost per byte                                      0
Propagation delay                                  384 microseconds
User defined parameter 1                           128
User defined parameter 2                           128
User defined parameter 3                           128
Security                                           Nonsecure
Total available link stations                      3000
Number reserved for inbound link stations          0
Number reserved for outbound link stations         0
HPR support                                        No
HPR requires link level error recovery             No
Retry link stations                                Yes
Maximum activation attempts                        0
Implicit links are uplink to End Nodes             No
Activation XID exchange limit                      9
Non-activation XID exchange limit                  5
Target pacing window size                          7

Related Commands


snasw port

Specifies the DLCs used by SNASw.

show snasw pu

To display the Switching Services (SNASw) physical unit (PU)s that require or request system services control points (SSCP)-PU services, use the show snasw pu command.

show snasw pu [brief | detail] [active | not-active] [dlus dlus-filter] [name pu-name-filter]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates that one line per PU is displayed. The brief version includes the PU name, PU ID, state, defined Dependent Logical Unit Server (DLUS), and current DLUS.


(Optional) Indicates that a detailed, multiline display that shows all fields returned for a link is displayed.


(Optional) Displays the active snasw PUs.


(Optional) Displays the PUs that are not active.

dlus dlus-filter

(Optional) Indicates the fully qualified DLUS name (1 to 17 characters). Only PUs that are served by the DLUS specified are displayed.

name pu-name-filter

(Optional) Indicates a PU name to filter (1 to 8 characters). Only PUs matching this name are displayed.

Command Modes



The default display is brief.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the show snasw pu command:

Router# show snasw pu
Number of DLUR PUs 1
      PU Name    PU ID     State    Defined DLUS       Current DLUS
      --------  --------  --------  -----------------  -----------------
   1> PL9101    19103001  Active                       NETA.SJMVS3
Router# show snasw pu detail
Number of DLUR PUs 1
PU name                                            PL9101
Define DLUS name
Backup DLUS name
Active DLUS name                                   NETA.SJMVS3
PU ID (IDBLK/IDNUM)                                X'19103001'
PU location                                        Downstream
PU status                                          Active
DLUS session state                                 Active
Automatic Network Shutdown support                 Stop
DLUS retry timeout (seconds)                       0
DLUS retry limit                                   0
DLUS pipe PCID                                     X'FC0B862E4B1CE8FB'
DLUS pipe CP Name                                  NETA.DLUR2 

Related Commands


show snasw dlus

Displays the SNASw DLUS objects.

show snasw rtp

To display the SNA Switching Services (SNASw) Rapid Transit Protocol (RTP) connections, use the show snasw rtp command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show snasw rtp [brief | detail] [class-of-service cos-name] [cpname netid.cpname] [name connection-name-filter] [tcid tcid-connection] [history] [connected | pathswitch]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates that one-line per RTP is displayed. The brief version of the display includes the RTP name, local transport connection identifier (TCID), remote TCID, remote control point (CP) name, and class of service (CoS).


(Optional) Indicates that a detailed, multiline display, which shows all the fields for RTP is displayed.

class-of-service cos-name

(Optional) Shows specific High-Performance Routing (HPR) RTP connections by CoS name.

cpname netid.cp-name

(Optional) Displays specific HPR RTP connections by a fully qualified partner CP name, consisting of both the network ID and the CP name.

name connection-name-filter

(Optional) Indicates the name of the RTP connection (1 to 8 characters). Only the origins of transmission group (TG) records or destinations that match the specified name or node records appear.

tcid tcid-connection

(Optional) Displays the specific HPR RTP connection for the local TCID connections.


(Optional) Displays the HPR RTP rate graphs for each RTP connection. These graphs include the last 60 seconds, 60 minutes, and 72 hours for the Adaptive Rate Based (ARB) allowed send rate and actual receive rate. Graphs are not available for RSETUP pipes.


(Optional) Displays RTP connections that are active and not currently path switching.


(Optional) Displays RTP connections that are currently attempting a path switch.


The default display is brief.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0 T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The history keyword was added to provide the history of HPR RTP rate graphs for each RTP connection.

Usage Guidelines

HPR RTP pipes use a unique flow and congestion control algorithm called ARB flow control. ARB allows HPR pipes to measure the network's level of congestion and dynamically adjust the rate of data input into the network, so that the network is highly utilized and congestion is avoided. If actual losses occur, ARB can also react to those losses.


show snasw rtp Command Example

The following is sample output from the show snasw rtp command and shows a CP-CP session pipe to CISCO.B:

Router# show snasw rtp
Number of RTP connections 1
      SNA RTP Connections
      Local TCID (hex)  Remote TCID (hex)   Remote CP Name      COS
      ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------
   1> 0000000001000000  0000000001000000   CISCO.B            CPSVCMG 
Router# show snasw rtp detail
Number of RTP connections 1
Local NCEID                                        X'4052303030303031'
Local TCID                                         X'0000000001000000'
Remote TCID                                        X'0000000001000000'
Remote CP name                                     CISCO.B          
Class of service name                              CPSVCMG 
Liveness timer                                     180
Short request timer                                704
Number of short request timeouts                   0
Total bytes sent                                   484
Total bytes received                               484
Total bytes resent                                 0
Total bytes discarded                              0
Total packets sent                                 24
Total packets received                             25
Total packets resent                               0
Total packets discarded                            0
Total Session Connector frames sent                2
Total Session Connector frames received            2
Number of invalid SNA frames received              0
Number of gaps detected                            0
Minimum send rate                                  1597
Current send rate                                  1597
Maximum send rate                                  1597
Minimum receive rate                               0
Current receive rate                               0
Maximum receive rate                               0
Burst size                                         8192
Smoothed round trip delay time                     352
Last round trip delay time                         8
Number of active sessions                          2
Link name of first hop                             LINKT   
Performing ISR boundary function                   No
RTP connection type                                CP-CP session
RSCV Length                                        18
Route                                              CISCO.A          
                                                   <-tg21-> CISCO.B

show snasw session

To display the Switching Services (SNASw) session objects, use the show snasw session command.

show snasw session [local | dlur | intermediate] [name session-name-filter] [pcid pcid-filter] [brief | detail | intermediate] [active | not-active]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates that the scope of the display is limited to the types of sessions indicated. Local sessions are those that terminate on the node. Examples include control point (CP)-CP sessions and Dependent Logical Unit Requestor (DLUR)-Dependent Logical Unit Server (DLUS) sessions.


