Managing Connections Menus and System Banners

Management of connections to other hosts, banner messages for router users, and creation of menus for specific user tasks consists of many optional features that provide better support for users on your network.

Prerequisites for Managing Connections Menus and System Banners

  • You should have at least a basic familiarity with the Cisco IOS environment and the command-line interface.

  • You should have at least a minimal configuration running on your system. You can create a basic configuration file using the setup command (see Using Setup Mode to Configure a Cisco Networking Device for details).

Restrictions for Managing Connections Menus and System Banners

  • Many of the Cisco IOS commands described in this document are available and function only in certain configuration modes on the router.

  • Some of the Cisco IOS configuration commands are only available on certain router platforms, and the command syntax may vary on different platforms.

Information About Managing Connections Menus and System Banners

Escape fromTerminal Sessions and Switch to Other Connections

After you have started a connection, you can escape out of the current terminal session by using the escape key sequence (Ctrl-Shift-6 then X by default). You can type the command character as you hold down the Ctrl key or with the Ctrl key released; you can type either uppercase or lowercase letters.


In screen output examples that show two caret (^^) symbols together, the first caret represents the Control key (Ctrl) and the second caret represents the key sequence Shift-6. The double-caret combination (^^) means hold down the Ctrl key while you press the Shift and the 6 key.

By default, the escape key sequence is Ctrl-Shift-6, X. However, the escape key sequence can be changed using the escape-character line configuration command. To determine the current setting for the escape character, use the showterminal privileged or user EXEC command.

You can have several concurrent sessions open and switch back and forth between them.

The number of sessions that can be open at one time is defined by the session-limitVDPN configuration mode command.

Banner Tokens

Banners can be customized with the use of banner tokens. Tokens are keywords in the form $(token ) that, when used in a banner message, display the currently configured value of the token argument (for example, the router hostname, domain name, or IP address). Using these tokens, you can design your own banners that will display current Cisco IOS configuration variables. Only Cisco IOS supported tokens may be used. There is no facility for you to define your own tokens.

The table below lists the tokens supported by the different banner commands.

Table 1. Tokens Allowed by Banner Type



motd banner

login banner

exec banner

incoming banner

slip-ppp banner


Router Hostname







Router Domain Name







IP Address of the Peer Machine







IP Address of the Gateway Machine







Encapsulation Type (SLIP or PPP)







Encapsulation Type Displayed as SL/IP instead of SLIP







Maximum Transmission Unit Size







vty or tty (async) Line Number







User-specified description of the Line






Exit a Session Started from a Router

The protocol used to initiate a session determines how you exit that session.To exit from SLIP and PPP connections, you must hang up the dial-in connection, usually with a command that your dial-in software supports.

To exit a local area transport (LAT), Telnet, rlogin, TN3270, or X.3 packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) session begun from the router to a remote device, press the escape key sequence (Ctrl-Shift-6 then X [Ctrl^X] by default for some systems, Ctrl-Z by default for other systems) and enter the disconnect command at the EXEC prompt. You can also log out of the remote system.

You can use either the exit or logout command in EXEC mode to terminate an active terminal session.

To exit a Telnet session to a router, see the “Log Out of a Router” section.

Log Out of a Router

The method you use to logout from or disconnect from a router depends on where you are located in relation to the router, and the port on the router to which you log in.

If your terminal or computer running a terminal-emulation application is remotely connected to the console port of the router, you disconnect by issuing the command or key sequence used by your terminal-emulation package. For example, if you are on a Macintosh computer running the application TCP/Connect from InterCon Corporation, you would press Ctrl-] at the user or privileged EXEC prompt to disconnect.

If you are on a remote terminal and connect to a vty through a synchronous interface on the router, you can issue one of the following commands in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode to log out:

  • exit

  • logout

Create Menus

A menu is a displayed list of actions from which a user can select without needing to know anything about the underlying command-level details. A menu system (also known as a user menu) effectively controls the functions a user can access. The figure below illustrates the parts that make up a typical menu.

Any user that can enter configuration mode can create menus. Remember the following guidelines when you create menus:

  • Each menu item represents a single user command.

  • The menu system default is a standard “dumb” terminal that displays text only in a 24-line-by-80-column format.

  • A menu can have no more than 18 menu items. Menus containing more than 9 menu items are automatically configured as single-spaced menus; menus containing 9 or fewer menu items are automatically configured as double-spaced menus, but can be configured as single-spaced menus using the menu single-space global configuration command. (For more information about menu display configuration options, see the Specifying Menu Display Configuration Options modulelater in this chapter.)

  • Item keys can be numbers, letters, or strings. If you use strings, you must configure the menu line-mode global configuration command.

  • When you construct a menu, always specify how a user exits a menu and where the user goes. If you do not provide an exit from a menu--such as with the menu-exit command (described in the section Specifying the Underlying Command for the Menu Item module later in this chapter), the user will be trapped.

The exec-timeout line configuration command can be used to close and clean up an idle menu; the session-timeout command can be used to clean up a menu with an open connection.

