Medianet Metadata

This module provides an overview of medianet metadata. It also describes how metadata is used by different components of a network to make policy decisions.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

Restrictions for Medianet Metadata

  • The metadata transport mechanism (Resource Reservation Protocol [RSVP]) carries metadata only in the downstream direction, that is, toward the destination IP address.

  • Metadata does not support high availability (HA). Therefore, after switchover, the RSVP path refresh messages are generated every 30 seconds to update the RSVP and metadata database.

  • A path tear can happen in RSVP because of reservation preemption for higher priority reservation, but the flow could still be active. Metadata deletes entries in the database on path tear and reprograms the data forwarding path. The flow continues to be active without any metadata features applied on it.

  • RSVP does not support Network Address Translation (NAT). Hence, metadata needs to track flow key and attribute information before and after NAT.

Information About Medianet Metadata

Metadata Overview

The metadata infrastructure provides a framework that allows data from one component to be available to another component on the same network element and across network elements.

Flow metadata is the data that describes a flow in the network. This metadata describes the five-tuple flow along with its attributes. Network elements can take action based on the metadata generated by the endpoints.

The metadata infrastructure consists of two major components—producers and consumers.

  • Producers—Metadata producer is any source of metadata. The producer propagates all the attributes of a given flow. Producers can be anywhere in the network–endpoint, proxy agents or intermediate nodes. Metadata generated by the endpoints is supported. Producers use a specific transport protocol such as Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) for signaling metadata attributes to store the information in a database, referred to as the control plane database, which can then be used by the consumers.

  • Consumers—Metadata consumer is any network element that uses the flow tuple and metadata provided by producers. The flow tuple and metadata can also be propagated along the media path to consumers in different network elements via a transport infrastructure.


Only the initiator of metadata is source aware. The initiator stores the source with its list of attributes along with the flow. But the downstream devices get only one list of attributes. The list is a consolidation of attributes from all sources with the attribute from a higher priority source, overriding the attribute from a lower priority source. Media Services Interface (MSI) has the highest priority followed by Media Services Proxy (MSP) and Network Based Application Recognition (NBAR).

Metadata Properties

Metadata is represented as a list of <Attribute, Value> pairs. Actions such as configuring the metadata values and updating and deleting the existing metadata are driven by the producers. Consumers read these metadata values and take appropriate action based on the control plane classification.

Metadata Control Plane Classification

Classifying network traffic allows you to organize traffic (that is, packets) into traffic classes or categories on the basis of whether the traffic matches specific criteria. You can classify network traffic to enable many quality of service (QoS) features on your network.

The metadata control plane classification is activated only when a consumer is registered with the metadata infrastructure. The metadata framework supports Cisco Common Classification Policy Language-based control plane classification.

Cisco Common Classification Policy Language is a replacement for feature-specific configuration commands. Cisco Common Classification Policy Language allows you to create traffic policies based on events, conditions, and actions. If Cisco Common Classification Policy Language classification succeeds, then the <Attribute, Value> pair is distributed to all the registered consumers.

In a scenario where QoS is a metadata consumer, the following steps briefly describe the control plane classification process:

  • The required classification match commands are provisioned for a class map attached to the relevant target interface.

  • Every incoming flow from the producer is matched against the provisioned class.

  • If an appropriate match is found, relevant actions specified in the policy are performed.

If the control plane classification is successful, then the <Attribute, Value> pair is distributed to all the consumers registered for metadata infrastructure. When packets related to the flow reach the network element, appropriate actions provisioned in the class are applied. For instance, if the action was set dscp 0xef, then this particular QoS action is applied on all packets matching this flow.

Metadata Transport

Metadata generated by the producers must be available at every network element in the media path. The metadata transport mechanism ensures that the metadata is propagated across the network and is delivered to all the network elements in the media path.

The figure below illustrates the metadata transport architecture.

Figure 1. Metadata Transport Architecture

The application at the source endpoint triggers the metadata layer to initiate a metadata session with the appropriate <Attribute, Value> pairs. The information with the <Attribute, Value> pairs is then carried along the media path and terminated at the destination endpoint.

The metadata with the <Attribute, Value> pairs is provided to the consumers at every network element, if the consumers are registered. Additional metadata elements that are generated at every network element can be sent along with the existing metadata. The metadata flows in the down stream of the media path.