(Optional) Indicates that the scope of the display is limited to the types of sessions indicated. DLUS sessions are logical unit (LU)-LU sessions passing through the node, which are using the DLUR for dependent session.


(Optional) Indicates that the scope of the display is limited to the types of sessions indicated. Intermediate sessions are LU-LU sessions passing through the node and are not DLUR-associated.

name session-name-filter

(Optional) Indicates the fully qualified name (1 to 17 characters). Only sessions that have a local or remote endpoint LU name matching the supplied name are displayed.

pcid pcid-filter

(Optional) Indicates an 8-byte procedure correlation identifier (PCID) specified in hexadecimal form. All sessions matching the PCID filter are displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that one line per session is displayed. The brief version includes PCID, state (active or inactive), session endpoint LU names, and mode.


(Optional) Indicates that a detailed, multiline display that shows all fields returned for the session is displayed.


(Optional) Displays the active snasw sessions.


(Optional) Displays the snasw sessions that are not active.

Command Modes



The default display is brief.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the show snasw session command:

Router# show snasw session
Number of local endpoint sessions 4
      SNA Local Endpoint Sessions
         PCID (hex)      Partner LU Name   Link Name   Mode     COS
      ----------------  -----------------  --------- -------- -------
   1> F4276146FE1472AB  CISCO.C            @I000003  CPSVCMG  CPSVCMG
   2> F42754959A918058  CISCO.C            @I000003  CPSVCMG  CPSVCMG
   3> F4276146FE1472AA  CISCO.A            @R000002  CPSVCMG  CPSVCMG
   4> F4276DF74485118B  CISCO.A            @R000002  CPSVCMG  CPSVCMG
Number of intermediate sessions 2
      SNA Intermediate Sessions
         PCID (hex)     Primary LU Name    Secondary LU Name   Mode      COS
      ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------- -------
   1> F42754959A918059  CISCO.C            CISCO.A            SNASVCMG SNASVCMG
   2> F42754959A91805A  CISCO.C            CISCO.A            #INTER   #INTER
Number of intermediate DLUR sessions 0
      SNA DLUR Assisted Intermediate Sessions
         PCID (hex)     Primary LU Name    Secondary LU Name   Mode      COS
      ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------- -------

The following is sample output from the show snasw session detail command:

Router# show snasw session detail
Number of local endpoint sessions 4
Partner LU name                                    CISCO.C          
Mode name                                          CPSVCMG 
Class of service name                              CPSVCMG 
Transmission priority                              Network
Carried over a limited resource                    No
Polarity                                           Primary
Contention                                         CONWINNER
SSCP ID received in ACTPU                          X'000000000000'
Session timeout period (ms)                        0
Outbound LFSID (SIDH,SIDL,ODAI)                    X'02',X'00',B'0'
Procedure correlator ID (PCID)                     X'F4276146FE1472AB'
PCID generator CP name                             CISCO.B          
FID2 Session ID                                    X'F4276146FE1472AB'
Link name                                          @I000003
Session statistics:
  Maximum send RU size                             1152
  Maximum receive RU size                          1152
  Total data frames sent                           3
  Total data frames received                       1
  Total FMD data frames sent                       3
  Total FMD data frames received                   1
  Total bytes sent                                 511
  Total bytes received                             15
  Max send pacing window                           7
  Max receive pacing window                        7
  Current send pacing window                       7
  Current receive pacing window                    7

Related Commands


show snasw link

Displays SNASw link objects.

show snasw statistics

To display Switching Services (SNASw) node-wide information, use the show snasw statistics command.

show snasw statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes



No default behaviors or values

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show snasw statistics command:

Router# show snasw statistics
SNASw Subsystem Uptime                        3 hrs, 19 mins, 36 secs
Directory Statistics:                               
  Maximum number of cache entries                  10000
  Current number of cache entries                  0
  Current number of home entries                   2
  Current number of registry entries               4
  Total number of entries in directory             6
  Total cache hits                                 0
  Total cache misses                               0
  Number of directed locates sent                  2
  Number of directed locates returned not found    0
  Number of directed locates received              0
  Number of broadcast locates sent                 0
  Number of broadcast locates returned not found   0
  Number of broadcast locates received             0
  Number of locates outstanding                    0
Topology Statistics:                                 
  Maximum number of nodes                          0
  Current number of nodes                          4
  Total number of received TDUs                    0
  Total number of sent TDUs                        0
  Total received TDUs with lower RSN               0
  Total received TDUs with equal RSN               0
  Total received TDUs with higher RSN              0
  Total received TDUs with higher odd value RSN    0
  Total node state changes requiring TDUs          0
  Total database inconsistencies detected          0
  Total number of timer based TDUs generated       0
  Total number of node records purged              0
  Total received TG updates with lower RSN         0
  Total received TG updates with equal RSN         0
  Total received TG updates with higher RSN        0
  Total received TG updates with higher odd RSN    0
  Total TG state changes requiring TG updates      5
  Total TG database inconsistencies detected       0
  Total number of timer TG updates generated       0
  Total number of TG records purged                0
  Total number of routes calculated                2
  Total number of routes rejected                  0
  Total number of cache hits in route calculation  0
  Total number of cache misses in rte calculation  7
  Total number of TDU wars detected                0
Number of processes 23
      CPU/Memory usage per SNA Switch process
      Process Name                         CPU Time (ms)  Memory Used (bytes)
      -----------------------------------  -------------  -------------------
   1> NOF API                                     20                20
   2> N-Base allocated memory                      0             79484
   3> Buffer Manager (BM)                         12               232
   4> Node Operator Facility (NOF)               152             13188
   5> Address Space Manager (ASM)                 28              1296
   6> Address Space (AS)                          24                 0
   7> Session Services (SS)                       36              1676
   8> Directory Services (DS)                     92            550036
   9> Configuration Services (CS)                 48              9148
  10> Management Services (MS)                     4               252
  11> Multiple Domain Support (MDS)                0              3792
  12> Topology & Routing Services (TRS)           24             22368
  13> Session Connector Manager (SCM)             12              2232
  14> Session Connector (SCO)                      0              1232
  15> Session Manager (SM)                        56             13416
  16> Resource Manager (RM)                       64                 0
  17> Presentation Services (PS)                  68                 0
  18> Half Session (HS)                           29                 0
  19> Path Control (PC)                          188             50712
  20> Data Link Control (DLC)                    112               144
  21> Dependent LU Requester (DR)                 12              7032
  22> High Performance Routing (HPR)              12              3632
  23> Rapid Transport Protocol (RTP)             116             18460