Enable or Disable the Display of Banners

You can control display of the MOTD and line-activation (EXEC) banners. By default, these banners are displayed on all lines. To enable or disable the display of such banners, use the following commands in line configuration mode, as needed:

  • no exec-banner --Suppresses the display of MOTD and EXEC banners.

  • exec-banner --Reinstates the display of the EXEC or MOTD banners.

  • no motd-banner --Suppresses the display of MOTD banners.

  • motd-banner --Reinstates the display of the MOTD banners.

These commands determine whether the router will display the EXEC banner and the MOTD banner when an EXEC session is created. These banners are defined with the bannermotd and bannerexec global configuration commands. By default, the MOTD banner and the EXEC banner are enabled on all lines.

Disable the EXEC and MOTD banners using the noexec-banner command.

The MOTD banners can also be disabled by the nomotd-banner line configuration command, which disables MOTD banners on a line. If the noexec-banner command is configured on a line, the MOTD banner will be disabled regardless of whether the motd-banner command is enabled or disabled. The table below summarizes the effects of the combination of the exec-banner command and the motd-banner command.

Table 2. Banners Displayed by exec-banner and motd-banner Command Combinations

exec-banner (default)

no exec-banner

motd-banner (default)

MOTD banner

EXEC banner


no motd-banner

EXEC banner


For reverse Telnet connections, the EXEC banner is never displayed. Instead, the incoming banner is displayed. The MOTD banner is displayed by default, but it is disabled if either the noexec-banner command or nomotd-banner command is configured. The table below summarizes the effects of the combination of the exec-banner command and the motd-banner command for reverse Telnet connections.

Table 3. Banners Displayed Based on exec-banner and motd-banner Command Combinations for Reverse Telnet Sessions to Async Lines

exec-banner (default)

no exec-banner

motd-banner (default)

MOTD banner

Incoming banner

Incoming banner

no motd-banner

Incoming banner

Incoming banner

How to Manage Connections Configure Messages and Banners and Create User Menus

Managing Connections

To configure connection-management activities that apply to all supported connection protocols, perform the tasks described in the following sections. All tasks are optional.

Displaying Current Terminal Settings

To display the current settings for the terminal line connection, complete the task in this section:


  1. show terminal


Command or Action Purpose

show terminal


Router# show terminal

Displays current settings for the terminal.


The following example shows sample output of theshowterminal l command:

AccessServer1> show terminal
Line 2, Location: "", Type: "VT220"
Length: 24 lines, Width: 80 columns
Baud rate (TX/RX) is 9600/9600
Status: PSI Enabled, Ready, Active, No Exit Banner
Capabilities: none
Modem state: Ready
Group codes:    0
Special Chars: Escape  Hold  Stop  Start  Disconnect  Activation
                ^^x    none   -     -       none         
Timeouts:      Idle EXEC    Idle Session   Modem Answer  Session   Dispatch
               00:10:00        never                        none     not set
                            Idle Session Disconnect Warning
                            Login-sequence User Response
                            Autoselect Initial Wait
                              not set 
Modem type is unknown.
Session limit is not set.
Time since activation: 00:01:07
Editing is enabled.
History is enabled, history size is 10.
DNS resolution in show commands is enabled
Full user help is disabled
Allowed transports are lat pad v120 mop telnet rlogin nasi.  Preferred is lat.
No output characters are padded
No special data dispatching characters

Escaping Terminal Sessions and Switching to Other Connections

To switch between sessions by escaping one session and resuming a previously opened session, perform the following steps:


  1. Escape out of the current session by pressing the escape key sequence (Ctrl-Shift-6 then X [Ctrl^, X] by default) and return to the EXEC prompt.
  2. Enter the where privileged EXEC command to list the open sessions. All open sessions associated with the current terminal line are displayed.
  3. Enter the resume privileged EXEC command and the session number to make the connection.


Step 1

Escape out of the current session by pressing the escape key sequence (Ctrl-Shift-6 then X [Ctrl^, X] by default) and return to the EXEC prompt.

Step 2

Enter the where privileged EXEC command to list the open sessions. All open sessions associated with the current terminal line are displayed.

Step 3

Enter the resume privileged EXEC command and the session number to make the connection.

What to do next

You also can resume the previous session by pressing the Return key.

The Ctrl^, X key combination and the where and resume privileged EXEC commands are available with all supported connection protocols (for example, Telnet).

Assigning a Logical Name to a Connection

To assign a logical name to a connection, complete the task in this section:


  1. enable
  2. name-connection


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2



Router# name-connection

Assigns a logical name to a connection:

  • The logical name can be useful for keeping track of multiple connections.

  • You are prompted for the connection number and name to assign. The where privileged EXEC command displays a list of the assigned logical connection names.

Changing a Login Username

You can change your login username if you must match outgoing access list requirements or other login prompt requirements. A login server must be running and available to use this command. To change a login username, complete the task in this section:


  1. login


Command or Action Purpose



Router# login

Allows you to log in to the system a second time for the purposes of changing your login name.