Metadata applications have several subapplications. Each subapplication has an identifier. Metadata supports the following sub-applications:

  • Traffic-type

  • Transport-type

  • Signaling-type

  • Multiplex-type

Each subapplication is dependent on a specific application. The table below lists subapplications associated with eat application.

Table 1 Application to Subapplications Mapping

Application Name

Traffic Type

Transport Type

Signaling Type

Multiplex Type


10 (control)

2 (rtp)

3 (rtcp))

1 (sip)

2 (bfcp)

3 (h323)

8 (mgcp)

9 (skinny)



1 (session)

3 (streaming)

4 (tunnel)

5 (realtime)

6 (interactive)

7 (bulk)

8 (background)

9 (desktop)

1 (ica)

5 (rdp)




1 (session)

2 (usb-redirection)

3 (streaming)

4 (tunnel)

9 (desktop)

11 (desktop-feedback)

4 (pcoip)

5 (rdp)




3 (streaming)





3 (streaming)

10 (control)

12 (sharing)

6 (http)




10 (control)

2 (rtp)

3 (rtcp)


1 (set)




1 (sip)

2 (bfcp)

3 (h323)

4 (ccp)

5 (xccp)

6 (mscp)

7 (clue)


Metadata Flow Entries

Any producer can add flow metadata into the database and any consumer can access this information.

Metadata can be updated during the flow. When metadata attributes change during the flow, the network elements are notified through Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) PATH TEAR messages.

When the RSVP session terminates via a PATH TEAR message, the metadata framework listens to these messages and deletes the relevant flow entry in the database.

Medianet Metadata Implementation

The figure below illustrates a sample deployment scenario for the medianet metadata implementation.
Figure 2. Medianet Metadata Implementation

As illustrated in the figure above, two users from different locations can be in a WebEx, Telepresence, or a Cisco IP phone session.

This example assumes the users to be in a WebEx session. WebEx sessions typically require low latency guarantee from the network. QoS configurations can be used to obtain the required behavior. To achieve the required behavior, the required types of policy maps must be configured on the given interface to match the application ID of WebEx. Once this classification provisioning is done, metadata will also have a copy of this information in its classification database. One end of Webex session (endpoint A) signals the application as the metadata, using explicit signaling from the endpoints. The metadata information can be the application name, application ID, application version, and so on. This metadata information flows through the network along the media path.

Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) notifies the metadata framework about any incoming flow and provides the metadata information associated with the flow. A match action is performed between the decoded <Attribute, Value> pair and the WebEx metadata properties. If the match is successful, then the same information is propagated to the data plane. The data plane checks the appropriate classification requirements and takes the required QoS actions.

The following example shows how to configure QoS properties to work with the metadata framework. In the following sample configuration, a class map v1 is created.

! Creates a class-map with metadata-based filters
class-map match-all v1
match application webex-video

Next, a policy map p1 is created and the class v1 is added to it. The packets belonging to class v1 are given priority by giving the entire class a guaranteed bandwidth of 1 Mbps. That is, the aggregate of all the flows that match the <Attribute, Value> pair defined in the class v1 are given a guaranteed bandwidth. Any other QoS solutions such as policing, marking, or queueing can also be applied as a classification criterion.

! Create policy map and apply the classification properties
policy-map p1
class v1
priority 1000

Then, the policy map is attached to the target interface:

! Attach the policy map to the target interface
interface Ethernet 1/0
service-policy output p1

For more information about QoS network traffic classification and solutions such as policing, marking, or queuing, see the Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

How to Configure and Verify Medianet Metadata

Enabling Metadata Globally or on a Specific Interface

The first consumer registering for metadata triggers the enabling of metadata. The corresponding egress interface for a given flow enables metadata and Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) if they are not enabled already. Although you can disable metadata by using the no metadata flow command, we recommend that the metadata be enabled.

Perform this task to enable metadata on a specific interface.


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    metadata flow

    4.    interface type number

    5.    metadata flow

    6.    end

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1enable

    Device> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.

    Step 2 configure terminal

    Device# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3metadata flow

    Device(config)# metadata flow

    Enables metadata globally.

    Step 4interface type number

    Device(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1

    Specifies the interface type and number and enters interface configuration mode.

    Step 5metadata flow

    Device(config-if)# metadata flow

    Enables metadata on the specified interface.