Related Commands


show snasw node

Displays details and statistics of the SNASw operation.

show snasw summary-ipstrace

To display the continuously running "footprint" summary interprocess signal trace on the router console, use the show snasw summary-ipstrace command.

show snasw summary-ipstrace [id recordid] [all | next number-records | last number-records] [filter filter-string]

Syntax Description

id recordid

(Optional) Indicates that the 1 to 99999 trace record identifier. Only the frame ID that matches the record specified is displayed.


(Optional) Specifies that all records are displayed.

next number-records

(Optional) Displays records from the beginning, or following a record ID.

last number-records

(Optional) Displays records from the end or prior to the record ID. Indicates that the last x frames before the record identified in the ID operand (or before the last record in the trace if the ID operand is not coded) are displayed.

filter filter-string

(Optional) Indicates that a string follows against which the formatted trace output is filtered. Only frames that contain the filter-string argument are displayed.

Command Modes



No default behaviors or values

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0 T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show snasw summary-ipstrace command:

Router# show snasw summary-ipstrace
IPS Trace Output
433414 : VERB_SIGNAL : SCM(20E0000) -> TRS(20D0000) Q 1
433415 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> TRS(20D0000) Q 1
433416 : VERB_SIGNAL : TRS(20D0000) -> SS(2080000) Q 1
433417 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> SS(2080000) Q 1
433418 : VERB_SIGNAL : SS(2080000) -> CS(20A0000) Q 2
433419 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> CS(20A0000) Q 2
433420 : VERB_SIGNAL : CS(20A0000) -> --(2040000) Q 1
433421 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> --(2040000) Q 1
433422 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> NOF(2050000) Q 80
433423 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> NOF(2050000) Q 80
433424 : VERB_SIGNAL : NOF(2050000) -> DS(2090000) Q 1
433425 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> DS(2090000) Q 1
433426 : VERB_SIGNAL : DS(2090000) -> --(2040000) Q 1
433427 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> --(2040000) Q 1
433428 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> NOF(2050000) Q 80
433429 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> NOF(2050000) Q 80
433430 : VERB_SIGNAL : NOF(2050000) -> TRS(20D0000) Q 1
433431 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> TRS(20D0000) Q 1
433432 : VERB_SIGNAL : TRS(20D0000) -> --(2040000) Q 1
433433 : VERB_SIGNAL : --(0) -> --(2040000) Q 1

Related Commands


snasw dump

Copies problem determination logs and traces from internal buffers to an external file server.

show snasw topology

To display Switching Services (SNASw) topology records, use the show snasw topology command.

show snasw topology [name cp-name-filter] [brief | detail]

Syntax Description

name cp-name-filter

(Optional) Indicates the fully qualified name of the control point (CP) (1 to 17 characters). Only records that match the cpname specified are displayed.


(Optional) Indicates one line per topology record is displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that a detailed, multiline display of topology information.

Command Modes



The default display is brief.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show snasw topology command:

Router# show snasw topology
Number of topology entries 2
      SNA Topology Entries
       Dest. Node Name   Type  TG#      TG Type             TG Status
      -----------------  ----  ---  ----------------  ---------------------
   1> NETA.MVSD          Intr   21  Uplink            CP-CP sessions active
   2> NETA.BERNIEPU      Enpt    0  Downlink          Active

The following is sample output from the show snasw topology detail command:

Router# show snasw topo detail
Number of topology entries 2
Destination node name                              NETA.MVSD
Destination node type                              Intermediate
Transmission Group Number                          21
Destination address                                
Resource Sequence Number                           0
TG status                                          CP-CP sessions active
Active CP-CP sessions for this TG                  Yes
Is this a branch TG                                No
Branch link type                                   Uplink
Effective capacity                                 16 Mbps
Cost per connect time                              196
Cost per byte                                      196
Propagation delay                                  384 microseconds
User defined parameter 1                           128
User defined parameter 2                           128
User defined parameter 3                           128
Security                                           Nonsecure
Destination node name                              NETA.BERNIEPU
Destination node type                              Endpoint
Transmission Group Number                          0
Destination address                                
Resource Sequence Number                           0
TG status                                          Active
Active CP-CP sessions for this TG                  No
Is this a branch TG                                No
Branch link type                                   Downlink
Effective capacity                                 16 Mbps
Cost per connect time                              196
Cost per byte                                      196
Propagation delay                                  384 microseconds
User defined parameter 1                           128
User defined parameter 2                           128
User defined parameter 3                           128
Security                                           Nonsecure

Related Commands


show snasw link

Displays SNASw link objects.

show source-bridge

To display the current source bridge configuration and miscellaneous statistics, use the show source-bridge command in privileged EXEC mode.

show source-bridge [interface]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the current source bridge configuration over all interfaces and a summary of all packets sent and received over each interface, not just the number of packets forwarded through the bridge.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The interface keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show source-bridge command:

Router# show source-bridge
Local Interfaces:                           receive     transmit
             srn bn  trn r p s n  max hops     cnt         cnt        drops
TR0            5  1   10 *   *          7    39:1002     23:62923 
Ring Group 10:
  This peer: TCP
   Maximum output TCP queue length, per peer: 100
  Peers:                 state   lv  pkts_rx  pkts_tx  expl_gn    drops TCP
   TCP     -       2       0        0          0     0    0
   TCP     open    2*     18       18          3     0    0
   bn: 1 rn: 5    local  ma: 4000.3080.844b TokenRing0            fwd: 18
   bn: 1 rn: 2   remote  ma: 4000.3080.8473 TCP     fwd: 36
Explorers: ------- input -------             ------- output -------
       spanning  all-rings     total      spanning  all-rings     total
  TR0         0          3         3             3          5         8

The following is sample output from the show source-bridge command when Token Ring LAN emulation (LANE) is configured.

