isdn call interface

The isdn call interface command is replaced by the isdn test call interface command. See the isdn test call interface command for more information.

isdn caller

To configure ISDN caller ID screening and optionally to enable ISDN caller ID callback for legacy dial-on-demand routing (DDR), use the isdn caller command in interface configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

isdn caller phone-number [ callback ] [ exact ]

no isdn caller phone-number [ callback ] [ exact ]

Syntax Description


Remote telephone number for which to screen. Use the letter X to represent a single “don’t care” digit. The maximum length of each number is 25 digits.


(Optional) Enables callback.


(Optional) Performs matching on incoming telephone number exactly as entered.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was implemented on additional Cisco router and access server platforms.


The exact keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the router to accept calls from the specified number.

Note Caller ID screening requires a local switch or router that is capable of delivering the caller ID to the router. If you enable caller ID screening but do not have such a switch or router, no calls are allowed in. Caller ID screening is available on Cisco 7200 and 7500 series, Cisco 4000 series, Cisco 3000 series, and Cisco 2500 series routers that have one or more BRIs.

When the optional callback keyword is used and a call is received from one of the callback numbers, the initial call is rejected (hence, not subject to tolls) and a callback is initiated to that calling number.

When Xs are used in the callback number, dialer caller screening is based on a best match system that uses the number of Xs as a criterion. To make callback calls only to specified numbers or ranges of numbers but to accept any other incoming calls, make sure that the number of Xs in any configuration line that uses the callback keyword is less than the number of Xs in any configuration line that does not use the keyword.

For example, if you use at most four Xs in the configuration lines with the callback keyword, then to accept calls from other numbers use at least five Xs in a configuration line that does not use the keyword.

When a telephone number is entered without the exact keyword, the software compares each number going from right to left until matching numbers are detected. For example, if the phone-number argument is 4085550134, calls from telephone numbers 0134, 50134, 5550134, and 4085550134 would be accepted, but calls from telephone numbers 44 and 4155550134 would be rejected.

If you want to accept a telephone number exactly as it is configured, enter it with the exact keyword. For example, if the phone-number argument is 5550112 and the exact keyword is applied, only the telephone number 5550112 is accepted; calls from telephone numbers 408550112 and 50112 would be rejected.

The maximum length of each telephone number is 25 characters. There is no limit on the numbers you can specify per interface.


The following example configures the router to accept a call containing the numbers 415 555-0134:

isdn caller 4155550134

The following example configures the router to accept a call only from telephone number 555-0134:

isdn caller 5550134 exact

In the above example, a call from telephone number 415 555-0134 would be rejected.


The following example configures the router to accept a call with telephone number containing 415 555-01 and any numbers in the last two positions:

isdn caller 41555501xx

In the following example, callback calls will be made only to numbers in the 555 exchange, but any other telephone number can call in:

isdn caller 408555xxxx callback
isdn caller xxxxx

Related Commands


show dialer

Displays general diagnostic information for interfaces configured for DDR.

isdn calling-number

To configure an ISDN PRI or BRI interface to present the number of the device making the outgoing call, use the isdn calling-number command in interface configuration mode. To remove a previously configured calling number, use the no form of this command.

isdn calling-number calling-number

no isdn calling-number

Syntax Description


Number of the device making the outgoing call; only one entry is allowed.

Command Default

No calling number is presented.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An interface can have only one ISDN calling-number entry.

For ISDN BRI, this command is intended for use when the ISDN network offers TS014 tariffing, in which devices present the calling (billing) number.

For ISDN PRI, this command is intended for use when the network offers better pricing on calls in which devices present the calling number (that is, the billing number). The calling number information is included in the outgoing setup message.

Note This command cannot be used with German 1TR6 ISDN BRI switches. It can be used with all other switches, including all ISDN PRI switches.


The following example first configures the T1 interface, then configures the D channel interface to present the billing number 4233570925 when it makes outgoing calls:

controller t1 1/1
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-23
isdn switchtype primary-4ess
interface serial 1/1:23
ip address
encapsulation ppp
isdn calling-number 4233570925
dialer map ip name mymap 14193460913

In the following example, the ISDN BRI interface is configured to present the number 5550112 when it makes outgoing calls:

interface bri 0
isdn calling-number 5550112

Related Commands


interface dialer

Configures a BRI interface and enters interface configuration mode.

interface serial

Specifies a serial interface created on a channelized E1 or channelized T1 controller (for ISDN PRI, CAS, or robbed bit signaling).

isdn calling-party-num

To specify whether the network-provided or user-provided calling party number is selected when two calling party numbers are sent from a primary NET5 switch on ISDN, use the isdn calling-party-num command in interface configuration mode. To reset the default value, use the no form of this command.

isdn calling-party-num { network-provided | user-provided } [ first | last ]

no isdn calling-party-num

Syntax Description


Network-provided calling party number.


User-provided calling party number.


(Optional) Specifies that the first number provided as the calling number information element (IE) should be used to display the calling party number.


(Optional) Specifies that the last number provided as the calling number IE should be used to display the calling party number.

Command Default

The first user-provided calling party number is used to display the calling party number.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced for the primary ISDN NET5 switch.


The first and last keywords were added and this command was integrated into this release.


This command was integrated into this release.

Usage Guidelines

The isdn calling-party-num command is useful for customers who use network-provided and user-provided calling party numbers for accounting purposes. The selected number will be used by dialer filters, such as those configured with the isdn caller command.

Use the optional first and last keywords for instances when more than one calling number is sent. By default, the first number is used, and subsequent numbers are not recognized. If you specify last in the command syntax, the last calling number displays in the caller ID display.

An example application of the last keyword can be seen in an enterprise customer using multiple 800 numbers in an intelligent network service from a PSTN service provider. If a PSTN user dials (from 919-555-1111, for example) the customer’s 800 number, the PSTN service provider routes the call to the customer's telephone number (for example, 408-555-0100) based on the 800 number. The incoming ISDN SETUP message from the PSTN has two user-provided calling party IEs:

  • The 800 number that the user dialed
  • The calling party number of the PSTN user (919-555-1111)

Because the Cisco IOS gateway always uses the first user-provided calling party number by default, the IP phone user is able to see only the 800 number and not the actual calling party number of the PSTN user, unless the last keyword is entered in the command syntax.


The following example shows how to configure the ISDN switch to accept network-provided calling party numbers. If more than one number is provided, the last number provided is used as the calling party number:

interface Serial0:23
no ip address
encapsulation ppp
dialer rotary-group 1
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn protocol-emulate network
isdn incoming-voice modem
isdn calling-number 1111111
isdn calling-party-num network-provided last
isdn T310 40000
no cdp enable

Related Commands


isdn caller

Configures ISDN caller ID screening and optionally enables ISDN caller ID callback for legacy DDR.

isdn calling-number

Configures an ISDN PRI or BRI interface to present the number of the device making the outgoing call.

isdn channel-id invert extended-bit

To invert the value of the extend bit (0x80) in the last octet of the channel ID information element, use the isdn channel-id invert extended-bit command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this command.

isdn channel-id invert extended-bit

no isdn channel-id invert extended-bit

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The last octet of the channel ID information element is not inverted.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command if you use a primary-DMS 100 switch type to ensure compatibility with a Setup or Call Proceeding message containing a channel ID information element. This command can be used only with ISDN PRI.

This command replaces the isdn-flip-chan-flag command.


The following example configures the router to invert the extended bit in the last octet of the channel ID information element:

isdn channel-id invert extended-bit

isdn conference-code

To activate three-way call conferencing, use the isdn conference-code command in interface configuration mode. To disable three-way call conferencing, use the no form of this command.

isdn conference-code code

no isdn conference-code

Syntax Description


Number from 0 to 999 (ISDN conference code).