  • When you enter this command, the system prompts you for a username and password. Enter the new username and the original password. If the username does not match, but the password does, the Cisco IOS software updates the session with the new username used by the login command attempt.


In this example, assume that a user logged in as user1 needs to change the login name to user2:

Router> login
Username: user2
Password: <letmein>

In this example, the password letmein is the same password used at the initial login. (The angle brackets in the example indicate that the password is not displayed on the screen when entered.) At the second Router> prompt, the user is now logged in as user2.

Troubleshooting Tips

If no username and password prompts appear, the network administrator did not specify that a username and password be required at login time. If both the username and password are entered correctly, the session becomes associated with the specified username.

Accessing a System with TACACS Security

To access a system with TACACS security, enter your login name or specify a TACACS server by using the user @tacacs-server syntax when the “Username:” prompt appears, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. login
  2. Username: user@ tacacs-server
  3. Password: password


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> login

Allows you to log in to the system a second time for the purposes of changing your login name.

Step 2

Username: user@ tacacs-server


Username: myname@company1

Specifies the new username and authenticates the name with the server specified with the tacacs-server argument.

Step 3

Password: password


Password: guessme

Specifies the TACACS password for the username specified in Step 2.


In the following example, user2 specifies the TACACS host host1 to authenticate the password:

Router> login 

Username: user2@host1 

Translating “HOST1”...domain server ( [OK]

Password: <letmein2 >
Troubleshooting Tips

Only the specified host (tacacs-server) is accessed for user authentication information.

If you do not specify a host, the router tries each of the TACACS servers in the list until it receives a response. If you specify a host that does not respond, no other TACACS server will be queried. The router either will deny access or it will function, according to the action specified by the tacacs-serverlast-resort global configuration command, if it is configured. If you specified a TACACS server host with the user @ tacacs-server argument, the TACACS server specified is used for all subsequent authentication or notification queries, with the possible exception of Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) address queries.

For more information on configuring TACACS, refer to the tacacs-serverhost global configuration command in the “TACACS, Extended TACACS, and TACACS+ Commands” chapter of the Cisco IOS Security Command Reference .

For an example of changing a login name, see the “Example: Changing a Login Username and Password ” section.

Locking Access to a Terminal

To lock access to your terminal session while keeping your connection open by setting a temporary password, complete the tasks in this section.


For this temporary locking feature to work, the line must first be configured to allow locking (using the lockable line-configuration mode command).


  1. Issue the lock command in user or privileged EXEC mode.
  2. Enter a password, which can be any arbitrary string. The system will prompt you to confirm the password. The screen then is cleared, and the message “Locked” is displayed.
  3. To regain access to your session, reenter the password.


Step 1

Issue the lock command in user or privileged EXEC mode.

When you issue this command, the system will prompt you for a password.

Step 2

Enter a password, which can be any arbitrary string. The system will prompt you to confirm the password. The screen then is cleared, and the message “Locked” is displayed.

Step 3

To regain access to your session, reenter the password.


The following is an example of the prompts displayed after the lock command is entered. Note that the entered password does not appear on screen.

Router# lock
What to do next

The Cisco IOS software honors session timeouts on locked lines. You must clear the line to remove this feature.

Sending Messages to Other Terminals

To send messages to one or all terminals, for example to inform users of an impending shutdown, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. send {line-number | * }


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

send {line-number | * }


Router# send *

Sends a message to other terminals. Using the * sends messages to all terminals:

  • The system prompts for the message, which can be up to 500 characters long. Press Ctrl-Z to end the message. Press Ctrl-C to abort the command.

Clearing TCP Connections

To clear a TCP connection, complete the task in this section:


  1. enable
  2. Router# clear tcp {line line-number | local host-name port remote host-name port |tcb tcb-address }


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

Router# clear tcp {line line-number | local host-name port remote host-name port |tcb tcb-address }


Router# clear tcp line 2

Clears a TCP connection:

  • The clear tcp command is particularly useful for clearing non-functioning TCP connections.

  • line line-number --Terminates the TCP connection on the specified tty line. All TCP sessions initiated from that tty line are also terminated.

  • local host-name port remote host-name port --Terminates the specific TCP connection identified by the hostname/port pair of the local and remote router.

Disconnecting a Line

To disconnect a line, complete the task in this section:


  1. enable
  2. disconnect [connection ]


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

disconnect [connection ]


Router# disconnect 

Disconnects a line.


Avoid disconnecting a line to end a session. Instead, log out of the host to allow the router to clear the connection. You should disconnect a line only if you cannot log out of an active session (for example, if the line is stuck or frozen).

If your terminal or computer running a terminal-emulation application is connected physically to the console port of the router, you can also disconnect from the router by physically disconnecting the cable from the console port of the router.

Configuring Terminal Messages

To configure messages that can be displayed to terminal users that connect to the system, perform any of the tasks found in the following sections. All tasks are optional.