Router# show source-bridge
Local Interfaces:                           receive     transmit
             srn bn  trn r p s n  max hops     cnt         cnt        drops
AT2/0.1     2048  5  256 *   f    7  7  7     5073        5072          0
To3/0/0        1  1  256 *   f    7  7  7     4719        4720          0
Global RSRB Parameters:
 TCP Queue Length maximum: 100
Ring Group 256:
  No TCP peername set, TCP transport disabled
   Maximum output TCP queue length, per peer: 100
   bn: 5  rn: 2048 local  ma: 4000.0ca0.5b40 ATM2/0.1              fwd: 5181
   bn: 1  rn: 1    local  ma: 4000.3005.da06 TokenRing3/0/0        fwd: 5180
Explorers: ------- input -------             ------- output -------
         spanning  all-rings     total      spanning  all-rings     total
AT2/0.1         9          1        10            10          0        10
To3/0/0        10          0        10             9          1        10
  Local: fastswitched 20        flushed 0         max Bps 38400
         rings      inputs         bursts         throttles     output drops
       To3/0/0          10              0                 0                0

The following is sample output from the show source-bridge command with the interface keyword specified:

Router# show source-bridge interface
                                           v p s n r                    Packets
 Interface  St  MAC-Address    srn bn  trn r x p b c IP-Address         In   Out
 To0/0      up 0000.300a.7c06    1  1 2009 *   b   F        63836 75413
 To0/1      up 0000.300a.7c86    2  1 2009 *   b   F        75423 63835
 To0/2      up 0000.300a.7c46 1001  1 2009 *   b   F                  5845  5845

Table 91 describes the significant fields shown in the displays.

Table 91 show source-bridge Field Descriptions 


Local Interfaces:

Description of local interfaces.


Ring number of this Token Ring.


Bridge number of this router for this ring.


Group in which the interface is configured. Can be the target ring number or virtual ring group.


Ring group is assigned. An asterisk (*) in this field indicates that a ring group has been assigned for this interface.


Interface can respond with proxy explorers. An asterisk (*) in this field indicates that the interface can respond to proxy explorers.


Spanning-tree explorers enabled on the interface. An asterisk (*) indicates that this interface will forward spanning-tree explorers.


Interface has NetBIOS name caching enabled. An asterisk (*) in this field indicates that the interface has NetBIOS name caching enabled.

max hops

Maximum number of hops.

receive cnt

Bytes received on the interface for source bridging.

transmit cnt

Bytes sent on the interface for source bridging.


Number of dropped packets.

Ring Group n:

The number of the ring group.

This peer:

Address and address type of this peer.

Maximum output TCP queue length, per peer:

Maximum number of packets queued on this peer before the Cisco IOS software starts dropping packets.


Addresses and address types of the ring group peers.


Current state of the peer, open or closed. A hyphen indicates this router.


Indicates local acknowledgment.


Number of packets received.


Number of packets sent.


Explorers generated.


Number of packets dropped.


Lists the current TCP backup queue length.


Describes the ring groups. Information displayed is the bridge groups, ring groups, whether each group is local or remote, the MAC address, the network address or interface type, and the number of packets forwarded. A type shown as "locvrt" indicates a local virtual ring used by SDLLC or SR/TLB; a type shown as "remvrt" indicates a remote virtual ring used by SDLC Logical Link Control (SDLLC) or source-route translational bridging (SR/TLB).


This section describes the explorer packets that the Cisco IOS software has sent and received.


Explorers received by Cisco IOS software.


Explorers generated by Cisco IOS software.


Interface on which explorers were received.


Spanning-tree explorers.


All-rings explored.


Summation of spanning and all-rings.


Number of fast-switched packets.


Number of flushed packets.

max Bps

Maximum bytes per second.


Interface for the particular ring.


Number of inputs.


Number of bursts.


Number of throttles.

output drops

Number of output drops.

show span

To display the spanning-tree topology known to the router, use the show span command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show span

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show span command:

Router# show span
Bridge Group 1 is executing the IBM compatible Spanning Tree Protocol
  Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, address 0000.0c0c.f68b
  Configured hello time 2, max age 6, forward delay 4
  Current root has priority 32768, address 0000.0c0c.f573
  Root port is 001A (TokenRing0/0), cost of root path is 16
  Topology change flag not set, detected flag not set
  Times:  hold 1, topology change 30, notification 30
          hello 2, max age 6, forward delay 4, aging 300
  Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0
Port 001A (TokenRing0/0) of bridge group 1 is forwarding. Path cost 16
   Designated root has priority 32768, address 0000.0c0c.f573
   Designated bridge has priority 32768, address 0000.0c0c.f573
   Designated port is 001B, path cost 0, peer 0
   Timers: message age 1, forward delay 0, hold 0
Port 002A (TokenRing0/1) of bridge group 1 is blocking. Path cost 16
   Designated root has priority 32768, address 0000.0c0c.f573
   Designated bridge has priority 32768, address 0000.0c0c.f573
   Designated port is 002B, path cost 0, peer 0
   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0
Port 064A (spanRSRB) of bridge group 1 is disabled. Path cost 250
   Designated root has priority 32768, address 0000.0c0c.f573
   Designated bridge has priority 32768, address 0000.0c0c.f68b
   Designated port is 064A, path cost 16, peer 0
   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0

A port (spanRSRB) is created with each virtual ring group. The port will be disabled until one or more peers go into open state in the ring group.

show spanning-tree

To display spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances, use the show spanning-tree command in privileged EXEC mode.