    Step 6end

    Device(config-if)# end

    Returns to privileged EXEC mode.


    Provisioning Control Plane Classification

    Every flow that enters a network element needs to be classified for appropriate actions. Perform this task to provision control plane classification.


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    class-map class-map-name

      4.    match application application-name

      5.    exit

      6.    policy-map policy-map-name

      7.    class class-map-name

      8.    Enter QoS solution commands, as required.

      9.    exit

      10.    interface type number

      11.    service-policy policy-map-name

      12.    end

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Device> enable
      Enables privileged EXEC mode.
      • Enter your password if prompted.

      Step 2 configure terminal

      Device# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3 class-map class-map-name

      Device(config)# class-map class1

      Creates a class map to be used for matching packets to a specified class and enters QoS class-map configuration mode.

      Step 4 match application application-name

      Device(config-cmap)# match application test-application

      Classifies the class map based on the application name specified.

      Step 5 exit

      Device(config-cmap)# exit

      Exits QoS class-map configuration mode.

      Step 6 policy-map policy-map-name

      Device(config)# policy-map pt1

      Creates or modifies a policy map that can be attached to one or more interfaces to specify a service policy and enters QoS policy-map configuration mode.

      Step 7 class class-map-name

      Device(config-pmap)# class class1

      Specifies the name of the class whose policy you want to create or change.

      Step 8Enter QoS solution commands, as required.  
      Configures any QoS solution commands such as controlling, policing, classification, or marking.
      • For example, the set dscp command marks a packet by setting the differentiated services code point (DSCP) value in the type of service (ToS) byte.

      Step 9exit

      Device(config-pmap)# exit

      Exits QoS policy-map configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

      Step 10interface type number

      Device(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1

      Specifies the interface type and number and enters interface configuration mode.

      Step 11service-policy policy-map-name

      Device(config-if)# service-policy pt1

      Attaches a policy map to an input interface.

      Step 12end

      Device(config-if)# end

      Returns to privileged EXEC mode.


      Troubleshooting Tips

      Typically, for the metadata information to propagate from the source to the destination, all the network elements along the media path need not support the metadata framework. However, perform the following steps to troubleshoot any flow-metadata-related problems along the path between the source and the destination:

      • Perform the ping operation to test for the basic connectivity and reachability of the destination network element from the source.

      • Enter the show metadata flow command and check the output to determine if the egress interface is correctly populated.

      • Enable RSVP, if it was disabled intentionally (RSVP is enabled by default).

      • Enter the show metadata flow command on the network elements along the media path to verify if the content of the metadata flow table is the same as that in the source network element. However, for you to be able to verify the metadata flow table of any network element, you must first enable metadata flow by using the metadata flow command.

      Verifying Medianet Metadata Configuration

      Use the following commands to verify the metadata configuration.


        1.    show metadata application table

        2.    show metadata flow classification-table

        3.    show metadata flow statistics

        4.    show metadata flow table

        5.    debug metadata flow

        Step 1   show metadata application table

        Device# show metadata application table

        Displays a list of metadata applications defined on the network element.

        Step 2   show metadata flow classification-table

        Device# show metadata flow classification table 

        Displays metadata control plane classification information.

        Step 3   show metadata flow statistics

        Device# show metadata flow statistics

        Displays metadata flow statistics. The output includes event and memory details.

        Step 4   show metadata flow table

        Device# show metadata flow table

        Displays details of every flow.

        Step 5   debug metadata flow

        Device# debug metadata flow all

        Debugs the metadata flow and checks if the control plane classification was completed successfully.

        Troubleshooting Medianet Metadata Flow

        In the absence of endpoints, you can simulate the creation of flow entries for troubleshooting metadata flow. Perform this task to troubleshoot metadata flow.


          1.    enable

          2.    configure terminal

          3.    metadata flow entry entry-name

          4.    exit

          5.    metadata flow flow-specifier entry-name

          6.    source-ip ip-address source-port port-number

          7.    dest-ip ip-address dest-port port-number

          8.    exit

          9.    metadata flow session-params session-name

          10.    application name application-name

          11.    exit

          12.    metadata flow entry entry-name

          13.    flow-specifier flow-specifier-name

          14.    session-params session-name

          15.    end

          16.    debug metadata flow all

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 enable

          Device> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

          • Enter your password if prompted.

          Step 2configure terminal

          Device# configure terminal

          Enters global configuration mode.