Enabling an Idle Terminal Message

To enable the idle terminal message, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure line
  3. vacant-message [d message d ]


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure line


Router# configure line

Enters line configuration mode.

Step 3

vacant-message [d message d ]


Router(config-line)# vacant-message &tty# is now available

<blank line>

Press RETURN to get started.&

Configures the system to display an idle terminal message. The argument d indicates any delimiting character.


You can configure the system to display a message when a console or terminal is not in use. Also called a vacant message , this message is different from the banner message displayed when a user logs in to the system.

Troubleshooting Tips

Commands requiring a delimiting character (the d argument) are used throughout this chapter. Any character can be used as the delimiting character, but we recommend the use of the quote sign ("), because this character is unlikely to be needed within the message itself. Other commonly used delimiting characters include the percent sign (%) or the forward slash (/), but because these characters have meanings within certain Cisco IOS commands, they are not recommended. For example, to set the vacant message to This terminal is idle you would enter the command vacant-message "Thisterminalisidle" .

Configuring a “Line in Use” Message

To configure the system to display a “line in use” message when an incoming connection is attempted and all rotary group or other lines are in use, complete the task in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure line
  3. refuse-message d message d


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2

configure line


Router# configure line

Enters line configuration mode.

Step 3

refuse-message d message d


Router(config-line)# refuse-message & line in use &

Configures the system to display a “line in use” message. The argument d indicates any delimiting character.

If you do not define such a message, the user receives a system-generated error message when all lines are in use. You also can use this message to provide the user with further instructions.

Configuring a “Host Failed” Message

To configure the system to display a “host failed” message when a Telnet connection with a specific host fails, complete the task in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure line
  3. busy-message hostname d message d


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2

configure line


Router# configure line

Enters line configuration mode.

Step 3

busy-message hostname d message d


Router(config-line)# busy-message network1 & host failed &

Configures the system to display a “host failed” message. The argument d indicates any delimiting character.

Enabling Terminal Banners

Banners are informational messages that can be displayed to users. To enable terminal banners, perform any of the tasks in the following sections. All tasks are optional.

Configuring a Message-of-the-Day Banner

You can configure a message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner to be displayed on all connected terminals. This banner is displayed at login and is useful for sending messages (such as impending system shutdowns) that affect all network users. To configure the MOTD banner, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. banner motd d message d


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

banner motd d message d


Router(config)# banner motd &system will be unavailable from 15:00 to 19:00 today&

Configures the system to display a message-of-the-day banner. The argument d indicates any delimiting character.

Configuring a Login Banner

You can configure a login banner to be displayed on all connected terminals after the MOTD banner appears and before the login prompts. To configure a login banner, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. banner login d message d


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

banner login d message d


Router(config)# banner login &Access for authorized users only. Please enter your username and password.&

Configures the system to display a banner before the username and password login prompts. The argument d indicates any delimiting character.


The login banner cannot be disabled on a per-line basis. To globally disable the login banner, you must delete the login banner with the no banner login command.

Configuring an EXEC Banner

You can configure a banner to be displayed whenever an EXEC process is initiated. For example, this banner will be displayed to a user using Telnet to access the system after entering a username and password, but before the user EXEC mode prompt is displayed. To configure an EXEC banner, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. banner exec d message d


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

banner exec d message d


Router(config)# banner exec &Session activated on line $(line), $(line-desc). Enter commands at the prompt.&

Configures the system to display a banner whenever an EXEC process is initiated. The argument d indicates any delimiting character.


You can include tokens in the form $(token) in the message text. Tokens will be replaced with the corresponding configuration variable.

Configuring a Banner Sent on Incoming Connections

To configure a banner that is sent on incoming connections, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. banner incoming d message d


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

banner incoming d message d


Router(config)# banner incoming &You have entered $(hostname).$(domain) on line $(line) ($(line-desc))&

Configures the system to display a banner when there is an incoming connection to a terminal line from a host on the network. The argument d indicates any delimiting character.


You can include tokens in the form $(token) in the message text. Tokens will be replaced with the corresponding configuration variable.


You can configure a banner to be displayed on terminals connected to reverse Telnet lines to provide instructions to users of these types of connections. Reverse Telnet connections are described in more detail in the Configuring and Managing External Modems chapter of the Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Configuration Guide, Release 12.4.

Configuring a SLIP-PPP Banner Message

To configure a SLIP-PPP banner message, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. banner slip-ppp d message d


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

banner slip-ppp d message d


Router(config)# banner slip-ppp &Entering encapsulation mode. Async interface address is unnumbered (Ethernet0) Your IP address is MTU is 1500 bytes &

Configures a SLIP-PPP banner to display a customized message. The argument d indicates any delimiting character.


Default banner messages have been known to cause connectivity problems in some non-Cisco SLIP and PPP dialup software. You can customize the SLIP-PPP banner message to make Cisco SLIP and PPP compatible with non-Cisco dialup software.


You can include tokens in the form $(token) in the message text. Tokens will be replaced with the corresponding configuration variable.

Creating a Menu Task List

Specifying the Menu Title

To specify an identifying title for the menu, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name title d title d


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name title d title d


Router(config)# menu Access1 title &Welcome to Access1 Internet Services&

Specifies the title for the menu. The argument d indicates any delimiting character.


The following example specifies the title that is displayed when the OnRamp menu is selected. The following four main elements create the title:

  • Themenutitle command

  • Delimiter characters that open and close the title text

  • Escape characters to clear the screen (optional)

  • Title text

The following example shows the command used to create the title for the menu shown in the Typical Menu Example figure in the Create Menu section:

Router(config)# menu OnRamp title %^[[H^[[J
Enter TEXT message.  End with the character '%'.
               Welcome to OnRamp Internet Services
        Type a number to select an option;
              Type 9 to exit the menu.

You can position the title of the menu horizontally by preceding the title text with blank characters. You can also add lines of space above and below the title by pressing Enter.

In this example, the title text consists of the following elements:

  • One-line title

  • Space

  • Two-line menu instruction banner

Title text must be enclosed within text delimiter characters--the percent sign character (%) in this example. Title text delimiters are characters that do not ordinarily appear within the text of a title, such as slash (/), double quote ("), or tilde (~). You can use any character that is not likely to be used within the text of the title as delimiter characters. Ctrl-C is reserved for special use and should not be used in the text of the title.

This title text example also includes an escape character sequence to clear the screen before displaying the menu. In this case the string ^[[H^[[J is an escape string used by many VT100-compatible terminals to clear the screen. To enter it, you must enter Ctrl-V before each escape character (^[).

Clearing the Screen

To clear the screen before displaying the menu, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name clear-screen


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name clear-screen


Router(config)# menu Access1 clear-screen

Specifies screen clearing before displaying menus and submenus.


This option uses a terminal-independent mechanism based on termcap entries defined in the router and the terminal type configured for the user terminal. The menu clear-screen command allows the same menu to be used on multiple types of terminals instead of terminal-specific strings being embedded within menu titles. If the termcap entry does not contain a clear string, the menu system inserts 24 new lines, causing all existing text to scroll off the top of the terminal screen.


The following example clears the screen before displaying the OnRamp menu or a submenu:

Router(config)# menu OnRamp clear-screen


To specify a menu prompt, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name prompt d prompt d


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name prompt d prompt d


Router(config)# menu Access1 prompt /

Enter TEXT message.  End with the character '/'.

Select an item. /

Specifies the prompt for the menu. The argument d indicates any delimiting character.:

  • A delimiting character that marks the beginning and end of a title. Text delimiters are characters that do not ordinarily appear within the text of a title, such as slash ( / ), double quote ("), and tilde (~). ^C is reserved for special use and should not be used in the text of the title.

Specifying the Menu Item Text

Each displayed menu entry consists of the selection key (number, letter, or string) and the text describing the action to be performed. You can specify descriptive text for a maximum number of 18 menu items. Because each menu entry represents a single user interface command, you must specify the menu item text one entry at a time. To specify the menu item text, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name text menu-item menu-text


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name text menu-item menu-text


Router(config)# menu Access1 text 1 Read email

Specifies the text for the menu item.


The following example specifies the text that is displayed for the three entries in the OnRamp menu:

Router(config)# menu OnRamp text 1 Read email
Router(config)# menu OnRamp text 2 UNIX Internet Access
Router(config)# menu OnRamp text 9 Exit menu system

You can provide access to context-sensitive help by creating a “help server” host and using a menu entry to make a connection to that host.

Troubleshooting Tips

Menu selection keys need not be contiguous. You can provide consistency across menus by assigning a particular number, letter, or string to a special function--such as Help or Exit--regardless of the number of menu entries in a given menu. For example, menu entry H could be reserved for help across all menus.

When more than nine menu items are defined in a menu, the menuline-mode and menusingle-space global configuration commands are activated automatically. The commands can be configured explicitly for menus of nine items or fewer. For more information on these commands, see the section “Specifying Menu Display Configuration Options ” later in this chapter.

Specifying the Underlying Command for the Menu Item

Each displayed menu entry issues a user interface command when the user enters its key. Each menu entry can have only a single command associated with it. To specify the underlying menu item command, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name command menu-item command


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name command menu-item command


Router(config)# menu OnRamp command 1 rlogin mailsys

Specifies the command to be performed when the menu item is selected.


The following example specifies the commands that are associated with the three entries in the OnRamp menu:

Router(config)# menu OnRamp command 1 rlogin mailsys
Router(config)# menu OnRamp command 2 rlogin
Router(config)# menu OnRamp command 9 menu-exit
Troubleshooting Tips

The menu-exit command is available only from within menus. This command provides a way to return to a higher-level menu or to exit the menu system.

When a menu item allows you to make a connection, the menu item should also contain entries that can be used to resume connections; otherwise, when you try to escape from a connection and return to the menu, there is no way to resume the session. It will sit idle until you log out.

You can build the resumeconnection user EXEC command into a menu entry so that the user can resume a connection, or you can configure the line using the escape-charnone command to prevent users from escaping their sessions.

Specifying Connection Resumption

To specify connection resumption as part of the menu item command, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name command menu-item resume [connection ] /connect [connect string ]


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name command menu-item resume [connection ] /connect [connect string ]


Router(config)#  menu newmenu command 1 resume mailsys /connect rlogin mailsys

Specifies that theresume command will be performed when the menu item is selected:

  • Embedding the resume command within the menu command permits a user to resume the named connection or make another connection using the specified name, if there is no active connection by that name. As an option, you can also supply the connect string needed to connect initially. When you do not supply this connect string, the command uses the specified connection name.

  • You can use the resume command in the following menu entries:
    • Embedded in a menu entry
    • As a separate, specific menu entry
    • As a “rotary” menu entry that steps through several connections

In the following example, the resume command is embedded in the menu command so that selecting the menu item either starts the specified connection session (if one is not already open) or resumes the session (if one is already open):

Router(config)# menu newmenu text 1 Read email
Router(config)# menu newmenu command 1 resume mailsys /connect rlogin mailsys

In the following example, the resume command is used in a separate menu entry (entry 3) to resume a specific connection:

Router(config)# menu newmenu text 3 Resume UNIX Internet Access
Router(config)# menu newmenu command 3 resume

Using the resume next Command

You use the resume/next command to resume the next open connection in the user list of connections. This command allows you to create a single menu entry that advances through all of the user connections. To specify resume/next connection resumption as part of the menu item command, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name command menu-item resume/next


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name command menu-item resume/next


Router(config)# menu newmenu command 6 resume/next

Specifies resume/next connection resumption.


The following example shows a menu entry (entry 6) created to advance through all of the user connections:

Router(config)# menu newmenu text 6 Resume next connection
Router(config)# menu newmenu command 6 resume/next

Specifying the Default Command for the Menu

When a user presses Enter without specifying an item, the router performs the command for the default item. To specify the default item, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name default menu-item


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name default menu-item


Router(config)# menu Access1 9 text Exit the menu

menu Access1 9 command menu-exit

menu Access1 default 9

Specifies the command to be performed when the user does not select a menu item.

Creating a Submenu

To create submenus that are opened by selecting a higher-level menu entry, use the menu command to invoke a menu in a line menu entry. To specify a submenu item command, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name text menu-item menu-text
  4. menu menu-name command menu-item menu menu-name2
  5. Router(config)#menu menu-nametitle delimiter menu-titledelimiter
  6. menu menu-name text menu-item menu-text
  7. menu menu-name command menu-item command


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name text menu-item menu-text


Router(config)# menu Access1 text 1 IBM Information Systems 

Specifies the menu item that invokes the submenu.

Step 4

menu menu-name command menu-item menu menu-name2


Router(config)# menu Access1 command 1 tn3270 

Specifies the command to be used when the menu item is selected.

Step 5

Router(config)#menu menu-nametitle delimiter menu-titledelimiter


Router(config)# menu Access1 title /^[[H^[[J

Enter TEXT message.  End with the character '/'.

Welcome to Access1 Internet Services

Type a number to select an option;

Type 9 to exit the menu.


Specifies the title for the submenu.

Step 6

menu menu-name text menu-item menu-text


Router(config)# menu Access1 text 2 UNIX Internet Access 

Specifies the submenu item.

Step 7

menu menu-name command menu-item command


Router(config)# menu Access1 command 2 rlogin 

Specifies the command to be used when the submenu item is selected. Repeat this command as needed.


The following example specifies that the menu item (entry 8) activates the submenu in the OnRamp menu:

Router(config)# menu OnRamp text 8 Set terminal type

The following example specifies the command that is performed when the menu item (entry 8) is selected in the OnRamp menu:

Router(config)# menu OnRamp command 8 menu Terminals

The following example specifies the title for the Terminals submenu:

Router(config)# menu Terminals title /
                     Supported Terminal Types
        Type a number to select an option;
       Type 9 to return to the previous menu.

The following example specifies the submenu items for the Terminals submenu:

Router(config)# menu Terminals text 1 DEC VT420 or similar
Router(config)# menu Terminals text 2 Heath H-19
Router(config)# menu Terminals text 3 IBM 3051 or equivalent
Router(config)# menu Terminals text 4 Macintosh with gterm emulator
Router(config)# menu Terminals text 9 Return to previous menu

The following example specifies the commands associated with the items in the Terminals submenu:

Router(config)# menu Terminals command 1 term terminal-type vt420
Router(config)# menu Terminals command 2 term terminal-type h19
Router(config)# menu Terminals command 3 term terminal-type ibm3051
Router(config)# menu Terminals command 4 term terminal-type gterm
Router(config)# menu Terminals command 9 menu-exit

When you select entry 8 on the main menu, the following Terminals submenu appears:

      Supported Terminal Types
  Type a number to select an option;
Type 9 to return to the previous menu.
1     DEC VT420 or similar
2     Heath H-19
3     IBM 3051 or equivalent
4     Macintosh with gterm emulator
9     Return to previous menu


If you nest too many levels of menus, the system displays an error message on the terminal and returns to the previous menu level.

Creating Hidden Menu Entries

A hidden menu entry is a menu item that contains a selection key but no associated text describing the action to be performed. Include this type of menu entry to aid system administrators that provide help to users. The normal procedure is to specify a menu command but omit specifying any text for the item. To create a hidden menu item, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name command menu-item command


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name command menu-item command


Router(config)# menu OnRamp command 7 show whoami Terminals submenu of OnRamp Internet Access menu

Specifies the command to be used when the hidden menu entry is selected.


The following example shows the command associated with the submenu entry in the OnRamp menu:

Router(config)# menu OnRamp command 7 show whoami

If additional text is appended to theshowwhoami command, that text is displayed as part of the data about the line. For example, the hidden menu entry created by the command:

Router(config)# menu OnRamp command 7 show whoami Terminals submenu of OnRamp Internet Access menu

Displays information similar to the following:

Comm Server "cs101", Line 0 at 0 bps. Location "Second floor, West"
Additional data: Terminals submenu of OnRamp Internet Access menu
To prevent the information from being lost if the menu display clears the screen, this command always displays a --More-- prompt before returning.

Specifying Menu Display Configuration Options

In addition to the menuclear-screen global configuration command (described in the “Specifying the Menu Title ” section), the following three menu commands define menu functions:

  • menu line-mode

  • menu single-space

  • menu status-line

Configuring the Menu to Operate in Line Mode

To configure the menu to operate in line mode, complete the task in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name line-mode


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name line-mode


Router(config)# menu OnRamp line-mode

Configures the menu to use line mode for entering menu items:

  • The line-mode option is invoked automatically when more than nine menu items are defined, but it can also be configured explicitly for menus of nine items or fewer.

  • In a menu of nine or fewer items, you ordinarily select a menu item by entering the item number or a letter. In line mode, you select a menu entry by entering the item key and pressing Enter. The line mode allows you to backspace over the selection and enter another before pressing Enter to issue the command. This function allows you to change the selection before you invoke the command.

  • In order to use strings as selection keys, you must enable the menu line-mode command.

Displaying Single-Spaced Menus

To use the single-space option to display single-spaced menus, complete the task in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name single-space


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name single-space


Router(config)# menu Access1 single-space

Configures the specified menu to display single-spaced:

  • If there are nine or fewer menu items, the Cisco IOS software ordinarily displays the menu items double-spaced. In a menu of more than nine items, the single-space option is activated automatically to fit the menu into a normal 24-line terminal screen. However, the single-space option also can be configured explicitly for menus of nine or fewer items.

Displaying an Informational Status Line

To display the informational status line, complete the task in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name status-line


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name status-line


Router(config)# menu OnRamp status-line

Configures the specified menu to display a status line:

  • The status-line keyword displays a line of status information about the current user at the top of the terminal screen before the menu title is displayed. This status line includes the router host name, the user line number, and the current terminal type and keymap type (if any).

Specifying per-Item Menu Options

To configure per-item menu options, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. menu menu-name options menu-item pause
  4. menu menu-name options menu-item login


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

menu menu-name options menu-item pause


Router(config)# menu Access1 options 3 pause

Configures the system to pause after the specified menu item is selected by the user. Enter this command once for each menu item that pauses.

Step 4

menu menu-name options menu-item login


Router(config)# menu Access1 options 3 login

Configures the specified menu item to require a login before executing the command. Enter this command once for each menu item that requires a login.

Invoking the Menu

To invoke (access) a menu, use the following command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode:


  1. enable
  2. menu menu-name


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

menu menu-name


Router# menu OnRamp

Invokes a preconfigured user menu:

  • You can define menus containing privileged EXEC commands, but users must have privileged access when they start up the menu.

  • To ensure that a menu is automatically invoked on a line, make sure the menu does not have any exit paths that leave users in an interface they cannot operate, then configure that line with the autocommandmenu menu-name line configuration command. (The autocommandmenu menu-name command configures the line to automatically execute themenu menu-name command when a user initiates a connection over that line.)

  • Menus also can be invoked on a per-user basis by defining an autocommand command for that local username.


In the following example, the OnRamp menu is invoked:

Router# menu OnRamp
      Welcome to OnRamp Internet Services
       Type a number to select an option;
            Type 9 to exit the menu.
1     Read email
2     UNIX Internet access
3     Resume UNIX connection
6     Resume next connection
9     Exit menu system

Deleting the Menu from the Configuration

To delete the menu from the configuration, complete the tasks in this section:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. no menu menu-name


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

no menu menu-name


Router(config)# no menu OnRamp 

Deletes the menu by specifying the menu name.


In order to use the menu again, you must reconfigure the entire menu.