Cisco 2600, 3660, and 3845 Series Switches

show spanning-tree [bridge-group] [active | backbonefast | blockedports | bridge | brief | inconsistentports | interface interface-type interface-number| root | summary [totals] | uplinkfast | vlan vlan-id]

Cisco 6500/6000 Catalyst Series Switches and Cisco 7600 Series Routers

show spanning-tree [bridge-group | active | backbonefast | bridge [id] | detail | inconsistentports | interface interface-type interface-number [portfast [edge]] | mst [list | configuration [digest]] | root | summary [totals] | uplinkfast | vlan vlan-id | port-channel number | pathcost method]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the bridge group number. The range is 1 to 255.


(Optional) Displays spanning-tree information on active interfaces only.


(Optional) Displays spanning-tree BackboneFast status.


(Optional) Displays blocked port information.


(Optional) Displays status and configuration of this switch.


(Optional) Specifies a brief summary of interface information.

configuration [digest]

(Optional) Displays the multiple spanning-tree current region configuration.


(Optional) Displays information about inconsistent ports.

interface interface-type interface-number

(Optional) Specifies the type and number of the interface. Enter each interface designator, using a space to separate it from the one before and the one after. Ranges are not supported. Valid interfaces include physical ports and virtual LANs (VLANs). See the "Usage Guidelines" for valid values.


(Optional) Specifies a multiple spanning-tree instance list.


(Optional) Specifies multiple spanning-tree.

portfast [edge]

(Optional) Displays spanning-tree PortFast edge interface operational status. Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI, the edge keyword is required. In earlier releases, the edge keyword is not used.


(Optional) Displays root-switch status and configuration.


(Optional) Specifies a summary of port states.


(Optional) Displays the total lines of the spanning-tree state section.


(Optional) Displays spanning-tree UplinkFast status.

vlan vlan-id

(Optional) Specifies the VLAN ID. The range is 1 to 1005. Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T, the valid VLAN ID range is from 1 to 4094.

If the vlan-id value is omitted, the command applies to the spanning-tree instance for all VLANs.


(Optional) Identifies the spanning tree bridge.


(Optional) Shows status and configuration details.

port-channel number

(Optional) Identifies the Ethernet channel associated with the interfaces.

pathcost method

(Optional) Displays the default path-cost calculation method that is used. See the "Usage Guidelines" section for the valid values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5.2)WC(1).


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(6)EA2. The following keywords and arguments were added: bridge-group, active, backbonefast, blockedports, bridge, inconsistentports, pathcost method, root, totals, and uplinkfast.


Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


The syntax added in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(6)EA2 was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 3700 series routers.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The platform support and syntax added in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)ZJ was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was modified to extend the range of valid VLAN IDs to 1-4094 for specified platforms.


This command was modified to require the edge keyword after portfast. The command output was modified to show the status of Bridge Assurance and PVST Simulation.

Usage Guidelines

The keywords and arguments that are available with the show spanning-tree command vary depending on the platform you are using and the network modules that are installed and operational.

Cisco 2600, 3660, and 3845 Series Switches

The valid values for interface interface-type are:

fastethernet—Specifies a Fast Ethernet IEEE 802.3 interface.

port-channel—Specifies an Ethernet channel of interfaces.

Cisco 6500/6000 Catalyst Switches and 7600 Series Routers

The port-channel number values from 257 to 282 are supported on the Content Switching Module (CSM) and the Firewall Services Module (FWSM) only.

The interface-number argument designates the module and port number. Valid values for interface-number depend on the specified interface type and the chassis and module that are used. For example, if you specify a Gigabit Ethernet interface and have a 48-port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet module that is installed in a 13-slot chassis, valid values for the module number are from 2 to 13 and valid values for the port number are from 1 to 48.

When checking spanning tree-active states and you have a large number of VLANs, you can enter the show spanning-tree summary total command. You can display the total number of VLANs without having to scroll through the list of VLANs.

The valid values for interface interface-type are:

fastethernet—Specifies a Fast Ethernet IEEE 802.3 interface.

port-channel—Specifies an Ethernet channel of interfaces.

atm—Specifies an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) interface.

gigabitethernet—Specifies a Gigabit Ethernet IEEE 802.3z interface.

multilink—Specifies a multilink-group interface.

serial—Specifies a serial interface.

vlan—Specifies a catalyst VLAN interface.

The valid values for keyword pathcoast method are:

append—Appends the redirected output to a URL (supporting the append operation).

begin—Begins with the matching line.

exclude—Excludes matching lines.

include—Includes matching lines.

redirect—Redirects output to a URL.

tee—Copies output to a URL.

When you run the show spanning-tree command for a VLAN or an interface the switch router will display the different port states for the VLAN or interface. The valid spanning-tree port states are listening, learning, forwarding, blocking, disabled, and loopback. See Table 0-92 for definitions of the port states:

Table 0-92 show spanning-tree vlan Command Port States



Listening is when the port spanning tree initially starts to listen for BPDU packets for the root bridge.


Learning is when the port sets the proposal bit on the BPDU packets it sends out


Forwarding is when the port is sending and listening to BPDU packets and forwarding traffic.


Blocked is when the port is still sending and listening to BPDU packets but is not forwarding traffic.


Disabled is when the port is not sending or listening to BPDU packets and is not forwarding traffic.


Loopback is when the port receives its own BPDU packet back.