Command Default

The default code is 60.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command if your ISDN line is connected to an NI1 or a Nortel DMS-100 Custom switch. Your telephone service provider should provide an ISDN conference code when you order three-way call conferencing.


The following example specifies 61 as the ISDN conference code:

isdn conference-code 61

isdn disconnect interface

The isdn disconnect interface command is replaced by the isdn test disconnect interface command. See the isdn test disconnect interface command for more information.

isdn disconnect-cause

To send a specific ISDN cause code to the switch, use the isdn disconnect-cause command in interface configuration mode. To return to the default condition, use the no form of this command.

isdn disconnect-cause { cause-code-number | busy | not-available }

no isdn disconnect-cause

Syntax Description


Sends a cause code number (submitted as integer in the range of 1 through 127) to the switch.


Sends the USER-BUSY code to the switch.


Sends the CHANNEL-NOT-AVAILABLE code to the switch.

Command Default

The default condition is no cause code override. If the isdn disconnect-cause command is not configured, the default cause codes for the application are sent.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The isdn disconnect-cause command overrides specific cause codes (such as modem availability and resource pooling) that are sent to the switch by ISDN applications. When the isdn disconnect-cause command is implemented, the configured cause codes are sent to the switch; otherwise, the default cause codes for the application are sent. ISDN protocol errors are still reflected in the cause codes and are not overridden.


The following example sends the CHANNEL-NOT-AVAILABLE code to the ISDN switch:

interface serial0:20
isdn disconnect-cause not-available

Related Commands


isdn disconnect-cause

Sends a specific ISDN cause code to the switch.

isdn fast-rollover-delay

To control the timing between successive dial attempts, use the isdn fast-rollover-delay command in interface configuration mode. To remove or change a value, use the no form of this command.

isdn fast-rollover-delay seconds

no isdn fast-rollover-delay

Syntax Description


Number of seconds between dial attempts.

Command Default

No default timer.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command provides a timer separate from the dialer wait-for-carrier timer to control the amount of time that elapses before calls are redialed. This delay is provided to allow the old call to be torn down completely before the new call is attempted.

The isdn fast-rollover-delay command is necessary on some ISDN switches because the new call may be attempted before the old call is completely torn down, which causes the second call or the callback to fail.

Use this command when all the following conditions are true:

  • A BRI has two phone numbers configured, one for each B channel.
  • You are dialing in to this BRI.
  • You have a dialer map or dialer string for each phone number.
  • The first call succeeds but the second call continuously fails.

When these conditions occur, set the isdn fast-rollover-delay command to 5 seconds and try again. A delay of 5 seconds should cover most cases. Configure sufficient delay to make sure that the ISDN RELEASE_COMPLETE message has been sent or received before the fast rollover call is made. Use the debug isdn q931 command to display this information.

When the isdn fast-rollover-delay command is configured on a client requesting callback, the callback client first confirms whether the callback server has placed a call back to the callback client before dialing any subsequent numbers.


The following partial example sets the fast-rollover delay that is suggested when all the conditions specified in the list in the “Usage Guidelines” are true:

isdn fast-rollover-delay 5

Related Commands


dialer map

Configures a serial interface or ISDN interface to call one or multiple sites or to receive calls from multiple sites.

dialer wait-for-carrier-time (map-class)

Specifies the length of time to wait for a carrier when dialing out to the dial string associated with a specified map class.

ppp callback (DDR)

Enables a dialer interface that is not a DTR interface to function either as a callback client that requests callback or as a callback server that accepts callback requests.

isdn flip-chan-flag

The isdn flip-chan-flag command is replaced by the isdn channel-id invert extended-bit command. See the isdn channel-id invert extended-bit command for more information.

isdn guard-timer

To enable a managed timer for authentication requests, use the isdn guard-timer command in interface configuration mode. To reset the timer to its default value, use the no form of this command.

isdn guard-timer milliseconds [ on-expiry { accept | reject }]

no isdn guard-timer

Syntax Description


Number of milliseconds that the network access server (NAS) waits for a response from the AAA security server. The valid range is from 1000 through 20,000.


(Optional) Determines whether calls are accepted or rejected after the specified number of milliseconds has expired. If no expiry action is selected, calls are rejected.


(Optional) Calls are accepted if the guard-timer expires before AAA responds.


(Optional) Calls are rejected if the guard-timer expires before AAA responds.

Command Default

The default timer value is eight (8) seconds and calls are rejected when the timer expires.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The guard-timer starts when the DNIS number is sent to AAA for authentication. When the timer expires, authentication ends and the call is accepted or rejected based on the configured expiry action.


The following example sets the guard-timer to six (6) seconds and specifies that the call should be rejected if AAA does not respond within that interval:

interface serial 1/0/0:23
isdn guard-timer 6000 on-expiry reject

Related Commands


aaa preauth

Enables authentication using DNIS numbers.

isdn incoming alerting add-PI

To add a Progress Indicator (PI) in an incoming ALERTING messages during ISDN B-channel cut-through, use the isdn incoming alerting add-PI command in interface configuration mode. To remove the indicator, use the no form of this command.

isdn incoming alerting add-PI

no isdn incoming alerting add-PI

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

On North American ISDN switches, the default behavior is to add the PI in incoming ALERTING messages. On ISDN switches compliant with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), the default behavior is to not add the PI in incoming ALERTING messages.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced for ISDN BRI and PRI interfaces.

Usage Guidelines

The isdn incoming alerting add-PI and no isdn incoming alerting add-PI commands provide a way for switch types conforming to different standards to handle B-channel cut-through. These commands apply to both ISDN BRI and PRI connections.

North American switch types such as the 5ESS, 4ESS, DMS, and NI allow cut-through when an ALERTING message is received. ISDN B-channel cut-through for customer premises equipment (CPE) should happen upon receipt of a channel ID Information Element (IE) in the CALL_PROC message. For this reason, the default on North American ISDN switches is to add the PI in incoming ALERTING message.

On ETSI-compliant ISDN switches, the default behavior is to not add the PI in incoming ALERTING messages. But ETSI also specifies that when the remote device is playing tones or announcements, it should also include the PI in the ALERTING message. This is not the default behavior for ETSI-compliant switches, but the isdn incoming alerting add-PI command allows Cisco IOS software to support this behavior.

The isdn incoming alerting add-PI and no isdn incoming alerting add-PI commands can be used on switches that do not want to add the PI in incoming ALERTING messages and on those switches that cannot handle or do not want the PI in incoming ALERTING messages.


Because the the isdn incoming alerting add-PI command is the default for a North American ISDN switch, the following example shows that when the interface configuration is displayed, the isdn incoming alerting add-PI command is not listed, even if it was explicitly configured:

Router(config)# interface BRI1/0
Router(config-if)# no ip address
Router(config-if)# isdn switch-type basic-dms100
Router(config-if)# isdn spid1 40876726760101 5459374
Router(config-if)# isdn spid2 51076726760101 5459375
Router(config-if)# isdn incoming-voice voice
Router(config-if)# isdn incoming alerting add-PI
Router(config-if)# end
Router(config)# end
Router# show running interface BRI1/0
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 167 bytes
interface BRI1/0
no ip address
isdn switch-type basic-dms100
isdn spid1 40876726760101 5459374
isdn spid2 51076726760101 5459375
isdn incoming-voice voice

The following example shows that when the the no isdn incoming alerting add-PI command is configured on a North American ISDN switch, the command is listed in the interface configuration:

Router(config)# interface BRI1/0
Router(config-if)# no isdn incoming alerting add-PI
Router(config-if)# end
Router(config)# end
Router# show running interface BRI1/0
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 201 bytes
interface BRI1/0
no ip address
isdn switch-type basic-dms100
isdn spid1 4087672676 5459374
isdn spid2 51076726760101 5459375
isdn incoming-voice voice
no isdn incoming alerting add-PI

Because the default for ETSI-compliant ISDN switches is no isdn incoming alerting add-PI, the following example shows that when the the isdn incoming alerting add-PI command is added to the configuration for a NET3 switch, the command is listed in the interface configuration:

Router(config-if)# no ip address
Router(config-if)# isdn switch-type basic-net3
Router(config-if)# isdn spid1 40876726760101 5459374
Router(config-if)# isdn spid2 51076726760101 5459375
Router(config-if)# isdn incoming-voice voice
Router(config-if)# isdn incoming alerting add-PI
Router(config-if)# end
Router(config)# end
Router# show running interface BRI1/0
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 165 bytes
interface BRI1/0
no ip address
isdn switch-type basic-net3
isdn spid1 40876726760101 5459374
isdn spid2 51076726760101 5459375
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn incoming alerting add-PI

If the configuration for the NET3 switch were changed back to contain no isdn incoming alerting add-PI, the command would not be listed in the interface configuration, because this is the default behavior for ETSI-compliant switches:

Current configuration : 165 bytes
interface BRI1/0
no ip address
isdn switch-type basic-net3
isdn spid1 40876726760101 5459374
isdn spid2 51076726760101 5459375
isdn incoming-voice voice

isdn incoming ie

To specify that the channel-id and display information elements (IEs) may be accepted in incoming ISDN messages, use the isdn incoming ie command in interface configuration mode. To indicate that one of these IEs may not be accepted in incoming ISDN messages, use the no form of this command.

isdn incoming ie { channel-id [ accept-qsig-variant ] | display { dms250 | transparent }} [ redirecting-selection { first | last }]

no isdn incoming ie { channel-id [ accept-qsig-variant ] | display { dms250 | transparent }} [ redirecting-selection { first | last }]

Syntax Description


Information element pertaining to the channel ID.


(Optional) Specifies that the ISDN D channel supports QSIG switches that send a variant (the D-channel selector bit is not set) of the normal channel ID IE usage for calls that are “signaling only.”


Information element pertaining to the text display.


(Optional) Configures the router to accept the ISDN incoming message when octet 3 of the display IE has been modified for compatibility with the DMS-250 switch type.

Note This keyword is available only when the display keyword is entered. This option controls the handling of octet 3 of the display IE in the incoming message, and applies only when DMS-100 or DMS-250 switches must interoperate with other switch types.


(Optional) Configures the router to accept the ISDN message when the display IE has been packed in the incoming message without modifying or inserting octet 3. This is the default behavior for non-DMS switches.

Note This keyword is available only when the display keyword is entered. This option controls the handling of octet 3 of the display IE in the incoming message, and applies only when DMS-100 or DMS-250 switches must interoperate with other switch types.


(Optional) Selects the first or the last redirect number (RDN) when multiple RDN IEs are received on an incoming ISDN call. The first keyword selects the first RDN received; the last keyword selects the last RDN received.

Note The first and last keywords are available only when the redirecting-selection keyword is entered.

Command Default

Supported IEs are accepted in applicable incoming messages by default. The channel ID does not accept IEs with the QSIG variant, and the display IE for DMS-250 (transparent) is not altered. When multiple RDN IEs are received on an incoming ISDN call, the last RDN is automatically selected.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The accept-qsig-variant keyword was added.


The redirecting-selection, first, and last keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

Incompatibility between ISDN switch types at the originating and terminating gateways can prevent provided IEs from being passed end-to-end. Cisco devices can be configured to transparently accept incoming unsupported IEs, allowing full interworking between different switch types.

Use the isdn incoming ie command to configure a Cisco router to transparently accept unsupported IEs to its peer. IEs may be sent in any codeset. However IEs can be manually controlled using only the isdn incoming ie command when they are sent in codeset 0. IEs will be accepted only in applicable message types.

To configure the router so it will not accept channel ID and display IEs, use the no isdn incoming ie command.

Note If the isdn gateway-max-interworking command is enabled, IEs that are invalid for some destination switch types may be passed. This can result in the occurrence of undesirable events.

Note If the isdn protocol-emulate command is switched between the network and user configurations, the isdn outgoing ie command reverts to its default setting. The isdn outgoing ie command must be reissued to restore the manual configuration.


The following example configures the serial interface for the QSIG D channel to accept “malformed” channel-id IEs:

interface se3/0:3:23
isdn incoming ie channel-id accept-qsig-variant

The following example configures the serial interface to select the first RDN IE when multiple RDN IEs are received on an incoming ISDN call:

interface se3/0:3:23
isdn incoming ie redirecting-selection first

Related Commands


isdn gateway-max-

Prevents an H.323 gateway from checking for ISDN protocol compatibility and dropping IEs in call messages.

isdn outgoing ie

Specifies that an IE may be passed in outgoing ISDN messages.

isdn protocol-emulate

Configures an ISDN data or voice port to emulate network or user functionality.

isdn incoming-voice

To route all incoming voice calls to the modem and determine how they will be treated, use the isdn incoming-voice command in interface configuration mode. To disable the setting or return to the default, use the no form of this command.

isdn incoming-voice { voice | data [ 56 | 64 ] | modem [ 56 | 64 ]}

no isdn incoming-voice { voice | data [ 56 | 64 ] | modem [ 56 | 64 ]}

Syntax Description


Incoming voice calls bypass the modems and be handled as a voice call.


Incoming voice calls bypass the modems and will be handled as digital data. If the data keyword is selected, you can specify a B-channel bandwidth of either 56 kbps or 64 kbps.


Incoming voice calls are passed over to the digital modems, where they negotiate the appropriate modem connection with the far-end modem. If this keyword is selected, you can specify a B-channel bandwidth of either 56 kbps or 64 kbps. If no argument is entered, the default value is 64.

Command Default

If you do not enter the 56 or 64 keywords after the data keyword, the default value will be 64 kbps.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced for ISDN PRI interfaces.


This command was implemented on ISDN BRI interfaces.


This command was implemented on ISDN BRI interfaces.


This command was enhanced for channelized T1 and integrated into Cisco IOS Release 11.2.


This command was implemented on additional Cisco router and access server platforms.


This command was implemented on additional Cisco router and access server platforms.

Usage Guidelines

Unless you specify otherwise, all calls received by the router and characterized as voice calls are treated as normal ISDN calls, which are handled as digital data and not passed over to the modem. Ordinarily, a data device ignores incoming voice calls, but the tariff structure for data and voice calls might make it less expensive to do “data over voice” calls.

If you use the voice keyword, incoming ISDN voice calls will be treated as voice calls and handled by either a modem or a voice DSP as directed by CSM.

If the default value is configured and the bearer capability of the incoming call is the voice keyword, the call will be rejected.

To answer incoming voice calls at a configured rate (overriding the incoming data rate in the call), use the data keyword.

To establish speedier connections for analog calls to the router, use the isdn incoming-voice command with the modem keyword to have voice calls routed through digital modems (as pulse-code modulated analog data) instead of being treated as digital data.

Configure this command on each D channel in the access server or router. Incoming circuit-switched data calls are not affected by this command.

Note Use the isdn incoming-voice modem command only when you are using ISDN. You must use this command to carry voice over a modem when using ISDN PRI.


The following example designates incoming ISDN voice calls to be treated as voice calls:

interface 10
isdn incoming-voice voice

The following example for channelized T1 configures the D channel (hence, all B channels) to answer all incoming voice calls at 56 kbps:

interface serial 0:23
isdn incoming-voice data 56

The following example routes all incoming voice calls through the modem as analog data:

interface BRI 0/0
isdn incoming-voice modem

The following example enables incoming and outgoing ISDN calls to route to the modems using the D channel serial interface:

interface serial 0:23
isdn incoming-voice modem

isdn layer1-emulate

To configure the Layer 1 operation of a BRI voice port as clock master (NT) or slave (TE), use the isdn layer1-emulate command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default (user), use the no form of this command.

isdn layer1-emulate { user | network }

no isdn layer1-emulate

Syntax Description


Physical interface operation in clock slave mode (as TE).


Physical interface operation in clock master mode (as NT).

Command Default

Layer 1 port operation is as user (TE functionality as clock slave).

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the MC3810.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 series.

Usage Guidelines

If you use the no isdn layer1-emulate network command, the physical layer port operation defaults to user.


The following example configures the Layer 1 operation of a BRI voice port as QSIG clock slave (TE):

configure terminal
interface bri 1
isdn layer1-emulate user

Related Commands


isdn protocol-emulate (dial)

Configures the Layer 2 and Layer 3 port protocol of a BRI voice port or a PRI interface to emulate NT (network) or TE (user) functionality.


Specifies the clock-recovery priority for the BRI voice ports in a BVM.

isdn layer2-flap

To send RESTART or STATUS ENQUIRY messages over the ISDN PRI line when a Layer 2 link flap and recovery occurs, use the isdn layer2-flap command in interface configuration mode. To disable sending these messages, use the no form of this command.

isdn layer2-flap { restart | status-enq }

no isdn layer2-flap { restart | status-enq }

Syntax Description


Sends a RESTART message to the remote peer.


Sends a STATUS-ENQUIRY message to the remote peer.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default, in which case, no RESTART or STATUS-ENQUIRY messages are sent in the event of a Layer 2 flap and recovery.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you include the isdn layer2-flap command in the ISDN configuration, the router (as a user agent) sends a RESTART or STATUS-ENQUIRY message to the remote peer when a Layer 2 flap and recovery occurs. This notification enhances the gateway’s ability to gracefully recover from a Layer 2 flap or failure error condition. This graceful recovery frees gateway resources to handle future calls and to increase the call completion rate.

Use the isdn layer2-flap command with the isdn timer t309 command in your configuration. The isdn timer t309 command enables the router to hold or drop calls. The effect of using these two commands in the event of a Layer 2 flap and recovery is summarized as follows:

  • Layer 2 failure and then a Layer 2 recovery before the T309 timer expires (with T309 timer enabled)—STATUS-ENQUIRY message
  • Layer 2 failure and then a Layer 2 recovery after the T309 timer expires or with the T309 timer not enabled—RESTART message


The following example shows how to enable the router to send a RESTART message when a Layer 2 flap or failure error condition occurs and recovery happens after the T309 timer has expired (or the T309 timer is not enabled):

isdn layer2-flap restart

Related Commands


isdn timer t309

Changes the value of the T309 timer to clear the network connection and to release the B channel and call reference when a data-link disconnection occurs.

isdn leased-line bri

To configure an ISDN BRI for leased-line service, or to configure both 64-kbps leased-line and ISDN service on the same BRI, use the isdn leased-line bri command in global configuration mode. To remove or change channel configurations, use the no form of this command.

isdn leased-line bri number / number [ b1 | b2 | 128 | 144 | Return-key ]

no isdn leased-line bri number / number [ b1 | b2 | 128 | 144 | Return-key ]

Syntax Description

number / number

BRI interface numbers (enter the slash to separate the physical interface numbers).


(Optional) Uses channel B1 as a 64-kbps leased line and channel B2 for ISDN service on a single ETSI NET3 switch on a Cisco 800 series router.


(Optional) Uses channel B2 as a 64-kbps leased line and channel B1 for ISDN service on a single ETSI NET3 switch on a Cisco 800 series router.


(Optional) Combines B1 and B2 channels for 128-kbps leased-line service.


(Optional) Combines B1 and B2 channels for 144-kbps leased-line service.


(Optional) C onfigures two 64-kbps leased lines instead of two B channels. Press the Return or Enter key at the end of the isdn leased-line bri number / numbe r command instead of entering a keyword.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The b1 and b2 keywords were added to allow the BRI channels on an ETSI NET3 switch on a Cisco 800 series router to be split into leased-line and ISDN services.

Usage Guidelines

Use the isdn leased-line bri command to configure an ISDN BRI for leased-line service by aggregating two BRI B channels into a single pipe at a speed of 128 or 144 kbps, or configuring both a 64-kbps leased line and ISDN service on a single European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) NET3 switch on Cisco 800 series routers.

This command also supports two separate 64-kbps leased lines, where the BRI interface is configured as two separate leased lines instead of two B channels. No keyword is required for this configuration; just press the Return or Enter key at the end of the isdn leased-line bri number/number command string. This configuration is different than using the 128 keyword, which configures a single 128-kbps leased line.

When you use the no isdn leased-line bri command to change the channel configuration, you must also perform a system reload in order for the change to take effect.

When you use an ISDN BRI interface for access over leased lines, configure the ISDN BRI as a synchronous serial interface and do not configure ISDN calling and called numbers.


The following example configures the BRI interface for leased-line access at 128 kbps in Japan:

isdn leased-line bri0/0 128

Because of the leased-line—not dialed—environment, configuration of ISDN called and calling numbers is not needed and not used. The BRI 0 interface is henceforth treated as a synchronous serial interface, with the default High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) encapsulation.

The following example configures BRI channel B1 for 64-kbps leased-line service and channel B2 for ISDN service:

isdn switch-type basic-net3
isdn leased-line bri0/0 b1
interface bri0/0
ip address
no ip address
dialer pool-member 1
interface bri0/0:1
ip address
encapsulation ppp
no ip address

The following example configures two 64-kbps leased lines:

isdn leased-line bri0/0

Related Commands


isdn switch-type (BRI)

Specifies the central office switch type on the ISDN BRI interface.

isdn logging

To enable logging of ISDN syslog messages, use the isdn logging command in global configuration mode. To disable logging, use the no form of this command.

isdn logging

no isdn logging

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command supports syslog logging of the following ISDN events:

  • ISDN Layer 2 Up and Down events at severity 3.
  • ISDN SERV, SERV ACK, Restart, Restart Ack, and Status Enq messages at severity 4.
  • ISDN SERV status audit messages for various triggers at different severities.


The following example shows how to configure ISDN syslog logging:

isdn logging

Related Commands


isdn bchan-number-order

Configures an ISDN PRI interface to make outgoing call selection in ascending, descending, or round-robin order.

isdn protocol-emulate

Configures an ISDN data or voice port to emulate network or user functionality.

isdn map

To override the default ISDN type and plan generated by the router with custom values, use the isdn map command in interface configuration mode. To revert to the default ISDN type and plan, use the no form of this command.

isdn map address {{ address | reg-exp } plan plan type type | transparent }

no isdn map address {{ address | reg-exp } plan plan type type | transparent }

Syntax Description


Specifies that the default ISDN type and plan will be overridden.


Address map, which can be to either the calling number or the called number. This argument specifies the address for which the ISDN type and plan will be overridden.


Regular expression for pattern matching. This argument specifies that the ISDN type and plan will be overridden for addresses that match the regular expression.

plan plan

ISDN numbering plan. Valid values for the plan argument are as follows:

  • any —Any type of dialed number.
  • data —X.121 data numbering plan.
  • ermes —European Radio Message System numbering plan.
  • isdn —E.164 ISDN/Telephony numbering plan.
  • national —Number called to reach a subscriber in the same country, but outside the local network.
  • private —Private numbering plan.
  • reserved —Reserved for extension.
  • telex —F.69 telex numbering plan.
  • unknown —Number of a type that is unknown by the network.

type type

ISDN number type. Valid values for the type argument are as follows:

  • abbreviated —Abbreviated representation of the complete number as supported by this network.
  • any —Any type of called number.
  • international —Number called to reach a subscriber in another country.
  • national —Number called to reach a subscriber in the same country, but outside the local network.
  • network —Administrative or service number specific to the serving network.
  • reserved —Reserved for extension.
  • subscriber —Number called to reach a subscriber in the same local network.
  • unknown —Number of a type that is unknown by the network.


Specifies that the ISDN type and plan values received in raw messages from the ISDN originating gateway will take priority over the ISDN type and plan values received in the H.225 SETUP messages.

Command Default

The default is the ISDN type and plan generated by the router.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The transparent keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The default ISDN type and plan can be overridden with custom values on a per-number basis or for numbers that match regular expression patterns.

If you use the isdn map command to configure custom values for the ISDN type and plan, these values take priority over any other ISDN type and plan values. The order of precedence for ISDN type and plan values is as follows, beginning with the highest precedence:

  • Type and plan values configured with the isdn map command.
  • Type and plan values from voice translation rules specified with the rule (voice translation-rule) command.
  • Values received in the H.225 SETUP messages.
  • Values received from the ISDN originating gateway in raw messages.

Configuring the isdn map command with the transparent keyword results in raw messages received from the ISDN originating gateway receiving priority over H.225 SETUP messages. When the isdn map command is configured with the transparent keyword, the order of precedence for ISDN type and plan values is as follows:

  • Type and plan values configured with the isdn map command.
  • Type and plan values from voice translation rules specified with the rule (voice translation-rule) command.
  • Values received from the ISDN originating gateway in raw messages.
  • Values received in the H.225 SETUP messages.


The following example overrides any plan and type used for any ISDN calls with a called or calling number that exactly matches 123:

interface serial1:23
isdn map address 123 plan isdn type unknown

The following example overrides any plan and type used for ISDN calls with a called or calling number that begins with the numerals 12:

interface serial1:23
isdn map address 12.* plan data type subscriber

The following example matches any number that ends with the number 7:

interface serial1:23
isdn map address.*7 plan data type subscriber

The following example reverses the precedence of ISDN type and plan values received from the ISDN originating gateway and from the H.225 SETUP message:

interface serial1:23
isdn map address transparent

Related Commands


rule (voice translation-rule)

Defines a translation rule.

isdn modem-busy-cause

The isdn modem-busy-cause command is replaced by the isdn disconnect-cause command. See the isdn disconnect-cause command for more information.

isdn negotiate-bchan

To enable the router to accept a B channel that is different from the B channel requested in the outgoing call setup message, use the isdn negotiate-bchan command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default condition, use the no form of this command.

isdn negotiate-bchan [ resend-setup ] [ cause-codes cause-code1 [ cause-code2...cause-code16 ]]

no isdn negotiate-bchan [ resend-setup ] [ cause-codes cause-code1 [ cause-code2...cause-code16 ]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables a single reattempt of a setup message if a disconnect message with a cause code of 44 is received before alerting. Supports NET5 and NI2 PRI switches only. (A Code 44 cause code means that the requested circuit or channel is not available. For more information, refer to the International Telecommunications Union [ITU] Q.850 standard.)

cause-codes cause-code

(Optional) Specifies up to 16 cause codes that will alert the gateway to reattempt a call. This reattempt may or may not be on the same B channel as the previous attempt. The value of each cause-code argument is a number from 1 to 127 corresponding to an ISDN cause code number.

If the cause-codes keyword is entered, at least one cause code must be entered or the command will not be accepted. Separate multiple cause code entries with spaces.

Once the cause-codes keyword is entered, cause code 44 will no longer cause a call reattempt unless 44 is specifically entered as one of the cause codes.

Note The validity of each cause code is not checked by the gateway.

Command Default

B channel negotiation is not enabled. Most PRI switch types set the default channel ID to Exclusive in the setup message. An exception is the NI2 switch, which sets the default to Preferred.

If the cause-codes keyword is not entered, it is assumed that you want ISDN cause code 44.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The resend-setup keyword was implemented for NET5 and NI2 PRI switches.


The cause-codes keyword was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.

Usage Guidelines

The isdn negotiate-bchan command enables the router to negotiate the B channel by setting the channel ID information element to Preferred in the setup message. If this command is not configured, the channel ID is set to the default of the switch, which is usually Exclusive. Exclusive means that only the requested B channel is accepted. If the requested B channel is not available, the call is cleared.

The isdn negotiate-bcha n command is supported for all PRI switch types. The resend-setup keyword is supported only for NET5 and NI2 switches. This command is not supported for BRI interfaces.

The cause-codes keyword allows you to configure the gateway to reattempt a call when a cause code other than 44 is received from the PSTN.

Refer to the “ISDN Cause Codes” table in the appendix of the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for a list of ISDN cause codes.


The following example enables a call to be reattempted when a disconnect with cause code of 44 is received before alerting:

interface serial0:23
isdn negotiate-bchan resend-setup

The following example shows that cause codes 34, 44, and 63 have been configured:

interface serial0:23
isdn negotiate-bchan resend-setup cause-codes 34 44 63

Related Commands


isdn bchan-number-order

Configures an ISDN PRI interface to make an outgoing call selection in ascending or descending order.

isdn switch-type (PRI)

Specifies the Central Office switch type on the ISDN PRI interface.

isdn not-end-to-end

To override the speed that the network reports it will use to deliver the call data, use the isdn not-end-to-end command in interface configuration mode. To disable the configured end-to-end speed, use the no form of this command.

isdn not-end-to-end { 56 | 64 }

no isdn not-end-to-end

Syntax Description


Answers all voice calls at 56 kbps.


Answers all voice calls at 64 kbps.

Command Default

The default line speed is 64 kbps.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Note The isdn not-end-to-end command is valid only when an incoming Layer 3 Setup message contains a Progress Information Element in the message. The command is validated on a call-by-call basis, depending upon the message.

This command might be needed to handle incoming calls properly. Although a call might originate at a speed of 56 kbps, the network or internetworking networks might improperly deliver the call to the user at a speed of 64 kbps. This creates a speed mismatch and causes the data to be garbled. Enabling this command makes the router look more closely at the information elements of the incoming call to determine a speed.

A speed mismatch can occur when the source and destination ISDN ports do not belong to the same network.


The following example sets the line speed for incoming calls to 56 kbps:

isdn not-end-to-end 56

isdn nsf-service

To configure Network Specific Facilities (NSF) on an ISDN PRI for outgoing calls configured as voice calls, use the isdn nsf-service command in interface configuration mode. To remove NSF on an ISDN PRI, use the no form of this command.

isdn nsf-service { megacom | sdn }

no isdn nsf-service { megacom | sdn }

Syntax Description


Dial voice calls using AT&T Megacom NSF.


Dial voice calls using AT&T SDN NSF.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used specifically on a PRI (channelized T1) to request NSF services supported on primary AT&T 4ESS (primary-4ess) switch types only.


The following example sets outgoing voice calls to use AT&T SDN NSF:

interface serial 0:23
isdn-nsf-service sdn

Related Commands


dialer map

Configures a serial interface or ISDN interface to call one or multiple sites or to receive calls from multiple sites.

dialer voice-call

Configures the dialer map class for an NSF dialing plan to support outgoing voice calls.

map-class dialer

Defines a class of shared configuration parameters associated with the dialer map command for outgoing calls from an ISDN interface and for PPP callback.

isdn number

To change the maximum number of digits in a called number information element, use the isdn number command in interface configuration mode.

isdn number [ called enbloc limit ]

Syntax Description


Attributes for the ISDN number of the called party.


Allows the ISDN terminal to send the ISDN number of the called party in a single SETUP message.


Maximum number of digits allowed in a SETUP message, in the range from 1 to 32.

Command Default

20 digits

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The maximum number of digits sent in the initial call SETUP is defaulted to 20 digits. The default of 20 digits chosen because some switches cannot handle more than 20 digits. Some countries in Europe are changing their calling plans and will require calls to be made using more than 20 digits.

The isdn number called enbloc command is used when the maximum number of octets in the called number information element in a SETUP message must be changed from the 20-digit default to the user desired limit. With this command, the user can configure the maximum number from 1 to 32 digits. This command is available for ISDN interfaces and applicable to both BRI and PRI interfaces.

Note This command is enabled for only the following switch types:


The following example configures the called number information element for 32 digits:

Router(config-if) isdn number called enbloc 32

isdn outgoing ie

To specify that an information element (IE) may be passed in outgoing ISDN messages, use the isdn outgoing ie command in interface configuration mode. To specify that an IE may not be passed in outgoing ISDN messages, use the no form of this command.

isdn outgoing ie ie [ codeset_0 { message message-type | shiftcodeset codeset_6 } | dms250 | nooct3 | transparent ]

no isdn outgoing ie ie [ codeset_0 { message message-type | shiftcodeset codeset_6 } | dms250 | nooct3 | transparent ]

Syntax Description


The IE to pass in outgoing ISDN messages. Valid keywords for the ie argument are listed in Table 1 .


(Optional) Specifies that the IE will be packed in ISDN codeset 0. Codeset 0 is the ITU standard codeset and the default codeset. However, you must issue the codeset_0 keyword if you want to specify a message type.

message message-type

(Optional) Specifies a particular outgoing message to pass an IE. Valid keywords for the message-type argument are listed in Table 2 . If you do not specify a message type, the IE will be passed in all applicable message types.

shiftcodeset codeset_6

(Optional) Specifies that the display IE should be packed in codeset 6, instead of codeset 0, in outgoing messages.

Note The shiftcodeset codeset_6 keywords are available only when the display keyword is entered for the ie argument, and can be configured only for Class 4 Electronic Switching System (4ESS) or 5ESS switch types. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more information.


(Optional) Specifies that the display IE should be packed in codeset 6, instead of codeset 0, in outgoing messages.

Note The dms250 keyword is available only when the display keyword is entered for the ie argument. The dms250 optional keyword controls the handling of octet 3 of the display IE in the setup message, and is applicable only when DMS-100 or DMS-250 switches must interoperate with other switch types. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more information.


(Optional) Specifies that octet 3 of the display IE is stripped from the display IE before it is packed in the setup message. This is the default behavior for DMS-100 and DMS-250 switches.

Note The nooct3 keyword is available only when the display keyword is entered for the ie argument. This option controls the handling of octet 3 of the display IE in the setup message, and is applicable only when DMS-100 or DMS-250 switches must interoperate with other switch types. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more information.


(Optional) Specifies that the display IE is packed in the setup message without modifying or inserting octet 3. This is the default behavior for non-DMS switches.

Note The transparent keyword is available only when the display keyword is entered for the ie argument. This option controls the handling of octet 3 of the display IE in the setup message, and is applicable only when DMS-100 or DMS-250 switches must interoperate with other switch types. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more information.

Command Default

Supported IEs are passed in applicable outgoing messages.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History



This command was introduced. This command replaces the isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number command.

Usage Guidelines

Incompatibility between ISDN switch types at the originating and terminating gateways can prevent the provided IEs from being passed end-to-end. Cisco devices can be configured to transparently pass unsupported IEs, thereby allowing complete interworking between different switch types.

Use the isdn outgoing ie command to configure a device to transparently pass unsupported IEs to its peer. IEs may be packed in any codeset. However, the isdn outgoing ie command can manually control IEs packed in codeset 0 only. IEs will be passed only in applicable message types.

Use the no isdn outgoing ie command to disable the device from passing IEs in outgoing ISDN messages.

You may use the isdn gateway-max-interworking command to globally configure the device to transparently pass all unsupported IEs to its peer. However, the isdn outgoing ie command provides much finer control.

Note If the isdn gateway-max-interworking command is enabled, IEs that are invalid for some destination switch types may be passed. This can cause undesirable events to occur.

Note If the isdn protocol-emulate command is switched between the network and user keyword configurations, the isdn outgoing ie command reverts to its default setting. The isdn outgoing ie command must be reissued to restore the manual configuration.

Options That Are Specific to the Display IE

DMS-100 and DMS-250 switch types format the display IE by using octet 3, which is an additional octet that is not used by other switch types. Octet 3 specifies the calling party name and is mandatory for DMS-100 and DMS-250 switch types. DMS-100 and DMS-250 switches each use a different value for octet 3. For these switch types to interoperate with each other or with other switch types, octet 3 must be modified. Use the dms250, nooct3, or transparent keyword to control the interoperation of a DMS-100 or DMS-250 switch with other switch types.

4ESS and 5ESS switch types do not support the display IE. If a message with a display IE packed in codeset 0 is passed out of a PRI interface with 4ESS or 5ESS switch types, the display IE will be dropped. However, these switches will pass any unknown IE that is packed in codeset 6. Use the shiftcodeset codeset_6 keywords to specify that the display IE should be packed in codeset 6 before being sent out of a PRI interface with a 4ESS or 5ESS switch.

Table 1 llists the IE keywords that can be entered for the ie argument. Not all IEs can be controlled using the isdn outgoing ie command.


Table 1 ISDN IE Values

IE Description


Indicates the outgoing call number.


Indicates the subaddress of the outgoing call.


Indicates the incoming call number.


Indicates the subaddress of the incoming call.


Indicates the number of the remaining caller if a disconnect occurs during a conference.


Indicates the subaddress of the remaining caller if a disconnect occurs during a conference.


Provides information about the text display.


Provides information about extended facility requests.


Provides information about facility requests.


Provides information about higher layer compatibility.


Provides information about lower layer compatibility.


Provides information about network facility requests.


Provides information about notifications.


Provides information about the call in progress.


Indicates the number that is redirecting the call.


Provides information about the users at either end of the call.

Table 2 lists the ISDN message type keywords that can be entered for the message-type argument.


Table 2 ISDN Outgoing Message Type Keywords

Outgoing Message Type
Message Type Description


Indicates the alerting message.


Indicates the call proceeding message.


Indicates the connect message.


Indicates the disconnect message.


Indicates the facility message.


Indicates the information message.


Indicates the progress message.


Indicates the release complete message.


Indicates the release message.


Indicates the setup message.


Indicates the setup acknowledge message.