The following example deletes the OnRamp menu from the configuration:

no menu OnRamp

Configuration Examples for Connection Management System Banners and User Menus

Example Changing a Login Username and Password

The following example shows how login usernames and passwords can be changed. In this example, a user currently logged in under the username user1 attempts to change that login name to user2. After entering the login command, the user enters the new username, but enters an incorrect password. Because the password does not match the original password, the system rejects the attempt to change the username.

Router> login
Username: user2
% Access denied
Still logged in as "user1"

Next, the user attempts the login change again, with the username user2, but enters the correct (original) password. This time the password matches the current login information, the login username is changed to user2, and the user is allowed access to the user login information.

Router> login
Username: user2

Example Sending Messages to Other Terminals

The following example shows the process of sending a message to all terminal connections on the router:

Router# send *
Enter message, end with CTRL/Z; abort with CTRL/C:
this is a message^Z
Send message? [confirm]
*** Message from tty50 to all terminals:
this is a message

Example Clearing a TCP IP Connection

The following example clears a TCP connection using its tty line number. The showtcp EXEC command displays the line number (tty2) that is used in the cleartcpprivileged EXEC command mode.

Router# show tcp
    tty2, virtual tty from host
    Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0
    Local host:, Local port: 23
    Foreign host:, Foreign port: 1058
    Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0, input: 0, saved: 0
    Event Timers (current time is 0x36144):
    Timer          Starts    Wakeups            Next
    Retrans             4          0             0x0
    TimeWait            0          0             0x0
    AckHold             7          4             0x0
    SendWnd             0          0             0x0
    KeepAlive           0          0             0x0
    GiveUp              0          0             0x0
    PmtuAger            0          0             0x0
    iss: 4151109680  snduna: 4151109752  sndnxt: 4151109752     sndwnd:  24576
    irs: 1249472001  rcvnxt: 1249472032  rcvwnd:       4258  delrcvwnd:     30
    SRTT: 710 ms, RTTO: 4442 ms, RTV: 1511 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
    minRTT: 0 ms, maxRTT: 300 ms, ACK hold: 300 ms
Router# clear tcp line 2

The following example clears a TCP connection by specifying its local router hostname and port and its remote router hostname and port. The showtcpbrief privileged EXEC command displays the local (Local Address) and remote (Foreign Address) hostnames and ports to use in the cleartcp privileged EXEC command.

Router# show tcp brief
    TCB       Local Address           Foreign Address        (state)
    60A34E9C  ESTAB
Router# clear tcp local router1 23 remote router20 1055

The following example clears a TCP connection using its TCB address. The showtcpbrief EXEC command displays the TCB address to use in the cleartcp EXEC command.

Router# show tcp brief
    TCB       Local Address           Foreign Address        (state)
    60B75E48  ESTAB
Router# clear tcp tcb 60B75E48

Example Configuring Banners

The following example shows how to use the banner global configuration commands to notify your users that the server will be reloaded with new software. The noexec-banner line configuration command is used to disable EXEC banners and message-of-the-day banners on the vty lines.

line vty 0 4
 no exec-banner
banner exec /
 This is Cisco Systems training group router.
 Unauthorized access prohibited.
banner incoming /
 You are connected to a Hayes-compatible modem.
 Enter the appropriate AT commands.
 Remember to reset anything you have changed before disconnecting.
banner motd /
 The router will go down at 6pm today for a software upgrade

When someone connects to the router, the MOTD banner appears before the login prompt. After the user logs in to the router, the router will display the EXEC banner or incoming banner, depending on the type of connection. For a reverse Telnet login, the router will display the incoming banner. For all other connections, the router will display the EXEC banner.

Example Configuring a SLIP-PPP Banner with Banner Tokens

The following example configures the SLIP-PPP banner using several tokens and the percent sign (%) as the delimiting character:

Router(config)# banner slip-ppp %

Enter TEXT message.  End with the character '%'.
Starting $(encap) connection from $(gate-ip) to $(peer-ip) using a maximum packet size of $(mtu) bytes... %

When a user enters the slip command, that user will see the following banner. Notice that the $( token ) syntax is replaced by the corresponding configuration variable.

Starting SLIP connection from to using a maximum packet size of 1500 bytes...

Example Configuring a Menu

The following example allows the use of Telnet to access one of three different machines. The user also can display the output of the showuser EXEC command and exit the menu. One hidden menu item (configured as menu new command here show version ) allows system administrators to display the current software version.

menu new title ^C
              Telnet Menu
menu new prompt ^C
Please enter your selection: ^C
menu new text 1 telnet system1
menu new command 1 telnet system1
menu new options 1 pause
menu new text 2 telnet system2
menu new command 2 telnet system2
menu new options 2 pause
menu new text b telnet system3
menu new command b telnet system3
menu new options b pause
menu new text me show user
menu new command me show user
menu new options me pause
menu new command here show version
menu new text Exit Exit
menu new command Exit menu-exit
menu new clear-screen
menu new status-line
menu new default me
menu new line-mode