Cisco 2600, 3660, and 3845 Series Switches

The following example shows that bridge group 1 is running the VLAN Bridge Spanning Tree Protocol:

Router# show spanning-tree 1
Bridge group 1 is executing the VLAN Bridge compatible Spanning Tree Protocol
Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, address 0000.0c37.b055
Configured hello time 2, max age 30, forward delay 20
We are the root of the spanning tree
Port Number size is 10 bits
Topology change flag not set, detected flag not set
Times: hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2
      hello 2, max age 30, forward delay 20
Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0
  bridge aging time 300
Port 8 (Ethernet1) of Bridge group 1 is forwarding
   Port path cost 100, Port priority 128
   Designated root has priority 32768, address 0000.0c37.b055
   Designated bridge has priority 32768, address 0000.0c37.b055
   Designated port is 8, path cost 0
   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0
   BPDU: sent 184, received 0

The following is sample output from the show spanning-tree summary command:

Router# show spanning-tree summary
UplinkFast is disabled
Name                 Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
VLAN1                23       0         0        1          24
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
              1 VLAN 23       0         0        1          24

Table 93 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 93 show spanning-tree summary Field Descriptions 



Indicates whether the spanning-tree UplinkFast feature is enabled or disabled.


Name of VLAN.


Number of ports in the VLAN in a blocking state.


Number of ports in a listening state.


Number of ports in a learning state.


Number of ports in a forwarding state.

STP Active

Number of ports using the Spanning-Tree Protocol.

The following is sample output from the show spanning-tree brief command:

Router# show spanning-tree brief
  Spanning tree enabled protocol IEEE
  ROOT ID    Priority 32768
             Address 0030.7172.66c4
             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec 
  Spanning tree enabled protocol IEEE
  ROOT ID    Priority 32768
             Address 0030.7172.66c4
Port                           Designated
Name    Port ID Prio Cost Sts  Cost  Bridge ID      Port ID
------- ------- ---- ---- ---  ----  -------------- -------
Fa0/11  128.17  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.17
Fa0/12  128.18  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.18
Fa0/13  128.19  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.19
Fa0/14  128.20  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.20
Fa0/15  128.21  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.21
Fa0/16  128.22  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.22
Fa0/17  128.23  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.23
Fa0/18  128.24  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.24
Fa0/19  128.25  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.25
Fa0/20  128.26  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.26
Fa0/21  128.27  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.27
Port                           Designated
Name    Port ID Prio Cost Sts  Cost  Bridge ID      Port ID
------- ------- ---- ---- ---  ----  -------------- -------
Fa0/22  128.28  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.28
Fa0/23  128.29  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.29
Fa0/24  128.30  128  100  BLK  38    0404.0400.0001 128.30 Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 
sec  Forward Delay 15 sec 

Table 94 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 94 show spanning-tree brief Field Descriptions 



VLAN for which spanning-tree information is shown.

Spanning tree enabled protocol

Type of spanning tree (IEEE, IBM, CISCO).


Indicates the root bridge.


Priority indicator.


MAC address of the port.

Hello Time

Amount of time, in seconds, that the bridge sends bridge protocol data units (BPDUs).

Max Age

Amount of time, in seconds, that a BPDU packet should be considered valid.

Forward Delay

Amount of time, in seconds, that the port spends in listening or learning mode.

Port Name

Interface type and number of the port.

Port ID

Identifier of the named port.


Priority associated with the port.


Cost associated with the port.


Status of the port.

Designated Cost

Designated cost for the path.

Designated Bridge ID

Bridge identifier of the bridge assumed to be the designated bridge for the LAN associated with the port.

The following is sample output from the show spanning-tree vlan 1 command:

Router# show spanning-tree vlan 1
Spanning tree 1 is executing the IEEE compatible Spanning Tree protocol
  Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, address 00e0.1eb2.ddc0
  Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
  Current root has priority 32768, address 0010.0b3f.ac80
  Root port is 5, cost of root path is 10
  Topology change flag not set, detected flag not set, changes 1
  Times:  hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2
          hello 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
  Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0
Interface Fa0/1  in Spanning tree 1 is down
   Port path cost 100, Port priority 128
   Designated root has priority 32768, address 0010.0b3f.ac80
Designated bridge has priority 32768, address 00e0.1eb2.ddc0
   Designated port is 1, path cost 10
   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0
   BPDU: sent 0, received 0 

Table 95 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 95 show spanning-tree vlan Field Descriptions 


Spanning tree

Type of spanning tree (IEEE, IBM, CISCO).

Bridge Identifier

Part of the bridge identifier and taken as the most significant part for bridge ID comparisons.


Bridge MAC address.

Root port

Identifier of the root port.

Topology change

Flags and timers associated with topology changes.

The following is sample output from the show spanning-tree interface fastethernet0/3 command:

Router# show spanning-tree interface fastethernet0/3
Interface Fa0/3 (port 3) in Spanning tree 1 is down
   Port path cost 100, Port priority 128
   Designated root has priority 6000, address 0090.2bba.7a40
   Designated bridge has priority 32768, address 00e0.1e9f.4abf
   Designated port is 3, path cost 410
   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0
   BPDU: sent 0, received 0

Cisco 6500/6000 Series Catalyst Switches and 7600 Series Routers

This example shows how to display a summary of interface information:

Router# show spanning-tree
  Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
  Root ID    Priority    4097
             Address     0004.9b78.0800
             This bridge is the root
             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec
  Bridge ID  Priority    4097   (priority 4096 sys-id-ext 1)
             Address     0004.9b78.0800
             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec
             Aging Time 15 
Interface        Port ID                     Designated                Port ID
Name             Prio.Nbr      Cost Sts      Cost Bridge ID            Prio.Nbr
---------------- -------- --------- --- --------- -------------------- --------
Gi2/1            128.65           4 LIS         0  4097 0004.9b78.0800 128.65  
Gi2/2            128.66           4 LIS         0  4097 0004.9b78.0800 128.66  
Fa4/3            128.195         19 LIS         0  4097 0004.9b78.0800 128.195 
Fa4/4            128.196         19 BLK         0  4097 0004.9b78.0800 128.195 

Table 96 describes the fields that are shown in the example.

Table 96 show spanning-tree Command Output Fields


Port ID Prio.Nbr

Port ID and priority number.


Port cost.


Status information.