          Step 3metadata flow entry entry-name

          Device(config)# metadata flow entry entry1

          Creates a flow entry with the specified name with five-tuple information and enters metadata entry configuration mode.

          Step 4exit

          Device(config-md-entry)# exit

          Exits metadata entry configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

          Step 5metadata flow flow-specifier entry-name

          Device(config)# metadata flow flow-specifier flow1

          Enters metadata flow specifier configuration mode.

          Step 6source-ip ip-address source-port port-number

          Device(config-md-flowspec)# source-ip source-port 1000

          Specifies the source IP address and source port number for the endpoint.

          Step 7dest-ip ip-address dest-port port-number

          Device(config-md-flowspec)# dest-ip dest-port 1001
          Specifies the destination IP address and destination port number for the endpoint.
          • Use the show metadata flow table command to check if the metadata flow table is created. Refer to the “Verifying Metadata Attributes” section for sample output from the show metadata flow table command. You can check for the ingress and the egress interfaces and the source and destination IP addresses of the flow.

          Step 8exit

          Device(config-md-flowspec)# exit

          Exits metadata flow specifier configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

          Step 9metadata flow session-params session-name

          Device(config)# metadata flow session-params session1
          Configures a name for the session that is newly created and adds it to the metadata flow table.
          • Enters metadata session parameters configuration mode.

          Step 10application name application-name

          Device(config-md-session-params)# application name app1

          Associates the specified application name to the session.

          Step 11exit

          Device(config-md-session-params)# exit

          Exits metadata session parameters configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

          Step 12metadata flow entry entry-name

          Device(config)# metadata flow entry entry1

          Enters metadata entry configuration mode.

          Step 13flow-specifier flow-specifier-name

          Device(config-md-entry)# flow-specifier flow1

          Associates the flow specifier with the specified flow entry.

          Step 14session-params session-name

          Device(config-md-entry)# session-params session1

          Associates the session parameters with the specified flow entry.

          Step 15end

          Device(config-md-entry)# end

          Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

          Step 16debug metadata flow all

          Device# debug metadata flow all
          Debugs all metadata flow information.
          • Refer to the “Verifying Metadata Attributes” section for sample output from the debug metadata flow all command.

          • To check the control plane classification details, use the show metadata flow classification-table command.


          Configuration Examples for Medianet Metadata

          Example: Enabling Metadata Globally or on a Specific Interface

          The following example shows how to enable metadata globally:

          Device> enable
          Device# configure terminal
          Device(config)# metadata flow
          Device(config)# exit

          The following example shows how to enable metadata on a specific interface:

          Device> enable
          Device# configure terminal
          Device(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1
          Device(config-if)# metadata flow
          Device(config-if)# exit

          Example: Provisioning Control Plane Classification

          Device> enable
          Device# configure terminal
          Device(config)# class-map class1
          Device(config-cmap)# match application test-application
          Device(config-cmap)# exit
          Device(config)# policy-map pt1
          Device(config-pmap)# class class1
          Device(config-pmap-c)# exit
          Device(config-pmap)# exit
          Device(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1
          Device(config-if)# service-policy pt1
          Device(config-if)# end

          Example: Verifying Metadata

          The following is sample output from the show metadata application table command:
          Device# show metadata application table
          ID     Name                  Vendor                Vendor id           
          113    telepresence-media    -                     -                   
          114    telepresence-contr$   -                     -                   
          478    telepresence-data     -                     -                   
          414    webex-meeting         -                     -                   
          56     citrix                -                     -                   
          81     cisco-phone           -                     -                   
          472    vmware-view           -                     -                   
          473    wyze-zero-client      -                     -                   
          61     rtp                   -                     -                   
          64     h323                  -                     -                   
          5060   sip                   -                     -                   
          554    rtsp                  -                     -                   
          496    jabber                -                     -                   
          The following is sample output from the show metadata flow classification tablecommand:
          Device# show metadata flow classification table
          Target          Flow ID    Dir   Policy     Filter(s)                
          Et0/0           5          OUT   PM         application webex-meeting vendor 
          																																												Cisco Systems, Inc. version 1.4.5
                                           QOS        application webex-meeting vendor 
          																																												Cisco Systems, Inc. version 1.4.5
          Et0/1.2         3          OUT  
          Et0/1.2         5          IN
          The following is sample output from the show metadata flow statistics command:
          Device# show metadata flow statistics
          Interface specific report :
          Serial2/0: Ingress flows 0, Egress flows 0
          Serial2/0: Ingress flows 0, Egress flows 0
          Chunk statistics : 
          Type               Allocated       Returned        Failed         
          IP Flow             9                0                0              
          Flow Key            29               20               0              
          Source List         4                0                0              
          Flow Info           29               29               0              
          Attribute Data      29               29               0              
          Feature Object      2                0                0              
          Event Statistics: 
          Add Flow                 : 9         Delete Flow              : 0       
          Received                 : 30        Rejected                 : 0       
          Transient                : 0         Posted                   : 29      
          Ingress Change           : 0         Egress Change            : 11      
          Unknown                   : 0         Source Limit Exceeded    : 0          
          The following is sample output from the show metadata flow table command:
          Device# show metadata flow table
          Total number of IPV4 metadata flows 6
          Flow  To              From            Proto DPort SPort Ingress      Egress     
          4        UDP   49008 49007              Se2/0      
          6        UDP   49004 49003              Se2/0      
          5        UDP   49010 49009              Se2/0      
          2        UDP   49004 49003              Se2/0      
          1        UDP   49002 49001              Se2/0      
          3        UDP   49006 49005              Se2/0      
          Total number of IPV6 metadata flows 3
          To                                      From                                   
          Flow  Proto DPort SPort Ingress      Egress     
          2001:DB8:1::1                          2001:DB8:1::2                          
          9     UDP   49001 49000              Se2/0      
          2001:DB8:1::3                          2001:DB8:1::4                         
          7     UDP   49001 49000              Se2/0      
          2001:DB8:1::12                        2001:DB8:1::13                         
          8     UDP   49003 49002              Se2/0                        
          The following is sample output from the debug metadata flow all command:
          Device# debug metadata flow all
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.155: FMD SIG: Process RSVP Event RSVP_FMD_EVENT_PAYLOAD_RECEIVED(1)
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.155: FMD : fmd_post_events: posting event 0
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Process Event - FMD_RSVP_TRANSPORT_ADD 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: (fmd_add_event_process): For Source IP/Port : 67372036/1000 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD DB Lookup: Hash 391 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Event for Ingress Interface Ethernet0/0 , Egress Interface Ethernet0/1 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Classification Src Type 96, Len 17, Value telepresence-data
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Classification Dest Type 95, Len 4, Value
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: App name telepresence-data id 218104286 in Metadata local app table 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Classification Src Type 96, Len 11, Value webex-audio
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Classification Dest Type 95, Len 4, Value
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: App name webex-audio id 12 in Metadata local app table
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Classification Src Type 96, Len 11, Value webex-audio
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Classification Dest Type 96, Len 17, Value telepresence-data 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Classification Src Type 96, Len 11, Value webex-audio 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Classification Dest Type 0, Len 0, Value 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Classification: Match Passed for type 95 value Router-201
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Classification: Found 1 filters matching 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Event: Input policy Matched, Add flow to CFT 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Event: PPCP Binding Succeeded 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD fmd_add_update_ingress_cft_fo : fid 4 
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Event: Local Flow ID 0
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: (fmd_add_event_process): Update with Template Address 79CD778, Md Addr 947F810
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: fmd_add_ipv4_flow_node_to_hash: Hash 391
          *Jul 14 08:07:23.167: FMD Event: DB Addition Succeeded           

          Example: Troubleshooting Metadata Flow

          The following example shows how to debug metadata globally:

          Device# debug metadata flow all

          Additional References for Medianet Metadata

          Related Documents

          Related Topic

          Document Title

          Cisco IOS commands

          Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

          Metadata commands

          Cisco IOS Quality of Service Command Reference

          Standards and RFCs



          RFC 5101

          Specification of the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Protocol for the Exchange of IP Traffic Flow Information

          Technical Assistance



          The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


          Feature Information for Medianet Metadata

          The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

          Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

          Table 2 Feature Information for Medianet Metadata

          Feature Name


          Feature Information

          Medianet Metadata






          The following commands were introduced or modified: debug metadata, match application (class-map), metadata application-params, metadata flow, metadata flow (troubleshooting), show metadata application table, show metadata flow, metadata flow transmit and metadata flow reverse transmit.