Chapter S through U

set active-probe (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) active probe with a forced target assignment within a PfR map, use the set active-probe command in PfR map configuration mode. To disable the active probe, use the no form of this command.

set active-probe probe-type ip-address target-port number [codec codec-name] [dscp value]

no set active-probe probe-type ip-address

Syntax Description


Type of probe. Must be one of the following:

  • echo --Uses Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo (ping) messages.

  • jitter --Uses jitter messages.

  • tcp-conn --Uses TCP connection messages.

  • udp-echo --Uses UDP echo messages.


Target IP address of a prefix to be monitored using the specified type of probe.


(Not specified for echo probes.) Specifies the destination port number for the active probe.


Port number in the range from 1 to 65535.


(Optional) Only used with the jitter probe type. Specifies the codec value used for Mean Opinion Score (MOS) calculation.


(Optional) Codec value. Must be one of the following:

  • g711alaw --G.711 A Law 64000 bps

  • g711ulaw --G.711 U Law 64000 bps

  • g729a --G.729 8000 bps


(Optional) Sets the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value.


(Optional) DSCP value.

Command Default

No active probes are configured with a forced target assignment.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

If the optional dscp keyword and value argument are not specified, active probes are created using the DSCP value of the traffic class. For example, the software creates two sets of probes for the following three traffic classes. Traffic class 2 is assigned a probe with a DSCP value of ef, and the other two traffic classes share a probe with a DSCP value of 0.

  • Traffic class 1:, destination port 23

  • Traffic class 2:, dscp ef

  • Traffic class 3:, destination port 991

If the optional dscp keyword and value argument are provided, probes are created using the specified DSCP value. For example, if the DSCP value specified for the set active-probe command is cs1, only one probe is created for the three traffic classes.


The following example shows how to configure an ICMP reply (ping) message probe with a forced target assignment within a PfR map. The address is the forced target assignment. A remote responder does not have to be enabled on the target device.

Router(config)# pfr-map MAP1 10
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip prefix-list LIST1
Router(config-pfr-map)# set active-probe echo 

The following example shows how to configure a TCP connection message probe with a forced target assignment within an PfR map. The address is the forced target assignment, the target port is defined as 29, and the DSCP value is set to ef. A remote responder must be enabled on the target device.

Router(config)# pfr-map MAP2 10
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip prefix-list LISTMAP2
Router(config-pfr-map)# set active-probe tcp-conn target-port 29 dscp ef

set backoff (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to set the backoff timer to adjust the time period for prefix policy decisions, use the set backoff command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry and reset the backoff timers to the default values, use the no form of this command.

set backoff min-timer max-timer [step-timer]

no set backoff

Syntax Description


Sets the minimum value for the backoff timer, in seconds. The values are from 90 to 7200. With CSCtr26978 the default timer value changed from 300 to 90.


Sets the maximum value for the backoff timer, in seconds. The values are from 90 to 7200. With CSCtr26978 the default timer value changed from 3000 to 900.


(Optional) Sets the value of the time period for the step timer, in seconds. The step timer is used to add time to the out-of-policy waiting period each time the backoff timer expires and PfR is unable to find an in-policy exit. The values are from 90 to 7200. With CSCtr26978 the default timer value changed from 300 to 90.

Command Default

PfR uses the following default values if this command is not configured or if the no form of this command is entered:

  • min-timer : 300

  • max-timer : 3000

  • step-timer : 300

With CSCtr26978:

  • min-timer : 90

  • max-timer : 900

  • step-timer : 90

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. With CSCtr26978, the default values changed for all the timers.


This command was modified. With CSCtr26978, the default values changed for all the timers.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6

This command was modified. With CSCtr26978, the default values changed for all the timers.

Usage Guidelines

The set backoff command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used to configure a PfR map to set the transition period for which the master controller holds an out-of-policy prefix. The master controller uses a backoff timer to schedule the prefix transition period for which PfR holds the out-of-policy prefix before moving the prefix to an in-policy state by selecting an in-policy exit. This command is configured with a minimum and maximum timer value and can be configured with an optional step timer.

  • Minimum timer—The min-timer argument is used to set the minimum transition period in seconds. If the current prefix is in-policy when this timer expires, no change is made and the minimum timer is reset to the default or configured value. If the current prefix is out-of-policy, PfR will move the prefix to an in-policy exit and reset the minimum timer to the default or configured value.

  • Maximum timer—The max-timer argument is used to set the maximum length of time for which PfR holds an out-of-policy prefix when there are no PfR-controlled in-policy prefixes. If all PfR-controlled prefixes are in an out-of-policy state and the value from the max-timer argument expires, PfR will select the best available exit and reset the minimum timer to the default or configured value.

  • Step timer—The step-timer argument allows you to optionally configure PfR to add time each time the minimum timer expires until the maximum time limit has been reached. If the maximum timer expires and all PfR-managed exits are out-of-policy, PfR will install the best available exit and reset the minimum timer.

Configuring a new timer value will immediately replace the existing value if the new value is less than the time remaining. If the new value is greater than the time remaining, the new timer value will be used when the existing timer value expires.


The following example shows the commands used to create a PfR map named BACKOFF that sets the minimum timer to 120 seconds, the maximum timer to 2400 seconds, and the step timer to 120 seconds for traffic from the prefix list named CUSTOMER:

Router(config)# pfr-map BACKOFF 70 
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip address prefix-list CUSTOMER 
Router(config-pfr-map)# set backoff 120 2400 120

set delay (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to configure PfR to set the delay threshold, use the set delay command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry and reset the delay threshold values, use the no form of this command.

set delay {relative percentage | threshold maximum}

no set delay

Syntax Description

relative percentage

Sets a relative delay policy based on a comparison of short-term and long-term delay percentages. The range of values that can be configured for this argument is a number from 1 to 1000. Each increment represents one tenth of a percent. The default is 500 (50-percent).

threshold maximum

Sets the absolute maximum delay time, in milliseconds. The range of values that can be configured for this argument is from 1 to 10000. The default is 5000.

Command Default

PfR uses the default values if this command is not configured or if the no form of this command is entered.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The set delay command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is configured in a PfR map to set the delay threshold as a relative percentage or as an absolute value for match criteria.

The relative keyword is used to configure a relative delay percentage. The relative delay percentage is based on a comparison of short-term and long-term measurements. The short-term measurement reflects the delay percentage within a 5-minute time period. The long-term measurement reflects the delay percentage within a 60-minute period. The following formula is used to calculate this value:

Relative delay measurement = ((short-term measurement - long-term measurement) / long-term measurement) * 100

The master controller measures the difference between these two values as a percentage. If the percentage exceeds the user-defined or default value, the delay percentage is determined to be out-of-policy. For example, if the long-term delay measurement is 100 milliseconds and the short-term delay measurement is 120 milliseconds, the relative delay percentage is 20-percent.

The threshold keyword is used to configure the absolute maximum delay period in milliseconds.

If the measured delay of the prefix is higher than the configured delay threshold, the prefix is out-of-policy. If the short-term delay of the prefix is more than the long-term delay by the percentage value configured, the prefix is out-of-policy.


The following example creates a PfR map named DELAY that sets the absolute maximum delay threshold to 2000 milliseconds for traffic from the prefix list named CUSTOMER:

Router(config)# pfr-map DELAY 80 
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip address prefix-list CUSTOMER
Router(config-pfr-map)# set delay threshold 2000 

set holddown (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to set the prefix route dampening timer for the minimum period of time in which a new exit must be used before an alternate exit can be selected, use the set holddown command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry and reset the hold-down timer to the default value, use the no form of this command.

set holddown timer

no set holddown

Syntax Description


The prefix route dampening time period, in seconds. The range is from 90 to 65535. With CSCtr26978, the default value changed from 300 to 90.

Command Default

With CSCtr26978, the default value of 300 seconds changed to 90 seconds for the prefix route dampening time period if this command is not configured or if the no form of this command is entered.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.


This command was modified. With CSCtr26978, the default timer value changed.


This command was modified. With CSCtr26978, the default timer value changed.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6

This command was modified. With CSCtr26978, the default timer value changed.

Usage Guidelines

The set holddown command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used to configure the prefix route dampening timer for the minimum period of time in which a new exit must be used before an alternate exit can be selected. The master controller puts a prefix in a hold-down state during an exit change to isolate the prefix during the transition period, preventing the prefix from flapping because of rapid state changes. PfR does not implement policy changes while a prefix is in the hold-down state. A prefix will remain in a hold-down state for the default or configured time period. When the hold-down timer expires, PfR will select the best exit based on performance and policy configuration. However, an immediate route change will be triggered if the current exit for a prefix becomes unreachable.

Configuring a new timer value will immediately replace the existing value if the new value is less than the time remaining. If the new value is greater than the time remaining, the new timer value will be used when the existing timer is reset.


The following example shows the commands used to create a PfR map named HOLDDOWN that sets the hold-down timer to 120 seconds for traffic from the prefix list named CUSTOMER:

Router(config)# pfr-map HOLDDOWN 10 
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip address prefix-list CUSTOMER 
Router(config-pfr-map)# set holddown 120

set interface (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to send packets that match prefixes in an access list on PfR border routers to the null interface, use the set interface command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry, use the no form of this command.

set interface null0

no set interface null0

Syntax Description


Specifies that packets will be sent to the null interface, which means that the packets are discarded.

Command Default

No packets are sent to the null interface.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The set interface command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command can be used for PfR black hole filtering if the border routers detect a denial-of-service (DoS) attack by directing packets to the null interface. The null interface is a virtual network interface that is similar to the loopback interface. Whereas traffic to the loopback interface is directed to the router itself, traffic sent to the null interface is discarded. This interface is always up and can never forward or receive traffic; encapsulation always fails. The null interface functions similarly to the null devices available on most operating systems. Null interfaces are used as a low-overhead method of discarding unnecessary network traffic.


The following example shows how to configure a PfR map named BLACK_HOLE_MAP to direct packets to the null interface. To use this configuration for a DoS attack, leave the access list empty until an attack is detected and add the prefix or prefixes that are determined to be the source of the attack. Subsequent packets received from the specified prefix or prefixes will be discarded.

Router(config)# pfr-map black-hole-map 10
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip address access-list black-hole-list
Router(config-pfr-map)# set interface null0

set jitter (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to set the maximum jitter value that PfR will permit for an exit link, use the set jitter command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry, use the no form of this command.

set jitter threshold maximum

no set jitter threshold maximum

Syntax Description


Specifies a maximum absolute threshold value for jitter. Jitter is a measure of voice quality.


Number (in milliseconds) in the range from 1 to 1000, where 1 represents the highest voice quality, and 1000 represents the lowest voice quality. The default value is 30.

Command Default

No jitter values are set.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The set jitter command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used to specify the maximum tolerable jitter value permitted on an exit link. Jitter is a measure of voice quality where the lower the jitter value, the higher the voice quality. If the jitter value is greater than the user-defined or default value, PfR determines that the exit link is out-of-policy and searches for an alternate exit link.

Another measure of voice quality is the estimated Mean Opinion Score (MOS). Use the set mos command and the set jitter command in a PfR map to define voice quality.


The following example shows how to configure a PfR map named JITTER that sets the threshold jitter value. If the jitter threshold value exceeds 20 milliseconds, and more than 30 percent of the MOS samples are below the MOS threshold of 3.80 for voice quality, the master controller searches for a new exit link.

Router(config)# oer-map JITTER 10
Router(config-oer-map)# set jitter threshold 20
Router(config-oer-map)# set mos threshold 3.80 percent 30

set link-group (PfR)

To specify a link group for traffic classes defined in a Performance Routing (PfR) policy, use the set link-group command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry and remove the link group, use the no form of this command.

set link-group link-group-name [fallback link-group-name]

no set link-group link-group-name

Syntax Description


Name of a link group.


(Optional) Specifies a fallback link group to be used if the primary link group is out-of-policy (OOP).

Command Default

No link groups are specified for a traffic class.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The set link-group command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used to define a link group for the traffic class matched in a PfR map.

Introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T, link groups are used to define a group of exit links as a preferred set of links or a fallback set of links for PfR to use when optimizing traffic classes specified in a PfR policy. Up to three link groups can be specified for each interface. Use the link-group (PfR) command to define the link group for an interface and use the set link-group command to define the primary link group and a fallback link group for a specified traffic class in a PfR map.

Use the show pfr master link-group command to view information about configured PfR link groups.


If you are configuring link grouping, configure the no max-range-utilization command because using a link utilization range is not compatible with using a preferred or fallback set of exit links configured for link grouping. With CSCtr33991, this requirement is removed and PfR can perform load balancing within a PfR link group.


The following example shows how to configure a PfR map named link_video_map that configures PfR to create a traffic class that matches an access list named video_list. The traffic class is configured to use a link group named video as the primary link group, and a fallback group named voice. The video link group may be a set of high bandwidth links that are preferred for video traffic.

Router(config)# pfr-map link_video_map 10
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip address access-list video_list
Router(config-pfr-map)# set link-group video fallback voice

set loss (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to set the relative or maximum packet loss limit that PfR will permit for an exit link, use the set loss command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry and reset the relative percentage of packet loss to the default value, use the no form of this command.

set loss {relative average | threshold maximum}

no set loss

Syntax Description

relative average

Sets a relative percentage of packet loss based on a comparison of short-term and long-term packet loss percentages. The range of values that can be configured for this argument is a number from 1 to 1000. Each increment represents one tenth of a percent.

threshold maximum

Sets absolute packet loss based on packets per million (PPM). The range of values that can be configured for this argument is from 1 to 1000000.

Command Default

PfR uses a default relative percentage of 100 (10 percent) if this command is not configured or if the no form of this command is entered.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The set loss command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used to configure a PfR map to set the relative percentage or maximum number of packets that PfR will permit to be lost during transmission on an exit link. If packet loss is greater than the user-defined or the default value, PfR determines that the exit link is out-of-policy and searches for an alternate exit link.

The relative keyword is used to configure the relative packet loss percentage. The relative packet loss percentage is based on a comparison of short-term and long-term packet loss. The short-term measurement reflects the percentage of packet loss within a 5-minute period. The long-term measurement reflects the percentage of packet loss within a 60-minute period. The following formula is used to calculate this value:

Relative packet loss = ((short-term loss - long-term loss) / long-term loss) * 100

The master controller measures the difference between these two values as a percentage. If the percentage exceeds the user-defined or default value, the exit link is determined to be out-of-policy. For example, if long-term packet loss is 200 PPM and short-term packet loss is 300 PPM, the relative loss percentage is 50-percent.

The threshold keyword is used to configure the absolute maximum packet loss. The maximum value is based on the actual number of PPM that have been lost.


The following example creates a PfR map named LOSS that sets the relative percentage of acceptable packet loss for traffic from the prefix list named CUSTOMER to a 20-percent relative percentage. If the packet loss on the current exit link exceeds 20-percent, the master controller will search for a new exit.

Router(config)# pfr-map LOSS 10 
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip address prefix-list CUSTOMER 
Router(config-pfr-map)# set loss relative 200

set mode (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to configure route monitoring, route control, or exit selection for matched traffic, use the set mode command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry and reset the default values, use the no form of this command.

set mode {monitor {active [throughput] | both | fast | passive} | route {control | observe} | select-exit {best | good}}

no set mode {monitor | route {control | observe} | select-exit}

Syntax Description


Enables the configuration of PfR monitoring settings.


Enables active monitoring.


(Optional) Enables active monitoring with throughput data from passive monitoring.


Enables both active and passive monitoring.


Enables continuous active monitoring and passive monitoring.


Enables passive monitoring.


Enables the configuration of PfR route control policy settings.


Enables automatic route control.


Configures PfR to passively monitor and report without making any changes.


Enables the exit selection based on performance or policy. Effective with Cisco IOS Releases 15.2(1)S, 15.2(3)T, and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S, the select-exit keyword was removed.


Configures PfR to select the best available exit based on performance or policy. Effective with Cisco IOS Releases 15.2(1)S, 15.2(3)T, and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S, the best keyword was removed.


Configures PfR to select the first exit that is in-policy. Effective with Cisco IOS Releases 15.2(1)S, 15.2(3)T, and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S, the good keyword was removed.

Command Default

PfR uses the following default settings if this command is not configured or if the no form of this command is entered:

  • Monitoring: Both active and passive monitoring is enabled.

  • Route control: Observe mode route control is enabled.

  • Exit Selection: The first in-policy exit is selected.

With CSCtr26978, the default mode route was changed to control mode from observe mode. The default behavior for exit selection was changed to select-exit good.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.


This command was modified. The select-exit , best , and good keywords have been removed. With CSCtr26978, some default values changed.


This command was modified. The select-exit , best , and good keywords have been removed. With CSCtr26978, some default values changed.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6

This command was modified. The select-exit , best , and good keywords have been removed. With CSCtr26978, some default values changed.

Usage Guidelines

The set mode command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used to configure a PfR map to enable and configure observe mode and control mode settings, passive monitoring and active monitoring, and exit link selection for traffic that is configured as match criteria.

Observe Mode

Observe mode monitoring is enabled by default. In observe mode, the master controller monitors prefixes and exit links based on default and user-defined policies and then reports the status of the network and the decisions that should be made, but it does not implement any changes. This mode allows you to verify the effectiveness of this feature before it is actively deployed.


With CSCtr26978, the default mode route was changed to control mode from observe mode.

Control Mode

In control mode, the master controller coordinates information from the border routers and makes policy decisions just as it does in observe mode. The master controller monitors prefixes and exits based on default and user-defined policies, but then it implements changes to optimize prefixes and to select the best exit. In this mode, the master controller gathers performance statistics from the border routers and then transmits commands to the border routers to alter routing as necessary in the PfR managed network.


With CSCtr26978, the default mode route was changed to control mode from observe mode.

Passive Monitoring

The master controller passively monitors IP prefixes and TCP traffic flows. Passive monitoring is configured on the master controller. Monitoring statistics are gathered on the border routers and then reported back to the master controller. PfR uses NetFlow to collect and aggregate passive monitoring statistics on a per-prefix basis. No explicit NetFlow configuration is required. NetFlow support is enabled by default when passive monitoring is enabled. PfR uses passive monitoring to measure the following information:

  • Packet loss—PfR measures packet loss by tracking TCP sequence numbers for each TCP flow. PfR estimates packet loss by tracking the highest TCP sequence number. If a subsequent packet is received with a lower sequence number, PfR increments the packet loss counter.

  • Delay—PfR measures the average delay of TCP flows for a prefix. Delay is the measurement of the time between the transmission of a TCP synchronization message and receipt of the TCP acknowledgment.

  • Reachability—PfR measures reachability by tracking TCP synchronization messages that have been sent repeatedly without receiving a TCP acknowledgement.

  • Throughput—PfR measures outbound throughput for optimized prefixes. Throughput is measured in bits per second (b/s).


PfR passively monitors TCP traffic flows for IP traffic. Passive monitoring of non-TCP sessions is not supported.

Active Monitoring

PfR uses Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to enable active monitoring. IP SLAs support is enabled by default. IP SLAs support allows PfR to be configured to send active probes to target IP addresses to measure the jitter and delay, determining if a prefix is out-of-policy and if the best exit is selected. The border router collects these performance statistics from the active probe and transmits this information to the master controller. The master controller uses this information to optimize the prefix and select the best available exit based on default and user-defined policies. The active-probe command is used to create an active probe.

The throughput keyword enables the throughput data from passive mode monitoring to be considered when UDP traffic is optimized for both performance and load-balancing. UDP traffic can be optimized only for performance (for example, delay, jitter, and loss) when active monitoring data is available. To enable load-balancing of UDP traffic, throughput data from passive monitoring is required.

Fast Failover Monitoring

Fast failover monitoring enables passive and active monitoring and sets the active probes to continuously monitor all the exits (probe-all). Fast failover monitoring can be used with all types of active probes: Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo, jitter, TCP connection, and UDP echo. When the mode monitor fast command is enabled, the probe frequency can be set to a lower frequency than for other monitoring modes, to allow a faster failover ability. Under fast failover monitoring with a lower probe frequency, route changes can be performed within 3 seconds of an out-of-policy situation. When an exit becomes out-of-policy (OOP) under fast failover monitoring, the select best exit is operational and the routes from the OOP exit are moved to the best in-policy exit. Fast failover monitoring is an aggressive mode that incurs substantial resources with the continuous probing. We recommend that you use fast failover monitoring only for performance-sensitive traffic.

Optimal Exit Link Selection

The master controller can be configured to select a new exit for an out-of-policy prefix based on performance or policy. You can configure the master controller to select the first in-policy exit by entering the good keyword, or you can configure the master controller to select the best exit with the best keyword. If the good keyword is used and there is no in-policy exit, the prefix is uncontrolled.


Effective with Cisco IOS Releases 15.2(1)S, 15.2(3)T, and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S, the set mode select-exit command and the best and good keywords were removed. With CSCtr26978, the default behavior changed to select-exit good. No configuration option is available.


The following example shows the commands used to create a PfR map named OBSERVE that configures PfR to observe and report but not control traffic from the prefix list named CUSTOMER:

Router(config)# pfr-map OBSERVE 80
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip address prefix-list CUSTOMER 
Router(config-pfr-map)# set mode route observe 

set mos (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to set the threshold and percentage Mean Opinion Score (MOS) values that PfR will permit for an exit link, use the set mos command in PfR map configuration mode. To reset the threshold MOS values to their default value, use the no form of this command.

set mos threshold minimum percentage percent

no set mos threshold minimum percentage percent

Syntax Description


Specifies a threshold MOS value that represents a minimum voice quality for exit link utilization.


Number (to two decimal places) in the range from 1.00 to 5.00. The number 1.00 represents the lowest voice quality, and the number 5.00 represents the highest voice quality. The default MOS value is 3.60.


Specifies a percentage value that is compared with the percentage of MOS samples that are below the MOS threshold.


Number, as a percentage.

Command Default

The default MOS value is 3.60.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The set mos command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode and is used to determine voice quality. The number of MOS samples over a period of time that are below the threshold MOS value are calculated. If the percentage of MOS samples below the threshold is greater than the configured percentage, PfR determines that the exit link is out-of-policy and searches for an alternate exit link.

Another measure of voice quality is the jitter value. Use the set mos (PfR) command and the set jitter (PfR) command in a PfR map to define voice quality.


The following example creates a PfR map named MOS that configures the master controller to search for a new exit link if more than 30 percent of the MOS samples are below the MOS threshold of 3.80.

Router(config)# pfr-map MOS 10 
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip address prefix-list LIST1
Router(config-pfr-map)# set mos threshold 3.80 percent 30

set next-hop (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to send packets that match prefixes in an access list on PfR border routers to the specified next hop, use the set next-hop command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry, use the no form of this command.

set next-hop ip-address

no set next-hop ip-address

Syntax Description


IP address of the next hop to which the packets will be sent.

Command Default

No packets that match prefixes in an access list on PfR border routers are sent to the next hop.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used for PfR sinkhole filtering if the border routers detect a denial-of-service (DoS) attack by directing packets to the specified next hop. The packets may be saved, analyzed, or discarded at the next hop.


The following example shows how to configure a PfR map named SINKHOLE_MAP that directs packets to the specified next hop. Use this configuration in preparation for a DoS attack, leave the access list empty until an attack is detected, and add the prefix or prefixes that are determined to be the source of the attack. Subsequent packets received from the specified prefix or prefixes will be sent to the specified next hop.

Router(config)# pfr-map SINKHOLE_MAP 10
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip address access-list SINKHOLE-LIST
Router(config-pfr-map)# set next-hop

set periodic (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to set the time period for the periodic timer, use the set periodic command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry and remove the periodic timer setting, use the no form of this command.

set periodic timer

no set periodic

Syntax Description


Length of time set for the periodic timer, in seconds. The value for the timer argument is from 180 to 7200.