This example shows how to display information about the spanning tree on active interfaces only:

Router# show spanning-tree active
UplinkFast is disabled
BackboneFast is disabled
 VLAN1 is executing the ieee compatible Spanning Tree protocol
  Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, address 0050.3e8d.6401
  Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
  Current root has priority 16384, address 0060.704c.7000
  Root port is 265 (FastEthernet5/9), cost of root path is 38
  Topology change flag not set, detected flag not set
  Number of topology changes 0 last change occurred 18:13:54 ago
  Times:  hold 1, topology change 24, notification 2
          hello 2, max age 14, forward delay 10
  Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0

This example shows how to display the status of spanning-tree BackboneFast:

Router# show spanning-tree backbonefast
BackboneFast is enabled
BackboneFast statistics
Number of transition via backboneFast (all VLANs) : 0
Number of inferior BPDUs received (all VLANs)     : 0
Number of RLQ request PDUs received (all VLANs)   : 0
Number of RLQ response PDUs received (all VLANs)  : 0
Number of RLQ request PDUs sent (all VLANs)       : 0
Number of RLQ response PDUs sent (all VLANs)      : 0

This example shows how to display information about the spanning tree for this bridge only:

Router# show spanning-tree bridge
  Bridge ID  Priority    32768
             Address     0050.3e8d.6401
             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

This example shows how to display detailed information about the interface:

Router# show spanning-tree detail
VLAN1 is executing the ieee compatible Spanning Tree protocol 
Bridge Identifier has priority 4096, address 00d0.00b8.1401 
Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15 
We are the root of the spanning tree 
Topology change flag not set, detected flag not set 
Number of topology changes 9 last change occurred 02:41:34 ago 
from FastEthernet4/21 
Times: hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2 
hello 2, max age 20, forward delay 15 
Timers: hello 1, topology change 0, notification 0, aging 300 
Port 213 (FastEthernet4/21) of VLAN1 is forwarding
Port path cost 19, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.213. 
Designated root has priority 4096, address 00d0.00b8.1401 
Designated bridge has priority 4096, address 00d0.00b8.1401 
Designated port id is 128.213, designated path cost 0 
Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0 
Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1 
BPDU: sent 4845, received 1 

This example shows how to display information about the spanning tree for a specific interface:

Router# show spanning-tree interface fastethernet 5/9
Interface Fa0/10 (port 23) in Spanning tree 1 is ROOT-INCONSISTENT 
Port path cost 100, Port priority 128 
Designated root has priority 8192, address 0090.0c71.a400 
Designated bridge has priority 32768, address 00e0.1e9f.8940 

This example shows how to display information about the spanning tree for a specific bridge group:

Router# show spanning-tree 1
UplinkFast is disabled
 BackboneFast is disabled
  Bridge group 1 is executing the ieee compatible Spanning Tree protocol
   Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, address 00d0.d39c.004d
   Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
   Current root has priority 32768, address 00d0.d39b.fddd
   Root port is 7 (FastEthernet2/2), cost of root path is 19
   Topology change flag set, detected flag not set
   Number of topology changes 3 last change occurred 00:00:01 ago
           from FastEthernet2/2
   Times:  hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2
           hello 2, max age 20, forward delay 15 
   Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0  bridge aging time 15
Port 2 (Ethernet0/1/0) of Bridge group 1 is down
    Port path cost 100, Port priority 128
    Designated root has priority 32768, address 0050.0bab.1808
    Designated bridge has priority 32768, address 0050.0bab.1808
    Designated port is 2, path cost 0
    Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0
    BPDU: sent 0, received 0                                

This example shows how to display a summary of port states:

Router# show spanning-tree summary 
Root bridge for: Bridge group 1, VLAN0001, VLAN0004-VLAN1005 
 VLAN1013-VLAN1499, VLAN2001-VLAN4094 
EtherChannel misconfiguration guard is enabled 
Extended system ID is enabled 
Portfast is enabled by default 
PortFast BPDU Guard is disabled by default 
Portfast BPDU Filter is disabled by default 
Loopguard is disabled by default 
UplinkFast is disabled 
BackboneFast is disabled 
Pathcost method used is long
Name                   Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active 
---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- 
1 bridge               0        0         0        1          1 
3584 vlans 3584 0 0 7168 10752
Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active 
---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- 
Total                  3584     0         0        7169       10753 

This example shows how to display the total lines of the spanning-tree state section:

Router#  show spanning-tree summary total 
Root bridge for:Bridge group 10, VLAN1, VLAN6, VLAN1000.
Extended system ID is enabled.
PortFast BPDU Guard is disabled
EtherChannel misconfiguration guard is enabled
UplinkFast is disabled
BackboneFast is disabled
Default pathcost method used is long
Name                 Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
           105 VLANs 3433     0         0        105        3538      
BackboneFast statistics
Number of transition via backboneFast (all VLANs) :0
Number of inferior BPDUs received (all VLANs)     :0
Number of RLQ request PDUs received (all VLANs)   :0
Number of RLQ response PDUs received (all VLANs)  :0
Number of RLQ request PDUs sent (all VLANs)       :0
Number of RLQ response PDUs sent (all VLANs)      :0

This example shows how to display information about the spanning tree for a specific VLAN:

Router# show spanning-tree vlan 200
 Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee 
 Root ID Priority 32768 
    Address 00d0.00b8.14c8 
    This bridge is the root 
    Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
 Bridge ID Priority 32768 
    Address 00d0.00b8.14c8 
    Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec 
    Aging Time 300
Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Status 
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -------------------------------- 
Fa4/4 Desg FWD 200000 128.196 P2p 
Fa4/5 Back BLK 200000 128.197 P2p

Table 0-97 describes the fields that are shown in the example.

Table 0-97 show spanning-tree vlan Command Output Fields 



Current 802.1w role; valid values are Boun (boundary), Desg (designated), Root, Altn (alternate), and Back (backup).


Spanning-tree states; valid values are BKN* (broken)1 , BLK (blocking), DWN (down), LTN (listening), LBK (loopback), LRN (learning), and FWD (forwarding).


Port cost.


Port ID that consists of the port priority and the port number.


Status information; valid values are as follows:

P2p/Shr—The interface is considered as a point-to-point (resp. shared) interface by the spanning tree.