The following example shows how to enable sending the redirect number IE in all applicable outgoing message types for a PRI-NI switch:

Device(config)# interface Serial 2/0
Device(config-if)# no ip address
Device(config-if)# isdn switch-type primary-ni
Device(config-if)# isdn incoming-voice modem
Device(config-if)# no cdp enable
Device(config-if)# isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number

The following example shows how to enable sending the called number IE in an outgoing alert message for a PRI-NI switch:

Device(config)# interface Serial 2/1
Device(config-if)# no ip address
Device(config-if)# isdn switch-type primary-ni
Device(config-if)# isdn incoming-voice modem
Device(config-if)# no cdp enable
Device(config-if)# isdn outgoing ie called-number codeset_0 message alerting

The following example shows how to enable the passing of the display IE and connected number IE in all applicable outgoing message types for a PRI-5ESS switch:

Device(config)# interface Serial 2/2
Device(config-if)# isdn outgoing ie display
Device(config-if)# isdn outgoing ie connected-number

The following example shows how to configure a DMS-100 switch to reformat octet 3 for interoperability with a DMS-250 switch:

Device(config)# interface Serial 2/3
Device(config-if)# no ip address
Device(config-if)# dialer idle-timeout 999999
Device(config-if)# isdn switch-type primary-dms100
Device(config-if)# isdn incoming-voice modem
Device(config-if)# no cdp enable
Device(config-if)# isdn outgoing ie display dms250

The following example shows how to configure a DMS-100 switch to drop the octet from the display IE:

Device(config)# interface Serial 2/4
Device(config-if)# no ip address
Device(config-if)# dialer idle-timeout 999999
Device(config-if)# isdn switch-type primary-dms100
Device(config-if)# isdn incoming-voice modem
Device(config-if)# no cdp enable
Device(config-if)# isdn outgoing ie display nooct3

The following example shows how to configure a DMS-100 switch to pack the display IE without modifying octet 3:

Device(config)# interface Serial 2/5
Device(config-if)# no ip address
Device(config-if)# dialer idle-timeout 999999
Device(config-if)# isdn switch-type primary-dms100
Device(config-if)# isdn incoming-voice modem
Device(config-if)# no cdp enable
Device(config-if)# isdn outgoing ie display transparent

The following example shows how to configure a switch to pack the display IE in codeset 6 before sending it out of an interface configured with a 4ESS switch:

Device(config)# interface Serial 2/6
Device(config-if)# no ip address
Device(config-if)# isdn switch-type primary-4ess
Device(config-if)# isdn incoming-voice modem
Device(config-if)# no cdp enable
Device(config-if)# isdn outgoing ie display codeset_0 shiftcodeset codeset_6

Related Commands


isdn gateway max-interworking

Prevents an H.323 gateway from checking for ISDN protocol compatibility and dropping IEs in call messages.

isdn outgoing display-ie

Enables the display IE to be sent in the outgoing ISDN message if the IE is provided by upper layers, such as voice or modem.

isdn protocol-emulate

Configures an ISDN data or voice port to emulate network or user functionality.

isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number

Note Beginning in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)T, the isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number command is replaced by the isdn outgoing ie command. See the isdn outgoing ie command for more information.

To enable passing of the redirect number information element (IE) in the setup message from the Cisco router to its peer, use the isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number command in interface configuration mode. To disable passing of the redirect number IE in the setup message from the Cisco router to its peer, use the no form of this command.

isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number

no isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The redirecting number IE will be passed in the setup message for the following switch types only by default:

  • basic-dms100
  • basic-ni
  • primary-dms100
  • primary-4ESS
  • primary-5ESS
  • primary-ni
  • primary-ni2c

For all other switch types, the redirecting number IE will not be passed by default.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the isdn outgoing ie command.

Usage Guidelines

Use the isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number command to enable passing of the redirect number IE in the setup message from the Cisco router to its peer. Some switch types do not support the redirect number IE, so to ensure compatibility with a peer that does support the redirect number IE you may enable the passing of the redirect number IE using the isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number command.

Note If the isdn protocol-emulate command is switched between the network and user keyword configurations, the isdn outgoing ie command reverts to its default setting. The isdn outgoing ie command must be reissued to restore the manual configuration.


The following example enables the passing of the redirect number IE for a NET5 switch on a serial interface:

interface Serial 0:15
isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number

Related Commands


isdn outgoing ie

Specifies that an IE should be passed in outgoing ISDN messages.

isdn protocol-emulate

Configures an ISDN data or voice port to emulate network or user functionality.

isdn outgoing-voice

To set information transfer capability on outgoing calls for all switch types, use the isdn outgoing-voice command in interface configuration mode. To revert to the default state, use the no form of this command.

isdn outgoing-voice info-transfer-capability { 3.1kHz-audio | speech }

no isdn outgoing-voice

Syntax Description


Specifies information transfer capability for voice calls.


Sets capability to 3.1 kHz audio.


Sets capability to speech.

Command Default

No information transfer capabilities set.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used on outgoing voice calls only, and sets standard information transfer capability.


The following example sets information transfer capability on outgoing voice calls to speech:

interface serial 0:23
isdn outgoing-voice info-transfer-capability speech

Related Commands


isdn incoming-voice

Specifies how to process incoming ISDN voice and data calls.

isdn overlap-receiving

To enable overlap receiving on an ISDN interface, use the isdn overlap-receiving command in interface configuration mode. To disable overlap receiving on an ISDN interface, use the no form of this command.

isdn overlap-receiving [ T302 milliseconds ]

no isdn overlap-receiving

Syntax Description

T302 milliseconds

(Optional) The number of milliseconds that the T302 timer should wait before expiring. Valid values for the milliseconds argument range from 500 to 20000. The default value is 10000 (10 seconds).

Command Default

Overlap receiving is not enabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

In some situations, the default timer value of the T302 timer is too long. You can shorten the duration of the timer by specifying the T302 keyword with the number of milliseconds necessary.

When configuring outbound peer matching and overlap receiving, use the isdn overlap-receiving command with the destination-pattern command. You must configure the commands to allow the router to wait for all the digits to be received before the call is routed. To do this, use the T control character after the digits in the destination pattern specified with the destination-pattern command. Optionally, you can shorten the duration of the T302 timer when you specify the isdn overlap-receiving command.


The following example shows how to enable overlap receiving on the ISDN interface:

interface serial 0:23
isdn overlap-receiving

The following example shows how to enable overlap receiving on the ISDN interface and set the T302 timer to 2 seconds:

interface serial 0:23
isdn overlap-receiving T302 2000

Related Commands



Specifies either the prefix or full E.164 telephone number to be used for a dial peer.

isdn service

Takes an individual B channel or an entire PRI interface out of service or sets it to a different channel service state that is passed in to the switch.

isdn overlap-receiving calltypes all

To enable overlap receiving for all call types, use the isdn overlap-receiving calltypes all command in interface configuration mode. To disable overlap receiving for all call types, use the no form of this command.

isdn overlap-receiving calltypes all

no isdn overlap-receiving calltypes all

Syntax Description

This commands has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Overlap receiving is not enabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The isdn overlap-receiving calltypes all command enables overlap receiving for all nonvoice calls that use data dial peers, and it enables an ISDN interface to proceed with a call when a sufficient number of digits are received. These digits are determined by the destination-pattern command under the data dial peer configuration.

This command is supported on the Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 routers.


The following example shows how to enable overlap receiving:

interface serial 0:23
isdn overlap-receiving calltypes all

Related Commands



Specifies either the prefix or full E.164 telephone number to be used for a dial peer.

dial-peer no-match disconnect-cause

Disconnects the incoming ISDN or CAS call when no inbound voice or modem dial peer is matched.

isdn overlap-receiving

Enables overlap receiving on an ISDN interface.

isdn piafs-enabled

To enable the PRI to take Personal Handyphone Internet Access Forum Standard (PIAFS) calls on MICA technologies modems, use the isdn piafs-enabled command in interface configuration mode. To disable the function, use the no form of this command.

isdn piafs-enabled

no isdn piafs-enabled

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5300.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(3)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T and support was added for the Cisco AS5800.


Support was added for PIAFS version 2.1 using Cisco MICA was added.

Note PIAFS 2.1 is not supported on Cisco AS5800 universal access servers for this release.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5800 platform.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.


The following example shows how to enable the PRI to take PIAFS calls:

Router(config)# interface serial 0:23
Router(config-if)# isdn piafs-enabled

isdn point-to-point-setup

To configure the ISDN port to send SETUP messages on the static terminal endpoint identifier (TEI), use the isdn point-to-point-setup command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default, use the no form of this command.

isdn point-to-point-setup

no isdn point-to-point-setup

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The BRI port sends SETUP messages on the static TEI (TEI 127).

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies if a static TEI has been activated with the isdn static-tei command.


The following example configures the BRI port to send SETUP messages on the static TEI:

interface bri 1
isdn point-to-point-setup

Related Commands


isdn tei-negotiation (global)

Configures when Layer 2 becomes active and ISDN TEI negotiation occurs.

isdn protocol-emulate

To emulate the network side of an ISDN configuration for a PRI Net5 or PRI NTT switch type, use the isdn protocol - emulate command in interface configuration mode. To disable ISDN emulation, use the no form of this command.

isdn protocol - emulate { network | user }

no isdn protocol - emulate { network | user }

Syntax Description


Network side of an ISDN configuration.


User side of an ISDN configuration.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode

Command History



This command was introduced on the following platforms: Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810 concentrator.


This command was introduced in the T train.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


This command was implemented on the Cisco IAD2420 series. This command is not supported on the access servers in this release.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850.


This command was enhanced to support network emulation capability on the Lucent 4ESS, 5ESS, and Nortel DMS-100 ISDN switch types. These switch types can be configured as a network, but no additional changes were made and not all network side features are supported.


Added support for the PRI NTT switch type.

Usage Guidelines

  • The current ISDN signaling stack can emulate the ISDN network side, but it does not conform to the specifications of the various switch types in emulating the network side.
  • This command enables the Cisco IOS software to replicate the public switched network interface to a Private Branch Exchange (PBX).
  • To emulate NT (network) or TE (user) functionality, use this command to configure the layer 2 and layer 3 port protocol of a BRI voice port or a PRI interface.
  • Use this command to configure the Cisco AS5300 PRI interface to serve as either the primary QSIG slave or the primary QSIG master. To disable QSIG signaling, use the no form of this command; the layer 2 and layer 3 protocol emulation defaults to user.
  • This feature is supported for the PRI Net5 and PRI NTT switch types.


The following example configures the interface (configured for Net5) to emulate the network-side ISDN:

Router(config)# int s0:15
Router(config-if)# isdn protocol-emulate network

The following example configures the layer 2 and layer 3 function of T1 PRI interface 23 to act as the QSIG master (NT):

interface serial 1:23
isdn protocol-emulate network

The following example configures the layer 2 and layer 3 function of a BRI voice port to operate as QSIG slave (TE):

interface bri 1
isdn protocol-emulate user

The following example configures the layer 2 and layer 3 function of an E1 PRI interface to operate as QSIG slave (TE):

interface serial 4:23
isdn protocol-emulate user

Related Commands


isdn bchan-number-order

Configures an ISDN PRI interface to make outgoing call selection in ascending, descending, or round-robin order.

isdn logging

Enables logging of ISDN syslog messages.

isdn switch-type (PRI)

Specifies the central office switch type on the ISDN PRI interface.


Specifies the clock-recovery priority for the BRI voice ports in a BVM.

pri-group nec-fusion

Configures the NEC PBX to support FCCS.

show cdapi

Displays the CDAPI.

show rawmsg

Displays the raw messages owned by the required component.

isdn reject

To reject an incoming ISDN BRI or PRI call based on type, use the isdn reject command in interface configuration mode. To re-allow the incoming call type, use the no form of this command.

isdn reject { cause cause-code | data [ 56 | 64 ] | piafs | v110 | v120 | vod | voice [ 3.1khz | 7khz | speech ]}

no isdn reject { cause cause-code | data [ 56 | 64 ] | piafs | v110 | v120 | vod | voice [ 3.1khz | 7khz | speech ]}

Syntax Description

cause cause-code

Rejects call based on cause code value.

data [ 56 | 64 ]

Rejects incoming data call. If the optional 56 or 64 keyword is not specified, all data calls, including data over voice, are rejected. Use the optional 56 keyword to reject data coming in at 56 kbps. Use the optional 64 keyword to reject data coming in at 64 kbps.


Rejects incoming Personal Handyphone Internet Access Forum Standard (PIAFS) calls.


Rejects incoming V.110 calls.


Rejects incoming V.120 calls.


Rejects incoming voice-over-data calls, or calls characterized by 64 kbps unrestricted digital data. Although the bearer capability for these calls indicates an incoming data call, the call is treated as voice over data. See the “Usage Guidelines” for more information.

voice [ 3.1khz | 7khz | speech ]

Rejects incoming voice and modem calls characterized by one of three information transfer capability types: 3.1 kHz, 7 kHz, and speech, which are defined by using, in corresponding order, the 3.1khz , 7khz, and speech keywords. If none of the optional keywords is used, all voice calls except voice over data are rejected.

Command Default

Incoming calls are rejected based on D-channel bearer capability information (cause code 65).

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The cause cause-code keyword and argument were added.

Usage Guidelines

The isdn reject command rejects incoming calls based on D-channel bearer capability information.

If this command is configured with the cause cause-code keyword and argument, it will override the default value and use the configured cause code specified to reject the call. For example, if the isdn reject data command is configured so that data calls are rejected with cause code set to 65 (“bearer capability not implemented” and the default), you can change the cause code to 2, so that data calls will then be rejected with cause code 2. Refer to the ISDN Switch Types, Codes, and Values appendix in the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for a list of ISDN cause code values.

The settings for the isdn incoming-voice interface configuration command determine how the call is handled based on bearer capability information, as follows:

  • isdn incoming-voice voice —Calls bypass the modem and are handled as a voice call.
  • isdn incoming-voice data —Calls bypass the modem and are handled as digital data.
  • isdn incoming-voice modem —Calls are passed to a digital modem and the call negotiates the appropriate modem connection with the far-end modem.

When the ISDN interface is configured for incoming voice with the isdn incoming-voice voice command and the ISDN bearer capability indicates the call as unrestricted digital data (i = 0x8890), the call is handled as voice over data.

You can assign as many reject incoming call type statements as needed to reject unwanted calls on the ISDN interface.

This command works on any Cisco platform that supports ISDN PRI and BRI interfaces.


The following example configuration rejects all incoming data and voice-over-data calls but accepts voice calls:

interface serial 2/0:23
no ip address
no logging event link-status
dialer-group 1
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn map address 222 plan isdn type national
isdn T309 80000
isdn reject data
isdn reject vod
isdn reject v120
isdn reject v110
isdn reject piafs

The following example sets the ISDN interface to reject incoming PIAFS calls:

interface serial 2/0:23
isdn reject piafs

The following example sets cause code 21 to reject all incoming data calls:

interface serial 2/0:23
isdn reject data
isdn reject cause 21

Related Commands


isdn incoming-voice

Specifies how to process incoming ISDN voice and data calls.

isdn send-alerting

To specify that an Alerting message be sent before a Connect message when making ISDN calls, use the isdn send-alerting command in interface configuration mode. To disable the Alerting information element, use the no form of this command.

isdn send-alerting

no isdn send-alerting

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default‘

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Some switches may want an Alerting message to be sent by the router before sending a Connect message. This is usually seen in a voice and data type of network.


In the following example, the isdn send-alerting command applies to an ISDN BRI interface:

interface BRI0
description connected to PBX 61886
ip address
encapsulation ppp
isdn send-alerting
isdn sending-complete
dialer idle-timeout 20
dialer map ip name name1 61884
dialer map ip name name2 61885
dialer-group 1
ppp authentication chap

Related Commands


isdn sending-complete

Specifies that the Sending Complete IE is included in the outgoing Setup message.