Command Default

The periodic timer is not set using a PfR map.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The set periodic command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used to configure a PfR map to configure PfR to periodically select the best exit based on the periodic timer value for traffic that is configured as match criteria in a PfR map. When this timer expires, PfR will automatically select the best exit, whether the current exit is in-policy or out-of-policy. The periodic timer is reset when the new exit is selected.


The following example creates a PfR map named PERIODIC that sets the periodic timer to 300 seconds for traffic from the prefix list named CUSTOMER. When the timer expires, PfR will select the best exit.

Router(config)# pfr-map PERIODIC 80 
Router(config-pfr-map)# match ip address prefix-list CUSTOMER 
Router(config-pfr-map)# set periodic 300 

set probe (PfR)

To set the frequency of a Performance Routing (PfR) active probe, use the set probe command in PfR map configuration mode. To reset the frequency of a PfR active probe to its default values, use the no form of this command.

set probe {frequency seconds | packets packet-count}

no set probe {frequency seconds | packets packet-count}

Syntax Description


Sets the frequency of an active probe.


Number of seconds in the range from 4 to 60. The default is 60.


Specifies the number of probe packets for a jitter probe.


Number of probe packets in the range from 2 to 255. The default is 100.

Command Default

The default active probe frequency is 60 seconds. The default number of packets per probe is 100.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.


This command was modified. The packet keyword and packet-count argument were replaced by the probe (PfR) command.


This command was modified. The packet keyword and packet-count argument were replaced by the probe (PfR) command.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5

This command was modified. The packet keyword and packet-count argument were replaced by the probe (PfR) command.

Usage Guidelines

The set probe command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used within a PfR map configuration to set the frequency of the active probes. Unless the default frequency of 60 seconds is used, configuring the set probe command will increase the frequency of the probes. Increased probe frequency results in a lower response time of PfR. The frequency can be increased for a number of policies, but if all active probes are set to an increased frequency, an Intrusion Detection Service (IDS) may be triggered.

Fast monitoring sets the active probes to continuously monitor all the exits (probe-all), and passive monitoring is enabled too. Fast failover monitoring can be used with all types of active probes: ICMP echo, jitter, TCP connection, and UDP echo. When the mode monitor fast command is enabled, the probe frequency can be set to a lower frequency than for other monitoring modes, to allow a faster failover ability. The minimum number of seconds was lowered from 4 seconds to 2 seconds to support the fast failover monitoring mode. Under fast monitoring with a lower probe frequency, route changes can be performed within 3 seconds of an out-of-policy situation.


The following example shows the commands used to set the frequency of an active probe to be 10 seconds using a PfR map named PROBE:

Router(config)# pfr-map PROBE 10
Router(config-pfr-map)# set probe frequency 10

The following example shows the commands used to set the frequency of an active probe to be 2 seconds using a PfR map named FAST after the fast failover monitoring mode is enabled:

Router(config)# pfr-map FAST 10
Router(config-pfr-map)# set mode monitor fast
Router(config-pfr-map)# set probe frequency 2

set resolve (PfR)

To configure a PfR map to set policy priority for overlapping policies, use the set resolve command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry and to restore default policy priority settings, use the no form of this command.

set resolve { {cost | range} priority value | {delay | jitter | loss | mos | utilization} priority value variance percentage | equivalent-path-round-robin}

no set resolve {cost | delay | equivalent-path-round-robin | jitter | loss | mos | range | utilization}

Syntax Description


Specifies policy priority settings for cost optimization.


Specifies policy priority settings for range. With CSCtr33991, the range keyword was removed.


Sets the priority of the policy. With CSCtr33991, the priority keyword was disabled for the cost keyword.


A number in the range from 1 to 10. The number 1 has the highest priority, and the number 10 has the lowest priority. With CSCtr33991, the value argument was disabled for the cost keyword.


Specifies policy priority settings for packet delay.


Specifies policy priority settings for jitter.


Specifies policy priority settings for packet loss.


Specifies policy priority settings for Mean Opinion Score (MOS).


Specifies policy priority settings for exit link utilization. With CSCtr33991, the utilization keyword was removed.


Sets the allowable variance for the policy, as a percentage.


A number in the range from 1 to 100.


Specifies the use of the equivalent-path round-robin resolver.

Command Default

PfR uses the following default settings if this command is not configured or if the no form of this command is entered:

  • An unreachable prefix: highest priority

  • delay priority : 11

  • utilization priority : 12

  • The equivalent-path round-robin resolver is not used.

With CSCtr33991, all default resolver values were removed from the default global policy and PfR automatically performs load-balancing.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Cisco IOS XE 3.4S

This command was modified. The equivalent-path-round-robin keyword was added.


This command was modified. The equivalent-path-round-robin keyword was added.


This command was modified. With CSCtr33991, the range and utilization keywords were removed and the priority keyword and value argument were disabled for the cost keyword.

Usage Guidelines

The set resolve command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used to set priority when multiple policies are configured for the same prefix. When this command is configured, the policy with the highest priority will be selected to determine the policy decision.

The priority keyword is used to specify the priority value. The number 1 assigns the highest priority to a policy. The number 10 sets the lowest priority. Each policy must be assigned a different priority number. If you try to assign the same priority number to two different policy types, an error message will be displayed on the console. By default, delay has a priority value of 11 and utilization has a priority value of 12. These values can be overridden by specifying a value from 1 to 10.


An unreachable prefix will always have the highest priority regardless of any other settings. This behavior is designed and cannot be overridden because an unreachable prefix indicates an interruption in a traffic flow.

The variance keyword is used to set an allowable variance for a user-defined policy. This keyword configures the allowable percentage by which an exit link or prefix can vary from the user-defined policy value and still be considered equivalent. For example, if an exit link delay is set to a delay value of 80 percent and a 10 percent variance is configured, exit links that have delay values from 80 to 89 percent will be considered equal.


Variance cannot be set for cost or range policies.

The equivalent-path-round-robin keyword is used to specify that the equivalent-path round-robin resolver is used to choose between equivalent paths instead of the random resolver. The no set resolve equivalent-path-round-robin form of this command resets the software to use of the random resolver.


Effective with CSCtr33991, the range and utilization keywords were removed to simplify PfR. All default resolver values were removed from the default global policy and PfR automatically performs load-balancing. The cost resolver cannot be configured with a performance resolver. The priority keyword and value argument were disabled for the cost resolver.


The following example shows the commands used to create a PfR map named RESOLVE that sets the priority for delay policies to 1 for traffic learned based on highest outbound throughput. The variance is set to allow a 10-percent difference in delay statistics before a prefix is determined to be out-of-policy.

Router(config)# pfr-map RESOLVE 10 
Router(config-pfr-map)# match pfr learn throughput 
Router(config-pfr-map)# set resolve delay priority 1 variance 10 

The following example shows the commands used to create a PfR map named ROUND_ROBIN to configure the use of the equivalent-path round-robin resolver to choose between equivalent paths:

Router(config)# pfr-map ROUND_ROBIN 10
Router(config-pfr-map)# set resolve equivalent-path-round-robin

set trap-enable

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to enable the generation of Performance Routing (PfR) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps for specific PfR traffic class events, use the set trap-enable command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry, use the no form of this command.

set trap-enable

no set trap-enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No PfR SNMP traps are generated for specific PfR traffic class events.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.3(2)T.

Usage Guidelines

The set trap-enable command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode.

When the set trap-enable command is configured, a PfR SNMP trap is created under the following conditions:

  • When a traffic class moves from being a primary link to a fallback link.

  • When a traffic class goes into a default or out-of-policy status.


The following example shows how to configure a PfR map named TRAPMAP that sets the mode to passive monitoring, a delay threshold of 150, and a priority level for delay for all traffic classes matching the PfR learn list named LEARN-LIST. PfR SNMP traps are also enabled.

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# snmp-server host traps public pfr
Device(config)# snmp-server enable traps pfr
Router(config)# pfr-map TRAPMAP 10
Router(config-pfr-map)# match pfr learn list LEARN-LIST
Router(config-pfr-map)# set mode monitor passive
Router(config-pfr-map)# set delay threshold 150
Router(config-pfr-map)# set resolve delay priority 1 variance 1
Router(config-pfr-map)# set trap-enable

set traceroute reporting (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to enable traceroute reporting, use the set traceroute reporting command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry, use the no form of this command.

set traceroute reporting [policy {delay | loss | unreachable}]

no set traceroute reporting [policy {delay | loss | unreachable}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Configures policy-based traceroute reporting.


(Optional) Configures traceroute reporting based on delay policies.


(Optional) Configures traceroute reporting based on packet loss policies.


(Optional) Configures traceroute reporting based on reachability policies.

Command Default

Traceroute reporting is not enabled using a PfR map.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The set traceroute reporting command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used to enable continuous and policy-based traceroute probing. Traceroute probing allows you to monitor prefix performance on a hop-by-hop basis. Delay, loss, and reachability measurements are gathered for each hop from the probe source to the target prefix.

The following types of traceroute reporting are configured with this command:

  • Continuous—A traceroute probe is triggered for each new probe cycle. Entering this command without any keywords enables continuous reporting. The probe is sourced from the current exit of the prefix.

  • Policy based—A traceroute probe is triggered automatically when a prefix goes into an out-of-policy state. Entering this command with the policy keyword enables policy-based traceroute reporting. Policy-based traceroute probes are configured individually for delay, loss, and reachability policies. The monitored prefix is sourced from a match clause in a PfR map. Policy-based traceroute reporting stops when the prefix returns to an in-policy state.

The show pfr master prefix command is used to display traceroute probe results. An on-demand traceroute probe can be initiated when entering the show pfr master prefix command with the current and now keywords. The set traceroute reporting command does not have to be configured to initiate an on-demand traceroute probe.


The following example, starting in global configuration mode, enables continuous traceroute probing for prefixes that are learned based on delay:

Router(config)# pfr-map TRACE 10 
Router(config-pfr-map)# match pfr learn delay
Router(config-pfr-map)# set traceroute reporting

set unreachable (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) map to set the maximum number of unreachable hosts, use the set unreachable command in PfR map configuration mode. To delete the set clause entry and reset the relative percentage of unreachable hosts to the default value of 50 (5 percent), use the no form of this command.

set unreachable {relative average | threshold maximum}

no set unreachable

Syntax Description

relative average

Sets a relative percentage of unreachable hosts based on a comparison of short-term and long-term percentages. The range of values that can be configured for this argument is a number from 1 to a 1000. Each increment represents one tenth of a percent.

threshold maximum

Sets the absolute maximum number of unreachable hosts based on flows per million (fpm). The range of values that can be configured for this argument is from 1 to 1000000.

Command Default

PfR uses a default relative percentage of 50 (5-percent) unreachable hosts if this command is not configured or if the no form of this command is entered.

Command Modes

PfR map configuration (config-pfr-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The set unreachable command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used to set the relative percentage or the absolute maximum number of unreachable hosts, based on flows per million, that PfR will permit from a PfR-managed exit link. If the absolute number or relative percentage of unreachable hosts is greater than the user-defined or the default value, PfR determines that the exit link is out-of-policy and searches for an alternate exit link.

The relative keyword is used to configure the relative percentage of unreachable hosts. The relative unreachable host percentage is based on a comparison of short-term and long-term measurements. The short-term measurement reflects the percentage of hosts that are unreachable within a 5-minute period. The long-term measurement reflects the percentage of unreachable hosts within a 60-minute period. The following formula is used to calculate this value:

Relative percentage of unreachable hosts = ((short-term percentage - long-term percentage) / long-term percentage) * 100

The master controller measures the difference between these two values as a percentage. If the percentage exceeds the user-defined or default value, the exit link is determined to be out-of-policy. For example, if 10 hosts are unreachable during the long-term measurement and 12 hosts are unreachable during short-term measurement, the relative percentage of unreachable hosts is 20-percent.

The threshold keyword is used to configure the absolute maximum number of unreachable hosts. The maximum value is based on the actual number of hosts that are unreachable based on fpm.


The following example creates a PfR map named UNREACHABLE that configures the master controller to search for a new exit link when the difference between long- and short-term measurements (relative percentage) is greater than 10-percent for traffic learned based on highest delay:

Router(config)# pfr-map UNREACHABLE 10
Router(config-pfr-map)# match pfr learn delay 
Router(config-pfr-map)# set unreachable relative 100

show pfr api provider


Effective with Cisco IOS Releases 15.2(1)S, 15.2(3)T, and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S, the show pfr api provider command is not available in Cisco IOS software.

To display information about application programming interface providers that are registered with Performance Routing (PfR), use the show pfr api provider command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr api provider [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed information about application interface providers.

Command Default

Detailed information about API providers is not displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. This command was removed.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was modified. This command was removed.


This command was modified. This command was removed.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr api provider command is entered on a master controller. This command is used to display application interface provider and host information including the ID of each configured provider, the priority of the provider and the host (if configured), and the IP addresses of each configured host device. The detail keyword is used to display more detailed information.

The PfR application interface defines the mode of communication and messaging between applications and the network for the purpose of optimizing the traffic associated with the applications. A provider is defined as an entity outside the network in which the router configured as a PfR master controller exists, for example, an ISP or a branch office of the same company. The provider has one or more host devices running one or more applications that use the PfR application interface to communicate with a PfR master controller. A provider must be registered with a PfR master controller before an application on a host device can interface with PfR. Use the api provider (PfR) command to register the provider, and use the host-address (PfR) command to configure a host device. After registration, a host device in the provider network can initiate a session with a PfR master controller. The PfR application interface provides an automated method for networks to be aware of applications and provides application-aware performance routing.


The following example shows information about configured application interface providers and host devices:

Router# show pfr api provider

API Version: Major 2, Minor 0
  Provider id 1, priority 4000
   Host ip, priority 4001
   Host ip, priority 3001
  Provider id 2, priority 20
  Provider id 3, priority 10
Table 1. show pfr api provider Field Descriptions



API Version, Major, Minor

Version number of the application interface with major and minor releases.

Provider id

ID number of an application interface provider.


Priority assigned to the policies of a provider or a host.

Host ip

IP address of a host device.

The following example shows detailed information about configured application interface providers and host devices:

Router# show pfr api provider detail

API Version: Major 2, Minor 0
  Provider id 1001, priority 65535
   Host ip, priority 65535
    Session id 9, Version Major 2, Minor 0
    Num pfx created 2, Num policies created 2
    Last active connection time (sec) 00:00:01
    Policy ids : 101, 102,
   Host ip, priority 65535
    Session id 10, Version Major 2, Minor 0
    Num pfx created 1, Num policies created 1
    Last active connection time (sec) 00:00:03
    Policy ids : 103,
  Provider id 2001, priority 65535
   Host ip, priority 65535
    Session id 11, Version Major 2, Minor 0
    Num pfx created 0, Num policies created 0
    All Prefix report enabled
    All exit report enabled
Table 2. show pfr api provider detail Field Descriptions



Session id

Session ID is automatically allocated by PfR when an application interface provider initiates a session.

Num pfx created

Number of traffic classes created by the application interface provider application.

Num policies created

Number of policies dynamically created by the application interface provider application.

Last active connection time

Time, in seconds, since the last active connection from the application interface provider.

Policy ids

IDs assigned to each policy dynamically created by the application interface provider application.

All Prefix report enabled

Traffic class reports from the PfR master controller are enabled for the application interface provider.

All exit report enabled

Exit link reports from the PfR master controller are enabled for the application interface provider.

show pfr border

To display information about a Performance Routing (PfR) border-router connection and PfR-controlled interfaces, use the show pfr border command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr border

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.


This command was modified. The output was changed to support the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

With CSCty36217, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.


With CSCua59073, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr border command is entered on a PfR border router. The output displays information about the border router, the status of the master controller connection, and border router interfaces.

The PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature introduced dynamic tunnels between border routers and the output of this command was modified. With CSCty36217 and CSCua59073, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.


The following example shows the status of a border router:

Router# show pfr border

  Auth Failures: 0
  Conn Status: SUCCESS, PORT: 3949
  Et0/0           INTERNAL
  Et1/0           EXTERNAL
Table 3. show pfr border Field Descriptions




Displays the IP address and the status of the local border router (ACTIVE or DISABLED).


Displays the IP address of the master controller, the master controller status (UP or DOWN), and the length of time, in hours, minutes, and seconds, that the connection with the master controller has been active.

Auth Failures

Displays the number of authentication failures that have occurred between the border router and the master controller.

Conn Status

Displays the connection status between the master controller and the border router ("SUCCESS" or "FAILED").


Displays the TCP port number used to communicate with the master controller.


Displays PfR-managed exit interfaces on the border router. This field displays the interface type, number, and PfR status (EXTERNAL or INTERNAL).

show pfr border active-probes

To display connection status and information about active probes on a Performance Routing (PfR) border router, use the show pfr border active-probes command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr border active-probes

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr border active-probes command is entered on a border router. This command displays the target active-probe assignment for a given prefix and the current probing status, including the border router or border routers that are executing the active probes.


The following example shows three active probes, each configured for a different prefix. The target port, source IP address, and exit interface are displayed in the output.

Router# show pfr border active-probes 

        PfR Border active-probes
Type      = Probe Type
Target    = Target IP Address
TPort     = Target Port
Source    = Send From Source IP Address
Interface = Exit interface
Att       = Number of Attempts
Comps   = Number of completions
N - Not applicable
Type     Target          TPort Source          Interface           Att   Comps
udp-echo           80        Et1/0                 1       0
tcp-conn           33        Et1/0                 1       0
echo            N        Et1/0                 2       2
Table 4. show pfr border active-probes Field Description




The active probe type.


The target IP address.


The target port.


The source IP address.


The PfR-managed exit interface.


The number of attempts.


The number successfully completed attempts.

show pfr border defined application

To display information about user-defined applications on a Performance Routing (PfR) border router, use the show pfr border defined application command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr border defined application

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr border defined application command is entered on a PfR border router. This command displays all user-defined applications that are defined on the master controller. To define a custom application to be used by PfR, use the application define (PfR) command on the PfR master controller.

To display the same information on the PfR master controller, use the show pfr master defined application command.


The following partial output shows information about the user-defined application definitions configured for use with PfR:

Router# show pfr border defined application

PfR Defined Applications:
Name                Appl_ID Dscp Prot     SrcPort     DstPort SrcPrefix         
telnet                    1 defa  tcp       23-23     1-65535         
telnet                    1 defa  tcp     1-65535       23-23         
ftp                       2 defa  tcp       21-21     1-65535         
ftp                       2 defa  tcp     1-65535       21-21         
cuseeme                   4 defa  tcp   7648-7648     1-65535         
cuseeme                   4 defa  tcp   7649-7649     1-65535         
dhcp                      5 defa  udp       68-68       67-67         
dns                       6 defa  tcp       53-53     1-65535         
dns                       6 defa  tcp     1-65535       53-53         
dns                       6 defa  udp       53-53     1-65535         
dns                       6 defa  udp     1-65535       53-53         
finger                    7 defa  tcp       79-79     1-65535         
finger                    7 defa  tcp     1-65535       79-79         
gopher                    8 defa  tcp       70-70     1-65535 
Table 5. show pfr border defined application Field Descriptions




Application name.


Unique ID that identifies an application traffic class.


Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value.


Application protocol number.


Source application port number: a single port number or a range of port numbers.


Destination application port number: a single port number or a range of port numbers.


IP address of the traffic class source.

show pfr border passive applications

To display the list of application traffic classes that are monitored by Performance Routing (PfR), use the show pfr border passive applications command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr border passive applications

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr border passive applications command is entered on a border router. This command displays a list of application traffic classes that are monitored by the border router using NetFlow passive monitoring.


The following example displays an application traffic class that is monitored by a border router:

Router# show pfr border passive applications

OER Passive monitored Appl:
 + - monitor more specific
 Prefix         /Mask  Prot  Dscp   SrcPort          DstPort         Appl_ID        /24     17     ef   [1, 65535]       [3000, 4000]     1
Table 6. show pfr border passive applications Field Descriptions




IP address.


Prefix length.


Application protocol number.


Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value.


Source application port number: a single port number or a range of port numbers.


Destination application port number: a single port number or a range of port numbers.


Unique ID that identifies an application traffic class.

show pfr border passive cache learned

To display passive measurement information that is collected by NetFlow for Performance Routing (PfR) monitored learned prefixes, use the show pfr border passive cache learned command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr border passive cache learned [application | traffic-class]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays measurement information about PfR-monitored learned prefixes for an application traffic class.


(Optional) Displays flow cache information for PfR monitored learned prefixes.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr border passive cache learned command is entered on a border router. This command displays real-time prefix information that is collected from the border router through NetFlow passive monitoring.

A maximum of five host addresses and five ports are collected for each prefix. The output will also show the throughput in bytes and the delay in milliseconds. If the application keyword is entered, the output displays information about learned prefixes that match other application criteria such as the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value, protocol, or port number. The traffic-class keyword displays cache information about monitored learned prefixes for a PfR traffic class.


The following example displays passive monitoring information about learned prefixes:

Router# show pfr border passive cache learned

 OER Learn Cache:
    State is enabled
    Measurement type: throughput, Duration: 2 min
    Aggregation type: prefix-length, Prefix length: 24
    4096 oer-flows per chunk,
    22 chunks allocated, 32 max chunks,
    1 allocated records, 90111 free records, 8913408 bytes allocated
Prefix         Mask     Pkts  B/Pk  Delay Samples   Active
Host1          Host2          Host3          Host4          Host5
dport1         dport2         dport3         dport4         dport5        /24      17K    46    300      2     45.1
1024           80             0              0              0
Table 7. show pfr border passive cache learned Field Descriptions



State is

Displays PfR prefix learning status: enabled or disabled.

Measurement type

Displays how the prefix is learned. The output displays throughput, delay, or both throughput and delay.


Displays the duration of the learning period in minutes.

Aggregation type

Displays the aggregation type: BGP, non-BGP, or prefix-length.

... oer-flows per chunk

Displays number of flow records per memory chunk.

... chunks allocated

Number of memory chunks allocated.

... allocated records

Number of records currently allocated in the learn cache.


IP address and port of the learned prefix.


Prefix length as specified in a prefix mask.

Pkts B/Pk

Number of packets and bytes per packet.

Delay Samples

Number of delay samples that NetFlow has collected.


Time for which the flow has been active.

The following example uses the application keyword to display measurement information about monitored application traffic classes that have been learned by PfR. In this example for voice traffic, the voice application traffic is identified by the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) protocol, a DSCP value of ef, and port numbers in the range from 3000 to 4000.

Router# show pfr border passive cache learned application

OER Learn Cache:
    State is enabled
    Measurement type: throughput, Duration: 2 min
    Aggregation type: prefix-length, Prefix length: 24
    4096 oer-flows per chunk,
    8 chunks allocated, 32 max chunks,
    5 allocated records, 32763 free records, 4588032 bytes allocated
Prefix         Mask     Pkts  B/Pk  Delay Samples   Active
Prot  Dscp  SrcPort          DstPort           
Host1          Host2          Host3          Host4          Host5    
dport1         dport2         dport3         dport4         dport5        /24     873     28      0      0      13.3 
17      ef [1, 65535]       [3000, 4000]        
3500            0               0               0               0             /24    7674     28      0      0      13.4 
17      ef [1, 65535]       [3000, 4000]        
3600            0               0               0               0

show pfr border passive learn

To display the configured, learned parameters to be used with passive measurement information collected by NetFlow for Performance Routing (PfR) learned traffic flows, use the show pfr border passive learn command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr border passive learn

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr border passive learn command is entered on a border router. This command displays configured parameters including filter and aggregate application information that is collected from the border router through NetFlow passive monitoring.


The following example displays passive monitoring information about learned traffic flows:

Router# show pfr border passive learn

OER Border Learn Configuration :
    State is enabled
    Measurement type: throughput, Duration: 2 min
    Aggregation type: prefix-length, Prefix length: 24
    No port protocol config
 Traffic Class Filter List:
   List: SrcPrefix       SrcMask DstPrefix       DstMask
         Prot  DSCP  sport_opr sport_range    dport_opr dport_range     Grant 
      1:         0        16    
         17      ef  0         [1, 65535]      0        [1, 65535]      Permit
 Traffic Class Aggregate List:
   List: Prot  DSCP  sport_opr sport_range    dport_opr dport_range     Grant 
      1: 17      ef  0         [1, 65535]      7        [3000, 4000]    Permit
 Keys:  protocol dscp DstPort
Table 8. show pfr border passive learn Field Descriptions



State is

Displays PfR prefix learning status: enabled or disabled.

Measurement type

Displays how the prefix is learned: throughput or delay.


Displays the duration of the learning period in minutes.

Aggregation type

Displays the aggregation type: BGP, non-BGP, or prefix-length.

No port protocol config

Indicates that no port protocol has been configured.

Traffic Class Filter List

Section showing the traffic-class filter parameters.

Traffic Class Aggregate List

Section showing the traffic-class aggregation parameters.


Parameters contained in the key list.

show pfr border passive prefixes

To display information about passive monitored prefixes, use the show pfr border passive prefixes command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr border passive prefixes

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr border passive prefixes command is entered on a border router. The output of this command displays prefixes that are monitored by NetFlow on the border router. The prefixes displayed in the output are monitored by the master controller.


The following example shows a prefix that is passively monitored by NetFlow:

Router# show pfr border passive prefixes
OER Passive monitored prefixes:
Prefix         Mask   Match Type       /24     exact
Table 9. show pfr border passive prefixes Field Descriptions




IP address of the learned prefix.


The prefix length as specified in a prefix mask.

Match Type

Type of prefix being monitored: exact or nonexact.

show pfr border routes

To display information about routes that are controlled by Performance Routing (PfR), use the show pfr border routes command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr border routes {bgp | cce | eigrp [parent] | rsvp-cache | rwatch | static}

Syntax Description


Displays information for PfR routes controlled by Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).


Displays information for PfR routes controlled by Common Classification Engine (CCE).


Displays information for PfR routes controlled by Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP).


(Optional) Displays information for EIGRP parent routes.


Displays information about all the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) paths that PfR knows.


Displays information for PfR routes that are being watched in the Routing Information Base (RIB).


Displays information for PfR routes controlled by static routes.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was modified. The rsvp-cache keyword was added.


This command was modified. The rsvp-cache keyword was added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was modified. Support for NBAR was added to the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr border routes command is entered on a border router. This command is used to display information about PfR-controlled routes on a border router. You can display information about BGP or static routes.

The show pfr border routes cce command displays information about PfR-controlled traffic classes that are identified using network-based application recognition (NBAR).


The following example displays BGP-learned routes on a border router:

Router# show pfr border routes bgp 

   Auth Failures: 0
   Conn Status: SUCCESS, PORT: 3949
BGP table version is 12, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, I - internal,
               r RIB-failure, S Stale
Origin codes: I - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
OER Flags: C - Controlled, X - Excluded, E - Exact, N - Non-exact, I - Injected
    Network          Next Hop        OER    LocPrf Weight Path
*>      CE                0 400 600 I
Table 10. show pfr border routes bgp Field Descriptions



C - Controlled

Indicates that the monitored prefix is currently under PfR control.

X - Excluded

Indicates that the monitored prefix is controlled by a different border router.

E - Exact

Indicates that an exact prefix is controlled, but more-specific routes are not.

N - Non-exact

Indicates that the prefix and all more-specific routes are under PfR control.

I - Injected

Indicates that the prefix is injected into the BGP routing table. If a less-specific prefix exists in the BGP table and PfR has a more-specific prefix configured, then BGP will inject the new prefix and PfR will flag it as I-Injected.


Indicates that the prefix and all more-specific prefixes are under the control of another border router, and, therefore, that this prefix is excluded. (Not shown in the example output.)


Indicates that the prefix is injected and that this prefix and all more-specific prefixes are under PfR control.


Indicates that the specific prefix is injected and under PfR control.


Indicates that the prefix and all more-specific prefixes are under PfR control.


Indicates that the specific prefix is under PfR control.


The IP address and prefix mask.

Next Hop

The next hop of the prefix.


Type of PfR control.


The BGP local preference value.


The weight of the route.


The BGP path type.

The following example displays PfR-controlled routes that are identified using NBAR:

Router# show pfr border routes cce

Class-map oer-class-acl-oer_cce#2-stile-telnet, permit, sequence 0, mask 24
  Match clauses:
    ip address (access-list): oer_cce#2
    stile: telnet
  Set clauses:
    ip next-hop
    interface Ethernet2/3
    Packet-matched: 60
Table 11. show pfr border routes cce Field Descriptions




Indicates the name of the PfR map used to control the PfR traffic classes.

Match clauses

Indicates the match criteria being applied to the traffic classes.

ip address (access-list)

Name of the access list used to match the destination prefixes of the controlled traffic classes identified using NBAR.


Protocol being controlled.

Set clauses

Indicates the set criteria being applied to the matched traffic classes.

ip next-hop

IP address of the next hop to which the controlled traffic is sent. The next hop should be to a noncontrolling router.


Interface name and number through which the controlled traffic is sent. If this is an ingress interface, the border router is not controlling the traffic classes. If this is an egress interface of the border router, the route is being controlled.


Displays statistics such as number of packets matched.

The following example displays EIGRP-controlled routes on a border router with information about the parent route that exists in the EIGRP routing table. In this example, the output shows that prefix is being controlled by PfR. This command is used to show parent route lookup and route changes to existing parent routes when the parent route is identified from the EIGRP routing table.

Router# show pfr border routes eigrp

Flags: C - Controlled by oer, X - Path is excluded from control, 
       E - The control is exact, N - The control is non-exact
Flags Network            Parent             Tag       
CE         5000

In this example, the parent keyword is used and more details are shown about the parent route lookup:

Router# show pfr border routes eigrp parent

Network            Gateway            Intf       Flags         Ethernet4  1       
Child Networks
Network            Flag

In this example, the rsvp-cache keyword is used to show all the RSVP paths that PfR knows:

Router# show pfr border routes rsvp-cache

SrcIP       DstIP       Protocol Src_port Dst_port Nexthop       Egress I/F PfR/RIB 
----------- ----------- -------- -------- -------- ------------- ---------- --------   UDP      1027     1027    Gi1/0       RIB*  UDP      48       48   Gi1/0       PfR*  UDP      23       23   Gi1/0       PfR*  UDP      12       12   Fa1/1       PfR*
Table 12. show pfr border routes rsvp-cache Field Descriptions




Source IP address.


Destination IP address.


Name of protocol.


Source port number.


Destination port number.


IP address of the next hop to which the RSVP traffic is sent.

Egress I/F

Egress interface name and number through which the controlled RSVP traffic is sent.


The * besides RIB or PfR indicates whether there is client monitoring this entry.

show pfr border rsvp

To display current values for the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) post dial timeout timer and signaling retries on a Performance Routing (PfR) border router, use the show pfr border rsvp command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr border rsvp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr border rsvp command is entered on a border router. The command displays the current value for the RSVP post dial delay timer that runs on the border routers. The post dial delay timer is updated on the border routers at the start of every PfR learn cycle, and the timer determines the delay, in milliseconds, before the default routing path is returned to RSVP.

This command also displays the number of alternate paths that PfR provides for an RSVP reservation when a reservation error condition is detected. If an alternate path is provided, RSVP can resend the reservation signal.


The following example shows information about the current values for the RSVP post dial timeout timer and signaling retries on a PfR border router:

Router# show pfr border rsvp
PfR BR RSVP parameters:
       RSVP Signaling retries:         1
       Post-dial-timeout(msec):        0

show pfr master

To display information about a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller, use the show pfr master command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.


This command was modified. The output was changed to support the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

With CSCty36217, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.


With CSCua59073, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master command is entered on a master controller. The output of this command displays information about the status of the PfR-managed network; the output includes information about the master controller, the border routers, PfR-managed interfaces, and default and user-defined policy settings.

The PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature introduced dynamic tunnels between border routers and modified the command output. With CSCty36217 and CSCua59073, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.


The following example displays the status of a PfR-managed network on a master controller:

Router# show pfr master
  Conn Status: SUCCESS, PORT: 3949
  Number of Border routers: 2
  Number of Exits: 2
  Number of monitored prefixes: 10 (max 5000)
Border           Status   UP/DOWN             AuthFail         ACTIVE   UP       02:54:40          0         ACTIVE   UP       02:54:40          0
Global Settings:
  max-range-utilization percent 20
  mode route metric bgp local-pref 5000
  mode route metric static tag 5000
  trace probe delay 1000 
Default Policy Settings:
  backoff 300 3000 300
  delay relative 50
  holddown 300
  periodic 0
  mode route control 
  mode monitor both
  mode select-exit best
  loss relative 10
  unreachable relative 50
resolve delay priority 11 variance 20
  resolve utilization priority 12 variance 20
Learn Settings:
  current state : SLEEP
  time remaining in current state : 4567 seconds
  no protocol 
  monitor-period 10
  periodic-interval 20
  aggregation-type bgp
  prefixes 100
  expire after time 720 
Table 13. show pfr master Field Descriptions



OER state

Indicates the status of the master controller. The state will be either "ENABLED" or "DISABLED" and "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE."

Conn Status

Indicates the state of the connection between the master controller and the border router. The state is displayed as "SUCCESS" to indicate a successful connection. The state is displayed as "CLOSED" if there is no connection.


Displays the port number that is used for communication between the master controller and the border router.

Number of Border routers

Displays the number of border routers that peer with the master controller.

Number of Exits

Displays the number of exit interfaces under PfR control.

Number of monitored prefixes

Displays the number of prefixes that are actively or passively monitored.


Displays the IP address of the border router.


Indicates the status of the border router. This field displays either "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE."


Displays the connection status. The output displays "DOWN" or "UP." "UP" is followed by the length of time, in hours, minutes, and seconds that the connection has been in this state.


Displays the number of authentication failures between the master controller and the border router.

Global Settings

Displays the configuration of global PfR master controller settings.

Default Policy Settings

Displays default PfR master controller policy settings.

Learn Settings

Display PfR learning settings.

The following partial output shows the default behavior introduced with CSCtr26978; the backoff timer values are 90, 900, and 90 seconds, hold-down is set to 90 seconds, mode route control is enabled, and mode select-exit best is removed. With CSCtr33991, default resolvers were removed from the default global policy. These changes in the default behavior are to simplify PfR configuration.

Default Policy Settings:
  backoff 90 900 90
  delay relative 50
  holddown 90
  periodic 0
  probe frequency 56
  number of jitter probe packets 100
  mode route control
  mode monitor both
  loss relative 10
  jitter threshold 20
  mos threshold 3.60 percent 30
  unreachable relative 50
  trigger-log percentage 30

The following partial output shows the new default behavior introduced with CSCtr26978; learn mode is enabled, the monitor period is set to 1 minute, and the periodic interval is set to 0 minutes. These changes in the default behavior are to simplify PfR configuration.

Learn Settings:
  current state : ENABLED
  time remaining in current state : 0 seconds
  no delay
  no inside bgp
  monitor-period 1
  periodic-interval 0
  aggregation-type prefix-length 24
  prefixes 100 appls 100
  expire after time 720

show pfr master active-probes

To display connection and status information about active probes on a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller, use the show pfr master active-probes command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master active-probes [appl | forced | target-discovery]

Additional Filter Keywords

show pfr master active-probes [assignment | running] [forced [policy-seq-number] | longest-match]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Filters the output to display active probes generated for application traffic configured with the PfR Application-Aware Routing: PBR feature.


(Optional) Filters the output to display active probes configured with a forced target assignment.


(Optional) Filters the output to display active probes learned using target-discovery.


(Optional) Filters the output to display assignment information about active probes.


(Optional) Filters the output to display only information about all active probes that are currently running.


(Optional) Specifies the policy sequence number.


(Optional) Filters the output to display only the longest-match probes.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was modified. The assignment , running , and longest-match keywords and the policy-seq-number argument were added.


This command was modified. The assignment , running , and longest-match keywords and the policy-seq-number argument were added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was modified. The target-discovery keyword was added.


This command was modified. The target-discovery keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master active-probes command is entered on a master controller. This command is used to display the status of active probes. The output from this command displays the active probe type and destination, the border router that is the source of the active probe, the target prefixes that are used for active probing, and whether the probe was learned or configured.


The following example shows the status of configured and running active probes:

Router# show pfr master active-probes
        OER Master Controller active-probes
Border   = Border Router running this Probe
State    = Un/Assigned to a Prefix
Prefix   = Probe is assigned to this Prefix
Type     = Probe Type
Target   = Target Address
TPort    = Target Port
How      = Was the probe Learned or Configured
N - Not applicable
State      Prefix             Type     Target          TPort How
Assigned       echo           N Lrnd
Assigned       echo           N Lrnd
Assigned       echo           N Lrnd
Assigned       udp-echo       65534 Cfgd
Assigned       echo           N Cfgd
Assigned       tcp-conn          23 Cfgd
The following Probes are running:
Border          State    Prefix             Type     Target          TPort     ACTIVE       udp-echo       65534      ACTIVE       tcp-conn          23 
Table 14. show pfr master active-probes Field Descriptions



The following Probes exist:

Displays the status of configured active probes.


Displays the status of the active probe: “Assigned” or “Unassigned.”


Displays the prefix and prefix mask of the target active probe.


Displays the type of active probe: “echo,” “jitter,” “tcp-conn,” or “udp-echo.”


Displays the target IP address for the active probe.


Displays the target port for the active probe.


Displays how the active probe was created. The output will indicate whether the probe is configured or learned.

The following Probes are running:

Displays the status of active probes that are running.


Displays the IP address of the border router.

The following example shows the status of configured and running active probes when a jitter probe has been configured:

Router# show pfr master active-probes
OER Master Controller active-probes
Border   = Border Router running this Probe
State    = Un/Assigned to a Prefix
Prefix   = Probe is assigned to this Prefix
Type     = Probe Type
Target   = Target Address
TPort    = Target Port
How      = Was the probe Learned or Configured
N - Not applicable
The following Probes exist:
State      Prefix             Type         Target      TPort How    codec
Assigned      jitter       2000 Cfgd g711ulaw
Assigned        echo          N Lrnd        N
The following Probes are running:
Border          State     Prefix            Type     Target          TPort         ACTIVE     jitter        2000         ACTIVE       echo            N         ACTIVE     jitter        2000         ACTIVE       echo            N         ACTIVE     jitter        2000         ACTIVE       echo            N
Table 15. show pfr master active-probes (Jitter and MOS) Field Descriptions




Displays the codec value configured for MOS calculation. Codec values can be one of the following: g711alaw, g711ulaw, or g729a.

The following example shows the status of longest-match assigned probes:

Router# show pfr master active-probes assignment longest-match
PfR Master Controller Probe Assignment
 State    = Un/Assigned to a Prefix
 Prefix   = Probe is assigned to this Prefix
 Type     = Probe Type
 Target   = Target Address
 TPort    = Target Port
 How      = Was the probe Learned or Configured
 Codec    = Codec used in jitter probe
 N - Not applicable

The following longest-match Probes exist:

State      Prefix             Type     Target          TPort   How  Codec
---------- ------------------ -------- --------------- ------- ---- --------
Assigned        echo        N       Cfgd N
Assigned        tcp-conn        23      Cfgd N
Assigned        udp-echo        100     Cfgd N
Assigned        echo        N       Cfgd N
Assigned        tcp-conn        23      Cfgd N
Assigned        udp-echo        101     Cfgd N
Assigned        jitter        2000    Cfgd g729a
Unassigned                    jitter        2000    Cfgd g711alaw

The following example shows the status of forced assigned probes:

Router# show pfr master active-probes assignment forced
PfR Master Controller Probe Assignment
 State    = Un/Assigned to a Prefix
 Prefix   = Probe is assigned to this Prefix
 Type     = Probe Type
 Target   = Target Address
 TPort    = Target Port
 How      = Was the probe Learned or Configured
 Codec    = Codec used in jitter probe
 N - Not applicable

The following Forced-assign Probes exist:

State      Policy             Type     Target          TPort   How  Codec
---------- ------------------ -------- --------------- ------- ---- --------
Assigned   20                 echo        N       Cfgd N
Assigned   30                 tcp-conn        23      Cfgd N
Assigned   40                 udp-echo        100     Cfgd N
Assigned   50                 echo        N       Cfgd N
Assigned   60                 tcp-conn        23      Cfgd N
Assigned   70                 udp-echo        101     Cfgd N
Assigned   80                 jitter        2000    Cfgd g729a

The following example shows the status of all created and in-progress probes:

Router# show pfr master active-probes running
PfR Master Controller running probes:

Border         Interface   Type     Target         TPort Codec    Freq Forced Pkts DSCP 
-------------- ----------- -------- -------------- ----- -------- ---- ------ ---- ---- Ethernet1/0 tcp-conn 65535 g711alaw 10   20     100  ef       Ethernet1/0 tcp-conn       23    N        56   10     1    defa       Ethernet1/0 tcp-conn       23    N        30   N      1    defa       Ethernet1/0 tcp-conn       23    N        56   N      1    defa       Ethernet1/0 tcp-conn       23    N        56   N      1    defa       Ethernet1/0 tcp-conn       23    N        56   N      1    defa
Table 16. show pfr master active-probes running Field Descriptions




Displays the interface used as the egress interface on the border router.


Displays the frequency, in seconds, with which probes are sent from this border router interface.

Forced (Pol Seq)

Displays the policy sequence number if the probe is configured with a forced target assignment.


Displays the number of packets sent from this border router.


Displays the configured DSCP value.

The following example shows the status of all active probes and the probe targets learned using target-discovery. In this example, the command is entered at the hub (head-office) master controller and displays information about two MC peers, listing the type of probe and the target IP addresses.

Router# show pfr master active-probes target-discovery

PfR Master Controller active-probes (TD)
Border = Border Router running this probe
MC-Peer = Remote MC associated with this target
Type = Probe Type
Target = Target Address
TPort = Target Port
N - Not applicable

Destination Site Peer Addresses:

MC-Peer           Targets,

The following Probes are running:

Border          Idx  State     MC-Peer            Type     Target           TPort       27   TD-Actv          jitter       5000       14   TD-Actv          jitter       5000       27   TD-Actv          jitter       5000       14   TD-Actv          jitter       5000       14   TD-Actv          jitter       5000       27   TD-Actv          jitter       5000
Table 17. show pfr master active-probes target-discovery Field Descriptions




Displays an index number assigned by the master controller.


Displays the status of the active probe learned via target-discovery: “TD-Actv” or “TD-InActv.”


Displays the IP address of the remote master controller associated with the target probe.

show pfr master appl

To display information about application traffic classes that are monitored and controlled by a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller, use the show pfr master appl command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master appl [ [access-list name] [detail] [learned [delay | throughput]] | [tcp | udp] [protocol-number] [min-port max-port] [dst | src] [detail | policy]]

Syntax Description

access-list name

(Optional) Filters the output based on the specified named extended access list.


(Optional) Displays detailed information.


(Optional) Displays information about learned application traffic classes.


(Optional) Displays information about applications learned using delay as the learning criterion.


(Optional) Displays information about applications learned using throughput as the learning criterion.


(Optional) Filters the output based on TCP traffic.


(Optional) Filters the output based on UDP traffic.


(Optional) Filters the output based on the specified protocol number.

min-port max-port

(Optional) Filters the output based on the specified port number or range of port numbers.


(Optional) Filters the output based on the destination port number.


(Optional) Filters the output based on the source port number.


(Optional) Displays the policy for the application or port number.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master appl command is entered on a PfR master controller. This command is used to display information about application traffic classes that are configured for monitoring and optimization.


The following example shows TCP application traffic filtered based on port 80 (HTTP):

Router# show pfr master appl tcp 80 80 dst policy
Prefix             Appl Prot       Port                 Port Type       Policy         
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------        tcp             [80, 80]             dst             20            tcp             [80, 80]             dst             10
Table 18. show pfr master appl Field Descriptions




IP address of the monitored prefix that carries the application traffic.

Appl Prot

Application protocol.


Application port number.

Port Type

Source or destination application port number.


Application policy number.

The following example shows information about learned application traffic classes:

Router# show pfr master appl learned

PfR Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter (ms), 
 MOS - Mean Opinion Score
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
 # - Prefix monitor mode is Special, & - Blackholed Prefix
 % - Force Next-Hop, ^ - Prefix is denied
Prefix                Prot Port [src][dst]               DSCP Source Prefix     
                          State     Time Curr BR         CurrI/F         Proto   
                        PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn  PasSLos  PasLLos
                        ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn      EBw      IBw
                        ActSJit  ActPMOS
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------            udp [1, 65535] [3000, 4000]         ef         
                      INPOLICY*      @70         Et0/0           PBR     
                              U        U        0        0        0        0
                             11        7        0        0        1        0
                              N        N            udp [1, 65535] [3000, 4000]         ef         
                      INPOLICY*      @70         Et0/0           PBR     
                              U        U        0        0        0        0
                              3        4        0        0        1        0
                              N        N
Table 19. show pfr master appl learned Field Descriptions




Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value.

Source Prefix

IP address of the application source.


Current state of the application traffic class flow.


Time, in seconds, between probe messages.

Curr BR

IP address of the border router through which the prefix associated with this application traffic class is being currently routed.


Interface of the border router through which the prefix associated with this application traffic class is being currently routed.



The following example shows information about application traffic classes learned using delay as the learning criterion:

Router# show pfr master appl learned delay

OER Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter (ms), 
 MOS - Mean Opinion Score
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
 # - Prefix monitor mode is Special, & - Blackholed Prefix
 % - Force Next-Hop, ^ - Prefix is denied
Prefix                Prot Port [src][dst]               DSCP Source Prefix     
                          State     Time Curr BR         CurrI/F         Proto   
                        PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn  PasSLos  PasLLos
                        ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn      EBw      IBw
                        ActSJit  ActPMOS
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------            udp [1, 65535] [3000, 4000]         ef         
                      INPOLICY*      @70         Et0/0           PBR     
                              U        U        0        0        0        0
                              3        4        0        0        1        0
                              N        N

The following example shows information about application traffic classes learned using throughput as the learning criterion:

Router# show pfr master appl learned throughput

OER Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter (ms), 
 MOS - Mean Opinion Score
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
 # - Prefix monitor mode is Special, & - Blackholed Prefix
 % - Force Next-Hop, ^ - Prefix is denied
Prefix                Prot Port [src][dst]               DSCP Source Prefix     
                          State     Time Curr BR         CurrI/F         Proto   
                        PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn  PasSLos  PasLLos
                        ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn      EBw      IBw
                        ActSJit  ActPMOS
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------            udp [1, 65535] [3000, 4000]         ef         
                      INPOLICY*      @70         Et0/0           PBR     
                              U        U        0        0        0        0
                             11        7        0        0        1        0
                              N        N

show pfr master bandwidth-resolution

To display information about Performance Routing (PfR) bandwidth resolution, use the show pfr master bandwidth resolution command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master bandwidth-resolution {all | mc-peer-ip-address}

Syntax Description


Displays bandwidth-resolution information for all master controller peers.


IP address of a master controller peer.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS Release 3.8S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.3(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master bandwidth-resolution command is entered on a master controller (MC). The output of this command displays information about the transmit and receive bandwidths sent from the PfR border routers. PfR bandwidth resolution leverages the target discovery feature and requires target discovery configuration before bandwidth resolution is enabled.


The following is sample output from the show pfr master bandwidth-resolution all command.

Device# show pfr master bandwidth-resolution all
PfR Bandwidth Resolution Database
Border Router: 	External Interface: Tu0	
MC-peer address   Overlay Address   Rx BW [kbps]   Tx Load [kbps]         40             30         20             10

Border Router: 	External Interface: Tu1	
MC-peer address   Overlay Address   Rx BW [kbps]   Tx Load [kbps]         35             20         25             15
Table 20. show pfr master bandwidth-resolution all Field Descriptions



Border Router

IP address of the border router.

External Interface

Interface type and number for the configured external interface.

MC-peer address

IP address of a MC interface used to peer with other MCs.

Overlay Address

IP address used for the tunnel interface connection to the MC peer.


Receive bandwidth, in kilobits per second.

Tx Load

Transmit load, in kilobits per second.

The following is sample output from the show pfr master bandwidth resolution command with the mc-peer-ip-address argument:

Router# show pfr master bandwidth resolution
PfR Bandwidth Resolution Database
MC-peer:	Desc: Boxborough
PfR BR 	   External Interface	Overlay Address  Rx BW [kbps]  Tx Load [kbps]   Tu0              40            30   Tu1              35            20   

show pfr master border

To display the status of connected Performance Routing (PfR) border routers, use the show pfr master border command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master border [ip-address] [detail | report | statistics | topology]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the IP address of a single border router.


(Optional) Displays detailed border router information.


(Optional) Displays link reports related to connected border routers.


(Optional) Displays statistics related to connected border routers.


(Optional) Displays the status of the policy-based routing (PBR) requirement.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S and the statistics keyword was added.


The statistics keyword was added.


This command was modified. The output was changed to support the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

With CSCty36217, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.


With CSCua59073, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master border command and all the keywords are entered on a master controller. The output of this command shows the status of connections with border routers.

The PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature introduced dynamic tunnels between border routers and modified the command output. With CSCty36217 and CSCua59073, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.


The following example displays the status of border router connections with a master controller:

Router# show pfr master border

  Conn Status: SUCCESS, PORT: 3949
  Version: 2.2
  Number of Border routers: 3
  Number of Exits: 3
  Number of monitored prefixes: 1 (max 5000)
  Max prefixes: total 5000 learn 2500
  Prefix count: total 1, learn 0, cfg 1
  PBR Requirements met
  Nbar Status: Inactive
Border           Status   UP/DOWN             AuthFail  Version     ACTIVE   UP       00:05:29          0  2.2     ACTIVE   UP       00:05:29          0  2.2     ACTIVE   UP       00:05:29          0  2.2

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display. All the other fields in the output are self-explanatory.

Table 21. show pfr master border Field Descriptions




Displays the IP address of the border router.


Displays the status of the border router: "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE."


Displays the connection status ("DOWN" or "UP") with the master controller and the length of time, in hours, minutes, and seconds that the connection has been up.


Displays the number of authentication failures between the master controller and the border router.


Displays the version for all of the border routers configured on the master controller.

The following example displays detailed information about border router connections with a master controller:

Router# show pfr master border detail

Border           Status   UP/DOWN             AuthFail  Version         ACTIVE   UP       14:03:40          0  3.0
 Et2/0           EXTERNAL UP             
 Et0/0           INTERNAL UP             
 Et1/0           EXTERNAL UP             
 External            Capacity      Max BW   BW Used    Load Status        Exit Id
 Interface            (kbps)       (kbps)    (kbps)    (%)                       
 ---------       --  --------      ------   -------    ---- ------        -------
 Et2/0           Tx       800         600       226      28 UP                  2
                 Rx                   800         0       0
 Et1/0           Tx       800         600        97      12 UP                  1
                 Rx                   800        55       6
Table 22. show pfr master border detail Field Descriptions




Displays the IP address of the border router.


Displays the status of the border router: "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE" and the status of the interfaces: "EXTERNAL" or "INTERNAL."


Displays the connection status ("DOWN" or "UP") with the master controller and the length of time, in hours, minutes, and seconds that the connection has been up.


Displays the number of authentication failures between the master controller and the border router.

External Interface

Displays the external PfR controlled interface. "Tx" displays information about the interface utilization in the outbound direction. "Rx" displays information about the interface utilization in the outbound direction.


Displays the capacity of the interface in kilobits per second.

Max BW

Displays the maximum usable bandwidth in kilobits per second as configured on the interface.

BW Used

Displays the amount of bandwidth in use in kilobits per second.


Displays the amount of bandwidth in use as a percentage of the total capacity of the interface.


Displays the status of the link.

Exit Id

Displays the ID number assigned by the master controller to identify the exit.

The following example displays whether the PBR requirement for the application control by PfR is met:

Router# show pfr master border topology

LocalBR        LocalEth          RemoteBR       RemoteEth      nbar_type
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Ethernet0/0   Ethernet0/0    Directly Connected   Ethernet0/0   Ethernet0/0    Directly Connected   Ethernet0/0   Ethernet0/0    Directly Connected   Ethernet0/0   Ethernet0/0    Directly Connected   Ethernet0/0   Ethernet0/0    Directly Connected   Ethernet0/0   Ethernet0/0    Directly Connected  
PBR Requirements met
Table 23. show pfr master border topology Field Descriptions




Displays the local border router.


Displays the local interface connection for the local border router.


Displays the remote border router that is connected with the local border router.


Displays the remote interface connection for the remote border router.


Displays the type of Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR) connection for each of the border routers. Three types of connection status are available: Directly Connected, One-Hop-Away Neighbor, and Not Connected.

The following example displays the border router link report:

Router# show pfr master border report

Border           Status   UP/DOWN             AuthFail  Version   ACTIVE   UP       00:05:54          0  2.2   ACTIVE   UP       00:05:57          0  2.2   ACTIVE   UP       00:06:00          0  2.2   ACTIVE   UP       00:06:03          0  2.2
Table 24. show pfr master border report Field Descriptions




Displays the IP address of the border router.


Displays the status of the border router: "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE."


Displays the connection status ("DOWN" or "UP") with the master controller and the length of time, in hours, minutes, and seconds that the connection has been up.


Displays the number of authentication failures between the master controller and the border router.


Displays the status of the link.


Displays the version for all of the border routers configured on the master controller.

The following example displays statistics related to the connected border routers:

Router# show pfr master border statistics

PFR Master Controller Border
 MC Version: 2.3
 Keepalive : 5 second
 Keepalive : DISABLED

Border           Status Up/Down UpTime   AuthFail  Receive  Version
---------------- ------ ------- -------- --------  -------- -------   ACTIVE UP      03:12:12        0  00:00:04 2.2         ACTIVE UP      03:10:53        0  00:00:10 2.2         ACTIVE UP      03:12:12        0  00:01:00 2.2

Border Connection Statistics

                          Bytes         Bytes    Msg    Msg    Sec Buf
Border                     Sent         Recvd   Sent  Recvd Bytes Used
---------------- -------------- ------------- ------ ------ ----------           345899        373749      5     10          0                 345899        373749      5     10          0                 345899        373749      5     10          0
                 Socket Invalid   Context
Border           Closed Message Not Found
---------------- ------ ------- ---------        5      10       100              5      10       100              5      10       100
Table 25. show pfr master border statistics Field Descriptions




Displays the IP address of the border router.

Bytes Sent

Displays the number of bytes sent to the border router.

Bytes Recvd

Displays the number of bytes received from the border router.

Msg Sent

Displays the number of messages sent to the border router.

Msg Recvd

Displays the number of messages received from the border router.

Sec Buf Bytes Used

Displays the number of bytes used in the secondary buffer.

Socket Closed

Displays the number of sockets closed. A socket is opened when the border router needs to establish a link with the master controller, and the socket is closed when the link goes down.

Invalid Message

Displays the number of invalid messages.

Context Not Found

Displays the number of times that a message from a border router (BR) to the master controller (MC) does not contain a context. Each communication channel opened between the MC and a BR contains a context structure.

show pfr master cost-minimization

To display the status of cost-based optimization policies, use the show pfr master cost-minimization command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master cost-minimization {billing-history | border ip-address [interface] | nickname name}

Syntax Description


Deploys the billing history

border ip-address

Displays information for a single border router.


(Optional) Displays information for only the specified interface.

nickname name

Displays information for the service provider. A nickname must be configured before output will be displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master cost-minimization command is entered on a master controller. The output of this command shows the status of cost-based policies.


The following example displays the billing history for cost policies:

Router# show pfr master cost-minimization billing-history 

Billing History for the past three months
        ISP2 on         Ethernet0/0     
  80-percent on         Ethernet0/0     
                 Mon1                  Mon2                  Mon3
Nickname     SustUtil       Cost   SustUtil       Cost   SustUtil       Cost
----------    ------------------    ------------------   ------------------
      ISP2        ---NA---      1737222676 1737222676        ---NA---     
80-percent        ---NA---      1737231684 1737231684        ---NA---     
----------    ------------------    ------------------   ------------------
Total Cost                     0            3474454360                     0
Table 26. show pfr master cost-minimization billing-history Field Descriptions




The nickname assigned to the service provider.


The sustained utilization of the exit link.


The financial cost of the link.

Total Cost

The total financial cost for the month.

The following example displays cost optimization information only for Ethernet interface 1/0:

Router# show pfr master cost-minimization border Ethernet1/0
 Nickname  : ispname          Border:         Interface: Et1/0           
 Calc type : Combined
 Start Date: 20
 Fee       : Tier Based
             Tier1 : 100, fee: 10000
             Tier2 : 90, fee: 9000
 Period    : Sampling 22, Rollup 1400
 Discard   : Type Percentage, Value 22
 Rollup Information:
 Total           Discard         Left            Collected       
 60              13              36              0               
 Current Rollup Information:
   MomentaryTgtUtil:         7500 Kbps    CumRxBytes:            38669
  StartingRollupTgt:         7500 Kbps    CumTxBytes:            39572
   CurrentRollupTgt:         7500 Kbps    TimeRemain:        09:11:01
 Rollup Utilization (Kbps):
 Egress/Ingress Utilization Rollups (Descending order) 
 1   : 0            2   : 0
Table 27. show pfr master cost-minimization border Field Descriptions




Nickname of the service provider.


IP address of the border router.


Interface for which the cost policy is configured.

Calc type

Displays the configured billing method.

Start Date

Displays the starting date of the billing period.


Displays the billing type (fixed or tiered) and the billing configuration.


Displays the sampling and rollup configuration.


Displays the discard configuration, type, and value.

Rollup Information

Displays rollup statistics.

Current Rollup Information

Displays rollup statistics for the current sampling cycle.

Rollup Utilization

Displays rollup utilization statistics in kilobytes per second.

The following example displays cost optimization information for the specified service provider:

Router# show pfr master cost-minimization nickname ISP1
 Nickname  : ISP1             Border:         Interface: Et1/0           
 Calc type : Combined
 Start Date: 20
 Fee       : Tier Based
             Tier1 : 100, fee: 10000
             Tier2 : 90, fee: 9000
 Period    : Sampling 22, Rollup 1400
 Discard   : Type Percentage, Value 22
 Rollup Information:
 Total           Discard         Left            Collected       
 60              13              36              0               
 Current Rollup Information:
   MomentaryTgtUtil:         7500 Kbps    CumRxBytes:            38979
  StartingRollupTgt:         7500 Kbps    CumTxBytes:            39692
   CurrentRollupTgt:         7500 Kbps    TimeRemain:        09:10:49
 Rollup Utilization (Kbps):
 Egress/Ingress Utilization Rollups (Descending order) 
 1   : 0            2   : 0 

show pfr master defined application

To display information about user-defined application definitions on a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller, use the show pfr master defined application command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master defined application

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master defined application command is entered on a PfR master controller. This command displays all applications that are user-defined. To define a custom application to be used by PfR, use the application define (PfR) command on the PfR master controller.

To display the same information on a PfR border router, use the show pfr border defined application command.


The following partial example output shows information about the user-defined applications configured for use with PfR:

Router# show pfr master defined application

OER Defined Applications:
Name                Appl_ID Dscp Prot     SrcPort     DstPort SrcPrefix         
telnet                    1 defa  tcp       23-23     1-65535         
telnet                    1 defa  tcp     1-65535       23-23         
ftp                       2 defa  tcp       21-21     1-65535         
ftp                       2 defa  tcp     1-65535       21-21         
cuseeme                   4 defa  tcp   7648-7648     1-65535         
cuseeme                   4 defa  tcp   7649-7649     1-65535         
cuseeme                   4 defa  tcp     1-65535   7648-7648         
dhcp                      5 defa  udp       68-68       67-67         
dns                       6 defa  tcp       53-53     1-65535         
dns                       6 defa  tcp     1-65535       53-53         
dns                       6 defa  udp       53-53     1-65535         
dns                       6 defa  udp     1-65535       53-53         
finger                    7 defa  tcp       79-79     1-65535         
finger                    7 defa  tcp     1-65535       79-79         
gopher                    8 defa  tcp       70-70     1-65535 
Table 28. show pfr master defined application Field Descriptions




Application name .


Application ID.


Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value.




Source port number for the traffic class.


Destination port number for the traffic class.


IP address of the traffic class source.

show pfr master exits

To display information about Performance Routing (PfR) exits, use the show pfr master exits command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master exits

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display information about the exits used for PfR traffic classes, including the IP address, nickname of the PfR managed external interface, the exit policy, interface of the border router, and exit performance data.


Router# show pfr master exits

PfR Master Controller Exits:

General Info:
  E - External
  I - Internal
  N/A - Not Applicable
   ID Name         Border        Interface  ifIdx IP Address     Mask Policy   Type Down
  --- ------------ ------------- ---------- ----- -------------- ---- -------  ---- ----
    6 external1     Fa1/0          9    27 Util      E  UP  
    5 external2     Fa1/1         10     27 Util      E  UP  
    4         Tu24          33      24 Util      E  UP  

Global Exit Policy:
    Range Egress:      In Policy - No difference between exits - Policy 10%
   Range Ingress:      In Policy - No difference between entrances - Policy 0%
     Util Egress:      In Policy
    Util Ingress:      In Policy
            Cost:      In Policy

Exits Performance:
                   Egress                                       Ingress
    ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
 ID Capacity  MaxUtil    Usage   %  RSVP POOL   OOP Capacity  MaxUtil   Usage   %  OOP
 --- -------- -------- -------- --- ---------- ---- -------- -------- ------- --- ----
  6   100000    90000       66   0       9000   N/A   100000   100000      40   0  N/A
  5   100000    90000       34   0       8452   N/A   100000   100000      26   0  N/A
  4   100000    90000      128   0       5669   N/A   100000   100000     104   0  N/A

TC and BW Distribution:
                       # of TCs                  BW (kbps)            Probe   Active
     Name/ID   Current Controlled InPolicy    Controlled       Total  Failed  Unreach
                                                                     (count) (fpm)
        ----   ----------------------------   ----------------------  ------  --------
           6        0          0        0            0           66       0          0
           5      548        548      548            0           34       0          0
           4     3202       3202     3202            0          128       0          0

Exit Related TC Stats:
                             highest       nth
  Number of TCs with range:        0         0
   Number of TCs with util:        0         0
   Number of TCs with cost:        0         0

       Total number of TCs:     3800
Table 29. show pfr master exits Field Descriptions



General Info:

Displays information about the border router exits.


External interface ID.


Indicates the nickname specified for the PfR-managed external interface.


Indicates whether the interface is currently in an UP or DOWN state.


IP address of the border router exit.


Exit interface name and number.


Interface index assigned by the Cisco IOS software.

IP Address

IP address of the traffic class prefix.


Mask of the traffic class prefix.


Type of exit policy configured.


Indicates whether the interface is currently in an UP or DOWN state.

Global Exit Policy:

Displays the status of each type of configured global exit policy in both egress and ingress directions. The status is either "In Policy" or "Out of Policy," and an explanation of the status is included.

Exits Performance:

Displays performance data for an exit in both the egress and ingress direction.


Displays the bandwidth capacity of the exit in kilobytes per second.

Max Util

Displays the configured maximum utilization for the exit.


Displays the actual utilization of the exit.


Displays the actual utilization of the exit as a percentage of the capacity.


Displays RSVP bandwidth pool available, in Kbps.


Indicates if the exit is Out of Policy (OOP).

# of TCs:

Displays the number of current traffic classes, the number of traffic classes being controlled, and the number of traffic classes in an "In Policy" state.


Displays information about the bandwidth being utilized.


Displays the number of bits being used for this exit.


Displays the total bandwidth being used, in kilobits per second.

Probe Failed (count)

Displays the number of failed probes.

Active Unreach (fpm)

Displays the number of unreachable destinations.

Exit Related TC Status:

Displays the policy priority of the traffic classes and the total number of traffic classes.

Priority highest

Displays the number of traffic classes for each type of exit policy where the policy priority is configured to be the highest.

Priority nth

Displays the number of traffic classes for each type of exit policy where the policy priority is configured to be a priority other than the highest.

show pfr master export statistics

To display Performance Routing (PfR) statistics for the data exported from a master controller, use the show pfr master export statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master export statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.


The following is sample output from the show pfr master export statistics command. The fields displayed are self-explanatory.

Router# show pfr master export statistics 

PfR NetFlow Version 9 Export: Enabled

   Destination IP:
   Destination port:   2000
   Packet #:           0

  Type of Export:      Total     
  -------------------- ------    
  TC Config            0
  External Config      0
  Internal Config      0
  Policy Config        7
  Reason Config        100
  Passive Update       0
  Passive Performance  0
  Active Update        0
  Active Performance   0
  External Update      0
  Internal Update      0
  TC Event             0
  Cost                 0
  BR Alert             0
  MC Alert             0
  -------------------- ------    
  Total:               107

show pfr master learn list

To display configuration information about Performance Routing (PfR) learn lists, use the show pfr master learn list command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master learn list [list-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of a learn list.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master learn list command is entered on a PfR master controller. This command is used to display configuration information about learn lists. Learn lists are a way to categorize learned traffic classes. In each learn list, different criteria for learning traffic classes including prefixes, application definitions, filters, and aggregation parameters can be configured. A traffic class is automatically learned by PfR based on each learn list criteria, and each learn list is configured with a sequence number. The sequence number determines the order in which learn list criteria are applied. Learn lists allow different PfR policies to be applied to each learn list.


The following example shows how to display configuration information about two learn lists, LIST1 and LIST2:

Router# show pfr master learn list

Learn-List LIST1 10
    Application: ftp
    Aggregation-type: bgp
    Learn type: thruput
    Policies assigned: 8 10
    Application Count: 0
    Application Learned:
 Learn-List LIST2 20
    Application: telnet
    Aggregation-type: prefix-length 24
    Learn type: thruput
    Policies assigned: 5 20
    Application Count: 2
    Application Learned:
     Appl Prefix telnet
     Appl Prefix telnet
Table 30. show pfr master learn list Field Descriptions




Identifies the PfR learn list name and sequence number.


Application protocol.


Type of TCF aggregation.

Learn type

Throughput or delay.

Policies assigned

Application policy number.

Application Count

Number of applications learned.

Application Learned

Type of application learned.

show pfr master link-group

To display information about Performance Routing (PfR) link groups, use the show pfr master link-group command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master link-group [link-group-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of a link group.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master link-group command is entered on a PfR master controller. This command is used to display information about link groups including the link group name, the border router, and the interface on the border router that is the exit link, and the ID of the exit link.

Link groups are used to define a group of exit links as a preferred set of links or as a fallback set of links for PfR to use when optimizing a specified traffic class. Up to three link groups can be specified for each interface. Use the link-group (PfR) command to define the link group for an interface, and use the set link-group (PfR) command to define the primary link group and a fallback link group for a specified traffic class in an PfR map.


The following example displays information about all configured link groups:

Router# show pfr master link-group

link group video
  Border           Interface       Exit id      Serial2/0       1       
 link group voice
  Border           Interface       Exit id      Serial2/0       1      Serial3/0       2      Serial4/0       4       
 link group data
  Border           Interface       Exit id      Serial3/0       3 
Table 31. show pfr master link-group Field Descriptions



link group

Name of the link group.


IP address of the border router on which the exit link exists.


Type and number of the interface on the border router that is the exit link.

Exit id

ID number of the exit link.

The following example displays information only about the link group named voice:

Router# show pfr master link-group voice

link group voice
  Border           Interface       Exit id      Serial2/0       1      Serial3/0       2      Serial4/0       4

show pfr master nbar application

To display information about the status of an application identified using network-based application recognition (NBAR) for each Performance Routing (PfR) border router, use the show pfr master nbar application command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master nbar application

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master nbar application command is entered on a PfR master controller. This command is used to verify the validity of an application that is identified using NBAR at each PfR border router. If the NBAR application is not supported on one or more border routers, all the traffic classes related to that NBAR application are marked inactive and cannot be optimized using PfR.

NBAR can identify applications based on the following three types of protocols:

  • Non-UDP and non-TCP IP protocols—For example, generic routing encapsulation (GRE) and Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).

  • TCP and UDP protocols that use statically assigned port numbers—For example, CU-SeeMe desktop video conference (CU-SeeMe-Server) and Post Office Protocol over Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) server (SPOP3-Server).

  • TCP and UDP protocols that dynamically assign port numbers and require stateful inspection—For example, Real-Time Transport Protocol audio streaming (RTP-audio) and BitTorrent file transfer traffic (BitTorrent).

The list of applications identified using NBAR and available for profiling of PfR traffic classes is constantly evolving. For lists of many of the NBAR applications defined using static or dynamically assigned ports, see the “Performance Routing with NBAR/CCE Application Recognition” module.

For more details about NBAR, see the “Classifying Network Traffic Using NBAR” section of the QoS: NBAR Configuration Guide.


The following partial output shows information about the status of a number of applications identified using NBAR at three PfR border routers. In this example, applications based on Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), BitTorrent, and HTTP protocols are valid at all three PfR border routers, and traffic classes for these applications are active. Although applications such as Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) and KaZaA are invalid on at least one border router, all traffic classes based on these application are marked inactive.

Router# show pfr master nbar application

NBAR Appl        
aarp                        Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
appletalk                   Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
arp                         Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
bgp                           Valid           Valid           Valid
bittorrent                    Valid           Valid           Valid
bridge                      Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
bstun                       Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
cdp                         Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
citrix                      Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
clns                          Valid         Invalid         Invalid
clns_es                     Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
clns_is                     Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
cmns                        Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
compressedtcp               Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
cuseeme                     Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
decnet                      Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
decnet_node                 Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
decnet_router-l1            Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
decnet_router-l2            Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
dhcp                        Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
directconnect               Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
dlsw                        Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
dns                         Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
edonkey                     Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
egp                         Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
eigrp                       Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
exchange                    Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
fasttrack                   Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
finger                      Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
ftp                         Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
gnutella                    Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
Morpheus                    Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
gopher                      Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
gre                         Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
h323                        Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
http                          Valid           Valid           Valid
icmp                        Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
imap                        Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
ip                          Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
ipinip                      Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
ipsec                       Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
ipv6                        Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
ipx                         Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
irc                         Invalid         Invalid         Invalid
kazaa2                        Valid         Invalid           Valid
Table 32. show pfr master nbar application Field Descriptions




Application name.

IP address of a PfR border router.

IP address of a PfR border router.

IP address of a PfR border router.

show pfr master policy

To display policy settings on a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller, use the show pfr master policy command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master policy [sequence-number | policy-name | default | dynamic]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays only the specified PfR map sequence.


(Optional) Displays only the specified PfR map name.


(Optional) Displays the default policy information.


(Optional) Displays dynamic policy information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.


This command was modified. The output was modified to include information about RSVP.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was modified. The output was modified to include information about RSVP.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master policy command is entered on a master controller. The output of this command displays default policy and policies configured with a PfR map.

The PfR application provider interface (API) defines the mode of communication and messaging between applications and the network for the purpose of optimizing the traffic associated with the applications. A provider is defined as an entity outside the network in which the router configured as an PfR master controller exists, for example, an ISP, or a branch office of the same company. The provider has one or more host devices running one or more applications that use the PfR API to communicate with a PfR master controller. The PfR API allows applications running on a host device in the provider network to dynamically create policies to influence the existing traffic classes, or specify new traffic class criteria. The dynamic keyword displays the policies dynamically created by an API provider application.


The following example displays default policy and policies configured in a PfR map named CUSTOMER. The asterisk(*) character is displayed next to policy settings that override default settings.

Router# show pfr master policy

* Overrides Default Policy Setting
Default Policy Settings:
  backoff 300 3000 300
  delay relative 50
  holddown 300
  periodic 0
  mode route control 
  mode monitor both
  mode select-exit best
  loss relative 10
  unreachable relative 50
  resolve delay priority 11 variance 20
  resolve utilization priority 12 variance 20
pfr-map CUSTOMER 10
  match ip prefix-lists: NAME 
  backoff 300 3000 300
  delay relative 50
  holddown 300
  periodic 0
  mode route control 
  mode monitor both
  mode select-exit best
  loss relative 10
  unreachable relative 50
 *resolve utilization priority 1 variance 10
 *resolve delay priority 11 variance 20
 *probe frequency 30
pfr-map CUSTOMER 20
  match ip prefix-lists: 
  match pfr learn delay
  backoff 300 3000 300
  delay relative 50
  holddown 300
  periodic 0
 *mode route control 
  mode monitor both
  mode select-exit best
  loss relative 10
  unreachable relative 50
  resolve delay priority 11 variance 20
  resolve utilization priority 12 variance 20
Table 33. show pfr master policy Field Descriptions



Default Policy Settings:

Displays PfR default configuration settings under this heading.


Displays the PfR map name and sequence number. The policy settings applied in the PfR map are displayed under this heading.

The following example displays dynamic policies created by applications using the PfR application interface. The asterisk(*) character is displayed next to policy settings that override default settings.

Router# show pfr master policy dynamic

Dynamic Policies:
  proxy id
  sequence no. 18446744069421203465, provider id 1001, provider priority 65535
    host priority 65535, policy priority 101, Session id 9
  backoff 90 90 90
  delay relative 50
  holddown 90
  periodic 0
  probe frequency 56
  mode route control 
  mode monitor both
  mode select-exit good
  loss relative 10
  jitter threshold 20
  mos threshold 3.60 percent 30
  unreachable relative 50
  next-hop not set
  forwarding interface not set
  resolve delay priority 11 variance 20
  resolve utilization priority 12 variance 20
  proxy id
  sequence no. 18446744069421269001, provider id 1001, provider priority 65535
    host priority 65535, policy priority 102, Session id 9
  backoff 90 90 90
  delay relative 50
  holddown 90
  periodic 0
  probe frequency 56
  mode route control 
  mode monitor both
  mode select-exit good
  loss relative 10
  jitter threshold 20
  mos threshold 3.60 percent 30
  unreachable relative 50
  next-hop not set
  forwarding interface not set
  resolve delay priority 11 variance 20
  resolve utilization priority 12 variance 20
  proxy id
  sequence no. 18446744069421334538, provider id 1001, provider priority 65535
    host priority 65535, policy priority 103, Session id 10
  backoff 90 90 90
  delay relative 50
  holddown 90
  periodic 0
  probe frequency 56
  mode route control 
  mode monitor both
  mode select-exit good
  loss relative 10
  jitter threshold 20
  mos threshold 3.60 percent 30
  unreachable relative 50
  next-hop not set
  forwarding interface not set
  resolve delay priority 11 variance 20
  resolve utilization priority 12 variance 20
Table 34. show pfr master policy dynamic Field Descriptions



Dynamic Policies:

Displays PfR dynamic policy configurations under this heading.

proxy id

IP address of the host application interface device that created the policy.

sequence no.

Number indicating the sequence in which the policy was run.

provider id

ID number of the application interface provider.

provider priority

The priority assigned to the application interface provider. If a priority has not been configured, the default priority is 65535.

host priority

The priority assigned to the host application interface device. If a priority has not been configured, the default priority is 65535.

policy priority

The priority assigned to the policy.

Session id

ID number of the application interface provider session.

show pfr master prefix

To display the status of monitored prefixes, use the show pfr master prefix command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master prefix [detail | inside [detail] | learned [delay | inside | throughput] | prefix [detail | policy | report | traceroute [exit-id | border-address | current] [now]]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed prefix information about the specified prefix or all prefixes.


(Optional) Displays detailed prefix information about inside prefixes.


(Optional) Displays information about learned prefixes.


(Optional) Displays information about learned prefixes based on delay.


(Optional) Displays information about learned prefixes based on throughput.


(Optional) Specifies the prefix, entered as an IP address and bit length mask.


(Optional) Displays policy information for the specified prefix.


(Optional) Displays detailed performance information and information about report requests from Performance Routing (PfR) application interface providers for the specified prefix.


(Optional) Displays path information from traceroute probes.


(Optional) Displays path information based on the PfR assigned exit ID.


(Optional) Display path information sourced from the specified border router.


(Optional) Displays traceroute probe statistics from the most recent traceroute probe.


(Optional) Initiates a new traceroute probe and displays the statistics that are returned.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master prefix command is entered on a master controller. This command is used to display the status of monitored prefixes. The output from this command includes information about the source border router, current exit interface, prefix delay, and egress and ingress interface bandwidth. The output can be filtered to display information for only a single prefix, learned prefixes, inside prefixes, and prefixes learned based on delay or throughput.

The traceroute keyword is used to display traceroute probe results. The output generated by this keyword provides hop by hop statistics to the probe target network. The output can be filtered to display information only for the exit ID (PfR assigns an ID number to each exit interface) or for the specified border router. The current keyword displays traceroute probe results from the most recent traceroute probe. The now keyword initiates a new traceroute probe and displays the results.


The following example shows the status of a monitored prefix:

Router# show pfr master prefix 

OER Prefix Stats:
  Dly: Delay in ms
  EBw: Egress Bandwidth
  IBw: Ingress Bandwidth
Prefix      State     Curr BR   CurrI/F  Dly   EBw   IBw
---------------------------------------------------------- INPOLICY  Et1/0     19     1     1 
Table 35. show pfr master prefix Field Descriptions




IP address and prefix length.


Status of the prefix.

Curr BR

Border router from which these statistics were gathered.

Curr I/F

Current exit link interface on the border router.


Delay in milliseconds.


Egress bandwidth.


Ingress bandwidth.

The following output shows the detailed status of a monitored prefix:

Router# show pfr master prefix detail
   State: DEFAULT*      Time Remaining: @7 
   Policy: Default 
   Policy: Default 
   Most recent data per exit 
   Border          Interface           PasSDly  PasLDly  ActSDly  ActLDly 
  *        Et1/0                   181      181      250      250        Et2/0                     0        0      351      351        Et3/0                     0        0       94      943 
   Latest Active Stats on Current Exit:
   Type     Target          TPort Attem Comps      DSum     Min     Max     Dly
   echo            N     2     2       448     208     240     224
   echo            N     2     2       488     228     260     244
   echo            N     2     2       568     268     300     284
Prefix performance history records
 Current index 2, S_avg interval(min) 5, L_avg interval(min) 60
Age       Border          Interface       OOP/RteChg Reasons 
Pas: DSum  Samples  DAvg  PktLoss Unreach    Ebytes    Ibytes      Pkts   Flows
Act: Dsum Attempts  DAvg    Comps Unreach
00:00:03        Et1/0
        0        0     0        0       0         0         0         0       0
     1504        6   250        6       0
Table 36. show pfr master prefix detail Field Descriptions




IP address and prefix length.


Status of the prefix.

Time Remaining

Time remaining in the current prefix learning cycle.


The state that the prefix is in. Possible values are Default, In-policy, Out-of-policy, Choose, and Holddown.

Most recent data per exit

Border router exit link statistics for the specified prefix. The asterisk (*) character indicates the exit that is being used.

Latest Active Stats on Current Exit

Active probe statistics. This field includes information about the probe type, target IP address, port number, and delay statistics.


The type of active probe. Possible types are ICMP echo, TCP connect, or UDP echo. The example uses default ICMP echo probes (default TCP), so no port number is displayed.

Prefix performance history records

Displays border router historical statistics. These statistics are updated about once a minute and stored for 1 hour.

The following example shows prefix statistics from a traceroute probing:

Router# show pfr master prefix traceroute 

* - current exit, + - control more specific
Ex - Exit ID, Delay in msec
Path for Prefix:         Target:       
Exit ID: 2, Border:         External Interface: Et1/0    
Status: DONE, How Recent: 00:00:08 minutes old
Hop  Host            Time(ms) BGP 
1        8        0   
2        8        300 
3        20       50  
Exit ID: 1, Border:         External Interface: Et1/0    
Status: DONE, How Recent: 00:00:06 minutes old
Hop  Host            Time(ms) BGP 
1         3012     0   
2        12       100 
3        12       50  
Table 37. show pfr master prefix traceroute Field Descriptions



Path for Prefix

Specified IP address and prefix length.


Traceroute probe target.

Exit ID

PfR assigned exit ID.


Status of the traceroute probe.

How Recent

Time since last traceroute probe.


Hop number of the entry.


IP address of the entry.


Time, in milliseconds, for the entry.


BGP autonomous system number for the entry.

The following example shows prefix statistics including Jitter and MOS percentage values when the Jitter probe is configured for the prefix:

Router# show pfr master prefix 

OER Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter, MOS - Mean Opinion Score,
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
Prefix                  State     Time Curr BR         CurrI/F         Protocol
                      PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn  PasSLos  PasLLos
                      ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn      EBw      IBw
                     %ActSJit %ActPMOS
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------          DEFAULT*       @3         Et5/0           U       
                            U        U        0        0        0        0
                            6        6   400000   400000       17        1
                         1.45       25

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display that are different from the previous tables.

Table 38. show pfr master prefix (Jitter and MOS) Field Descriptions




Protocol: U (UDP).


Delay, in milliseconds, in short-term statistics from passive probe monitoring. If no statistics are reported, it displays U for unknown.


Delay, in milliseconds, in long-term statistics from passive probe monitoring. If no statistics are reported, it displays U for unknown.


Number of passively monitored short-term unreachable packets in flows-per-million.


Number of passively monitored long-term unreachable packets in flows-per-million.


Number of passively monitored short-term lost packets in packets-per-million.


Number of passively monitored long-term lost packets in packets-per-million.


Number of actively monitored short-term delay packets.


Number of actively monitored long-term delay packets.


Number of actively monitored short-term unreachable packets in flows-per-million.


Number of actively monitored long-term unreachable packets in flows-per-million.


Number of actively monitored short-term jitter packets.


Number of actively monitored MOS packets with a percentage below threshold.

The following example shows detailed prefix statistics when Jitter or MOS are configured as a priority:

Router# show pfr master prefix detail 

   State: DEFAULT*    Time Remaining: @9
   Policy: Default
   Most recent data per exit
   Border          Interface         PasSDly  PasLDly  ActSDly  ActLDly
  *        Et5/0                   0        0        6        6        Et2/0                   0        0        7        7        Et0/0                   0        0       14       14
   Most recent voice data per exit 
   Border          Interface         ActSJit  ActPMOS 
  *        Et5/0                2.00        0        Et2/0                2.01       20        Et0/0                4.56       50
   Latest Active Stats on Current Exit:
   Type     Target          TPort Attem Comps    DSum     Min     Max     Dly
   udpJit         2000     2     2       8       4       4       4
   udpJit         3000     2     2      20       4      16      10
   udpJit         4000     2     2       8       4       4       4
   echo            N     2     0       0       0       0       0
   echo            N     2     0       0       0       0       0
Latest Voice Stats on Current Exit:
   Type     Target          TPort     Codec Attem Comps  JitSum     MOS
   udpJit         2000  g711alaw     2     2    2.34    4.56
   udpJit         3000  g711ulaw     2     2    2.56    4.11
   udpJit         4000     g729a     2     2    1.54    3.57
   udpJit         4500      none     2     2    1.76      NA
Prefix performance history records
 Current index 3, S_avg interval(min) 5, L_avg interval(min) 60
Age       Border          Interface       OOP/RteChg Reasons                  
Pas: DSum  Samples  DAvg  PktLoss  Unreach   Ebytes   Ibytes     Pkts    Flows
Act: Dsum Attempts  DAvg    Comps  Unreach   Jitter LoMOSCnt    MOSCn
00:00:07        Et5/0                                               
        0        0     0        0        0     5920        0      148        1
       36       10     6        6        4        2        1        1
00:01:07        Et5/0                                               
        0        0     0        0        0    12000    12384      606       16
       36       10     6        6        4        3        0        1
00:02:07        Et5/0
        0        0     0        0        0   409540    12040      867        9
       36       10     6        6        4       15        1        1
Table 39. show pfr master prefix detail (Jitter or MOS Priority) Field Descriptions




Displays the codec value configured for MOS calculation. Codec values can be one of the following: g711alaw, g711ulaw, or g729a.


Summary of jitter.


MOS value.


Jitter value.


MOS-low count.

The following example shows prefix statistics including information about application interface provider report requests for the prefix:

Router# show pfr master prefix report

Prefix Performance Report Request
   Created by: Provider 1001, Host, Session 9
   Last report sent 3 minutes ago, context 589855, frequency 4 min
Prefix Performance Report Request
   Created by: Provider 1001, Host, Session 10
   Last report sent 1 minutes ago, context 655372, frequency 3 min
OER Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter (ms), 
 MOS - Mean Opinion Score
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
 # - Prefix monitor mode is Special, & - Blackholed Prefix
 % - Force Next-Hop, ^ - Prefix is denied
Prefix                  State     Time Curr BR         CurrI/F         Protocol
                      PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn  PasSLos  PasLLos
                      ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn      EBw      IBw
                      ActSJit  ActPMOS  ActSLos  ActLLos
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------             INPOLICY        0        Et4/3           BGP     
                               N        N        N        N        N        N
                             138      145        0        0        N        N
                               N        N
Table 40. show pfr master prefix report Field Descriptions




Application interface provider ID.


IP address of a host device in the application interface provider network.


Session number automatically allocated by PfR when an application interface provider initiates a session.

Last report sent

The number of minutes since a report was sent to the application interface provider.


Number of actively monitored short-term lost packets in packets-per-million.


Number of actively monitored long-term lost packets in packets-per-million.

PIRO provides the ability for PfR to search for a parent route--an exact matching route, or a less specific route--in any IP Routing Information Base (RIB). The following example shows that the protocol displayed for the prefix is RIB-PBR, which means that the parent route for the traffic class exists in the RIB and policy-based routing is used to control the prefix.

Router# show pfr master prefix

OER Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter (ms), 
 MOS - Mean Opinion Score
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
 # - Prefix monitor mode is Special, & - Blackholed Prefix
 % - Force Next-Hop, ^ - Prefix is denied
Prefix                  State     Time Curr BR         CurrI/F         Protocol
                      PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn  PasSLos  PasLLos
                      ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn      EBw      IBw
                      ActSJit  ActPMOS  ActSLos  ActLLos
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------          INPOLICY        0       Et1/0           RIB-PBR     
                          129      130        0        0      214      473
                            U        U        0        0       33        3
                            N        N

EIGRP route control provides the ability for PfR to search for a parent route--an exact matching route, or a less specific route--in the EIGRP routing table. In this example, the protocol displayed for the prefix is EIGRP and this means that the parent route for the traffic class exists in the EIGRP routing table and OER is controlling the prefix.

Router# show pfr master prefix

OER Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter (ms), 
 MOS - Mean Opinion Score
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
 # - Prefix monitor mode is Special, & - Blackholed Prefix
 % - Force Next-Hop, ^ - Prefix is denied
Prefix                  State     Time Curr BR         CurrI/F         Protocol
                      PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn  PasSLos  PasLLos
                      ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn      EBw      IBw
                      ActSJit  ActPMOS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------           DEFAULT*      @69        Gi1/22          EIGRP    
                            U        U        0        0        0        0
                            U        U        0        0       22        8
                            N        N

show pfr master statistics

To display Performance Routing (PfR) master controller statistics, use the show pfr master statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master statistics [active-probe | border | cc | exit | netflow | prefix | process | system | timers]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays PfR active-probe statistics.


(Optional) Displays PfR border router statistics.


(Optional) Displays PfR communication statistics.


(Optional) Displays PfR exit statistics.


(Optional) Displays PfR NetFlow statistics.


(Optional) Displays PfR prefix statistics.


(Optional) Displays PfR process statistics.


(Optional) Displays PfR system statistics.


(Optional) Displays PfR timer statistics.

Command Default

If none of the optional keywords is entered, the output displays statistics for all the keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)T.


This command was modified. The output was changed to support the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

With CSCty36217, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.


With CSCua59073, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master statistics command is entered on a PfR master controller. This command is used to display statistics from the PfR master controller related to the selected keyword. Use the keywords to reduce the amount of output; if no keywords are entered, statistics for all the keywords are displayed.

The PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature introduced dynamic tunnels between border routers and modified the command output. With CSCty36217 and CSCua59073, the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.


In the following example output, no Field Description tables are provided because most of the output fields are self-explanatory and output fields may be modified in response to future PfR features.

The following example shows traffic class statistics related to the PfR border routers:

Router# show pfr master statistics border


    Traffic-classes learned via througput  = 11687
    Traffic-classes learned via delay      = 0
    Inside traffic-classes learned via BGP = 705


    Traffic-classes learned via througput  = 12028
    Traffic-classes learned via delay      = 0
    Inside traffic-classes learned via BGP = 798

The following example shows statistics related to the communication between the PfR master controller and border routers:

Router# show pfr master statistics cc


   Messages sent:

    Route Start                         = 6
    Route Stop                          = 0
    Remove all prefixes                 = 0
    Passive monitor status              = 1
    Top-talker start                    = 716
    Top-talker stop                     = 0
    BR keep-alive                       = 7653
    Keep-alive configuration            = 0
    Async prefix spec                   = 0
    API prefix un-controlt              = 0
    Proxy return status                 = 0
    Version control                     = 1
    Rsvp data                           = 0
    Unrecognized TLV                    = 0
    Partial learn list                  = 0
    Traffic-class learn list            = 0
    Traffic-class top-talker start      = 0
    One application signature           = 124
    Delete one application              = 0
    One application nbar id             = 0
    Delete one nbar id                  = 0
    Monitor application                 = 0
    Enable nbar                         = 0
    Disable nbar                        = 0
    Monitor application reset           = 0
    MC control traffic-class            = 3366
    TLV-based probe                     = 0
    Interface command                   = 2
    Control traffic-class               = 0
    Monitor traffic-class               = 65
    Monitor traffic-class reset         = 1713
    Trace-route command                 = 0
    Total messages sent                 = 13647

Messages received:

    Return status received              = 3623
    Control traffic-class               = 0
    Application nbar id received        = 0
    Netflow v9                          = 3555
    Top-talker statistics               = 1430
    learn inside prefix statistics      = 0
    Top-talker traffic-class statistics = 0
    MD5 authentication                  = 17183
    Passive monitoring status           = 0
    Keep-alive received                 = 5236
    BR top-talker status                = 716
    Unrecognized TLV                    = 0
    Create active probe result          = 0
    Delete active probe result          = 0
    Get active probe statistics         = 0
    TLV interface command               = 2622
    TLV probe statistics result         = 0
    TLV trace-route command             = 0
    Bogus active probe notify           = 0
    Proxy create policy                 = 0
    Proxy create prefix                 = 0
    Proxy delete policy                 = 0
    Proxy delete prefix                 = 0
    Proxy get async prefix policy       = 0
    Proxy free client resources         = 0
    Version control                     = 1
    Total messages received             = 34366


   Messages sent:

    Route Start                         = 6
    Route Stop                          = 0
    Remove all prefixes                 = 0
    Passive monitor status              = 1
    Top-talker start                    = 716
    Top-talker stop                     = 0
    BR keep-alive                       = 7654
    Keep-alive configuration            = 0
    Async prefix spec                   = 0
    API prefix un-controlt              = 0
    Proxy return status                 = 0
    Version control                     = 1
    Rsvp data                           = 0
    Unrecognized TLV                    = 0
    Partial learn list                  = 0
    Traffic-class learn list            = 0
    Traffic-class top-talker start      = 0
    One application signature           = 124
    Delete one application              = 0
    One application nbar id             = 0
    Delete one nbar id                  = 0
    Monitor application                 = 0
    Enable nbar                         = 0
    Disable nbar                        = 0
    Monitor application reset           = 0
    MC control traffic-class            = 3366
    TLV-based probe                     = 0
    Interface command                   = 2
    Control traffic-class               = 0
    Monitor traffic-class               = 65
    Monitor traffic-class reset         = 1713
    Trace-route command                 = 0
    Total messages sent                 = 13648

   Messages received:

    Return status received              = 3623
    Control traffic-class               = 0
    Application nbar id received        = 0
    Netflow v9                          = 3554
    Top-talker statistics               = 1430
    learn inside prefix statistics      = 0
    Top-talker traffic-class statistics = 0
    MD5 authentication                  = 17183
    Passive monitoring status           = 0
    Keep-alive received                 = 5237
    BR top-talker status                = 716
    Unrecognized TLV                    = 0
    Create active probe result          = 0
    Delete active probe result          = 0
    Get active probe statistics         = 0
    TLV interface command               = 2622
    TLV probe statistics result         = 0
    TLV trace-route command             = 0
    Bogus active probe notify           = 0
    Proxy create policy                 = 0
    Proxy create prefix                 = 0
    Proxy delete policy                 = 0
    Proxy delete prefix                 = 0
    Proxy get async prefix policy       = 0
    Proxy free client resources         = 0
    Version control                     = 1
    Total messages received             = 34366

The following example shows statistics related to the PfR exits by border router:

Router# show pfr master statistics exit

  Exit: 4 - BR: - Interface: Ethernet0/0:
    Traffic-classes in-policy                       = 54
    Traffic-classes out-of-policy                   = 0
    Traffic-classes controlled                      = 60
    Traffic-classes not controlled                  = 5
    Egress BW from traffic-classes controlled       = 0
    Egress BW from traffic-classes not controlled   = 0
    Ingress BW from traffic-classes controlled      = 0
    Ingress BW from traffic-classes not controlled  = 0
    Total Egress BW                                 = 0
    Total Ingress BW                                = 0
    Total Unreachables (flows per million)          = 76
    Total active-probe failures                     = 0

   Exit: 3 - BR: - Interface: Ethernet0/0:
    Traffic-classes in-policy                       = 54
    Traffic-classes out-of-policy                   = 0
    Traffic-classes controlled                      = 60
    Traffic-classes not controlled                  = 5
    Egress BW from traffic-classes controlled       = 0
    Egress BW from traffic-classes not controlled   = 0
    Ingress BW from traffic-classes controlled      = 0
    Ingress BW from traffic-classes not controlled  = 0
    Total Egress BW                                 = 0
    Total Ingress BW                                = 0
    Total Unreachables (flows per million)          = 80
    Total active-probe failures                     = 0

The following example shows statistics related to the PfR NetFlow and IP Service Level Agreements (SLA) activities:

Router# show pfr master statistics netflow

    Cumulative egress netflow updates  = 75794
    Cumulative ingress netflow updates = 103516

    Total jitter probes running = 0
    Total udp probes running    = 0
    Total echo probes running   = 320
    Total assigned probes       = 0
    Total un-assigned probes    = 320
    Total running probes        = 0
    Total query timers running  = 0

The following example shows PfR prefix statistics:

Router# show pfr master statistics prefix

    Total uncontrol events              = 0
    Total route changes                 = 3246
    Total route withdrawn events        = 0
    Total rib mismatch events           = 0
    Total probe all failure events      = 0

The following example shows PfR master controller process statistics:

Router# show pfr master statistics process

    Message Queue Depth: 0
    Cumulative messages received: 3622
    Cumulative messages sent: 58232

The following example shows PfR system statistics:

Router# show pfr master statistics system

   Active Timers: 14
    Total Traffic Classes = 65, Prefixes = 65, Appls =0
   TC state:
    DEFAULT = 0, HOLDDOWN = 11, INPOLICY = 54, OOP = 0, CHOOSE = 0,
    Inside = 1, Probe all = 0, Non-op = 0, Denied = 0
    Controlled 60, Uncontrolled 5, Alloced 65, Freed 0, No memory 0
    Invalid state = 0, Ctrl timeout = 0, Ctrl rej = 0, No ctx = 7616,
    Martians = 0
    Total Policies = 0
    Total Active Probe Targets = 325
    Total Active Probes Running = 0
   Cumulative Route Changes:
    Total  : 3246
    Delay  : 0
    Loss   : 0
    Jitter : 0
    MOS    : 0
    Range  : 0
    Cost   : 0
    Util   : 0
   Cumulative Out-of-Policy Events:
    Total  : 0
    Delay  : 0
    Loss   : 0
    Jitter : 0
    MOS    : 0
    Range  : 0
    Cost   : 0
    Util   : 

The following example shows PfR timer statistics:

Router# show pfr master statistics timers

    Total traffic-class timers = 3268
    Total active-probe timers  = 0

show pfr master target-discovery

To display information about Performance Routing (PfR) target-discovery, use the show pfr master target-discovery command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master target-discovery [brief]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays minimal information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master target-discovery command is entered on a master controller (MC). The output of this command displays information about the target IP SLA responder IP addresses and inside prefixes at the local and remote MC peer sites when MC peering is configured and PfR target-discovery is enabled in static or dynamic mode.


The following is sample output from the show pfr master target-discovery command.

Router# show pfr master target-discovery
PfR Target-Discovery Services
 Mode: Static  Domain: 59501
 Responder list: tgt  Inside-prefixes list: ipfx
 SvcRtg: client-handle: 3  sub-handle: 2  pub-seq: 1

PfR Target-Discovery Database (local)

 Local-ID:        Desc: Router-hub

PfR Target-Discovery Database (remote)

 MC-peer:         Desc: Router-spoke2

 MC-peer:         Desc: Router-spoke1
Table 41. show pfr master target-discovery Field Descriptions




Mode of MC peering. The mode is either “Static” or “Dynamic.”


Service Advertisement Framework (SAF) domain ID.

Responder list

Name of the prefix list that contains the target responder prefixes.

Inside-prefixes list

Name of the prefix list that contains the inside prefixes.


Service Routing information.


IP address of the local MC loopback interface used to peer with other MCs.


Text description of the MC.


Target prefixes configured or discovered for the IP SLA responders to be enabled.


Prefixes configured or discovered for the active probes.

The following is sample output from the show pfr master target-discovery brief command:

Router# show pfr master target-discovery brief
PfR Target-Discovery Services
 Mode: Static  Domain: 59501
 Responder list: tgt  Inside-prefixes list: ipfx
 SvcRtg: client-handle: 3  sub-handle: 2  pub-seq: 1

PfR Target-Discovery Database (local)


show pfr master traffic-class

To display information about traffic classes that are monitored and controlled by a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller, use the show pfr master traffic-class command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master traffic-class [access-list access-list-name | application application-name [prefix] | inside | learned [delay | inside | list list-name | throughput] | prefix prefix | prefix-list prefix-list-name | rsvp] [ [active] [passive] [status]] [detail]

Additional Filter Keywords

show pfr master traffic-class [policy policy-seq-number | rc-protocol | state {hold | in | out | uncontrolled}] [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes defined by an access list.


(Optional) Name of an access list. Names cannot contain either a space or quotation marks and must begin with an alphabetic character to distinguish them from numbered access lists.


(Optional) Displays information about application traffic classes.


(Optional) Name of a predefined static application using fixed ports. See the "Usage Guidelines" section for a table of static applications.


(Optional) An IP address and bit-length mask representing a prefix to be displayed.


(Optional) Displays information about inside traffic classes.


(Optional) Displays information about learned traffic classes.


(Optional) Displays information about learned traffic classes defined using delay.


(Optional) Displays information about learned traffic classes defined in a PfR learn list.


(Optional) Name of a PfR learn list.


(Optional) Displays information about learned traffic classes defined using throughput.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes defined by a specified destination prefix.


(Optional) Destination prefix.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes defined by a prefix list.


(Optional) Name of a prefix list. Names cannot contain either a space or quotation marks and must begin with an alphabetic character to distinguish them from numbered access lists.


(Optional) Displays information about learned traffic classes defined using Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP).


(Optional) Displays active performance monitoring information only.


(Optional) Displays passive performance monitoring information only.


(Optional) Displays status information only.


(Optional) Displays detailed information.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes controlled using a PfR policy.


(Optional) Policy sequence number.


(Optional) Specify one of the following route control protocols: bgp , cce eigrp , pbr , piro , or static , to display information about traffic classes controlled using the specified protocol.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes in one of the specified states.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classe in a holddown state.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classe in an in-policy state.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classe in an out-of-policy (OOP) state.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classe in an uncontrolled state.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S. New keywords were added to filter the display.

Cisco IOS XE 3.4S

This command was modified. The rsvp keyword was added.


This command was modified. The rsvp keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master traffic-class command is entered on an PfR master controller. This command is used to display information about traffic classes that are configured for monitoring and optimization. The traffic-class and match traffic-class commands simplify the learning of traffic classes. Four types of traffic classes can be automatically learned using a traffic-class command in a learn list, or manually configured using a match traffic-class command in a PfR map:

  • Traffic classes based on destination prefixes.

  • Traffic classes representing custom application definitions using access lists.

  • Traffic classes based on a static application mapping name with an optional prefix list filter to define destination prefixes.

  • Traffic classes based on an NBAR-identified application mapping name with an optional prefix list filter to define destination prefixes.

When using the appropriate keywords, if none of the active , passive , or status keywords is specified, then the output will display the active, passive, and status information for the traffic classes. To restrict the amount of output, you can specify any of the active , passive , or status keywords, but the order of the keywords is important. If you specify the active keyword first then the passive or status keywords can be entered, if you specify the passive keyword first, then only the status keyword can be entered. The status keyword can be entered only by itself; the active and passive keywords are not accepted if they follow the status keyword. The optional detail keyword will display detailed output for the traffic classes.


To display information about traffic classes identified using NBAR, use the show pfr master traffic-class application nbar command.


To display information about the performance of traffic classes, use the show pfr master traffic-class performance command.

The table below displays the keywords that represent the application that can be configured with the show pfr master traffic-class application application-name command. Replace the application-name argument with the appropriate keyword from the table.

Table 42. Static Application List Keywords






7648 7649 7648 7649 24032

dhcp (Client)



dhcp (Server)











20 21












143 220






88 749
























22 5632 65301 5631









585 993 (Preferred)























The following example shows information about traffic classes destined for the prefix:

Router# show pfr master traffic-class

OER Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter (ms), 
 MOS - Mean Opinion Score
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
 # - Prefix monitor mode is Special, & - Blackholed Prefix
 % - Force Next-Hop, ^ - Prefix is denied
DstPrefix                   Appl_ID Dscp Prot     SrcPort     DstPort SrcPrefix         
           Flags             State     Time            CurrBR  CurrI/F Protocol
         PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn  PasSLos  PasLLos      EBw      IBw
         ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn  ActSJit  ActPMOS  ActSLos  ActLLos
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------               N defa    N           N           N N                 
               #          OOPOLICY       32    Et1/0      BGP
               N        N        N        N        N        N        N      IBwN
             130      134        0        0        N        N

The following example of the show pfr master traffic-class command with the inside keyword shows information about inside traffic classes:

Router# show pfr master traffic-class inside

OER Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter (ms), 
 MOS - Mean Opinion Score
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
 # - Prefix monitor mode is Special, & - Blackholed Prefix
 % - Force Next-Hop, ^ - Prefix is denied
DstPrefix (inside)  Appl_ID Dscp Prot     SrcPort     DstPort SrcPrefix         
           Flags             State     Time            CurrBR  CurrI/F Protocol
         PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn  PasSLos  PasLLos      EBw      IBw
         ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn  ActSJit  ActPMOS  ActSLos  ActLLos
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------               N    N    N           N           N N                 
                          DEFAULT*        0                 U                 U 
Table 43. show pfr master traffic-class Field Descriptions




Destination IP address and prefix length for the traffic class.


Application ID.


Differentiated services code point (DSCP) value.




Source port number for the traffic class.


Destination port number for the traffic class.


IP address of the traffic class source.


Special characteristics for the traffic class.


Current state of the traffic class.


Time, in seconds, between monitoring messages.

Curr BR

IP address of the border router through which this traffic class is being currently routed.


Interface of the border router through which this traffic class is being currently routed.


Protocol. A value of U means unknown; there is no measurement data.


Passive monitoring short-term delay, in milliseconds.


Passive monitoring long-term delay, in milliseconds.


Number of passively monitored short-term unreachable packets, in flows per million.


Number of passively monitored long-term unreachable packets, in flows per million.


Number of passively monitored short-term lost packets, in packets per million.


Number of passively monitored long-term lost packets, in packets per million.


Egress bandwidth.


Ingress bandwidth.


Active monitoring short-term delay, in milliseconds.


Active monitoring long-term delay, in milliseconds.


Number of actively monitored short-term unreachable packets, in flows per million.


Number of actively monitored long-term unreachable packets, in flows per million.


Number of actively monitored short-term jitter packets.


Number of actively monitored Mean Opinion Score (MOS) packets with a percentage below threshold.


Number of actively monitored short-term packets that have been lost.


Number of actively monitored long-term packets that have been lost.

The following example of the show pfr master traffic-class command with the state hold keywords shows information about traffic classes that are currently in a holddown state:

Router# show pfr master traffic-class state hold

OER Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter (ms), 
 MOS - Mean Opinion Score
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
 # - Prefix monitor mode is Special, & - Blackholed Prefix
 % - Force Next-Hop, ^ - Prefix is denied

DstPrefix           Appl_ID Dscp Prot     SrcPort     DstPort SrcPrefix         
           Flags             State     Time            CurrBR  CurrI/F Protocol
         PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn  PasSLos  PasLLos      EBw      IBw
         ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn  ActSJit  ActPMOS  ActSLos  ActLLos
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------               N    N    N           N           N N                 
                          HOLDDOWN       89 Et0/0           BGP     
              14       14    43478    43478        0        0        3        1
               N        N        N        N        N        N               N    N    N           N           N N                 
                          HOLDDOWN      165 Et0/0           BGP     
              15       15    17857    17857        0        0        3        1
               N        N        N        N        N        N               N    N    N           N           N N                 
                          HOLDDOWN      253 Et0/0           BGP     
              16       16   250000   250000        0        0        2        1
               N        N        N        N        N        N               N    N    N           N           N N                 
                          HOLDDOWN       15 Et0/0           BGP     
              14       14    29702    29702     2183     2183        3        1
               N        N        N        N        N        N 

The following example of the show pfr master traffic-class command with the rsvp keyword shows information about RSVP traffic classes:

Router# show pfr master traffic-class rsvp

OER Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter (ms), 
 MOS - Mean Opinion Score
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
 # - Prefix monitor mode is Special, & - Blackholed Prefix
 % - Force Next-Hop, ^ - Prefix is denied

DstPrefix           Appl_ID Dscp Prot     SrcPort     DstPort SrcPrefix         
           Flags             State     Time            CurrBR  CurrI/F Protocol
         PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn  PasSLos  PasLLos      EBw      IBw
         ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn  ActSJit  ActPMOS  ActSLos  ActLLos
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------              N    N  tcp       75-75       75-75      
                          INPOLICY       @0 Tu24            PBR     
               U        U        0        0        0        0        0        0
               1        1        0        0        N        N        N        N 

show pfr master traffic-class application nbar

To display information about application traffic classes that are identified using network-based application recognition (NBAR) and are monitored and controlled by a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller, use the show pfr master traffic-class application nbar command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master traffic-class application nbar nbar-app-name [prefix] [ { [active [passive] [status]] | | [passive [status]] | status} | detail]

Syntax Description


Name of a dynamic application identified using NBAR. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more details.


(Optional) An IP address and bit length mask representing a prefix.


(Optional) Displays active performance monitoring information only.


(Optional) Displays passive performance monitoring information only.


(Optional) Displays status information only.


(Optional) Displays detailed information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master traffic-class application nbar command is entered on a PfR master controller. This command is used to display information about application traffic classes that are identified using NBAR. To display information about traffic classes defined using static application mapping, use the show pfr master traffic-class command.

The optional detail keyword will display detailed output for the NBAR application traffic classes. If the detail keyword is not specified, and if none of the active , passive , or status keywords is specified, then the output will display the active, passive, and status information for the traffic classes. To restrict the amount of output, specify one, or more, of the active , passive , or status keywords. The keywords must be specified in the order shown in the syntax.

NBAR can identify applications based on the following three types of protocols:

  • Non-UDP and non-TCP IP protocols—For example, generic routing encapsulation (GRE) and Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).

  • TCP and UDP protocols that use statically assigned port numbers—For example, CU-SeeMe desktop video conference (CU-SeeMe-Server) and Post Office Protocol over Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) server (SPOP3-Server).

  • TCP and UDP protocols that dynamically assign port numbers and require stateful inspection—For example, Real-Time Transport Protocol audio streaming (RTP-audio) and BitTorrent file transfer traffic (BitTorrent).

The list of applications identified using NBAR and available for profiling of PfR traffic classes is constantly evolving. For lists of many of the NBAR applications defined using static or dynamically assigned ports, see the “Performance Routing with NBAR/CCE Application Recognition” module.

For more details about NBAR, see the “Classifying Network Traffic Using NBAR” section of the QoS: NBAR Configuration Guide.

If the prefix argument is specified, only the PfR-controlled traffic class that matches the application specified by the nbar-app-name argument and the destination prefix specified by the prefix argument are displayed. If the prefix argument is not specified, all PfR-controlled traffic classes that match the application specified by the nbar-app-name argument, regardless of the destination prefix, are displayed.


The following example shows information about traffic classes consisting of Real-time Transport Protocol streaming audio (RTP-audio) traffic:

Router# show pfr master traffic-class application nbar rtp-audio

OER Prefix Statistics:
 Pas - Passive, Act - Active, S - Short term, L - Long term, Dly - Delay (ms),
 P - Percentage below threshold, Jit - Jitter (ms), 
 MOS - Mean Opinion Score
 Los - Packet Loss (packets-per-million), Un - Unreachable (flows-per-million),
 E - Egress, I - Ingress, Bw - Bandwidth (kbps), N - Not applicable
 U - unknown, * - uncontrolled, + - control more specific, @ - active probe all
 # - Prefix monitor mode is Special, & - Blackholed Prefix
 % - Force Next-Hop, ^ - Prefix is denied
DstPrefix           Appl_ID Dscp Prot     SrcPort     DstPort SrcPrefix         
           Flags             State     Time            CurrBR  CurrI/F Protocol
         PasSDly  PasLDly   PasSUn   PasLUn      EBw      IBw
         ActSDly  ActLDly   ActSUn   ActLUn  ActSJit  ActPMOS
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------       RTP-Audio defa    N           N           N         
                          DEFAULT*      461     Et1/0        U
               U        U        0        0        1        2
             150      130        0        0       15        0      RTP-Audio defa    N           N           N         
                          DEFAULT*      461     Et1/0        U
               U        U        0        0        1        2
             250      200        0        0       30        0
Table 44. show pfr master traffic-class application nbar Field Descriptions




Destination IP address and prefix length for the traffic class.


Application ID. The application can be a static application or an NBAR identified application.


Differentiated services code point (DSCP) value.




Source port number for the traffic class.


Destination port number for the traffic class.


IP address of the traffic class source.


Special characteristics for the traffic class; see the items listed under the “OER Prefix Statistics” section in the output for details.


Current state of the traffic class.


Time, in seconds, between monitoring messages.

Curr BR

IP address of the border router through which this traffic class is being currently routed.


Interface of the border router through which this traffic class is being currently routed.


Protocol. If the traffic class is being controlled by PfR this field displays one of the following: BGP, STATIC, or CCE. A value of U means unknown; PfR is not controlling the traffic class.


Passive monitoring short-term delay, in milliseconds.


Passive monitoring long-term delay, in milliseconds.


Number of passively monitored short-term unreachable packets, in flows per million.


Number of passively monitored long-term unreachable packets, in flows per million.


Egress bandwidth.


Ingress bandwidth.


Active monitoring short-term delay, in milliseconds.


Active monitoring long-term delay, in milliseconds.


Number of actively monitored short-term unreachable packets, in flows per million.


Number of actively monitored long-term unreachable packets, in flows per million.


Number of actively monitored short-term jitter packets.


Number of actively monitored Mean Opinion Score (MOS) packets with a percentage below threshold.

show pfr master traffic-class performance

To display performance information about traffic classes that are monitored and controlled by a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller, use the show pfr master traffic-class performance command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr master traffic-class performance [application application-name [prefix] | history [active | passive] | inside | learn [delay | inside | list list-name | rsvp | throughput] | policy policy-seq-number | rc-protocol | state {hold | in | out | uncontrolled} | static] [detail]

Syntax for the IP Keyword

show pfr master traffic-class performance ip {source-ip-address mask | any} {destination-ip-address mask | any} [application application-name [prefix] | dscp dscp-value | inside | learn [delay | inside | list list-name | rsvp | throughput] | policy policy-seq-number | rc-protocol | state {hold | in | out | uncontrolled}] [detail]

Syntax for TCP and UDP Keywords

show pfr master traffic-class performance {tcp | udp} {source-ip-address mask | any} {destination-ip-address mask | any | range min-src-port-num max-src-port-num [min-dest-port-num max-dest-port-num]} [application application-name [prefix] | dscp dscp-value | inside | learn [delay | inside | list list-name | rsvp | throughput] | policy policy-seq-number | rc-protocol | state {hold | in | out | uncontrolled}] [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information about application traffic classes.


(Optional) Name of a predefined static application using fixed ports. See the "Usage Guidelines" section for a table of static applications.


(Optional) An IP address and bit-length mask representing a prefix to be displayed.


(Optional) Displays the history of performance information.


(Optional) Displays active performance monitoring information only.


(Optional) Displays passive performance monitoring information only.


(Optional) Displays information about inside traffic classes.


(Optional) Displays information about learned traffic classes.


(Optional) Displays information about learned traffic classes defined using delay.


(Optional) Displays information about learned traffic classes defined in a PfR learn list.


(Optional) Name of a PfR learn list.


(Optional) Displays information about learned traffic classes defined using Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP).


(Optional) Displays information about learned traffic classes defined using throughput.


(Optional) Displays detailed information.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes controlled using a PfR policy.


(Optional) Policy sequence number.


(Optional) Specify one of the following route control protocols: bgp , cce eigrp , pbr , piro , or static , to display information about traffic-classes controlled using the specified protocol.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes in one of the specified states.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes in a holddown state.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classess in an in-policy state.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes in an out-of-policy (OOP) state.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes in an uncontrolled state.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes controlled using static routes.


(Optional) Displays detailed performance information.


Displays information about traffic classes defined using a specific IP address.


Source IP address.


Mask for IP address.


Displays information about traffic classes defined using any IP address.


Destination IP address.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes defined using a specified DSCP value.


(Optional) DSCP value.


Displays information about traffic classes defined using TCP.


Displays information about traffic classes defined using UDP.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic classes that match the specified port number.


Port number in the range from 0 to 65535. Defines the minimum source port number for a range.


Port number in the range from 0 to 65535. Defines the maximum source port number for a range.


(Optional) Port number in the range from 0 to 65535. Defines the minimum destination port number for a range.


(Optional) Port number in the range from 0 to 65535. Defines the maximum destination port number for a range.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)  

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE 3.4S

This command was modified. The rsvp keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr master traffic-class performance command is entered on an PfR master controller. This command is used to display performance information about traffic classes that are configured for monitoring and optimization. The syntax is shown in three forms to simplify the listing of the filter keywords used to reduce the amount of output generated for this command. The filter keywords and arguments after the ip and the tcp or udp keywords are separated because of unique keywords or arguments and to make the syntax easier to view.


Use the show pfr master traffic-class command to display information about traffic classes that are not performance related.


The following partial example shows the main sections of performance output. This example assumes that both active and passive monitoring modes are configured on the master controller.

Router# show pfr master traffic-class performance

Traffic-class: (inside)
 destination prefix: source prefix:
 dscp: cs5 protocol: tcp 
 source port: 200-400 destination port: 500-6000
 application name: telnet

  Control State                   : Controlled using PIRO
  Traffic-class status            : Out of POLICY due to Delay  overlapping 
  Current Exit                    : BR interface Ethernet1/0, tie breaker was Jitter
  On Current Exit since           : 0d 00:00:40                  
  Time Remaining in Current State : 2 seconds
  Last Uncontrol Reason           : Not enough active probing data (Meaningful uncontrol string)
  Time Since Last Uncontrol       : 0d 00:00:50
  Traffic-class Type              : Learned and Configured
  IMPROPER CONFIG                 : jitter resolver used w/o jitter probe configured.

Last Out of Policy Event:
  Exit                           : BR interface Ethernet1/0
  Reason                         : Delay 
  Time Since Out of Policy Event : 00:01:29
  Delay Performance              : 75 msec               50%  ( short 75 msec / Long 50 msec)
  Delay Threshold                : 60 msec               25%   

Average Passive Performance Current Exit: (Ave. for last 5 minutes)
  Delay                  : 30 % (130/100)        Threshold : 20 % (Short Term/Long Term)
  Loss                   : 10000 ppm             Threshold : 20000 ppm
  Unreachable            : 20000 fpm             Threshold : 50000 fpm
  Egress BW              : 15 kbps
  Ingress BW             : 10 kbps
  Time since Last Update : 00:00:30                        

Average Active Performance Current Exit: (Ave. for last 5 minutes)
  Jitter                      : 50 msec            Threshold : 40 msec
  MOS                         : 40 % below 3.75    Threshold : 30 % below 3.75
  Delay                       : 30 % (130/100)     Threshold : 20 %
  Loss                        : 10000 ppm          Threshold : 20000 ppm
  Unreachable                 : 20000 fpm          Threshold : 50000 fpm
  Time since Last Update      : 00:00:30                   

Latest Active Performance All Exits: 
BR             Interface Delay Jitter Loss Unreachable PctMOS Attempts Packets Age 
                                                                       / Probe
-------------- --------- ----- ------ ---- ----------- ------ -------- ------- -------- Et0/0       100     30    0           0      0        1     100 00:00:56 Et1/0       100     20    0           0      0        1     100 00:00:56 Et2/0       100     10    0           0      0        1     100 00:00:56 Et3/0       100      0    0           0      0        1     100 00:00:60

Active Probing: 
  State             : Probing ALL Exits
  Current Probes    :
    Target           Type    Port   DSCP  BR               Interface
    ---------------  ------  -----  ----  ---------------  ---------   jitter  65000  cs5   Et0/0   jitter  65000  cs5   Et1/0   jitter  65000  cs5   Et0/0   jitter  65000  cs5   Et1/0

Last Resolver Decision:
  BR               Interface      Status  Reason  Performance  Threshold  Policy Status 
  ---------------  --------- -----------  ------  -----------  ---------  -------------   Et0/0      Eliminated   Delay      80 msec    20 msec  Out-of-Policy   Et2/0      Eliminated   Delay      50 msec    20 msec  Out-of-Policy   Et1/0      Best-Path    Delay      30 msec    20 msec  Out-of-Policy

Current Policy: MAP1 sequence 20  (OR Dynamic client 10 sequence 200)
  Mode Monitor      : Both
  Mode Route        : Control
  Delay Priority    : 1          Variance : 10%
  Jitter Priority   : 2          Variance : 20%
Table 45. show pfr master traffic-class performance Field Descriptions



Traffic-class: (inside)

Displays performance data for an inside traffic class with the destination and source prefixes, DSCP value, protocol, source and destination port ranges, and application name.

General: Control State

Displays "Controlled with <protocol>" or "Not controlled."

Traffic Class Status

Displays "Out of POLICY" and an explanation, or "INPOLICY" or "DISABLED" and an explanation.

Current Exit

Current border router and interface for the traffic class.

On Current Exit since

Time in days, minutes, hours, and seconds.

Last Uncontrol Reason

Explanation for the last time the prefix was uncontrolled.

Traffic-class Type

How the traffic class was identified.


If the configuration has issues, an explanation is provided.

Last Out of Policy Event:

Identifies the exit, reason, time since last Out of Policy (OOP) event, and the configured delay performance and delay threshold.

Average Passive Performance Current Exit:

If passive monitoring is configured, this section displays performance information on delay, loss, unreachable ingress and egress bandwidth, and the time since the last update. The averages are calculated for the last five minutes.

Average Active Performance Current Exit:

If active monitoring is configured, this section displays performance information on jitter, MOS, delay, loss, unreachable, ingress and egress bandwidth, and the time since the last update. The averages are calculated for the last five minutes.

Latest Active Performance All Exits:

If active monitoring is configured, this section displays performance information on delay, loss, unreachable, ingress and egress bandwidth, and the time since the last update.

Active Probing:

Displays the current active probing state and information about the current active probes.

Last Resolver Decision:

Displays the last resolver decision with an explanation that includes the border router IP address, the status of the exit, performance and threshold data, and the state of the policy.

Current Policy:

Displays the current policy details with the policy name, the mode configurations, the priority information, and other parameters that are configured.

The following output shows traffic class performance history on current exits during the last 60 minutes.

Router# show pfr master traffic-class performance history

Prefix performance history records
 Current index 1, S_avg interval(min) 5, L_avg interval(min) 60

Age       Border          Interface       OOP/RteChg Reasons                  
Pas: DSum  Samples  DAvg  PktLoss  Unreach   Ebytes   Ibytes     Pkts    Flows
Act: Dsum Attempts  DAvg    Comps  Unreach   Jitter LoMOSCnt   MOSCnt
00:00:33        Et0/0                                               
Pas: 6466      517    12        2       58  3400299   336921    10499     2117
Act:    0        0     0        0        0        N        N        N
00:01:35        Et0/0                                               
Pas:15661     1334    11        4      157  4908315   884578    20927     3765
Act:    0        0     0        0        0        N        N        N
00:02:37        Et0/0                                               
Pas:13756     1164    11        9      126  6181747   756877    21232     4079
Act:    0        0     0        0        0        N        N        N
00:03:43        Et0/0                                               
Pas:14350     1217    11        6      153  6839987   794944    22919     4434
Act:    0        0     0        0        0        N        N        N
00:04:39        Et0/0                                               
Pas:13431     1129    11       10      122  6603568   730905    21491     4160
Act:    0        0     0        0        0        N        N        N
00:05:42        Et0/0                                               
Pas:14200     1186    11        9      125  4566305   765525    18718     3461
Act:    0        0     0        0        0        N        N        N
00:06:39        Et0/0                                               
Pas:14108     1207    11        5      150  3171450   795278    16671     2903
Act:    0        0     0        0        0        N        N        N
00:07:39        Et0/0                                               
Pas:11554      983    11       15      133  8386375   642790    23238     4793
Act:    0        0     0        0        0        N        N        N
Table 46. show pfr master traffic-class performance history Field Descriptions




Time since last packet sent in hours, minutes, and seconds.


IP address of the border router.


Interface name and number.

OOP/Route Chng Reasons

Explanation about Out of Policy (OOP) route changes.


Passive monitoring history data.


Sum of passive monitoring delay.


Number of sample passive monitoring packets sent.


Average of passive monitoring packet delay.


Number of packets lost.


Number of unreachable flows.


Egress bandwidth used, in bytes.


Ingress bandwidth used, in bytes.


Number of packets sent.


Number of traffic flows.


Active monitoring history data.


Sum of active monitoring delay, in milliseconds.


Number of active monitoring packets sent.


Average of active monitoring packet delay.


Number of passively monitored short-term unreachable packets, in flows per million.


Jitter value.


Number of monitored Mean Opinion Score (MOS) packets with a MOS count below threshold.


Number of MOS packets.

show pfr proxy


Effective with Cisco IOS Releases 15.2(1)S, 15.2(3)T, and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S, the show pfr proxy command is not available in Cisco IOS software.

To display Performance Routing (PfR) proxy information, use the show pfr proxy command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pfr proxy

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. This command was removed.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was modified. This command was removed.


This command was modified. This command was removed.

Usage Guidelines

The show pfr proxy command is entered on a master controller. This command is used to display IP address information and the connection status of a PfR proxy.


The following is sample output from the show pfr proxy command:

Router# show pfr proxy
  Conn Status: NOT OPEN, Port 3949
Table 47. show pfr proxy Field Descriptions




Displays the IP address and status of the PfR proxy.


Displays the IP address of the master controller (MC).


Displays the connection status—UP or DOWN.

Conn Status:

Displays the connection status—OPEN or NOT OPEN.


Displays the TCP port number used to communicate with the master controller.

show platform hardware qfp active feature pbr

To display the policy-based routing (PBR) class group information in the active Cisco Quantum Flow Processor (QFP), use the show platform hardware qfp active feature pbr command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware qfp active feature pbr class-group [cg-id] [class [class-id] ]

Syntax Description


Specifies a class group to display.


(Optional) Class group ID.


(Optional) Specifies the class ID.


(Optional) Class ID.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show platform hardware qfp active feature pbr command to troubleshoot PBR issues on the quantum flow processor.


The following is a sample output from the show platform hardware qfp active feature pbr command for the class group 2 and class ID of 6:

Device# show platform hardware qfp active feature pbr class-group 2 class 6

Class ID: 6
  hw flags enabled: action, prec
  hw flags value: (0x0000000a)
  tos: 0
  precedence: 160
  adj_id: 0
  table_id: 0
  extra_action_size: 0
  cpp_num: 0
  extra_ppe_addr: 0x00000000
  stats_ppe_addr: 0x8bc6a090

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 48. show platform hardware qfp active feature pbr Field Descriptions



hw flags enabled

Actions enabled on set clauses.

show platform software pbr

To display platform-specific policy-based routing (PBR) information, use the show platform software pbr command in the privileged EXEC mode.

show platform software pbr slot {active {class-group {all | cg-id} | interface {all | name intf-name} | route-map {all | name rmap-name | sequence cgm-class-id} | statistics} | standby statistics}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Embedded Service Processor or Route Processor slot.

Valid options are:

  • F0—Embedded-Service-Processor slot 0

  • F1—Embedded-Service-Processor slot 1

  • FP—Embedded-Service-Processor

  • R0—Route-Processor slot 0

  • R1—Route-Processor slot 1

  • RP—Route-Processor


Displays the active instance of the PBR.


(Optional) Displays PBR CGD class group information.


(Optional) Displays information for all instances of the selected keyword.


(Optional) Class group ID.


Displays PBR interface map information.


Displays information about a specific interface map.


Interface map name.


Displays PBR route map information.


Displays information about a specific route map.


Route map name.


Displays information about PBR route map sequence.


CGM class ID.


Displays PBR statistic counters.


Displays the standby instance of the PBR.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was modified. The output was modified as a result of the PfR Scaling Improvement for Application Traffic Class feature.


The following is a sample output from the show platform software pbr fp active route-map all command displaying information about all the active route maps configured on the embedded-service processor:

Device#show platform software pbr fp active route-map all
Route-map: rtmap-test
CG_id: 1, AOM obj id: 278
Sequence      CGM class ID    AOM ID    Action AOM ID
10            1               327       328
Interface                          AOM id
GigabitEthernet0/0/2                 281
Route-map: test
CG_id: 2, AOM obj id: 608
Sequence      CGM class ID    AOM ID    Action AOM ID
10            2               609       610
20            3               611       612
30            4               613       614
40            5               615       616
50            6               617       618
60            7               619       620
70            8               621       622
Interface                          AOM id
GigabitEthernet0/0/0.773           630

The following is a sample output showing the route maps that are configured on the route processor with their corresponding class groups.

Device#show platform software pbr fp active class-group all

Class-group       Route-map
1                 rtmap-test
2                 test

show platform software route-map

To display platform-specific configuration and statistics for route maps configured on Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers, use the show platform software route-map command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform software route-map {client | counters | slot} {active | standby} {cgm-filter | feature-reference | map | stats | summary}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information for a feature registered to use a route map.


(Optional) Displays route map statistic counter information.


(Optional) Embedded Service Processor or Route Processor slot.

Valid options are:

  • F0 —Embedded Service Processor Slot 0

  • F1 —Embedded Service Processor Slot 1

  • FP —Embedded Service Processor

  • R0 —Route Processor Slot 0

  • R1 —Rout Processor Slot 1

  • RP —Route Processor


Displays the active instance of the route map.


Displays standby instance of the route map.


Displays route map CGM filter information.



This keyword is only available for an embedded-service-processor.


Displays route map feature references.



This keyword is only available for an embedded-service-processor.


Displays route-map map information.


Displays route map statistics.


Displays route map summary information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was modified. The output was modified as a result of the PfR Scaling Improvement for Application Traffic Class feature.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show platform software route-map to display statistics and configuration information related to route map platform commands on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers. The information can help troubleshoot route map issues related to a specific platform.


The following is sample output from the show platform software route-map command:

Router# show platform software route-map rp active map

route-map test, permit, sequence 10
  Match clauses:
    ip address (access-lists): acl-771
  Set clauses:
    IP TOS: 16

route-map test, permit, sequence 20
  Match clauses:
    ip address (access-lists): acl-772
  Set clauses:
    IP DF: 1

route-map test, permit, sequence 30
  Match clauses:
    ip address (access-lists): acl-773
  Set clauses:
    ipv4 nexthop:, table_id 0

route-map test, permit, sequence 40
  Match clauses:
    ip address (access-lists): acl-774
  Set clauses:

route-map test, permit, sequence 50
  Match clauses:
    ip address (access-lists): acl-775
  Set clauses:
    ip precedence: 160

route-map test, permit, sequence 60
  Match clauses:
    ip address (access-lists): acl-776
  Set clauses:
    vrf: name vrf-test, id 5, table_id 5

route-map test, permit, sequence 70
  Match clauses:
  Set clauses:

route-map rtmap-test, permit, sequence 10
  Match clauses:
    ip address (access-lists): acl-test
  Set clauses:
    IP DF: 0
    interface: NULL0 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 49. show platform software route-map rp active map Field Descriptions




Displays the route-map entry sequence number in the route map.

Match clauses

Lists the match criteria of the route map entry.

Set clauses

Lists the set action of the route map entry.

show platform hardware pp active tcam utilization control-plane-sessions

To view Ternary Content-Addressable Memory (TCAM) utilization , use the show platform hardware pp active utilization control-plane-sessions command in the privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware pp active utilization control-plane-sessions ASIC ID

Syntax Description

asic id

Specify 0 or 1 to denote the Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), which records the TCAM utilization.

Command Default

The show platform hardware pp active tcam utilization control-plane-sessions command is enabled by default.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 17.15.1

This command was introduced in Cisco IOS XE ASR 900 and ASR 920 platforms. It is supported in the RSP2 and RSP3 Interface Modules.

Usage Guidelines

The TCAM is divided into regions for each control session, such as IPv4 QoS and MPLS Wrap Label. Protocols related to a control session are grouped into a region. For example, for an IPv4 ACL TCAM, protocols such as mhopv4, ipsec-isakmp, and ip-drop are grouped and fall in the same TCAM region.

The command displays the TCAM utilization for each control plane TCAM entry to ensure the required configurations work seamlessly. It shows the amount of TCAMs allocated to a region—Total, Used, and Free space in each region. The control plane TCAM protocol shows the index values, region, and number of entries. The control plane TCAM entries are allocated, by default, during the bootup process.

This command is supported in the RSP2 and RSP3 Interface Modules.


The following example shows the Layer 3 and MPLS protocols' TCAM utilization for the RSP3 module:

Router#show platform hardware pp active tcam utilization control-plane-sessions 0
TCAM usage on ASIC 0:
TCAM                      Total                     Used                      Free                     
MPLS Wrap Label           266                       258                       8                        
Ipv4 ACL                  1000                      22                        978                      
Ipv4 LI                   400                       1                         399                      
Ipv4 Qos                  2048                      0                         2048                     
L2 ACL                    1000                      26                        974                      
L2 Qos                    1000                      0                         1000                     
Inner Mac Trap            50                        7                         43                       
IPV6 Mcast Lookup         2000                      5                         1995                     
Ipv6 ACL                  1024                      5                         1019                     
L3 FHRP Lookup            1022                      0                         1022                     
BFD OAM Action            128                       0                         128                      

Control TCAM entries on ASIC 0:

Protocol             Index      App name/num              Numentries     
bfdv4                1048600    36                        1         
bfd-ec               1048602    38                        1         
mhopv4               357        Ipv4 ACL                  1         
mhopv6               363        Ipv6 ACL                  1         
ipsec-isakmp         362        Ipv4 ACL                  1         
ip-drop              358        Ipv4 ACL                  1         
vrrp                 359        Ipv4 ACL                  1         
dhcp-snoop           361        Ipv4 ACL                  1         
ipv6-nd              364        Ipv6 ACL                  3         
ipv6-unknown         367        Ipv6 ACL                  1         
mpls-wrap            0          MPLS Wrap Label           1         
bgpv4                350        Ipv4 ACL                  2         
ldp                  352        Ipv4 ACL                  2         
ospf                 355        Ipv4 ACL                  1         
eigrp                356        Ipv4 ACL                  1         
hsrp                 360        Ipv4 ACL                  1   


The following example shows the Layer 3 and MPLS protocols' TCAM utilization for the RSP2 module:

Router# show platform hardware pp active tcam utilization control-plane-sessions 0

TCAM utilization:

Region(field)              Total       Used        Free
ACL_REGION(0)              260         125         135
ACL_REGION(1)              16          0           16
ACL_REGION(2)              3776        2           3774
ACL_REGION(3)              44          37          7
IPV6_ACL_REGION(0)         9           8           1
IPV6_ACL_REGION(1)         1           0           1
IPV6_ACL_REGION(2)         1006        0           1006
IPV6_ACL_REGION(3)         8           3           5
QOS_REGION(0)              50          12          38
QOS_REGION(2)              1997        8           1989
QOS_REGION(3)              1           1           0
EGRESS_ACL_REGION(0)       47          38          9
EGRESS_ACL_REGION(1)       16          0           16
EGRESS_ACL_REGION(2)       957         0           957
EGRESS_ACL_REGION(3)       4           4           0
EGRESS_QOS_REGION(0)       125         80          45
EGRESS_QOS_REGION(2)       4895        0           4895
EGRESS_QOS_REGION(3)       50          0           50
EGRESS_QOS_REGION(4)       50          22          28
IPV4_TUNNEL_REGION(0)      3           3           0
IPV4_TUNNEL_REGION(1)      1021        0           1021
IPV4_TUNNEL_REGION(2)      1020        0           1020
IPV4_TUNNEL_REGION(3)      4           4           0

Control TCAM entries:

Protocol              Index       App/Region                 Numentries
ipsec-isakmp          92          ACL_REGION                 1
ip-drop               131         ACL_REGION                 6
vrrp                  137         ACL_REGION                 2
dhcp-snoop            139         ACL_REGION                 9
dai                   148         ACL_REGION                 9
micro-bfd             232         ACL_REGION                 1
mhopv4                233         ACL_REGION                 1
ptp                   237         ACL_REGION                 6
ptp-slave             243         ACL_REGION                 6
ospf                  4053        ACL_REGION                 1

Control TCAM entries:

Protocol              Index       App/Region                 Numentries
ssh                   4054        ACL_REGION                 1
telnet                4055        ACL_REGION                 1
ldp                   4056        ACL_REGION                 2
bgpv4                 4058        ACL_REGION                 2
igmp                  4063        ACL_REGION                 3
rip                   4066        ACL_REGION                 3
arp                   4069        ACL_REGION                 4
ipv6-nd               1           IPV6_ACL_REGION            5
dhcpv6                6           IPV6_ACL_REGION            1
mhopv6                7           IPV6_ACL_REGION            1

Control TCAM entries:

Protocol              Index       App/Region                 Numentries
ipv6-unknown          8           IPV6_ACL_REGION            1
bgpv6                 1016        IPV6_ACL_REGION            2
bfdv4                 32          QOS_REGION                 1
mpls-wrap             33          QOS_REGION                 1
dhcp-ipsg             0           IPV4_TUNNEL_REGION         3
pbr                   2045        IPV4_TUNNEL_REGION         1

show platform hardware pp active infrastructure pi nft summary

To view NFT data, use the platform hardware pp active infrastructure pi nft summary command in the privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware pp active infrastructure pi nft summary

Command Default

To view the show command, the NFT summarization should be enabled as follows:

Router(config)#platform nft_summarization enable

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 17.15.1

This command was introduced in Cisco IOS XE ASR 900 and ASR 920 platforms. It is supported in the RSP2 and RSP3 Interface Modules.

Usage Guidelines

The command displays a summary of packets that are punted to the CPU. Data such as the incoming interface, MAC addresses, Layer 3 type, Layer 4 type, protocol, source and destination IP addresses, and source and destination port numbers (TCP/UDP) are collected from the punted packets and stored in the NFT table. You can identify packet drops and troubleshoot issues related to control plane sessions.


You can view the show command output only if the NFT summarization has already been configured:
Router(config)#platform nft_summarization enable


The following example shows the NFT summary:

Router#show platform hardware pp active infrastructure pi nft summary 
NFT Summary:
Source MAC: f0:78:16:6f:a4:2b
Destination MAC: 01:00:5e:00:00:01
Timestamp: 602845s
Ethertype  :0x800
Source v4:
Destination v4:
Proto Type: IGMP
Queue: 7
Count : 1

shutdown (PfR)

To stop a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller or PfR border router process without removing the PfR process configuration, use the shutdown command in PfR master controller or PfR border router configuration mode. To start a stopped PfR process, use the no form of this command.


no shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No master controller or border router is stopped.

Command Modes

PfR master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc) PfR border router configuration (config-pfr-br)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The shutdown command is entered on a master controller or border router. Entering the shutdown command stops an active master controller or border router process but does not remove any configuration parameters. The shutdown command is displayed in the running configuration file when enabled. To disable a master controller or border router and completely remove the process configuration from the running configuration file, use the no pfr master or no pfr border command in global configuration mode.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command is supported only in PfR border router configuration mode.


The following example stops an active PfR border router session:

Router(config)# pfr border
Router(config-pfr-br)# shutdown

The following example starts an inactive PfR master controller session:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# no shutdown


To create new site-prefix list, use the site-prefixes command in master controller configuration mode. To remove the site-prefixes, use the no form of this command.

site-prefixes prefix-list list-name

no site-prefixes prefix-list list-name

Syntax Description


Specifies the prefix-list with static site prefixes.


Specifies the prefix-list containing list of site prefixes.

Command Default

The site-prefixes are not created.

Command Modes

Master controller configuration mode (config-domain-vrf-mc)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.13S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command on the hub device for the master controller configuration to configure site-prefixes. Use this command with the ip prefix-list command. Match conditions specified in the ip prefix-list command are only supported.


The following example shows how to configure site-prefixes:

Device(config-domain-vrf-mc)# site-prefixes prefix-list hub_site_prefixes


To configure smart-probes ports, use the smart-probes command in advanced configuration mode. To remove the ports, use the no form of this command.

smart-probes {destination-port | source-port | {port-number}}

smart-probes {destination-port | source-port}

Syntax Description


Specifies smart-probes destination port.


Specifies smart-probes source port.


Specifies port number of the destination and source. The range is from 1 to 65535.

Command Default

Predefined smart-probes ports are used in hub master controller configuration.

Command Modes

advanced (config-domain-vrf-mc-advanced)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.13S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify user-defined source and destination smart-probes port numbers.


The following examples shows how to configure smart-probes ports:

Device(config-domain-vrf-mc-advanced)# smart-probes destination-port 20
Device(config-domain-vrf-mc-advanced)# smart-probes source-port 25

snmp-server enable traps pfr

To enable Performance Routing (PfR) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notifications (traps and informs), use the snmp-server enable traps pfr command in global configuration mode. To disable PfR notifications, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server enable traps pfr

no snmp-server enable traps pfr

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

PfR SNMP notifications are disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.3(2)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable SNMP notifications for PfR activity.


This example shows how to enable PfR SNMP notifications:

Router(config)# snmp-server host traps public pfr
Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps pfr
Router(config)# exit


To configure a loopback used as a source for peering with other sites and master controller (MC), use the source-interface command in master controller configuration mode or border configuration mode.

source-interface loopback interface-number

Syntax Description


Specifies the loopback interface.


Specifies the loopback interface number. The range is from 0 to 2147483647.

Command Default

The loopback interface is not configured.

Command Modes

Master controller configuration mode (config-domain-vrf-mc)#

Border configuration mode (config-domain-vrf-br)#

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.13S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the loopback used as a source for peering with other sites or master controller.


The following example shows how to configure source-interface for hub MC:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# domain default
Device(config-domain)# vrf default
Device(config-domain-vrf)# master hub
Device(config-domain-vrf-mc)# source-interface loopback 2

The following example shows how to configure source-interface for border devices:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# domain default
Device(config-domain)# vrf default
Device(config-domain-vrf)# border
Device(config-domain-vrf-br)# source-interface loopback 0


To enable Performance Routing (PfR) target-discovery, use the target-discovery command in PfR master controller configuration mode. To disable PfR target-discovery, use the no form of this command.

target-discovery [responder-list prefix-list-name [inside-prefixes prefix-list-name]]

no target-discovery

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies a prefix list of IP SLA responder addresses.


(Optional) Prefix list name.


(Optional) Specifies a list of inside prefixes.

Command Default

PfR target-discovery is disabled.

Command Modes

PfR master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

The target-discovery command is entered on a PfR master controller. In networks that have Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) Service Advertisement Framework (SAF) already configured and in which all remote sites are directly connected, the command can be entered without any keywords to enable dynamic target-discovery. In networks with multihops between sites, the responder-list and inside-prefixes keywords are entered with associated prefix-list names to configure a static list of IP SLA responders.

The PfR Target Discovery feature introduces a scalable solution for managing the performance of video and voice applications across large Enterprise branch networks by automating the identification and configuration of IP SLA responders. After establishing MC peering using the mc-peer command, target-discovery is enabled in either static or dynamic mode depending on the type of network. EIGRP SAF is used as a service routing forwarder between the MC peers to distribute information to allow autodiscovery and automatic configuration of IP SLA responders and to share information about active probes. PfR target-discovery reduces the amount of configuration required at remote sites.


The following example shows how to enable dynamic PfR target-discovery:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# target-discovery

The following example shows how to enable PfR target-discovery in static mode:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# target-discovery responder-list tgt inside-prefixes ipfx


To configure threshold tolerance for hub master controller configuration, use the threshold-variance command in advanced configuration mode. To remove the threshold tolerance, use the no form of this command.

threshold-variance tolerance-percentage

no threshold-variance tolerance-percentage

Syntax Description


Specifies the percentage of tolerance. The range is from 0 to 100.

Command Default

Default threshold tolerance is used for hub master controller configuration.

Command Modes

advanced (config-domain-vrf-mc-advanced)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.13S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the threshold with respect to jitter, loss, and one-way-delay that can be tolerated across two links.


The following examples shows how to configure threshold variance percentage:

Device(config-domain-vrf-mc-advanced)# threshold-variance 20

throughput (PfR)

To configure Performance Routing (PfR) to learn the top prefixes based on the highest outbound throughput, use the throughput command in Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration mode or learn list configuration mode. To disable learning based on outbound throughput, use the no form of this command.


no throughput

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No prefixes are learned based on outbound throughput.

Command Modes

PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn) Learn list configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn-list)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The throughput command is entered on a master controller. The master controller creates a list of prefixes based on the highest outbound throughput. This command is used to configure a master controller to learn prefixes based on the highest outbound packet throughput. When this command is enabled, PfR will learn the top prefixes across all border routers according to the highest outbound throughput.


The following example shows the commands used to configure a master controller to learn the top prefixes based on the highest outbound throughput:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# throughput

The following example shows the commands used to configure a master controller to learn top prefixes based on the highest throughput for a learn list named LEARN_REMOTE_LOGIN_TC that learns Telnet and Secure Shell (SSH) application TCF entries:

Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# list seq 10 refname LEARN_REMOTE_LOGIN_TC
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# traffic-class application telnet ssh
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# throughput

traceroute probe-delay (PfR)

To set the time interval between traceroute probe cycles, use the traceroute probe-delay command in Performance Routing (PfR) master controller configuration mode. To set the interval between probes to the default value, use the no form of this command.

traceroute probe-delay milliseconds

no traceroute probe-delay

Syntax Description


Configures the time interval, in milliseconds, between traceroute probes. The configurable range for this argument is a number from 0 to 65535.

Command Default

The default time interval between traceroute probes is 10,000 milliseconds when this command is not configured or when the no form is entered.

Command Modes

PfR master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The traceroute probe-delay command is entered on a master controller. This command is used to set the delay interval between traceroute probes.

Continuous and policy-based traceroute reporting is configured with the set traceroute reporting (PfR) command. The time interval between traceroute probes is configured with the traceroute probe-delay command in PfR master controller configuration mode. On-demand traceroute probes are triggered by entering the show pfr master prefix (PfR) command with the current and now keywords.


The following example, which starts in global configuration mode, shows the commands used to set the delay interval between traceroute probes to 10000 milliseconds:

Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# traceroute probe-delay 10000 

traffic-class access-list (PfR)

To define a Performance Routing (PfR) application traffic class using an access list applied to learned traffic flows, use the traffic-class access-list command in learn list configuration mode. To disable the definition of PfR-learned traffic flows into application traffic classes using an access list, use the no form of this command.

traffic-class access-list access-list-name [filter prefix-list-name]

no traffic-class access-list

Syntax Description


Name of an access list. Names cannot contain either a space or quotation marks and must begin with an alphabetic character to distinguish them from numbered access lists.


(Optional) Specifies that the traffic flows are filtered on the basis of a prefix list.


(Optional) Name of a prefix list (created using the ip prefix-list command).

Command Default

PfR application traffic classes are not defined using an access list.

Command Modes

Learn list configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn-list)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The traffic-class access-list command is used to configure the master controller to automatically learn application traffic defined in an access list. Only one access list can be specified, but the access list may contain many access list entries (ACEs) to help define the traffic class parameters.

PfR learn lists are a way to categorize learned traffic classes. In each learn list, different criteria for learning traffic classes including prefixes, application definitions, filters, and aggregation parameters can be configured. A traffic class is automatically learned by PfR based on each learn list criteria, and each learn list is configured with a sequence number. The sequence number determines the order in which learn list criteria are applied. Learn lists allow different PfR policies to be applied to each learn list; in previous releases the traffic classes could not be divided, and a PfR policy was applied to all the traffic classes.


The traffic-class access-list command, the traffic-class application command, and the traffic-class prefix-list commands are all mutually exclusive in a PfR learn list. Only one of these commands can be specified per PfR learn list.


The following example, starting in global configuration mode, shows the commands used to define a custom application traffic class using an access list. Every entry in the access list defines one application, and the destination network of the traffic class is determined by the specified aggregation method. After the access list is configured, the master controller automatically learns the defined application traffic based on highest throughput. A prefix list may be used to filter the traffic flows by destination prefix.

Router(config)# ip access-list extended USER_DEFINED_TC
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any any 500
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any any range 700 750
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit udp any 
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip any any dscp ef 
Router(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# list seq 10 refname LEARN_USER_DEFINED_TC 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# traffic-class access-list USER_DEFINED_TC
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# throughput 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# end 

traffic-class aggregate (PfR)

To aggregate Performance Routing (PfR) learned traffic flows into application traffic classes using an access list, use the traffic-class aggregate command in PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration mode. To disable the aggregation of PfR-learned traffic flows into application traffic classes using an access list, use the no form of this command.

traffic-class aggregate access-list access-list-name

no traffic-class aggregate access-list access-list-name

Syntax Description


Specifies that an IP access list is to be used to aggregate the PfR-learned traffic flows into application traffic classes.


Name of the access list. Names cannot contain either a space or quotation marks and must begin with an alphabetic character to distinguish them from numbered access lists.

Command Default

PfR-learned traffic flows are not aggregated into application traffic classes using an access list.

Command Modes

PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The traffic-class aggregate command can be used with the traffic-class filter (PfR) and traffic-class keys (PfR) commands to configure the master controller to automatically learn defined application traffic. Only one access list can be specified, but the access list may contain many access list entries to help define the traffic class parameters.


The traffic-class aggregate command is different from the aggregation-type (PfR) command that aggregates learned prefixes based on the type of traffic flow. The traffic-class aggregate command introduces the ability to use an access list to aggregate learned traffic flows to create an application traffic class. Both commands can be used in the same configuration.


The following example, starting in global configuration mode, shows the commands used to configure the master controller to automatically learn defined application traffic. In this example, two access lists are created to identify and define voice traffic in the network. Using the traffic-class aggregate (PfR) and the traffic-class filter (PfR) commands with the access lists, only voice traffic with a Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) bit set to ef, a User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and a destination port in the range of 3000 to 4000 is learned and added to the PfR application database on the master controller.

Router(config)# ip access-list extended voice-filter-acl
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit udp any dscp ef 
Router(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Router(config)# ip access-list extended voice-agg-acl
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit udp any any range 3000 4000 dscp ef 
Router(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# throughput 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# traffic-class filter access-list voice-filter-acl 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# traffic-class aggregate access-list voice-agg-acl 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# traffic-class keys protocol dport dscp
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# end

traffic-class application (PfR)

To define a Performance Routing (PfR) traffic class using a predefined static application, use the traffic-class application command in learn list configuration mode. To remove the definition of a PfR-learned traffic class using a predefined static application, use the no form of this command.

traffic-class application application-name [application-name . . . ] [filter prefix-list-name]

no traffic-class application application-name . . . [filter prefix-list-name]

Syntax Description


Name of a predefined static application using fixed ports. See the Usage Guidelines section for a table of applications. One application must be specified, but the ellipsis shows that more than one application keyword can be specified up to a maximum of ten.


(Optional) Specifies that the traffic flows are filtered on the basis of a prefix list.


(Optional) Name of a prefix list (created using the ip prefix-list command).

Command Default

PfR traffic classes are not defined using a static application mapping.

Command Modes

Learn list configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn-list)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The traffic-class application command is used to configure the master controller to automatically learn traffic using a keyword that represents an application. PfR maps the application keyword to a protocol--TCP or UDP, or both--and one or more ports, and this mapping is shown in the table below. More than one application can be configured as part of the traffic class.

Learn lists are a way to categorize learned traffic classes. In each learn list, different criteria for learning traffic classes including prefixes, application definitions, filters, and aggregation parameters can be configured. A traffic class is automatically learned by PfR based on each learn list criteria, and each learn list is configured with a sequence number. The sequence number determines the order in which learn list criteria are applied. Learn lists allow different PfR policies to be applied to each learn list; in previous releases, the traffic classes could not be divided, and a PfR policy was applied to all the traffic classes.


The traffic-class application (PfR) command, the traffic-class access-list (PfR) command, the traffic-class application nbar (PfR) command, and the traffic-class prefix-list (PfR) commands are all mutually exclusive in a PfR learn list. Only one of these commands can be specified per PfR learn list.

The table below displays the keywords that represent the application that can be configured with the traffic-class application command. Replace the application-name argument with the appropriate keyword from the table.

Table 50. Static Application List Keywords






7648 7649 7648 7649 24032

dhcp (Client)



dhcp (Server)











20 21












143 220






88 749
























22 5632 65301 5631









585 993 (Preferred)























The following example, starting in global configuration mode, shows the commands used to define application traffic classes using two PfR learn lists, LEARN_REMOTE_LOGIN_TC and LEARN_FILE_TRANSFER_TC. The number of traffic classes to be learned in both learn list sessions is set to 50, and the maximum number of traffic classes to be learned for all sessions of the learn list is set to 90. The remote login traffic class is configured using keywords representing Telnet and Secure Shell (SSH) traffic, and the resulting prefixes are aggregated to a prefix length of 24. The file transfer traffic class is configured using a keyword that represents FTP and is also aggregated to a prefix length of 24. A prefix list is applied to the file transfer traffic class to permit traffic from the prefix. The master controller is configured to learn the top prefixes based on highest outbound throughput for the filtered traffic, and the resulting traffic classes are added to the PfR application database to be passively and actively monitored.

Router(config)# ip prefix-list INCLUDE_10_NET
Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# list seq 10 refname LEARN_REMOTE_LOGIN_TC
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# count 50 max 90
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# traffic-class application telnet ssh
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# throughput 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# exit
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# list seq 20 refname LEARN_FILE_TRANSFER_TC
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# count 50 max 90
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# traffic-class application ftp filter INCLUDE_10_NET
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# throughput
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# end

traffic-class application nbar (PfR)

To define a Performance Routing (PfR) traffic class using a network-based application recognition (NBAR) application mapping, use the traffic-class application nbar command in learn list configuration mode. To remove the definition of a PfR-learned traffic class using an application identified using NBAR, use the no form of this command.

traffic-class application nbar nbar-app-name [nbar-app-name . . . ] [filter prefix-list-name]

no traffic-class application nbar [nbar-app-name . . . ]

Syntax Description


Keyword representing the name of a dynamic application identified using NBAR. One application keyword must be specified, but more than one can be specified, up to a maximum of ten. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more details.


(Optional) Specifies that the traffic flows are filtered on the basis of a prefix list.


(Optional) Name of a prefix list (created using the ip prefix-list command).

Command Default

PfR traffic classes are not defined using an NBAR application mapping.

Command Modes

Learn list configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn-list)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S.

Usage Guidelines

The traffic-class application nbar command is used to configure the master controller to automatically learn traffic using a keyword that represents an application that can be identified using NBAR. More than one application can be configured as part of the traffic class with a maximum of ten applications entered per command line. Enter multiple traffic-class application nbar command statements if you need to specify more than ten applications.

NBAR can identify applications based on the following three types of protocols:

  • Non-UDP and non-TCP IP protocols—For example, generic routing encapsulation (GRE) and Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).

  • TCP and UDP protocols that use statically assigned port numbers—For example, CU-SeeMe desktop video conference (CU-SeeMe-Server) and Post Office Protocol over Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) server (SPOP3-Server).

  • TCP and UDP protocols that dynamically assign port numbers and require stateful inspection—For example, Real-Time Transport Protocol audio streaming (RTP-audio) and BitTorrent file transfer traffic (BitTorrent).

The list of applications identified using NBAR and available for profiling of PfR traffic classes is constantly evolving. For lists of many of the NBAR applications defined using static or dynamically assigned ports, see the “Performance Routing with NBAR/CCE Application Recognition” module.

For more details about NBAR, see the “Classifying Network Traffic Using NBAR” section of the QoS: NBAR Configuration Guide.

Use the traffic-class application nbar ? command to determine if an application can be identified using NBAR and replace the nbar-app-name argument with the appropriate keyword from the screen display.


The following commands are mutually exclusive in a PfR learn list. Only one of these commands can be specified per PfR learn list.
  • traffic-class access-list (PfR) command
  • traffic-class application (PfR) command
  • traffic-class application nbar (PfR) command
  • traffic-class prefix-list (PfR) command


The following example, starting in global configuration mode, shows the commands used to define application traffic classes identified by using NBAR and two PfR learn lists, LEARN_VOICE_TC and LEARN_VIDEO_TC. The number of traffic classes to be learned in both learn list sessions is 50, and the maximum number of traffic classes to be learned for all sessions of the learn list is 90.

The VoIP traffic class is configured using keywords representing RTP-audio and the resulting prefixes are aggregated to a prefix length of 24. The video traffic class is configured using a keyword that represents RTP-video and is also aggregated to a prefix length of 24. A prefix list is applied to the video traffic class to match traffic for the destination prefix of The master controller is configured to learn the top prefixes based on highest outbound throughput for the learned traffic, and the resulting traffic classes are added to the PfR application database.

The traffic streams that the learn list profiles for both the RTP-audio and the RTP-video applications are:

The traffic classes that are learned for each application are: rtp-audio rtp-audio rtp-audio rtp-audio rtp-video rtp-video

The difference in traffic classes learned is due to the optional INCLUDE_10_NET prefix list that only includes RTP-video application traffic with a destination prefix that matches the prefix

Router(config)# ip prefix-list INCLUDE_10_NET
Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# list seq 10 refname LEARN_VOICE_TC
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# count 50 max 90
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# traffic-class application nbar rtp-audio
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# throughput 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# exit
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# list seq 20 refname LEARN_VIDEO_TC
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# count 50 max 90
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# traffic-class application nbar rtp-video
filter INCLUDE_10_NET
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# throughput
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# end

traffic-class filter (PfR)

To filter uninteresting traffic from Performance Routing (PfR) learned traffic flows using an access list, use the traffic-class filter command in PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration mode. To disable the filtering of PfR-learned traffic flows using an access list, use the no form of this command.

traffic-class filter access-list access-list-name

no traffic-class filter access-list access-list-name

Syntax Description


Specifies that an IP access list is to be used to filter uninteresting traffic from PfR-learned traffic flows.


Name of the access list. Names cannot contain either a space or quotation marks and must begin with an alphabetic character to distinguish them from numbered access lists.

Command Default

Uninteresting traffic is not filtered from PfR traffic flows using an access list.

Command Modes

PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

PfR is used to optimize the performance of selected traffic flows in your network. While defining the selected traffic flows, this command is used to filter out traffic that you are not interested in optimizing.

The traffic-class filter command can be used with the traffic-class aggregate (PfR) and traffic-class keys (PfR) commands to configure the master controller to automatically learn defined application traffic. Only one access list can be specified, but the access list may contain many access list entries (ACEs) to help define the traffic class parameters.


The following example, starting in global configuration mode, shows the commands used to configure the master controller to automatically learn defined application traffic. In this example, two access lists are created to identify and define voice traffic in the network. Using the traffic-class aggregate (PfR) and the traffic-class filter commands with the access lists, only voice traffic with a Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) bit set to ef, a User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and a destination port in the range of 3000 to 4000 is learned and added to the PfR application database on the master controller.

Router(config)# ip access-list extended voice-filter-acl
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit udp any dscp ef 
Router(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Router(config)# ip access-list extended voice-agg-acl
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit udp any any range 3000 4000 dscp ef 
Router(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# throughput 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# traffic-class filter access-list voice-filter-acl 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# traffic-class aggregate access-list voice-agg-acl 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# traffic-class keys dscp protocol dport
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# end

traffic-class keys (PfR)

To specify a key list of fields in the traffic flows that a Performance Routing (PfR) border router uses to aggregate traffic flows into application traffic classes, use the traffic-class keys command in PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration mode. To remove the key list, use the no form of this command.

traffic-class keys [default | [dscp] [protocol [dport] [sport]]]

no traffic-class keys [default | [dscp] [protocol [dport] [sport]]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Aggregates the traffic flows into application traffic classes on the basis of protocol and destination port.


(Optional) Aggregates the traffic flows into application traffic classes on the basis of a Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value.


(Optional) Aggregates the traffic flows into application traffic classes on the basis of the protocol.


(Optional) Aggregates the traffic flows into application traffic classes on the basis of the destination port.


(Optional) Aggregates the traffic flows into application traffic classes on the basis of the source port.

Command Default

No PfR traffic class key lists are created.

Command Modes

PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The traffic-class keys command can be used with the traffic-class filter (PfR) and traffic-class aggregate (PfR) commands to configure the master controller to automatically learn defined application traffic. This command is used only if the traffic-class aggregate (PfR) command is not configured or returns no matches.


In this example, only voice traffic with a DSCP bit set to ef, a User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and a destination port in the range of 3000 to 4000 is learned and added to the PfR application database on the master controller.

Router(config)# ip access-list extended voice-filter-acl
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit udp any dscp ef 
Router(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Router(config)# ip access-list extended voice-agg-acl
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit udp any any range 3000 4000 dscp ef 
Router(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-master)# learn 
Router(config-pfr-master-learn)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-master-learn)# throughput 
Router(config-pfr-master-learn)# traffic-class filter access-list voice-filter-acl 
Router(config-pfr-master-learn)# traffic-class aggregate access-list voice-agg-acl 
Router(config-pfr-master-learn)# traffic-class keys dscp protocol dport
Router(config-pfr-master-learn)# end

traffic-class prefix-list (PfR)

To define a Performance Routing (PfR) traffic class using a prefix list applied to learned traffic classes, use the traffic-class prefix-list command in learn list configuration mode. To disable the definition of PfR-learned traffic flows into traffic classes using a prefix list, use the no form of this command.

traffic-class prefix-list prefix-list-name [inside]

no traffic-class prefix-list

Syntax Description


Name of a prefix list. Names cannot contain either a space or quotation marks and must begin with an alphabetic character to distinguish them from numbered access lists.


(Optional) Specifies that the prefix list contains inside prefixes.

Command Default

PfR application traffic classes are not defined using a prefix list.

Command Modes

Learn list configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn-list)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The traffic-class prefix-list command is used to configure the master controller to automatically learn traffic based only on destination prefixes. Use the optional inside keyword to specify prefixes that are within the internal network.

Learn lists are a way to categorize learned traffic classes. In each learn list, different criteria for learning traffic classes including prefixes, application definitions, filters, and aggregation parameters can be configured. A traffic class is automatically learned by PfR based on each learn list criteria, and each learn list is configured with a sequence number. The sequence number determines the order in which learn list criteria are applied. Learn lists allow different PfR policies to be applied to each learn list; in previous releases the traffic classes could not be divided, and a PfR policy was applied to all the traffic classes.


The traffic-class prefix-list command, the traffic-class application (PfR) command, the traffic-class application nbar (PfR) command, and the traffic-class access-list (PfR) commands are all mutually exclusive in a PfR learn list. Only one of these commands can be specified per PfR learn list.


The following example, starting in global configuration mode, shows the commands used to define traffic classes based only on destination prefixes for a learn list named LEARN_PREFIX_TC. The traffic classes are created using the prefix list, LEARN_LIST1, in which every entry in the prefix list defines one destination network of a traffic class. After the prefix list is configured, the master controller automatically learns the traffic classes based on the highest throughput.

Router(config)# ip prefix-list LEARN_LIST1 permit seq 10
Router(config)# ip prefix-list LEARN_LIST1 permit seq 20
Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# list seq 10 refname LEARN_PREFIX_TC 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# traffic-class prefix-list LEARN_LIST1
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# throughput
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# end 


To enable the generation of Performance Routing (PfR) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps for specific PfR traffic class events, use the trap-enable command in PfR master controller configuration mode. To disable the generation of PfR SNMP traps, use the no form of this command.


no trap-enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No PfR SNMP traps are generated for specific PfR traffic class events.

Command Modes

PfR master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.3(2)T.

Usage Guidelines

The trap-enable command is entered on a master controller in PfR master controller configuration mode.

When the trap-enable command is configured in PfR master controller configuration mode a PfR SNMP trap is created under the following conditions:

  • When a traffic class moves from being a primary link to a fallback link.

  • When a traffic class goes into a default or out-of-policy status.


The following example shows the commands used to enable the generation of PfR SNMP traps for specific PfR traffic class events:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# snmp-server host traps public pfr
Device(config)# snmp-server enable traps pfr
Device(config)# pfr-master
Device(config-pfr-mc)# trap-enable


To change the percentage of out-of-policy (OOP) Performance Routing (PfR) traffic classes that trigger a syslog, use the trigger-log-percentage command in PfR master controller configuration mode. To reset the percentage to its default value, use the no form of this command.

trigger-log-percentage percentage

no trigger-log-percentage

Syntax Description


Number, as a percentage. The default is 30.

Command Default

The default percentage of OOP PfR traffic classes that trigger a syslog is 30 percent.

Command Modes

PfR master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the trigger-log-percentage command to change the percentage of OOP traffic classes that trigger a syslog.


The following example shows the commands used to change the percentage of OOP traffic classes that trigger a syslog:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# pfr master
Device(config-pfr-mc)# trigger-log-percentage 45

unreachable (PfR)

To set the relative percentage or maximum number of unreachable hosts that Performance Routing (PfR) permits from an PfR-managed exit link, use the unreachable command in PfR master controller configuration mode. To return the maximum number of unreachable hosts to the default value, use the no form of this command.

unreachable {relative average | threshold maximum}

no unreachable

Syntax Description

relative average

Sets a relative percentage of unreachable hosts based on a comparison of short-term and long-term percentages. The range of values that can be configured for this argument is a number from 1 to a 1000. Each increment represents one tenth of a percent.

threshold maximum

Sets the absolute maximum number of unreachable hosts based on flows per million (fpm). The range of values that can be configured for this argument is from 1 to 1000000.

Command Default

PfR uses a default relative percentage of 50 (5-percent) unreachable hosts if this command is not configured or if the no form of this command is entered.

Command Modes

Master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The unreachable command is entered on a master controller in PfR map configuration mode. This command is used to set the relative percentage or the absolute maximum number of unreachable hosts, based on flows per million, that PfR will permit from a PfR managed exit link. If the absolute number or relative percentage of unreachable hosts is greater than the user-defined or the default value, PfR determines that the exit link is out-of-policy and searches for an alternate exit link.

The relative keyword is used to configure the relative percentage of unreachable hosts. The relative unreachable host percentage is based on a comparison of short-term and long-term measurements. The short-term measurement reflects the percentage of hosts that are unreachable within a 5-minute period. The long-term measurement reflects the percentage of unreachable hosts within a 60 minute period. The following formula is used to calculate this value:

Relative percentage of unreachable hosts = ((short-term percentage - long-term percentage) / long-term percentage) * 100

The master controller measures the difference between these two values as a percentage. If the percentage exceeds the user-defined or default value, the exit link is determined to be out-of-policy. For example, if 10 hosts are unreachable during the long-term measurement and 12 hosts are unreachable during short-term measurement, the relative percentage of unreachable hosts is 20-percent.

The threshold keyword is used to configure the absolute maximum number of unreachable hosts. The maximum value is based on the actual number of hosts that are unreachable based on fpm.


The following example shoes the commands used to configure the master controller to search for a new exit link when the difference between long- and short-term measurements (relative percentage) is greater than 10-percent:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# unreachable relative 100

The following example show the commands used to configure PfR to search for a new exit link when 10,000 hosts are unreachable:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# unreachable threshold 10000

vrf (domain configuration)

To configure a Virtual Rouitng and Forwarding (VRF) instance for a domain, use the vrf command in domain configuration mode. To remove VRF instance, use the no form of this command.

vrf {vrf-name | default}

no vrf {vrf-name | default}

Syntax Description


Name of the VRF instance.


Default VRF.

Command Default

VRF instance is not configured for a domain.

Command Modes

Domain configuration (config-domain)#

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.13S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the vrf command to configure user-defined VRFs for PfRv3 configuration. You can either configure default VRF or specific VRF definitions for master controller and border devices.


The following example shows how to configure VRF:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# domain default
Device(config-domain)# vrf default
Device(config-domain)# vrf vrf-cisco