Edge—PortFast has been configured (either globally using the default command or directly on the interface) and no BPDU has been received.

*ROOT_Inc, *LOOP_Inc, *PVID_Inc and *TYPE_Inc—The port is in a broken state (BKN*) for an inconsistency. The port would be (respectively) Root inconsistent, Loopguard inconsistent, PVID inconsistent, or Type inconsistent.

Bound(type)—When in MST mode, identifies the boundary ports and specifies the type of the neighbor (STP, RSTP, or PVST).

Peer(STP)—When in PVRST rapid-pvst mode, identifies the port connected to a previous version of the 802.1D bridge.

1 For information on the *, see the definition for the Status field.

This example shows how to determine if any ports are in the root-inconsistent state:

Router#  show spanning-tree inconsistentports 
Name                 Interface            Inconsistency
-------------------- -------------------- ------------------
 VLAN1               FastEthernet3/1      Root Inconsistent
Number of inconsistent ports (segments) in the system :1

Related Commands


spanning-tree backbonefast

Enables BackboneFast on all Ethernet VLANs.

spanning-tree cost

Sets the path cost of the interface for STP calculations.

spanning-tree guard

Enables or disables the guard mode.

spanning-tree pathcost method

Sets the default path-cost calculation method.

spanning-tree portfast (interface configuration mode)

Enables PortFast mode.

spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter default

Enables BPDU filtering by default on all PortFast ports.

spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default

Enables BPDU guard by default on all PortFast ports.

spanning-tree port-priority

Sets an interface priority when two bridges vie for position as the root bridge.

spanning-tree uplinkfast

Enables UplinkFast.

spanning-tree vlan

Enables the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) on a VLAN.

show stun

To display the current status of serial tunnel (STUN) connections, use the show stun command in privileged EXEC mode.

show stun [group stun-group-number] [address address-list]

Syntax Description

group stun-group-number

(Optional) STUN group number. Valid numbers are decimal integers in the range from 1 to 255.

address address-list

(Optional) List of poll addresses.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The group and address keywords were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show stun command:

Router# show stun
This peer:
Serial0 -- 3174 Controller for test lab (group 1 [sdlc]) 
                          state   rx-pkts  tx-pkts  drops  poll
  7[1] IF Serial1         open     20334    86440      5  8P
 10[1] TCP     open      6771     7331      0
all[1] TCP     open    612301  2338550   1005

In the display, the first entry reports proxy that polling is enabled for address 7 and that serial 0 is running with modulus 8 on the primary side of the link. The link has received 20,334 packets, sent 86,440 packets, and dropped 5 packets.

Table 98 describes the significant fields shown in the output.


Table 98 show stun Field Descriptions 


This peer

Lists the peer name or address. The interface name (as defined by the description command), its STUN group number, and the protocol associated with the group are shown on the header line.

STUN address

Address or the word all if the default forwarding entry is specified, followed by a repeat of the group number given for the interface.

Type of link

Description of link, either a serial interface using serial transport (indicated by IF followed by interface name), or a TCP connection to a remote router (TCP followed by IP address).


State of the link: open is the normal, working state; direct indicates a direct link to another line, as specified with the direct keyword in the stun route command.


Number of received packets.


Number of sent packets.


Number of packets that for whatever reason had to be dropped.


Report of the proxy poll parameters, if any. P indicates a primary and S indicates a secondary node. The number before the letter is the modulus of the link.

show subscriber-policy

To display the details of a subscriber policy, use the show subscriber-policy command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show subscriber-policy range

Syntax Description


Range of subscriber policy numbers (range 1 to 100).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the show subscriber-policy command:

Router# show subscriber-policy 1
ARP: Permit 
Broadcast: Deny
Multicast: Permit
Unknown: Deny
STP: Disable
CDP: Disable

Related Commands


bridge protocol

Defines the type of Spanning Tree Protocol.

bridge subscriber-policy

Binds a bridge group with a subscriber policy.

show bridge

Displays classes of entries in the bridge forwarding database.


Defines or modifies the forward and filter decisions of the subscriber policy.

shutdown (CMCC)

To shut down an interface or the virtual interface on the Cisco Mainframe Channel Connection (CMCC) adapter when the router is in interface configuration mode, use the shutdown command in interface configuration mode. The shutdown TN3270 server command also shuts down TN3270 entities, such as physical unit (PU), Dependent Logical Unit Requestor (DLUR), and DLUR service access point (SAP), depending on which configuration mode the router is in when the command is issued. To restart the interface or entity, use the no form of this command. The entity affected depends on the mode in which the command is issued.


no shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The interface or entity is enabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

When using this command on a channel interface, the command applies to the entire CMCC adapter.


The following example issued in interface configuration mode shuts down the entire CMCC adapter:


shutdown (TN3270)

To shut down TN3270 entities, such as physical unit (PU), Dependent Logical Unit Requestor (DLUR), and DLUR service access point (SAP), use the shutdown command in the appropriate TN3270 server command modes. To restart the interface or entity, use the no form of this command.


no shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The interface or entity is enabled.

Command Modes

TN3270 server configuration

PU configuration

DLUR configuration

DLUR PU configuration

DLUR SAP configuration

Listen-point configuration

Listen-point PU configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


Support was added for the following configuration modes:






Support was added for the following configuration modes:


Listen-point PU


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

The shutdown TN3270 command shuts down the TN3270 entities according to which configuration mode the router is in when the command is issued.

In TN3270 server configuration mode, the command shuts down the entire TN3270 server function.

In PU configuration mode, the command shuts down an individual PU entity within the TN3270 server.

In DLUR configuration mode, the command shuts down the whole DLUR subsystem within the TN3270 server.

In DLUR PU configuration mode, the command shuts down an individual PU within the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) session switch configuration in the TN3270 server.

In DLUR SAP configuration mode, the command shuts down the local SAP (LSAP) and its associated links within the SNA session switch configuration.


The following example issued in TN3270 server configuration mode shuts down the entire TN3270 server:
